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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

WTO a rozvojové země / WTO and Developing Countries

Přiklopil, Libor January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned with developing countries in the multilateral trading system. Its goal is to analyze how the position of this group of countries changed from the moment GATT was signed up to the present and what their role and importance were in the forming of this system. The thesis also uncovers major sticking points in the current round of negotiations along with demands of developing countries and therefore analyses why no consensus has been reached yet.

Aktivity Světové obchodní organizace - aktuální problémy / Activities of the World trade oranization- actual problems

Macháček, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to describe and analyze activities of the World trade organization. The thesis is divided into four chapters, which are related to the WTO. The first chapter decribes the multilateral trading system. The second chapter focuses on the trade policy and its tools. The third chapter summarises activities of the GATT and WTO from its foundation to the present. The last chapter is devoted to the European Union in the WTO.

O que o Complexo do Alemão nos conta sobre as cidades: poder e conhecimento no Rio de Janeiro no início dos anos 80 / What the Complexo do Alemão tell us about city: power and knowledge in Rio de Janeiro in early 1980s

Thiago Oliveira Lima Matiolli 16 August 2016 (has links)
Esse trabalho analisa as condições que tornaram possível, e aceitável, a percepção de que favelas diferentes, mas contíguas entre si, fossem apreendidas como uma unidade territorial nomeada do Complexo do Alemão. Tal perspectiva remete a fins da década de 1970 e início dos anos 1980, período reconhecido pela literatura urbana carioca como aquele no qual a solução para o problema da favela, por parte do poder público, passa a ser um conjunto de intervenções diversas, às quais se convencionou nomear de urbanização, em detrimento da política de remoção. Dentre outros elementos, essa reorientação da ação governamental, por um lado, vai desencadear uma abundante produção de informações sobre esses territórios, através da montagem de um quadro técnico qualificado que buscava todo o tempo responder a questão que veio a se colocar para o governo municipal com essa mudança: como urbanizar? Por outro, reflete, também, a influência das transformações na agenda urbana interacional na gestão da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, bem como na de outros municípios do país. A investigação desses aspectos levantou uma dúvida sobre o caráter realmente transformador das políticas de urbanização inicialmente levadas a cabo por um prefeito, Israel Klabin, que era um homem de negócios de sucesso e íntimos de atores econômicos e políticos, nacionais e internacionais. Com entrevistas, pesquisa documental e em jornais da época, propõe-se entender as politicas de urbanização sob a ótica da governamentalização desses territórios, ou, em outras palavras, como uma tecnologia de gestão da população e dos espaços favelados. / This thesis analyses the conditions that made possible and acceptable the perception that different favelas, but contiguous in each other, were perceived as a territorial unit named Complexo do Alemão. This perspective brings to the late 1970s and early 1980s, period recognized by the urban carioca literature as the period in which the solution to the favela problem, by the public authorities, becomes a set of many interventions, which was conventionally named as urbanization, in detriment of the removal policy. This reorientation of the public authorities, by one side, triggers an abundant production of information about this territories, through the assembly of a qualified technical condition, that seeked at all times to answer the question that was put to the municipal government with this change: how to urbanize? On other hand, reflects, between other motivations, the influence of the transformation in the international urban agenda in the urban management of the city of Rio de Janeiro, but also in other cities of the country. The investigation of these aspects raised a doubt on the real transformer character of the urbanization policies initially carried out by a mayor, Israel Klabin, that was a successful businessman and close to economic and political actors, national and international. With interviews, documental research and in newspapers of the period, it proposes to understand the urbanization policies by the perspective of the governmentalization of these territories, or, in other words, as a management technology of the population and slum areas of favela.

Implementação das decisões do sistema de solução de controvérsias da OMC e mecanismos de efetivação no direito brasileiro / Implementation of the decisions of the WTOs dispute settlement system and enforcement mechanisms in Brazilian law.

Capucio, Camilla 10 November 2014 (has links)
A presente Tese de Doutorado tem como objetivo analisar os mecanismos de implementação das decisões do Sistema de Solução de Controvérsias da OMC, consideradas como decisões adjudicatórias internacionais, na busca pelo incremento de efetividade desse sistema, e com a finalidade de proposição de um modelo para tal implementação no sistema jurídico brasileiro. O estudo adota uma abordagem dialética entre a dimensão teórica e a dimensão empírica de seu objeto, na investigação acerca das condições nas quais o Sistema de Solução de Controvérsias gera seus efeitos nos membros da OMC, bem como dos sujeitos e processos envolvidos nessa dinâmica transnormativa. A partir da análise empírica dos casos nos quais o Brasil atuou como demandante, demandado e terceira parte no Sistema de Solução de Controvérsias da OMC, e do exame da implementação por parte de seus principais usuários, a pesquisa desenvolve constatações sobre a diversidade dos mecanismos de implementação e dos efeitos jurídicos das decisões desse sistema de resolução de litígios nos diferentes ordenamentos. O trabalho procura enfrentar as complexidades de seu objeto no contexto normativo-institucional brasileiro, avaliando o tratamento casuístico, difuso e informal conferido à temática da implementação das decisões do Sistema de Solução de Controvérsias da OMC no Brasil, e confirmando a hipótese da necessidade e conveniência do estabelecimento de um marco normativo geral que institucionalize e legitime a escolha relacionada ao meio de implementação dessa decisão. / This Thesis aims to analyze the mechanisms for implementing the decisions of WTOs Dispute Settlement System, considered as international adjudicatory decisions, in the search for increasing effectiveness of this system, and in order to propose a model for implementation in the Brazilian legal system. The study adopts a dialectical approach between the theoretical dimension and the empirical dimension of its object, in the investigation of the conditions in which the Dispute Settlement System generates its effects on members of the WTO, as well as the subjects and processes involved in this transnormative dynamic. From the empirical analysis of cases in which Brazil served as plaintiff, defendant and third party in the WTOs Dispute Settlement System, and the review of the implementation by their main users, this research reveals findings about the diversity of implementation mechanisms and of legal effects of the decisions of this dispute resolution system in various jurisdictions. The thesis seeks to address the complexities of its object in the brazilian legal-institutional context, evaluating the casuistic, diffuse and informal treatment given to the implementation of the decisions of the WTOs Dispute Settlement System decisions, and confirming the hypothesis of necessity and advisability of establishing a general normative framework that institutionalizes and legitimizes the choices related to the measures for implementing these decisions.

Global frihandel i en regional värld : Hur påverkar frihandelsavtal möjligheterna att nå global frihandel?

Norder, Tobias January 2006 (has links)
<p>How does the recent wave of preferential trading arrangements affect, the incentives for further trade liberalization of member states, and the possibility of obtaining global free trade? And are there any differences in this aspect between custom unions and other forms of preferential trading arrangements? These questions are well debated and have divided international trade researchers into two camps, one in favour for preferential trading arrangements and the other side against them. I have used well acknowledged researchers in the area of international trade theory to make a literature study of the above mentioned key elements in the debate. When comparing the two sides I have focused mainly on their differences, assumptions and results. I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing to be alarmed by of the wave of regionalism that’s occurring in the world today, but caution should be applied and more research in this area is necessary before any certain conclusions can be drawn. Free trade association seems to be welfare enhancing in general, with a few exceptions. I have found that the crucial points of what affect Free Trade Agreements will have on trade liberalization seems to be whether they are open or closed, how asymmetric the world is and the size of the trading blocs. The matter concerning custom unions are more alarming and seems to harm further trade liberalization in many aspects but this area also needs more research to give more reliable answers.</p>

Global frihandel i en regional värld : Hur påverkar frihandelsavtal möjligheterna att nå global frihandel?

Norder, Tobias January 2006 (has links)
How does the recent wave of preferential trading arrangements affect, the incentives for further trade liberalization of member states, and the possibility of obtaining global free trade? And are there any differences in this aspect between custom unions and other forms of preferential trading arrangements? These questions are well debated and have divided international trade researchers into two camps, one in favour for preferential trading arrangements and the other side against them. I have used well acknowledged researchers in the area of international trade theory to make a literature study of the above mentioned key elements in the debate. When comparing the two sides I have focused mainly on their differences, assumptions and results. I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing to be alarmed by of the wave of regionalism that’s occurring in the world today, but caution should be applied and more research in this area is necessary before any certain conclusions can be drawn. Free trade association seems to be welfare enhancing in general, with a few exceptions. I have found that the crucial points of what affect Free Trade Agreements will have on trade liberalization seems to be whether they are open or closed, how asymmetric the world is and the size of the trading blocs. The matter concerning custom unions are more alarming and seems to harm further trade liberalization in many aspects but this area also needs more research to give more reliable answers.

Exploration Of China`s Foreign Strategy ¡§Peaceful Rise¡¨

Wang, Lai-lung 12 July 2006 (has links)
After the ending of the Cold War and the break down of the Soviet Union, the old polarized system collapsed and the new international structure of world powers hasn't formed yet in a short time. Researchers of international relations have diversely defined the new framework of world power as ¡§uni-polar¡¨¡B ¡§ multi-polar¡¨ or ¡§multi-powers under uni- polar¡¨. From the perspectives of China, the definition of ¡§ multi-powers under uni- polar¡¨ can most properly describe the new international system and is completely in accordance with the international strategy of China. In the assumption, uni-polar means US and multi-powers means other important powers, including major regional actors or groups like China、Russia、Japan、EU and some newly developing powers like India、Brazil and South Africa. In response to the huge change of international system and in order to develop much more power of influence on international affairs,China introduced the concept of ¡§New Security perspective¡¨ to try to develop common interests with major powers and neighboring states through cooperation and dialogues. Then in 2003, China publicly proposed the concept of ¡§Peaceful Rise¡¨ and soon has been regarded as competitive opponent by U.S.A and countries around China. The way China rose aroused the attention of the international society and ¡§China Threat Theory¡¨ has become more and more well-known. The purpose of this research is to explore the theoretical basis、strategic value and purposes of the theory about China's peaceful rise, and extensively to analyze how China develops new international strategies and comprehensive national power. Additionally, I try to develop findings about the theme and hope that will helpful for our government to scheme corresponding policies to ensure our national security.

Essays on externalities and international cooperation : a game theoretic approach

Klis, Anna Alexandra 04 September 2015 (has links)
In this dissertation, I present three essays which examine questions in the field of public economics using a game theoretic approach, and I derive hopeful results and helpful rules for international negotiation. In my first chapter, I examine minimum participation constraints. In the presence of heterogeneity, a minimum participation (MP) clause in a public goods arrangement can serve as a device to create a more homogeneous group. When coalitions are restricted in what they can bargain over, exclusion of some agents from the bargaining process can be Pareto improving. This paper gives a general set of sufficient conditions for such an exclusion result to hold, and presents examples of when exclusion does, and does not, improve upon unanimity. In the second chapter, I discuss the problem of determining which externality situations merit international cooperation. I create a general framework of linearized parameters to examine a general externality problem, and then I provide the sufficient conditions for a parameter to move non-cooperative and cooperative solutions in opposite directions under certain circumstances. I argue that situations which behave in this manner and which have a higher parameter value have more benefit to cooperation through the increased range in actions to bargain over. The third chapter extends upon the second chapter and applies the framework developed to an externality problem. I present a particular story of correlation in fish growth and a corresponding model which gives an example of an increasing action gap. I describe the method of use of the framework, and using the linearized parameters developed in the second chapter, I attempt to show the divergence of non-cooperative and cooperative actions in this setting, demonstrating the need for negotiation among sovereign entities. / text

Reliacinių duomenų bazių saugumo modelio tyrimas / The research on security model of relational databases

Brobliauskas, Žilvinas 28 August 2009 (has links)
Žilvino Brobliausko magistro studijų baigiamajame darbe atliekamas daugiašalio reliacinių duomenų bazių saugumo modelio teorinis tyrimas: suformuluojami pagrindiniai reikalavimai, keliami tokio tipo modeliui; pasiūlomas modelis, leidžiantis vykdyti paiešką ir taikyti sumos, bei vidurkio agregatines funkcijas neiššifruojant skaitinių duomenų RDBVS pusėje; nurodomi pateikto modelio privalumai ir trūkumai. Pateikiama demonstracinė programa, realizuojanti pasiūlytą modelį. / The multilateral security model of relational databases is analyzed in master thesis of Žilvinas Brobliauskas. The results of research includes: the formulated requirements for multilateral security model of relational databases, proposed model, which allows range queries and aggregation functions over encrypted data without decrypting them at RDBMS level, and determined advantages and disadvantages of it. The program which realizes proposed model is given as proof of concept.

Der Übergang von der Informations- zur Wissensgesellschaft

Metze-Mangold, Verena 06 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Vortrag anlässlich des Doktoranden-Kolloquiums des UNESCO-Lehrstuhls für Internationale Beziehungen am 23. Juli 2012 im Lingnerschloss Dresden. Die westliche Gesellschaft befindet sich im Übergang von der Industrie- zur Wissensgesellschaft – so lautet eine der bekanntesten Thesen der aktuellen Gesellschaftstheorie. Dabei ist es in erster Linie der Umgang mit Wissen, der die Grundlage für die Bearbeitung aktueller Herausforderungen auf nationaler wie internationaler Ebene darstellt.

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