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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Categorization of soil suitability to crop switchgrass at Mississippi, US using geographic information system, multicriteria analysis and sensitivity analysis

Arias, Eduardo Fernando 03 May 2008 (has links)
Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) has been widely investigated because of its notable properties as an alternative pasture grass and as an important biofuel source. The goal of this study was to determine soil suitability for Switchgrass in Mississippi. A linear weighted additive model was developed to predict site suitability. Multicriteria analysis and Sensitivity analysis were utilized to optimize the model. The model was fit using seven years of field data associated with soils characteristics collected from NRCS-USDA. The best model was selected by correlating estimated biomass yield with each model’s soils-based output for Switchgrass suitability. Pearson’s r (correlation coefficient) was the criteria used to establish the ‘best’ soil suitability model. Coefficients associated with the ‘best’ model were implemented within a Geographic Information System (GIS) to create a map of relative soil suitability for Switchgrass in Mississippi. A Geodatabase associated with soil parameters was constructed and is available for future GIS use.

Étude du risque d'inondation en aval du Delta du Fleuve Rouge en utilisant la télédétection et les SIG le cas du district de Bac Hung Hai

Bui, Duc Viet January 2008 (has links)
The Bac Hung Hai zone is the greatest basin in the Red River Delta in Vietnam and also one of the most densely populated regions of the planet. It is mainly a rural region and its economy is dominated by agriculture. In the context of frequent and larger floods in the Bac Hung Hai zone, causing deep socio-economical consequences, the focus of this study is to establish cartography of the high risk areas for flooding in the Bac Hung Hai region using remote sensing and GIS to assist land management. The preparation of a map describing land management in this region is more complicated because parcels for farming are very small and not homogeneous. A consistent and precise map of land use is essential for studies of flooding. The secondary objective is to improve the land use map. To this effect, a classification has been applied to the combination of the spectral bands and textures (TM and ETM[indice supérieur +]) of Landsat and a radar image (ERS). The addition of this information to the spectral bands increases the accuracy of classification by 1% to 4%, according to the dates selected. Additionally, in the study zone where there are few days without clouds, a problem related to the optical satellite image is the cloud cover. Then, the use of radar images will provide ground information for areas hidden by clouds where spectral images are not sufficient. To reach these goals, we have determined the main biophysical considerations that influence flooding. Then, these considerations have been combined in a multi-criteria analysis to evaluate the risks of flooding in the entire basin area. The results show that high to very high risks affect 47% of the area studied and that the south-east region, center, and north-east present the greatest risk.

Évaluation des processus d'innovation / Metrology of innovation processes

Assielou, N'Doli 18 December 2008 (has links)
L’innovation représente un processus vital pour les entreprises en vue d’assurer leur développement. Diverses actions et stratégies nouvelles sont mises en œuvre par les entreprises pour faire face aux exigences de marchés et accroître leurs performances. Une bonne connaissance du processus d’innovation et de l’organisation de l’entreprise est nécessaire pour permettre aux managers de les gérer efficacement et les adapter aux défis et changements dans leur environnement. D’où la nécessité pour les entreprises de disposer d’outils et de méthodes pour mesurer en continu leurs activités d’innovation. L’objectif de notre recherche est de proposer un cadre de mesure des capacités à innover des entreprises basé sur un ensemble de quinze pratiques d’innovation, chacune des pratiques étant subdivisée en plusieurs critères qui sont des phénomènes directement observables en entreprise. L’approche méthodologique s’appuie sur les méthodes d’agrégation multicritères et utilise la notion statistique de la valeur-test pour proposer une typologie des entreprises en quatre classes d’entreprises innovantes (proactive, préactive, réactive et passive). Une étude expérimentale a été menée sur un panel de vingt entreprises industrielles françaises. Un outil logiciel mettant en œuvre notre proposition méthodologique a été développé. Il permet d’analyser et d’évaluer les processus innovants d’un ensemble d’entreprises, de les affecter à une classe d’entreprises et de leur donner des recommandations sur les actions pertinentes à mettre en place pour accroître leur capacité à innover. Ce qui en fait un support efficace pour l’aide à la décision en matière de management de l’innovation / Innovation represents a vital process for companies to insure their development. Several actions and new strategies are implemented by companies to increase their performances and so face market requirements. A good knowledge of both the innovation process and the company organization is necessary to allow the top management to manage them effectively and to adapt them to the challenges and the changes in their environment. Consequently, it is important for the companies to have tools and methods to measure continuously their innovation activities. The objective of our research is to suggest a framework to measure innovation capacities of companies based on a set of fifteen innovation practices, each practice is subdivided into several criteria which are directly observable phenomena in company. The methodological approach is based on the multicriteria aggregation method and the use of statistical notion of value-test to propose a typology of innovative companies of four classes (proactive, preactive, reactive and passive). An experimental study was led on a sample group of twenty French industrial companies. A software implementing our methodological proposition was developed. It allows to analyze and to estimate the innovative processes of a set of companies, to allocate them to a class and to give them recommendations for the relevant actions to follow to increase their innovation potential. This research proposes an effective decision-aid tool that helps in the innovation management

Evaluation agro-économique ex-ante de systèmes de culture en agriculture familiale : le cas de l’agriculture de conservation en zone tropicale humide de montagne (Nord Vietnam) / Ex-ante agronomic and economic assessment of cropping systems under smallholder farming : the case of conservation agriculture in mountainous humid tropics (Northern Vietnam)

Hauswirth, Damien 18 December 2013 (has links)
Le besoin d'une intensification accrue des systèmes agricoles rend nécessaire l'identification des contextes et options permettant à des modes de mise en valeur intensifs et durables de se développer. Cette question est cruciale dans des contextes de petite agriculture familiale et de pression élevée sur les ressources naturelles, dont les zones tropicales humides d'Asie constituent un exemple typique. Dans cette région, l'agriculture de conservation (AC) est considérée comme un moyen de parvenir à cet objectif. Dans ce contexte, notre travail avait pour objectif d'évaluer dans quelle mesure l'AC peut constituer une réponse efficace et adaptée aux contraintes et besoins de petits producteurs familiaux dans une région montagneuse caractérisée par une forte pression sur les ressources naturelles et un taux de pauvreté élevé. Nous avons d'abord effectué un diagnostic des facteurs critiques de durabilité associés à la diversité régionale des systèmes agricoles conventionnels incorporant une production de maïs sur pente. Nous avons développé une approche originale combinant différentes méthodes d'analyse multivariée et de classification. Cette approche nous a permis d'identifier des types de systèmes agricoles aux performances contrastées en termes d'atteinte d'objectifs de durabilité. Les caractéristiques territoriales à différentes échelles, de l'écorégion au village, ont été identifiées comme prévalant sur les caractéristiques biophysiques des parcelles et l'accès aux moyens de production à l'échelle de l'exploitation pour expliquer la diversité des systèmes de culture sur pentes. Nous avons ensuite exploré dans quelle mesure des données collectées sur des sites de démonstration en AC pouvaient être utilisées pour évaluer les performances de prototypes de systèmes de culture en AC. L'AC pratiquée à un niveau de fertilisation suffisant n'a pas eu d'impact négatif sur les rendements la première année après conversion. Elle a significativement amélioré productivité et efficacité agronomique la seconde année après conversion. Toutefois, cette amélioration des performances agronomiques n'était pas suffisante, aux conditions économiques actuelles, pour assurer une meilleure rentabilité économique que l'agriculture conventionnelle sur un horizon de deux ans, du fait de l'augmentation des coûts de production associée au passage à l'AC. Les perspectives scientifiques issues de ce travail comprennent (i) l'utilisation des données issues de dispositifs de démonstration dans une perspective de modélisation pour prendre en compte, dans l'évaluation des systèmes de culture, les processus à l'origine de leur performances en fonction des variations de contexte biophysique et économique et (ii) l'évaluation de la capacité de l'agriculture de conservation à tamponner la variabilité des performances des systèmes de culture. La principale implication pratique pour l'intensification durable de l'agriculture dans le contexte du Nord Vietnam est la prise en compte de la diversité des systèmes agricoles dans le prototypage et la diffusion de systèmes de culture innovants. Une nouvelle hypothèse est qu'il est nécessaire d'envisager la valorisation au moins partielle des plantes de couverture, une conversion par étapes et/ou des incitations permettant de compenser l'augmentation de coûts générée par le passage à l'agriculture de conservation pour que celle-ci devienne économiquement attractive pour de petits producteurs familiaux dans un horizon de deux années. / The global need for further agricultural intensification makes necessary to identify contexts and options for sustainable intensive land uses to develop. This question is crucial under contexts of smallholder farming and high pressure on natural resources, such as in Asian humid tropics. In this region conservation agriculture (CA) is considered a leeway towards sustainable intensification. Within this context, our work aimed at preliminary assess to which extent CA fits the needs and constraints of smallholder farmers in a mountainous region where the high level of pressure on natural resources adds-up to a high poverty rate.We implemented a diagnosis of sustainability gaps associated with the regional diversity of maize based agricultural systems on sloping land. We applied an original methodological approach combining diverse classification tools. We identified contrasted types of farming and cropping systems for management practices, performances and sustainability issues. The local diversity in maize cropping systems resulted from multi-scale interactions between territory-related factors, farm/farmer characteristics and field biophysical conditions. Territory-related factors were of prevailing importance over plot biophysical conditions and farm/farmer related characteristics to drive diversity of cropping systems.We subsequently investigated to which extent data collected at CA-demonstration sites can be used to assess performances of CA-based cropping system prototypes over a 2-year period. Within the context of our study, CA associated with sufficient fertilization levels did not depress yields the first year after conversion. The second year, CA significantly increased maize productivity and agronomic efficiency. Such improvement of agronomic performances was not sufficient to ensure better economic performances than conventional agriculture over two years, due to the increase in production costs associated with transition to CA.Main scientific perspectives from our work include (i) coupling CA-demonstrations with modeling to account in cropping system evaluation for processes driving their performances across variations in biophysical and economic conditions (ii) assessment of CA capacity to buffer variability in cropping system performances. Main implication for CA-based sustainable intensification in tropical humid highlands of Vietnam is the need to tailor technical proposals to the identified diversity of agricultural systems. To make conversion to CA worth for farmers within a period of two years, a major assumption is the requirement for cover plant valorisation, implementation of stepwise transition to CA, and/or tailoring incentives to support smallholder farmers in overcoming costs associated with conversion to CA.

Análises multicriteriais aplicadas à avaliação de alternativas de controle de inundações na bacia hidrográfica do rio Mineirinho (São Carlos - SP) / Multicriteria analysis applied to the assessment of flood control alternatives in the Mineirinho watershed (São Carlos - SP)

Carvalho, Ana Elisa Ferrari 12 May 2016 (has links)
O processo de acelerada expansão urbana observado no Brasil a partir de meados do século XX, sem planejamento adequado, resultou em ocupação de áreas de risco de inundações urbanas por parte da população de baixa renda, gerando prejuízos sociais. Além disso, potencializou-se o risco de inundações por meio da impermeabilização do território, supressão da mata ciliar e retificação e canalização dos córregos. Com vistas à redução no risco de inundações em áreas urbanas, faz-se necessário, além da adoção de medidas mitigadoras nos locais assolados pelo problema, um disciplinamento adequado do uso e da ocupação do solo nas áreas ainda não urbanizadas da bacia, abordando a questão da drenagem. No entanto, o planejamento territorial urbano não é atribuição do sistema gestor de recursos hídricos, mas do município como um todo, de modo que há vários setores da gestão municipal que devem ser envolvidos nesse processo. Em meio a diferentes prioridades, a questão da drenagem urbana não tem sido satisfatoriamente abordada. Nesse contexto decisório a respeito do planejamento, é fundamental, portanto, que haja uma metodologia que possa conciliar os julgamentos divergentes e, por vezes, conflitantes acerca da alternativa mais adequada de uso e ocupação do solo. Os sistemas de suporte à decisão multicriteriais permitem contornar este problema, além de possibilitarem trabalhar com critérios incomensuráveis, de modo que se configuram como uma opção promissora para o planejamento territorial urbano. O objetivo deste trabalho foi justamente aplicar três métodos diferentes de análises multicriteriais ao planejamento de uso e ocupação do solo de uma bacia hidrográfica ainda em urbanização (rio Mineirinho, em São Carlos - SP) para escolher uma alternativa de uso e ocupação do solo dentre três possíveis. A primeira consistia em um futuro provável com base no histórico de urbanização da bacia e no Plano Diretor Municipal; a segunda, idem, com o acréscimo de um reservatório proposto no Plano Diretor de Drenagem Urbana de São Carlos; e a última propunha medidas de adequação da ocupação urbana ao sistema natural de drenagem. Dever-se-iam considerar os julgamentos de diferentes atores sociais e buscar a redução no risco de inundações urbanas. Um dos métodos utilizados, o Processo Analítico Hierárquico foi considerado menos adequado ao problema proposto que os outros dois (fuzzy-TOPSIS e fuzzy-ELECTRE). E apesar da dificuldade encontrada em realizar uma reunião com um conjunto de seis diferentes atores sociais para debater seus pontos de vista acerca de critérios de escolha e alternativas de uso e ocupação do solo na bacia, foi possível verificar as preferências do conjunto. Em geral, deseja-se alguma intervenção estrutural significativa para mitigar o problema das inundações, como o reservatório proposto no Plano Diretor de Drenagem Urbana de São Carlos. Embora os participantes da pesquisa tenham mostrado interesse pela proteção ambiental, não preferiram, em comparação às demais, a alternativa de uso e ocupação do solo que favorecia a adequação da ocupação urbana ao sistema natural de drenagem. / The process of accelerated urban expansion observed in Brazil from the second half of the 20th century on, without adequate planning, resulted in the occupation of areas with risk of flooding by the population of lower income, what caused social loss. Besides, waterproofing of the territory, suppression of the riparian forest, and straightening and channeling of rivers increased the risk of flooding. In order to reduce this risk in urban areas, in addition to adopting mitigating measures on the spots affected by the problem, it is necessary to discipline the use and occupation of the soil where it has not yet been urbanized, taking into consideration the drainage matter. However, urban territory planning is not only attributed to the managers of the water systems, but to the city as a whole. This way, there are various sectors of the municipal management that should be involved in this process. Among different priorities, the matter of urban drainage has not been satisfactorily discussed. Thus it is fundamental to find a method to conciliate divergent judgements about the most adequate alternative for the use and occupation of the soil. The multicriteria decision support systems are able to do this and to work with incommensurable criteria, and therefore they are a promising option to apply in the context of urban territory planning. The main objective of this work was precisely using three different methods of multicriteria analysis in the planning of the soil use and occupation of the Mineirinho watershed (São Carlos - SP), which is still in the midst of an urbanization process, in order to choose one of the three possible alternatives of soil use and occupation. The first one consisted on a probable future, based on the watershed urbanization history and the Municipal Directive Plan; the second one, idem, with the addition of a reservoir proposed in the Urban Drainage Directive Plan of São Carlos; and the last one presented measures to adequate the occupation of the basin to the natural drainage system. The judgement of different social actors and the reduction of the urban flooding risk should be taken into account. One of the used methods - the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) - was considered less suitable to the proposed problem than the other two (fuzzy-TOPSIS and fuzzy-ELECTRE). And although there was some difficulties to hold a meeting with a group of six different social actors who would debate their points of view concerning the choice criteria and the alternatives of soil use and occupation, it was possible to verify the preferences of the group. In general, they want a significant structural intervention to mitigate the urban flood problem, like the reservoir proposed in the Urban Drainage Directive Plan of São Carlos. In spite of the fact that the social actors showed interest for the environmental protection, they did not prefer, when comparing to the other alternatives, the one that most favored the adequacy of the urban occupation to the natural drainage system.

Sensibilidade ambiental ao óleo na bacia do Ribeirão Anhumas, Campinas-SP : proposta metodológica para análise conjunta de ambientes terrestres e fluviais /

Camargo, Danilo Mangaba de January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Rosemarie Rohn Davies / Resumo: Dentre os diversos tipos de acidentes ambientais, aqueles vinculados ao derramamento de óleo têm sido recorrentes em diversos ambientes do globo e dadas as suas consequências, são alvos de destaque pela comunidade científica mundial. A Lei Federal 9.966, de 22 de abril de 2000 regulamenta as ações de transporte e armazenamento de petróleo no território brasileiro. De acordo com a referida lei, cabe ao órgão federal responsável pelo meio ambiente, a consolidação dos planos de contingência – local e regional, instituindo o Plano Nacional de Contingência. Nesse sentido, estão inseridas as cartas de sensibilidade a derrames de óleo (Cartas SAO), produtos cartográficos essenciais, constituídas como relevante fonte de informação na elaboração de planos de contingencia e na avaliação de danos e impactos provenientes desse tipo de ocorrência. A presente pesquisa apresenta a proposição de uma metodologia de análise multicriterial para avaliação da sensibilidade ambiental ao óleo nas áreas continentais, tendo a bacia hidrográfica como unidade de análise. A Bacia do Ribeirão das Anhumas, localizada entre os municípios de Campinas-SP e Paulínia-SP foi selecionada para o estudo de caso. De acordo com as características da região e após o levantamento de dados bibliográficos, foram levantados dez critérios de mapeamento, os quais foram ponderados e classificados em níveis de sensibilidade. Após a ponderação dos critérios, os mapas descritores de cada um deles foram integrados em um softwar... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Among the various types of environmental accidents, those linked to oil spills have been recurrent in several environments around the globe and given their consequences, they are highlighted by the world scientific community. The federal Law 9.966, of the April 22, 2000 regulates the transportation and storage of oil in the Brazilian territory. According to this law, it is the responsibility of the federal agency responsible for the environment to consolidate contingency plans - local and regional, establishing the National Contingency Plan. In this sense, the Oil Spill Sensitivity Map (SAO MAP), essential cartographic products, are included as a relevant source of information in the preparation of contingency plans and in the evaluation of damages and impacts arising from this type of occurrence. This work presents the proposal of a methodology based on multicriteria analysis to evaluate the environmental sensitivity to the oil in the continental areas, having the watershed as unit of analysis. The Ribeirão das Anhumas Watershed, located between the municipalities of Campinas-SP and Paulínia-SP was selected for the case study. According to the characteristics of the region and after the collection of bibliographical data, ten mapping criteria were collected, which were weighted and classified in sensitivity levels. After weighting the criteria, the descriptive maps of each of them were integrated in a geoprocessing software, from the equation characteristic of each model. Th... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Proposta de método ágil de análise multicriterial aplicado em processos operacionais dinâmicos / Proposal for agile multicriteria analyses method applied in dynamic operational processes

Paes, Lucas Correia Gonçalves January 2013 (has links)
A aplicação de metodologias de análise multicriterial já é utilizada há décadas para análise de investimentos de alto capital, e continuam sendo ferramentas de referência para tomadas de decisão nas organizações em todo mundo. Contudo, não só grandes investimentos são influênciados por variáveis que interagem entre si e precisam ser levadas em consideração numa tomada de decisão acertada. No dia-a-dia de uma empresa, em diversos setores, decisões de menores impactos são tomadas sem que um método de análise multicriterial seja adotado para tal escolha. No entanto, quando somadas, essas decisões de menores impactos acabam por influênciar no resultado geral da empresa. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi desenvolver um método ágil de análise multicriterial que possa ser facilmente adaptado e aplicado em processos operacionais dinâmicos, comuns na rotina de grandes empresas, auxiliando nas tomadas de decisões em níveis mais baixos da organização. O método proposto foi aplicado em dois diferentes processos de uma empresa multinacional do setor de mineração. No primeiro processo foi avaliada a priorização da implantação de projetos de melhoria, onde ideias de empregados são transformadas em projetos que geram ganhos para a empresa. No segundo processo de programação da manutenção, o método auxiliou na priorização da execução de serviços de manutenção quando existem limitações de recursos. O método proposto combina a utilização de ferramentas de diversos métodos já consagrados com a adoção de soluções criativas para atender a dinamicidade dos processos avaliados. / Multicriteria analysis methodologies have been used for decades to analyze substantial capital investment alternatives, and continue to be a reference tool for capital budgeting decision making in organizations. Small investments are also influenced by several variables that need to be taken into account in assertive decision making. Minor impacts decisions are taken without using a method of multicriteria analysis and when all this decisions are combined, they influence the overall result of the company. The objective of this research is to develop a multi-criteria analysis method agile that can be easily adapted and applied to different operation dynamic process, usual in large businesses routine, helping decision making at lower levels of the organization. The proposed method was applied in two different processes of a multinational company in the mining sector. In the first case the process of prioritization projects method was studied, where ideas of employees were transformed into smaller projects that generate profit for the company. In the second case, maintenance scheduling, the method helped to prioritize the execution of maintenance services when there are resource limitation. The proposed method combines tools of renowned methods with creative solutions to help a decision making in dynamics processes.

Análise de decisão multicritério aplicada na seleção de fornecedores de logística. / MCDA in logistic supplier\'s selection.

Prado, André Alarcon de Almeida 04 April 2011 (has links)
A seleção de fornecedores é uma importante decisão na área de logística para obter menores custos e um melhor nível de serviço. Os modelos de seleção atualmente praticados nas empresas buscam estritamente minimizar custos, o que é bastante questionado por parte da literatura especializada. Este trabalho propõe um modelo de seleção de fornecedores de logística balizado em uma abordagem multicritério que busca a escolha ideal através da ótica do contratante. As suas principais contribuições são a adaptação do processo MCDA na formulação e resolução desta escolha, a análise crítica dos fatores que influem neste tipo de decisão (critérios, subcritérios e curvas de impacto) e a apresentação do modelo proposto que utiliza um software de apoio à decisão. O modelo foi aplicado com sucesso em dois estudos de caso reais e em ambos os casos contribuiu para um maior entendimento do problema, tornando o processo de negociação mais assertivo e racional. / Suppliers selection is a major alternative to obtain lower costs and a better level of service. The selection models currently practiced in the companies seeks strictly the minimization of costs, which is widely questioned by the literature. This paper proposes a model for supplier selection in logistics area using a multicriteria approach that finds the ideal choice from the perspective of the contractor. The main contributions are the adaptation of the MCDA process at formulating and solving this problem, the critical analysis of influence factors of this type of decision (criteria, sub-criteria and value function) and the proposed model that uses software to support the decision of contractor. The model was successfully applied in two real cases and in both has contributed to a better understanding of their problem by making the negotiation process more explicit and rational.

Διοίκηση αλλαγής και μέθοδοι πολυκριτήριας ανάλυσης

Μίχος, Νικόλαος 26 April 2012 (has links)
Ζούμε μια μεταβατική εποχή, που καθορίζεται από τις τεράστιες τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις, τη διεθνοποίηση των αγορών και της γνώσης και την ευκολότερη επικοινωνία των κατοίκων ολόκληρου του πλανήτη σε όλους τους τομείς δραστηριοτήτων τους. Όροι, όπως παγκοσμιοποίηση, συγχωνεύσεις εταιριών, αυξομειώσεις στα μεγέθη των επιχειρήσεων, τεχνολογική πρόοδος, περιγράφουν ποικίλες δυνάμεις στην αγορά εργασίας, οι οποίες μεταβάλλουν τους παραδοσιακούς κανόνες που επί χρόνια έχουν ρυθμίσει την επαγγελματική μας ζωή. Τα νέα τεχνολογικά μέσα μεταβάλλουν ριζικά τον τρόπο διάδοσης των επιστημονικών γνώσεων και των πληροφοριών, επηρεάζοντας, έτσι, και την οργάνωση της εκπαίδευσης, της εργασίας, της παραγωγής. Η εργασία αυτή περιγράφει την παγκοσμιοποίηση στον επιχειρηματικό χώρο και την παρουσιάζει σαν την αιτία για τις αλλαγές στη δομή και τον τρόπο λειτουργίας επιχειρήσεων και οργανισμών, στην προσπάθειά τους να ανταπεξέλθουν στις απαιτήσεις του ανταγωνισμού. Προκύπτει λοιπόν το θέμα της Διοίκησης Αλλαγής, ένας κλάδος σύγχρονος, που αποτελεί αντικείμενο μελέτης επιστημόνων και ειδικών σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο. Η εργασία αυτή αποτελεί το πρώτο βήμα προσέγγισης του κλάδου της Διοίκησης Αλλαγής μέσα από τεχνικές Πολυκριτήριας Ανάλυσης και Υπολογιστικής Νοημοσύνης, έχοντας σαν στόχο να προτείνει μια μεθοδολογία έρευνας και μελέτης, η οποία θα οδηγήσει στη δημιουργία μοντέλων βελτιστοποίησης διαδικασίας αλλαγής στις επιχειρήσεις. / We are living a transitional period, determined by the enormous technological developments, the globalization of markets and knowledge, and facilitate communication among people throughout the world in all areas of activity. Terms such as globalization, corporate mergers, changes in the size of business,technological progress, describe various forces in the labor market, which change the traditional rules that for years have set up our professional lives. The new technology means fundamentally change the way the dissemination of scientific knowledge and information, impacting so, the organization of education, work and production. This paper describes globalization in business and present it as the reason for the changes in the structure and operation of enterprises and organizations in their efforts to meet the demands of competition. It followed the theme of Change Management, a modern industry, which is the subject of study and individual scientists around the world.This work is the first step approach to Change Management industry through technical Multicriteria Analysis and Computational Intelligence Aiming to propose a research methodology and design, which will create optimization models change process in companies.

Proposta de uma sistemática para escolha de um provedor de serviços logísticos

Velho, Cassiane Oliveira January 2010 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas a atividade logística vem recebendo status estratégico como sendo uma variável importante para a obtenção de vantagem competitiva por parte das empresas. Dessa forma, as organizações vêm investindo significativamente no desenvolvimento de sistemas logísticos ágeis e na coordenação eficiente das cadeias de abastecimento nas quais estão inseridas. No entanto, para não perderem competitividade e realmente agregar valor ao seu negócio, muitas dessas empresas estão se focando cada vez mais em seu core business e, consequentemente, transferindo para terceiros algumas ou todas as suas atividades logísticas como forma de reduzir custos e aumentar a eficiência de sua operação. Assim, este trabalho trata do problema de tomada de decisão de terceirização das atividades logísticas e de como viabilizar a seleção de um provedor de serviços logísticos (PSLs). Para isto, foi elaborada e proposta uma sistemática de apoio à análise e seleção de um PSL que agrega conceitos gerais de gestão de projetos e de análise multicriterial para embasar a escolha pelo PSL mais adequado. Nesse particular, foi utilizado o método AHP – Analytic Hierarchy Process - que permite tratar aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos, tendo sido aplicado a problemas que envolvem a tomada de decisão em segmentos distintos. Como forma de validação da sistemática proposta, ela foi aplicada parcialmente em uma empresa fabricante de motores diesel com forte viés na logística de abastecimento e que estava em processo de terceirização de parte de suas atividades logísticas. Como principais resultados, encontrou-se que a sistemática foi aderente ao ambiente empresarial encontrado, auxiliando a análise e compreensão das oportunidades e riscos relativos à terceirização das atividades logísticas e dos atributos importantes a serem considerados no processo de seleção e escolha do PSL que mais esteja adequado à realidade da empresa contratante; e mostrando adicionalmente que o preço não é o fator mais importante no momento da decisão. / In recent decades the logistics activity has received strategic status as an important factor for gaining competitive advantages for businesses. Thus companies have been investing significantly in the development of agile logistics systems and efficient coordination of the supply chains, in which they operate. However, to avoid losing competitiveness and really add value to their business, many of these companies are increasingly focusing on their core business and thus transferring to others some or all of their logistics activities as a way to reduce costs and increase efficiency of their operation. This work addresses the problem of decision-making on outsourcing of logistics activities and how to facilitate the selection of a Third-Party Logistics (3PL). For this, it was developed and proposed a system to support the analysis and selection of a 3PL that combines general concepts of project management and multicriteria analysis to base the choice of the 3PL that better fits the current needs. In particular, we used the AHP - Analytic Hierarchy Process - which could handle qualitative and quantitative aspects, since it has been applied to many decision-making problems in different segments. As a way of validating the proposed methodology, it was partially applied to a manufacturer of diesel engines with a strong bias in its supply chain logistics, which was in process of outsourcing part of their logistics activities. As the most important results, it was found that this methodology adhered to the business environment, supporting the analysis and understanding of the opportunities and risks for the outsourcing of logistics activities, as well as important attributes to be considered in the selection process and choice of a 3PL that is more appropriate to the reality of the contracting company. In addition, it showed that the price is not the most important factor for this decision.

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