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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação de clearance nasal, propriedades físicas do muco, celularidade e citocinas em lavado nasal de trabalhadores cortadores de cana-de-açúcar queimada no Estado de São Paulo / Evaluation of nasal mucociliary clearance, mucus physical properties, cellularity and cytokines in nasal lavage of sugarcane workers in São Paulo State

Danielle Miyuki Goto 09 March 2012 (has links)
A queima de biomassa produz gases tóxicos e partículas suspensas que contribuem para a poluição atmosférica. Este estudo avaliou os efeitos da colheita de cana-de-açúcar queimada sobre o transporte mucociliar (TMC) nasal, as propriedades físicas do muco nasal e celularidade e concentrações de citocinas em lavado nasal (LN) de cortadores de cana-de-açúcar e residentes de região urbana próxima aos canaviais (Mendonça, São Paulo). Métodos: Avaliamos 154 jovens não tabagistas (idade entre 18 e 43 anos) sendo 73 residentes e 81 cortadores na: (a) Pré-safra: 4 meses sem exposição à queimada de biomassa (fevereiro e março), e na (b) Pós-safra: aproximadamente 7 a 8 meses de exposição (outubro e novembro). Avaliamos: o TMC nasal por meio do teste da sacarina (TTS), as propriedades físicas do muco por meio da transportabilidade por alto fluxo e ângulo de contato, a expressão de fator de necrose tumoral (TNF)-, interleucinas (IL)-4, IL-6, IL-8 e IL-10 em LN, celularidade total e diferencial em LNsinais vitais e ocorrência de eventos respiratórios. Resultados: Na Pré-safra, comparados com os residentes, cortadores apresentaram menor pressão arterial média (95,5±9,1 e 88,7±9,4 mmHg, respectivamente; p<0,001), frequência cardíaca (76±13 e 70±10 bpm, respectivamente; p<0,003), e células ciliadas (61±20 e 47±18%, respectivamente; p<0,001). Além de TTS mais prolongado (10,4±4,6 e 11,8±5,1, respectivamente; p=0,035), e maior porcentagem de macrófagos em LN (21±15 e 43±15%, respectivamente; p<0,001). Na Pós-safra, comparados com os residentes, os cortadores apresentaram menor pressão arterial média (96,5±9,1 e 92,8±9,6 mmHg, respectivamente; p=0,042), frequência cardíaca (76±14 e 63±11 bpm, respectivamente; p<0,001), IL-4 (0,4±0,5 e 0,3±0,6 pg/ml, respectivamente; p=0,001), células ciliadas (64±19 e 52±14%, respectivamente; p<0,001), células caliciformes em LN (13±14 e 4±5%, respectivamente; p<0,001), assim como maior número de células totais (24±29 e 32±30 104células/ml, respectivamente; p=0,040), neutrófilos (1±2 e 2±3%, respectivamente; p<0,001), eosinófilos (0±0 e 0±1%, respectivamente; p<0,001), macrófagos (21±16 e 40±13%, respectivamente; p<0,001) e IL-6 (2,8±3,4 e 4,0±3,7 pg/ml, respectivamente; p=0,026) em LN. Não houve diferenças significantes nas propriedades físicas do muco, na quantificação da secreção de IL-8 e TNF-, e na porcentagem de linfócitos em LN entre os dois grupos e ao longo do estudo. Conclusão: A queimada de cana-de-açúcar induz alterações na primeira barreira de defesa do sistema respiratório em residentes e em cortadores da área urbana próxima aos canaviais observada por aumento no CO exalado, aumento de celularidade total e redução da concentração de IL-10 em LN em residentes, e prolongamento do TTS acompanhado de aumento na expressão de IL-6 e células ciliadas em LN em cortadores / Biomass burning produces toxic gases and suspended particle that contribute for high levels of air pollution. We aimed to assess the effects of sugarcane harvesting on nasal mucociliary clearance (MCC), mucus physical properties, and celularity and cytokines concentrations in nasal lavage (NL) of sugarcane workers and residents that live near to sugarcane fields (Mendonça, São Paulo). Methods: We evaluated 154 young non-smoking subjects, aged between 18 to 42 years (residents, n=73 and sugarcane workers, n=81) at two time-points: (a) non-harvesting, 4-months of no exposure to biomass burning (in February and March), and (b) harvesting, after 7 to 8-months of exposure to biomass burning (in October and November). We evaluated: Nasal MCC was assessed by saccharine transit test (STT), mucus physical properties were evaluated by sneeze clearability and contact angle, expression of tumor necrosis factor-, interleukin (IL)-4, IL-6, IL-8 e IL-10 in NL and total and differential cells counts in NL, vital signs and respiratory events. Results: At Non-harvesting, compared with residents, sugarcane workers presented lower mean blood pressure (95.5±9.1 and 88.7±9.4 mmHg, respectively; p<0.001), heart rate (76±13 and 70±10 bpm, respectively; p<0.003), and ciliated cells (61±20 and 47±18%, respectively; p<0.001) and prolonged STT (10.4±4.6 and 11.8±5.1, respectively, p=0.035), and higher percentage of macrophages in NL (21±15 and 43±15%, respectively; p<0.001). At Harvesting, compared with residents, sugarcane workers presented lower mean blood pressure (96.5±9.1 and 92.8±9.6 mmHg, respectively; p=0.042), heart rate (76±14 and 63±11 bpm, respectively; p<0.001), IL-4 (0.4±0.5 and 0.3±0.6 pg/ml, respectively, p=0.001), ciliated cells (64±19 and 52±14%, respectively; p<0.001), goblet cells (13±14 and 4±5%, respectively; p<0.001), and higher number of total cells (24±29 and 32±30 104cells/ml, respectively; p=0.040), neutrophils (1±2 and 2±3%, respectively, p<0.001), eosinophils (0±0 and 0±1%, respectively, p<0.001), macrophages (21±16 and 40±13%, respectively, p<0.001) and IL-6 concentration in NL (2.8±3.4 and 4.0±3.7 pg/ml, respectively, p=0.026). There were no significant differences in mucus physical properties, concentration of IL-8 and TNF-, and percentage of lymphocytes in NL between the two groups and along the study. Conclusion: Sugarcane burning induces changes in the first defense barrier of the respiratory system in residents of the urban area near of the sugarcane fields and in sugarcane workers which were observed by increase in exhaled CO and total cell count, and a decrease in IL-10 concentrations in NL in residents, and prolonged STT accompanied by an increase in IL-6 concentration and percentage of ciliated cells in NL in sugarcane workers

Verificação da potencialização do efeito cicatrizante do muco de caracóis do gênero Achatina promovida por dieta à base de Confrei (Symphytum officinale) / Investigation on the scar potential effect of mucus in the land snail Achatina fed with a diet based on Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)

Otavio José Sirio 20 December 2005 (has links)
Os caracóis terrestres são animais capazes de produzir através de glândulas localizadas em toda superfície do seu corpo, uma secreção glicoproteica denominada muco, que dentre outras funções, apresenta poder antibacteriano, que pode auxiliar nos processos de reparação de feridas de origens diversas. Desta forma, o objetivo da presente pesquisa foi o de avaliar macroscópica e histologicamente, os efeitos reparadores do muco dos escargots Achatina fulica e Achatina achatina monochromatica, em lesões provocadas na pele de camundongos da linhagem &quot;hairless&quot;; verificar sua potencialização após a ingestão de uma ração contendo em sua formulação uma planta com propriedades cicatrizantes comprovadas, o Confrei (Symphytum officinale); e analisar bioquimicamente a composição do muco destes caracóis. Foram selecionados caracóis das espécies Achatina fulica (n=30) e Achatina monochromatica monochromatica (n=30), retirado seu muco através de estimulação manual da glândula podal e verificação de seu efeito reparador. Utilizaram-se camundongos da linhagem &quot;hairless&quot; (n=75), submetidos à intervenção cirúrgica e tratados com muco de ambas as espécies de caracóis. As características macroscópicas da lesão foram registradas em protocolo e avaliadas. Fragmentos de pele foram submetidos à biópsia aos 3, 5 e 7 dias de experimento, fixados em Paraformoldeído, processados e incluídos em parafina. Os cortes foram corados com Hematoxilina-Eosina e Tricrômio de Mason. Macroscopicamente, os animais tratados mostraram edemas menores, maior presença de crosta e maior contração das bordas das feridas ao final do experimento, quando comparados ao grupo controle. Histologicamente, os grupos tratados também revelaram melhor reparação da lesão, apresentando edemas menos intensos, grandes quantidades de tecido de granulação e infiltrados inflamatórios. O grupo tratado com muco de caracóis alimentados com ração contendo Symphytum officinale foi o que apresentou melhores resultados. / Land snails are animals able to produce through glands located all over their body surface, a glycoprotein secretion called mucus. This mucus, within other roles, shows an antibacterial power that can help in the healing processes of wounds from several sources. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate through macroscopic and histological techniques the repairing effects of the mucus in the snails Achatina fulica and Achatina achatina monochromatica in lesions intentionally caused to hairless linage mice skin; to investigate mucus potential effect after snails have been fed with a diet formulation containing a plant with proved scar properties, the Comfrey (Symphytum officinale); and to study the biochemical composition of mucus from these snails. Snails of Achatina fulica (n=30) and Achatina monochromatica monochromatica (n=30) species were sorted, the mucus extracted through manual stimulation of the podal gland and the repairing effect studied. Hairless linage mice (n=75) used in this study went through surgery and then treated with mucus from both species of snails. The macroscopic characteristics of the lesion were recorded and assessed. Fragments of skin were taken to biopsy at 3, 5 and 7 days of trial, fixed in paraformaldehyde, processed and embedded in wax. Sections were stained with Hematoxilin-Eosin and Tricromio of Mason. Macroscopically, treated mice showed minor swelling, higher presence of scabs and higher contraction of wound edges at the end of the trial, when compared with control. Histologically, groups that received treatment also showed better lesion repair, presenting less intense swellings, large amount of scar tissue and inflammatory infiltrates. The group treated with mucus from snails that received a diet containing Symphytum officinale presented the best results.

Controle de infecções intramamárias no gado leiteiro usando as propriedades antibacterianas e cicatrizantes do muco de escargots Achatina sp no pré e pós dipping / Control of intramammary infections in dairy cattle using antibacterial and healing properties of the mucus of snails Achatina sp in pre and post dipping

Eugênio Yokoya 21 May 2010 (has links)
O controle de mastite consiste em um conjunto de medidas de manejo e prevenção da doença em um rebanho, pois estudos realizados em todo estado de São Paulo estimaram um prejuízo de 17% da produção por propriedade devido à mastite considerando perdas como os gastos com tratamentos; descarte de leite; queda na produção; além de perdas por resíduos de antibióticos. O trabalho mostra que a população microbiana da mucosa dos tetos não varia conforme a sua posição no úbere do animal e a identificação dos microorganismos predominantes foram como sendo de Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus luteus, Klebsiella pneumoniae e Acinetobacter junii. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a eficácia do muco de escargot nos tetos de vacas leiteiras utilizando-o como \"pré e pós dipping\" e o comparado com a aplicação de solução de iodo, visando à prevenção ou a redução da incidência de infecções intramamárias. O muco de escargot possui uma propriedade antibacteriana bastante efetiva, conhecida como Achacin. Sua ação bactericida ocorre principalmente na fase de crescimento da bactéria agindo como agente quimioterápico. O muco de escargot mostrou ser igualmente eficiente no controle da população de microorganismo presente na superfície dos tetos, quando comparados ao uso da solução de iodo, além de que o seu efeito sobre a pele e mucosa dos tetos foi de deixá-los mais hidratados e com melhor elasticidade evitando rachaduras e focos de infecção, quando comparado ao agente mineral, podendo ser até mesmo um produto alternativo no controle e prevenção de mastite em vacas leiteiras. / The control of mastitis is a set of measures for management and prevention of disease in a herd, because studies from every state of Sao Paulo have estimated a loss of 17% in a property considering losses due to mastitis as spending on treatments; discarded milk, drop in production, and losses due to antibiotic residues. The study shows that the microbial population of the mucosa of the teats doesnt vary according to their position in the animal\'s udder and identification of microorganisms were predominant as Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus luteus, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter junii. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of snail mucus teats of dairy cows using it as a \"pre and post dipping\" and compared with the application of iodine solution, aiming at preventing or reducing the incidence of mammary infections. The mucus of snail has a very effective antibacterial property, known as Achacin. Its bactericidal action occurs mainly in the growth of bacteria by acting as a chemotherapeutic agent. The mucus of snail proved to be equally effective in controlling the population of microorganisms present on the surface of the teats, compared to the use of iodine solution, and that its effect on the skin and mucous membrane of the teats was leaving them more hydrated and with improved elasticity avoiding cracks and foci of infection, when compared to mineral agent, which may even be an alternative product in the control and prevention of mastitis in dairy cows.

Detecção de sintomas respiratórios em trabalhadores expostos a aerodispersóides com espirometria normal / Detection of respiratory symptoms in workers exposed to aerodispersoids with normal spirometry

Ana Carolina Botto Paulino 15 May 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A asma relacionada ao trabalho é a doença respiratória ocupacional mais comum e engloba a asma ocupacional e a asma agravada pelo trabalho. No Brasil, a legislação (NR7) determina que exames espirométricos sejam realizados periodicamente para os trabalhadores expostos a aerodispersóides. Essa determinação teria, entre seus propósitos, o de detectar doenças respiratórias, incluindo asma, mais precocemente e reduzir o risco ao trabalhador. No entanto, a capacidade dessa rotina em detectar a asma precocemente necessita de confirmação. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a ocorrência de sintomas nos trabalhadores expostos à aerodispersóides que apresentam espirometria normal. Assim, conheceremos as possibilidades de haver doença respiratória nesses casos. O estudo foi desenvolvido com 180 trabalhadores da cidade de Franca que apresentam exposição à aerodispersóides e que tinham espirometria normal; foi aplicado um questionário testado e validado para sintomas respiratórios e relação desses sintomas com o ambiente de trabalho. Resultados: Os sintomas foram detectados em 48 (26,7%) dos trabalhadores. Algum sintoma, incluindo sintoma nasal e prurido ocular, foi detectado em 26,7% da amostra de trabalhadores com espirometria normal. Dentre os sintomas compatíveis com asma, falta de ar estava presente em 8,3% da amostra; tosse, em 7,7% da amostra e sibilos em 3,3%. O tempo médio de exposição de 67 meses e idade média de 37 anos todos com espirometria normal. Conclusão: O presente estudo permitiu identificar os sintomas respiratórios apresentados pelos trabalhadores expostos a aerodispersóides, tipo e tempo de exposição, dados esses que podem contribuir para o melhor planejamento das ações de prevenção de doenças respiratórias ocupacionais. É possível haver doença respiratória, inclusive asma, em trabalhadores com espirometria normal, o que sugere que um questionário de sintomas poderia melhorar a capacidade de detectar doença respiratória ocupacional nos trabalhadores expostos. / Introduction: Work-related asthma is the most common occupational respiratory disease and includes both occupational asthma and asthma aggravated by work. In Brazil, the legislation (NR7) determines that spirometry exams be performed on a regular basis for workers exposed to aerodispersoids. Among other purposes, this determination aims at the early detection of respiratory diseases, including asthma, in order to reduce the risks to workers. However, the effectiveness of this routine in the early detection of asthma needs to be confirmed. The objective of this study was to analyze the occurrence of symptoms in workers exposed to aerodispersoids presenting normal spirometry. This will evidence the possibilities of presence of respiratory disease in these cases. The study was developed with 180 workers from the city of Franca, presenting exposure to aerodispersoids and who had normal spirometry values; a questionnaire tested and validated in previous studies was applied in order to obtain data on respiratory symptoms and the relationship of these symptoms to the work environment. Results: The symptoms were detected in 48 (26.7%) workers. A symptom, including nasal symptom and ocular pruritus, was detected in 26.7% of the sample of workers with normal spirometry values. Among the symptoms compatible with asthma, dyspnea was present in 8.3% of the sample; cough in 7.7% of the sample, and respiratory sounds in 3.3%. The mean time of exposure was 67 months and the mean age was 37 years, all with normal spirometry values. Conclusion: The present study allowed to identify the respiratory symptoms presented by workers exposed to aerodispersoids, and type and time of exposure, which can contribute for a better planning of preventive actions for respiratory diseases. It is possible to find respiratory diseases, including asthma, in workers with normal spirometry values, which suggests that a questionnaire of symptoms could improve the ability to detect occupational respiratory diseases in exposed workers.

Mathematical modeling of nitric oxide and mucus dynamics in the human lungs, using a phenomenological approach, to provide new insights into asthma and cystic fibrosis.

Karamaoun, Cyril 25 October 2017 (has links)
In this work, the general problematic of the transport phenomena in the lungs is addressed, with applications to lung diseases, in particular asthma and cystic fibrosis. Regarding these two major diseases, the dynamics of the nitric oxide and the mucus layer in the lungs, respectively, are of particular interest. In asthma, it has been shown that the measurement of the exhaled concentration of nitric oxide can be used as a proxy for monitoring the disease status. In cystic fibrosis, which is a disease of the mucus layer, pieces of evidence show that the water content of the mucus is linked to the severity of the symptoms of the disease. In both conditions, however, these links are far from being obvious. Regarding nitric oxide, its exhaled concentration is not straightforwardly related to its concentration in the lungs. Regarding cystic fibrosis, the link between the disease and the alterations of the mucus content and dynamics is far from being understood. From these observations, several modeling approaches have emerged to complement the clinical measurements. In this work, the dynamics of the nitric oxide and of the mucus layer in the lungs is studied from a modeling approach, following a phenomenological point of view. Regarding the nitric oxide, a new model of its dynamics in the lungs is developed. When compared to previous ones, the model presents multiple new features that allow for a better description of this dynamics, especially in the case of asthma exacerbation, characterized by the presence of mucus obstructions and bronchoconstriction. From this model, the role of nitric oxide as a general marker of the bronchi caliber is suggested, in addition to its role in the asthma monitoring. Furthermore, based on clinical measurements of the exhaled nitric oxide concentration in cystic fibrosis patients and the use of the new model, the role of the measurement of nitric oxide in the understanding and control of other lung diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, is evaluated. Regarding the dynamics of the mucus layer in the lungs, a new analysis of the control of the mucus balance in the bronchial region of the lungs is presented in this work. Our approach is based on the combination of a balance equation for the mucus in an airway and a computational tool characterizing the evaporation of the mucus in the bronchial region. We show that this approach allows for new insights into the dynamics of the bronchial mucus and, more specifically, on the mechanisms controlling the amount of mucus in an airway. The results are analyzed in order to bring interesting new perspectives for the understanding and the treatment of mucus pulmonary diseases,such as cystic fibrosis. Altogether, this work demonstrates, applied to medical pathologies, the usefulness of modeling approaches in giving a mechanistic view of the encountered problematic. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Biofilm Structures in a Mono-Associated Mouse Model of Clostridium difficile Infection

Soavelomandroso, Anna P., Gaudin, Françoise, Hoys, Sandra, Nicolas, Valérie, Vedantam, Gayatri, Janoir, Claire, Bouttier, Sylvie 25 October 2017 (has links)
Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is a major healthcare-associated disease with high recurrence rates. Host colonization is critical for the infectious process, both in first episodes and in recurrent disease, with biofilm formation playing a key role. The ability of C. difficile to form a biofilm on abiotic surfaces is established, but has not yet been confirmed in the intestinal tract. Here, four different isolates of C. difficile, which are in vitro biofilm producers, were studied for their ability to colonize germ-free mice. The level of colonization achieved was similar for all isolates in the different parts of the murine gastrointestinal tract, but pathogen burden was higher in the cecum and colon. Confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed that C. difficile bacteria were distributed heterogeneously over the intestinal tissue, without contact with epithelial cells. The R20291 strain, which belongs to the Ribotype 027 lineage, displayed a unique behavior compared to the other strains by forming numerous aggregates. By immunochemistry analyses, we showed that bacteria were localized inside and outside the mucus layer, irrespective of the strains tested. Most bacteria were entrapped in 3-D structures overlaying the mucus layer. For the R20291 strain, the cell-wall associated polysaccharide PS-II was detected in large amounts in the 3-D structure. As this component has been detected in the extrapolymeric matrix of in vitro C. difficile biofilms, our data suggest strongly that at least the R20291 strain is organized in the mono-associated mouse model in glycan-rich biofilm architecture, which sustainably maintains bacteria outside the mucus layer.

Quorum Sensing and Microbial Interactions in Coral Black Band Disease and Coral-Associated Bacteria

Zimmer, Beth L 08 November 2012 (has links)
The black band disease (BBD) microbial consortium often causes mortality of reef-building corals. Microbial chemical interactions (i.e., quorum sensing (QS) and antimicrobial production) may be involved in the BBD disease process. Culture filtrates (CFs) from over 150 bacterial isolates from BBD and the surface mucopolysaccharide layer (SML) of healthy and diseased corals were screened for acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) and Autoinducer-2 (AI-2) QS signals using bacterial reporter strains. AHLs were detected in all BBD mat samples and nine CFs. More than half of the CFs (~55%) tested positive for AI-2. Approximately 27% of growth challenges conducted among 19 isolates showed significant growth inhibition. These findings demonstrate that QS is actively occurring within the BBD microbial mat and that culturable bacteria from BBD and the coral SML are able to produce QS signals and antimicrobial compounds. This is the first study to identify AHL production in association with active coral disease.

Colonization of the Intestinal Mucus Layer by Campylobacter jejuni

Stahl, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Campylobacter jejuni is a major cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in the developed world; however, many aspects of its biology remain poorly understood, including its colonization of the mucus layer lining the gastrointestinal tract. In this study, we utilized microarray transposon tracking to compile a list of 195 genes essential for the growth of C. jejuni in vitro under microaerophilic conditions. Then we characterized C. jejuni growing in an extracted intestinal mucus medium. We found that C. jejuni will grow efficiently in a medium comprised of either chick and piglet intestinal mucus, and that these media have a dramatic impact on its transcriptome. Within the genes identified as differentially expressed during growth in a mucus medium, we identified a single operon, (cj0481-cj0490), which we have subsequently characterized as being responsible for both the uptake and metabolism of L-fucose. This represents the first observation of carbohydrate metabolism by the otherwise asaccharolytic C. jejuni. We further found that the inability to utilize L-fucose puts C. jejuni at a competitive disadvantage when colonizing the piglet intestine, but not the chick cecum. Finally, we examined C. jejuni’s ability to utilize mucins as a carbon source while growing within the mucus layer. We found that despite mucins being a major source of L-fucose and amino acids within the intestine, C. jejuni has a minimal ability to degrade and utilize mucins on its own. However, close proximity to mucolytic bacteria within the microbiota of the intestine, allows for increased C. jejuni growth. Together, this paints the picture of an organism that is well adapted to survival within the mucus lining of the intestine and establishing itself as part of the intestinal microbiota.

Avaliação e caracterização proteica do muco de Phyllocaulis boraceiensis sobre a capacidade proliferativa de fibroblastos, células endoteliais e em modelos de cicatrização. / Evaluation and protein characterization of Phyllocaulis boraceiensis mucus in proliferative capability in fibroblasts, endothelial cells and cicatrization model.

Ana Rita de Toledo Piza 03 August 2012 (has links)
Gastrópodes terrestres secretam muco pela superfície corporal, quando se locomovem, para proteção do corpo contra injúria mecânica, dessecação ou contato com substâncias nocivas. O muco de moluscos tem sido estudado como fonte de novos compostos naturais com diversas atividades biológicas, entre elas a capacidade de induzir proliferação celular. O presente trabalho propôs o estudo do muco produzido pelas lesmas terrestres Phyllocaulis boraceiensis como agente indutor de proliferação celular e síntese de colágeno em cultura de fibroblastos humanos normais, células endoteliais e no reparo de processos cicatriciais no modelo de ferida cirúrgica da derme de camundongos. Fibroblastos tratados com proteínas do muco de P. boraceiensis em concentrações menores que 0,012 <font face=\"Symbol\">mg/µl apresentaram aumento nas taxas de proliferação avaliadas pelo método colorimétrico do MTT e em citometria de fluxo CSFE, mostrando um efeito dose-dependente. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que fibroblastos humanos normais e células endoteliais tratados com 0,012 g/<font face=\"Symbol\">ml de proteínas do muco, aumentaram significativamente a produção e secreção de elementos da matriz extracelular, como as fibras de colágeno. Houve a redução da produção de radicais livres lipídicos poli-insaturados. O ensaio de cicatrização da derme lesionada de camundongos Balb-c tratados com proteínas do muco de P. boraceiensis na concentração de 0,012 <font face=\"Symbol\">mg/µl induziu o reparo da cicatrização com maior eficácia e em menor tempo quando comparado ao grupo controle e aos tratados com a concentração de 0,18 <font face=\"Symbol\">mg/µl. Esses resultados corroboram a premissa de que o muco de P. boraceiensis, assim como o de outros gastrópodes, apresenta propriedade proliferativa das células envolvidas nos processos de cicatrização. / Mucus of molluscs has been studied as a source of new natural compounds with diverse biological activities, as ability to induce cell proliferation. The aim of this study is the potential use of mucus produced by land slugs Phyllocaulis boraceiensis as a promoter of cell proliferation and collagen synthesis in human fibroblasts, endothelial cells and in repair processes of healing wound skin of mice. Fibroblasts treated with P. boraceiensis mucus at concentrations below 0.012 <font face=\"Symbol\">mg/µl have high rates of proliferation as evaluated by the MTT and CFSE flow cytometer assays, proliferative effect was dose-dependent. Fibroblasts and endothelial cells treated with 0.012 <font face=\"Symbol\">mlowg/µl mucus induced a significant increase in production and secretion of extracellular matrix such as collagen fibers. There was a reduction in polyunsaturated lipid production. Healing assay of lesions in mice treated with mucus at 0.012 <font face=\"Symbol\">mg/µl induce repair of the scar more effectively and in less time when compared to the control group and those treated 0.18 <font face=\"Symbol\">mg/µl. These findings support the premise that the P. boraceiensis mucus demonstrates proliferative properties in cells involved in the healing process.

Detecção de sintomas respiratórios em trabalhadores expostos a aerodispersóides com espirometria normal / Detection of respiratory symptoms in workers exposed to aerodispersoids with normal spirometry

Paulino, Ana Carolina Botto 15 May 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A asma relacionada ao trabalho é a doença respiratória ocupacional mais comum e engloba a asma ocupacional e a asma agravada pelo trabalho. No Brasil, a legislação (NR7) determina que exames espirométricos sejam realizados periodicamente para os trabalhadores expostos a aerodispersóides. Essa determinação teria, entre seus propósitos, o de detectar doenças respiratórias, incluindo asma, mais precocemente e reduzir o risco ao trabalhador. No entanto, a capacidade dessa rotina em detectar a asma precocemente necessita de confirmação. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a ocorrência de sintomas nos trabalhadores expostos à aerodispersóides que apresentam espirometria normal. Assim, conheceremos as possibilidades de haver doença respiratória nesses casos. O estudo foi desenvolvido com 180 trabalhadores da cidade de Franca que apresentam exposição à aerodispersóides e que tinham espirometria normal; foi aplicado um questionário testado e validado para sintomas respiratórios e relação desses sintomas com o ambiente de trabalho. Resultados: Os sintomas foram detectados em 48 (26,7%) dos trabalhadores. Algum sintoma, incluindo sintoma nasal e prurido ocular, foi detectado em 26,7% da amostra de trabalhadores com espirometria normal. Dentre os sintomas compatíveis com asma, falta de ar estava presente em 8,3% da amostra; tosse, em 7,7% da amostra e sibilos em 3,3%. O tempo médio de exposição de 67 meses e idade média de 37 anos todos com espirometria normal. Conclusão: O presente estudo permitiu identificar os sintomas respiratórios apresentados pelos trabalhadores expostos a aerodispersóides, tipo e tempo de exposição, dados esses que podem contribuir para o melhor planejamento das ações de prevenção de doenças respiratórias ocupacionais. É possível haver doença respiratória, inclusive asma, em trabalhadores com espirometria normal, o que sugere que um questionário de sintomas poderia melhorar a capacidade de detectar doença respiratória ocupacional nos trabalhadores expostos. / Introduction: Work-related asthma is the most common occupational respiratory disease and includes both occupational asthma and asthma aggravated by work. In Brazil, the legislation (NR7) determines that spirometry exams be performed on a regular basis for workers exposed to aerodispersoids. Among other purposes, this determination aims at the early detection of respiratory diseases, including asthma, in order to reduce the risks to workers. However, the effectiveness of this routine in the early detection of asthma needs to be confirmed. The objective of this study was to analyze the occurrence of symptoms in workers exposed to aerodispersoids presenting normal spirometry. This will evidence the possibilities of presence of respiratory disease in these cases. The study was developed with 180 workers from the city of Franca, presenting exposure to aerodispersoids and who had normal spirometry values; a questionnaire tested and validated in previous studies was applied in order to obtain data on respiratory symptoms and the relationship of these symptoms to the work environment. Results: The symptoms were detected in 48 (26.7%) workers. A symptom, including nasal symptom and ocular pruritus, was detected in 26.7% of the sample of workers with normal spirometry values. Among the symptoms compatible with asthma, dyspnea was present in 8.3% of the sample; cough in 7.7% of the sample, and respiratory sounds in 3.3%. The mean time of exposure was 67 months and the mean age was 37 years, all with normal spirometry values. Conclusion: The present study allowed to identify the respiratory symptoms presented by workers exposed to aerodispersoids, and type and time of exposure, which can contribute for a better planning of preventive actions for respiratory diseases. It is possible to find respiratory diseases, including asthma, in workers with normal spirometry values, which suggests that a questionnaire of symptoms could improve the ability to detect occupational respiratory diseases in exposed workers.

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