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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sångstunden i förskolan : En möjlighet för glädje, gemenskap och språkutveckling / Singing in preschool : Having fun together and learning language

Nygren, Elin January 2023 (has links)
The purpose is to contribute knowledge about how preschool teachers reason about the singing lesson in relation to competence and material and its purpose in preschool teaching. The study therefore investigates how preschool teachers present their musical competence, what material is used in the singing lesson and what are the purposes of the singing lesson in preschool?To provide answers to the above questions, semi-structured interviews have been conducted in two preschools with preschool teachers from four different departments. The study is based on a socio-cultural perspective, a perspective where collective learning, the culture you are in, and what tools are available become central. In the process of analyzing and processing the material collected, this perspective has been fundamental.The results show that the singing time is common in preschool education, and the preschool teachers interviewed saw many advantages of singing and music. However, it emerged that there is uncertainty around the subject. The preschool teachers viewed the use of different materials in the singing lesson positively, and an awareness was demonstrated of how different tools can promote children's learning. The three aims that are in connection with the singing time are joy, community, and language development. The conclusion can be drawn that it is important as preschool teachers to reflect on their work, to raise awareness of how together we can strengthen teaching. Singing time has the potential to develop both intra-musical and extra-musical goals. / Syftet med den föreliggande studien är att bidra med kunskap om hur förskollärare resonerar kring sångstunden i förhållande till kompetens och material och dess ändamål i förskolans undervisning.  För att besvara detta syfte har tre frågor ställts: Hur presenterar förskollärare sin musikkompetens, Vilka material används i sångstunden och vilket ändamål har sångstunden i förskolan? För att ge svar på ovanstående frågeställningar har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts på två olika förskolor med förskollärare från fyra olika avdelningar. Studien utgår från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv, ett perspektiv där det kollektiva lärandet, den kultur man befinner sig i, och vilka redskap som finns att tillgå blir centralt. I arbetet med att analysera och bearbeta det material som samlats in har detta perspektiv varit grundläggande.Resultatet visar att förskollärare känner en osäkerhet runt musikämnet men har samtidigt en medvetenhet om vikten av sångstunden i förskolans utbildning. Förskollärarna ser positivt på användandet av olika material i sångstunden, och en medvetenhet påvisades om hur olika redskap kan främja barns lärande. De tre ändamål som lyfts fram i samband med sångstunden är glädje, gemenskap och språkutveckling. Slutsatsen kan dras att det är viktigt att reflektera över sitt arbete, för att medvetandegöra hur man tillsammans kan stärka undervisningen. Speciellt sångstunden har en potential att utveckla både inommusikaliska och utommusikaliska mål.

Jag vågar inte svara, jag vill inte ha fel : En interventionsstudie i årskurs 6 som undersöker användningen av mini-whiteboards i matematikundervisningen

Kaldi, Silvia, Sävenstedt, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine whether mini whiteboards can counteract the culture of silence that prevails in some classrooms. The focus is on seeing if the use of the mathematics didactic tool, mini whiteboard, can be used as part of activating the students to participate and contribute to a more dialogic teaching. The results are analyzed from the sociocultural perspective with a focus on mediating tools, dialogue and interaction. The results of this study show that teachers use the mini whiteboard in different ways. One method is to let students work in pairs to discuss issues together. Another method is to create a classroom where the students learn from each other. Teachers experience the mini whiteboard in different ways. They believe that it can contribute to learning but have a shared meaning. In a way, it can be used to create more dialogue and thus develop learning. Another technique is to use the tool to make the pupils more confident, which in a way develops learning. The results show an increased participation in the classes. Most students agree that the mini whiteboard is a positive tool that helps them to show their knowledge without feeling pressured. The students appreciate that the whiteboard contributes to them receiving direct feedback and can thus feel safe in further discussions.

Svenska som andraspråk i förskolan : Förskollärares resonemang kring arbetet med språkutveckling hos flerspråkiga barn.

Any, mebtahul jannat, Farooq, Angbeen January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Re-imagining the tapestry of teaching : an investigation into student teachers' Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) instructional practices

Makina, Blandina Tabitha 08 1900 (has links)
This study focussed on teacher training in the context of distance education. It investigated the impact on practice of an English methodology course offered by Unisa’s Department of English Studies at certificate level. The unit of analysis was a group of eight student teachers registered for the module ACEEN26 Teaching English: General Principles offered by Unisa’s Department of English Studies. This module aims to help students to understand the approaches that underpin Outcomes-based Education (OBE) and how these translate into practice in the English First Additional Language (FAL) classrooms. To investigate the participants’ classroom practices, the study adopted an open and inductive approach aimed at gauging their thinking with regard to teaching, learning, assessment and how these understandings reflected OBE practices. The aim was to determine how the eight students made sense of this phenomenon given their own epistemologies within the unique contexts in which they worked. Data collection consisted of a mix of lesson observations, in-depth audio-taped interviews and analysis of documents. The interview was the main data-gathering technique. All these instruments were supplemented by field notes based on informal observations which were entered in a reflective journal. The picture that emerged was of teachers who worked under demanding conditions as they tried to implement complex and sometimes contradictory policies and were constantly under the pressure of policy demands. Their practices were, to a large extent, inconsistent with the OBE approach to teaching and learning. Although they gained some theoretical surface knowledge from the course, the students’ practice remained traditional because of two main reasons emanating from the findings: their inability to internalise the theory to make it an integral part of their mental repertoire and the negative impact of disabling contextual factors.The study constituted an evaluation of the course and therefore fed directly into the whole concept of dialogue and student support which are necessary prerequisites for success in distance education. As a teacher educator, this research was also a way of illuminating my teaching practices through practical research that simultaneously informs the field of teacher education. Based on the training needs identified, a re-contextualised curriculum for the ACE English programme was proposed. This proposed new programme reflects my stance that instead of continuing to focus on pouring resources into dysfunctional schools, we should concentrate on the lowest denominator in the system — the teacher. / Educational Studies / D. Litt. et Phil (English)

Němčina jako zprostředkující jazyk při překladu Haškova Švejka do španělštiny / German as a Mediating Language in the Translation of Hašek's Švejk into Spanish

Vavroušová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to describe the reception of Hašek's Švejk in Spain in the 20th century. The theoretical part deals with the phenomenon of indirect translations (it distinguishes between the second-hand translation and the authorial compilative translation), the problematic of metatexts and the reader's reception. The empirical part describes the "adventure" of Hašek's Švejk in the Czech and German milieu and focuses on the reception of the translations by A. Janés (1980) and M. Zgustová (2008) in Spain. Then, an analysis of censorship reports dedicated to Švejk and critical reviews of Spanish translations of this book and a short commentary of interviews with the two translators and editors follow. As a methodological instrument for the micro-textual contrastive analysis of selected passages of Hašek's novel was used the Popovič's (1975, 1983) typology of stylistic shifts and changes in the translation. Key words: Švejk, Spain, indirect translations, mediating text, reception, censorship, reviews, micro-textual contrastive analysis, Zgustová, Janés

Ensaios para compreensão de uma prática psicológica em construção: atendimento online / Essay for Comprehending a psychological practice to be built: online attendance (e-mail)

Ruffo, Luciana 06 April 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca apresentar um panorama geral da aproximação da Psicologia com a tecnologia trazendo à tona a questão dos atendimentos psicológicos online, suas limitações e possibilidades. Os atendimentos online são regulamentados pelo Conselho Federal de Psicologia e devem seguir uma serie de normas, sendo possível apenas sua realização como orientação psicológica ou ainda como psicoterapia se em caráter experimental. O foco de atenção nessa dissertação será o atendimento enquanto orientação online, visando uma melhor compreensão sobre qual o seu sentido. Busca-se apresentar, através da análise de alguns emails recebidos pelo Núcleo de Pesquisa de Psicologia em Informática da PUC- SP que vem realizando orientações online através de e-mails desde 1998. Por esse procedimento, encaminham-se questionamentos e reflexões a respeito do fazer psicológico no meio virtual escrito. São também ensaiadas algumas questões na direção de compreender as possibilidades de atuação do psicólogo nesta modalidade de atendimento / The aim of this work is to present an overview of the approach of psychology with technology concerned to online appointments, their limitations and possibilities. Online Counselling are regulated by norms issued by the Federal Council of Psychology (Conselho Federal de Psicologia), and are restricted to the practice of psychological orientation and experimental psychotherapy. This dissertation intends to develop the concept of online attendance on the psychological counselling, in order to provide a better knowledge of its field of application. Research was based on e-mails received by PUC-SP Psychology in Computing Research Center (Núcleo de Pesquisa de Psicologia em Informática da PUC- SP), which has been performing online orientation appointments since 1998, and consists of presenting questions and deliberations about the psychological practice in the online written environment. Specific questions in order to understand the psychologist\'s practice in this kind of counselling are also discussed

Do squiggle da consulta terapêutica ao desenho coletivo na intervenção institucional / From squiggle that of the therapeutic consultation to the collective drawing in the institutional intervention

Pezo, Maria Antonieta 26 June 2009 (has links)
O desenho coletivo é utilizado como objeto mediador da intervenção institucional, de maneira semelhante ao squiggle game da consulta terapêutica, o desenho produzido pelo grupo facilita a comunicação entre os membros, promove associações livres verbais e gráficas, apresenta fantasmas, desejos e medos, comuns e compartilhados; informa sobre aspectos individuais e da instituição na associação discursiva e na produção pictográfica. A hipótese norteadora é que o desenho coletivo quando usado em um contexto de intervenção institucional, seja de diagnostico ou de tratamento, é um objeto mediador do diálogo no grupo. Devido ao acesso à representação e projeção de conteúdos inconscientes, o desenho manifesta conteúdos recalcados, aparentemente desconhecidos. Apresenta-se um histórico do desenho como linguagem nos primórdios da humanidade e a utilização e reflexão desde a medicina, pedagogia e psicologia. Valorizado para conhecer a alma infantil, posteriormente à psicanálise considera-o substituto da associação livre. Freud não aprofunda sobre o desenho como recurso terapêutico, mas mostra como usar o método psicanalítico na presença da imagem. De maneira semelhante ao sonho analisa o que se reitera, se condensa e desloca na imagem pictográfica. O primeiro desenho produzido no contexto vincular é descrito na Analise de uma fobia de uma criança de 5 anos, quando, da mesma maneira como Winnicott faz na brincadeira do squigglel game, Hans o pequeno paciente- introduz um traço para completar a idéia que deseja transmitir a respeito do tamanho do pênis da girafa. Na psicanálise de crianças, Winnicott e Dolto mostram caminhos para usar o desenho no processo terapêutico. Em contextos vinculares, poucos autores empregam o desenho no grupo como um recurso mediador do diálogo e do trabalho psicanalítico. Apresentam-se as contribuições teóricas para a psicanálise de grupo e instituição de autores como J. Bleger, E. Pichon Rivière, D. Anzieu e René Kaës. Identifica-se que no desenho é figurada a queixa, o inédito; detectam-se o aparecimento de traços, formas que enunciam e denunciam aspectos a serem destacados, trabalhados e elaborados pelo grupo no primeiro encontro. Um dos grupos apresentados era uma instituição que vivia várias queixas entre elas a equipe dividida, no encontro enquanto desenham surge uma ponte que une o que estava separado por um grande tronco: a equipe técnica da instituição de um lado e de outro o grupo de crianças e seus cuidadores. Outro caso descreve a intervenção da equipe de manutenção de uma empresa, que desenha um campo de futebol e no meio uma caveira, simbolizando o perigo de morte; o diálogo com os membros remete ao medo a serem demitidos. Os desenhos coletivos permitem que o psicólogo conduza e aborde, com facilidade, aspectos silenciados a partir de apontamentos de aspectos díspares, estranhos, repetitivos. / The collective drawing is used as the institutional interventions mediating object, in a similar way as the squiggle game of the therapeutic consultations; the drawing produced by the group facilitates communication among the members, improves free verbal and graphic associations, shows common and shared phantoms, desires and fears; informs about the individual and institutional aspects in the discourse association and in the pictographic production. The guiding hypothesis is that the collective drawing when used in a context of institutional intervention, whereas of diagnosis or treatment, it is a mediating object of the dialog in the group. Because of the access to the representation and projection of unconscious contents, the drawing expresses repressed contents, apparently unknown. We show a historical record of the drawing like the language in the beginnings of humanity, its used and thinking from Medicine, Pedagogy and Psychology. Initially Psychoanalysis valued it to know the childs psyche, after it considered a substitute of the free association. Freud doesnt deeper on the drawing as a therapeutic resource, but He shows how to use the psychoanalytic method with the image. As in a similar way like in a dream, Freud analyses what comes again, condenses and dislocates in the pictographic image. The first drawing produced in a bind context is describe in Analysis of a phobia of a child under 5 years, when, as in the same way like Winnicott does in the squiggle game, Hans the young patient- introduces a trace to complete the idea he wants to transmit in relation to the size of the giraffe\'s penis. In children psychoanalysis, Winnicott and Dolto show paths to use the drawing in the therapeutic process. In binding contexts, few authors utilize the drawing in the group like a mediating resource of the dialog and the psychoanalytic work. We show theoretical contributions for group and institutional psychoanalysis from authors like J. Bleger, E. Pichon Rivière, D. Anzieu and René Kaës. We identify that the complaint is figured in the drawing, the novel; we detect the emerging of traces, forms that enounce and denounce aspects to be underline, worked and elaborated by the group in the first encounter. One of the groups shown was an institution that experienced different complaints, among them the divided team, in the encounter while they draw it emerges a bridge that joins with a big trunk what was separated: the institutions technical team, by one side and a group of children and their care takers by the other. Another case describes an intervention in a companys maintenance team, that draws a football field with a skull in the middle of it, symbolizing the danger of death; the dialog with the members remits to the fear of being dismissed. The collective drawings permit that the psychologist lead and address in an easy way, silenced aspects by the pointing of despair, strange and repetitive aspects.

Do squiggle da consulta terapêutica ao desenho coletivo na intervenção institucional / From squiggle that of the therapeutic consultation to the collective drawing in the institutional intervention

Maria Antonieta Pezo 26 June 2009 (has links)
O desenho coletivo é utilizado como objeto mediador da intervenção institucional, de maneira semelhante ao squiggle game da consulta terapêutica, o desenho produzido pelo grupo facilita a comunicação entre os membros, promove associações livres verbais e gráficas, apresenta fantasmas, desejos e medos, comuns e compartilhados; informa sobre aspectos individuais e da instituição na associação discursiva e na produção pictográfica. A hipótese norteadora é que o desenho coletivo quando usado em um contexto de intervenção institucional, seja de diagnostico ou de tratamento, é um objeto mediador do diálogo no grupo. Devido ao acesso à representação e projeção de conteúdos inconscientes, o desenho manifesta conteúdos recalcados, aparentemente desconhecidos. Apresenta-se um histórico do desenho como linguagem nos primórdios da humanidade e a utilização e reflexão desde a medicina, pedagogia e psicologia. Valorizado para conhecer a alma infantil, posteriormente à psicanálise considera-o substituto da associação livre. Freud não aprofunda sobre o desenho como recurso terapêutico, mas mostra como usar o método psicanalítico na presença da imagem. De maneira semelhante ao sonho analisa o que se reitera, se condensa e desloca na imagem pictográfica. O primeiro desenho produzido no contexto vincular é descrito na Analise de uma fobia de uma criança de 5 anos, quando, da mesma maneira como Winnicott faz na brincadeira do squigglel game, Hans o pequeno paciente- introduz um traço para completar a idéia que deseja transmitir a respeito do tamanho do pênis da girafa. Na psicanálise de crianças, Winnicott e Dolto mostram caminhos para usar o desenho no processo terapêutico. Em contextos vinculares, poucos autores empregam o desenho no grupo como um recurso mediador do diálogo e do trabalho psicanalítico. Apresentam-se as contribuições teóricas para a psicanálise de grupo e instituição de autores como J. Bleger, E. Pichon Rivière, D. Anzieu e René Kaës. Identifica-se que no desenho é figurada a queixa, o inédito; detectam-se o aparecimento de traços, formas que enunciam e denunciam aspectos a serem destacados, trabalhados e elaborados pelo grupo no primeiro encontro. Um dos grupos apresentados era uma instituição que vivia várias queixas entre elas a equipe dividida, no encontro enquanto desenham surge uma ponte que une o que estava separado por um grande tronco: a equipe técnica da instituição de um lado e de outro o grupo de crianças e seus cuidadores. Outro caso descreve a intervenção da equipe de manutenção de uma empresa, que desenha um campo de futebol e no meio uma caveira, simbolizando o perigo de morte; o diálogo com os membros remete ao medo a serem demitidos. Os desenhos coletivos permitem que o psicólogo conduza e aborde, com facilidade, aspectos silenciados a partir de apontamentos de aspectos díspares, estranhos, repetitivos. / The collective drawing is used as the institutional interventions mediating object, in a similar way as the squiggle game of the therapeutic consultations; the drawing produced by the group facilitates communication among the members, improves free verbal and graphic associations, shows common and shared phantoms, desires and fears; informs about the individual and institutional aspects in the discourse association and in the pictographic production. The guiding hypothesis is that the collective drawing when used in a context of institutional intervention, whereas of diagnosis or treatment, it is a mediating object of the dialog in the group. Because of the access to the representation and projection of unconscious contents, the drawing expresses repressed contents, apparently unknown. We show a historical record of the drawing like the language in the beginnings of humanity, its used and thinking from Medicine, Pedagogy and Psychology. Initially Psychoanalysis valued it to know the childs psyche, after it considered a substitute of the free association. Freud doesnt deeper on the drawing as a therapeutic resource, but He shows how to use the psychoanalytic method with the image. As in a similar way like in a dream, Freud analyses what comes again, condenses and dislocates in the pictographic image. The first drawing produced in a bind context is describe in Analysis of a phobia of a child under 5 years, when, as in the same way like Winnicott does in the squiggle game, Hans the young patient- introduces a trace to complete the idea he wants to transmit in relation to the size of the giraffe\'s penis. In children psychoanalysis, Winnicott and Dolto show paths to use the drawing in the therapeutic process. In binding contexts, few authors utilize the drawing in the group like a mediating resource of the dialog and the psychoanalytic work. We show theoretical contributions for group and institutional psychoanalysis from authors like J. Bleger, E. Pichon Rivière, D. Anzieu and René Kaës. We identify that the complaint is figured in the drawing, the novel; we detect the emerging of traces, forms that enounce and denounce aspects to be underline, worked and elaborated by the group in the first encounter. One of the groups shown was an institution that experienced different complaints, among them the divided team, in the encounter while they draw it emerges a bridge that joins with a big trunk what was separated: the institutions technical team, by one side and a group of children and their care takers by the other. Another case describes an intervention in a companys maintenance team, that draws a football field with a skull in the middle of it, symbolizing the danger of death; the dialog with the members remits to the fear of being dismissed. The collective drawings permit that the psychologist lead and address in an easy way, silenced aspects by the pointing of despair, strange and repetitive aspects.

Mobilapplikationer som marknadsföringsverktyg för B2B? : En studie i mobilapplikationers inverkan på kundrelationer & kundvärde / Mobile applications as B2B marketing tools? : A study of mobile applications impact on customer relations and customer value

Haglund, Veronica, Nilsson, Jonas January 2012 (has links)
Mobilapplikationer har på bara några år kommit att bli en naturlig del i marknadsföringsmixen för många företag som vänder sig till slutkonsumenter. Nu spås företagsapplikationer, mobilapplikationer skapade för företagsanvändare, stå inför sitt stora genombrott. Det verkar bland forskare och praktiker finns en allmänt utbredd åsikt om att mobilapplikationer har stor potential att bli en kraftfull B2B-marknadsföringskanal. Trots detta har mobilapplikationer ännu inte fått något omfattande genomslag inom B2B- sektorn och det råder stor osäkerhet kring hur de möjligheterna som mobilapplikationer har potential för ska tas tillvara. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att försöka räta ut några av dessa frågetecken genom att utreda hur en mobilapplikation används som marknadsföringskanal av ett svensk B2B- företag, och utifrån detta undersöka mobilapplikationers potential som marknadsföringskanal utifrån två för B2B-marknadsföringsområdet centrala teoretiska perspektiv: relationsmarknadsföring och värdeskapande. För att kunna göra detta har vi genomfört en fallstudie av hur ett svenskt B2B- företag, ABB använder sig av mobilapplikationer i marknadsföringssyfte. Studien bygger på både kvantitativ och kvalitativ data i form av en telefonsurvey med 50 respondenter i mobilapplikationens primära målgrupp, samt 7 djupintervjuer varav 2 intervjuer med intressenter från undersökningsföretaget och 5 intervjuer med kunder till företaget som använder mobilapplikationen. Baserat på resultatet av undersökningarna har vi kunnat konstatera att den undersökta mobilapplikationen i ABB:s fall har påverkat både relationen mellan företaget och dess kunder, och det värde som kunderna upplever i transaktioner med företaget, positivt. Vidare har vi kunnat konstatera att en majoritet av respondenterna i våra undersökningar har en positiv inställning till mobilapplikationer som marknadsföringskanal. Våra djupintervjuer har också visat att kunderna anser att mobilapplikationer har många fördelar gentemot andra marknadsföringskanaler. Vi har utifrån detta kunnat dra slutsatsen att mobilapplikationer kan utgöra en lämplig marknadsföringskanal för B2B-företag. / Mobile applications are often claimed to be a suitable marketing tool for B2B companies and the world market for B2B mobile applications is expected to outgrow the mobile app market for consumer products within a few years. The idea of using mobile applications as a B2B marketing tools has been discussed by theorists in the field for years but there is still an evident lack of studies focusing on the use of mobile application in a B2B context. Many practitioners seem convinced that mobile apps have the potential to become a powerful B2B marketing tool. Yet B2B mobile applications are still fairly uncommon and great insecurity seem to prevail in regards to how companies can use mobile apps successfully as vehicles for B2B marketing. The purpose of this study is to investigate how mobile applications can be used as marketing tools in a B2B context and to investigate if mobile applications have any impact on customer relations and experienced customer value. To do so, we have conducted a case study of a B2B company using a mobile application in their marketing programme. A quantitative telephone survey was conducted to estimate awareness and usage of the app among customers within the target group. Qualitative data has been compiled through a number of in-depth interviews with involved stakeholders of the investigated company as well as a number of customers using the app. The empirical findings have been analyzed using a theoretical framework based on theories of relationship marketing and value creation, encompassing Morgan & Hunt’s (1994) Key Mediating Variable Model and Amit & Zott’s (2001) Value Creation Model. The findings of the study indicate that mobile applications can have a positive impact on customer relations and the value that customers experience when engaging in transactions with a company. Furthermore, a majority of the respondents participating in the study have a positive attitude towards mobile applications and believe that mobile apps have a number of advantages in relations to other marketing channels. Based on these finding the authors have come to the conclusion that mobile apps can be an appropriate marketing tool for B2B-companies seeking to deepen customers relations and enhance customer value.

Role of CMC-Embedded Webquests in Enhancement of Online Students' Knowledge and Understanding of German Culture - A Case Study

Lothe, Radhika 01 January 2011 (has links)
ABSTRACT Existing approaches to teaching `culture' in the realm of Distance foreign language (FL) instruction and gaps within; under-researched Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) tool of webquests; and Mediation in Sociocultural Theory (SCT) have all led to the following case study. This study was guided by the constructs of `culture' in FL instruction, Sociocultural Theory, and literature in CALL and Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC). This study examines how CMC-embedded webquests (asynchronous and synchronous CMC components built into webquests) developed online students' knowledge and understanding of German culture. Additionally, this study examines what mediating strategies (Lidz, 2002) were used by the online students of German in their asynchronous and synchronous online discussions of German culture, that were part of their CMC-embedded webquests' tasks. A web-based survey was administered to all students in an online German II course to elicit information about each student's past travels to Germany or other German-speaking countries and comfort level with various technologies. Based on their participation levels and the information elicited from this web-based survey, the online class was divided into groups of four, such that maximum variation was achieved in each group. Five such groups were formed with four students in each group. Two content-based CMC-embedded webquests were developed and created for this purpose and were administered over a period of four weeks, with two weeks for each content based CMC-embedded webquest. The first CMC-embedded webquest revolved around `Our Environment' or Umwelt, and the second was called `Germany, before and after the wall.' For each CMC-embedded webquests, the tasks included pre- and post CMC-embedded webquest essays, participation in discussion forums over a period of one week, and online chats. The guiding questions developed for each CMC component were separate. Based on the word count generated by each group, two groups (one with less than optimal and one with more than optimal levels of interaction) were chosen iteratively. In other words, pre- and post essays written by these eight participants, transcripts of asynchronous and synchronous online discussions with respective group members, transcripts of their online interviews, and field notes journal became the data sources for this multiple embedded qualitative case study (Yin, 2003). Findings emerging from a constant comparison method analysis indicate that the CMC-embedded webquests played a significant role in advancing the online students' knowledge and understanding of German culture. Apart from the cognitive benefits of this dynamic CALL tool, affective benefits included that students appreciated and enjoyed learning about the target culture in way that they retained the information even two months after they were completed, and particularly found the web resources useful and videos engaging. More importantly, since all participants were distant learners of German, they valued the opportunities provided by the two CMC-embedded webquests to interact with their respective group members in asynchronous and synchronous modes of communication. Results of collapsing all asynchronous and synchronous `e-turns' into Lidz' (2002) mediating strategies indicate that mediating strategies of `Sharing of Experiences,' `Affective Involvement,' and `Joint Regard' were higher for synchronous `e-turns.' This confirms that synchronous online discussions evoke a higher `sense of community' and `groups', `sense of purpose' for online learners (Carabajal, LaPointe, and Gunawardena, 2007). On the other hand, higher frequencies of `Praise/ Encouragement,' `Task Regulation,' and `Challenge,' in asynchronous `e-turns' demonstrates that distance learners are able to produce more cohesive and detailed responses in asynchronous online discussions. These results highlight the dynamic nature and potentiality of CMC-embedded webquests that can be especially useful to teach culture, an often neglected aspect of FL instruction, and the importance of creating groups and peer interaction in distance FL instruction. Additionally, findings of this study have implications on the purpose of the synchronous and asynchronous online discussions, culture model in FL instruction and design of CMC-embedded webquests.

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