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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Låglutande tak i fjällmiljö : Branschverksammas perspektiv på konstruktionens problem och lösningar

Olosson, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Låglutande tak har alltid varit utpekade som en riskfylld konstruktion med många följande problem. Speciellt utpekade nationellt är de i nordligare breddgrader och fjällmiljöer. Konstruktionen är väldigt hårt ansatt av väder och vind och många byggnader får vattenskador till följd av läckage. Trots alla rapporterade problem med det låglutande taket i fjällmiljö så fortsätter dessa att byggas kontinuerligt. Studien har som syfte att analysera branschverksammas perspektiv på konstruktionstypen, dess problem och hur de arbetar för att skapa så goda förutsättningar som möjligt. En kvalitativ metod användes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer som sedan sammanställdes och kodades. Intervjuerna var riktade mot yrkesverksamma inom den utförande parten av takets konstruktion. Resultatet kunde identifiera problemfaktorer till olika delar inom takets livscykel. Tidigt som utformningsfel eller utförande fel och i ett senare skede som underhållsfel. Skador uppkomna i tätskiktet är vad som utpekas där läckage är följden. Dock har studien inte kunnat påvisa under vilken fas av takets livscykel som bidrar mest till uppkomna problem. Under samtliga kategorier har tidsbrist och kompetensbrist styrkts som de mest bidragande faktorerna till skadeproblematiken. / Low pitching roof systems has always been seen as a construction method full of risk. The design of the roof makes it vulnerable for winds and snow and could therefore be considered not suited for mountainous environments. Many of these roofs end up with water damages as a result from leakage trough the outermost layer of the roof. Despite all known problem factors with this type of construction they are continuously being built. The purpose of this study has been to analyze the perspectives from professionals in the Swedish building sector. How the experienced field think of the problems regarding the construction method and how they work around them. A qualitative method has been used to answer the studies purpose by using semi-structured interviews that were compiled and coded. In the results of these interviews, it was found that the problems could be coded in three categories throughout the roofs life cycle. Early in the life cycle as design flaws and poorly executed assembly and later with faulty maintenance. In all these categories lack of time and competent personnel is seen as leading causes to the problems. / <p>2023-06-23</p>

Patent inom produktframtagning : En utredning om fördelar, motiv och nackdelar med patent / Patent in Product Development : An Analysis about Advantages, Motives and Disadvantages with Patents

Sverin, Louise January 2020 (has links)
Samhället utvecklas snabbt med avseende på teknik där patent utgör en viktig del. Att söka patent på en uppfinning eller inte, är ett strategiskt beslut. Det krävs ett omfattande analysarbete för att uppnå ett effektivt patent och för att undvika misstag. Idag är kunskapen om patent bland innovatörer inte tillräckligt hög och en högskoleutbildning för patentingenjörer saknas. I denna rapport undersöks produktframtagning med avseende på patent. Arbetet utgör en analys och jämförelse mellan litteratur och praktik där intervjustudie med intervjuguide och kodning tillämpats. Deltagare i studien har varit stora företag med omfattande och lång erfarenhet inom patent. De motiv och fördelar med att söka patent som framkom är följande: ● Uppnå ensamrätt till försäljning och tillverkning ● Förhindra kopiering och imitation ● Alstra kompetensutbyte med konkurrenter ● Öka inkomster genom monopol på marknaden samt licensiering eller försäljning av patentportföljer ● Möjliggöra samarbeten ● Uppmuntra intern utveckling genom målsättningar kring antal patent per år ● Uppnå förbättrad image och möjlighet att attrahera kompetent personal Till skillnad från dessa fördelar finns även två genomgående nackdelar: enkelhet att kringgå patent, liksom förändringar i vår omvärld, vilka kan vara svårt att förutse vid ansökningsdatumet och kan därmed påverka framtida inkomster. Ytterligare nackdelar finns och kan sammanfattas under rubriken kostnader. Dessa gäller både stora och små företag, men de mindre påverkas mer procentuellt sett och misstag kan resultera i mer allvarliga ekonomiska konsekvenser. Slutligen belyser rapporten ett antal aspekter som bör beaktas innan man ansöker om patent för att uppnå en hög effektivitet hos patentet som verktyg inom produktframtagning. / Society is developing rapidly in terms of technology, where patents are an important part. Applying for a patent on an invention or not, is a strategic decision. Extensive analytical work is required to achieve an effective patent and to avoid mistakes. Today knowledge about patents among innovators is not high enough and a university degree for patent engineers is lacking. This report examines product development regarding patents. The work is an analysis and comparison between literature and practice, where an interview study with an interview guide and coding has been applied. Participants in the study are large companies that have deep and long experience in patents. A number of motives and benefits of applying for a patent are to: ● Achieve exclusive sales and manufacturing rights ● Prevent copying and imitation ● Generate skills exchange with competitors ● Increase income through monopoly on the market as well as licensing or selling patent portfolios ● Enable collaborations ● Encourage internal development through targets for the number of patent applications per year ● Achieve an increased image and the opportunity to attract competent staff In contrast to these advantages, there are also two general disadvantages: simplicity in circumventing patents, as well as changes in our environment, which can be difficult to predict on the application date and can thus affect future income. Additional disadvantages exist and they can be gathered under the headline costs. These apply to both large and small companies, but for the smaller companies high costs have a greater impact and mistakes can lead to more severe financial consequences.

Error Management in Self- Managing Organizations : A Qualitative Multi-Case Study

Öberg, Joanna, Macao, Nicola January 2024 (has links)
Effective error management (ERM) influences firm performance, making ERM an important part of organizational life. Previous research highlights conditions argued to be prerequisites for an effective ERM, but fails to provide practical suggestions on how to achieve these conditions. The way in which errors are managed can make or break an organization. The traditional organization is being challenged by innovative organizational models such as the self-managing organization (SMO) design, we thus need to understand ERM from a collective leadership perspective. Through a qualitative multi-case study we explore what practices SMOs can use to create an effective ERM culture. We identify numerous practices that challenge and facilitate the conditions needed for an effective ERM. Furthermore, our study expands on ERM theory by suggesting two new conditions influencing the ERM culture: the valuation of openness influencing detection, without psychological safety as a mediating condition, and an organization’s pricing model determining the possibility of learning from errors. We conclude that the self-managing structure, per say, affects ERM. While an incomplete development of self-management may inhibit ERM, due to power imbalances, a high-functioning SMO facilitates learning from errors and the creation of an effective ERM culture.

Vyresnio amžiaus pacientų vaistų vartojimo valdymas / Management of drug use in older patients

Antanavičienė, Jolanta 21 June 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti vyresnio amžiaus pacientų vaistų vartojimo valdymą. Uždaviniai: išanalizuoti vaistų vartojimo ypatumus vyresniame amžiuje; nustatyti gaunamos informacijos, susijusios su saugiu vaistų vartojimu, įtaką pagyvenusiems pacientams; įvertinti pagalbinių technologijų reikšmę vyresnių pacientų vaistų vartojimo valdymui. Tyrimo metodika. Tiriamųjų apklausa, dokumentacijos analizė, statistinė analizė. Anketavimo bei struktūrizuoto interviu metu buvo naudojamas klausimynai, skirti pacientams bei slaugytojoms, sudaryti pačios tyrėjos, remiantis literatūra. Tiriamųjų grupę sudarė 178 respondentai, besigydantys VšĮ II Kauno klinikinės ligoninės vidaus ligų skyriuje nuo 2009 metų rugsėjo mėn. iki 2010 vasario mėn. bei 14 bendrosios praktikos slaugytojų, dirbančių tame pačiame skyriuje. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant statistinės analizės programą "SPSS for Windows 15.0". Rezultatai statistiškai reikšmingi, jei paklaidos tikimybės reikšmė p<0,05. Kokybinių požymių pasiskirstymas buvo skaičiuojamas absoliučiu skaičiumi bei procentais, kiekybiniams požymiams skaičiuotas vidurkis ir standartinis nuokrypis, standartinė vidurkio paklaida. Ryšiai tarp požymių buvo vertinami chi kvadrato (χ²) kriterijumi bei laisvės laipsnių skaičiumi (lls). Rezultatai. Lietuvoje kaip ir visame pasaulyje vis didėja vyresnio amžiaus žmonių skaičius. Tai sąlygoja didesnį sergamumą ir su juo susijusį saugų vaistų vartojimą. Dažniausios problemos yra: širdies ir kraujagyslių ligos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To evaluate the managament of older patients medicines consumption. Objectives. To assess the pecularities of drug use by older patients; to identify the influence of available information of safe medicines consumption on senior patients behaviour; to evaluate the importance of supporting technologies to the management of senior patients medicines consumption. Research methods. Questionnaires for patients and nurses were created by researcher using literature. The study groups consisted of 178 respondents, which were hospitalized in 2nd Kaunas Clinical Hospital Internal Medicine Department since September, 2009, till February , 2010, and 14 general practice nurses, which are working in this department. Statistical data analyse was performed by using statistical analyse programme “SPSS for Windows 15.0“. The distribution of qualitative indicators was calculated in absolute number and percentage. For quantitative indicators an average and standard deviation were calculated. Relations between features were valued by chi square criterion ((χ²). Results. The most frequent conditions of older patients were cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases. Patients for a variety of problems could not use medicines on their own. Side effects of medications were frequent. From side effects more common were: dizziness (33,7 %), palpitations (30,3 %), general weakness (29,2 %), constipation (26,4 %). Aged patients used frequently over-the-counter medications, they... [to full text]

Soustavy lineárních rovnic na základní škole - obtíže žáků a pohled učitelů / Systems of linear equations at the primary school - pupils' problems and teachers' views

Kliner, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The goal of the diploma thesis was to describe critical moments for solving systems of linear equations at the primary school. First, various methods of solving systems of two linear equations with two unknowns are summarized, the history of systems of linear equations is briefly outlined and the theme is described from the point of view of curricular documents. Based on the review of literature, the critical moments and types of mistake made by pupils are described. My own research used the mixed research strategy, where the main strategy was qualitative and the secondary strategy was quantitative. The research consisted of semi-structured interviews with four mathematics teachers, the preparation and realization of a questionnaire for primary school pupils and the creation, realization and analysis of a didactic test. The main results of the thesis consists of the description of the most frequent pupils' problems when solving systems of linear equations, the didactic analysis of textbooks and teachers' views of the topic and its teaching. Keywords: linear equations and their systems, pupils' problems, mistakes, semi-structured interviews, didactic test Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Žaloba na obnovu řízení a žaloba pro zmatečnost. / Action for a new trial and action for a mistrial

Ročňáková, Marcela January 2013 (has links)
The subject of my thesis is the Action for a new trial and action for a mistrial. The purpose of this thesis is to characterize these actions from point of view of their exceptionality as the extraordinary remedies, to compare their common and different features and to suggest the possible future legislation. The thesis is composed of seven chapters. The aim of the firts and the second chapter is to briefly characterize the redress procedures, the individual repair systems and the remedies from the general point of view, from which these two actions are patterned. The following chapter briefly describes the extraordinary remedies from the point of view of their characteristic signs and their representation in the present legislation. I am also mentioning the two important amendment of civil procedure, which are responsible of creation the system of remedies as we know it in present form in this chapter. The fourth chapter is divided into nine subchapters and dealing with the analyses of the action for a new trial. The purpose of each subchapter is not only to commonly charecterize the action for a new trial, but also to explain under what circumstances is the action for a new trial unallowable, which subjects are justified to sue, which requisites the action for a new trial has to include, and...

Um estudo exploratório para a inserção da astronomia na formação de professores dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental /

Langhi, Rodolfo. January 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Roberto Nardi / Banca: Marcos César Danhoni Neves / Banca: Maria Inez Mateus Dota / Resumo: A pesquisa identifica alguns padrões relativos às perspectivas dos professores dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental em relação ao ensino da astronomia e analisa suas reflexões sobre uma possível inserção deste tema na formação inicial e continuada de docentes. A preocupação com o tema é justificada em função do caráter interdisciplinar da astronomia, uma vez que esta interage facilmente com praticamente todas as disciplinas, possuindo grande potencial educativo, além de se constatar empiricamente uma grande difusão de concepções de senso comum referentes aos fenômenos astronômicos. O estudo, de natureza qualitativa, é norteado por uma revisão crítica da literatura na área e a análise dos discursos de uma amostra de docentes dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. As enunciações desses docentes sobre temas astronômicos e suas inquietações em relação ao ensino da astronomia são interpretadas segundo os princípios e procedimentos da análise do discurso em sua linha francesa, conforme divulgado no Brasil por Orlandi (1999). Os resultados apontam para a existência de falhas na formação dos docentes em conteúdos de astronomia e, por outro lado, indicam algumas sugestões metodológicas para a prática de ensino sobre o tema. Assumindo a posição de que os conteúdos são preponderantes no desenvolvimento de competências nos estudantes e embasadas em resultados de pesquisas em educação em ciências e nas sugestões metodológicas decorrentes dos discursos dos sujeitos entrevistados, as conclusões desse estudo fornecem subísios para a elaboração de um programa de educação continuada e/ou inicial, visando uma mudança de postura na prática pedagógica dos docentes / Abstract: The research identifies some relative patterns to the teachers' perspectives of the initial years of the fundamental teaching in relation to the teaching of the astronomy and it analyzes their reflections about a possible insert of this theme in the initial and continuous formation of professors. The concern with the theme is justified in function of the character interdisciplinary of the astronomy, once this interacts easily with practically all the disciplines, possessing great educational potential, besides verifying a great diffusion of conceptions of common sense referring empirically to the astronomical phenomena. The study, of qualitative nature, it is orientated by a critical revision of the literature in the area and the analysis of the discourses of a teacher' sample of the initial years of the fundamental teaching. Those teachers' enunciations about astronomical themes and your inquietudes in relation to the teaching of astronomy are interpreted according to the beginnings and procedures of the discourse's analysis in your french line, as published in Brazil by Orlandi (1999). The results appear for the existence of flaws in the teachers' formation in contents of astronomy and, on the other hand, they indicate some methodological suggestins for the teaching practice on the theme. Assuming the position that the contents are preponderant in the development of competences in the students and based in results of researches in science education and in the current methodoological suggestins of the subjects interviewees' discourses, the conclusions of that study supply subsidies for the elaboration of a program of education continued and/or initial, seeking a posture change in pedagogic practice of the teachers / Mestre

Problematika střídání kmenových souhlásek ve finštině jako druhém jazyce / Problems of consonant gradation in Finnish as a second language

Kahounová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Author's name: Petra Kahounová School: Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Arts Institute of Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies Náměstí Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Praha 1 Program: Finnish language Title: Problems of consonant gradation in Finnish as a second language Consultant: Mgr. Lenka Fárová, Ph.D. Number of pages: 65 + 11 pages of attachments Number of attachments: 5 Year: 2012 Keywords: gradation of consonants in Finnish, corpus, analysis of mistakes, direct gradation, reverse gradation, student's language The aim of this thesis is to explore and describe mistakes made in the consonant gradation in interlanguage by students of Finnish language. Finnish has a complicated system of inflection in comparison with indoeuropean languages, so it is necessary to know the rules to create the right form of the word. The mistakes were found in czech and polish students' texts and I tried to identify in which types of gradation they are most frequent. Particular mistakes were sorted into groups according to types of consonant clusters. I compared what mistakes czech and polish students make, which mistakes are the most frequent and if there are some any similarities between these two nations. I focused on explanation of wrong word forms.

Etudes longitudinales du lien entre performances rédactionnelles et performances orthographiques dans les productions écrites d'élèves du CE2 à la 6ème. / Longitudinal studies of the link between writing performance and spelling performance in written production by pupils from third year primary to first year secondary school

Slusarczyk, Bernard 14 January 2011 (has links)
La thèse concerne l'étude de la relation entre les performances rédactionnelles et orthographiques dans le cas spécifique de la rédaction effectuée, en classe, par des élèves, au cours de leur scolarité du CE2 jusqu'à la 6ème de collège. Notre but est de vérifier si, dès le CE2, la relation entre les performances orthographiques et rédactionnelles est identique en langue française à celle évoquée dans la littérature anglo-saxonne pour la langue anglaise (McCutchen, 1995 ; Berninger, 1999 ; Fayol, 1999 ; Graham, 1999). Les modèles théoriques mobilisés sont ceux de la psycholinguistique développementale (modèles structuraux et fonctionnels de la rédaction), de la psychologie cognitive (théorie capacitaire) et de la linguistique (plurisystème graphique de l'orthographe française). La partie empirique est composée de deux études longitudinales. La première compare les productions écrites, à 3 ans d'écarts, de 79 élèves scolarisés en CE2 en 2001 puis en 6ème en 2004 ; la seconde étudie l'évolution des productions écrites de 173 élèves répartis sur 18 classes durant deux années scolaires, du début CE2 en 2006 à la fin du CM1 en 2008. Les résultats, reposant sur l'utilisation de méthodes d'analyse de corrélation, de régression, de modèles de croissance et de modèles multiniveaux montrent qu'au CE2, contrairement aux résultats concernant la langue anglaise, la performance rédactionnelle (qualité de texte) n'a pas de lien avec la quantité de texte et les performances orthographiques n'ont de lien avéré ni avec la quantité ni avec la qualité des récits produits. Ce lien se tisse seulement au cours de l'année de CE2. La partie prospective de notre étude montre que les pratiques d'enseignement du français dans les classes de CE2 entrent comme l'une des explications de la nature du lien entre performances lexicales et rédactionnelles (quantité de texte). / The thesis concerns the study of the relationship between writing performance and spelling performance in the specific case of writing done in class by pupils from their third year in primary school to their first year in secondary school. Our aim was to determine whether, by the third year of primary school, the spelling and writing performance was the same in French as that reported for English in the English-language literature (McCutchen, 1995; Berninger, 1999; Fayol, 1999; Graham, 1999). The theoretical models used were those of developmental psycholinguistics (structural and functional models of writing), cognitive psychology (capacity theory) and linguistics (graphical plurisystem of French spelling). The empirical part comprises two longitudinal studies. The first compares written production collected at a three-year interval from 79 pupils first in their third year of primary school in 2001 and then in their first year of secondary school in 2004. The second studies the evolution of written production from 173 pupils in 18 classes during two school years, from the start of their third year in primary school in 2006 to the end of their fourth year in primary school in 2008. The results, based on the use of correlation and regression analysis methods and on growth and multilevel models, show that at the third year of primary school, unlike reported English language results, writing performance (text quality) was not linked to text quantity, and spelling performance was not demonstrably linked to either the quality or the quantity of the writing produced. This link forms only during the course of the third year of primary school. The prospective part of our study shows that how French is taught in the third year of primary school helps to explain the nature of the link between lexical performance and writing performance (text quantity).

Zkoumání kompoziční struktury ve vybraných žákovských pracích / The style composition - The research of the structure of composition in the selected works of pupils

JECH, František January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the structure of the composition which we can find in stylistic expression of pupils of the basic school. The fact that the attempts of pupils are in the initial stage is taken into the account. We will talk about the history of stylistic lessons, its goals and requirements. There will be mentioned stylistic forms which are typical for the basic school. We will find how teachers can prepare and correct the stylistic expressions of pupils, about typical mistakes in the expressions of pupils and how teachers can prevent them. We will briefly look at the history of naratology and we will mention a few aspects which are connected with the narrative analysis. A few selected expressions will be analyzed in the practical part.

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