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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Public Good as a Campus Battleground: Activists and Administrators Defining Access to Institutions and Campus Space

Everett-Haynes, La Monica, Everett-Haynes, La Monica January 2016 (has links)
During the early part of the 21st century, a number of campus demonstrations and other protest acts on college and university campuses became highly visible nationally and internationally, largely thanks to social and traditional/popular media. This visibility was partially due to the ubiquitous and easily accessible nature of emergent digital technologies–cameras, cell phones and social networking sites, among other tools. Though campus protests and social movements began to proliferate nationally, and in the context of increased economic inequity, few studies sought to explore how campus actors (students and employees in particular) used social and popular media to shape and control public perception, specifically during highly visible campus conflicts. Further, much of the literature on campus activism has historically overlooked protests and social justice movements occurring on comprehensive state university and community college, or 2-year, campuses. Additionally, the literature does not offer a comprehensive examination of strategies surrounding pre-negotiated protest acts between campus activists, administrators and law enforcement officers. Also, the literature has not adequately examined responses to tactical strategies employed by law enforcement agencies during campus protest, and at a time of heightened militarization of officers. Both issues are related to the image-making capabilities of activists and administrators. To explore such issues, I set out to investigate how student and employee activists and also administrators construct meaning around the public good mission of higher education. I then explored how both groups public good conceptualizations to shape both action and public perception. In doing so, I employed a combined theoretical framework, modifying academic capitalism and co-cultural theories and adapting them into a single framework. My framework enabled the examination of power dynamics around interactions, discourse and space, ultimately leading to an understanding that the public good mission is a battleground. Within this frame, campus activists and administrators are struggling to both define and manifest the democratic imperative, or historic public good mandate, in different ways. The framework also allow for the study of why specific information is publicized or narrated, while other information is omitted or ignored. Using qualitative methods, I specifically studied how individuals seek to control involvement in democratic processes on campus based on definitions associated with the public good. I also studied ways individuals advance democratic ideals. Further, I explored what tools (including social media and traditional and/or popular media, also referenced collectively as "the press") individuals employ to shape public perception about equity issues and conflicts on campus. In this regard, social and popular media serve as conduits for informing public audiences. For my investigation, I purposefully selected one land-grant institution, a comprehensive state university, and one 2-year community college–all in California. I intentionally selected California, as the state has historically and continues to be seen an important forerunner for nationwide higher education policy and practice. I also chose campuses whose conflicts were receiving statewide and national media attention to allow for the investigation of public perception surrounding campus conflict. Doing so also allowed for the exploration of how those on campus employed social media strategies and also utilized popular media to attempt to shape and control the public image of their institutions. My findings suggest that while campus activists and administrators maintain a similar belief that public institutions should be broadly accessible, they differently conceptualize how the public good mission of higher education should manifest. The difference in framing of the public good complicates interactions between both groups, and at times leads to violent clashes during protest. My findings also suggest that while activists and campus officials both maintain a social media presence and interact with media representatives, administrators are not as successful in capturing public support. This appears especially true during and after clashes have occurred during campus protest acts that also involve campus law enforcement officers. Additionally, my findings indicate that the under-utilization of social media, lax media relations strategies and blame shifting, specifically during protest acts, may ultimately hurt administrators and law enforcement officers with regard to image-shaping efforts. Of note, the resulting coverage of violent clashes in the popular media tended to favor activists over administrators and law enforcement officers no matter the type and amount of pre-planning and pre-negotiations between activists and campus officials. Ultimately, my findings challenge perceptions that institutional image-making powers reside squarely with administrators and media relations offices. Given the widespread use of digital technologies and social media, and also strategies activists have employed to engage with members of traditional media outlets, my findings also illustrate how student and employee activists are changing how power is introduced and distributed within their campus communities.

PR-konsulter om journalister i ett förändrat medielandskap : En kvalitativ studie om PR-konsulters syn på medierelationen

Wilöv, Philip, Nordin, Henrik January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

PR-konsulter om journalister i ett förändrat medielandskap : En kvalitativ studie om PR-konsulters syn på medierelationen

Wilöv, Philip, Nordin, Henrik January 2013 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur PR-konsulter uppfattar sina arbeten och relationer med journalister i kontext till de förändringar som skett inom journalistiken. Syftet är sprunget ur att det skett förändringar inom journalistiken, där journalister numer tvingas att förhålla sig till nya förutsättningar, där de måste producera mer material till en lägre kostnad, vissa forskare och tidigare studier pekar på att det lett till ett ökat behov av färdigpaketerade nyheter. Anledningen till att vi valt att studera just PR-konsulter och inte andra arbeten inom den kommunikativa sfären är dels att allmänheten har ett betydligt lägre förtroende för PR-konsulter, än exempelvis informatörer. Det finns även studier som indikerar att PR-konsulter idag har en rutinmässig och regelbunden samverkan med journalister, vilket är en ytterligare motivering till att vi valt att studera PR-konsulerna. Metod och material: I denna studie har vi använt oss av samtalsintervjuer för att få fram vårt resultat. Dels användes en intervjuguide, men det uppstod även frågor under intervjuerna som då ställdes till intervjupersonerna.  Materialet består av nio stycken intervjuer, från lika många PR-konsulter som arbetar med medierelationer, dessa intervjuer utfördes på sju stycken PR-byråer belägna i Stockholm.   Huvudresultat: Studien visar att det existerar två olika perspektiv bland de PR-konsulter som ingått i studien. Oavsett vilket perspektiv PR-konsulten kan sägas förespråka visar studien att medielogiken har en väldigt stor betydelse på hur PR-konsulter resonerar kring medierelationer. Det gäller att paketera en nyhet så att det blir intressant för den journalist som kan tänkas skriva om det. Studien visar också att PR-konsulternas roll i detta medielandskap handlar om att hjälpa och underlätta för journalisterna. Det finns indikationer att de känner till journalisternas nuvarande situation och de  lägger stor vikt vid att hitta den journalist som kan tänkas vara intresserad av nyheten. Ett annat intressant resultat denna studie visar är att vissa PR-konsulter i studien uppfattar att journalisterna ändrat sina uppfattningar om PR-konsulter och har mer förståelse för dessa.

捷克非營利組織的公共關係策略: 以「People in Need」為例 / Public Relations of Czech NPO: Case of “People in Need”

韋嘉敏, Veronika Tomanova Unknown Date (has links)
捷克非營利組織的公共關係策略: 以「People in Need」為例 / This study deals with the topic of public relations in the context of the nonprofit sector in Czech Republic. It focuses on the Czech NPO People in Need, established shortly after the Fall of communism with aim to facilitate humanitarian aid and has grown into one of the largest NPOs in Central and Eastern Europe over the past two decades. The aim of this study is to monitor how People in Need uses public relations in order to support their organizational goals. The research covers the communication channels and the strategies used by People in Need to communicate with the public, the ways NPO access the media relations and the reflection of the cooperation between journalists and NPO representatives. Data for this qualitative study were gathered employing technique of in-depth interviews.

Public relations v činnosti Knihovny Jiřího Mahena v Brně

Soukupová, Šárka January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Public Relations v praxi malé a střední firmy / Public relations in practice of small and medium enterprises

Schovánková, Jana January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis on a topic Public Relations in Practice of Small and Medium Enterprises is analyzing the PR activities in a small consulting company, which is operating in Prague. The first chapter is focused on the theoretical background of public relations activities. In the chapter there are also discussed various forms of PR and their usage in the present. The comparision of public relations with common elements ATL communication is there also mentioned. The second half of the thesis is devoted to the consulting company. In the thesis there are cited the specific tools of public relations within the company and proposals for their adjustement. The last chapters deal with the cost benefit analysis of public relations, even in comparison with the outsourcing of PR agencies.

The Exploration of Social Media as a Media Relations Tool For Agricultural Organizations

Morrison, Leigha C. 21 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Технологии продвижения социальных инноваций от бизнеса к органам государственной власти : магистерская диссертация / Technologies of promoting social innovations from business to state authority bodies

Kozlova, N. V., Козлова, Н. В. January 2017 (has links)
The paper discusses scientific approaches and technologies of interaction of business with authorities. In the first Chapter proved the relevance of the topic of the thesis. In the second Chapter the basic technology of Government Relations (GR) as applied to innovative companies of Ekaterinburg. The third Chapter describes the conducted study in innovative companies of Yekaterinburg, to identify the most popular technologies GR. Developed a strategy for the promotion of innovation as a specific GR-technology. Relying on the provisions of the thesis, it will be possible to use the tools of this technology in the scientific analysis of the problems of development of state and municipal management and in the practical sphere of increase of efficiency of interaction of business with authorities. / В работе рассмотрены научные подходы и технологии взаимодействия бизнеса с органами власти. В первой главе доказана актуальность темы диссертации. Во второй главе рассмотрены основные технологии Government Relations (GR) применительно к инновационным компаниям г. Екатеринбурга. В третьей главе описывается проведенное исследование в инновационных компаниях г. Екатеринбурга, для выявления наиболее популярных технологий GR. Разработана стратегия продвижения инноваций как специфическая GR-технология. Опираясь на положения диссертации, можно будет использовать инструментарий данной технологии как в научном анализе проблем развития государственного и муниципального управления, так и в практической сфере повышения эффективности взаимодействия бизнеса с органами власти.

Massmedial kommunikation som medel för att åstadkomma tröskeleffekt

Söderberg, Mattias January 2016 (has links)
Försvarsmaktens underrättelseoperation Örnen i Stockholms skärgård hösten 2014 utgjorde på många sätt ett trendbrott för det svenska militära medlet. För första gången på över ett decennium offentliggjordes bevisad kränkande undervattensverksamhet på svenskt territorium. Massmedia riktade återigen blickarna till Försvarsmaktens förmåga att hävda territoriell integritet varpå försvaret via media under pågående operation tvingades kommunicera en avskräckande militär vilja och förmåga. Den inverkan media har på den militära avskräckningskommunikationen och därmed möjligheterna till påverkan, utgör det centrala problemet i den här uppsatsen. Syftet med magisteruppsatsen är att fördjupa kunskapen om vad medias rapportering innebär för militär avskräckningskommunikation. Uppsatsen tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i säkerhetspolitik och strategi, kommunikationsvetenskap samt teorier kring relationen mellan militären och media i 2000-talets operationsmiljö. Genom enkelfallsstudie och diskursanalys har mediediskursen av operation Örnen i Svenska Dagbladet och Aftonbladet synliggjorts. Med hjälp av analysen har därefter sex kommunikativa områden identifierats där militären i kommunikationen för att åstadkomma tröskeleffekt kan dra lärdom av mediediskursen.  Resultatet påvisar att enighet i den militära och politiska retoriken, ökad öppenhet om det militära medlet, förhålla sig till verklighet och fakta, tidskritisk kommunikation, proaktiv mediehantering samt medvetenhet om fjärde generationens military-media relations på olika sätt bidrar till att åstadkomma tröskeleffekt.

Public relations 1. FK Příbram / Public relations 1. FK Příbram

Bauerová, Eva January 2015 (has links)
Title: Public relations 1. FK Příbram Objectives: The objective is analysis and assessment tools and activities Public Relations, which football club 1. FK Pribram uses, both in communication with fans and interact with their partners. Based on the analysis tool will suggest scheme so that communication by Public relations have been effective and successful. Methods: To acheave goals was chosen the case study method, which helped to get detail information. Data collection was performed using the analysis of texts, documents and informal interview. Resulst: Results of the work are summarized in the practical part. Based on the knowledge I have developed references and recommendations to improve the quality of communication with fans and media representatives Keywords: public relations, business company, media relations

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