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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Discretionary Version Control : Access Control for Versionable Documents / Diskretionär versionshantering : Accesskontroll för versionshanterade dokument

Hermansson, Rickard, Hellström, Johan January 2014 (has links)
A common problem in the workplace is sharing digital documents with coworkers. Forsome companies the problem extends to wanting the documentskept internally backedup and controlling which people in the company has rights to read and revise certaindocuments.This paper shows different systems and models for access control, version control,and distribution of the documents that can be used to create asystem that solves theseproblems.One requirement for this system was a user interface where users can upload, down-load and manage access to their documents. Another requirement was a service thathandles version control for the documents, and a way to quickly connect and distributethe documents. The system also needed to be able to handle access control of the ver-sioned documents on document level, referred to as "fine grained access control" in thispaper.These models and systems were evaluated based on aspects of the access control mod-els, version control systems, and distribution systems andprotocols. After evaluating,appropriate selections were made to create a prototype to test the system as a whole.The prototype ended up meeting the goals that Nordicstationset for the project butonly with basic functionality. Functionality for retrieving any version from a docu-ments history, controlling access for the documents at document level, and a simpleweb based user interface for managing the documents. / Att enkelt dela dokument med arbetskollegor är något alla företag har ett behov utav.Ofta är dessa dokument interna och skall hållas inom företaget. Även inom företagetkan det finnas behov av att styra vem som har rätt att läsa ellerrevidera dokumenten.Denna examensarbetesrapport beskriver olika tekniker ochmodeller för accesskon-troll, versionshantering och distribution som kan användas för att implementera ettsystem som kan lösa de nämnda problemen.Ett av kraven för systemet var ett användargränssnitt där användare kan ladda upp ochned sina dokument. Ytterligare krav var att systemet skulleversionshantera dokumenetenoch att användare skall kunna komma åt de olika versionerna.Systemet skulle ocksåkunna hantera åtkomstkontroll på dokumentnivå, något denna examensrapport definerarsom "fine grained access control".För att designa ett sådant system så utredes och utvärderades olika tekniker kringåtkomstkontroll och versionshantering samt distributionav dokumenten. För att testasystemet så utvecklads en prototyp baserad på de valda lösningsmetoderna.Den resulterande prototypen uppfyllde de mål som Nordicstation satte för projektet,dock endast med grundläggande funktionalitet. Stöd för atthämta olika versioner avdokument, kontrollera access till dokumentet nere på dokument nivå och ett webbaseratgränssnitt för att administrera dokumenten.

Discretionary Version Control : Access Control for Versionable Documents / Diskretionär versionshantering : Accesskontroll för versionshanterade dokument

Hermansson, Rickard, Hellström, Johan January 2014 (has links)
A common problem in the workplace is sharing digital documents with coworkers. Forsome companies the problem extends to wanting the documentskept internally backedup and controlling which people in the company has rights to read and revise certaindocuments.This paper shows different systems and models for access control, version control,and distribution of the documents that can be used to create asystem that solves theseproblems.One requirement for this system was a user interface where users can upload, down-load and manage access to their documents. Another requirement was a service thathandles version control for the documents, and a way to quickly connect and distributethe documents. The system also needed to be able to handle access control of the ver-sioned documents on document level, referred to as "fine grained access control" in thispaper.These models and systems were evaluated based on aspects of the access control mod-els, version control systems, and distribution systems andprotocols. After evaluating,appropriate selections were made to create a prototype to test the system as a whole.The prototype ended up meeting the goals that Nordicstationset for the project butonly with basic functionality. Functionality for retrieving any version from a docu-ments history, controlling access for the documents at document level, and a simpleweb based user interface for managing the documents. / Att enkelt dela dokument med arbetskollegor är något alla företag har ett behov utav.Ofta är dessa dokument interna och skall hållas inom företaget. Även inom företagetkan det finnas behov av att styra vem som har rätt att läsa ellerrevidera dokumenten.Denna examensarbetesrapport beskriver olika tekniker ochmodeller för accesskon-troll, versionshantering och distribution som kan användas för att implementera ettsystem som kan lösa de nämnda problemen.Ett av kraven för systemet var ett användargränssnitt där användare kan ladda upp ochned sina dokument. Ytterligare krav var att systemet skulleversionshantera dokumenetenoch att användare skall kunna komma åt de olika versionerna.Systemet skulle ocksåkunna hantera åtkomstkontroll på dokumentnivå, något denna examensrapport definerarsom "fine grained access control".För att designa ett sådant system så utredes och utvärderades olika tekniker kringåtkomstkontroll och versionshantering samt distributionav dokumenten. För att testasystemet så utvecklads en prototyp baserad på de valda lösningsmetoderna.Den resulterande prototypen uppfyllde de mål som Nordicstation satte för projektet,dock endast med grundläggande funktionalitet. Stöd för atthämta olika versioner avdokument, kontrollera access till dokumentet nere på dokument nivå och ett webbaseratgränssnitt för att administrera dokumenten.

An investigation into the inclusion of child development in early childhood programs

Böhmer, Wynette 30 November 2007 (has links)
The research study was determined by the fact that child development is important and that teachers/caregivers must acknowledge every child's level of development, age, individuality, social and cultural background when planning a program. Children are complex beings and therefore the literature study focused on pre-schooler, three to five years, child development during this stage and domains and principles of development. Semi-structured interviews were based on literature study and used to guide the interviews. After analyzing the data themes and sub-themes was identified and verified with literature. The teachers/caregivers were able to share knowledge, experiences, needs and concerns. To conclude recommendations were made to help teacher/caregivers to plan how to include child development in their daily program. / Social Work / M.Diac (Play Therapy)

L'adverbe dérivé modifieur de l'adjectif : Étude comparée du français et du suédois

Fohlin, Maria January 2008 (has links)
The present study addresses, in a comparative Swedish-French perspective, the derived adverb and its modification by a following adjective. From a translational point of view, the structure derived adverb + adjective is interesting, since its translation into French is reputed to generate problems. In this study, a linguistic approach is adopted to these translation problems. For the investigation, a corpus of 510 Swedish tokens representing the structure derived adverb + adjective, and their respective translations into French, was compiled. The tokens originate from 22 contemporary Swedish novels. The number of translators represented in the corpus amount to 14. The tokens were classified into two major groups: intensifying adverb + adjective and qualitative adverb + adjective. The former group was further divided into subcategories according to the semantic nature of the adjective from which the adverb is derived. The main objectives of the study are (1) to investigate the solutions adopted by the translators when rendering the construction derived adverb + adjective in French, (2) to analyse the factors − those inherent to the language and those situated on the contextual level − involved in the cases where the original structure is not maintained in the French translations, (3) to show that the solutions adopted by the translators differ according to which semantic category the adverb belongs to − the intensifying group or the qualitative group. Furthermore, the difficulties of making a clear division between intensifying adverbs and qualitative adverbs placed before the adjective are discussed at some length. The results show that when the adverbial element is intensifying, the same structure is more often maintained in the French translations than in those cases where the adjective is modified by a qualitative adverb. The study also demonstrates the great variety of factors involved in the cases where the structure derived adverb + adjective is not maintained in the French translations. These cases may be due to the fact that the equivalent of the Swedish phrase in question would form a non-established unit in French, to the lack of an equivalent adverb in French, to the tendency of the French language to favour nominal constructions, or to individual preferences of the translator.

El 気 (=KI) en la Filosofía de Yuasa. La unidad corpóreo espiritual como clave antropológica de la apertura personal a la transcedencia

Kuwano, Moe 27 March 2012 (has links)
El tema principal d’aquesta tesi és considerar la noció sinojaponesa del Ki en la filosofia de Yasuo Yuasa com a fil conductor per a la seva recerca antropològica i el seu camí vers la transcendència. Calia constatar que l’aportació de Yuasa és principalment la seva determinació del lloc del Ki en la corporalitat i, per tal de fer-ho, centrar en aquest punt el tema de la present tesi. Aquesta tesi està dividida en sis capítols: En el primer capítol, tractem de Yasuo Yuasa en la seva circumstància, vida i pensament i, el seu influx i el desenvolupament del seu pensament en alguns autors actuals. En el segon capítol, abordem com Yuasa ha arribat a tenir la idea del Ki com a clau de la unitat corpòria-espiritual i l’obertura a la transcendència, mitjançant un recorregut per la seva obra. Al llarg de tota la seva obra, podem trobar les preguntes radicals sobre sí mateix, sobre el món, sobre l’origen que els transcendeix. Yuasa les anomena Ethos, els corrents filosòfics espirituals latents i fonamentals en el fons de cada tradició i cultura. En el tercer capítol, tractem una visió de conjunt al voltant de la noció del Ki i la tradició de pensament que l’acompanya per tal d’introduir el seu sentit i les seves funciones fonamentals. Per això, pretenem analitzar-la tant des de la perspectiva del seu sentit etimològic i de llurs diverses accepcions en l’ús del llenguatge, com des del punt de vista històric i de llurs diverses dimensions. En el quart capítol, considerem l’aspecte de l’ésser humà com a unitat cos-ment i el seu doble caràcter; ésser immanent i transcendent del món. En abordar la qüestió de la transcendència i de la immanència en la filosofia existencial que es troba en els filòsofs moderns japonesos, Yuasa sent la necessitat de remuntar-se a l’ontologia en la tradició occidental com ara la de Sant Tomàs. La forma d’aquest pensament ontològic (o metafísic) té uns aspectes universals i equivalents amb el pensament tradicional d’Orient que es troba en el fons de la filosofia existencial en la modernitat japonesa. A partir d’aquesta base, en el cinquè capítol, intentem analitzar si existeix la pregunta vers la transcendència en la tradició oriental, especialment la tradició xinesa japonesa representada per Yuasa. Yuasa té en compte la unitat corpòria-espiritual com a obertura a la pregunta vers la transcendència. La clau d’aquesta unitat és el Ki, el qual, segons Yuasa, és el flux que té una funció fisiològica i psicològica, així com també una funció espiritual, que fa connectar a l’ésser humà amb el món exterior. La idea del Ki ens fa abastar la visió de l’ésser humà al llarg de la història del pensament científic i antropològic i religiós o espiritual. Per això, intentarem analitzar la noció del Ki des de tres perspectives: científica, antropològica i espiritual. En el sisè capítol, finalment, tractem la pràctica del shugyô la qual té un sentit molt important a fi de poder considerar la teoria oriental de la unitat cos-ment i és una clau per tal de comprendre la transcendència en la tradició oriental. El shugyô indica l’ascesi, la pràctica o la formació del cultiu d’un mateix. Dins el concepte del shugyô Yuasa distingeix entre la praxi exterior (preceptes sîla) i la praxi interior (contemplació samâdhi). Ens fixem especialment en la praxi interior que és l’activitat que s’orienta cap a la pròpia interioritat de l’ésser humà, el significat del qual és equivalent a la vida contemplativa en el terme occidental. / El tema principal de esta tesis es considerar la noción chino-japonesa del Ki en la filosofía de Yasuo Yuasa como hilo conductor para su búsqueda antropológica y su camino hacia la trascendencia. Había que constatar que la aportación de Yuasa es principalmente su determinación del puesto del Ki en la corporalidad y, para ello, centrar en este punto el tema de la presente tesis. Esta tesis está dividida en seis capítulos: En el primer capítulo, tratamos acerca de Yasuo Yuasa en su circunstancia, vida y pensamiento y, el influjo y el desarrollo de su pensamiento en algunos autores actuales. En el segundo capítulo, abordamos sobre cómo Yuasa ha llegado a tener la idea del Ki como clave de la unidad corpóreo espiritual y apertura a la trascendencia, mediante el recorrido por su obra. A lo largo de toda su obra, podemos encontrar las preguntas radicales sobre sí mismo, sobre el mundo, sobre el origen que los trasciende. Yuasa las llama Ethos, las corrientes filosóficas espirituales latentes y fundamentales en el fondo de cada tradición y cultura. En el tercer capítulo, tratamos una visión de conjunto acerca de la noción del Ki y la tradición de pensamiento que la acompaña para introducir su sentido y sus funciones fundamentales. Por ello, pretendemos analizarla tanto desde la perspectiva de su sentido etimológico y sus diversas acepciones en el uso del lenguaje, como desde el punto de vista histórico y de sus diversas dimensiones. En el cuarto capítulo, consideramos el aspecto del ser humano como unidad cuerpo-mente y su doble carácter; ser inmanente y trascendente del mundo. Al abordar la cuestión de la trascendencia y de la inmanencia en la filosofía existencial que se encuentra en los filósofos modernos japoneses, Yuasa siente la necesidad de remontarse a la ontología medieval en la tradición occidental como la de Santo Tomas. La forma de este pensamiento ontológico (o metafísico) tiene unos aspectos universales y equivalentes con el pensamiento tradicional de Oriente que se encuentra en el fondo de la filosofía existencial en la modernidad japonesa. A partir de esta base, en el quinto capítulo, intentamos analizar si existe la pregunta hacia la trascendencia en la tradición oriental, especialmente la tradición china japonesa representado por Yuasa. Yuasa tiene en cuenta la unidad corpóreo espiritual como apertura a la pregunta hacia la trascendencia. La clave de esta unidad es el Ki, que según Yuasa, es el flujo que tiene una función fisiológica y psicológica, así como también una función espiritual, que hace conectar al ser humano con el mundo exterior. La idea del Ki nos hace abarcar la visión del ser humano a lo largo de la historia del pensamiento científico y antropológico y religioso o espiritual. Por ello, intentaremos analizar la noción del Ki desde tres perspectivas: científica, antropológica y espiritual. En el sexto capítulo, finalmente, tratamos la práctica del shugyô que tiene un sentido muy importante para poder considerar la teoría oriental de la unidad cuerpo-mente y es una clave para comprender la trascendencia en la tradición oriental. El shugyô indica la ascesis, la práctica o la formación del autocultivo. Dentro del concepto del shugyô Yuasa distingue entre la praxis exterior (preceptos sîla) y la praxis interior (contemplación samâdhi). Nos fijamos especialmente en la praxis interior que es la actividad que se orienta hacia la propia interioridad del ser humano, cuyo significado es equivalente a la vida contemplativa en el término occidental. / The main purpose of this dissertation is to study the Chino-Japanese thought about Ki in the philosophy of Yuasa as a key for his anthropological search and as a way toward transcendance. We had to clarify the contribution of Yuasa to both the anthropological and the metaphysical question. The main contribution of Yuasa to this problem is the determination of the role of Ki within the Mind-Body theory. That is why we had to focus our research upon this point as the main subject of our dissertation. Our research follows the steps of the following chapters: In the first chapter we present the thought of Yuasa within the context of his biographical circumstances, as well as the influence of further developments of his thought in other contemporary thinkers. In the second chapter we go through the whole complete works of Yuasa in order to find the development of his thought about Ki and the way he has arrived to the conclusion of setting the idea of Ki as the leading thread to grasp both the Mind-body unity and the openness toward transcendence. Throughout his work we find him seeking to answer the basic questions about himself, about the world and about the tarscendental origins of both the human being and the cosmos. Yuasa sees these basic questions as the Ethos of the philosophical and spiritual currents in the bottom of each tradition and culture. In the third chapter we present an overall view about the idea of Ki and the tradition of thought developed around this fundamental concept of Eastern philosophy, trying to show its meaning and its role for the understanding of both the human being and the cosmos. For that purpose we analyse the notion of Ki from the viewpoint of its etimological, historical and other dimensions. In the fourth chapter we deal with the Mind-body unity of the human being and the two characteristics of his way of being in the world, namely, inmanence and transcendance. Yuasa studied the problem of inmanence and transcendence in the existential philosophy of the modern Japanese thinkers, and the roots of their thought in the Eastern tradition. Then, in order to compare them with Western thought, he felt the need to seek the roots of contemporary existential Western philosophy in the tradition of ontology in the Middle Age, as in Thomas Aquinas. Yuasa arrived at the conclusion that this ontological (or metaphysical thinking) has some universal aspects which can be related to the traditional Eastern thought as we find it within the existential philosophy of some modern Japanese thinkers. Taking into account this comparative approach, we ask in our analysis of the fifth chapter, whether the question toward transcendence can be found in the Eastern tradition, especially in the tradition represented by Yuasa. Yuasa gives a great importance to the unity of mind and body as a key toward the question about transcendence. The key of the Mind and body unity is, according to Yuasa, the Ki, which plays not only a physiological and psychological role, but also an spiritual one in order to connect the human being with the world outside. The idea of Ki helps us to reach an overall perspective about human being along the history of anthropological, scientific, and religious or spiritual thought. Therefore, it was important for us to analyse the notion of Ki from the viewpoint of its three main dimensions, namely, scientific, anthropological and spiritual dimensions. Finally, in the sixth chapter we deal with the practice of shugyô or cultivation, which has a very important meaning for the understanding of the Eastern Mind-Body theory, and which is a key for the understanding of transcendence in that tradition. The meaning of shugyô points to ascesis or practices of self-cultivation. Within the concept of shugyô Yuasa makes a distinction between external practices (precepts, sîla) and internal practices (contemplation samâdhi). We concentrate our analysis in the internal practices, orientated toward the interiority of the human being. These practices can be related to the Western tradition of contemplative life.

Domänanalys av Kart- och bildenheten vid Uppsala universitetsbibliotek : dess verksamhet, samling och kunskapsorganisation / Domain analysis of Section for Maps and Pictures at Uppsala University Library : business, collection and knowledge organization

Gustafsson, Kazuko January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to carry out a domain analysis of Section for Maps and Pictures at Uppsala University’s Library and investigate its business, collection and knowledge organization. Birger Hjørland’s socio-epistemological domain analytic paradigm is applied. As methods, Hjørland suggests eleven approaches, and from them he emphasizes especially the importance of the historical and epistemological approaches. In this paper three questions are analysed. The first one concerns how the business at this section is managed; the second concerns the collection’s material types and its historical background; the third one concerns metadata used for cataloguing in the picture database and the reason for the delay to establish such a database. To answer these questions, notes from interviews, observations, study trips and documents about the section were used as primary sources. Observation, comparative method, interview, analysis of document and domain analytic method were used as methods to collect sources and perform the analysis. The analysis is focused on library and information scientific aspects. The study proves that Section for Maps and Pictures’ knowledge paradigm origins in library tradition, its perspective and principles, and is furthermore influenced by international and national decisions, outlines and needs. It states that cataloguing and digitalizing of collections at this section follows the international standards. As one of Sweden’s leading institutions for cultural heritage, Section for Maps and Pictures contains a large amount of unique and various cultural property. Section for Maps and Pictures is currently making progress to make their valuable collection accessible by Internet. This step is considered as a significant contribution to stimulate user-friendliness, education, preservation of materials and even democracy. This paper is published as a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science at Uppsala University in Sweden.

Kvalitetshöjande förbättringsinsatser inom cancervården : En fallstudie med fokus på behov

Oldaeus Almerén, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Att skapa förutsättningar för en förbättrad cancervård, genom att fördjupa kunskapen och förståelsen om behov hos huvud- och halscancerpatienter under cancerprocessen. Därutö- ver önskas ett förbättrat omhändertagande genom att implementera och utvärdera kvalitetshö- jande förbättringsinsatser. Satsningen ska resultera i en trygg och smidig resa genom vården med ett minimum av avbrott mellan olika vårdhändelser. Metod: Patientens vårdkedja studerades med en fallstudie, utifrån en aktionsforskningsansats. Behoven identifierades med patientskuggning, reflektion från observationer och semistruktu- rerade fokusgruppsintervjuer med mikrosystemet, före (referensgrupp) och efter intervention (jämförelsegrupp). Analys genomfördes med kvalitativ innehållsanalys och Kano-modell. Resultat: En fast vårdkontakt var en viktig faktor i vårdkedjan. Den fasta vårdkontakten till- mötesgick behov såsom trygghet och tillgänglighet, vilket medförde en smidigare vårdkedja. Under hela vårdförloppet fanns ett stort behov av stöd, praktiskt liksom psykosocialt, från både profession och närstående. Oberoende av position i vårdkedjan önskades individanpas- sad information och ett gott bemötande. Interventionsgruppen rapporterade bättre tillgänglig- het och stöd i förhållande till jämförelsegruppen, som inte hade tillgång till kontaktsjukskö- terska. Involvering av hela mikrosystemet vid analys med Kano-modell medför att behov och förbättringsmöjligheter identifieras och valideras. Slutsatser: En kontaktsjuksköterska kan utgöra en fast vårdkontakt som tillmötesgår och sä- kerställer cancerpatienters behov. Närstående är en viktig del av mikrosystemet och måste beredas utrymme och resurser. En förbättringsinsats genom implementering av kontaktsjuk- sköterska, utformning av nutritions- och kvalitetsregisterrutiner baserat på patientens behov bidrar till god vård och minskar risken för resursslöseri. Studien har även bidragit med fördju- pad kunskap gällande applicering av Kano-modellen i Hälso- och sjukvårdsmiljö. / Purpose: To create opportunities for an improved cancer care, by providing deeper knowledge and understanding of the needs of head and neck cancer patients during the cancer treatment process. Furthermore, to improve care for these patients by implementing and eval- uating QI efforts. This will result in a safe and smooth journey through the care with a mini- mum of disruption. Method: The cancer treatment process was examined in a case study with an action research approach. Patient needs were identified by patient-shadowing, observational reflections and focus groups-interviews with the microsystem, before (non-intervention group) and after in- tervention (intervention group). The data analysis involved qualitative content analysis in- formed by Kano’s quality model. Results: A contact nurse (CN) was an important factor. The CN provided a sense of security and accessibility, giving patients a smoother trajectory of care. Continual support was needed, regarding both, practical and psychosocial matters, from both professionals and relatives. Re- gardless of position in the continuum of care, individual information and good reception was required. Members of the intervention group reported better accessibility and support com- pared to the non-intervention group members, who were not offered a CN. Conclusion: A CN can provide a continual health care contact; meeting and ensuring that the needs of cancer patients are met. Relatives are an important part of the microsystem and should be given space and resources. An improvement effort by implementing routines for a CN, quality registry and nutrition, based on patient needs will facilitate good care and opti- mise resources. The study has also contributed to deeper knowledge of how to use the Kano model in health care.

Mervärdesskatt undantaget för förvaltning av investeringsfonder : Tillämpningssvårigheter avseende 3 kap. 9 § 3 st. 2 p. Mervärdesskattelagen medför rättsosäkerhet

Olsson, Christoffer January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

An investigation into the inclusion of child development in early childhood programs

Böhmer, Wynette 30 November 2007 (has links)
The research study was determined by the fact that child development is important and that teachers/caregivers must acknowledge every child's level of development, age, individuality, social and cultural background when planning a program. Children are complex beings and therefore the literature study focused on pre-schooler, three to five years, child development during this stage and domains and principles of development. Semi-structured interviews were based on literature study and used to guide the interviews. After analyzing the data themes and sub-themes was identified and verified with literature. The teachers/caregivers were able to share knowledge, experiences, needs and concerns. To conclude recommendations were made to help teacher/caregivers to plan how to include child development in their daily program. / Social Work / M.Diac (Play Therapy)

Směrovací protokol pro sítě MANET zohledňující požadavky na kvalitu služeb / MANET Routing Protocol with Quality of Service Support

Vajsar, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
The web and mobile web traffic is growing rapidly due to service accessibility in densely populated areas and massive usage of smart hand held devices (smartphones, pads and Internet dongles). This is a challenge for mobile operators and service providers, because it forces systematically increasing network throughput capacity and in parallel to keep this investment on profitable basis. On the other side, the user satisfaction with mobile broadband service should be considered as well, in order to balance the user expectations and mobile operator investments. Our work provides extensive QoE study for different conditions in sense of mobile web service, web content, network conditions and end user device. Finally, the obtained results create basis for more dimensional overview of mobile web QoE and allow to recognize quality and saturation thresholds based on network parameters. Further, obtained data provide base for design three prediction models for prediction of MOS (one for notebook, one for mobile device) and acceptability.

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