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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Importance of mobile advertising in agency media plans

Porter, Samuel Craig 13 July 2011 (has links)
The explosive adoption rate of cell phones over the past few years has increased the desire for advertising agencies to explore mobile as an advertising channel. Over 90% of Americans own a cell phone, which opens a new channel for advertising agencies to reach consumers. The traditional advertising channels include print, television, radio, and most recently, the Internet. This professional report explores the importance and utilization of mobile as an advertising channel in advertising agencies media plans for their clients. / text

An industry in transformation : a master's report on news media economics

Robertson, Benjamin Nicholas 27 July 2011 (has links)
The focus of this report was the modern news media and how the industry has tried to adapt in a world where most news can be gathered with a few keystrokes for free. The report is segmented into four parts and investigates both how and what kind of news is consumed. The first part of the report focuses on the different types of news aggregators and how they affect the revenue of news sites. Pay-walls are also discussed, using The New York Times’ recent decision to charge for access to their web site as a starting point. Evidence shows that besides one glaring exception (The Wall Street Journal, which is examined as an aside) the attempts to charge customers for content that was once free have largely been fruitless. The second part investigates mobile-based applications (also known as “apps”) and their economic strengths and weaknesses; topics ranging from companies’ initial successes to the ease of piracy are examined. The third part examines the meteoric, although at times numerically misleading, rise of Twitter and its potential use as a news gathering and consuming source as well as its massive potential revenue streams. The fourth part examines what types of news are currently the most consumed, and dissects the profitability (and the attributes that lead to their popularity) of four genres: lifestyle, entertainment, business, and sports. The piece also looks at the potential of community-based, hyper-localized journalism, a venture that many claim profitable yet has failed to produce concrete results. Graphs are used as supplementary material for parts one and three. Taken as a whole, the report concludes that while there may be no sure-fire winner in the news media industry, the industry has finally shaken off the complacency that lead to hundreds of thousands of journalism jobs being lost and finally started to evolve. / text

Early Childhood iPad Use and Effects on Visual Spatial Attention Span

Espiritu, Maya 01 January 2016 (has links)
Despite the rising prevalence of mobile media in young children’s lives, little research exists that examines the effects of mobile media use on early childhood cognitive development. This study will explore how mobile media use, specifically iPad use, in early childhood affects development of visual spatial attention span. Researchers will recruit 160 participants, ages 3 to 6, and categorize them into three groups: TV viewers only, interactive iPad users, and passive iPad users. Children will complete a computer task to measure the length of their visual spatial attention span. Parents will report on the average daily amount of media use, their child’s top three most viewed or used programs and apps, and the pervasiveness of media use, as well as complete a demographics survey. Research assistants will rate the level of exogenous stimuli children are exposed to in their top three programs and apps. Researchers predict that iPad use will be associated with shorter visual spatial attention spans in comparison to TV viewing, due to longer amounts of use, higher levels of exogenous stimuli, and higher levels of pervasiveness. In addition, researchers hypothesize that interactive iPad use will correlate with the shortest visual spatial attention spans due to highest levels of exogenous stimuli and longest amounts of use. The results will help parents and educators to more effectively monitor young children’s mobile media usage.

Is This Social TV 3.0? On Funk and Social Media Policy in German Public Post-television Content Productio

Stollfuß, Sven 04 April 2023 (has links)
This article investigates how social media affects German public television. Due to recent dynamics in the field of social TV, notions of social TV as basically “tweeting while watching TV,” or as an “additional function” of television, need to be revised. As an addition to existing ideas of “Social TV 1.0” and “Social TV 2.0” and other characterizations, I refer here to “Social TV 3.0.” Current social TV features need to be characterized in the light of a “network of content” that combines the “media logic of television” and the “logic of social media” by means of their dynamic, flexible, and horizontal integration into the “matrix-media strategy” of TV executives impelled by a social media policy. By taking the content network funk (“a consortium of public broadcasters” [ARD] and “Second German Television” [ZDF]) as a prime example of social TV 3.0 in Germany, I analyze the merging of television and social media.

行動簡訊服務關係之探討 / A study on the mobile news service relationship among system operators, content providers, and the user.

黃雅慧, Huang, Yi-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
隨著大環境的變異,傳統語音話費已不再是電信業者的主要收益來源。各家電信系統營運商為了提高用戶營收貢獻度 (ARPU),積極開拓其他服務。行動簡訊是其中重要的一項服務,因為操作方便、費用低廉,一般使用者容易進入。系統營運商進而透過行動簡訊結合各種加值服務,讓用戶在習慣使用簡訊服務之中,延長使用手機時間,增加每位用戶的營收貢獻度。 行動媒介首要目的在提供使用者快速尋獲與情境相關之資訊,並透過行動載具隨時隨地進行通訊、溝通與社會互動。本研究欲瞭解行動簡訊在行動系統服務的提供者(OP)、內容服務的提供者(CP)與一般使用者的三方互動方式。即在行動簡訊服務的推動過程中,三方各自角色為何,服務有待改善之處,以及如何改進及延續服務。 本研究方法採用深度訪談、焦點團體與資料分析三個取徑。透過系統營運商、內容提供者、一般使用者進行三方研究調查。首先深訪系統營運商以瞭解其規劃簡訊服務之背景;其次焦點團體訪談典型使用者如何使用行動簡訊服務;再輔以資料分析將行動簡訊服務中的文字內容、版面視覺、資訊類型等進行分析。 本研究有以下五項發現: (1)行動內容需要強調差異化-行動服務需要即時性的資訊與Web進行差異化,吸引行動用戶使用;(2)界面需要友善的設計-界面友善可帶動用戶易用,提高行動服務使用量;(3)期待新科技與新應用的引導-LBS服務為行動簡訊服務率先可以導入新科技服務,符合用戶對情境使用的需求;(4)與商業進行多元行銷互動-透過在LBS做置入廣告或行動廣告,可以提高用戶參與互動;(5)行動服務合作關係重組-未來OP跨足內容的製作,而CP發展自有通路,OP與CP在業務上互相重疊,原來的合作關係重組。 / With a dramatic change of the world, traditional phone service is no longer a main source of revenues in telecom business. Telecom system operators positively develop other kinds of services to improve average revenue per user (ARPU). Mobile-news is one of these important services because it is less expensive, easy to operate, and easily accessible to end users. System operators further provide a variety of value-added services through the mobile-news. While users are getting used to the services, they are going to extend their using time, which may increase revenues to system operators. The main function of mobile media is to provide users immediate and scenario-relevant information and to interact with others here and there at anytime. The research investigated how telecom system operators (OP), content service providers (CP) and end users interact in terms of their service relationship. In other words, the study defined how the three parties, OP, CP and users play a role, how to refine the services, and how to improve the service, in the process of promoting mobile-news services. The research used in-depth interview, focus group, and data analysis via the three parties, system operators (OP), content providers (CP), and end users. First, the researcher interviewed system operators about how they develop mobile-news services. Then, the researcher held a focus group to investigate typical users how they use mobile-news services. At last, the researcher analyzed text contents, visual layouts, and different types of information in mobile-news services. There are five important findings as following, (1) emphasis of different mobile contents: mobile information should be instant and different from web pages to attract mobile users; (2) friendly interface designs: User-friendly interface helps user easily access to the information and increase the mobile services; (3) new technologies and applications: LBS services could be the first mobile-news service which meet users’ needs at most occasions; (4) multiple marketing: mobile advertisement can improve users’ participation through LBS; (5) reconstruction of mobile service partnership: OPs start to produce contents in future, and CPs develop their own channels, which leads to an overlap between OP and CP business. The overlapping may reconstruct their partnership.

Mediaspaces, eventi urbani ed esperienza mobile: un'indagine etnografica nella produzione sociale della città del design. / Mediaspaces, urban events and mobile experience: an ethnographic enquiry into the social production of the city of design

CUMAN, ANDREA DAVIDE 03 June 2013 (has links)
L’obiettivo della tesi è stato quello di analizzare il fenomeno del cosiddetto Fuorisalone attraverso un duplice sguardo disciplinare: da una parte quello del mobilities paradigm (Sheller-Urry, 2006), dall’altra attraverso la prospettiva della produzione sociale dello spazio di Lefebvre (1974) e sue recenti applicazioni nell’ambito della media geography (Jansson, 2007) e degli eventi urbani (Lehtovouri, 2010). 
Nella prima parte viene proposta una ricostruzione della storia sociale dell’evento: vengono individuati i soggetti centrali alla sua nascita, le dinamiche di interdipendenza tra di essi e le forme del loro radicamento nel contesto territoriale e socio-culturale della città di Milano e della sua cultura del progetto.
La seconda parte offre invece una prospettiva sincronica: da una parte l’analisi della produzione degli spazi sociali del design, ed in particolare dei singoli design district, che durante questo evento arrivano a qualificare lo spazio urbano come “eterotopia diffusa” (Foucault, 1967). Dall’altra parte l’analisi delle sue forme di consumo, presentando i risultati di un'indagine sul campo condotta attraverso la triangolazione di diversi metodi di carattere etnografico in tre design district durante le edizioni 2011 e 2012. Attraverso l'indagine delle pratiche mediate e di mobilità, delle percezioni ed esperienze da parte dei suoi visitatori, il lavoro ha permesso di leggere la specificità di questo evento nella circolarità tra le dimensioni produttive e le forme di consumo mobile e mediato dello spazio urbano. / The aim of the thesis has been to analyze the so-called phenomenon of Fuorisalone through a double disciplinary perspective: on the one hand that of the mobilities paradigm (Sheller-Urry, 2006), on the other hand through the Lefebvrean perspective on the production of social space (1974) and its most recent applications in the field of media geography (Jansson, 2007) and urban events (Lehtovouri, 2010). The first part is dedicated to the reconstruction of the social history of this event by identifying the pivotal subjects for its birth, the dynamics of interdependency between them and the forms of their rootedness in the territorial and socio-cultural context of the city of Milan and its design culture. The second part adopts a synchronous perspective: on the one hand the analysis of the production of the social spaces of design, with particular attention to the single design districts involved, that during this event characterize the urban space as a “diffused heterotopia” (Foucault, 1967). On the other hand on the consumption forms of this event, by presenting the results of the field work conducted in three design districts during the 2011 and 2012 editions. Through the triangulation of different ethnographical methods, the research has focused on the mobility and mediated practices, on the perceptions and experiences of visitors, reading the specificity of this event through the circularity between the productive dimensions and its mobile and mediated forms of consumption.

Móviles de guerrilla. Procesos de autocomunicación, Lenguaje audiovisual en medios móviles y su aplicabilidad didáctica en pedagogías alternativas. Estudio de caso en el Colegio Colombo Francés de Medellín - Colombia

Velásquez García, Germán 28 September 2012 (has links)
El desenvolupament de la comunicació mòbil a partir de l'aparició de la telefonia cel • lular, s'ha configurat el desenvolupament d'un nou mitjà de comunicació, al que podem anomenar provisionalment, mitjà mòbil. La configuració, caracterització i evolució de tot mitjà de comunicació, part del desenvolupament de tecnologies, aparells i equips de comunicacions, per generar després usos i aplicacions socials, culturals, econòmiques i polítiques i acabar sent una estructura comunicacional, un element cultural que influeix en la generació d'imaginaris socials, polítics i culturals, sobre els quals exerceix una gran influència. A través de tot aquest procés, els mitjans configuren i desenvolupen un llenguatge específic del medi, el que no és altra cosa que una forma particular d'usar els elements significants, simbòlics i semiòtics de la cultura, per desenvolupar els seus missatges i continguts. En aquest treball s'ha analitzat, tant el desenvolupament i la configuració d'aquest nou mitjà audiovisual, com la transformació soferta pel llenguatge audiovisual en ser usat en aquest mitjà. Particularment s'ha desenvolupat un estudi de cas, en què s'analitza l'ús del mitjà mòbil i en particular del llenguatge audiovisual, en l'entorn del col • legi Colombo Francès de la ciutat de Medellín - Colòmbia, tractant d'establir les possibilitats de la seva usabilitat i aplicabilitat a les pràctiques pedagògics i didàctics. / El desarrollo de la comunicación móvil a partir de la aparición de la telefonía celular, ha venido configurando el desarrollo de un nuevo medio de comunicación, al que podemos llamar provisionalmente, medio móvil. La configuración, caracterización y evolución de todo medio de comunicación, parte del desarrollo de tecnologías, aparatos y equipos de comunicaciones, para generar luego usos y aplicaciones sociales, culturales, económicas y políticas y terminar siendo una estructura comunicacional, un elemento cultural que influye en la generación de imaginarios sociales, políticos y culturales, sobre los que ejerce una gran influencia. A través de todo este proceso, los medios configuran y desarrollan un lenguaje específico del medio, lo que no es otra cosa que una forma particular de usar los elementos significantes, simbólicos y semióticos de la cultura, para desarrollar sus mensajes y contenidos. En este trabajo se ha analizado, tanto el desarrollo y la configuración de este nuevo medio audiovisual, como la transformación sufrida por el lenguaje audiovisual al ser usado en este medio. Particularmente se ha desarrollado un estudio de caso, en el que se analiza el uso del medio móvil y en particular del lenguaje audiovisual, en el entorno del colegio Colombo Francés de la ciudad de Medellín – Colombia, tratando de establecer las posibilidades de su usabilidad y aplicabilidad a las prácticas pedagógicos y didácticos. / The development of mobile communication, since the emergence of cellular telephony, has shaped the emergence and configuration of new means of AUDIOVISUAL communication. We can tentatively call it mobile media. The setting, characterization and evolution of all communication media, begins with the development of technologies, equipment and communication devices so as to subsequently generate social, cultural, economic and political uses. Ultimately, a communicational structure emerges as a cultural element that influences the generation of social, political, and cultural imaginary frameworks on which the communicational structure itself exerts significant influence. Throughout this process, mobile media shapes and develops a language-specific environment as a particular form of using the symbolic, semiotic, and significant elements of culture to develop messages and content. This investigation analyzes the expansion and shaping of new audiovisual mobile media, as well as the transformation undergone by the visual language used in this realm. A case-study approach is used in which the use of mobile media is analyzed, particularly with regards to audiovisual language, in the socio-cultural milieu present among high-school students at the private educational institution “Colegio Colombo-Frances” in Medellin (Colombia). The potential use and applicability of mobile audiovisual media for pedagogic and didactic purposes is assessed.

Marketing to young adults in the context of a postmodern society

Goneos-Malka, Amaleya 19 February 2012 (has links)
In today’s society media is ubiquitous. Through its pervasiveness it plays an inextricable role in society, impacting on culture, economy, politics, education and communication. In a postmodern society technological advances have had a profound impact on the development of media, most notably digital media. The intention of this study was to establish whether, in the context of an assumed postmodern culture, young South African adults display behaviour that manifest the tenets of postmodernism in their reactions to contemporary marketing and/or marketing communication, as apparent through their attitudes towards retail shopping and brands, together with their attitudes towards and use of digital media. In this instance digital media is limited to social media and media accessible on mobile phones. The unique properties and interactive capabilities of digital media have altered the dynamics of communication and have given rise to new applications that were not previously possible. This poses challenges for organisations in terms of marketing communication practices with one of the problem areas being that marketers do not know: <ul><li> Whether young South African adults (Generation Y) exhibit postmodern behaviour, in the context of today’s postmodern culture. </li><li> How young South African adults (Generation Y) use digital media? </li><li> How to leverage the unique properties of digital media in marketing communication efforts directed towards young South African adults (Generation Y)? </li> </ul> The main purpose of this research was to reflect on the applicability of modern marketing and/or marketing communication theories, in their current state, in the context of a postmodern society, with specific emphasis on the use of digital media. The secondary purpose of the research was to investigate the affect of postmodern variables on Generation Y and the perspective of this population towards digital media and its role in marketing communication. The study aimed to contribute to the theoretical body of knowledge as follows: <ul><li> To question the application of modern marketing and/or marketing communication theories in postmodern society. In so doing, it suggested that in any given era marketing theories should be representative of the target society, therefore inferring the need to adjust existing theories and their application or formulate new ones that are representative of the specific era. </li><li> To empirically determine whether Generation Y are exhibiting characteristics indicative of postmodern society. </li></ul> Furthermore, the study added value from a practitioner perspective by contributing to new knowledge in the study of Generation Y and digital media. It is anticipated that an improved understanding of Generation Y’s attitudes towards marketing and digital media will serve to improve knowledge of how Generation Y will react in the future as they mature and potentially provide an indication of forthcoming generations’ attitudes towards marketing. Nine research objectives emanating from the research problem were empirically tested through a cross-sectional quantitative exploratory descriptive survey research design. Items in the survey were developed on the basis of observable postmodern characteristics presented in the literature and in consultation with a panel of experts. The survey was distributed by email, which provided a web-based link to access the survey, to the sampling frame; a database comprising of 2,265 students, between the ages of 18-34, enrolled full-time with the department of Marketing and Communication Management (University of Pretoria) during 2011. Convenience sampling was used until a sufficient quantity of fully completed surveys had been collected; 333 usable questionnaires were obtained. The collected data received statistical treatment primarily through the application of exploratory factor analysis and multivariate analysis of co-variance. The theoretical synthesis showed that characteristics of postmodernism are evident in society and affect marketing and/or marketing communication activities. The results of the empirical phase of the investigation demonstrated that respondents show postmodernism traits in their behaviour towards digital media and their reactions towards brands and marketing and/or marketing communication. The most dominant postmodern characteristics displayed by respondents were hyperreality, de-differentiation and fragmentation. Several factors were found to be statistically significant, which may be related to socio-economic conditions, behavioural patterns, and digital infrastructure. These were: ethnicity, cell phone usage, frequency of social media usage, cell phone plan, average monthly Internet expenditure for cell phones, use of Internet bundles on cell phones, and the device used most often to access the Internet. Social media use was identified as an important behavioural outcome by respondents, and the most significant influencing factors related to the dependence that respondents placed on their cell phones and the need to fulfil certain activities only available in the social media space. Finally a conceptual framework was proposed, which integrated theoretical and empirical findings. This framework suggested a broadening of certain roles within marketing and/or marketing communication, namely: consumers transforming to collaborators; communication transforming to interaction; and value exchange transforming to value-in-use. It is anticipated that this study has added to the theoretical level of knowledge by indicating the need to readdress principles and theories of marketing and/or marketing communication in the context of a postmodern society and in particular the use of digital media. An outcome of the study was the proposition of a conceptual framework, which addressed a number of aspects in the transformation from modern to postmodern marketing. Furthermore, at the practitioner level the study has broadened understanding of Generation Y’s behaviour towards digital media in the marketing and/or marketing communication context. Managerial recommendations were expressed on the basis of the theoretical and empirical findings. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Marketing Management / PhD / Unrestricted

Zpoplatňování zpravodajského obsahu jako budoucnost žurnalistiky / Paywalls and the future of journalism

Novotný, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The Master's diploma thesis examines the phenomenon of imposing paywalls on news content. By using qualitative interview research, case studies, theoretical and empirical analysis the thesis emphasizes mainly the differences between individual ways of imposing paywalls and also factors that can influence the process of implementing paywalls. Hypothesis claims that imposing paywalls on existing free content can serve as an incentive on the media market to reach a growing productivity of media enterprises in spite of a booming popularity of sharing free information. It depends whether the right business model is implemented. According to the hypothesis the right model is "metered model" that responds to the nature of the internet and implies that certain amount of content would remain free of charge. Both paid and free content spheres should have to be redefined by new ergonomy and new journalistic content.

Museus na internet do século XXI: a caminho do museu ubíquo / Museums on the internet of the 21st century: on the way to the ubiquitous museum

Ururahy, Heloisa Pinto 23 August 2013 (has links)
A pesquisa observa as novas relações de produção e difusão da arte que surgiram com a utilização da internet e das novas tecnologias, pelas instituições culturais, para a expansão de suas atividades. A investigação propõe que essa nova forma de comunicação pode unir o alcance das plataformas virtuais, a credibilidade de grandes centros artísticos e a força dos processos colaborativos de criação em rede para ampliar a propagação da arte e da cultura. O estudo pretende mostrar como museus, galerias e instituições culturais em geral, têm desenvolvido trabalhos na world wide web, desde o começo dos anos 90, de forma a ampliar o acesso do público, não apenas a seus acervos e exposições, mas também à possibilidade de criação conjunta do conhecimento museológico e de nossa herança cultural. Através da observação dos conteúdos disponibilizados na rede por museus variados, nacionais e internacionais, relacionados a artigos sobre questões contemporâneas da museologia, são analisados como os objetivos das instituições artísticas quanto ao uso do ciberespaço têm evoluído. Há um crescente esforço em suprir as necessidades culturais dos novos espectadores da era conectada da internet. Hoje, modelos de exposições virtuais permitem que formatos de arte efêmera, como performances ou intervenções, possam efetivamente fazer parte dos espaços museológicos. Foi criada uma nova ligação com o visitante do museu, que pode estar em qualquer lugar do mundo e, utilizando redes sociais e mídias móveis, passa a ser criador e difusor de conteúdo, além de receptor. Por fim, há a reflexão sobre como, enquanto se adéquam às novas relações do homem com a arte e a cultura através do mundo virtual, as instituições devem se preocupar com a responsabilidade social e a democratização do acesso aos bens culturais por aqueles que ainda não tem contato frequente com as novas tecnologias. / The research points the new relations of production and dissemination of art that emerge with the use of the Internet and new technologies, by cultural institutions to expand their activities. The research suggests that this new form of communication can put together the reach of virtual platforms, the credibility of major artistic centers and the strength of networks for collaborative creation processes, to enlarge the propagation of art and culture. The study aims to show how museums, galleries and cultural institutions in general, have developed activities on the world wide web since the early \'90s, in order to increase public access, not only to their collections and exhibitions, but also to the possibility of joint creation of the museological knowledge and cultural heritage. How the goals of art institutions in the use of cyberspace have evolved are analyzed through observation of the content provided on the net by various museums, national and international, related with articles about issues on contemporary museology. There is a growing effort to meet the cultural needs of the new spectators of internet connected age. Nowadays, virtual exhibitions models allow ephemeral art formats, such as performances or interventions, to effectively be part of the museum spaces. A new connection was created with the museum visitor, who can be anywhere in the world and, using social networks and mobile media, becomes a creator and disseminator of content, as well as a receiver. Finally, there is the observation on how, while adapting with the man\'s new relationship with art and culture through the virtual world, institutions should concern also about social responsibility and democratic access to culture for those who do not have frequent contact with new technologies.

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