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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mobilités spatiales, usages du téléphone mobile et développement socio-économique dans le Moungo central (Cameroun) : une étude au prisme des spatialités individuelles / Spatial mobilities, uses of mobile phones and socio-economic development in the central Moungo region (Cameroon) : a study of individuals' spatialities

Pasini, Jérémy 04 September 2018 (has links)
Le travail part de l’idée que les mobilités sont un capital, dans la mesure où elles aident les individus à construire, à renforcer et à adapter leurs « moyens d’existence ». Systèmes d’activités productives et non-productives qui permettent de satisfaire les besoins humains (Chambers & Conway, 1991), les « moyens d’existence » présentent une géographie particulière. En effet, les multiples tâches, occupations et responsabilités assurées par les individus n’occupent jamais exactement les mêmes lieux. Il convient donc de les organiser dans l’espace et dans le temps, ce qui implique de mesurer des distances et des durées, d’effectuer des trajets pour connecter les différents sites des pratiques quotidiennes, de se synchroniser avec les personnes dont on a besoin pour accomplir ses rôles sociaux. Cependant, l’occurrence d’une perturbation ou d’une opportunité et l’évolution des attentes au cours de la vie poussent les individus à remodeler leurs « moyens d’existence ». Ils changent d’emploi, déménagent dans une nouvelle ville, confient l’éducation de leur enfant à un tiers, etc. En fait, ils réinventent leur « espace de vie » en même temps que leur portefeuille d’activités. Comme Michel Lussault (2007 ; 2013), nous nommons « spatialité » cet ajustement permanent entre les objectifs et le positionnement géographique des acteurs individuels ou collectifs. / This work considers physical mobilities and wireless telecommunication as a resource, because they help people to construct, organize and adapt livelihoods to the new conditions that may arise. According to Robert Chambers and Gordon Conway (1991), rural livelihoods generally comprise several activities like cultivation, hunting, wage labour, trading, offering services in transport, etc. These activities variously provide food, cash and other goods to satisfy human needs. The activities form a system of places that are used on a regular basis. In case of chocs or opportunity, individuals have to leave certain activities and adopt others that are less exposed to risks and more profitable. In other terms, they arrange differently their living space in the sense that they stop using certain places and start using others. Michel Lussault (2007; 2003) calls “spatiality” the ability of an individual to adjust his geographical position, as well as the position of his activities, in order to meet his proper objectives.

Les mobilités intercontinentales dans le Royaume d'Espagne : fray Juan Agustín Morfi, franciscain asturien en Nouvelle-Espagne (1735-1783) / Intercontiental mobilities in Spanish Kingdom : fray Juan Agustín Morfi, a franciscan of Asturias in New-Spain (1735-1783)

Cadez, Émilie 06 October 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous proposons d’étudier la figure de fray Juan Agustín Morfi, franciscain né à Oviedo (Asturies) en 1735 et mort à Mexico en 1783.Au fil de notre étude, nous verrons que Morfi est un personnage incontournable dans le panorama culturel novo-hispanique de l’époque, mais aussi qu’il est introduit dans la sphère politique par Théodore de Croix, récemment nommé Commandant Général des Provinces Internes du nord de la Nouvelle-Espagne, qui lui demande de l’accompagner dans une expédition de reconnaissance de ces territoires. Morfi part donc de México le 4 août 1777 pour n’y revenir qu’en juin 1781. Ce voyage représente un tournant décisif dans sa vie car il lui permet d’asseoir sa notoriété et de développer sa production écrite de façon significative. En effet, le franciscain va pouvoir mettre à profit l’ensemble de ses connaissances sur des sujets très variés en faisant preuve d’une grande prolixité. L’étude des textes nés de sa participation à l’expédition de De Croix va nous permettre de révéler sa personnalité, sa façon de pensée, les réseaux dans lesquels il s’insère (la Confrérie d’Aránzazu de Mexico puis la Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos del País), mais également un travail approfondi sur l’écriture, passant ainsi de simple voyageur à auteur à part entière.Par ailleurs, nous verrons ici que le réseau personnel de Morfi ainsi que les idées qu’il exprime dans sa vaste production écrite font de lui un homme dont l’ancrage est à la fois péninsulaire et novo-hispanique et le digne représentant de l’esprit des Lumières. / With this thesis, we will study the figure of fray Juan Agustín Morfi, a Franciscan born in Oviedo (Asturias) in 1735 and who died in Mexico in 1783.Trough this research, we will observe that the friar Morfi is a preponderant man in the cultural panorama of th eighteenth-century New Spain, but also that he is introduced in the political sphere by Theodore de Croix, newly named Commandant General of the Provincias Internas in the northern part of New Spain, who asked him to participate to an expedition in order to explore these territories. Morfi leaves of Mexico in 1777, August 4th and returns in june 1781. This journey represents a turning point in his life, strongly establishing his reputation, and also his written production. Actually, the friar will turn to good account his knowledge with an incredible prolixity. Studying the texts that come about thanks to his participation in De Croix’s expedition, we will be able to see who he really was, how he tought, how he inserted himself in networks (such as the Brotherhood of Aránzazu of Mexico and the Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos del País). As well, we will observe Morfi’s work on writing, making himself an author in the fullest manner possible for this status.Furthermore, we will see that Morfi’s personal network, as well as the ideas he expressed in his large written production, reveal that he was a man with references of both Spain and New Spain, and a worthy representative of the Enlightment.

Consumo popular, fluxos globais: práticas, articulações e artefatos na interface entre a riqueza e a pobreza / Popular consumption, global flows: habits, joints and artefacts on the interface between wealth and poverty

Sciré, Claudia D'Ipolitto de Oliveira 21 September 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe um estudo sobre as práticas de consumo dos moradores de uma região situada na periferia paulistana e busca compreender os impactos sociais que o acesso aos espaços e bens de consumo gera nos modos de vida do mundo popular. Partindo de um exercício etnográfico multi-situado, pretende-se mostrar o quanto o advento da financeirização, a partir da proliferação dos mecanismos de concessão de crédito, acarreta efeitos reestruturadores em suas práticas cotidianas, no gerenciamento do orçamento doméstico, nas hierarquias familiares, nas relações de sociabilidade e nos modos de subjetivação, engendrando reconfigurações substantivas no universo popular. / This work intents to be a study about the consumption habits of the habitants of a slum area in São Paulo and tries to comprehend the social effects generated in their lives by the access to the consumptions places and goods. The aim is to show, within a multi-sited ethnographic exercise, that the financial operations, through the diffusion of credit concession mechanisms, engender particular effects that restructure the daily habits, the domestic budget, the familiar hierarchies, the relations of sociability and the subjective manners.

O efeito da fotocondutividade e a estrutura eletrônica de poços quânticos de GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs com dopagem planar do tipo \"n\" na barreira. / The effect of photoconductivity and electronic structure of quantum wells of GaAs / InGaAs / GaAs doped planar type \"n\" in the barrier.

Cavalheiro, Ademir 23 November 2001 (has links)
Neste trabalho, a estrutura eletrônica de poços quânticos de GaAs/In IND.0.15 Ga IND.0.85As/GaAs com dopagem planar de silício na barreira superior foi investigada utilizando-se medidas de Shubnikov-de Haas em função do tempo de iluminação, observou-se que uma quantidade significativa de elétrons estava faltando na região ativa (formada pela camada de InGaAs e pela região delta-dopada) de todas as estruturas analisadas. Um efeito fotocondutivo persistente (que persiste pelo menos 27 horas depois que a excitação óptica é desligada) foi observado em todas as amostras. Durante o processo de iluminação, portadores são liberados pela iluminação e fortes modificações nas mobilidades quânticas das sub-bandas foram observadas. Uma analise fenomenológica dos dados é apresentada, baseada em cálculos autoconsistentes da estrutura eletrônica dos sistemas analisados. / In this work, the sub-band electronic structure of de GaAs/In IND.0.15 Ga IND.0.85As/GaAs quantum wells with a Si delta-doped layer in the top barrier was investigated by Shubnikov-de Haas measurements as a function of the illumination time of the samples. Before the exposure of the heterostructure to any illumination time, we observed that a significant quantity of electrons was missing in the active region (consisting of the quantum well formed by the InGaAs layer and the Si delta-doped region) of all the analyzed structures. A persistent photoconductivity effect (which persisted at least for 27 hours after the optical excitation was turned off) was observed in all samples. During the illumination process, carriers are released by illumination and strong modifications on the quantum mobilities of the sub-bands were observed. A phenomenological analysis of the data is presented based on the self-consistent calculations of the electronic structure of the analyzed systems.

Mobilidades transgressoras, geografias ignoradas: itinerários e emaranhamentos envolvendo territorialidades de garimpeiros no Suriname / Transgressive mobilities, ignored geographies: itineraries and entanglements involving territorialities of garimpeiros in Suriname

Oliveira, Rafael da Silva 30 January 2014 (has links)
Desde o final dos anos 1980, o Suriname presencia um fluxo migratório, sem precedentes, de brasileiros em direção ao seu território. A corrida do ouro é o principal fator que vem atraindo levas de garimpeiros e redirecionando, também, toda a rede que o garimpo agrega. A mineração é uma atividade de grande importância econômica para o Suriname, já que sua economia é altamente dependente da extração aurífera, sendo majoritariamente desenvolvida de modo informal e, sobretudo, por brasileiros que vivem nesse país em situação irregular. Assim, nesta tese analisamos as mobilidades dos garimpeiros, no e para o Suriname, atreladas à mineração do ouro em pequena escala, levando em conta que tais dinâmicas estão imersas em variados contextos multiterritoriais, além de envolverem distintos agentes com interesses convergentes e/ou divergentes. A metodologia utilizada inclui pesquisa de campo nas principais cidades que fazem parte desses itinerários tanto no Brasil quanto nos demais países do Platô das Guianas , assim como nas áreas de garimpo situadas na floresta amazônica surinamesa, além de levantamento de bibliografia secundária, consulta de documentos oficiais em arquivos, bibliotecas e órgãos do governo e demais fontes de arquivamento. Juntamente com a contribuição da pesquisa empírica original sobre as implicações transnacionais da mineração do ouro na Bacia Amazônica, a presente tese propõe a exploração teórica das territorialidades emergentes e suas consequências em meio à multiterritorialidade, além dos respectivos processos territoriais implicados nela, a partir da interpretação dessas complexas mobilidades transgressoras. Desse modo, demonstramos que os garimpeiros estão inseridos em assimétricas relações de poder e variados quadros morais que envolvem, dentre outros, populações tradicionais, agentes do capital privado atrelados à mineração em média/grande escala e o Estado. A coexistência e a sobreposição dessas múltiplas lógicas territoriais influenciam decisivamente nas negociações, tensões e conflitos, redefinindo regras, interações e significados, tanto nos territórios da garimpagem quanto nos demais setores da mineração do ouro. / Since the late 1980s, Suriname has been experiencing an unprecedented flow of Brazilian immigrants into its territory. The gold rush has been the main factor attracting waves of garimpeiros and redirecting the entire network related to mining. Mining is of great economic importance for Suriname. The economy is highly dependent on gold extraction, which for the most part has been developed informally and primarily by irregular Brazilian immigrants. Therefore, in this thesis, we analyzed mobilities of garimpeiros associated with small-scale gold mining in and toward Suriname. We considered these dynamics as embedded within diverse multi-territorial contexts, involving particular agents with convergent and or divergent interests. The methodology applied in this study included field research in the main cities that form part of these itineraries. These cities are located in Brazil and other countries in the Guiana Shield, as well as in mining areas in the Surinamese Amazon forest. In addition, we conducted secondary research, which included consulting official documents in archives, libraries, government institutions, and other archival resources. In combination with the original empirical research concerning the transnational implications of gold mining in the Amazon basin, we aimed to theoretically explore emergent territorialities and their consequences in a multi-territory setting, as well as the respective territorial processes involved in it (starting from interpretations of complex transgressive mobilities). We thus demonstrated that garimpeiros are caught up in asymmetrical power relationships and diverse moral frameworks involving agents such as traditional populations, agents of private capital involved in medium- or large-scale mining initiatives, and the State. The coexistence and intersections of multiple territorial logics decisively influence negotiations, tensions, and conflicts. In addition, they redefine rules, interactions, and meanings in mining territories, as well as other areas related to gold mining.

The reproduction of elite mobilities in Washington D.C

Schubert, Felix January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, I seek to analyse the reproduction of elite mobilities through participation in Study Internship Programmes (SIP) in Washington D.C. SIPs are programmes for both American as well as international students that come to Washington and participate in a programme that combines an academic track on specific topics with an internship. These programmes can be seen as exemplars of a specialised form of neoliberal education in which middle-class students attempt to acquire mobility capital in the hope of accelerating their future careers. With the help of in-depth interviews and ethnographic methods, I have gathered data about the SIPs which were analysed via textual analysis. I conducted interviews with SIP-alumni, with current SIP-students as well as stakeholders in these programmes. As a theoretical framework, I have utilised a mobilities perspective, along with ideas on individualisation and cosmopolitan capital to develop a framework for study-internship research. I argue that students go to Washington to acquire mobility and cosmopolitan capital, as this might offer a competitive edge. I explore how SIPs affect and transform its participants, their career paths and mobilities, as well as the city of Washington D.C itself as a place. My research showcases the layered identities of the participants through their mobilities, and how their mobilities are connected to the city of Washington D.C., and the key institutions involved. The research also demonstrates that SIPs are indicative of broader career patterns and mobility decision-making among young people in the West. Furthermore, my research indicates how integral the images of Washington D.C. and career-narratives are to the reproduction of elites and to Washington D.C.'s image of power for the SIP-participants to represent their success and aspirations.

Caminhoneiros, caminhos e caminhões: uma etnografia sobre mobilidades nas estradas / Truckers, routes and trucks: an ethnography of mobilities on the roads

Arthur Fontgaland Gomes 30 November 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca identificar os elementos integrados pelos caminhoneiros autônomos em suas vidas móveis. Analisa como estes motoristas extraem permanência de suas mobilidades, constitutivas desses modos de vidas. Os caminhoneiros são profissionais especializados em operar veículos automotores de carga e fazer circular mercadorias a partir do transporte rodoviário. Trata-se de um conjunto disperso e heterogêneo que executa grandes jornadas de trabalho distantes de seus endereços fixos, para onde retornam intermitentemente. Sem desvincular-se dos cotidianos mais sedentários, intensificam o convívio com os caminhões e as estradas. Instrumento de trabalho, mas também casa móvel, o caminhão é onde se realiza obrigações, prazeres e lazeres. Os veículos adquirem diverso usos, modificações, valores, afetos e podem operar nas distinções entre pares. Cuidados de si e dos caminhões se misturam e revestem a boleia de domesticidade masculina que ajuda a viabilizar o ser caminhoneiro. Nas estradas, cumpre-se o itinerário, cujas rotas e prazos são estipulados pelo mercado. O itinerário é preenchido pelos caminhoneiros por intensas negociações entre tarefas laborais e extralaborais manifestadas nas escolhas e efetivações das paradas que pontuam o trajeto. Nos estabelecimentos comerciais, os motoristas se vinculam ao pessoal do posto, chapas e putas. São interações afetivas, trabalhistas, sexuais e de consumo que se articulam e animam as estradas. Tendo em vista a vida social das BRs esta etnografia se desenvolveu a partir de caronas nas boleias de caminhão, um tipo de mobilidade informal e gratuita inteligível neste contexto, em especial, para os caminhoneiros. As teorias elaboradas pelos motoristas inspiraram esta dissertação e suscitam dialogo com algumas discussões acadêmicas sobre mobilidades e trabalho caminhoneiro no campo das humanidades. Com isso, leva-se em conta que quando os motoristas e caminhões se movem pelas estradas, não só as mercadorias são postas em circulação através de itinerários. Junto a elas se movimentam também certa economia corporal, material e simbólica numa trama adensada de relações que cria e recria caminhos. Estes, indispensáveis para a permanência dessas vidas móveis. / This dissertation aims to identify what are the elements that truck drivers integrate in their mobile lives. We analyze how these truck drivers extract permanence of their mobilities, constitutive of those ways of living. The truck drivers professionals specializes in operate cargo automotive vehicles, transporting goods across the road network. They are a heterogeneous disperse set of professionals performing long work periods away from their fixed homes, to which they return intermittently. Thus, they keep bonds with their settled dwellings while they intensify their sociality with trucks and roads. The truck is both a work tool and a mobile house, where they perform duties, pleasures and leisure. The vehicles are put to different uses, customizations, values, affections and may engender distinction amongst colleagues. Drivers intertwine self-care and truck maintenance, investing the truck lorry of a masculine domesticity which instantiate what is to be a truck driver. On the road, an itinerary is fulfilled, with market stipulated routes and schedules. Meanwhile, truck drivers entangle their itinerary with intense negotiations between work tasks and other activities, which take place in the truck drivers choices of where they stop along the way. At side road shops and stores, drivers relate to gas station workers, local guides and prostitutes. Labor, affective, sexual and consumption relations that makes the road alive. Regarding the social life of Brazilian federal highways and roads, this ethnographic research was carried out by means of hitchhiking truck lorries, a free and non-official way of faring used to translate to the drivers the anthropological research. The theories conceived by those truckers have inspired this work and are presented in dialogue with academic debates on mobilities and truck drivers professional realities. Thus, we consider that not only goods are set in motion when drivers and trucks fare their itineraries, but there is also a specific bodily, material and symbolic economy moving along a thick meshwork of relations that make and unmake paths. Those are constitutive of the permanence of those mobile lives.

Consumo popular, fluxos globais: práticas, articulações e artefatos na interface entre a riqueza e a pobreza / Popular consumption, global flows: habits, joints and artefacts on the interface between wealth and poverty

Claudia D'Ipolitto de Oliveira Sciré 21 September 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe um estudo sobre as práticas de consumo dos moradores de uma região situada na periferia paulistana e busca compreender os impactos sociais que o acesso aos espaços e bens de consumo gera nos modos de vida do mundo popular. Partindo de um exercício etnográfico multi-situado, pretende-se mostrar o quanto o advento da financeirização, a partir da proliferação dos mecanismos de concessão de crédito, acarreta efeitos reestruturadores em suas práticas cotidianas, no gerenciamento do orçamento doméstico, nas hierarquias familiares, nas relações de sociabilidade e nos modos de subjetivação, engendrando reconfigurações substantivas no universo popular. / This work intents to be a study about the consumption habits of the habitants of a slum area in São Paulo and tries to comprehend the social effects generated in their lives by the access to the consumptions places and goods. The aim is to show, within a multi-sited ethnographic exercise, that the financial operations, through the diffusion of credit concession mechanisms, engender particular effects that restructure the daily habits, the domestic budget, the familiar hierarchies, the relations of sociability and the subjective manners.

Caminhoneiros, caminhos e caminhões: uma etnografia sobre mobilidades nas estradas / Truckers, routes and trucks: an ethnography of mobilities on the roads

Gomes, Arthur Fontgaland 30 November 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca identificar os elementos integrados pelos caminhoneiros autônomos em suas vidas móveis. Analisa como estes motoristas extraem permanência de suas mobilidades, constitutivas desses modos de vidas. Os caminhoneiros são profissionais especializados em operar veículos automotores de carga e fazer circular mercadorias a partir do transporte rodoviário. Trata-se de um conjunto disperso e heterogêneo que executa grandes jornadas de trabalho distantes de seus endereços fixos, para onde retornam intermitentemente. Sem desvincular-se dos cotidianos mais sedentários, intensificam o convívio com os caminhões e as estradas. Instrumento de trabalho, mas também casa móvel, o caminhão é onde se realiza obrigações, prazeres e lazeres. Os veículos adquirem diverso usos, modificações, valores, afetos e podem operar nas distinções entre pares. Cuidados de si e dos caminhões se misturam e revestem a boleia de domesticidade masculina que ajuda a viabilizar o ser caminhoneiro. Nas estradas, cumpre-se o itinerário, cujas rotas e prazos são estipulados pelo mercado. O itinerário é preenchido pelos caminhoneiros por intensas negociações entre tarefas laborais e extralaborais manifestadas nas escolhas e efetivações das paradas que pontuam o trajeto. Nos estabelecimentos comerciais, os motoristas se vinculam ao pessoal do posto, chapas e putas. São interações afetivas, trabalhistas, sexuais e de consumo que se articulam e animam as estradas. Tendo em vista a vida social das BRs esta etnografia se desenvolveu a partir de caronas nas boleias de caminhão, um tipo de mobilidade informal e gratuita inteligível neste contexto, em especial, para os caminhoneiros. As teorias elaboradas pelos motoristas inspiraram esta dissertação e suscitam dialogo com algumas discussões acadêmicas sobre mobilidades e trabalho caminhoneiro no campo das humanidades. Com isso, leva-se em conta que quando os motoristas e caminhões se movem pelas estradas, não só as mercadorias são postas em circulação através de itinerários. Junto a elas se movimentam também certa economia corporal, material e simbólica numa trama adensada de relações que cria e recria caminhos. Estes, indispensáveis para a permanência dessas vidas móveis. / This dissertation aims to identify what are the elements that truck drivers integrate in their mobile lives. We analyze how these truck drivers extract permanence of their mobilities, constitutive of those ways of living. The truck drivers professionals specializes in operate cargo automotive vehicles, transporting goods across the road network. They are a heterogeneous disperse set of professionals performing long work periods away from their fixed homes, to which they return intermittently. Thus, they keep bonds with their settled dwellings while they intensify their sociality with trucks and roads. The truck is both a work tool and a mobile house, where they perform duties, pleasures and leisure. The vehicles are put to different uses, customizations, values, affections and may engender distinction amongst colleagues. Drivers intertwine self-care and truck maintenance, investing the truck lorry of a masculine domesticity which instantiate what is to be a truck driver. On the road, an itinerary is fulfilled, with market stipulated routes and schedules. Meanwhile, truck drivers entangle their itinerary with intense negotiations between work tasks and other activities, which take place in the truck drivers choices of where they stop along the way. At side road shops and stores, drivers relate to gas station workers, local guides and prostitutes. Labor, affective, sexual and consumption relations that makes the road alive. Regarding the social life of Brazilian federal highways and roads, this ethnographic research was carried out by means of hitchhiking truck lorries, a free and non-official way of faring used to translate to the drivers the anthropological research. The theories conceived by those truckers have inspired this work and are presented in dialogue with academic debates on mobilities and truck drivers professional realities. Thus, we consider that not only goods are set in motion when drivers and trucks fare their itineraries, but there is also a specific bodily, material and symbolic economy moving along a thick meshwork of relations that make and unmake paths. Those are constitutive of the permanence of those mobile lives.

Les mobilités bulgares en Europe occidentale et plus particulièrement en France au cours de la période postcommuniste (1989-2012) / Bulgarian mobility in Western Europe and particularly in France during the post-communist period (1989-2012)

Altasserre, Stephan 22 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse avait pour objectif de chercher à établir la spécificité des mobilités internationales bulgares postsocialistes à destination de la France. En premier lieu, ces travaux ont mis en évidence des aspects communs aux migrations en Europe occidentale. Puis, ils ont révélé des particularités qui concernaient seulement certains de ces territoires, parmi lesquels des régions françaises. Enfin, cette thèse a permis d'établir un certain nombre de mobilités spécifiques à la France (migrations d'intellectuels francophones englobant les étudiants, anciens élèves des établissements francophones, développement du Danovisme à partir de l'Hexagone, activisme de l'ancienne émigration, rôle de la Légion étrangère, mobilités roms). Elle a ainsi démontré le caractère singulier du choix de la France comme terre d'émigration des Bulgares. / The main objective of this PhD research was to type the specificities of Bulgarian post-communist mobility to France. First of ail, the research focused on highlighting the common features of migration in Western Europe. Then, specificities were revealed on some territories, including French regions.The research finally led to distinguish mobilities to France from the rest of Bulgarian migrations within Europe, revealing some specificities, as follows: French-speaking intellectual migrants including students, alumni from French schools, the spreading of Danovism from France, the activism of the former generations of Bulgarian immigrants, the role of the Foreign Legion and the Roma mobility.Thus, the research allowed to define the particular aspects of choosing an immigration to France for Bulgarian people.

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