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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Virtual Clustered-based Multiprocessor Scheduling in Linux Kernel

Abdullah, Syed Md Jakaria January 2013 (has links)
Recent advancements of multiprocessor architectures have led to increasing use of multiprocessors in real-time embedded systems. The two most popular real-time scheduling approaches in multiprocessors are global and partitioned scheduling. Cluster based multiprocessor scheduling can be seen as a hybrid approach combining benefits of both partitioned and global scheduling. Virtual clustering further enhances it by providing dynamic cluster resource allocation duringrun-time and applying hierarchical scheduling to ensure temporal isolation between different software components. Over the years, the study of virtual clustered-based multiprocessor scheduling has been limited to theoretical analysis. In this thesis, we implemented a Virtual-Clustered Hierarchical Scheduling Framework (VC-HSF) in Linux without modifying the base Linux kernel. This work includes complete design, implementation and experimentation of this framework in a multiprocessor platform. Our main contributions are twofold: (i) to the best of our knowledge, our work is the first implementation of any virtual-clustered real-time multiprocessor scheduling in an operating system, (ii) our design and implementation gives practical insights about challenges of implementing any virtual-clustered algorithms for real-time scheduling.

Communication et contrôle dans les architectures homogènes de circuits pour télécommunications / Communication and Control in homogeneous architectures for telecommunication design

Jalier, Camille 05 July 2010 (has links)
Les travaux de thèse s'intéressent à la problématique de contrôle et de communication dans le domaine de la conception des systèmes numériques embarqués pour les applications de télécommunication de quatrième génération. La complexité des applications couplée aux besoins de productivité croissants impose de repenser les méthodologies de conception et les architectures sous jacentes. Afin de lever ces verrous, nous proposons plusieurs contributions originales. En effet, une méthodologie d'exploration d'un espace de conception ainsi qu'une architecture basée sur des noeuds de traitements homogènes et flexibles interconnectés à travers un réseau sur silicium sont proposées. Chaque noeud de traitement possède plusieurs blocs visant à exécuter efficacement et dynamiquement les applications de télécommunication. Pour répondre aux contraintes de faible consommation, nous proposons plusieurs solutions innovantes afin de minimiser cette métrique notamment au travers de techniques de migration de tâches. / This PhD research aims to solve challenges about control and communication in the design of digital embedded systems for 4G telecom applications. The application complexity added to the increasing productivity gap force to think about new design methodologies and the underlying architectures. Several new research directions is proposed in this work. A methodology for design space exploration and a digital architecture based on homogeneous and flexible processing units interconnected by a Network-on-Chip is proposed. A processing unit is a cluster of DSPs controled by a MIPS processor to compute telecom applications. To meet low power constraints, we propose optimization techniques based on resource management including task migration.

A chip multiprocessor for a large-scale neural simulator

Painkras, Eustace January 2013 (has links)
A Chip Multiprocessor for a Large-scale Neural SimulatorEustace PainkrasA thesis submitted to The University of Manchesterfor the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 17 December 2012The modelling and simulation of large-scale spiking neural networks in biologicalreal-time places very high demands on computational processing capabilities andcommunications infrastructure. These demands are difficult to satisfy even with powerfulgeneral-purpose high-performance computers. Taking advantage of the remarkableprogress in semiconductor technologies it is now possible to design and buildan application-driven platform to support large-scale spiking neural network simulations.This research investigates the design and implementation of a power-efficientchip multiprocessor (CMP) which constitutes the basic building block of a spikingneural network modelling and simulation platform. The neural modelling requirementsof many processing elements, high-fanout communications and local memoryare addressed in the design and implementation of the low-level modules in the designhierarchy as well as in the CMP. By focusing on a power-efficient design, the energyconsumption and related cost of SpiNNaker, the massively-parallel computation engine,are kept low compared with other state-of-the-art hardware neural simulators.The SpiNNaker CMP is composed of many simple power-efficient processors withsmall local memories, asynchronous networks-on-chip and numerous bespoke modulesspecifically designed to serve the demands of neural computation with a globallyasynchronous, locally synchronous (GALS) architecture.The SpiNNaker CMP, realised as part of this research, fulfills the demands of neuralsimulation in a power-efficient and scalable manner, with added fault-tolerancefeatures. The CMPs have, to date, been incorporated into three versions of SpiNNakersystem PCBs with up to 48 chips onboard. All chips on the PCBs are performing successfully, during both functional testing and their targeted role of neural simulation.

Evaluating the Scalability of SDF Single-chip Multiprocessor Architecture Using Automatically Parallelizing Code

Zhang, Yuhua 12 1900 (has links)
Advances in integrated circuit technology continue to provide more and more transistors on a chip. Computer architects are faced with the challenge of finding the best way to translate these resources into high performance. The challenge in the design of next generation CPU (central processing unit) lies not on trying to use up the silicon area, but on finding smart ways to make use of the wealth of transistors now available. In addition, the next generation architecture should offer high throughout performance, scalability, modularity, and low energy consumption, instead of an architecture that is suitable for only one class of applications or users, or only emphasize faster clock rate. A program exhibits different types of parallelism: instruction level parallelism (ILP), thread level parallelism (TLP), or data level parallelism (DLP). Likewise, architectures can be designed to exploit one or more of these types of parallelism. It is generally not possible to design architectures that can take advantage of all three types of parallelism without using very complex hardware structures and complex compiler optimizations. We present the state-of-art architecture SDF (scheduled data flowed) which explores the TLP parallelism as much as that is supplied by that application. We implement a SDF single-chip multiprocessor constructed from simpler processors and execute the automatically parallelizing application on the single-chip multiprocessor. SDF has many desirable features such as high throughput, scalability, and low power consumption, which meet the requirements of the next generation of CPU design. Compared with superscalar, VLIW (very long instruction word), and SMT (simultaneous multithreading), the experiment results show that for application with very little parallelism SDF is comparable to other architectures, for applications with large amounts of parallelism SDF outperforms other architectures.

Paralelní genetický algoritmus pro vícejádrové systémy / The Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Multicore Systems

Vrábel, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
Genetický algoritmus je optimalizačná metóda zameraná na efektívne hľadanie riešení rozličných problémov. Je založená na princípe evolúcie a prirodzeného výberu najschopnejších jedincov v prírode. Keďže je táto metóda výpočtovo náročná, bolo vymyslených veľa spôsobov na jej paralelizáciu. Avšak väčšina týchto metód je z historických dôvodov založená na superpočítačoch alebo rozsiahlych počítačových systémoch. Moderný vývoj v oblasti informačných technológií prináša na trh osobných počítačov stále lacnejšie a výkonnejšie viacjadrové systémy. Táto práca sa zaoberá návrhom nových metód paralelizácie genetického algoritmu, ktoré sa snažia naplno využiť možnosti práve týchto počítačových systémov. Tieto metódy sú následne naimplementované v programovacom jazyku C za využitia knižnice OpenMP určenej na paralelizáciu. Implementácia je následne použitá na experimentálne ohodnotenie rozličných charakteristík každej z prezentovaných metód (zrýchlenie oproti sekvenčnej verzii, závislosť konvergencie výsledných hodnôt od miery paralelizácie alebo od vyťaženia procesoru, ...). V poslednej časti práce sú prezentované porovnania nameraných hodnôt a závery vyplývajúce z týchto meraní. Následne sú prediskutované možné vylepšenia daných metód vyplývajúce z týchto záverov, ako aj možnosti spracovania väčšieho množstva charakteristík na presnejšie ohodnotenie efektivity paralelizácie genetických algoritmov.

Mapping to a Time-predictable Multiprocessor System-on-Chip

Amstutz, Christian January 2012 (has links)
Traditional design methods could not cope with the recent development of multiprocessorsystems-on-chip (MPSoC). Especially, hard real-time systems that requiretime-predictability are cumbersome to develop. What is needed, is an efficient, automaticprocess that abstracts away all the implementation details. ForSyDe, a designmethodology developed at KTH, allows this on the system modelling side. The NoCSystem Generator, another project at KTH, has the ability to create automaticallycomplex systems-on-chip based on a network-on-chip on an FPGA. Both of themsupport the synchronous model of computation to ensure time-predictability. Inthis thesis, these two projects are analysed and modelled. Considering the characteristicsof the projects and exploiting the properties of the synchronous model ofcomputation, a mapping process to map processes to the processors at the differentnetwork nodes of the generated system-on-chip was developed. The mapping processis split into three steps: (1) Binding processes to processors, (2) Placement of theprocessors on net network nodes, and (3) scheduling of the processes on the nodes.An implementation of the mapping process is described and some synthetic exampleswere mapped to show the feasibility of algorithms.

Predictable Real-Time Applications on Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip

Rosén, Jakob January 2011 (has links)
Being predictable with respect to time is, by definition, a fundamental requirement for any real-time system. Modern multiprocessor systems impose a challenge in this context, due to resource sharing conflicts causing memory transfers to become unpredictable. In this thesis, we present a framework for achieving predictability for real-time applications running on multiprocessor system-on-chip platforms. Using a TDMA bus, worst-case execution time analysis and scheduling are done simultaneously. Since the worst-case execution times are directly dependent on the bus schedule, bus access design is of special importance. Therefore, we provide an efficient algorithm for generating bus schedules, resulting in a minimized worst-case global delay. We also present a new approach considering the average-case execution time in a predictable context. Optimization techniques for improving the average-case execution time of tasks, for which predictability with respect to time is not required, have been investigated for a long time in many different contexts. However, this has traditionally been done without paying attention to the worst-case execution time. For predictable real-time applications, on the other hand, the focus has been solely on worst-case execution time optimization, ignoring how this affects the execution time in the average case. In this thesis, we show that having a good average-case global delay can be important also for real-time applications, for which predictability is required. Furthermore, for real-time applications running on multiprocessor systems-on-chip, we present a technique for optimizing for the average case and the worst case simultaneously, allowing for a good average case execution time while still keeping the worst case as small as possible. The proposed solutions in this thesis have been validated by extensive experiments. The results demonstrate the efficiency and importance of the presented techniques.

Une approche efficace et polyvalente pour l'ordonnancement de systèmes à criticité mixte sur processeur multi-coeurs / Versatile and efficient mixed–criticality scheduling for multi-core processors

Gratia, Romain 06 January 2017 (has links)
Ce document présente nos contributions aux algorithmes d'ordonnancement à criticité mixte pour multi-processeurs. La correction de l'exécution des applications temps réel critiques est assurée par l'utilisation d'un ordonnancement vérifié à la conception. Dans ce contexte, le dimensionnement des plate-formes d'exécution vise à minimiser le nombre de processeurs nécessaires pour assurer un ordonnancement correct. Ce dimensionnement est affecté par les exigences de sûreté de fonctionnement. Ces exigences poussent à surestimer le temps nécessaire garantissant l'exécution correcte des applications. Il en découle un dimensionnement assez coûteux. Les méthodes d'ordonnancement des systèmes à criticité mixte proposent des compromis sur les garanties d'exécution des applications améliorant le dimensionnement. Différents compromis ont été proposés mais tous reposent sur la notion de mode d'exécution. Les modes sont ordonnés, et les tâches voient leur temps d'exécution requis croître avec les modes. Cependant, afin de diminuer le dimensionnement du système, seul l'ordonnancement des tâches les plus critiques est garanti. Ce modèle est appelé "discarding". La majorité des algorithmes proposés se limitent à deux modes d'exécutions par simplicité. De plus, les algorithmes les plus efficaces pour multi-processeurs exhibent un nombre élevé de préemptions, ce qui constitue un frein à leur adoption. Finalement, ces algorithmes sont rarement généralisables. Pourtant, la prise en compte de plus de deux modes, ou de tâches aux périodes élastiques permettrait une adoption plus large par le milieu industriel. L'approche proposée repose sur la séparation des préoccupations entre la prise en compte des modes de fonctionnement, et l'ordonnancement des tâches sur multi-processeurs. Cette méthode permet de concevoir une politique d'ordonnancement efficace et adaptable à différents modèles de systèmes à criticité mixte. Notre approche consiste à transformer un lot de tâches à criticité mixte en un lot de tâches qui n'est plus à criticité mixte. Ceci nous permet d'utiliser un algorithme d'ordonnancement temps réel optimal engendrant peu de préemptions et de migrations, à savoir RUN. Cette approche, appliquée en premier pour le modèle discarding avec deux modes d'exécution, rempli son objectif d'efficacité. Nous illustrons sa généricité en utilisant le même principe pour ordonnancer des systèmes discarding avec plus de deux modes d'exécution. Enfin, une démarche reposant sur la décomposition de tâche permet de généraliser l'approche au cas des tâches élastiques. / This thesis focuses on the scheduling of mixed-criticality scheduling algorithms for multi-processors. The correctness of the execution of the real-time applications is ensured by a scheduler and is checked during the design phase. The execution platform sizing aims at minimising the number of processors required to ensure this correct scheduling. This sizing is impacted by the safety requirements. Indeed, these requirements tend to overestimate the execution times of the applications to ensure their correct executions. Consequently, the resulting sizing is costly. The mixed-criticality scheduling theory aims at proposing compromises on the guarantees of the execution of the applications to reduce this over-sizing. Several models of mixed-criticality systems offering different compromises have been proposed but all are based on the use of execution modes. Modes are ordered and tasks have non decreasing execution times in each mode. Yet, to reduce the sizing of the execution platform, only the execution of the most critical tasks is ensured. This model is called the discarding model. For simplicity reasons, most of the mixed-criticality scheduling algorithms are limited to this model. Besides, the most efficient scheduling policies for multi-processors entail too many preemptions and migrations to be actually used. Finally, they are rarely generalised to handle different models of mixed-criticality systems. However, the handling of more than two execution modes or of tasks with elastic periods would make such solutions more attractive for the industry. The approach proposed in this thesis is based on the separation of concerns between handling the execution modes and the scheduling of the tasks on the multi-processors. With this approach, we achieve to design an efficient scheduling policy that schedules different models of mixed-criticality systems. It consists in performing the transformation of a mixed-criticality task set into a non mixed-criticality one. We then schedule this task set by using an optimal hard real-time scheduling algorithm that entails few preemptions and migrations: RUN. We first apply our approach on the discarding model with two execution modes. The results show the efficiency of our approach for such model. Then, we demonstrate the versatility of our approach by scheduling systems of the discarding model with more than two execution modes. Finally, by using a method based on the decomposition of task execution, our approach can schedule systems based on elastic tasks.

Etude et évaluation de politiques d'ordonnancement temps réel multiprocesseur / Study and evaluation of real-time multiprocessor scheduling policies

Cheramy, Maxime 11 December 2014 (has links)
De multiples algorithmes ont été proposés pour traiter de l’ordonnancement de tâchestemps réel dans un contexte multiprocesseur. Encore très récemment de nouvelles politiquesont été définies. Ainsi, sans garantie d’exhaustivité, nous en avons recensé plusd’une cinquantaine. Cette grande diversité rend difficile une analyse comparée de leurscomportements et performances. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est de permettre l’étudeet l’évaluation des principales politiques d’ordonnancement existantes. La première contributionest SimSo, un nouvel outil de simulation dédié à l’évaluation des politiques. Grâceà cet outil, nous avons pu comparer les performances d’une vingtaine d’algorithmes. Laseconde contribution est la prise en compte, dans la simulation, des surcoûts temporelsliés à l’exécution du code de l’ordonnanceur et à l’influence des mémoires caches sur la duréed’exécution des travaux par l’introduction de modèles statistiques évaluant les échecsd’accès à ces mémoires / Numerous algorithms have been proposed to address the scheduling of real-time tasksfor multiprocessor architectures. Yet, new scheduling algorithms have been defined veryrecently. Therefore, and without any guarantee of completeness, we have identified morethan fifty of them. This large diversity makes the comparison of their behavior and performancedifficult. This research aims at allowing the study and the evaluation of keyscheduling algorithms. The first contribution is SimSo, a new simulation tool dedicatedto the evaluation of scheduling algorithms. Using this tool, we were able to compare theperformance of twenty algorithms. The second contribution is the consideration, in the simulation,of temporal overheads related to the execution of the scheduler and the impactof memory caches on the computation time of the jobs. This is done by the introductionof statistical models evaluating the cache miss ratios

Adaptive Shared Cache Migration Policy

Bien-aise, Hemsley 20 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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