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Multimedia and motivation: The design and development of hypercard stack on dinosaursHirschman, Deborah J. 01 January 1994 (has links)
For this project the program Walk with Dinosaurs was developed using Keller's Theory of Motivation. Walk with Dinosaurs is a interactive multimedia tool for presenting an integrated thematic unit. As a HyperCard stack, it intoduces students to factual information on dinosaurs in an appealing and motivating way.
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Inovace motivačního systému společností / Innovation of the Motivation System of CompaniesProcházková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the innovation of the motivation system in selected companies. The thesis analyzes the current motivation system and through the structured interview, weaknesses in employee motivation are identified. On the basis of the empirical research carried out, concrete proposals are developed to increase the motivation of the employees.
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Motivace a odměňování pracovníků ve vybrané společnosti / Motivation and Remuneration of the Employees in a Selected CompanyVečeřová, Nikola January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the motivation and remuneration of employees in the selected company. It investigates in an analysis of the motivational and remuneration system of a company Lidl Česká republika, v. o. s. The aim is to find changes and recommendations for improving situation of company in the future. The theoretical part of dissertation explains meaning of a motivation, basic motivational theories, remuneration and employee benefits. The practical part describes characteristics of the company that I have chosen. It also includes an analysis and evaluation of the current system. In the conclusion of the dissertation is a summary based on results that have been done and there are also suggestions and recommendations.
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Návrh změn motivačního systému ve vybrané společnosti. / Desing of Motivational System Change in a Selected company.Genaeva, Evgeniya January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the proposal for changes of motivational system in the company JULI Motorenwerk, Ltd. The theoretical part deals with the processes of motivation and selected motivational theories. The analytical part is focused on the history of the selected company, its characteristics and company processes. After that the analysis and evaluation of the current motivational system of the company is presented. In practical part, based on theoretical knowledge and analysis, a more effective motivation system is proposed. The proposed changes should lead to increased employee satisfaction and consequently to better working results and higher business performance.
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Den svenska skolans personal : En kvalitativ studie / The turnover rate in the Swedish school : A qualitative studieSmedberg, Erik, Niemelä Ingvarsson, Felix January 2020 (has links)
The Swedish school has been faced with a bad reputation the last decades. There are growing concerns regarding that the quality of the education has gone downhill, and reports are frequently made, stating a strain work environment for the school personnel, specifically the teachers. In combination with debates and reports, concerning the relatively low teacher wages and the notion that the status for the teacher profession, is lower today than before; have ultimately created a notion that teachers leave their occupation on these factors. The teacher turnover in Sweden is higher than their Nordic neighbours, but there are signs that the reasons regarding the turnover rate, are not fully understood. This study will try to give an insight on the factors behind the relatively high turnover rate in the teacher occupation. This study is based on a deductive approach where we have gathered empirical evidence, using semi-structured interviews. The candidates for the interviews were selected through a stratified sample, to examine why the turnover rate of the teacher occupation is high through motivational and institutional theories. The results of this paper contribute to a broader knowledge on the factors regarding the teacher turnover rate. Our theories about motivation- and institutional theory, have proven relevant to map the factors behind the turnover rate. Although our factors are significant for the subject, further extensive research will be needed on the matter, to give a more complete picture of the issue. This paper is written in Swedish. / Den svenska skolan har fått ett dåligt anseende de sista decennierna. Det finns en växande oro angående att kvaliteten på undervisningen har varit fallande, och frekventa rapporter görs, som påstår att skolmiljön är ansträngd för skolans personal, specifikt lärare. I kombination med debatter och rapporter, beträffande de relativt låga lärarlönerna och uppfattningen om att statusen på läraryrket skulle vara lägre idag än förut; har skapat uppfattningen att lärare lämnar yrket av dessa faktorer. Läraromsättningen i Sverige är högre än våra nordiska grannländer, men det finns tecken på att anledningarna bakom den höga personalomsättningen, är inte fullt förstådda. Denna studie kommer försöka ge en insikt av de faktorer som ligger till grund för den relativt höga personalomsättningen bland lärare. Studien är baserad på en deduktiv ansats där vi har samlat empiriskt material, genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Intervjukandidaterna valdes genom ett stratifierat urval, för att undersöka varför personalomsättningen bland lärare är hög, genom motivationsteorier och institutionella teorier. Undersökningens resultat bidrar till en bredare kunskap angående faktorerna bakom den höga läraromsättningen. Våra använda teorier om motivation-och institutionsteori, har visat sig relevant för att kartlägga väsentliga faktorer bakom personalomsättningen. Trots att våra faktorer är signifikanta för ämnet, kommer det krävas ytterligare betydande forskning på området för att ge en mer komplett bild om ämnet.
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“A glass of creativity in Finland and Sweden” : A qualitative study on creative tourists’ motivationand gazePartonen, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
The Nordic glass industry has its roots in 1742 in Glasriket (Kingdom of Crystals) in Småland county, Sweden, also known as the pioneer of the glass industry in the Nordic countries. The glass industry has faced many sustainability challenges, particularly related to the environmental pollution caused by the glass industry due to chemicals used in the glass manufacturing process that have leached into the surrounding environment, such as water and soil. On the other hand, glass tourism can be approached better way through creative tourism, which has potential from a sustainability perspective, as creativity is a source of sustainability and innovation.However, creative tourism is a relatively new form of tourism, and there are gaps in understanding creative tourism offerings. This research aims to gain a deeper understanding of creative tourists' motivations and tourists’ gaze through semi-structured interviews with nine creative tourists (demand side) and, on the other hand, also about sustainability for two glass studios in Finland and two glass studios in Sweden (supply side) as well as creative tourists. The study’s theoretical framework is based on the social psychological model of tourism developed by Iso-Ahola (1982) and tourists gaze by Urry (1990). In the narrative analysis of the data collected, this thesis will help highlight the tourists' motivations and gaze. Moreover, to understand sustainability, this study brings an understanding of other values that support glass tourism, such as social, cultural, and economical.
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Návrh změn konceptu motivačního systému ve zvoleném podniku / Concept for Motivational System Change in a Selected CompanyTurčaník, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this Master's thesis is to propose changes of motivational system in the company. Theoretical part describes motivational theory concepts including information about motivational systems efficiency. Empirical part is focused on analysis of motivational system. First there was an interview with human resources manager, who gave us information about characteristics and motivational system of this company. Second step was to find out more opinions from employees, therefore it was necessary to realize a research in form of questionnaire. Final outcome of this thesis is to recommend some changes of current motivational system. These proposals will minimize the most likely causes of labour fluctuation and it will also increase the satisfaction with particular aspects of motivational system.
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”Den enskilt viktigaste pusselbiten”? : En undersökning om hur gymnasielärare uppfattar sina möjligheter och motivation till att delta i skolutvecklingsarbete. / “The single most important piece of the puzzle”? : A study of high school teachers’ perceptions of their possibilities and motivation to partici-pate in professional development as part of school developmentHögdén, Robin January 2022 (has links)
This study investigates how high school teachers perceive their possibilities and motivation to participate in professional development as part of school development. This is because previous research shows that teachers’ work situation is tied to contextual factors that determine possibility and motivation, such as work environment, workload, government control and autonomy. The study looks at how the teachers try to define school development and what factors they perceive to affect or determine their possibility and motivation to take part in professional development thorough the method of focus groups. Three focus groups from three different private high schools in the center of a big urban area in Sweden have been performed and analyzed through motivational theory, specifically two-factor theory. The study shows that the teachers say that they perceive so-called hygiene factors relating to leadership, organizational factors such as scheduled time for planning, autonomy as well as their interests and keen, role models and subject relevance the most important factors that determine possibility and motivation for their professional development. These results coincide with previous international research about teacher’s professional development. The study concludes that teachers have strong perceptions of the factors that affects their possibilities and motivation to school development, which principals and other actors in the chain of governance could use to create successful school development. / Denna studie undersöker hur gymnasielärare uppfattar sina möjligheter och motivation till att delta i yrkesutveckling genom skolutveckling. Detta eftersom tidigare forskning uppger att lärares arbetssituation kopplat till kontextuella faktorer påverkar möjlighet och motivation, såsom exempelvis arbetsmiljö, arbetsbelastning, institutionell styrning och autonomi. Med hjälp av fokusgrupper som metod undersöks hur gymnasielärare försöker definierar skolutveckling och berättar om vilka faktorer som de upplever påverkar sina möjligheter och motivation till att delta i skolutvecklingsarbete. Tre fokusgrupper från tre olika centralt placerade friskolor i en svensk storstad genomfördes och analyserades genom motivationsteori, specifikt tvåfaktorteori. Studien visar att lärarna uppger att de viktigaste faktorerna som möjliggör och motiverar lärares deltagande i skolutveckling är så kallade hygienfaktorer relaterade till ledarskap, arbetsförhållanden såsom tid för planering, autonomi men även intresse, förebilder och ämnesrelevans; vilket sammanfaller med tidigare internationell forskning om lärares yrkesutveckling. Studien konkluderar att lärare har tydliga uppfattningar om vilka faktorer som påverkar deras möjligheter och motivation till skolutvecklingsarbete, vilken skolledare och andra deltagare i skolans styrkedja skulle kunna använda sig av för att genomföra framgångsrika skolutvecklingssatsningar.
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Elevers motivation till lärande och utvecklande av förmågan ”allsidiga rörelser inom olika fysiska sammanhang”Klockar, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka möjligheterna till att öka elevernas motivation till att lära sig obekanta rörelser. Den praktiska undervisningen har varit inspirerad av Parkour och planeringen av den intervention som genomfördes har skett med inspiration av diverse teorier om lärande. Dessa teorier var Antonovskys KASAM-begrepp, Vygotskijs sociokulturella perspektiv på lärande, samt den dynamiska systemteorin. För att kunna undersöka elevers motivation så har interventionen genomförts på en högstadieskola i Mellansverige, där två klasser från årskurs 9 deltagit i undersökningen. Båda klasserna besvarade enkäter innan genomförd intervention, samt efter den genomförd intervention. Mellan de båda enkäterna så har eleverna i en klass, studiens experimentgrupp, genomgått undervisning tillsammans med en interventionspedagog (hädanefter hänvisad till genom förkortningen IP). Den andra gruppen, studiens kontrollgrupp, har genomgått undervisning med deras ordinarie pedagog (hädanefter hänvisad till genom förkortningen OP).Det visade sig genom sammanställningen av enkäterna, att en grupp kom att höja sin motivationsnivå för deltagande i undervisningen, medan den andra gruppen kom att sänka sin motivationsgrad för deltagande i undervisningen. Resultatet diskuterades ur olika synvinklar, där är en aspekt som framkommer som kan ha spelat en mer central roll än övriga delar i att det blev den förändring mellan grupperna som det blev.
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