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Small Signal Impedance and Optical Modulation Bandwidth Characterization and Modeling of Organic Light Emitting DevicesBANDI, DILIP KUMAR 18 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Diskurser inom planering av spårväg och BRT : Diskursanalys av Lunds spårväg och HelsingborgsExpressenFrench, Johannes January 2024 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har intresset för spårväg ökat i Sverige och flera städer planerar nya spårvägslinjer. Samtidigt har Bus Rapid Transit eller BRT lyfts fram som ett billigare alternativ till spårväg. Lagen om kollektivtrafik innebär att regioner och kommuner delar ansvaret för kollektivtrafiken. De höga kostnaderna som projekten medför innebär att statliga bidrag som Stadsmiljöavtalen eller Sverigeförhandlingen blir viktiga möjliggörare för projektens genomförande. Samarbetet mellan kommuner, regioner och statliga myndigheter leder till en komplex planprocess där mål och riktlinjer på flera olika nivåer måste tas i beaktning. Infrastruktursatsningar på den skalan förväntas inte bara få konsekvenser på kollektivtrafiken och flera olika visioner för staden kopplas till projekten. Syftet med arbetet är att förstå vilka diskurser som förekommer inom planeringen av spårväg och BRT. Studien ämnar vidare att undersöka hur diskurser inom planeringen lyfts i olika planeringsdokument. För att ta reda på detta användes fallstudie som den övergripande forskningsstrategin, samt dokumentstudie som den huvudsakliga datainsamlingsmetoden. Arbetet grundas teoretiskt i new mobilities paradigm som innebär att transporter studeras i en tvärvetenskaplig kontext och innebär att perspektiv från sociologi, antropologi och geografi integreras i transportstudier. De undersökta fallen är spårvägen i Lund samt HelsingborgsExpressen i Helsingborg. I varje fall valdes tre dokument ut varav ett var en översiktsplan i varje fall. Dokumentens innehåll och språk analyserades via diskursanalys för att kunna dra slutsatser om vilka diskurser som förekom i fallen. Studien visade att samma diskurser förekom i båda fall. De centrala diskurserna bakom spårvägsprojekten var stadsutveckling, miljö, ekonomi och teknologi. Diskurserna får olika mycket utrymme från dokument till dokument. Diskurserna byggs upp över lång tid och varierar i prominens. Studien visar att stadsutvecklingsdiskursen har ökat i betydelse över tid och att ekonomiska faktorer är en viktig bakomliggande orsak till vilket transportslag kommunerna väljer. Det finns stora likheter i vilka diskurser som tas upp i fallen och även i andra europeiska spårvägsprojekt. Detta visar på att diskurserna är globala och främst kopplade till teknologin och projektets mål snarare än den lokala kontexten.
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Context matters: Problematizing the policy-practice interface in the enactment of gender equality action plans in universitiesNí Laoire, C., Linehan, C., Archibong, Uduak E., Picardi, I., Udén, M. 20 January 2021 (has links)
Yes / This study argues for recognition of the constitutive role of context in shaping the dynamics of the policy‐practice
interface in the field of gender equality in universities. Using a comparative and reflective case‐study approach,
we draw on our experiences, as action‐researchers, of developing and implementing Gender Equality Action Plans (GEAPs) in four universities in four different European countries and we explore the role of national and local
context in the mediation and translation of the GEAP model. Drawing on the concepts of gendered organizations, dialogic organizational change, and policy mobilities, we argue for the need to be critical of approaches to gender
equality in higher education (HE) that presume policy measures and good practice models transfer unproblematically to different HE organizations in different international contexts; instead, we draw attention to the contingent ways in which uneven gender relations articulate and manifest in different contexts, shaping possibilities for, and obstacles to, gender equality intervention. Thus, we argue that context plays a crucial constitutive role in
the interpretation, enactment, and impact of gender equality policy in HE. / FP7 Science in Society. Grant Number: 321378
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Approches théoriques pour une optimisation géométrique des formes urbaines : vers un aménagement fractal de la ville / Theoretical approaches for geometric optimization of urban forms : towards a fractal development of the cityIraqi, Mehdi 29 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à établir une réponse de structures urbaines optimisant les caractéristiques des préférences des habitants. Plus simplement écrit, nous cherchons à explorer quelle forme de ville tenc à répondre le plus favorablement aux aspirations de la population en suivant leurs préférences de consommation pour les aménités urbaines et vertes. En considérant un terrain d'étude théorique et en caractérisant la population par un modèle comportemental de type Cobb-Douglas, nous construisons le développement de la ville par étapes avec une arrivée successive des individus et explorons quelle réponse géométrique est la mieux adaptée. L'objectif final de la thèse est alors de montrer la possibilité d'élaborer une ville à géométrie fractale comme réponse aux demandes des personnes. Nous montrons qu'elle permet un équilibre entre accès aux deux aménités opposées, urbaines et vertes. Cette compensation des distances permet par suite d'offrir à chaque individu, à la fois un équilibre pour ses aménités et son budget, tout en satisfaisant aux exigences globales de la ville / This thesis aims to establish a urban structure that optimizes inhabitant's preferences. In other words, we want to find out which city shape answers the best the residents' aspirations, according to their consumption preferences for urban and green amenities. By considering a theoretical field of study and by characterizing the population by a Cobb-Douglas behavioral pattern, we will build step by step a city, assuming successive arrivais of new individuals, in order to find out which geometric shape gives the most suitable answer. The final goal of this thesis is there to suggest a city with a fractal shape as an appro- priate answer to the resident's expectations. We will show that this structure provides indeed both a balance between accesses to urban amenities and accesses to green amenities and a balance between amenities and budget, with an effective distance compensation that satisfies the overall exigencies of the city
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\"É uma sensação de vácuo...\": contribuições da sociologia da mobilidade sobre o uso da bicicleta na cidade de São Paulo / \"It feels like being pushed in...\": contributions of sociology of mobility on bicycle use in the in the city of São PauloAbilio, Carolina Cássia Conceição 13 July 2018 (has links)
O uso da bicicleta na cidade de São Paulo para fins de deslocamento não é um fenômeno novo e muito menos trazido e/ou baseado sobre infraestrutura existente. Ciclistas enfrentam as ruas da cidade há mais de 10 anos, e tem tido influências crescentes na participação de políticas públicas de mobilidade que concernem a bicicleta. Contudo, fato é que a inclusão da bicicleta como peça-chave no desenho de políticas municipais durante os anos de 2012-2016 deu visibilidade acadêmica, social, econômica e cultural à bicicleta. Essa emersão deu margem à uma onda de novos ciclistas e impactou concretamente o cenário da bicicleta urbana na cidade. Essa pesquisa contemplou dois objetivos: o primeiro deles compreender como a bicicleta é utilizada pelos diversos atores sociais da cidade, e o impacto disso com relação à estilos de vida, sociabilidades, apropriação do espaço urbano, e o aspecto intrinsicamente corporal que tangencia essa experiência. O segundo objetivo foi a construção empírica diferenciada de um problema de pesquisa contemporâneo norteado pelo Paradigma das Novas Mobilidades e os Métodos Móveis, amparado no campo do conhecimento recente da Sociologia da Mobilidade. Ao contrário do discurso predominante relacionado à bicicleta, no qual se associa o \"novo\" modal à liberdade, simplicidade, economia, facilidade e praticidade, os resultados encontrados apontam que isso é apenas uma faceta da experiência vivida por ciclistas em uma cidade com alto índice de desigualdade como São Paulo, circunscrita a um grupo de ciclistas que circulam em determinados espaços sociais. Fazendo uso do conceito de motilidade surgido a partir de uma visão crítica pautada no Paradigma das Novas Mobilidades, é argumentado que embora a bicicleta tenha sido associada nos últimos anos com liberdade e direito à cidade por parte de seus usuários, em muitos casos a experiência que se tem da cidade sob essa perspectiva é agressiva, desconfortável, perigosa e nociva à saúde. A bicicleta é o instrumento único por meio da qual uma parcela empobrecida da população, moradora de regiões periféricas, é capaz de acessar trabalho, lazer, bens e serviços da cidade. Por outro lado, moradores de bairros centrais usufruem da maior porcentagem da infraestrutura cicloviária existente, e utilizam a bicicleta como mais uma modalidade de transporte em seu leque de opções. A pesquisa também possibilitou algumas inovações metodológicas, na forma de uma ferramenta desenvolvida para a coleta dos dados. Por fim, ao pensar no planejamento de uma política pública que concerne o Sistema de Mobilidade Urbana, é necessário pautar a bicicleta como sendo um mais um dispositivo inserido dentro de sistema coletivo de transportes que não abarcou a tempo o crescimento exponencial da cidade e de sua região metropolitana, tornando-o desconexo, obsoleto e à margem das necessidades cotidianas de seus usuários. Para que os benefícios da bicicleta possam impactar em grande escala a população da cidade, é essencial que ela seja pensada e planejada como um elemento na complexa rede de mobilidade da cidade de São Paulo - em meio a sistemas de transporte sobre trilhos, ônibus, automóveis particulares, e mobilidade a pé -, e não apenas como um dispositivo que margeia esse sistema. / The use of the bicycle in the city of São Paulo for purposes of mobility is not a new phenomenon, much less brought and/or based on existing infrastructure. Cyclists have faced the city streets for more than 10 years, and have had growing influence in the participation of public mobility policies concerning cycling. However, the inclusion of cycling as a key element in the design of municipal policies during the years 2012-2016 gave academic, social, economic and cultural visibility to the bicycle. This emergence gave way to a wave of new cyclists and affected the urban bike scene in the city. This research contemplated two objectives: the first one was to understand how the bicycle is used by the various social actors of the city, and its impact regarding lifestyles, sociabilities, appropriation of urban space, and the intrinsically corporal aspect that tangents the cycling experience. The second objective was the differentiated empirical construction of a contemporary research problem guided by the New Mobilities Paradigm and the Mobile Methods, supported by the recent field of knowledge of the Sociology of Mobility. Unlike the predominant discourse related to the bicycle, in which the \"new\" modal is associated with freedom, simplicity, economy, ease, and practicality, the results found point out that this is only one facet of the experience of cyclists in a city with a high index of inequality as São Paulo, circumscribed to a group of cyclists that circulate in certain social spaces. Making use of the concept of motility arising from a critical view based on the New Mobilities Paradigm, it is argued that although the bicycle has been associated in recent years with freedom and right to the city by its users, in many cases the city experience by cycling is aggressive, uncomfortable, dangerous and harmful to health. The bicycle is the only instrument through which an impoverished portion of the population, living in peripheral regions, is able to access work, leisure, goods, and services of the city. On the other hand, residents of central districts enjoy the largest percentage of existing bicycle infrastructure and use the bicycle as another mode of transportation in their range of options. The research also enabled some methodological innovations, in the form of a tool developed for data collection. Finally, when thinking about the planning of a public policy that concerns the Urban Mobility System, it is necessary to pinpoint the bicycle as one more device inserted within a collective transportation system that did not include the exponential growth of the city and its metropolitan region, making it disconnected, obsolete and at the margin of the daily needs of its users. In order for the bicycle\'s benefits to impact the city\'s population on a large scale, it is essential that it be designed and planned as an element adding to the complex mobility network of São Paulo - amid transport rail systems, buses, private cars, and walk -, and not simply as a tool that serves this systems.
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Uma atraente esposa brasileira ou seu dinheiro de volta: uma análise de agências de casamento especializadas em unir mulheres brasileiras a homens alemães / An attractive Brazilian wife or your money back: an analysis of introduction agencies specialized in uniting Brazilian women to German menTiriba, Thais Henriques 08 December 2016 (has links)
Essa dissertação de mestrado tem por objetivo perscrutar os valores atribuídos a relacionamentos afetivosexuais que se estabelecem através da mediação de sites de relacionamentos e agências de casamento entre homens do chamado primeiro mundo e mulheres do chamado terceiro mundo. Em particular, relacionamentos entre homens alemães e mulheres brasileiras. Tendo como pano de fundo as dinâmicas históricas e sociais que tornam relacionamentos desse tipo não apenas possíveis, mas também desejáveis, objetivo iluminar de que maneiras tais dinâmicas estariam implicadas na produção e reprodução do desejo e de interações tidas como íntimas, bem como essas dinâmicas mobilizariam noções de sexualidade e raça. Procuro, ademais, localizar o lugar ocupado pelas brasileiras nesse mercado internacional de fluxos matrimoniais e agências de casamento. Investigo ainda as motivações pessoais de indivíduos que fazem uso dessa forma de se buscar um/a parceiro/a compatível e questiono como relações mais amplas relativas a desigualdades de poder, gênero, raça e nacionalidade são pensadas nos processos de estabelecimento desses relacionamentos. / This dissertation aims to scrutinize the values attributed to affectivesexual relationships that are established through the mediation of dating websites and introduction agencies between men from the socalled \"first world\" and women from the socalled \"third world\". In particular, relationships between German men and Brazilian women. Taking in consideration the historical and social dynamics that make such relationships not only possible, but also desirable, I aim to shed light into how such dynamics are implicated in the production and reproduction of desire and of intimate interactions, as well as how such dynamics mobilize notions of race and sexuality. Furthermore, I seek to find the place occupied by Brazilian women in the market of international marriage flows and marriage agencies. I also investigate the personal motivations of individuals who make usage of these tools to find a suitable partner and question how wider power, gender, race and nationality inequalities are thought through in the processes of establishing these relationships.
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Les mobilités à l'épreuve des aéroports : des espaces publics aux territorialités en réseau : les cas de Paris Roissy-Charles-De-Gaulle, Amsterdam Schiphol, Francfort-sur-le-Main et Dubai International / Mobilities to the test of the airports : from public spaces to networked territorialities : the cases of Paris Charles-De-Gaulle, Amsterdam Schiphol, Frankfurt am Main and Dubai InternationalFrétigny, Jean-Baptiste 10 December 2013 (has links)
La thèse interroge le sens de l'expérience de quatre grands aéroports internationaux : Paris Roissy-Charles-DeGaulle, Amsterdam Schiphol, Francfort-sur-le-Main et Dubaï International. Elle fait l'hypothèse que ces quatre hubs ou plateformes de correspondance, loin de constituer des non-lieux, sont au contraire des lieux de pouvoir et des laboratoires privilégiés d'observation de nouveaux rapports au lieu et au territoire dans la mobilité. Pôles d'échange ou lieux-mouvements de grande complexité, ces commutateurs sont analysés au regard des espaces publics non idéalisés et des relations entre de multiples acteurs qu'ils concentrent, dans une approche comparative des quatre terrains. L'investigation de ces espaces publics permet de voir en quoi ils constituent de puissants opérateurs de visibilité, d'intelligibilité, de classement et de performance d'un très large spectre de mobilités, comme les mobilités touristiques, de travail ou migratoires. La thèse questionne les savoir-faire et les catégorisations de la mobilité mobilisées par les acteurs institutionnels dans l'aménagement et le fonctionnement de ces microcosmes à destination de populations mobiles très contrastées et les confronte aux pratiques effectives des passagers aériens à large et à microéchelle. Elle montre combien les catégorisations et les expériences de ces lieux mondiaux par excellence prennent sens à bien plus large échelle que celle de ces espaces eux-mêmes. Elle souligne ainsi le rôle majeur des lieux de mobilité dans l'affirmation de formes puissantes d'identification individuelles et collectives et de ségrégation. Au cœur des processus de mondialisation et de métropolisation, elle précise ainsi les contours des territorialités en réseau construites par et dans la mobilité dont les aéroports sont les révélateurs. / This PhD questions the meaning of the experience of four main international airports: Paris Charles-De-Gaulle, Amsterdam Schiphol, Frankfort am Main and Dubai International. The main hypothesis is that these four hubs, far from being non-places, are on the contrary places of power and privileged laboratories to observe new relationships to place and to territory in mobility. These very complex places of interchange are analyzed through the lens of the nonidealized public spaces and through the actors at the heart of their day-to-day operations, in a comparative approach of the four field works. Airport public spaces prove to be powerful operators of visibility, intelligibility, performance and categorization of a very large spectrum of mobilities, such as touristic, business or transnational mobilities. Studying the design and the practice of these global places par excellence on a micro-scale, the PhD shows how much the experiences and the heterogeneous categorizations of mobilities are put to the test in these microcosms and make sense at a far larger scale than the one of these spaces themselves. This work stresses therefore the major role mobility places in the expression of powerful forms of individual and collective affirmation and segregation on the move. At the heart of globalization and metropolisation processes, airports turn out be revelators of the territorialities in network in construction through and in mobility.
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La Marchandisation des Traditions. Etude de cas dans le Maramures (Roumanie) / The commodification of traditions. Case study in Maramures (Romania)Nagy, Raluca 24 March 2009 (has links)
Le but de cette recherché doctorale est d'établir la liaison entre deux phénomènes de mobilité parallèles qui peuvent faire changer une société de manière dramatique. On trouve dans le Maramures deux couloirs de mobilités fort liés entre eux: l’arrivée de personnes vers la région, qui consiste surtout en tourisme rural, et le départ des personnes originaires de la région vers l’étranger, qui est représenté par la migration de travail.
Le tourisme rural est encastré dans un contexte social, politique et historique particulier. La spécificité supposée de la région est celle d’une authenticité bien préservée, avec un fort usage du discours concernant l’Etat national. Le Maramures est considéré comme une des régions “authentiques”, “archaïques” et “traditionnelles” qui attirent une certaine catégorie de visiteurs, comme c’est souvent le cas du tourisme rural. L’évolution du phénomène touristique est le résultat des intersections complexes des divers acteurs, les migrants jouant un rôle important.
Une grande partie des remises de fonds provenant des migrants est investie dans le tourisme rural, d’une manière directe ou indirecte. De plus, ceux-ci fonctionnent comme des médiateurs culturels pour les activités touristiques. La participation à une pratique, tel le tourisme rural ou la migration, facilite souvent l’accès à l’autre, générant ainsi des tensions et clivages sociaux.
La croissance continue du tourisme et de la migration est en même temps cause et effet d’une interdépendance entre les modèles culturels et économiques de l’Est et de l’Ouest. /
The goal of this PhD research is to show the connection between two parallel mobility phenomena that have the potential to dramatically change a local society. There are two strongly linked “mobility corridors” in Maramures. Incoming mobility, i.e. the arrival of foreigners, largely involves tourists, whilst outgoing mobility consists mostly of labour migration.
Rural tourism is embedded in a particular social, political and historical context. The alleged specificity of this area is a well-preserved authenticity, with a strong background of national discourse. Maramures is seen as an “authentic”, “archaic” or “traditional” area, so it attracts a particular category of visitor, as is often the case in rural tourism. The evolution of this tourism phenomenon is the result of the complex intersection of different actors’ interests, and migrants play a major role.
A large part of the labour migrants’ remittances is invested in rural tourism, directly or indirectly. Moreover, these migrants function as cultural brokers for tourism-related activities. Participation in either rural tourism or migration often facilitates access to the other. However, it also creates tensions and social gaps.
The steady growth of tourism and migration is both cause and effect of an interdependence between the cultural and economic models of Eastern and Western societies.
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Multicomponent diffusional reactions in tool steels : Experiment and TheoryLindwall, Greta January 2012 (has links)
Many phenomena determining the microstructure of a tool steel and consequently the properties of the material, are governed by multicomponent diffusion. The diffusion driven reactions that take place during, for example, tempering of a hot-work tool steel or when the microstructure develops during hot isostatic pressing of cold-work tool steel, are dependent on the types and amounts of alloying elements. In order for computational methods to be usable, these alloying effects need to be understood and incorporated in the models. In this work the influence of some typical tool steel alloying elements on the coarsening behavior of precipitates is investigated. Experimental coarsening studies are performed and the impact of the diffusion mobility descriptions and the thermodynamic descriptions are investigated by means of DICTRA coarsening calculations. The kinetic descriptions for diffusion in the body centered-cubic phase in the case of the chromium-iron-vanadium system and the chromium-iron-molybdenum system are improved by assessments of diffusion mobility parameters, and are shown to have a large impact on the calculated coarsening rate for vanadium-rich and molybdenum-rich precipitates. The effect of cobalt is examined by a coarsening experiment for vanandiumrich carbides and by a diffusion couple experiment for the investigation of the vanadium interdiffusion. The presence of cobalt is experimentally shown to have retarding effect on the coarsening rate of the carbides, but not on the vanadium diffusion. The coarsening rate of nitrogen-rich precipitates is compared to the coarsening rate of carbon-rich precipitates, and a lower coarsening rate for nitrides compared to carbides can be confirmed. Correlation between coarsening calculations and experiments is obtained suggesting that the thermodynamic description of the two systems is the underlaying reason for the different coarsening rates. Further, calculations utilizing the DICTRA software are combined with experimental investigations in order to study the possibility to apply computational methods for compound material development and explore application areas for high nitrogen alloyed tool steels produced by powder metallurgy. / <p>QC 20121011</p>
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(Thai-)Land in Bewegung: Nostalgien und inländische Tourismusmobilitäten / Thailand in Transition: Nostalgia and Domestic Tourism MobilitiesGünther, Jelka 27 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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