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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fuzzy Gaming Approach For GenCo's Bidding Problem

Chen, Chi-Zong 12 June 2001 (has links)
In this thesis, the decision-making problem of a GenCo¡¦s bids is formulated and solved by a fuzzy approach to strategic games. It is assumed that only supply-side bidding is considered in the spot market and a player hopes to determine his bids to maximize his own expected payoffs. By means of fuzzy membership functions and operations, a multi-criteria method is used to analyze the player¡¦s choices. Decision maker can decide what kind of strategy combination is optimal by using weight vector to represent his subjective attitude and moral features about the structure of multi-objectives. From this process, a decision can be made more easily, and the results are also close to reality which is not easily modeled by probabilistic method in the classical game theory. Numerical examples with a game of two GenCo¡¦s and a price-elastic demand are offered to illustrate the salient features of the proposed approach.

New methods for multi-objective learning / Nouvelles méthodes pour l’apprentissage multi-objectifs

Puthiya Parambath, Shameem Ahamed 16 December 2016 (has links)
Les problèmes multi-objectifs se posent dans plusieurs scénarios réels dans le monde où on doit trouver une solution optimale qui soit un compromis entre les différents objectifs en compétition. Dans cette thèse, on étudie et on propose des algorithmes pour traiter les problèmes des machines d’apprentissage multi-objectif. On étudie deux méthodes d’apprentissage multi-objectif en détail. Dans la première méthode, on étudie le problème de trouver le classifieur optimal pour réaliser des mesures de performances multivariées. Dans la seconde méthode, on étudie le problème de classer des informations diverses dans les missions de recherche des informations. / Multi-objective problems arise in many real world scenarios where one has to find an optimal solution considering the trade-off between different competing objectives. Typical examples of multi-objective problems arise in classification, information retrieval, dictionary learning, online learning etc. In this thesis, we study and propose algorithms for multi-objective machine learning problems. We give many interesting examples of multi-objective learning problems which are actively persuaded by the research community to motivate our work. Majority of the state of the art algorithms proposed for multi-objective learning comes under what is called “scalarization method”, an efficient algorithm for solving multi-objective optimization problems. Having motivated our work, we study two multi-objective learning tasks in detail. In the first task, we study the problem of finding the optimal classifier for multivariate performance measures. The problem is studied very actively and recent papers have proposed many algorithms in different classification settings. We study the problem as finding an optimal trade-off between different classification errors, and propose an algorithm based on cost-sensitive classification. In the second task, we study the problem of diverse ranking in information retrieval tasks, in particular recommender systems. We propose an algorithm for diverse ranking making use of the domain specific information, and formulating the problem as a submodular maximization problem for coverage maximization in a weighted similarity graph. Finally, we conclude that scalarization based algorithms works well for multi-objective learning problems. But when considering algorithms for multi-objective learning problems, scalarization need not be the “to go” approach. It is very important to consider the domain specific information and objective functions. We end this thesis by proposing some of the immediate future work, which are currently being experimented, and some of the short term future work which we plan to carry out.

The management of multiple submissions in parallel systems : the fair scheduling approach / La gestion de plusieurs soumissions dans les systèmes parallèles : l'approche d'ordonnancement équitable

Gama Pinheiro, Vinicius 14 February 2014 (has links)
Le problème étudié est celui de l'ordonnancement d'applications dans lessystèmes parallèles et distribués avec plusieurs utilisateurs. Les nouvellesplates-formes de calcul parallèle et distribué offrent des puissances trèsgrandes qui permettent d'envisager la résolution d'applications complexesinteractives. Aujourd'hui, il reste encore difficile d'utiliser efficacementcette puissance par manque d'outils de gestion de ressources. Le travaileffectué dans cette thèse se place dans cette perspective d'analyser etdévelopper des algorithmes efficaces pour gérer efficacement des ressources decalcul partagées entre plusieurs utilisateurs. On analyse les scénarios avecplusieurs soumissions lancées par multiples utilisateurs au cours du temps. Cessoumissions ont un ou plus de processus et l'ensemble de soumissions estorganisé en successifs campagnes. Les processus d'une seule campagnesont séquentiels et indépendants, mais les processus d'une campagne ne peuventpas commencer leur exécution avant que tous les processus provenant de ladernière campagne sont completés. Chaque utilisateur est intéressé à minimiserla somme des temps de réponses des campagnes. On définit un modèle théorique pour l'ordonnancement des campagnes et on montreque, dans le cas général, c'est NP-difficile. Pour le cas avec un utilisateur,on démontre qu'un algorithme d'ordonnancement $ho$-approximation pour le(classique) problème d'ordonnancement de tâches parallèles est aussi un$ho$-approximation pour le problème d'ordonnancement de campagnes. Pour lecas général avec $k$ utilisateurs, on établis un critère de emph{fairness}inspiré par partage de temps. On propose FairCamp, un algorithmed'ordonnancement qu'utilise dates limite pour réaliser emph{fairness} parmiles utilisateurs entre consécutifes campagnes. On prouve que FairCamp augmentele temps de réponse de chaque utilisateur par a facteur maximum de $kho$ parrapport un processeur dédiée à l'utilisateur. On prouve aussi que FairCamp estun algorithme $ho$-approximation pour le maximum emph{stretch}.On compare FairCamp contre emph{First-Come-First-Served} (FCFS) parsimulation. On démontre que, comparativement à FCFS, FairCamp réduit le maximal{em stretch} a la limite de $3.4$ fois. La différence est significative dansles systèmes utilisé pour plusieurs ($k>5$) utilisateurs.Les résultats montrent que, plutôt que juste des tâches individuelle etindépendants, campagnes de tâches peuvent être manipulées d'une manièreefficace et équitable. / We study the problem of scheduling in parallel and distributedsystems with multiple users. New platforms for parallel and distributedcomputing offers very large power which allows to contemplate the resolution ofcomplex interactive applications. Nowadays, it is still difficult to use thispower efficiently due to lack of resource management tools. The work done inthis thesis lies in this context: to analyse and develop efficient algorithmsfor manage computing resources shared among multiple users. We analyzescenarios with many submissions issued from multiple users over time. Thesesubmissions contain one or more jobs and the set of submissions are organizedin successive campaigns. Any job from a campaign can not start until allthe jobs from the previous campaign are completed. Each user is interested inminimizing the sum of flow times of the campaigns.In the first part of this work, we define a theoretical model for Campaign Scheduling under restrictive assumptions andwe show that, in the general case, it is NP-hard. For the single-user case, we show that an$ho$-approximation scheduling algorithm for the (classic) parallel jobscheduling problem is also an $ho$-approximation for the Campaign Schedulingproblem. For the general case with $k$ users, we establish a fairness criteriainspired by time sharing. Then, we propose FairCamp, a scheduling algorithm whichuses campaign deadlines to achieve fairness among users between consecutivecampaigns. We prove that FairCamp increases the flow time of each user by afactor of at most $kho$ compared with a machine dedicated to the user. Wealso prove that FairCamp is an $ho$-approximation algorithm for the maximumstretch.We compare FairCamp to {em First-Come-First-Served} (FCFS) by simulation. We showthat, compared with FCFS, FairCamp reduces the maximum stretch by up to $3.4$times. The difference is significant in systems used by many ($k>5$) users.Our results show that, rather than just individual, independent jobs, campaignsof jobs can be handled by the scheduler efficiently and fairly.

Optimization of Energy Systems for a Sustainable District in Stockholm Using Genetic Algorithms : The case of Albano

Magny, Alessandro Antoine Andrea January 2014 (has links)
Multi-objective optimization tools using genetic algorithms (GAs) are being increasingly used for improving building performances and sustainability. However, few research studies focus on district-scale solutions. In the present project, a multi-objective optimization method using genetic algorithms was applied in order to help decision makers find the optimal energy mix of a district energy system in the preliminary design phase.   A case study consisting of the new campus Albano in Stockholm (comprising lecture buildings and student residences) was used for the analysis. A wide range of energy systems was included as a design variable: wind turbines, solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic cells, ground-source heat pumps, biomass boilers, combined cooling, heating and power, district heating and district cooling. The energy provided by the chosen technologies and the district energy balances are simulated on an annual basis using a steady-state method with an hourly resolution.   Three objectives functions were to be minimized: (1) the life-cycle costs; (2) the greenhouse gas emissions; and (3) the annual non-renewable primary energy consumption of the district. The optimization process was implemented on MOBO, a multi-objective optimization tool based on genetic algorithms.   The findings include understanding the trade-offs among the three objectives and a selection of alternatives of energy supply systems to be further investigated in the detailed design phase.

Analyse et optimisation de la durabilité des systèmes de production de biocarburants oléagineux en Afrique de l’Ouest / Analysis and optimization of the sustainability of oilseed-based biofuels production systems in West Africa

Bambara, Linda 20 December 2018 (has links)
La rentabilité des filières de production de biocarburants est une condition indispensable à leur compétitivité par rapport aux carburants d’origine fossile. Cette rentabilité dépend de plusieurs facteurs intrinsèques liés aux technologies de transformation ainsi qu’à l’organisation de ces filières.Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous étudierons plus particulièrement les filières d’approvisionnement en Jatropha curcas, en Balanites aegyptiaca et en tournesol avec pour objectif d’évaluer et d’optimiser les conditions de viabilité de filière de production de biocarburants en Afrique de l’ouest.Partant des filières potentiellement existantes en Afrique de l’ouest, il faudra proposer un modèle permettant de calculer les coûts et les impacts environnementaux des systèmes de production de biocarburants en tenant compte des données géographiques sur les champs, des contraintes de saisonnalité, des contraintes géographiques et de la disponibilité des ressources. Cette étude devra également intégrer l’analyse et l’optimisation d’options technologiques et de procédés de production de biocarburant. Ainsi après avoir défini les critères et indicateurs pertinents de développement durable, il s’agira de : proposer un modèle d’évaluation de ces critères pour les réseaux étudiés en tenant compte des options de valorisation des coproduits ; concevoir un outil multicritère d’évaluation de performances des systèmes de production de biocarburant ; concevoir un outil ou « système d’aide à la décision » pour les décideurs et les acteurs impliqués dans les filières étudiées ; étudier non-seulement les aspects techniques de transformation d’oléagineux en biocarburant, mais surtout d’introduire dans les calculs les coûts des réseaux permettant de produire de la graine, de la transporter jusqu’à l’unité et d’effectuer sa transformation. / The profitability of biofuel production chains is a prerequisite to their competitiveness with fossil fuels. Profitability depends on several intrinsic factors related to processing technology and the organization of these sectors.In this thesis, we will study in particular Jatropha Curcas, Balanites aegyptiaca and sunflower supply chains. The aims are to evaluate and optimize the sustainability conditions of biofuel production chain of in West Africa.Starting by potentially existing chains in West Africa, a model will be proposed to calculate the costs and environmental impacts of biofuel production systems taking into account the geographic data on the fields, seasonal constraints, geographical constraints and the availability of resources. This study will also include the analysis and optimization of technological options and biofuel production processes. Thus after defining the relevant criteria and indicators for sustainable development, it will be: provide an assessment model of these criteria for networks studied taking into account the option of valorization of co-products; design a multicriteria tool in order to evaluate the performance of biofuel production systems; develop a tool or "decision support system" for policy makers and those involved in the studied sectors; study not only the technical aspects of oilseed processing into biofuel, but also introduce into the calculations system, the cost which allows to produce seeds, carry them to the unit, and perform their transformation.

Modèles et méthodes numériques pour les études conceptuelles d’aéronefs à voilure tournante / Models and numerical methods for conceptual studies of rotorcrafts

Tremolet, Arnault 22 October 2013 (has links)
La variété des concepts d’aéronef à voilure tournante n’a d’égal que l’étendue de leur champ applicatif. Une question essentielle se pose alors : quel concept est le plus adapté face à un certain nombre de missions et de spécifications ? Pour y répondre il faut pouvoir évaluer les performances de vol et les impacts environnementaux de ces appareils. Le projet de recherche fédérateur C.R.E.A.T.I.O.N. pour « Concepts of Rotorcraft Enhanced Assessment Through Integrated Optimization Network » a pour but de mettre en place une plateforme numérique de calculs multidisciplinaires et multiniveaux de modélisation capable d’évaluer de tels critères. La multidisciplinarité fait écho aux différentes disciplines associées à l’évaluation des giravions tandis que l’aspect multi-niveaux de modélisation reflète la possibilité d’étudier un concept quelque soit l’état des connaissances sur ce dernier. La thèse s’inscrit dans ce projet. Une première implication est le développement de modèles de performances de vol et leur intégration dans des boucles de calculs multidisciplinaires. Au-delà de cet aspect de modélisation physique, la multidisciplinarité touche aussi le champ des mathématiques appliquées. Les méthodes d’optimisation multi objectifs multi paramètres, l’aide à la décision pour la sélection d’un optimum de meilleur compromis, l’exploration de bases de données, la création de modèles réduits sont autant de thématiques explorées dans cette thèse. / On the one hand the diversity of rotorcraft concepts is very rich, on the other hand the extent of their applications is very wide. Then a key question is raising: What is the most suitable concept facing a number of missions and specifications ? For answering, models and methods are required for predicting and evaluating the flight performances and environmental impact of rotorcraft. The project «Concepts of Rotorcraft Enhanced Assessment Through Integrated Optimization Network» (C.R.E.A.T.I.O.N.) aims at developing a multi-disciplinary and multi-level modelling calculation chain. The multi-disciplinary feature comes from the involvement of different disciplines in rotorcraft design. The multi modelling levels are defined to allow the evaluation of any rotorcraft concept whatever the level of details available in the description data. The present thesis is part of this project. First steps are the implementation of statistical models able to initialize the rotorcraft presizing from some specifications, the development of an analytical code that evaluates flight performances and its integration into the multidisciplinary calculation chain. A preliminary design conception chain using multidisciplinary optimization is setup and applied to a practical case showing its efficiency as presizing methodology. For this purpose multi-objectives exploration algorithms and decision aid methods to select a best compromise solution are also studied. The exploration of databases and creating response surface models are other themes explored in this thesis.

Developing Risk-Minimizing Vehicle Routing Problem for Transportation of Valuables: Models and Algorithms

Fallahtafti, Alireza 10 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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