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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Microbial Ingrowth Around Single- and Multi-Component Adhesives Studied in vitro

Preußker, Susann, Klimm, Wolfgang, Pöschmann, Maria, Koch, Rainer January 2003 (has links)
The aim of this study was to compare the in vitro microbial leakage in 4 micro-hybrid composites in combination with 4 single-component dental adhesives (Scotchbond 1/Z100 MP = group 1; Syntac Single-Component/Tetric Flow = group 3; OptiBond Solo/XRV Herculite = group 5; Solobond M/Arabesk Top = group 7) and 4 multi-component dental adhesives (Scotchbond Multi-Purpose/Z100 MP = group 2; Syntac/Tetric Flow = group 4; OptiBond FL/XRV Herculite = group 6; Solobond Plus/Arabesk Top = group 8). Ninety-four mixed standardized Class V cavities of human caries-free extracted premolars were filled with eight different composite adhesive systems using a one-layer (groups 1–4) or a two-layer technique (groups 5–8). After thermocycling and incubation in a broth culture of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus acidophilus, followed by decalcification and staining, the extent and the type of microbial leakage were measured histologically. The extent of microbial leakage in the composite restorations was very low in all groups and there were no significant differences between adhesives. Z100 MP in combination with single- and multi-component adhesives showed a significantly higher microbial leakage than Tetric Flow systems (U test: p = 0.037). XRV Herculite adhesive systems showed significantly less extensive microbial leakage than Arabesk Top adhesive systems (U test: p < 0.001). The single-component dental adhesives achieved a marginal adaptation of composites comparable to that of multi-component adhesives in vitro. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Soil respiration, microbial respiration and mineralisation in soils of montane rainforests of Southern Ecuador: influence of altitude

Iost, Susanne 07 December 2007 (has links)
Impacts of land use and climate change in tropical forests on the global carbon budget are of principal interest in the recent research, as these forests amount to about 48 % of the world’s forested area. Interest has been focused on lowland tropical forests mainly, but tropical montane forests occupy about 20 % of all tropical forests. Soils of tropical montane forests are frequently waterlogged and characterised by high soil organic carbon stocks. Furthermore, along altitudinal gradients, changes in stand structure and net primary production can be observed that have not been fully explained yet. As causes reduced microbial activity and nitrogen turnover in soils of tropical montane forests have been suggested. Against the background of climate change, carbon turnover mechanisms in soils of these forests are of special interest. The present study therefore aimed at determining and quantifying relevant carbon and nitrogen pools as well as nitrogen mineralisation potentials. Furthermore, size, activity, and structure of microbial biomass were characterised. The collected data was supposed to provide basic knowledge on carbon and nitrogen cycling in tropical montane forest soils. Thus, evaluation of the susceptibility of their carbon stocks for climate change as well as nitrogen and carbon limitation of microbial organic matter decomposition was possible. Field work of this study was conducted during 2003–2005 at an altitudinal transect that in- cluded five study sites between 1 050 and 3 060 m amsl. Total soil respiration was recorded biweekly over two years, the contribution of roots to total soil CO2 efflux over one year. Soils of the study sites were sampled twice and biochemical and microbial parameters were determined.

Development of monitoring program for water safety in small-scale water treatment plants in rural areas of Ecuador

Sigrell, Tone January 2018 (has links)
Globally a major health concern according to the World health organization (WHO, 2011) is gastro-intestinal infections caused by fecally contaminated water. The access to drinking water has increased due to international efforts, however the long-term sustainability and safety of the water accessed have gained criticism, and many water sources have proven to be both contaminated (UN, 2016) and badly managed (WHO, 2016a).  This thesis aims to design a monitoring program for small-scale water treatment in order to make the water supply sustainable in terms of providing safe water in a long-term perspective. A case-study was conducted for three treatment systems under constructed in rural Ecuador. The monitoring program design was based on a literature review and conducting a quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA). QMRA is a tool for estimating microbial risks, by using quantitative data on microbial contamination and estimating health risks. Data for the QMRA was gathered from literature and in field, and the reference pathogens used in the QMRA were E.coli O157:H7, Rotavirus and Giardia. In order to estimate infection risk from drinking water consumption for the community a QMRA-model called MRA, developed by Abrahamsson et al. (2009) was used.  Observations of the catchment areas and measurement of water quality regarding aspects other than microbial contamination indicated that the main risk was microbial contamination from fecal contaminations in the catchment area. The results from the QMRA indicated that the treatment using chlorination reduces E.coli O157:H7 under the acceptable risk level of 1/1000 infections per person and year, while the systems using biosand filters (BSF) are more effective in reducing rotavirus and Giardia. If the BSF are combined with chlorination the annual probability of infection caused by consumption of the treated water per year and person was 0.42/1000 for E.coli O157:H7, 570/1000 for Rotavirus and 25/1000 for Giardia.  The resulting monitoring program was divided into two parts: one part aimed to prevent contamination and one part designed to measure pH, temperature, conductivity, turbidity on a weekly basis and microbial indicator tests using a presence/absence method monthly. Additional testing is to be done in case of events of such character that the water quality could be effected, for example an extreme weather event.  It was concluded that the designed monitoring program could help improve the water quality in a long-term perspective, but it is dependent on the possibilities to get the necessary support, especially in the implementation phase. Recommended further studies includes collection of more site-specific data to make the QMRA results more representative, and evaluation of the monitoring program design by implementing it and optimizing it in the communities. / Runt om i världen skapar en otillräcklig tillgång på rent vatten och sanitet mycket lidande. Enlig världshälsoorganisationen WHO (2011) är ett av de ledande världshälsoproblem mag- och tarminfektioner som orsakats av vattenburna fekala patogener. Trots att antalet människor med tillgång till en dricksvattenkälla har ökat till följd av internationella ansträngningar, är hållbarheten och säkerheten för vattenkvalitén problematisk. Många dricksvattenkällor har visat sig vara både förorenade (UN, 2016) och undermåligt skötta (WHO, 2016a). Målet med denna studie är att ta fram ett vattenkvalitetsövervakningsprogram för tre småskaliga vattenreningsverk, för att dessa ska producera säkert vatten i ett långsiktigt perspektiv.  En fallstudie utfördes i byar på landsbygden i Ecuador där systemen planerats. Metoden för att ta fram ett kvalitetsövervakningsprogram var litteraturstudie och mikrobiell riskanalys. Den mikrobiella riskanalysen genomfördes med en metod som kallas Kvantitativ Mikrobiell Risk Analys (QMRA). I QMRA kan hälsorisker från mikrobiell kontamination estimeras med kvantitativdata på mikrobiell förorening. Data för att genomföra QMRA samlades från litteraturen och fältbesök. För att estimera hälsorisker i byarna i fallstudien användes en QMRA-modell som heter MRA framtaget av Abrahamsson et.al. (2009).  Observationer i fält och data på ingående vatten tydde på att de största riskerna för vattenkvalitén var fekal kontamination från djur och människor. Resultaten från QMRA:n visade att reningsverket med klorering reducerade E.coli O157:H7 till en nivå under den accepterade risknivå, satt till 1/1000 infekterade per år och person. Reningsverken med biosandfilter (BSF) var mer effektiva i reduktionen av rotavirus och Giardia. Då klor kombinerades med BSF i modellen blev den årliga infektionsnivån per person 570/1000 för Rotavirus och 25/1000 för Giardia.  Vattenkvalitetsövervakningsprogrammet delades in två delar: en kontaminationsförebyggande och en för att mäta pH, temperatur, konduktivitet och turbiditet veckovis, samt mikrobiella indikatortest med en metod som noterar förekomst av bakteriekolonier (presence/absence metod) månadsvis. Extra tester ska även göras vid sådan händelse som kan komma att påverka vattenkvalitén avsevärt, exempelvis en kraftig storm.  Slutsatsen är att det framtagna vattenkvalitetsövervakningsprogrammet kan göra att vatten-källan blir mer säker och hållbar i ett långsiktigt perspektiv, men att framgången är beroende av att rätt hjälp finns tillhanda speciellt i implementeringsfasen. Fortsatta studier behövs för att göra resultaten från QMRA:n mer representativa, exempelvis genom att samla mer områdesspecifikdata. Vidare skulle det vara intressant att implementera kvalitetsövervakningsprogrammet för att utvärdera och optimera det.

Hydraulic Modeling and Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment of Intrusionin Water Distribution Networks Under Sustained Low-Pressure Situations / Hydraulisk modellering och kvantitativ mikrobiell riskbedömning av inläckage i vattendistributionsnät under ihållande lågtryckssituationer

Shakibi, Maryam January 2022 (has links)
Drinking water systems aim to remove, reduce, and prevent microbial contamination in water by usingmultiple barriers from catchments to consumers. Water distribution networks are vulnerable tocontamination from external sources if they lose their physical or hydraulic integrity. The leading causeof intrusion is losing hydraulic integrity due to low pressure in the water distribution networks. Eventsthat lead to low pressure in the water distribution networks can result in transient or sustained lowpressure lasting from milliseconds in a transient to hours and days in sustained low-pressure events.This study studied two sustained low-pressure events with durations of one to five hours, leading tointrusion in the water distribution network. The first event was the pump shut down, and the secondwas the pipe repair. Different durations, start times, and locations were simulated for the pumpshutdown and pipe repair events. Hydraulic and water quality modelling using EPANET 2.2 was usedto simulate low-pressure events and intrusion of microbial contamination in the drinking waterdistribution networks. Quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) was used to estimate potentialpublic health risks using the Swedish QMRA tool. Campylobacter, Norovirus, and Cryptosporidiumwere selected as reference pathogens for simulating intrusion transport within the drinking waternetwork based on their health problem severity, persistence in water supplies, and resistance to chlorinecompound disinfectants. The study area was taken from the virtual network files generated usingHydroGen. This study showed that the volume of intrusion depended on the magnitude but mainly onthe duration of pressure drop. Also, the length of the pipes experiencing pressure drop and the numberof intrusion nodes affected the volume of intrusion. The location and magnitude of maximum nodalpathogen concentration changed significantly by changing the pump shutdown's start time and locationof pipe repair. Generally, the pump shutdown event affected extended areas with low pressure in thewater distribution network than the pipe repair. The QMRA results showed a considerable infection riskin all studied pump shutdown scenarios. The pipe repair duration was crucial in increasing or decreasingthe infection probability. The findings of hydraulic modelling and QMRA could benefit the watermanagers in deciding mitigation strategies.

Analys av lokala otätheters påverkan i ytterväggskonstruktioner : Analys och riskbedömning med programmen WUFI and WUFI-Bio / Analysis of local leakages' effect in exterior wall constructions : Analysis and assessment with the programs WUFI and WUFI-Bio

Kalef, Raoua, Khalil, Nour January 2013 (has links)
Många byggnader är idag fuktskadade. Fuktskador uppstår på så väl nya som gamla byggnader. Idag provtrycker man hus för att få ett värde på dess täthet, men många hus som klarar täthetskraven drabbas ändå av fuktskador. Detta beror på att otätheterna är lokala på en eller flera delar av klimatskalet bortsett från otätheter vid anslutningar.   En studie har gjorts på två väggtyper; en standardvägg och en passivhusvägg. Denna undersökning har begränsats till väggar för småhus. Undersökningen syftar till att ta fram vart gränserna går innan mögeltillväxt påvisas för olika håldiametrar i plastfolien. Jämförelse gjordes för dessa väggkonstruktioner i städerna Kiruna, Stockholm och Lund. Simulering av konstruktionerna i de olika städerna gjordes i programmet WUFI Pro 5,0 med en 5-årsperiod där resultaten sedan analyserats i WUFI-Bio 3,1 RC för riskbedömning av mikrobiell tillväxt. Resultat åskådliggör att konstruktioner med tjockare isolering belägna längre upp i landet lättare kan råka ut för skador orsakade av fukt. / Many buildings today are moisture damaged. Moisture damage occurs to new as well as old buildings. Nowadays we test the dense of the building with measurement of the air flow under pressure, but still many of these building structures that meet the dense requirements are still affected by dampness. This is because the leaking points are situated at one or other parts of the building shell other than at the connections.A study has been made on two wall types: a standard wall and a passive house wall. This investigation has been confined to walls of houses. The study aims to develop each boundaries before mold growth demonstrated for different hole diameters in plastic foil. Comparison was made for these wall structures in the cities Kiruna, Stockholm and Lund.The comparison of the wall structures in the different towns was done with a simulation program WUFI Pro 5.0 for a 5-year period. Results were then analyzed in WUFI Bio 3.1 RC, program for risk assessment of microbial growth.Results illustrate that structures with thicker insulation located further up in the country can more easily encounter damage caused by moisture.

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