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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vattenbrist i Chaniaregionen : Klimatförhållanden eller ineffektiv vattenförvaltning?

Zampouni, Magdalini January 2011 (has links)
Under sommaren 2010 drabbades Chaniaregionen på Kreta av vattenbrist. Denna studie undersöker vad som har orsakat och bidragit till vattenbristen i Chania. Det har gjorts genom att bearbeta kvantitativa data och intervjua sex representanter för myndigheter och institutioner som är medvetna om regionens vattenproblematik. Nederbördens ojämna fördelning i tiden i kombination med sommarsäsongens ökade efterfrågan på vatten, på grund av turismen och odlingen, samt en ineffektiv förvaltning av vattenresurser verkar ha medverkat till regionens vattenbrist. Klimatförhållanden i Chania har inte uppvisat någon markant förändring över tiden. Vattenkonsumtion inom den kommun- och jordbruksektorn överskrider inte regionens årliga genomsnittliga vattentillgång. En ineffektiv vattenpolitik så väl på privat som på kommunal nivå verkar vara avgörande för den vattenbrist som uppstått i Chania under sommaren 2010.

Staters skyldighet att skydda mänskligt liv på Medelhavet i ljuset av principen om non-refoulement

Danielsson, Micaela January 2023 (has links)
The usage of pre-border control in order to prevent migration flows outside a state’s territory is a common phenomenon. Extraterritorial migration regulation and management is a top priority within the EU today and often settled through different kinds of bilateral agreements between receiving states and third countries. The results of these agreements, that allow interception of migrant boats in the Mediterranean Sea and different kinds of push-back measures, are however deeply concerning. Due to the violations of human rights and abuses of migrants in Libya the UNHCR has underlined that the country cannot be considered a safe place for the disembarkation of these people. In light of the state responsibility to protect human life at sea and respect the prohibition of refoulement, these extraterritorial measures may constitute violations of international refugee law and human rights law. The aim of this essay is to explore the extent of the principle of non-refoulement with regard to the obligation of states to rescue people in distress at sea and deliver them to a place of safety. In particular I examine the possible ways of extra-territorial jurisdiction in the high seas to determine whether states can be held responsible for returning – or more commonly in recent years for providing financial, technical and operative support in order to return – migrants to Libya. The study shows that Italy, through its cooperation with the Libyan coastguard, may be in breach of the principle of non-refoulement despite the lack of direct and physical control over the people concerned. Further it affirms that the prohibition on refoulement may have substantial significance in the assessment of the concept “place of safety”.

Döden på havet : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys och kvalitativ textanalys om nyhetsrapporteringen vid försvinnandet av ubåten Titan och olyckan på båten Adriana

Cassel, Fanny, Liljestrand, Eric January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker skillnader i rapporteringen om två olyckor på havet och hur dessa gestaltas i Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet och Göteborgsposten. Resultatet visar att migrantbåten Adriana ofta beskrivs med ett kollektivt dödstal eller refereras som en homogen grupp medan offren på ubåten Titan får en grundlig beskrivning av sina ursprung och ekonomiska status. Dessutom namnges dessa oftare än offren på Adriana. Det visade sig även att rapporteringen om ubåten Titan fick mer plats i medierna då det skrevs 75 fler artiklar om den olyckan än olyckan på Medelhavet. Flera olika gestaltningar har undersökts för att försöka svara på hur och om offren beskrevs olika på olyckorna. Slutligen blev det tydligt att offren på ubåten Titan fått en djupare och mer detaljrik historia än de på migrantbåten Adriana. Författarna till artiklarna har även försökt göra olyckorna mer dramaturgiskt intressanta genom att använda värdeladdade uttryck eller genom att försöka peka ut en ansvarig aktör för varje olycka. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av en metodtriangulering där kvantitativ innehållsanalys och kvalitativ textanalys var de centrala metoderna. Detta för att både kunna ta fram resultatet om mängden artiklar i rapporteringen och hur offren i olyckorna beskrevs. Resultatet har i sin tur analyserats med hjälp av nyhetsvärderingens principer, gestaltningsteori och andrafiering tillsammans med tidigare forskning inom angränsande forskningsområden. Tillsammans visade resultaten från dessa metoder att en andrafiering kunde identifieras. Det vill säga att medierna genom sin nyhetsrapportering bidragit till en känsla av utanförskap i flera av artiklarna.

Skeppsteknik : en studie om teknikutveckling hos skepp i Medelhavet / Ship technology : a study about the technical development of ships in the Mediterranean

Sokulu, Sila January 2010 (has links)
<p>Techniques used in the building of a number of ships from the Mediterranean will be presented in this paper. The two techniques thnat will be discussed are shell-based technique and skeleton-basedtechnique. An attempt to clearify and delineate the transition between these two techniques will be made. The possible reasons for transition will then be described and discussed. The development ofthe techniques is going to be identified with help from four wrecks by analyzing their edge joineriesand this facts will be used as a basis for a chronological presentation. Finally, data from theanalyzed wrecks will be compared and the results are interpreted in the text.</p>

Skeppsteknik : en studie om teknikutveckling hos skepp i Medelhavet / Ship technology : a study about the technical development of ships in the Mediterranean

Sokulu, Sila January 2010 (has links)
Techniques used in the building of a number of ships from the Mediterranean will be presented in this paper. The two techniques thnat will be discussed are shell-based technique and skeleton-basedtechnique. An attempt to clearify and delineate the transition between these two techniques will be made. The possible reasons for transition will then be described and discussed. The development ofthe techniques is going to be identified with help from four wrecks by analyzing their edge joineriesand this facts will be used as a basis for a chronological presentation. Finally, data from theanalyzed wrecks will be compared and the results are interpreted in the text.

Huset vid vägens slut : en studie om hussymbolik under bronsåldern i relation till gravar / Houses for the Dead : A Study on House Symbolism in Funerary Contexts during the Nordic Bronze Age

Hillberg, Julia January 2013 (has links)
During the Nordic Bronze Age, houses were not exclusively connected with profane contexts, but did also feature in burial places, a peculiar fact when considering the careful separation of settlements and graves. What kind of houses do we find in these sacred contexts? What did these houses stand for? Why was the house symbolism chosen to accompany the dead? And why did the house symbolism flourish during the Nordic Bronze Age? To answer these questions three representatives for the house symbolism in Sweden are discussed in more detail, such as the burial in longhouses, peculiar houses called cult houses and house urns. Further, the phenomenon has been put in its temporal, geographic, social and ideological context, where aspects such as trade and settlement structure are presented. The house symbolism is, however, not confined to northern Europe. Through comparison with contemporary parallels in southern Europe and ethnohistoric analogies different possible viewpoints are detected.

Diplomati underifrån : En studie av maktrelationer mellan Sverige och Alger 1729-1830 utifrån handelsmännens roll och funktion i Medelhavets politiska och handelsinriktade diplomati: med utgångspunkt i en litteraturgranskning och en pilotstudie av ett begränsat källmaterial. / Diplomacy from below : A study of powerrelations between Sweden and Algiers 1729-1830 from the merchants' role and function in the political and tradeoriented diplomacy of the Mediterranean Sea: a literary study and a pilot study as point of departure.

Pålsson, Natalia January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is an attempt to investigate the relations of power between Sweden and the North African state of Algiers during the 18th century with small and intermediary agents as merchants and their role in the political and tradeoriented diplomacy practised in the Mediterranean Sea as point of departure. It is also an attempt to try and develop the understanding of this lesser investigated subject. Furthermore, it is an attempt to survey what historical documents are available on the subject of my study and the perspective adherent to it. The problem in this study are the relations of power between Sweden and the North African state of Algiers during the 18th century with small and intermediary agents as merchants and their role in the political and tradeoriented diplomacy practised in the Mediterranean as point of departure.The method used is a manuscriptanalysis with a historical character, a method with which historical documents, litterature and previous research are analyzed and interpreted. The source material used are the written documents of consul Georg Logie to the Board of Trade (Kommerskollegium).1 In the first chapter of the study it is stated that there is little evidence in the material, literature and previous research for small agents such as merchantmen and their role in the diplomacy and relations between states as well as in the international context created by states, but also the possibility that the merchants had a potential role in the diplomacy and relations between states as well as in the international context created and constituted by states. In the second chapter of the study it is stated that based upon relevant information obtained in a pilot study there is little evidence in the material with regards to an essay and the time limit it has in relation to an archive and the amount of material it possesses.The possibility that small agents as the merchants potentially had room to act in the international context created and constituted by states is also put forward here. The possibility that it became beneficial for agents as merchantmen to act is put forward in the third chapter. The problem of studying relations between states setting from small and intermediary agents is probably due to a perspective in which trade is defined and seen as a collective phenomenon and merchants is defined as a collective. 1 The equivalent in today's society would be along the lines of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs., my note.

Water resource sensitivity from a Mediterranean perspective : Using a hydrological model to explore the combined impacts of climate and land-water management changes

Klein, Josefin January 2013 (has links)
Future water supplies will be affected by both climate change and altered land-water management. In the Mediterranean region, an expected warming and drying together with increased water withdrawal in key tourist destinations will put further pressure on already scarce water resources. In this study, a scenario analysis was conducted to explore the combined impacts of climate and land-water management changes in an 89 km2 watershed upstream of Navarino Environmental Observatory, southwestern Greece. A simple process-based hydrological model based on the Thornthwaite-Mather water balance procedure for the estimation of daily actual evapotranspiration and soil moisture was used to predict streamflow and storage fluxes. The model conceptualization includes two storage compartments, loosely representing a shallow and fast draining groundwater component (S1) and a deep and slowly draining component (S2) from where the irrigation water was assumed to be taken. These were calibrated assuming no change in the hydrologic system over the three years of available data (2009-2011). The scenario analysis included the IPCC’s A2 and B2 projections for 2071-2100 and two scenarios for land-water management change 1) the conversion of olive groves to golf courses and 2) an export of irrigation water to a hypothetical golf course located outside of the catchment boundaries. The model results indicated vulnerability to future climate change which could reduce streamflow and potentially lead to a draw-down of the water table. For example, even under the B2 scenario (the least dry of the climate change scenarios explored), model simulated storages will be reduced by 32-87% and the simulated streamflow by 28-86% of the current level through introduction of a golf course size representing only 1.5% of the catchment area (depending of course on season considered and golf course location). The hydrologic system would thus be altered from the current 2009-2011 state by future land-water management changes towards intensive irrigation (such as golf course development) coupled with climate change. / Framtida vattentillgångar kommer påverkas av både klimatförändringar och förändrad mark- och vattenförvaltning. I Medelhavsregionen väntas ett varmare och torrare klimat i kombination med ökad vattenanvändning i viktiga turistdestinationer att öka trycket ytterligare på de redan knappa vattenresurserna. I den här studien genomfördes en scenarioanalys över hur kombinationen av klimatförändringar och mark-och vattenförvaltningsförändringar kan påverka vattenresurserna i ett 89 km2 stort avrinningsområde uppströms om Navarino Environmental Observatory, sydvästra Grekland. En enkel process-baserad hydrologisk modell baserad på Thornthwaite-Mathers vattenbalansmetod för uppskattning av varje dags evapotranspiration och markfuktighet användes för att förutsäga förändringar i vattenföring och grundvattennivå. Konceptualiseringen av modellen inkluderar två vattenmagasin som approximativt kan sägas representera en grund och snabbt dränerande grundvattenkomponent (S1) och en djup och långsamt dränerande grundvattenkomponent (S2) varifrån bevattningsvattnet antogs tas. Dessa kalibrerades utefter antagandet att grundvattennivån var stabil under åren med tillgänglig data (2009-2011). Scenarioanalysen inkluderade the IPCC’s A2 och B2 projektioner för 2071-2100 samt två scenarior för mark-och vattenförvaltningsförändring 1) en konvertering av olivlundar till golfbanor och 2) en export av vatten för bevattningsändamål till en hypotetisk golfbana utanför avrinningsområdets gränser. Resultaten av modellen indikerade en sårbarhet för klimatförändringar vilka kan komma att minska vattenföringen i vattendragen och potentiellt leda till en sänkning av grundvattennivån. Exempelvis, kommer det simulerade grundvattenmagasinet att reduceras med 32-87% och den simulerade vattenföringen med 28-86% av dagens nivå av en golfbaneareal som representerar bara 1,5 % av avrinningsområdets area (beroende på årstid och golfbanans placering) till och med i IPCC’s B2 scenario (det klimatscenario som förutspår minst minskning av nederbörden och minst uppvärmning). Det hydrologiska systemet kommer således att ändras från dagens tillstånd genom framtida mark-och vattenförvaltningsförändringar mot intensiv bevattning (såsom golfbaneetablering) i kombination med klimatförändringarnas påverkan. / <p>Degree project in the master program: Hydrology, hydrogeology and water resources.</p><p>Examensarbete inom masterprogrammet: Hydrologi, hydrogeologi och vattenresurser.</p>

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