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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faut-il mourir pour que vive le roi ? La mort tragique face à la succession monarchique dans le théâtre du XVIIe siècle (1637-1691) / Should the King die to live long? Death and monarchic succession in Seventeenth Century French Tragic Drama (1637-1691)

Labrune, Caroline 06 July 2018 (has links)
Ce travail s'applique à éclairer les rapports qu'entretiennent la mort et la succession monarchique dans le théâtre tragique français du XVIIe siècle. Telle qu'elle est présentée par les textes théoriques et juridiques de l'époque moderne, la succession monarchique ne semble guère se prêter à la scène tragique. Dès lors, pourquoi et comment les dramaturges la représentent-ils ? C'est ce paradoxe que nous éclairons en adoptant une démarche pluridisciplinaire. Dans un premier temps, nous montrons que les dramaturges tragiques rejettent la mystique que la théorie politique contemporaine présente comme acquise, en particulier la fiction mystique des deux corps du roi. Cela ouvre la porte à toutes sortes de crises, ce qui ne signifie pas pour autant que la mort se produise toujours dans notre corpus. Selon les circonstances, un même motif (ambition, amour, liens du sang) peut mener à des issues strictement contraires. Aussi les dramaturges créent-ils des tragiques divers, qui vont du spectacle pathétique de la ruine des uns à la générosité sublime des autres. Il font donc preuve d'une grande liberté dans le traitement de la succession monarchique, ce qui pose problème. À une époque où le pouvoir royal s'absolutise, il peut sembler périlleux de présenter de tels désordres sur scène. C'est pourquoi nous nous attachons, dans un dernier temps, à prendre la mesure du potentiel subversif de notre corpus et à expliquer comment les dramaturges ont pu traiter un sujet aussi délicat de façon aussi variée. / This PhD dissertation focuses on the links between death and monarchic succession in Seventeenth Century French tragedies, tragi-comedies and heroic comedies. Since political philosophers and legal scholars of the Early Modern Era always present the monarch's death as natural and serene, succession did not seem to be of particular interest for tragic playwrights. One can therefore wonder why and how they staged succession crises. This is the question this dissertation answers in an interdisciplinary perspective. First, this dissertation shows that their plays did not present the mystical doctrine of the King's two bodies as valid. That is why playwrights could elaborate on all sorts of succession crises. This does not mean howewer that death always occurs in Seventeenth Century French Tragic Drama, even though it is often the case. Depending on the situations, similar patterns (ambition, love, blood ties) can lead to completely opposite endings. That is why playwrights sometimes aroused pity, horror, but also admiration in the spectator, which means they had great liberty when they staged succession. That can appear odd, as it is well-known that the Seventeenth Century saw the rising of absolutism in France. Why would the authorities allow such a fundamental issue to be questioned publicly? This is why this dissertation finally studies to what extent the French Tragic Drama of this period was subversive, and how playwrights could manage to stage such a delicate question as monarchic succession.

Traditions indigènes et hellénisme en Égypte lagide : le décret de l'an 23 de Ptolémée Épiphane et les décrets des synodes sacerdotaux de son règne (204-180 a.C) / Native Traditions and Hellenism in Ptolemaic Egypt : the Decree of the 23th year of Ptolemy Epiphanes and the Decrees of Priestly Synods under this Reign (204-180 BC)

Nespoulous-Phalippou, Alexandra 10 December 2011 (has links)
Publiées au début du siècle dernier par G. Daressy, les deux stèles conservées au Musée du Caire (RT 2/3/25/7 et JE 44901) constituent les seuls exemplaires connus à ce jour du décret de l’an 23 de Ptolémée Épiphane ; exclusivement rédigées en hiéroglyphique, elles présentent toutefois une parenté formelle et phraséologique avec les décrets des synodes sacerdotaux de ce règne dont certains ont été publiés dans les trois écritures d’usage pour ce type de documents(hiéroglyphique, grec et démotique). Cette étude se propose de fournir une édition normalisée suivant une édition synoptique de ces deux monuments accompagnée d’un apparat critique, d’une traduction, d’un commentaire philologique, de photographies et de fac-similés ; de même, afin d’effectuer l’étude philologique de ces textes, un recueil de traductions réactualisées des trois décrets antérieurs (Décret de Memphis II et les deux décrets dits « de Philae ») est présenté à partir de la version hiéroglyphique. Cette documentation épigraphique officielle, spécifique de l’époque ptolémaïque, constitue des sources de premier ordre pour l’étude des événements politiques qui eurent cours à la fin du règne dePtolémée V Épiphane (204-180 a.C.). L’appréhension de l’évolution des relations entre la Couronne alexandrine et les clergés indigènes s’effectue notamment autour de deux problématiques. La première est constituée par l’hétérogénéité du corpus des actes de ces décrets synodaux. La seconde est celle du paradoxe selon lequel le règne de ce dynaste lagide est présenté comme une étape décisive dans le processus de déclin de l’autorité alexandrine (tant en Égypte qu’en Méditerranée orientale) alors que se multiplie sous son règne la publication de ces décrets mettant toujours plus en avant l’évergétisme dont a fait preuve le souverain envers les divinités et la population égyptiennes. / Published in the early century by G. Daressy, the two stones from the Cairo Museum (RT 2/3/25/7 and JE 44901) are the only known copies to-date of Ptolemy Epiphanes’ decree written in year 23 BC ; although exclusively written in hieroglyphic text, they clearly present formal and phraseological similarities with the decrees from the priestly synods of that reign, decrees which some of them were published in the three used kinds of writing (hieroglyphic, greek and demotic). This study aims to provide a normalized version following a synoptic version of those two monuments. It is accompanied by a critical apparatus, a translation, philological commentaries, photographs and facsimiles. Also, in order to present an accurate philological study of the texts, an upto- date translation of the three previous decrees (Decree of Memphis II and the two other said “Decrees of Philae”) is provided, based on the hieroglyphic version.This official epigraphic documentation, specific to the Ptolemaic period, forms a strong knowledge base that provides valuable insights on the political events which occurred at the end of Ptolemy Epiphanes’ reign (204-180 BC). The understanding of the relationship evolution between the Alexandrian Crown and the indigenous clergies relates to two problems. On one hand, the heterogeneity of the corpus acts these synodal decrees are part of. On the other hand, the paradox that constitutes this Ptolemaic dynast’s reign, presented as a key factor in the decline of the Alexandrian authority (in Egypt as well as in the Eastern Mediterranean regions), when numerous decrees were published stating the openhandeness towards the divinities and the Egyptian people.

In armorum artibus spectabiles satis sunt : relações políticomilitares e poder monárquico na trajetória visigoda durante a antiguidade tardia (332-711) / In armorum artibus spectablis satis sunt : political and military relations and monarchic power on the visigoth trajectory during the late antiquity (322-711) / In armorum artibus spectablis satis sunt : relaciones político-militares y poder monárquico entre los visigodos durante la antigüedad tardía (332-711)

Prata, Rafael Costa 18 July 2016 (has links)
Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa e à Inovação Tecnológica do Estado de Sergipe - FAPITEC/SE / In our thesis, it's analyzed the cadre of the political and military relations operated by the Visigoths face to the various political centers in which had contact during the Late Antiquity. We emphasized, specially, to the creation of the conflicts that, inevitably, erupted of the complex cadre of tension, conflicts and negotiations that were established between that cores. From a sequence of promulgated precepts by the Roman imperators and Visigoth monarchs, in various legal documents that produced during the Late Antiquity, we analyzed, also, how was conceived its political and military organization. Therefore, our research has an analytics condution marked by a view focused on the foreign policy and also on the constituent elements of the internal policy of the regnum. To effectuate this research, we used the theorical and methodological assumptions provided by the concept of Late Antiquity. This concept being stepped in a long term view, it was an important sinew deeply exact to the purposes of our research, once it was allowed to us to pay attention to a sequence of distinctive aspects of a specific past, but they ended up staying on the late-old picture, that it was constituted as the center of all of our analysis. Proving the perception that the History is composed of both disruptions and by continuities. / En nuestra Tesis, analizamos el cuadro de las relaciones político-militares desplegadas por los visigodos frente a los diversos núcleos políticos con los que establecieron contacto durante la Antigüedad Tardía. Hacemos hincapié, especialmente, en la naturaleza de los conflictos que, de forma inevitable, irrumpieron en el complejo marco de las tensiones, conflictos y negociaciones que se establecieron entre tales potencias. A partir de una serie de preceptos promulgados por los emperadores romanos y los monarcas visigodos, mediante los diversos documentos jurídicos que crearon durante la Antigüedad Tardía, analizamos, también, como concibieron su organización políticomilitar. Por tanto, nuestra investigación posee una conducción analítica que está marcada por una retrospectiva que afecta tanto a los aspectos relativos a la política exterior como a los elementos constituyentes de la política interna del reino. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, utilizamos los presupuestos teórico-metodológicos adjuntos al concepto de Antigüedad Tardía. Estando dicho concepto fundamentado en una idea de larga duración, éste ha resultado fundamental al ajustarse a los propósitos de nuestra investigación, ya que nos ha permitido prestar atención a toda una serie de rasgos característicos de un pasado específico, pero que permanecieron en el ámbito tardo-antiguo, lo que se ha constituido como eje de nuestro análisis. Comprobando la percepción de que la Historia está compuesta tanto por rupturas como por permanencias. / Em nossa dissertação, analisamos o quadro das relações político-militares operadas pelos visigodos frente aos diversos núcleos políticos com os quais travaram contato durante a Antiguidade Tardia. Demos ênfase, especialmente, à natureza dos conflitos que, inevitavelmente, irromperam do complexo quadro de tensões, conflitos e negociações que se estabeleceram entre tais núcleos. A partir de uma série de preceitos promulgados pelos imperadores romanos e monarcas visigodos, nos diversos documentos jurídicos que produziram durante a Antiguidade Tardia, analisamos, também, como conceberam sua organização político-militar. Portanto, nossa pesquisa possui uma condução analítica marcada por um olhar voltado tanto aos aspectos relativos à política externa quanto aos elementos constituintes da política interna do regnum. Para efetuarmos esta investigação, utilizamos os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos fornecidos pelo conceito de Antiguidade Tardia. Estando esse conceito calcado numa ideia de longa duração, ele foi um importante sustentáculo profundamente afinado aos propósitos de nossa pesquisa, uma vez que nos permitiu atentar para uma série de aspectos característicos de um passado específico, mas que acabaram permanecendo na paisagem tardo-antiga, o que se constituiu como centro de toda a nossa análise. Comprovando a percepção de que a História é composta tanto por rupturas quanto por permanências.

Kapucínský řád a společnost v Čechách a na Moravě v letech 1618-1673 / Capuchin Order and Society in Bohemia and Moravia between 1618- 1673

Brčák, Marek January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the history of the Capuchin order in Czech-Moravian territory during 1618-1673. The Czech-Austrian Capuchin province was established in 1618 and in 1673 was divided into Czech and Austrian part which led to formation of two individual provinces of the Capuchin order. The first chapter of the master thesis introduces the review of existing literature that deals with this theme and the characterization of sources. This chapter is focused on narrative sources that are fundamental for this master thesis. In the second chapter, the Capuchin order is characterized (with the emphasis on the structure and formation) and its history, because this information explains the behaviour of Capuchins in the Czech-Moravian territory. We could not omit the Franciscan order and its history in this passage, because these also influenced the orientation and spirituality of the Capuchin order. The whole history of the Czech-Austrian Capuchin province is comprised in the third chapter. This period witnessed a significant progress in admission of new members of the Capuchin order. We are interested in the national origin of the members and their social stratification. Further, we deal with the impact of the Thirty Years War on the order in the specified region. The reasons of founding new...

The role and status of women during the pre-monarchic period (1200-105 BC)

Sha, Halima 11 1900 (has links)
The lives of women are largely hidden in the Old Testament. New archaeological investigationsinto the households of Iron Age I have brought forward new evidence that sheds light on theauthority status and roles of women in the pre-monarchic tribal community. Conventional theory perceives that women were always oppressed and marginalised under a malevolentsystem of male rule in the Bible. The evidence indicates differently. Investigations in thedomestic sphere, where the household processes were under women’s control and management, imply that women held authority that was equal to male power in the public domain. It has been revealed that women held significant positions in the public sphere as well.This study, therefore, is an investigation into women’s status and the wide-ranging socioeconomicand religious roles they held within a system of male rule that allowed women theirauthority and autonomy in a unique period of Israelite history. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M. Th. (Biblical Archaeology)

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