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Kauno miesto viešbučių administratorių motyvavimas ir motyvacija ekonominės krizės metu / Motivating factors and motivation of Kaunas city hotels administrators during the economic crisisDziadaravičienė, Neringa 22 June 2011 (has links)
Darbo objektas – Kauno miesto viešbučių administratorių motyvavimas ir motyvacija.
Tyrimo problema – nuo kokybiško viešbučių administratorių darbo ženkliai priklauso viešbučių paslaugų kokybė, atitinkamai, ir klientų pasitenkinimas. Todėl viešbučiai turi motyvuoti administratorius net ir ekonominės krizės laikotarpiu.
Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti Kauno miesto viešbučių administratorių motyvavimo ypatumus ir motyvaciją ekonominės krizės metu. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti viešbučių administratorių motyvavimo ir motyvacijos teorines prielaidas. 2. Ištirti Kauno miesto viešbučių administratorių motyvaciją skatinančius veiksnius ekonominės krizės metu. 3. Ištirti Kauno miesto viešbučių administratorių motyvavimo veiksnius ekonominės krizės metu.
Tyrimo hipotezė: ,,Ketinimas nekeisti darbo susijęs su pasitenkinimu užimamomis pareigomis, motyvavimo sistemomis, darbo vieta ir pasitenkinimu darbo užmokesčiu“.
Svarbiausios išvados: Kauno mieste viešbučių, motelių, svečių namų administratoriai gana patenkinti darbu. Išeiti iš dabartinio darbo galvoja penktadalis respondentų. Nepasitenkinimas darbo užmokesčiu ir karjeros galimybėmis yra svarbus veiksnys, skatinantis išeiti iš darbo. Dauguma respondentų negauna premijų, menkai patenkinti materialiniu motyvavimu ir patenkinti moraliniu motyvavimu. Yra ryšys tarp pasitenkinimo užimtomis pareigomis, ketinimo nekeisti darbo, pasitenkinimo motyvavimo sistemomis ir darbo užmokesčiu bei pasitenkinimo darbu. Yra ryšys tarp pasitenkinimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of work- motivating factors and motivation of Kaunas city hotels’ administrators.
Problem of research – the quality of hotel activity and customer satisfaction highly depends upon the quality of work of hotel administrators. That is why hotels must motivate hotel administrators even during the economic crisis.
Goal of research – to reveal peculiarities of Kaunas city hotels’ administrators motivating factors and motivation during the economic crisis. Tasks of research: 1. To analyse theoretical basis of hotel administrators motivating factors and motivation. 2. To research motivation factors of Kaunas city hotels’ administrators during the economic crisis. 3. To research motivating factors of Kaunas city hotels’ administrators during the economic crisis.
Hypothesis of research:,,The intent not to quit work is related to the satisfaction with working position, motivating systems, work place, and work payment”.
Main conclusions: Kaunas city hotels’ administrators are rather satisfied with their job. One fifth of respondents are thinking about quitting the work. Low level of satisfaction with work payment and career are important factors motivating to quit work. Most respondents get no premiums, are not satisfied with material motivating factors, bus they are satisfied with psychological motivating factors. There is a relation between satisfaction with working position, motivating systems, an intent not to quit work and the work satisfaction. There is a relation... [to full text]
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Enhancing Car Owners' Participation in P2P Carsharing : A Study on Motivating Factors, Barriers, and the Role of Digital Service Design in SwedenZhang, Huihan January 2023 (has links)
Peer-to-peer (P2P) carsharing services offer a promising strategy for sustainable mobility, yet their uptake in Sweden has been slower than anticipated, particularly among car owners functioning as service providers. This study seeks to address this gap in understanding by examining the factors influencing these car owners' decisions to participate in P2P carsharing services. Using the Fogg Behavior Model (FBM) as a theoretical framework, 13 semi-structured interviews were conducted with both active and inactive users. Findings reveal that financial incentives, trust, and the potential to contribute to environmental sustainability motivate participation, while concerns about vehicle damage, liability issues, and perceived low demand present barriers. These insights can guide the development of digital services to better address these factors, potentially stimulating broader participation. Future research, drawing on the FBM, could focus on designing effective triggers based on these identified motivators and barriers. Despite the potential limitation of the small sample size impacting generalizability, the study offers valuable implications for service designers aiming to boost the adoption of P2P carsharing services in Sweden to achieve the country's emission reduction targets.
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Gruppträningsinstruktörers skapande av motivationvid gruppträningspass : En kvalitativ studie om hur och varför instruktion, feedback och övriga betydelsefulla faktorer förmedlas samt dess betydelse för att öka gruppdeltagarens motivation till fortsatt fysisk aktivitet / : A qualitative study of how and why instructions, feedback and othermotivating factors are conveyed and its importance in increasing thegroup participant’s motivation for continued physical activityLundström, Elin, Kantojärvi, Frida January 2018 (has links)
Background: An inactive lifestyle is a problem in today’s society, a problem that can contribute to negative health effects. Group fitness instructors have the possibility to affect the participants’ attitudes towards physical activity. This study therefor aims to examine how and why group fitness instructors choose to convey instructions and feedback, and which other factors are perceived as motivating for continued physical activity. Method: The study was conducted in the form of semi-structured interviews with ten participants from different fitness centers situated in the middle region of Sweden. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and thereafter analyzed by the interpretative phenomenological analysis methods. Results: Instructions were communicated mainly verbally or in a combination of verbally and visually. The majority were aware that learning is individual and that different techniques therefor should be used to create an understanding for the execution of an exercise. Feedback was communicated frequently and the majority meant that it should be adapted to the needs of each participant. Positive feedback was mainly used to inspire participants to additional performance, while constructive feedback mainly was used to correct improper execution. Other motivating factors that appeared to be important was to create an environment that help every participant to reach the goals of each session by act inspiring, create a holistic perspective and to involve the participants in their own development. Social interaction appeared to be an important factor, which was created by relationships. New finds consist of the discovery the majority of the instructors, after having given repeated constructive feedback to a participant on an exercise, would allow an incorrect execution to pass instead of solving the problem. Conclusion: The group fitness instructors seem to create a motivating environment, as is indicated by various factors. Recurring participants suggests that they experience the exercise as positive and that they are motivated to continue performing the physical activity in question. The group fitness instructors try to individualize their instructions and feedback, to get through to each individual. Furthermore they try to show alternative exercises, to give each participant the possibility of choosing a suitable level and thereby take part in their own development. The social interaction appeared to be an important factor in making participants return. The behavior of the group fitness instructors indicate that they are striving to create an environment that inspires continued physical activity. / Bakgrund: En inaktiv fritid är i dagsläget ett samhällsproblem som kan bidra till hälsohämmande effekter. Som gruppträningsinstruktör finns möjlighet att påverka deltagarnas inställning till fysisk aktivitet. Studiens syfte var därmed att studera hur och varför gruppträningsinstruktörer väljer att förmedla instruktion och feedback samt vilka övriga faktorer som de upplever är betydelsefulla för att öka deltagarnas motivation till fysisk aktivitet. Metod: Studien genomfördes i form av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tio stycken deltagare tillhörande olika gymkedjor i Mellansverige. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades genom den tolkande fenomenologiska analysmetoden. Resultat: Instruktioner förmedlades främst verbalt eller kombinerat verbalt/visuellt. Majoriteten var medvetna om att lärande är individuellt och därför användes olika tekniker för att skapa förståelse för utförandet. Feedback förmedlades frekvent och majoriteten ansåg att den bör anpassas efter individens behov. Positiv feedback användes främst för att inspirera deltagarna till ytterligare prestation medan konstruktiv feedback främst användes i syfte att korrigera ett tekniskt felaktigt utförande. Övriga motiverande faktorer som framstod betydelsefulla var att skapa förutsättningar för att uppnå gruppträningspassets målsättning genom att inspirera, skapa ett holistiskt perspektiv samt involvera deltagaren i sin egen utveckling. Socialt samspel skapades genom relationer och trygghet vilket ansågs vara en viktig faktor. Nya fynd är att när en deltagare tillägnats konstruktiv feedback upprepade gånger angående samma utförande menar flertal att de låter ett felaktigt utförande passera istället för att lösa problemet. Slutsats: Gruppträningsinstruktörerna tycks skapa en motiverande miljö vilket påvisas genom flera faktorer. Återkommande deltagare tyder på att de upplever gruppträningen positivt och är motiverade till att utföra den formen av fysisk aktivitet. Alla gruppträningsinstruktörer försöker individanpassa deras instruktioner och feedback för att nå ut till enskild individ. Dessutom försöker gruppträningsinstruktörerna visa alternativövningar för att varje enskild deltagare skall ha möjlighet att hitta lämplig nivå och vara delaktig i sin egen utveckling. Det sociala samspelet framstod som en viktig faktor som tycks vara en anledning att deltagarna återkommer på gruppträningspassen. Gruppträningsinstruktörernas upplevda agerande indikerar på att de strävar efter att skapa en motiverande miljö för fortsatt fysisk aktivitet.
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Aktiva seniorer i idrottsföreningar : Seniorers upplevelser av att vara engagerade i idrottsföreningar och hur det påverkar deras livskvalitetWittur, Anna January 2021 (has links)
The non-profit sector is part of Swedish civil society and an arena where public health work is conducted in most ways. Sports associations contribute to physical activity, teamwork, and increased quality of life. Previous surveys from the Swedish Sports Confederation show that few seniors are voluntarily involved in sports associations. The purpose of the study is to investigate what motivational factors that active seniors in sports associations experience, and how it contributes to their quality of life. For the study, a qualitative method and semi-structured interviews were used as a data collection method. The selection for the study was goal-oriented and consisted of seniors between 65 - 81 years. All were voluntarily involved in sports clubs in Västmanland. Six interviews were conducted and then analyzed with manifest content analysis. The results show that social community and physical activity carried out together have a positive impact on the well-being of seniors and are also the primary motivating factors in the context. Potential obstacles to actively getting involved in sports as a senior are lack of time, fear of not being physically active enough and lack of expertise in the area. One conclusion is that active association life in sports has a positive impact on seniors' perceived well-being and quality of life, which in turn leads to sports associations being a suitable arena for continued health promotion and disease prevention work at population level regarding the target group. Finally, continued research in the subject can be beneficial in getting more active seniors in sports associations. Keywords: increased quality of life, motivating factors, seniors, sports associations, well-being / Föreningslivet är en del av det svenska civilsamhället och en arena där folkhälsoarbete bedrivs på flertalet sätt. Idrottsföreningar bidrar till fysisk aktivitet, lagsammanhållning och ökad livskvalitet. Tidigare undersökningar från Riksidrottsförbundet visar att det är få seniorer som är ideellt engagerade i idrottsföreningar. Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka motivationsfaktorer som aktiva seniorer i idrottsföreningar upplever, och hur det bidrar till deras livskvalitet. För studien användes kvalitativ metod och semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Urvalet för studien var målinriktat och bestod av seniorer mellan 65 – 81 år. Samtliga var ideellt engagerade i idrottsföreningar i Västmanlands län. Sex intervjuer genomfördes och sedan analyserades med manifest innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att social gemenskap och fysisk aktivitet som genomförs tillsammans har positiv inverkan på seniorers välmående och är också de största motivationsfaktorerna i sammanhanget. Potentiella hinder att aktivt engagera sig i idrottsföreningar som senior är tidsbrist, rädsla för att inte vara tillräckligt fysiskt aktiv och brist på kompetens inom området. En slutsats är att aktivt föreningsliv inom idrott har en positiv inverkan på seniorers upplevda välmående och livskvalitet, vilket i sin tur leder till att idrottsföreningar är en lämplig arena för fortsatt hälsofrämjande och sjukdomsförebyggande arbete på befolkningsnivå avseende målgruppen. Nyckelord: idrottsförening, motivationsfaktorer, seniorer, välmående, ökad livskvalitet
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Assessment of job satisfaction amongst physicians working in Public hospitals in Addis Ababa, EthiopiaCheru, Tesfaye Gudeta January 2014 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Introduction
The Human Resource Strategic Plan of the Ethiopian Ministry of Health lists current health workforce problems as a high attrition rate among public service physicians, poor human resource management, non-conducive working conditions and high workloads. In Addis Ababa's
public hospitals, the turnover of physicians is high and - as repeatedly and informally reported by hospital managers - the presence of the contributory factors listed above are also anecdotally thought to be present. These factors present a serious challenge to the delivery of high quality health care services and their presence indicates that the job satisfaction of physicians is likely to be low. However, factors responsible for job dissatisfaction among physicians and their implications for staff turnover have not been studied or documented in the context of Ethiopia's health system. It was this scenario that motivated the researcher to conduct this study in order to assist policy makers in taking appropriate actions, if and as required. Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the level of job satisfaction, the factors influencing job
satisfaction and the consequences of job satisfaction among physicians in public hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Objectives: • To describe the job satisfaction levels of physicians in public hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia • To identify factors affecting the job satisfaction levels of physicians • To assess possible consequences linked to physicians' job satisfaction levels. A self-administered questionnaire was used to measure job satisfaction, composed of 65 individual variables grouped within 13 dimensions and adapted to the Ethiopian context from the
Job Descriptive Index and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. An additional questionnaire was used to assess socio-demographic variables and the possible consequences of low job satisfaction. Analysis: A composite job satisfaction score was obtained by summing the individual answers for each of the variables to assess overall job satisfaction. Bivariate analysis was undertaken, using 2X2 tables (with 95% confidence intervals) to calculate the prevalence ratio for each of the potential causes and consequences of low job satisfaction, using the composite score cut-off levels of job satisfaction. Multivariate analysis was undertaken to obtain the adjusted prevalence odds ratios
for both the potential causes and consequences of low job satisfaction, using multiple logistic regression analysis.
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Factors Affecting Faculty Acceptance and Use of Institutional Repositories in ThailandAmmarukleart, Sujira 05 1900 (has links)
Institutional repositories have been introduced as an innovative and alternative technology for scholarly communication and have received considerable attention from scholars across disciplines and around the globe. While some universities in Thailand have developed and implemented institutional repositories for nearly a decade, knowledge of the acceptance and use of institutional repositories on the individual level in the country remains limited. As an insufficient knowledge of technology acceptance and adoption at the individual level is considered partially responsible for the underutilization of innovation or of information system implementation, this study seeks to uncover knowledge regarding the level of institutional repository acceptance and use. This study applied the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model and the model of faculty members' self-archiving behavior to investigate factors affecting faculty acceptance and use of university-based institutional repositories. The study employed a mixed methods approach involving a survey followed by semi-structured, one-to-one interview. This study confirms that the success of university-based institutional repositories depends not on a single factor but on multiple factors. The results of the study show that performance expectancy, social influence, and resistance to change were direct determinants of faculty members' intention to use institutional repositories. Additionally, behavioral intention and altruism were found to be the main determinants of actual usage behavior.
The findings of this study imply that education in and promotion of open access and institutional repositories are essential and can play an important role in the adoption of institutional repositories. Finally, this study suggests that sustained dialogue and collaborative efforts among faculty members (as contributors and users), libraries/librarians (as institutional repository developers and managers), and other stakeholders within communities are essential for the adoption and success of university-based institutional repositories.
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The unique factors affecting employee performance in non-profit organisationsTinofirei, Charity 11 1900 (has links)
The research explored unique performance enhancing or inhibiting factors
among Zimbabwean employees in non-profit organisations in Harare.
Two research questions were formulated: “Are there unique work ethics
inherent in employees in the non-profit sector?” The second research
question is “What unique variables motivate and affect workers in the nonprofit
sector?” The hypothesis assumed was that “the workplace performance
of employees in the non-profit sector is affected by and dependent on unique
factors that apply in the non-profit sector and not in profit sectors”.
The analysis of the research sample identified unique performance factors:
demotivation due to the absence of automatic promotions for high performing
employees; opportunities for the advancement of employees through a policy
of competitive recruitment and growth opportunities for local staff who can
apply for international positions within the organisation.
The hypothesis was accepted. The researcher recommended that non-profit
organisations use creative sector-specific approaches to motivate employee
performance. / Public Administration and Management / M. Tech. (Public Management)
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Motivační faktory ovlivňující práci ředitelů ZUŠ / Motivational factors influencing the work of the primary art schools' principalsKadeřábek, Antonín January 2015 (has links)
This work focuses on the motivation of the primary art schools' principals in the Region of Karlovy Vary, with the aim of establishing which specific factors influence it. First of all, I defined the factors that, based on expert literature and other research, influence people's motivation. Afterwards I studied how the individual factors motivate the primary art schools' principals in the Region of Karlovy Vary through questions in a survey. All principals in the region were surveyed. The data obtained was analyzed with the use of statistical methods and interpreted afterwards. On the basis of the obtained data analysis, I established for the individual factors how much they influence the motivation of the principals surveyed. There was significant or highly significant impact established for a total of 35 factors. These results were also compared with other research studying similar issues. The results mostly corresponded with four studies, and they differed from one. The results of this work extend the empirical knowledge in this field. They can be used as groundwork for further research or by the bodies establishing the primary art schools or other institutions that step into the work of the primary art schools' principals to increase their motivation.
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Teorias de motivação de pessoas, aplicadas nas organizações públicas fortemente hierarquizadasVitório, Elias Ely Gomes 05 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by ELIAS ELY GOMES VITÓRIO (eliasvitorio@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-06-08T16:32:42Z
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Tese Elias -EBAPE_FGV_05_06_2015 Submeter.pdf: 1669985 bytes, checksum: f6e0908b2cae43a30b8a218b9071970e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2015-06-09T14:04:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese Elias -EBAPE_FGV_05_06_2015 Submeter.pdf: 1669985 bytes, checksum: f6e0908b2cae43a30b8a218b9071970e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-06-11T12:52:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese Elias -EBAPE_FGV_05_06_2015 Submeter.pdf: 1669985 bytes, checksum: f6e0908b2cae43a30b8a218b9071970e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-11T12:53:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese Elias -EBAPE_FGV_05_06_2015 Submeter.pdf: 1669985 bytes, checksum: f6e0908b2cae43a30b8a218b9071970e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-05-05 / Despite the Brazil rely on free public distribution model of drugs, representing progress compared to most developing countries, the overall scenario presents problems of many orders. The public supply is flawed and inefficient, with poorly motivated professionals. This condictions results in losses arising from deviations, poor condition of inadequate storage and distribution processes. The use of private distribuition through Programa Farmácia Popular do Brasil, to the government's point of view, promotes capillary in attendance, increasing social welfare and reduces costs by using staff. From the point of view of society, increases the drug access to the population. Thus, the program has represented an efficient solution for the distribution of medicines in the country. However, from a business point of view, the results of the use of private mesh for the free distribution of medicines are still less described. This study aims to assess the impacts related to the accreditation in the federal program in independent pharmacy chains and private drugstores free distribution of medicines to the population. It addresses a multifunctional matter, and consist of one program analysis that is part of the federal government guidelines and be an unprecedented nature theme with focus on the business environment. From a business point of view, the service to the distribution of free drug program in compliance with the federal government program may represent a business leverage factor to bring potential customers to the establishment. However, it is necessary adaptations occurring in cash flow management to support the possible delays in the transfer of government and meet the supply of medicines to the growing demands. So drugstores inserted in the pharmaceutical retail sector in developing cities acquire competitive advantage and provide greater value to their customers. The free distribuition project implies generalized net benefits. For the population, the direct and effective access. For the private sector, market expansion and the stability of demand. For the government, the replacement of a strategy that converges to the economic, social and political friction. / Esta tese teve por objetivo identificar os principais fatores de motivação de pessoas que trabalham em organizações públicas fortemente hierarquizadas, como as do Exército Brasileiro, preenchendo uma lacuna de conhecimento existente em pesquisas acadêmicas sobre o tema. Diferentes trabalhadores possuem diferentes fatores de motivação, fatores estes que liberam a motivação que está dentro dessas pessoas.Estudou-se dezoito teorias sobre motivação dentre as mais citadas no meio acadêmico. Estas teorias permitiram estruturar um roteiro de entrevistas que foi aplicado em trinta e três militares do Exército Brasileiro.Estas entrevistas foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo, o que permitiu a identificação dos principais fatores de motivação desses profissionais.Concluiu-se que os principais fatores de motivação das pessoas que trabalham em organizações fortemente hierarquizadas, em ordem de importância, são: 1) valorização, 2) fazer o que se gosta, 3) exemplo do chefe, 4) importância do que se faz, 5) realização, 6) confiança e 7) justiça. Os três primeiros fatores formam um primeiro grupo e os outros quatro fatores formam um segundo grupo. Essa divisão se fez necessária porque os fatores do primeiro grupo se revelaram muito mais fortes que os fatores do segundo grupo, havendo necessidade de destacá-los. Confirmou-se, também, que as teorias de motivação são perfeitamente aplicáveis às organizações públicas fortemente hierarquizadas e que estas teorias produzem alguns fatores de motivação específicos à realidade organizacionaldessas instituições. Após a análise do conteúdo das entrevistas, à luz das teorias de motivação, concluiu-se que há uma necessidade psicológica muito forte nas pessoas: a necessidadede se sentir valorizada. A motivação no contexto organizacional normalmente depende do relacionamento entre o gestor de pessoas, ou o líder e os seus liderados. A ação do líder é fundamental para despertar a motivação que já está dentro das pessoas. O foco das atenções do líder deve estar voltado para os liderados e não para si mesmo.Porque quando os liderados são fortes, o líder é forte e a organização obtém resultados surpreendentes. Por fim, conclui-se que a motivação das pessoas, nas organizações públicas fortemente hierarquizadas, como o Exército Brasileiro, é liberada quando a organização procura aplicar os sete principais fatores de motivação de pessoas revelados nesta tese.E acima de tudo, quando o líder cria condições para a satisfação da principal necessidade das pessoas: se sentir valorizadas.
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The unique factors affecting employee performance in non-profit organisationsTinofirei, Charity 11 1900 (has links)
The research explored unique performance enhancing or inhibiting factors
among Zimbabwean employees in non-profit organisations in Harare.
Two research questions were formulated: “Are there unique work ethics
inherent in employees in the non-profit sector?” The second research
question is “What unique variables motivate and affect workers in the nonprofit
sector?” The hypothesis assumed was that “the workplace performance
of employees in the non-profit sector is affected by and dependent on unique
factors that apply in the non-profit sector and not in profit sectors”.
The analysis of the research sample identified unique performance factors:
demotivation due to the absence of automatic promotions for high performing
employees; opportunities for the advancement of employees through a policy
of competitive recruitment and growth opportunities for local staff who can
apply for international positions within the organisation.
The hypothesis was accepted. The researcher recommended that non-profit
organisations use creative sector-specific approaches to motivate employee
performance. / Public Administration and Management / M. Tech. (Public Management)
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