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Hablar desde los márgenes: la problemática del lugar de enunciación en la propuesta decolonial de Walter MignoloMiranda Echeverry, Camilo Andrés January 2013 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado Magíster en Filosofía mención en Axiología y Filosofía Política / En éste escrito vamos a hablar sobre “los nadies”; no directamente como hace Galeano, sino a través de la matriz decolonial, que ha sido propuesta, desde los años
noventa, como el espacio en el que las voces de los “nadies” son audibles. Buenas razones tiene para detenerse y pensar que se trata de un texto que tarde o temprano tendrá aspecto
panfletario. Sin embargo, le pedimos que no se deje llevar por esa primera impresión. Aunque hay una propuesta política transversal, éste no es un largo ensayo que intenta
reivindicar el populismo que caminó por los Estados del Sur y Centro América en el siglo XX. Más bien tratamos de pensar si estos “nadies” pueden hablar, pueden ser escuchados y cuáles son las condiciones para que esto suceda. En el Dieciocho Brumario, Marx decía, “no pueden representarse a sí mismos, deben ser representados”. ¿Es éste el caso de los “nadies”? ¿Es el trabajo de los intelectuales representarlos? Pero, principalmente, ¿cómo podrían los intelectuales, educados en la literatura que los silencia, en las leyes que los
acorralan, en la filosofía que los mistifica, en fin, en las humanidades que los ataviaron con las prendas de la prehistoria, ser la voz de los "nadies”?
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Enterre meu coração nos limiares do outro ocidente : insumos epistêmicos para o pensar das psicoterapias no Brasil, oriundos do diálogo interdisciplinar entre a etnopsiquiatria de Tobie Nathan e a gnosiologia liminar de Walter MignoloNogueira, Pedro Lourenço de Luna 25 November 2015 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Clínica e Cultura, 2015. / Submitted by Fernanda Percia França (fernandafranca@bce.unb.br) on 2016-03-22T20:35:43Z
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2015_PedroLourençodeLunaNogueira.pdf: 1330248 bytes, checksum: bc52bb0aaa213809228ff5f19090308b (MD5) / Nascida da necessidade de – e com o objetivo de - pensar novos arcabouços epistêmicos para fundamentar uma intervenção psicoterapêutica no Brasil, esta dissertação busca fazer dialogar dois autores: o etnopsiquiatra Tobie Nathan e o semiólogo decolonial Walter Mignolo. O primeiro é relevante para o presente cenário geocutural brasileiro porque traz consigo a proposta de uma psicoterapia construcionista que suspende seu lócus de enunciação para dar lugar a voz do outro, dessa forma legitimando a cultura, língua, subjetividade e experiência da/do paciente. Nathan propõe que se pode fazer psicoterapia ao compreender e articular o sistema terapêutico do outro, tantas vezes não ocidental e deslegitimado devido a tanto, para se aumentar a eficácia da psicoterapia. Nathan é um etnopsiquiatra, e várias de suas posturas epistêmicas se derivam do diálogo dessa vertente de psicoterapia com as ciências sociais, e em particular a antropologia. Mas o que o torna realmente interessante é o fato de que sua abordagem, devido ao público que atende – em sua maioria africanos das ex-colônias francesas na África – parece conseguir suspender o silenciamento da expressão do outro não-ocidental, deixando que esta/e, mesmo que oriunda/lo de um país de passado colonial, não tenha sua expressão mutilada pelas teorias ocidentais de psicoterapia, oriundas de de um projeto ontológico ocidental tecnicista que está contido nas entrelinhas de seus axiomas. É aqui onde se faz presente Walter Mignolo ao propor a gnosiologia liminar como marco epistêmico no qual a etnopsiquiatria de Nathan pode se inserir e da qual pode se complementar. Sua epsiteme nasce da reflexão que autor faz sobre como a etnia e localização da produção de conhecimento são utilizadas para reduzir a relevância da expressão do outro, como esse outro – ao ter sua expressão invalidada – é posto num estado de subalternidade, e como ocidente impõe seus padrões de produção de conhecimento e neles as disposições do poder colonial. Devido a essas reflexões do autor, a gnosiologia liminar irá convergir em três momentos com a etnopsiquiatria de Nathan: a) a crítica às sociedades de universo único, b) a problematização do Ocidente como lócus privilegiado do conhecimento e c) a crítica à subalternizarão do outro não ocidental. Dessa convergência irei propor como é fundamental para a geocultura do Brasil contemporâneo, com todas as suas variações étnicas, sócio-econômicas e culturais, pensar e fazer uma psicoterapia que esteja além dos paradigmas e jogos de poder de sua neocolonialidade. / Born from the need of – and with the objective of - proposing the interaction of two theoretical frameworks, this dissertation will establish a dialogue between Tobie Nathan’s Ethnopsychiatry and Walter Mignolos Liminary Gnosiology. Therefore, it is the systematic construction of a dialogue between the two epistemes whose theme is synthesized in the following research question: can Nathan’s ethnopsychiatry be considered a liminar gnosiology? There are corollaries to these: a) what are the characteristics of such knowledge construction and what are the resulting applications of some aspects of clinical psychology in colonial settings, such as Brazil? b) What are the common epistemic roots Mignolo and Nathan have that would enable a dialogue between the two? c) as Nathan's ethnopsychiatry diverges from Georges Devereux’s, how does solve some methodological and theoretical problems in his psychotherapeutic clinic? d) why should we be in considered an Other West? e) How has ethnopsychiatry been applied in Brazil and how could it be thought of in the present scenario of psychotherapy? I will then trail an investigative path that will present the basic questions raised by Nathan who has distanced himself from Georges Devereux’s ethnopsychiatry. Next I shall expose an archeology of episteme-power relationship that has permeated the production of discourses, institutions and clinical psychology devices. Once done, I shall present definitions and theoretical clippings about postcolonial studies - what is postcoloniality, how did this kind of studies emerge from the linguistic and complex twists. Moving on, an archeology of epistemic common origins to the work of Nathan and postcolonial studies will be presented. In a third step, I dive into the work of Mignolo and its proposed liminar gnosiology. Later on I will make a brief presentation of the origins of ethnopsychiatry giving an in depth look at the work of its main exponent, Georges Devereux. I will criticize some aspects of his epistemic matrix, psychoanalysis, seeking to show how this generates problems by sustaining the hegemony of Western knowledge, which reproduces in his epistemology features of the coloniality of power. There will be a general overview of Nathan's work, where I’ll analyze some of its fundamental concepts and discuss frequently asked questions - such as the apparent abandonment of a systematic method of producing knowledge about the other, the erroneous belief that the therapist undergoes a process of "nativization". Finally, I will highlight those concepts that I will use to dialogue with the liminar gnosiology by inserting them in this field, so the dialogue between the two main theoretical and methodological frameworks of this work will be promoted. Nathan’s three postures will be presented. With them, I can answer positively to the placement of Nathan as a thinker who works within the framework of what would be a liminar gnosiology. I will conclude by talking about what are the results and applications of this dialogue in Brazil and what are the limitations of Nathan's work.
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Samtidighetens villkor : Den kulturhierarkiska modellen i Samefolkets egen tidning 1918-1945Kihlert, Johan January 2020 (has links)
Narratives of extinction surrounding “primitive” peoples have long been a subject of historical study. There is however a gap with regards to researching the response of the so called “primitive” peoples themselves. Therefore, the purpose of this essay is to examine the way in which the Sámi magazine Samefolkets egen tidning during the years 1918-1945 navigates the model of cultural hierarchy which defines the Sámi as a primitive people heading towards extinction. Drawing upon the theories of Johannes Fabian and Walter Mignolo the study finds that the magazine appropriates the model of cultural hierarchy by asserting the Sámi people not as a people of nature but as a people of culture capable of moving upwards in the hierarchy. The model of cultural hierarchy interacts with the strategies of the magazine in several ways. It is used to re-establish the coevalness of the Sámi as well as performatively developing Sámi identity through a self-proclaimed project of enlightenment. It also counters the narratives of extinction by stressing the unique cultural contribution of the Sámi to world history as well as using racial biology to scientifically disprove the supposed weakness of the Sámi. The use of racial biology is also a way of partaking in scientific language thus demonstrating the intellectual and cultural capabilities of the Sámi. The use of the model of cultural hierarchy also results in the magazine reproducing the idea of the primitive savage as well as adapting a paternalistic stance towards the “unenlightened” Sámi. In sum, the magazine tries to establish the Sámi as equals, politically and culturally, to the Swedes. Living together in the same place and, most importantly, in the same time. / Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Forskning om historiska diskussioner kring att naturfolk är dömda till undergång har länge gjorts på förtjänstfulla sätt. Det är dock ovanligt att studera hur de så kallade naturfolken uppfattar utsagorna om sin egen undergång. Ett av de folk som åsyftades av dessa utsagor var samerna. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att undersöka hur Samefolkets egen tidning mellan 1918-1945 förhåller sig till dessa utsagor och till tanken om kulturella hierarkier överlag. Uppsatsen visar att tidningen inte väljer att utmana själva idén om kulturella hierarkier. Istället etablerar tidningen en egen tolkning av kulturell hierarki där alla världens folk har möjlighet att utvecklas och bidra till mänsklighetens kulturella utveckling. Denna övergripande förståelse används sedan för att förklara hur tidningen försöker bevisa att samer inte är ”frusna i tiden” utan att de är samtida och jämlika med svenskarna. Detta reflekteras också i att tidningen bedriver ett upplysningsarbete som ska bidra till samernas andliga fortskridande. Tidningen använder sig även av rasbiologi för att via den tidens vetenskap bevisa att samer inte är rasmässigt svaga. Detta tolkas också som ett sätt att använda ett vetenskapligt och legitimt språk vilket är tänkt att ge tidningens argument ökad tyngd för svenska öron. Allt detta innebär även att själva föreställningarna om primitiva och vilda naturfolk inte utmanas, dessa reproduceras av tidningen. Likaså vissa paternalistiska inställningar mot ”oupplysta samer”. Uppsatsen belyser således hur tidningen försöker etablera samerna som kulturellt och politiska jämlika svenskarna, som levandes på samma plats och i samma tid.
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The Politics of Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary Spanish American Literature: Elena Poniatowska, Mario Vargas Llosa, and Jorge Volpi Within a Disputed TraditionBilodeau, Annik January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation asserts that the tortuous relationship Spanish American literature had with cosmopolitanism since the Wars of Independence reached a turning point towards the end of the second half of the twentieth century. While the literary production of the nineteenth and most of the twentieth century was centred on the Spanish American nation and the continent, contemporary literature has become increasingly deterritorialized, and has begun to present narrative worlds and discuss issues that transcend this circumscribed universe. The discerning of this articulation of global issues in contemporary literature – which I contend is predicated on the concept of cosmopolitanism – is the primary objective of this investigation.
The five novels examined here are Elena Poniatowska’s La “Flor de Lis” (1988), Mario Vargas Llosa’s El Paraíso en la otra esquina (2003) and El sueño del celta (2010), and Jorge Volpi’s El fin de la locura (2003) and No será la Tierra (2006). This study aims to describe and assess an evolving perspective on the treatment of cosmopolitanism in Spanish America. I trace the shift from the previous generations’ main preoccupation with aesthetic cosmopolitanism, which sought to engage Latin American literary discourse with the Western canon, to what I identify as the current political implication of the concept. To this end, I show that whereas mid-twentieth century authors displaced cosmopolitanism in favour of more politically expedient concepts, authors now plot it in their novels as a means of discussing issues of identity and citizenship in an increasingly globalized world.
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Una cronologia alimentaria: La coevolución e interdependencia de la comida, la cultura y la historia en el mundo hispánicoFrank, Nicholas I. 17 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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