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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Corporate Responses to the Global Compact and the UN norms: A difference in preference? : A Case-study on corporations` response to voluntary and legally binding initiatives

Viklund, Johan January 2008 (has links)
This paper examines corporate responses to the voluntary UN initiative; the Global Compact and the legally binding UN Norms initiative that are attempts, at the urging of the international community, at different types of regulation of corporate activity in international socio-economic settings. This examination is done within the framework of the Modern World-Systems theory and both questions of the paper are therefore grounded in the MWS theory`s possibility to predict and explain the corporations` response to the two initiatives. The two hypotheses used in this paper are corresponding to the questions and they state that the MWS theory can answer the two questions. The paper therefore employs an overreaching congruence method that uses the MWS theory to predict and explain the outcome of the case study and a complementary descriptive argumentation analysis. This is conducted in order to attain the data needed and to elucidate what the differences and similarities are between the two initiatives and what aspect can be attributed most explanatory value to understand the possible differences in attitude by the corporations. The outcome of the case study shows that corporations are more in favor of the Global Compact then they are concerning the UN norms which they opposes vehemently. This difference in reaction is attributed to the latter’s legally binding principle and this is in accord with the logic of the MWS theory which is granted high predictable and explanatory value concerning the corporations` response to the Global Compact and the UN norms.

Love is a Cunning Weaver: Myths, Sexuality, and the Modern World

Szabo, Bobbie 12 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

The role of great power war in the rise of Hegemons : a study of Dutch Hegemonic ascent in the modern world-system

Siebrits, Andre 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Political Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the claim that Great Power Wars are a necessary condition for successful hegemonic ascent in the modern world-system, primarily from the standpoint of World- Systems Analysis. This study advances the conception of hegemony primarily in economic and state terms, and it was investigated, by way of a historical case study, how the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) impacted the economic domains of agro-industrial production, commerce, and finance of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, and its main rival for systemic leadership, Hapsburg Spain. The variables utilised in the study were Great Power War, and the ‘material base’ of the state involved (both independent), the three abovementioned economic domains (intervening), and hegemony or defeat (dependent). The case study was primarily descriptive and explanatory, with the use of process-tracing in its compilation, and a method of within-case structured, focused comparison was utilised with the aim of tentatively producing standardised, generalised knowledge concerning the wider link between Great Power War and hegemony beyond the Dutch case. The findings of the study, although derived from only one historical case of hegemonic ascent in the modern world-system, strongly support the argument that Great Power War is necessary to secure the hegemony of the leading insular core state, which is physically removed from the fighting during the conflict, since the full mobilisation of its economy is effected, while the economies of most other core states are impaired, especially the main continental rival for hegemony. However, the ascending hegemon must also possess the requisite favourable ‘material base’. Further research on this topic is called for, given the potential destructiveness of a future Great Power War, and its role in establishing hegemony in the modern world-system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die bewering dat Groot Moontheid Oorloë ‘n noodsaaklike vereiste is vir suksesvolle hegemoniese bestyging in die moderne wêreld-sisteem, hoofsaaklik vanaf die standpunt van Wêreld-Sisteem Analise. Hierdie studie bevorder die konsepsie van hegemonie hoofsaaklik in ekonomiese en staat terme, en dit het ondersoek, deur middel van ‘n historiese gevallestudie, hoe die Dertig Jaar Oorlog (1618-1648) ingewerk het op die ekonomiese arenas van agri-industriële produksie, handel, and finansies van die Verenigde Provinsies van Nederland, en hul mededinger vir sistemiese leierskap, Spanje. Die veranderlikes wat in die studie ingespan was, was Groot Moontheid Oorlog, en die ‘materiële basis’ van die state in kwessie (onafhanlik), die drie bogenoemde ekonomiese arenas (albei tussenkomend), en hegemonie of nederlaag (afhanklik). Die gevallestudie was hoofsaaklik beskrywend en verduidelikend, en proses-nasporing (oftewel ‘process-tracing’) is in die samestelling daarvan benut, en ‘n metode van gestruktureerde, gefokusde vergelyking (oftewel ‘structured, focused comparison’) is gebruik binne die gevallestudie met die doel om tentatiewe gestandardiseerde en veralgemeende kennis te genereer wat bydra tot die verduideliking van die wyer skakel tussen Groot Moontheid Oorlog en hegemonie buite die geval van die Verenigde Provinsies. Die bevindinge van die studie, hoewel gegenereer aan die hand van slegs een historiese geval van hegemoniese bestyging in the moderne wêreld-sisteem, het sterk steun verleen aan die argument dat Groot Moontheid Oorloë nodig is om die hegemonie van die vernaamste insulêre kern staat te bewerkstellig, wat fisies verwyderd van die gevegte is tydends die oorlog, aangesien die volle mobilisasie van die ekonomie van hierdie staat bewerkstellig word, terwyl die ekonomieë van die meerderheid van die ander kernstate benadeel word, veral die vernaamste kontinentale mededinger om hegemonie. Die opkomende hegemoon moet egter ook oor die vereiste gunstige ‘materiële basis’ beskik. Verdere navorsing in hierdie veld word benodig, gegewe die waarskynlike vernietiging wat gesaai kan word deur ‘n toekomstige Groot Moontheid Oorlog, en die rol daarvan in die daarstelling van hegemonie in die moderne wêreld-sisteem.

五四意識在台灣 / May Fourth Consciousness in Taiwan

簡明海, Chien, Ming Hai Unknown Date (has links)
本文所謂「五四意識在台灣」係指三方面而言。其一、在思想觀念上,台灣這一政治社會實體所蘊生的文化思想體係,對五四思想文化觀念的接受、批判、轉化和變遷;其二、從人物與台灣的關聯淵源上著手,考量其深淺遠近,以及出版著作在台灣的傳播影響;其三、在資料性質上,以呈現出台灣五四特質的出版論著、對話回憶、成果回顧;包括中國大陸及海外之資料,也以對於台灣五四思想研究和闡述為主。在此三者的界定下加以運用說明,並且從「五四意識在台灣」,逐漸產生「台灣的五四意識」的發展趨向,形成與其他五四觀點相通但也有區別的五四立論,表現出台灣特殊時空環境下對五四的認知和變遷的理路。 五四意識在台灣,隨著不同政治文化形勢的轉變,分別呈現橫向移植與縱向傳承的特色,亦是無可否認的客觀事實。以台灣史的分期而論,五四曾以不同姿態,經過三次主要的起落,分別在不同時期展現其不同的歷史角色。首先在1920年代開始至30年代初期,五四主要以台灣新文學及新文化啟蒙的形態,以《台灣民報》等報章雜誌為途徑,傳播、影響了台灣思想文化運動。初始是以黃呈聰、陳端明、黃朝琴等人扮演重要的推手;1924年以後,張我軍(1902–1955)鼓吹的白話新文學更掀起了全面的論戰與風潮。直到隨著中、日關係的緊張及日本軍國主義的肆虐,30年代中葉遂步入衰退期;況且台灣新文學及新文化,也於此之前就產生了本土化及左翼化的現象。張我軍、許乃昌、賴和、黃呈聰、黃得時、陳端明、蘇薌雨等曾經留(遊)學中國的台人,其努力未竟全功,可說只有橫向的移植,難以形成有效、廣泛且影響持續的縱向傳承。除了掀起新舊文學、白話文及台灣話文的論爭外,對新文化的思想啟蒙雖有一定的成效,但都為擁有強勢政經實力的日本文化壓制,終而在戰爭後期成為以日文為主導的文化主流,加上日本的現代化本較中國成功,因而除了民族主義的號召——「對抗同化」與彌補認同「文化的缺口」等心理層面的需求之外,台灣實質現代化的動力,不應忽視日本帶來的影響。有人認為日治時期五四在台灣的移植,是一個「失敗的移植」。 但即算是失敗,也仍有其影響,並成為後來五四意識在台灣延續的火苗。從思想文化史的角度來說,五四意識實未曾在台灣完全斷絕過。 其二、在1945年戰後,由於大陸籍各式立場文人的來台,加上五四有著濃厚的中國民族主義色彩,再度於台灣引起討論,也可謂是「再中國化」的文宣教材之一。其中,魯迅是相當具有代表性的五四人物,此時期對於他的紀念與研究,象徵著1949年之前,兩岸無分省籍的推崇。經過二二八至白色恐怖的鎮壓,五四左翼風潮瞬間殞落,因此一段左翼風潮持續時間短暫,故可以一漣漪視之。然即在稍後,跟隨國民黨遷台,1950年代初期,五四以來的自由主義知識份子,亦期盼在台灣獲得一片新天地,冀盼一方面以五四自由傳統作為反共的利器,另一方面則能以此思想價值作為鞭策國民政府實現民主憲政、自由理想的指標。五四自由主義傳統影響的文人、學者,甚至政治人物移居台灣後,五四自由主義的思想觀念,在當時反共的需求下,反而得到在台灣落地生根的機會,戰後台灣民主自由觀的形成,與反對運動精神形塑的第一階段,頗受胡適、雷震與殷海光等五四自由傳統人物的影響。 余英時認為《自由中國》陣營可說是「五四」主流的新發展,他們結合本土勢力與一黨專政的對抗,終於使得民主、自由的種子流傳下來,因而雷震、殷海光在後來的反對黨方面仍享有很高的聲望, 甚至造成後來五四思想觀念在台灣縱向傳承的可能,其影響幾延續至今。五四口號——「民主」、「科學」一時之間又頗受強調,《自由中國》陣營的胡適、雷震、殷海光是主要代表,特別殷海光是此時宣揚五四精神的首屈建筆,此一趨向在《自由中國》與國民黨日趨緊張後,五四更成為批判國民黨的符號象徵。1960年9月《自由中國》停刊,特別是在1962年2月胡適去世之後,除了《文星》、《大學雜誌》的局部火花之外,五四意識在台灣的延續,又告中落,政治霸權又再一次壓抑了思想文化、自由民主的發展進程。 其三、此種情況,直到五四60週年(1979年)前後,由於中國大陸民主運動的勃興,及國民黨當局希望藉由相對中國的民主開放,而以繼承五四理想正統自居的地位,批判中共的專制政體。被壓抑許久的五四紀念風潮,瞬時大舉復甦,幾乎延續至1989年中國八九民運之時,五四成為中國民主自由燈塔的形象更為鞏固。不過,或許極盛而衰,也大約在此時,台灣民主政治的發展,已逐步邁向新的階段,本土化趨向勢不可擋,五四80週年紀念的氣氛已不如60、70週年時熾烈,但台灣主體的五四觀,卻在此期間趁勢而起,更彰顯了台灣歷史多元的文化特色,五四在台灣又進入了新的階段,未來的演變仍值得持續觀察。但是,政治力量——無論台灣本身或是中國大陸的情勢,都深深影響了台灣歷史文化的演變,五四意識即是其中突出的事例。 在這三起三落一漣漪中,五四意識在台灣並非突然興起,或突然完全斷裂已至消失終止,而是在退潮時,以隱而未顯的方式,繼續存在台灣社會的角落,以不同的型態延續存在。如以文學形式、或在批判五四、學術思想等方面,都仍有五四的遺緒和影響。特別是從思想史的角度而論,浪漫主義、唯理主義的探討與批判一直是貫穿台灣五四意識史的重要部份。五四是台灣政治、社會、思想文化史的極具意義的大熱點的原因,除了兩岸關係對立複雜又難以逃避之外,台灣國家認同的問題亦是凸顯五四意識在台灣變遷重要性的一大關鍵。無論統獨的立場如何,雙方多能夠肯定五四對於提倡自由民主的理想價值,也都肯定胡適、雷震、殷海光等五四自由思想人物;若不以成敗論英雄的話,他們對台灣、中國的努力,實是具有歷史前瞻性的貢獻,也是兩岸雙方應共同珍視的文化資源。此外,通過長期的五四探究與批判,產生了五四以降,政治、社會、思想文化建設的諸多觀點,其中林毓生「傳統的創造性轉化」的思考,可說是其針對五四意識型態化的思想困局,所提出的解決方案。 / May Fourth Consciousness in Taiwan are very important for our.The May Fourth Movement was part cultural revolution, part social movement. On the cultural side, the students had been inspired in the preceding two decades by Western thought, creating a feeling of frustration and dissatisfaction with Chinese tradition. In the intellectual ferment that resulted from this, answers were sought for the questions why and how China had lagged behind the West. Taiwan intellectual user May Fourth Consciousness look for Taiwan and China's modern world.

Perspective vol. 14 no. 1 (Feb 1980)

Zylstra, Bernard, Hielema, Evelyn Kuntz, VanderVennen, Robert E., Van Eek, Arie 29 February 1980 (has links)
No description available.

Perspective vol. 14 no. 1 (Feb 1980) / Perspective: Newsletter of the Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship

Zylstra, Bernard, Hielema, Evelyn Kuntz, VanderVennen, Robert E., Van Eek, Arie 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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