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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les compléments de manière en français et en syrien de Tartous / The adverbs of manner in French and in Syrian of Tartous

Hassan, Ahmad 10 January 2017 (has links)
Le dialecte syrien de Tartous ne dispose pas d’adverbes dérivés d’un adjectif, comme c’est le cas en français, pouvant fonctionner comme adverbes de manière. Par contre,Les deux langues utilisent deux moyens similaires pour exprimer la manière. Le premier concerne la construction introduite par la préposition avec en français et parla préposition bə (‘associatif’) en syrien de Tartous, et le second, l’objet interne en français et l’objet dit absolu en syrien de Tartous. Compte tenu de la différence entre les systèmes linguistiques des deux langues, nous pourrons faire l’hypothèse que même dans les cas des deux moyens comparables dont disposent les deux langues pour exprimer la manière, ils ne sont pas soumis aux mêmes types de contraintes syntaxiques et sémantiques en français et en syrien de Tartous. Cette étude comparative nous permettra de comprendre le fonctionnement de chacun des moyens utilisés dans les deux langues pour exprimer la manière, et par là de faire ressortir les différences syntaxique et sémantique qui séparent les compléments de manière dans les deux langues. / The Syrian dialect of Tartous does not have adverbs derived from adjectives that work as adverbs of manner, like in French. On the other hand, both languages use two similar ways of expressing condition ; the first one is construct introduced by thepreposition ‘with’ (‘avec’ in French, ‘bi’ in Syrian). The second way is the cognate object, or what is known in Syrian as ‘absolute effect’.With the differences between the two language systems in mind, we can assume that even if we have similar ways of expressing manner, yet they are controlled by different grammatical and semantic rules.Comparing the two languages allows us to understand the method of expressing manner in each language, and then identify the semantic and grammatical distinctions between the adverbs of manner in the two languages.

Att skapa en plats : - En studie av historiebruk i form av web-baserad marknadsföring av tre Vasaslott

Palmqvist Gillman, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of my research has been to analyze the communi-cation of three cultural heritages and how they are being ex-posed on their respective webpages. The essay has also touched the subject as to how webpages can, through marketing of cul-tural heritages, create a connection to the marketed locations and their cultural environment. A phenomenon you could call “creating a location”. My study has also resulted in an under-standing of how historical sites as cultural actors position them-selves to attract visitors to the location. In this study I will fo-cus on only three of Sweden’s many renaissance castles. These three are Calmare-, Vadstena- and Gripsholm’s castle.My sources consist of the above mentioned cultural heritag-es own webpages, their administrators as well as their partner’s webpages. The information which is communicated in connec-tion to, or directly with the cultural heritages demonstrates what is relevant and important to see and experience.By illuminating these attributes, the possibility for self-interpretation of the cultural landscape can be lessened. Instead, a more direct picture can be created as of what the visitor should relate to and remember of the location. This way, the actors create a location.

Värdeskapande användning av radiologi : - Utbildning och mätning för förbättring

Källvant, Jonas, Lundh, Theres January 2013 (has links)
Introduktion Medicinsk vetenskap och sjukvårdens möjligheter att hjälpa utvecklas ständigt. Sjukvården idag kan i många fall ställa rätt diagnos och ge en effektiv behandling för att bota den som drabbats av ohälsa. Radiologiska undersökningar är ett viktigt hjälpmedel men innebär också risker i form av strålning samt felaktigt resursanvändande. Syfte Syftet med förbättringsarbetet var att skapa en bättre användning av radiologi och följsamhet till medicinska riktlinjer så att patienten får rätt undersökning utifrån sitt behov samt att resur-ser nyttjas mer optimalt. Målsättningen var att öka andelen berättigade undersökningar. Syftet med studien av förbättringsarbetet var att få en förståelse för vilka faktorer som påverkar remittentens val av radiologisk undersökning och därmed berättigandegraden vilka aktiviteter i förbättringsarbetet påverkar berättigandegraden och på vilket sätt Metod Interventioner i form av utbildning och mätningar användes för att höja berättigandegraden. Bedömning av berättigandegraden gjordes av en ST-läkare. En fallstudie med kvalitativ ansats genomfördes och fokusgruppintervju användes för att stu-dera förbättringsarbetet. Resultat Studien visar att berättigandegraden ökar något som ett resultat av de valda interventionerna. Utbildningen på plats gav också upplevda positiva effekter i form av bättre kunskap och lä-rande för deltagare. Analysen visade att osäkerhet som läkare upplever i sitt arbete med patienten kan härledas till kategorierna kunskap och krav. Diskussion/Slutsats Utbildning genomförd av radiologispecialist har visat sig vara framgångsrikt koncept. Mät-ningar som metod för lärande och förändring uppfattades istället som mätning för uppföljning. Förbättrad kunskap kring vilka faktorer som styr läkares val av undersökning har uppnåtts och områden för fortsatt förbättring har identifierats / Introduction Medical science and medical facilities and clinical possibilities to help patients evolve con-stantly. Healthcare today can often make the diagnosis and provide effective treatment to cure the victim of ill health. Radiological surveys are an important tool but also provide risks in the form of radiation, and improper use of resources. Purpose The purpose of the improvement work was to create a better use of radiology and adherence to medical guidelines so that the patient gets the right for increase based on their needs and resources will be used more optimally. The goal was to increase the proportion of eligible studies. The purpose of the study of the improvement was to gain an understanding of what factors affect physicians choice of radiological investigation and thereby provide entitlement degree which activities in the improvement process affects eligibility degree and in what way Method Interventions in the form of education and measurements used to improve eligibility rate. As-sessment of the eligibility rate was made by a resident physician. A case study with a qualitative approach was implemented and focus-group interviews were used to study the improvement process. Results Results indicates that the eligibility rate increased slightly as a result of the selected interven-tions. Education in place, however, gave perceived benefits in terms of improved knowledge and learning for participants. The analysis showed that the uncertainty that physicians experience in their work with pa-tients can be attributed to the categories of knowledge and requirements. Discussion / Conclusion Education conducted by a radiology specialist has is shown to be a successful concept. Meas-urements as a method of learning and change were perceived as measurement for monitoring. Improved knowledge about the determinants of physician choice of survey has been achieved and areas for further improvement are identified.

"Vi vet ju trots allt bäst hur vi lär oss" : En aktionsforskningstudie om högstadieelevers beskrivningar av delaktighet

Kemppainen, Tarja January 2011 (has links)
I läroplanens inledande del lyfts betydelsen av att elever aktivt får delta i planering och utvärdering av undervisningen och utveckla sin förmåga utöva inflytande och ta ansvar i skolan. Tidigare forskning visar att skolan inte lyckats i detta uppdrag. Studien är en del av en aktion vars utvecklingsfokus varit att öka elevers delaktighet i projektarbetsformen. Studien vill belysa elevdelaktighet ur elevernas perspektiv, vilken betydelse och vilket värde delaktighet har för eleverna, samt hur de anser att den fungerar i praktiken. Forskningsfrågan är: Hur beskriver elever delaktighet i skolan? Studiens syfte är att belysa elevdelaktighet ur elevernas perspektiv, för att förstå vilken betydelse och vilket värde delaktighet har för eleverna, samt hur de anser att den fungerar i praktiken. Data har skapats genom elevers loggboksskrivande om delaktighet och uppföljande samtal med elever, som analyserats genom dimensioner av delaktighet; innehållsdimension, drivkrafts-dimension och samspelsdimension. Elevers beskrivningar av delaktighet är i lika mån beskrivningar av lärandet. Resultatet visar att delaktighet ger mening till elevernas lärande. Den individuella valfriheten är motiverande för eleverna. Det absolut viktigaste för eleverna att få vara delaktiga i är lärandets innehålls- och formfrågor. Delaktighet beskrivs av eleverna både ur ett individuellt och ett kollektivt perspektiv. Studiens resultat bekräftar Illeris och Wengers teorier om lärandets samspel och socialt lärande. / In the introductory part of the Curriculum for the Compulsory School, the importance of pupils participation in the planning and the evaluation of their education is highlighted. Also to develop their ability to participate and to take responsibility in school is highlighted. Earlier research shows that the school has failed in this mission. This study is a part of an action, which developing focus has been to increase the pupils participation in project based learning. The intention of the study is to throw light upon pupils participation from the pupils view, what meaning and what value do the pupils give participation, and how do they think it is working in practice. The research question is: How do pupils describe participation in school? The purpose of the study is to highlight pupils participation from the pupils' view, to understand what meaning and value it gives to the pupils', and how they think it works in practice. Data has been produced by the pupils by writing logbooks about participation and by follow-up conversation with the same pupils. The empirics have been analyzed throw dimensions of participation; the dimension of content, the dimension of motive power and the dimension of cooperation. The pupils descriptions' of participation are also descriptions about learning. The result shows that participation gives meaning to the pupils learning. The individual freedom of choice is motivating for the pupils. The most important area for the pupils to participate in, is the content and the form of learning-area. Participation is described both from an individual and a collective perspective by the pupils. The results of the study confirm Illeris and Wengers theories about cooperative learning and social learning.

An empirical study of IT based knowledge management systems implementation : a comparative study with the Kuwait and the UK public sectors and proposed model for best practice knowledge management

Alazmi, Mutiran A. January 2003 (has links)
Knowledge Management (KM) helps extend the knowledge of individuals or groups across organisations in ways that directly affect performance. Further, it is a formalised and integrated approach to identify and manage an organisation's knowledge assets. The study is an exploratory investigation of the implementation of IT-based Knowledge Management Systems. It is also a comparative study of the Kuwait and UK public sectors with the specific aim of building a best practice model for KM implementation in conjunction with IT. This includes examination of the relevant literature, a comprehensive analysis of case studies of KM implementation in 91 organisations presented in the literature, in order to arrive at the most critical factors of KM implementation and their degree of criticality, and an exploratory survey of 68 organisations both in the UK and Kuwait relating to their experiences in implementing initiatives such as KM and the role of IT in that process. In view of the intensive and extensive data for interdependence relationships between variables, statistical techniques were used, and in-depth studies of 16 leading organisations, to understand how the KM implementation processes and the critical factors identified were addressed and implemented. This study identifies critical factors of success in KM domain that applicable to Kuwaiti organisations. These factors were categorised under four different headings: (1) Technology, (2) KM processes, (3) Change management, (4) Top management commitment. A generic holistic model for effective KM implementation is proposed.

El sentido existencial en la construcción del sujeto. Mística judía y psicología

Saban Cuño, Mario Javier 06 November 2015 (has links)
Convenio de confidencialidad que afecta a las páginas: de la 69 a la 485 / La tesi doctoral que exposo davant la Universitat Ramón LLull de Barcelona, es fonamenta en demostrar les possibilitats d´anàlisi psicològic que té el model simbòlic de l´Arbre de la Vida i llurs diferents dimensions. El misticisme jueu en el decurs de l´Edat Mitjana assolí a través de la Càbala Extática un anàlisi de la psique humana, i va crear, sí més no, un marc epistemològic capaç d´encaminar al subjecte cap a l´adquisició d´importants estats de consciència. El treball doctoral demostra les debilitats d´un cert nombre d´escoles psicològiques modernes, que han vist al subjecte des de diverses perspectives d´allò més fragmentàries. En canvi el misticisme jueu amb la seva consciència holística ha vist el subjecte com un ens únic amb tensions internes que ha de resoldre. Els nivells de l´ànima amb els que treballa la càbala hebrea, representen indubtablement excel.lents estrats de comprensió de la psique i de la seva relació amb l´entorn. D´altra banda, l´aspecte cosmogònic en el que es desenvolupa el misticisme jueu, fa que l´anàlisi psicològic proposat sigui essencialment considerat com “Transpersonal”, ja que estem analitzant al subjecte en relació amb les lleis predeterminades de l´Univers. Així s´estudia el lliure albir del subjecte en relació amb l´entorn predeterminat. Cadascuna de les deu dimensions (sephirot) estudiades representa, sí més no, un apropament específic a un nivell de consciència del subjecte, i les interconnexions entre les diferents dimensions representen la dinàmica existencial de cada subjecte. Les tensions (pressions) i les subsegüents harmonitzacions (conciliacions) que conformen aquestes interaccions dinàmiques, fan que l´estudi de les dimensions de l´Arbre de la Vida sigui considerat fonamental a l´hora d´explicar la natura psíquica del subjecte. El treball també ha demostrat ser operatiu al defensar el principi de neutralitat, ja que el mestre cabalista (pedagog) a l´explicar adequadament els camins simbòlics, ha permès a l´individu – de forma personal - accedir a llurs propis desequilibris i procurar esmenar-los. Més enllà del marc teòric, presento a l´acabament del treball unes converses/entrevistes a uns alumnes més avançats, a fi de provar els canvis de consciència que s´han generat en gairebé la majoria d´ells. / La tesis doctoral que presento ante la Universitat Ramon Llull se fundamenta en demostrar las posibilidades de análisis psicológico que tiene el modelo simbólico del Árbol de la Vida y sus diferentes dimensiones. El misticismo judío durante la Edad Media alcanzo a través de la cábala extática un análisis de la psique humana y creo un marco epistemologico capaz de guiar al sujeto para la adquisición de mayores estados de conciencia. El trabajo doctoral demuestra las debilidades de algunas escuelas psicológicas modernas que han visto al sujeto desde diversas perspectivas, muchas de ellas fragmentarias. El misticismo judío en cambio, con su conciencia holística ha percibido al sujeto como un ente único con tensiones internas a resolver. Los niveles del alma con los que trabaja la cábala hebrea, representan indudablemente excelentes estratos de comprensión de la psique y de su relación con el entorno. Por otra parte, el aspecto cosmogónico en el que se desenvuelve el misticismo judío, hace que el análisis psicológico propuesto sea esencialmente considerado como "Transpersonal", ya que estamos analizando al sujeto en su relación con las leyes predeterminadas del universo. De ese modo, se estudia el libre albedrío del sujeto en su relación con el entorno predeterminado. Cada una de las diez dimensiones (Sefirot) estudiadas representa un acercamiento especifico a un nivel de conciencia del sujeto, y las interconexiones entre las diferentes dimensiones representan la dinámica existencial de todo sujeto. Las tensiones y sus subsiguientes armonizaciones que conforman estas interacciones dinámicas hacen que el estudio de las dimensiones del Árbol de la Vida sea considerado fundamental a la hora de explicar la naturaleza psíquica del sujeto. El trabajo ha probado también ser eficaz al sostener el principio de neutralidad, ya que el maestro cabalista (pedagogo) al explicar adecuadamente los caminos simbólicos ha permitido al individuo en forma personal acceder a sus propios desequilibrios e intentar corregirlos. Luego del marco teórico, se presenta al final del trabajo unas entrevistas a los alumnos mas avanzados para probar los cambios de conciencia que se han operado en la mayoría de los sujetos. / The doctoral thesis I am submiting before Ramon Llull University is based on demonstrating the possibilities of psychological analysis which the symbolic model of the Tree of Life and its various dimensions affords mankind. During the Middle Ages Jewish mysticism managed to analyze the human psyché through Ecstatic Kabbalah. This meditative heritage of Jewish mysticism created an epistemological framework capable of guiding the subject towards the acquisition of higher states of consciousness. This doctoral thesis shows the weaknesses of some modern psychological schools of thought which have contemplated the subject from several different perspectives, many of which in a rather fragmentary fashion. However, Jewish mysticism, with its holistic perception and consciousness, has always perceived the subject as a single entity with internal tensions still needing to be resolved. It is undeniable that the different levels of the soul which Jewish Kabbalah works with symbolize invaluable layers of understanding the psyché, and the psyché's relationship and connection to its surroundings. Furthermore, the cosmological aspect in which Jewish mysticism develops, means that the psychological analysis proposed is considered essentially "transpersonal" since we are analyzing the subject in his relationship with what are predetermined laws of the universe. Thus, the free will of the subject is studied through his relationship and connection to what is a predetermined environment. Each of the ten dimensions (called Sefirot) studied symbolizes the subject's coming closer to a specific level of consciousness. And the interconnections between these different dimensions symbolize the existential dynamic of all subjects. Tensions and all subsequent harmonizations, all of which define and shape these dynamic interactions, means that the study of the dimensions of the Tree of Life is considered crucial and fundamental when explaining the psychic nature of the subject. This doctoral thesis has also strived to be efficacious in holding the principle of neutrality, since any master mekubal (kabbalist teacher) upon duly and correctly explaining these symbolic ways and paths, has always allowed his disciple to gain access to his own imbalances and instabilities and to try to correct them on his own. One will find just after the theoretical framework of this thesis, interviews with some of the more advanced students in order to demonstrate the changes in consciousness that occurred in most of the subjects.

A framework for managing global risk factors affecting construction cost performance

Baloi, Daniel January 2002 (has links)
Poor cost performance of construction projects has been a major concern for both contractors and clients. The effective management of risk is thus critical to the success of any construction project and the importance of risk management has grown as projects have become more complex and competition has increased. Contractors have traditionally used financial mark-ups to cover the risk associated with construction projects but as competition increases and margins have become tighter they can no longer rely on this strategy and must improve their ability to manage risk. Furthermore, the construction industry has witnessed significant changes particularly in procurement methods with clients allocating greater risks to contractors. Evidence shows that there is a gap between existing risk management techniques and tools, mainly built on normative statistical decision theory, and their practical application by construction contractors. The main reason behind the lack of use is that risk decision making within construction organisations is heavily based upon experience, intuition and judgement and not on mathematical models. This thesis presents a model for managing global risk factors affecting construction cost performance of construction projects. The model has been developed using behavioural decision approach, fuzzy logic technology, and Artificial Intelligence technology. The methodology adopted to conduct the research involved a thorough literature survey on risk management, informal and formal discussions with construction practitioners to assess the extent of the problem, a questionnaire survey to evaluate the importance of global risk factors and, finally, repertory grid interviews aimed at eliciting relevant knowledge. There are several approaches to categorising risks permeating construction projects. This research groups risks into three main categories, namely organisation-specific, global and Acts of God. It focuses on global risk factors because they are ill-defined, less understood by contractors and difficult to model, assess and manage although they have huge impact on cost performance. Generally, contractors, especially in developing countries, have insufficient experience and knowledge to manage them effectively. The research identified the following groups of global risk factors as having significant impact on cost performance: estimator related, project related, fraudulent practices related, competition related, construction related, economy related and political related factors. The model was tested for validity through a panel of validators (experts) and crosssectional cases studies, and the general conclusion was that it could provide valuable assistance in the management of global risk factors since it is effective, efficient, flexible and user-friendly. The findings stress the need to depart from traditional approaches and to explore new directions in order to equip contractors with effective risk management tools.

Fysiskt våld eller olycksfall : Akutsjuksköterskans utgångspunkter för att identifiera barn där det misstänks att barnet utsatts för fysiskt våld / Physical abuse or accident : Starting points of the emergency nurse in identifying children at risk for physical child abuse

Cucovic, Amina January 2021 (has links)
På akutmottagningen vårdas sårbara patienter, barn som utsätts för fysiskt våld. Akutsjuksköterskan har ett ansvar i att kunna identifiera den sårbara patiente, för fysiskt våld leder till flertalet hälsorisker och varje missat fall kan leda till dödlighet. Alla barn har rätt till att skyddas mot alla former av våld. Syftet med studien var att utforska tillgänglig evidens gällande akutsjuksköterskans utgångspunkter för att identifiera barn där det misstänks att barnet utsatts för fysiskt våld. Metoden var en systematisk och integrativ litteraturstudie. Studien resulterade i två huvudteman: Förmågan att redogöra berättelsens och Konsten att känna igen. De två huvudteman delas in i fyra subteman, skildra barnets vardagliga liv, genomföra en riskbedömning, verifierbara skador och upptäcka det som inte syns. För att akutsjuksköterskan skall kunna identifiera barn som misstänks utsatts för fysiskt våld krävs det utbildning på arbetsplatserna samt dokument som kan användas som stöd vid bedömning. / At the emergency room, vulnerable patients are cared for, children who are exposed to physical violence. The emergency nurse has a responsibility in identifying the vulnerable patient. Being exposed to physical violence leads to several health risks and each missed case can lead to mortality. All children have the right to be protected from all forms of violence. The purpose of the study was to explore available evidence regarding the emergency nurse's starting point for identifying children who are suspected to have been subjected to physical violence. The method is a systematic and integrative literature study. The study resulted in two main themes: the ability to tell the story and the art of recognizing. The two main themes are divided into four subthemes, describing the child's everyday life, carrying out a risk assessment, verifiable injuries and discovering what is not visible. In order for the emergency nurse to be able to identify children who are suspected of being subjected to physical violence, training is required in the workplace as well as documents that can be used as support in assessment.

Mapping Uncertainties – A case study on a hydraulic model of the river Voxnan.

Andersson, Sara January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis gives an account for the numerous uncertainties that prevail one-dimensional hydraulic models and flood inundation maps, as well as suitable assessment methods for different types of uncertainties. A conducted uncertainty assessment on the river Voxnan in Sweden has been performed. The case study included the calibra-tion uncertainty in the spatially varying roughness coefficient and the boundary condi-tion uncertainty in the magnitude of a 100-year flood, in present and future climate conditions. By combining a scenario analysis, GLUE calibration method and Monte Carlo analysis, the included uncertainties with different natures could be assessed. Significant uncer-tainties regarding the magnitude of a 100-year flood from frequency analysis was found. The largest contribution to the overall uncertainty was given by the variance between the nine global climate models, emphasizing the importance of including projections from an ensemble of models in climate change studies. Furthermore, the study gives a methodological example on how to present uncertainty estimates visually in probabilistic flood inundation maps. The conducted method of how the climate change uncertainties, scenarios and models, were handled in frequency analysis is also suggested to be a relevant result of the study.

Nyliberal exploatering eller omsorg om natur? : En teoriutvecklande diskursanalys om hur miljö- och maktteoretiska perspektiv formar den kommunala strandskyddspolitiken

Nyholt, Kristoffer, Eklund Svedlin, Märta Florentina January 2022 (has links)
During the last two decades the shore protection law [strandskyddslagen] in Sweden has undergone changes to make it easier for municipalities to infringe on protected areas. This paper offers a contribution to the understanding of the interplay between common environmental theory perspectives and the environmentality discourse, something that has been missing from the academic field. Earlier research has been dedicated to show how certain types of environmentality tend subjects to internalize certain norms that legitimizes a neoliberal order. This order fosters a development norm that stands in conflict with an ecocentric perspective.  Using a modified version of Bacchi and Evelines WPR-method, we found that the discourse among Swedish municipalities, Stockholm being an exception, interpret the part of the shore protection law which purpose is to protect animals and vegetation as a hindrance to development. This highlights the problematic relationship between environmental protection and economic growth.  By applying an ideal-type analysis on overview plans and consultation responses of ten Swedish municipalities we were able to identify a shallow, neoliberal perspective on nature which enables a neoliberal environmentality. The interplay between shallow perspectives on nature and neoliberal environmentality creates a hegemonic structure in which critical voices tend to be marginalized, resulting in a post-politization of beach protection discourse.

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