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\"É uma sensação de vácuo...\": contribuições da sociologia da mobilidade sobre o uso da bicicleta na cidade de São Paulo / \"It feels like being pushed in...\": contributions of sociology of mobility on bicycle use in the in the city of São PauloCarolina Cássia Conceição Abilio 13 July 2018 (has links)
O uso da bicicleta na cidade de São Paulo para fins de deslocamento não é um fenômeno novo e muito menos trazido e/ou baseado sobre infraestrutura existente. Ciclistas enfrentam as ruas da cidade há mais de 10 anos, e tem tido influências crescentes na participação de políticas públicas de mobilidade que concernem a bicicleta. Contudo, fato é que a inclusão da bicicleta como peça-chave no desenho de políticas municipais durante os anos de 2012-2016 deu visibilidade acadêmica, social, econômica e cultural à bicicleta. Essa emersão deu margem à uma onda de novos ciclistas e impactou concretamente o cenário da bicicleta urbana na cidade. Essa pesquisa contemplou dois objetivos: o primeiro deles compreender como a bicicleta é utilizada pelos diversos atores sociais da cidade, e o impacto disso com relação à estilos de vida, sociabilidades, apropriação do espaço urbano, e o aspecto intrinsicamente corporal que tangencia essa experiência. O segundo objetivo foi a construção empírica diferenciada de um problema de pesquisa contemporâneo norteado pelo Paradigma das Novas Mobilidades e os Métodos Móveis, amparado no campo do conhecimento recente da Sociologia da Mobilidade. Ao contrário do discurso predominante relacionado à bicicleta, no qual se associa o \"novo\" modal à liberdade, simplicidade, economia, facilidade e praticidade, os resultados encontrados apontam que isso é apenas uma faceta da experiência vivida por ciclistas em uma cidade com alto índice de desigualdade como São Paulo, circunscrita a um grupo de ciclistas que circulam em determinados espaços sociais. Fazendo uso do conceito de motilidade surgido a partir de uma visão crítica pautada no Paradigma das Novas Mobilidades, é argumentado que embora a bicicleta tenha sido associada nos últimos anos com liberdade e direito à cidade por parte de seus usuários, em muitos casos a experiência que se tem da cidade sob essa perspectiva é agressiva, desconfortável, perigosa e nociva à saúde. A bicicleta é o instrumento único por meio da qual uma parcela empobrecida da população, moradora de regiões periféricas, é capaz de acessar trabalho, lazer, bens e serviços da cidade. Por outro lado, moradores de bairros centrais usufruem da maior porcentagem da infraestrutura cicloviária existente, e utilizam a bicicleta como mais uma modalidade de transporte em seu leque de opções. A pesquisa também possibilitou algumas inovações metodológicas, na forma de uma ferramenta desenvolvida para a coleta dos dados. Por fim, ao pensar no planejamento de uma política pública que concerne o Sistema de Mobilidade Urbana, é necessário pautar a bicicleta como sendo um mais um dispositivo inserido dentro de sistema coletivo de transportes que não abarcou a tempo o crescimento exponencial da cidade e de sua região metropolitana, tornando-o desconexo, obsoleto e à margem das necessidades cotidianas de seus usuários. Para que os benefícios da bicicleta possam impactar em grande escala a população da cidade, é essencial que ela seja pensada e planejada como um elemento na complexa rede de mobilidade da cidade de São Paulo - em meio a sistemas de transporte sobre trilhos, ônibus, automóveis particulares, e mobilidade a pé -, e não apenas como um dispositivo que margeia esse sistema. / The use of the bicycle in the city of São Paulo for purposes of mobility is not a new phenomenon, much less brought and/or based on existing infrastructure. Cyclists have faced the city streets for more than 10 years, and have had growing influence in the participation of public mobility policies concerning cycling. However, the inclusion of cycling as a key element in the design of municipal policies during the years 2012-2016 gave academic, social, economic and cultural visibility to the bicycle. This emergence gave way to a wave of new cyclists and affected the urban bike scene in the city. This research contemplated two objectives: the first one was to understand how the bicycle is used by the various social actors of the city, and its impact regarding lifestyles, sociabilities, appropriation of urban space, and the intrinsically corporal aspect that tangents the cycling experience. The second objective was the differentiated empirical construction of a contemporary research problem guided by the New Mobilities Paradigm and the Mobile Methods, supported by the recent field of knowledge of the Sociology of Mobility. Unlike the predominant discourse related to the bicycle, in which the \"new\" modal is associated with freedom, simplicity, economy, ease, and practicality, the results found point out that this is only one facet of the experience of cyclists in a city with a high index of inequality as São Paulo, circumscribed to a group of cyclists that circulate in certain social spaces. Making use of the concept of motility arising from a critical view based on the New Mobilities Paradigm, it is argued that although the bicycle has been associated in recent years with freedom and right to the city by its users, in many cases the city experience by cycling is aggressive, uncomfortable, dangerous and harmful to health. The bicycle is the only instrument through which an impoverished portion of the population, living in peripheral regions, is able to access work, leisure, goods, and services of the city. On the other hand, residents of central districts enjoy the largest percentage of existing bicycle infrastructure and use the bicycle as another mode of transportation in their range of options. The research also enabled some methodological innovations, in the form of a tool developed for data collection. Finally, when thinking about the planning of a public policy that concerns the Urban Mobility System, it is necessary to pinpoint the bicycle as one more device inserted within a collective transportation system that did not include the exponential growth of the city and its metropolitan region, making it disconnected, obsolete and at the margin of the daily needs of its users. In order for the bicycle\'s benefits to impact the city\'s population on a large scale, it is essential that it be designed and planned as an element adding to the complex mobility network of São Paulo - amid transport rail systems, buses, private cars, and walk -, and not simply as a tool that serves this systems.
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Uma atraente esposa brasileira ou seu dinheiro de volta: uma análise de agências de casamento especializadas em unir mulheres brasileiras a homens alemães / An attractive Brazilian wife or your money back: an analysis of introduction agencies specialized in uniting Brazilian women to German menThais Henriques Tiriba 08 December 2016 (has links)
Essa dissertação de mestrado tem por objetivo perscrutar os valores atribuídos a relacionamentos afetivosexuais que se estabelecem através da mediação de sites de relacionamentos e agências de casamento entre homens do chamado primeiro mundo e mulheres do chamado terceiro mundo. Em particular, relacionamentos entre homens alemães e mulheres brasileiras. Tendo como pano de fundo as dinâmicas históricas e sociais que tornam relacionamentos desse tipo não apenas possíveis, mas também desejáveis, objetivo iluminar de que maneiras tais dinâmicas estariam implicadas na produção e reprodução do desejo e de interações tidas como íntimas, bem como essas dinâmicas mobilizariam noções de sexualidade e raça. Procuro, ademais, localizar o lugar ocupado pelas brasileiras nesse mercado internacional de fluxos matrimoniais e agências de casamento. Investigo ainda as motivações pessoais de indivíduos que fazem uso dessa forma de se buscar um/a parceiro/a compatível e questiono como relações mais amplas relativas a desigualdades de poder, gênero, raça e nacionalidade são pensadas nos processos de estabelecimento desses relacionamentos. / This dissertation aims to scrutinize the values attributed to affectivesexual relationships that are established through the mediation of dating websites and introduction agencies between men from the socalled \"first world\" and women from the socalled \"third world\". In particular, relationships between German men and Brazilian women. Taking in consideration the historical and social dynamics that make such relationships not only possible, but also desirable, I aim to shed light into how such dynamics are implicated in the production and reproduction of desire and of intimate interactions, as well as how such dynamics mobilize notions of race and sexuality. Furthermore, I seek to find the place occupied by Brazilian women in the market of international marriage flows and marriage agencies. I also investigate the personal motivations of individuals who make usage of these tools to find a suitable partner and question how wider power, gender, race and nationality inequalities are thought through in the processes of establishing these relationships.
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Mobilités urbaines et inégalités : le cas des personnes âgées des quartiers populaires de Recife (Brésil) / Urban mobilities and disparities : the case of the elderly of the popular districts of Recife (Brazil)Quiroga, Pamela 10 December 2014 (has links)
Dans un contexte fortement ségrégué, l’étude des pratiques résidentielles et des mobilités quotidiennes laisse transparaitre des inégalités importantes entre individus et permet d’appréhender les différentes contraintes auxquelles se confrontent les habitants. L’analyse des inégalités de mobilité dans la ville de Recife, qui a été centrée sur les personnes âgées des quartiers populaires afin d’atténuer les effets majeurs de la hiérarchie sociale, soulève le rôle important des caractéristiques du lieu de résidence, de l’étendue des réseaux sociaux ou encore de l’état de santé des habitants dans la réalisation de pratiques différentiées sur le territoire. A travers une enquête par entretiens menée dans trois zones pauvres de la ville (Brasilit, Cordeiro et Vila Arraes) la thèse propose ainsi de mettre en lien les pratiques résidentielles, lesmobilités quotidiennes et les stratégies des habitants afin de mieux comprendre les inégalités observées. Les résultats de la recherche indiquent une tendance aux faibles mobilités des aînés notamment en raison des contraintes éprouvées au quotidien mais aussi en raison d’une volonté à limiter les déplacements contraignants et à réduire les mobilités quotidiennes. Ce dernier constat a progressivement orienté notre étude vers l’analyse des formes d’ « immobilité » sur le lieu de résidence en tentant de saisir les enjeux de ces pratiques sur les conditions de vie des habitants. / In a highly segregated context, the study of residential practices and daily mobility point significant inequalities between individuals and allows to understand the various constraints people are facing. The analysis of inequalities mobility in the city of Recife, centred on elderly people who lives in popular neighbourhoods to mitigate significant effects of social hierarchy, raises the main characteristics of the place of residence of the extent of social or state of health of the people in achieving differentiated practices in the territory networks. Using interviews survey conducted in three poor areas of the city (Brasilit, Cordeiro and Vila Arraes), the thesis proposes to link residential practices, daily mobility and strategies of people to better understand the observed inequalities. The results shows a trend to low mobility of elderly people in particular because of the constraints encountered in everyday life. This trend is explained by desire to limit the constrained mobilities and reduce the daily mobility. This finding gradually leads to focus our study on analysing the forms of ‘immobility’ in the place of residence while trying to understand the issues of these practices on the lives of residents. / Num contexto altamente segregado, o estudo das mobilidades residenciais e quotidianas revela desigualdades significativas entre os indivíduos e permite identificar as dificuldades de cada pessoa. A análise das desigualdades de mobilidade na cidade de Recife, com foco na população idosa das áreas pobres da cidade para atenuar os efeitos da hierarquia social, aponta a importância das características do lugar de residência, das redes sociais ou ainda da saúde dos habitantes no desenvolvimento de práticas diferenciadas no espaço urbano. A pesquisa realizada em três áreas pobres da cidade (Brasilit, Cordeiro e Vila Arraes) propõe articular as práticas residenciais com as mobilidades quotidianas e as estratégias dos habitantes para assim compreender as desigualdades observadas nessa escala. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam uma tendência de baixa mobilidade dos idosos, especialmente por causa das dificuldades encontradas no cotidiano, mas também por causa de uma vontade de limitar os deslocamentos constrangedores e reduzir a mobilidade diária. Esta última observação tem focado progressivamente nosso estudo na análise das formas de "imobilidade" tentando apreender os rebatimentos dessas práticas nas condições de vida dos habitantes.
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How Yoga Became “White:” Yoga Mobilities, Race, and the U.S. Settler Nation (1937-2018)January 2019 (has links)
abstract: My Critical Yoga Studies investigation maps from the early 20th century to present day how yoga has become white through U.S. law and cultural productions, and has enhanced white privilege at the expense of Indian and people of color bodies. I position Critical Yoga Studies at the intersection of Yoga Studies, Critical Race Theory, Indigenous Studies, Mobilities Studies, and transnational American Studies. Scholars have linked uneven development and racial displacement (Soja, 1989; Harvey, 2006; Gilmore, 2007). How does racist displacement appear in historic and current contexts of development in yoga? In my dissertation, I use yoga mobilities to explain ongoing movements of Indigenous knowledge and wealth from former colonies, and contemporary “Indian” bodies, into the white, U.S. settler nation-state, economy, culture, and body. The mobilities trope provides rich conceptual ground for yoga study, because commodified yoga anchors in corporal movement, sets billions of dollars of global wealth in motion, shapes culture, and fuels complex legal and nation building maneuvers by the U.S. settler state and post-colonial India. Emerging discussions of commodified yoga typically do not consider race and colonialism. I fill these gaps with critical race and Indigenous Studies investigations of yoga mobilities in contested territories, triangulating data through three research sites: (1) U.S. Copyright law (1937-2015): I chart a 14,000% rise in U.S. yoga copyrights over a century of white hoarding through archival study in Copyright Public Records Reading Room, Library of Congress; (2) U.S. popular culture/music (1941-1967): I analyze twentieth-century popular song to illustrate how racist tropes of the Indian yogi joined yoga’s entry into U.S. popular culture, with material consequences; (3) Kerala, India, branded as India’s wellness tourism destination (2018): I engage participant-observation and interviews with workers in yoga tourism hubs to document patterns of racialized, uneven access to yoga. I find legal regimes facilitate extraction and displacement; cultural productions materially segregate and exclude; and yoga tourism is a node of racist capitalism that privileges white, settler mobility at the expense of Indian people, land, culture. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Justice Studies 2019
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Broadband emission from organic-inorganic metal halides using luminescent organic A site ionsRahman, Mohammad Anikur 13 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Organic-inorganic metal halides represent a versatile platform for optoelectronic applications such as solar cells, LEDs, and photodetectors due to their tunable structures and properties. The ability to achieve broadband white-light emission through exciton self-trapping, tunable by controlling dimensionality with organic-metal halide combinations, makes them particularly exciting for light emission applications. This study explores a 1D cadmium halide hybrid system with the luminescent A-site ion, 1,2-bis(pyridine)butane, to achieve broadband white light emission. Further, this study investigates halide replacement effects, structural distortions, and dopant influences on the emission characteristics to achieve enhanced performance. Additionally, the synthesis and characterization of Mn and Sb-based metal halides using the same luminescent A-site ion are discussed to highlight their potential for advancing optoelectronic applications. Finally, this study demonstrates the importance of the space charge limited current (SCLC) method in studying the charge carrier density and mobilities using 1D copper halides.
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Theoretical description of charge-transport and charge-generation parameters in single-component and bimolecular charge-transfer organic semiconductorsFonari, Alexandr 07 January 2016 (has links)
In this dissertation, we employ a number of computational methods, including Ab Initio, Density Functional Theory, and Molecular Dynamics simulations to investigate key microscopic parameters that govern charge-transport and charge-generation in single-component and bimolecular charge-transfer organic semiconductors.
First, electronic (transfer integrals, bandwidths, effective masses) and electron-phonon couplings of single-component organic semiconductors are discussed. In particular, we evaluate microscopic charge-transport parameters in a series of nonlinear acenes with extended pi-conjugated cores. Our studies suggest that high charge-carrier mobilities are expected in these materials, since large electronic couplings are obtained and the formation of self-localized polarons due to local and nonlocal electron-phonon couplings is unlikely. Next, we evaluate charge detrapping due to interaction with intra-molecular crystal vibrations in order to explain changes in experimentally measured electric conductivity generated by pulse excitations in the IR region of a photoresistor based on pentacene/C60 thin film. Here, we directly relate the nonlocal electron-phonon coupling constants with variations in photoconductivity.
In terms of charge-generation from an excited manifold, we evaluate the modulation of the state couplings between singlet and triplet excited states due to crystal vibrations, in order to understand the effect of lattice vibrations on singlet fission in tetracene crystal. We find that the state coupling between localized singlet and correlated triplet states is much more strongly affected by the dynamical disorder due to lattice vibrations than the coupling between the charge-transfer singlet and triplet states.
Next, the impact of Hartree-Fock exchange in the description of transport properties in crystalline organic semiconductors is discussed. Depending on the nature of the electronic coupling, transfer integrals and bandwidths can show a significant increase as a function of the amount of the Hartree-Fock exchange included in the functional. Similar trend is observed for lattice relaxation energy. It is also shown that the ratio between electronic coupling and lattice relaxation energy is practically independent of the amount of the Hartree-Fock exchange, making this quantity a good candidate for incorporation into tight-binding transport models. We also demonstrate that it is possible to find an amount of the Hartree-Fock exchange that recovers (quasi-particle) band structure obtained from a highly accurate G0W0 approach. Finally, a microscopic understanding of a phase transition in charge-carrier mobility from temperature independent to thermally activated in stilbene-tetrafluoro-tetracyanoquinodimethane crystal is provided.
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Gender and Social Practices in Migration : A case study of Thai women in rural SwedenWebster, Natasha Alexandra January 2016 (has links)
Set within discussions of gender, migration and social practices, this thesis explores the ways in which Thai women migrants to Sweden build connections between rural areas through their daily activities. Arriving in Sweden primarily through marriage ties, Thai women migrants are more likely to live in Swedish rural areas than in urban areas. Rural areas are typically not seen as a site of globalization or as receivers of international migrants. In contrast to these perceptions, the case of Thai women migrants in the Swedish countryside reveals a complex and vigorous set of social practices that connect rural Sweden across spatial and temporal scales. The aim of this study is to explore the ways in which Thai migrant women construct and implement social practices spatially and temporally. Drawing on the life stories of 16 Thai women living in Sweden, along with other sources of empirical data analysed within feminist epistemologies, this thesis discusses: In what ways does gender shape migrant social practices? How are social practices constructed within individual migrant micro-geographies? By what means are migrant social practices contextualized by spaces and places? Thai women migrants are gendered agents of these social practices and are utilizing specific resources, objects and networks to bridge the distances found in their daily lives. The empirical material examined in this thesis points to the importance of women’s everyday social practices in connecting and linking rural areas globally at different spatial and temporal scales. The results highlight the importance of a translocalism perspective to understanding gendered social practices. This study adds to the translocal discussion by demonstrating that social practices are embedded in multiple geographic sites and scales. Thai women migrants, in this study, emerge as significant actors in global countrysides and do the functional work of bringing spaces and places together daily and through their life course. This thesis consists of an introductory chapter and five papers. The introductory chapter outlines the context and theoretical approaches to understanding Thai migration flows to Sweden. The papers share an emphasis on local sites: homes, workplaces and community. They examine different ways that women construct and build social practices – for example, through food, community projects and in developing their businesses. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Submitted. Paper 5: Submitted.</p>
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Capital and development in social and cultural contexts : an empirical investigation on transport infrastructure development and female labour force in TurkeyAkyelken, Nihan January 2011 (has links)
Non-economic factors like culture and politics, as well as the socio-economic background, matter significantly in directing economic development endeavours towards social wellbeing. Therefore, the current narrow definition of economic development must be extended to include overall wellbeing. As one of the primary forms of physical capital constituting a regional economy, transport investments have played a significant role in development plans. Given that accessibility to social infrastructure is a basic need, certain levels of infrastructure are essential. How these investments have an impact on different groups of individuals has kept many scholars busy for a long time. However, the economic spillover effects of these investments into female labour markets have remained largely unexplored. Situating the implications of development initiatives, including transport investments, for female labour markets in social and cultural contexts requires an integrated view of the regional economy. Although economic geography and existing development theories provide extensive conceptual models to elucidate the links between transport, labour markets and culture, the methodological implications are obscure; hence, the empirical evidence remains weak. This thesis explores the economic and non-economic dynamics of regional economies to clarify the links between transport infrastructure, labour markets, and social and cultural conditions. In particular, the association between female labour forces and development efforts, in the form of transport infrastructure development, is conceptually and empirically examined. This thesis conducts a case study on Turkey. With the extensive infrastructure investment that has been made since 2002 and the extremely low rates of female labour force participation (around 25%), compared to EU-15 and OECD averages of around 65%, Turkey serves as an illuminating case. Theoretically, the study shows that the focus of transport economics on the economic growth effect of investments is not consistent with current efforts to extend economic development objectives: transport research requires a broader view to assess its development implications. The study demonstrates how the interactions between the economic, physical, political, cultural and socio-economic attributes of regions significantly affect how individuals benefit from the investments. The overarching policy implications of the study are useful for regional development policy with a gender focus: complementary policy interventions in human capital development and the consideration of social and cultural attitudes should strengthen the positive impacts of physical investments on female labour markets.
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Virtual (dis) connectivities : mobile intimacy and presence for women in long distance relationshipsHabib, Dania 12 1900 (has links)
Nous vivons dans une époque où la mobilité internationale est une pratique très courante; ainsi, de plus en plus de partenaires doivent maintenir leurs relations à distance. Le phénomène va de pair avec le développement des nouvelles technologies, qui introduisent de nouvelles formes et de pratiques pour maintenir l’intimité. Cela soulève des questions sur les pratiques de connexion (ou déconnexion) lorsque les couples sont séparés par la distance et le temps.
Ce mémoire propose d’explorer comment les femmes dans des relations amoureuses à distance utilisent divers modes d’expression (visuels, textuels, oraux et tactiles) ainsi que plusieurs sens à travers de multiples technologies mobiles, qui lui permettent de reconstruire la présence et l’intimité avec l’autre. Inspiré par le new mobilities paradigm (Sheller & Urry, 2006), ainsi que les concepts de mobile intimacy (Hjorth & Lim, 2012; Elliott & Urry, 2010) et la présence imaginée (Chayko, 2002; Elliott & Urry, 2010), je propose les notions de (dé) connectivité virtuelle, le lieu virtuel, ainsi que la présence/absence technologique. Utilisant une approche méthodologique mixte, venant des données d’entrevues semi-dirigées, de l’autoethnographie, de la recherche création et de journaux de bord multimédias, certaines pratiques de contrôle et de surveillance, des formes émergentes de travail, l’immédiateté et la réciprocité émergent dans une époque d’interconnectivité. / Globally speaking, an increasing amount of people are on the move for many reasons; whether for work, studies, travel, emigration or exile (Elliott and Urry, 2010). These movements, or lack thereof, along with the development of communication technologies raise important questions around the ways people are able to connect, as well as disconnect, when they are apart. This thesis aims to understand women’s perspectives and practices of intimacy and presence with their partners when they are separated by distance for extended periods of time. This thesis examines various practices of connection, through old and new technologies (mobile technologies), as well as the bodily senses that participate in intimacy and a sense of presence. Informed by the new mobilities paradigm (Sheller & Urry, 2006) as well as the emerging literature on mobile intimacy (Hjorth & Lim, 2012; Elliott & Urry, 2010) and imagined presence (Chayko, 2002; Elliott and Urry, 2010), I propose the notions of virtual (dis)connectivity, virtual place, and technological absence and presence to frame and analyze the practices engaged in by my study’s participants. Through a combination of methods, including semi-structured interviews, multimedia diaries, autoethnography, and research creation, questions of the sensory practices of mobile intimacy, control and monitoring, emerging forms of affective labor, immediacy, and reciprocity are examined in an age of global interconnectedness.
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Regards sur les territoires des ancrages haïtiano-montréalais : les impacts des pratiques transnationales au quotidienLanno-Cyr, Sophie 01 1900 (has links)
À Montréal, les Haïtiens forment le troisième groupe ethnique en importance et offrent un exemple
de peuple en diaspora. Étudier leurs mobilités et pratiques transnationales, ainsi que leurs incidences
sur la redéfinition des concepts d’identité et de territoire, permet alors de comprendre les
articulations entre le local et le transnational, dans le contexte de globalisation et de rétrécissement
du monde permis par les nouvelles technologies. L’objectif de la recherche est de comprendre
l’impact des pratiques transnationales et des médias dans la construction territoriale et l’ancrage des
Haïtiens montréalais. Pour ce faire, 18 entrevues de type récit de vie ont été menées auprès d’un
échantillon représentant les différentes vagues d’immigration haïtienne et des tables rondes ont été
organisées. L’analyse des discours a permis de mettre en lumière les trajectoires, les lieux et types
d’ancrages ainsi que le rôle des nouvelles technologies dans les liens translocaux de cette
communauté. Les résultats, non généralisables, mettent de l’avant le rôle important des médias dans
l’ancrage. Par exemple, l’ancrage des migrants de la première vague a été facilité par la création de
radios haïtiennes, ces dernières ayant aidé à cimenter la communauté d’alors. Pour les deuxièmes
générations, les nouveaux médias permettent de s’identifier à la diaspora et de s’ancrer en Haïti,
avec des projets de développement, comme à Montréal, à travers l’expérience du cosmopolitisme.
Finalement, l’analyse des récits de vie des nouveaux arrivants le confirme : les médias donnent la
possibilité d’un ancrage inédit gardé à disposition avec les nouvelles technologies d’information et
de communication. / Montreal’s Haitian community is the third ethnic group in terms of importance and offers an
interesting example of diaspora. Studying their mobility practices and how these practices impact
concepts such as identity and place allows us to understand their articulations on a local and
transnational scale, in a context of globalisation and contraction of the world due to new
technologies. Specifically, this study aims to understand how transnational practices and media
impact territorial constructions and ancrage of Haitians in Montreal. For this purpose, 18 interviews
and two round-table discussions were organized. A careful analysis of these illustrates the
trajectories, places and types of ancrage and the role of new technologies in the translocal
connections of this community. The results, which cannot be generalized, highlight the crucial role
of media in the ancrage process. For example, the first wave’s migrant’s ancrage was facilitated by the
creation of local Haitian radios, which have helped build the community. For the second
generation’s interviewee, the new media allows the identification to the diaspora and the ancrage, in
Haiti with development projects, as in Montreal, with the cosmopolitism experience. Finally, as the
interview analysis of the newcomers shows: media gives the possibility of a novel ancrage type, kept
at disposal by the new technologies.
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