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Papel da proteína dissulfeto isomerase na sinalização redox em células endoteliais e musculares lisas vasculares. / Role of protein disulfide isomerase in redox signaling in endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells.Camargo, Lívia de Lucca 09 December 2013 (has links)
A proteína dissulfeto isomerase (PDI) tem ganhado destaque em processos de sinalização celular. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o papel da PDI na sinalização redox induzida por TNF-a em células endoteliais e por Angiotensina II (Ang II) em células musculares lisas vasculares (CMLV). Em cultura de células endoteliais isoladas da veia umbilical humana (HUVECs) os dados demonstraram que a PDI e a ERp46 regulam especificamente a fosforilação da ERK 1/2 induzida por TNF-a, possivelmente via alterações redox sobre a GTPase Ras e participa da angiogenese induzida por TNF-a. Em CMLV de artérias de resistência, os dados sugerem a participação da PDI na contração induzida por Ang II, bem como na disfunção vascular associada à hipertensão arterial, através da regulação da expressão e atividade da Nox1. Desta forma, podemos concluir que a PDI apresenta um papel na regulação da sinalização redox induzida por TNF-a e Ang II em células endoteliais e CMLV, respectivamente. Tais resultados apontam para um novo papel da PDI na fisiopatologia do sistema cardiovascular. / Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), an oxidoreductase of endoplasmic reticulum, has emerged as a key player in cell signaling. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of PDI in redox signaling induced by TNF-a in endothelial cells and by Angiotensin II (Ang II) in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). In human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) ERp46 or PDI inhibition reduced specifically TNF-a-induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation, possibly via redox modifications in Ras GTPase and TNF-a-induced angiogenesis. In VSMCs from resistance arteries, our results suggest that PDI positively regulates Nox1 dependent signaling and expression in VSMCs from resistance arteries and could be a new player in the oxidative stress and vascular dysfunction observed in hypertension. Altogether, the results provide evidence for a role for PDI in cardiovascular pathophysiology.
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La semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxydase : son rôle dans la différenciation cellulaire des chondrocytes et des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires et son implication dans des pathologies articulaires et cardiovasculaires / Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase : its role in cell differentiation of chondrocytes and vascular smooth muscle cells and its involvement in joint and cardiovascular diseasesFilip, Anna 10 December 2014 (has links)
La « semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase » (SSAO) catalyse la déamination oxydative des amines primaires en aldéhyde, peroxyde d’hydrogène et ammoniac. Elle participe à la différenciation cellulaires, l’inflammation et la transmigration leucocytaire à travers l’endothélium lymphatique. Nos objectifs ont été d’étudier le rôle de la SSAO (i) dans la différenciation chondrocytaire hypertrophique, en relation avec le développement de l’arthrose en utilisant des chondrocytes de rat en culture primaire et des genoux arthrosiques de patients (ii) dans le développement de l’athérosclérose en invalidant des souris ApoE-/- qui développent naturellement l’athérosclérose pour le gène de la SSAO. Au niveau articulaire, la SSAO a été détectée dans le cartilage de rat et humain. In vitro, la SSAO (activité et expression) augmentent au cours de la différenciation terminale de chondrocytes de rat. Son inhibition par le LJP1586 entraîne un retard de différenciation chondrocytaire. La SSAO augmente également dans les zones arthrosiques du cartilage humain parallèlement à l’augmentation de l’hypertrophie. La SSAO jouerait donc un rôle dans la différenciation terminale des chondrocytes (hypertrophie) possiblement via le transport de glucose et dans le développement de la maladie. Au niveau vasculaire, les souris femelles ApoE-/-SSAO-/- de 25 semaines présentent une augmentation de la surface des plaques d’athérome par rapport aux ApoE-/-. Ceci est associée à une diminution de l’expression d’α-actine dans le média sous les plaques et de smMHC dans l’aorte abdominale (AA) sans modification ni de l’infiltration des lymphocytes T; ni des monocytes/ macrophages dans la paroi artérielle, ni du profil cytokinique pro-/anti-inflammatoire dans la rate. A 15 semaines, les souris femelles ApoE-/-SSAO-/-, sm-MHC a diminué dans les AA de ces souris par rapport aux ApoE-/- ainsi qu’une réorientation du trafic des cellules immunitaires vers la paroi aortique sans modification significative de la surface des plaques a été détecté. La SSAO jouerait donc un rôle précoce dans le développement de l’athérosclérose via une modification du trafic des cellules immunitaires et du phénotype des CML dans la paroi / The semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) catalyzes the oxidative deamination of primary amines into aldehydes, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. The SSAO was implicated in cellular differentiation, inflammation and transmigration of leukocyte through the lymphatic. The objectives of this work were to study the role of SSAO (i) in chondrocyte differentiation and in the development of osteoarthritis using rat chondrocyte primary cell culture and osteroarthritic samples from patients. (ii) in the development of atherosclerosis using ApoE-/- mice, which develop naturally atherosclerosis, invalidated for the SSAO gene. Concerning the articulation, the SSAO (expression and activity) was detected in the rat and human cartilage. In vitro, SSAO increases during chondrocyte terminal differentiation (hypertrophy) and the inhibition of its activity by LJP1586, decreases the level of differentiation. In human arthritic cartilage, SSAO was higher that in healthy cartilage, in association with an increase in hypertrophic markers. The SSAO plays a role in the terminal differentiation of chondrocytes and might be involved in the development of osteoarthritis. At the vascular level, 25 week-old female ApoE-/-SSAO-/- mice presented a 50% increase in plaque surface associated with an 80% decrease in α-actin expression in the media of aortic sinus and a decrease in sm-MCH in abdominal aortas (AA) compared to ApoE-/- mice. These results were not due neither to a modification of monocytes/ macrophages, Tcell infiltration in the plaque nor in a pro- or anti-inflammatory cytokine change in spleen. In 15 week-old ApoE-/-SSAO-/- mice, even if no modification of plaque surface was found, a decrease in sm-MHC was noticed in the AA from ApoE-/-SSAO-/- compare to ApoE-/- mice. More over, the immune cell trafficking was increased in the aortic wall of ApoE-/-SSAO-/- compared to ApoE-/- mice. Thus, SSAO is involved in the early development of atherosclerosis in changing the immune cell trafficking and the VSMC phenotype
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Effets du récepteur minéralocorticoïde, de l’intégrine αv et de vimentine sur les fonctions des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires et la rigidité artérielle / Effets of the mineralocorticoid receptor, of αv integrin and of vimentin on the functions of vascular smooth muscle cells and arterial stiffnessBelozertseva, Ekaterina 30 November 2016 (has links)
La rigidité artérielle et la fibrose ont une valeur prédictive dans le développement des maladies cardiovasculaires (CV). Ces 2 phénotypes impliquent les cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLVs) notamment des récepteurs membranaires et les protéines du cytosquelette. Les objectifs ont été d’étudier : (i) l’influence du récepteur minéralocorticoïde (MR) sur la réactivité vasculaire, (ii) le rôle de l’intégrine αvβ3 dans le développement de la rigidité artérielle et la fibrose vasculaire, et (iii) l’impact de la vimentine et la synémine sur la structure et la fonction artérielle. Ces trois études ont utilisées des souris avec invalidation génétiques des protéines d’intérêt. Résultats : l’absence du MR diminue la réactivité vasculaire en altérant le couplage contraction/relaxation des CMLVs via des mécanismes Ca2+- et NO-dépendants (une diminution de la vasoconstriction en réponse au Ca2+ extracellulaire et une altération de la vasorelaxation endothélium-dépendante en réponse à l’acétylcholine). L’invalidation de la sous-unité αv prévient la fibrose en réponse à l’administration d’angiotensine II. L’absence de la vimentine et non celle de la synémine augmente la rigidité artérielle via des changements des adhésions focales des CMLVs mais aussi des cellules endothéliales. En conclusion, les récepteurs membranaires et protéines intracellulaires étudiées influencent la fonction et la structure des artères grâce à des actions spécifiques sur le tonus musculaire, la mécanotransduction et l’organisation ultra-structurale des CMLVs. Ces études montrent au niveau cellulaire et moléculaire le déterminisme plurifactoriel des phénotypes de rigidité-fibrose de la paroi artérielle. Ces résultats nécessitent des travaux plus mécanistiques pour affirmer l’implication de ces protéines dans les maladies CV liées au vieillissement / Arterial stiffness and fibrosis have a predictive value in the development of cardiovascular diseases (CV). These two phenotypes involve vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) including membrane receptors and cytoskeletal proteins. The objectives were to examine: (i) the influence of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) on vascular reactivity, (ii) the role of avb3 integrin in the development of arterial stiffness and vascular fibrosis, and (iii) the impact of vimentin and synemin on arterial structure and function. The mice with genetic invalidation of the proteins of interest were used in these three studies. Results: the absence of MR decreased vascular reactivity by altering the contraction/relaxation coupling of VSMC through Ca2+- and NO-dependent mechanisms (a decrease of vasoconstriction in response to extracellular Ca2+ and impaired endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation in response to acetylcholine). The invalidation of the αv subunit prevented fibrosis in response to the administration of angiotensin II. The absence of vimentin, and not that of the synemin, increased arterial stiffness via changes in focal adhesions of VSMCs as well as endothelial cells. In conclusion, the studied membrane receptors and intracellular proteins that influenced the structure and function of arteries through specific actions on muscle tone, the mechanotransduction and the ultra-structural organization of VSMCs. These studies show the multifactorial dependency of the stiffness-fibrosis phenotypes of the arterial wall at the cellular and molecular levels. These results require more mechanistic work to determine the role of these proteins in CV diseases related to aging
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Terapia celular com células mononucleares derivadas de músculo estriado esquelético na deficiência esfincteriana em modelo animal de incontinência urinária / Cell therapy with skeletal muscle-derived mononuclear cell in the sphincter deficiency in an animal model of urinary incontinenceTurco, Marcelo Pitelli 14 October 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar o efeito da injeção periuretral de células mononucleares derivadas de músculo estriado esquelético (CMDME) e a incorporação dessas células no esfíncter urinário de ratas, em modelo animal de incontinência urinária. MÉTODOS: As CMDMEs, foram isoladas de músculos dos membros pélvicos de ratos endogâmicos Whistar-Kyoto (WKY), machos. Os músculos foram submetidos à dissociação enzimática, seguida de isolamento das células mononucleares, sem necessidade de cultura e/ou expansão. A deficiência esfincteriana foi criada por uretrolise cirúrgica em 20 ratos endogâmicos WKY, fêmeas. Uma semana após, foi realizada a injeção periuretral de 1 x 106 de células, em 10 ratas (grupo CMDME), e 10 ratas receberam injeção de SF a 0,9% (grupo SF). Dez animais foram submetidos à cirurgia Sham e serviram como controle (grupo SHAM). Quatro semanas após a injeção, os ratos foram sacrificados, e as uretras, removidas. A incorporação das CMDMEs masculinas, na uretra feminina, foi confirmada pela detecção do cromossomo Y, através da hibridização in situ fluorescente. A porção média da uretra de cada animal foi processada para coloração pela hematoxilina-eosina e tricrômio de Masson e também imuno-histoquímica para actina e miosina. Usando software digital (Image Pro Plus 6.0), calcularam-se a proporção músculo/tecido conectivo e a proporção de actina e miosina em cada amostra de uretra, sendo as proporções comparadas entre os grupos. As mudanças morfométricas da uretra de cada animal, de cada grupo, foram avaliadas medindo-se o maior e o menor diâmetro da uretra e a espessura média da parede, utilizando software digital (Image J); áreas fracionais da luz, mucosa e camada muscular da uretra foram estimadas usando o método de contagem de pontos. RESULTADOS: No grupo CMDME, houve espessamento das camadas da musculatura lisa e estriada, e menor depósito de tecido conectivo, em relação aos animais do grupo SF. Uma diminuição da proporção músculo/tecido conectivo foi observada no grupo SF, em comparação ao grupo CMDME, e também em relação ao grupo SHAM (0,51 ± 0,28; 1,62 ± 0,53 e 2,27 ± 1,15, respectivamente, p < 0.001). A proporção de actina estava diminuída no grupo SF, em comparação com o grupo CMDME, e com o grupo SHAM (0,18 ± 0,04; 0,27 ± 0,02 e 0,27 ± 0,03, respectivamente, p < 0,001) sendo também observada esta diminuição na proporção de miosina (0,07 ± 0,01; 14 ± 0,02 e 0,15± 0,03, respectivamente, p < 0,001). Não houve diferença entre os grupos SF, CMDME e SHAM em relação ao diâmetro da uretra, espessura da parede uretral e áreas fracionais da luz, mucosa e parede muscular uretral. CONCLUSÕES: As CMDMEs foram incorporadas na uretra do grupo CMDME. Nestes animais, houve diminuição de tecido conectivo e aumento da quantidade de músculo liso e esquelético. As CMDMEs foram facilmente obtidas, sem necessidade de expansão celular, com pequeno tempo de preparo / INTRODUCTION: This study investigated the effect of periurethral injection of skeletal muscle-derived mononuclear cells (SMDMCs) into the urethral sphincter in an animal model of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). METHODS: SMDMCs were isolated from the hind limb muscles of male Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) isogenic inbred rats. The muscles were enzymatically dissociated, and SMDMCs were directly isolated without the need for culture or expansion. Urinary sphincter deficiency was created by surgical urethrolysis in 20 female WKY rats. One week later, 10 rats received an injection of 1 x 106 cells (SMDMC group) and 10 rats received saline injections (Saline group). In addition, 10 rats were subjected to sham surgery (Sham group). Four weeks later, the rats were euthanized and their urethras harvested. The incorporation of male SMDMC in the female urethras was confirmed by the detection of Ychromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In addition, hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and Masson\'s trichrome staining, as well as immunohistochemistry analyses to actin and myosin were performed. Using digital software (Image Pro Plus 6.0), the muscle to connective tissue, actin and myosin ratios were calculated. A urethral morphological evaluation was conduced by measuring the diameters and mean wall thickness, using Image J software. Fractional areas of the lumen, mucosa and muscular layer were estimated using the point counting method. RESULTS: The SMDMCs were successfully incorporated into the urethra. Less collagen was observed among the muscle fibers and less atrophy was found in the smooth and skeletal muscle layers of the SMDMC group. A significant decrease in the muscle to connective tissue ratio was observed in the Saline group, compared with the SMDMC and Sham groups (0,51 ± 0,28 vs 1,62 ± 0,53 vs 2,27 ± 1,15, respectively; p < 0.001). The proportion of the actin was decreased in the Saline group, in comparison with the SMDMC and Sham groups (0,18 ± 0,04 vs 0,27 ± 0,02 vs 0,27 ± 0,03, respectively; p < 0,001); a decrease was also observed in the proportion of myosin (0,07 ± 0,01 vs 0,14 ± 0,02 vs 0,15± 0,03, respectively; p < 0,001). No significant differences were observed among the groups Sham, Saline and SMDMC in terms of urethral diameter, urethral wall thickness and fractional areas of the lumen, mucosa and muscular layer. CONCLUSIONS: The SMDMCs that were incorporated into the injured urethral sphincter resulted in decreased connective tissue and increased muscle content in the SMDMC group. SMDMCs were easily obtained, without need for cell expansion, and they only required a brief preparation time
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Papel da proteína dissulfeto isomerase na sinalização redox em células endoteliais e musculares lisas vasculares. / Role of protein disulfide isomerase in redox signaling in endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells.Lívia de Lucca Camargo 09 December 2013 (has links)
A proteína dissulfeto isomerase (PDI) tem ganhado destaque em processos de sinalização celular. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o papel da PDI na sinalização redox induzida por TNF-a em células endoteliais e por Angiotensina II (Ang II) em células musculares lisas vasculares (CMLV). Em cultura de células endoteliais isoladas da veia umbilical humana (HUVECs) os dados demonstraram que a PDI e a ERp46 regulam especificamente a fosforilação da ERK 1/2 induzida por TNF-a, possivelmente via alterações redox sobre a GTPase Ras e participa da angiogenese induzida por TNF-a. Em CMLV de artérias de resistência, os dados sugerem a participação da PDI na contração induzida por Ang II, bem como na disfunção vascular associada à hipertensão arterial, através da regulação da expressão e atividade da Nox1. Desta forma, podemos concluir que a PDI apresenta um papel na regulação da sinalização redox induzida por TNF-a e Ang II em células endoteliais e CMLV, respectivamente. Tais resultados apontam para um novo papel da PDI na fisiopatologia do sistema cardiovascular. / Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), an oxidoreductase of endoplasmic reticulum, has emerged as a key player in cell signaling. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of PDI in redox signaling induced by TNF-a in endothelial cells and by Angiotensin II (Ang II) in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). In human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) ERp46 or PDI inhibition reduced specifically TNF-a-induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation, possibly via redox modifications in Ras GTPase and TNF-a-induced angiogenesis. In VSMCs from resistance arteries, our results suggest that PDI positively regulates Nox1 dependent signaling and expression in VSMCs from resistance arteries and could be a new player in the oxidative stress and vascular dysfunction observed in hypertension. Altogether, the results provide evidence for a role for PDI in cardiovascular pathophysiology.
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Developing an induced pluripotent stem cell model of pulmonary arterial hypertension to understand the contribution of BMPR2 mutations to disease-associated phenotypes in smooth muscle cellsKiskin, Fedir January 2019 (has links)
Mutations in the gene encoding the bone morphogenetic protein type 2 receptor (BMPR2) are the most common genetic cause of heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). However, given the reduced penetrance of BMPR2 mutations in affected families, a major outstanding question is the identity of additional factors or pathways that are responsible for the manifestation of clinical disease. Furthermore, limited human tissue is available for study and usually only from patients with end-stage disease, making it difficult to understand how PAH is established and progresses. Alternative human models of PAH are therefore required. This thesis describes the characterisation of the first human iPSC-derived smooth muscle cell (iPSC-SMC) model of PAH and elucidates the role of BMPR2 deficiency in establishing PAH-associated phenotypes in iPSC-derived SMCs. To achieve this, I used CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing to generate wild-type and BMPR2+/- iPSC lines with isogenic backgrounds which were subsequently differentiated into lineage-specific iPSC-SMCs that displayed a gene expression profile and responses to BMP signalling akin to those present in distal pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMCs). Using these cells, I found that the introduction of a single BMPR2 mutation in iPSC-SMCs was sufficient to recapitulate the pro-proliferative and anti-apoptotic phenotype of patient-derived BMPR2+/- PASMCs. However, acquisition of the mitochondrial hyperpolarisation phenotype was enhanced by inflammatory signalling and required an interaction between BMPR2 mutations and environmental stimuli provided by exposure to serum over time. Furthermore, I showed that BMPR2+/- iPSC-SMCs had an altered differentiation state and were less contractile compared to wild-type iPSC-SMCs, phenotypes which have not been observed previously in PAH-derived PASMCs. Finally, RNA sequencing analysis identified genes that were differentially expressed between wild-type and BMPR2+/- iPSC-SMCs and may hence provide further insights into PAH pathobiology. The iPSC-SMC model described in this study will be useful for identifying additional factors involved in disease penetrance and for validating therapeutic approaches that target BMPR2.
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Molecular mechanisms of vascular smooth muscle cell transdifferentiation into osteochondrocyte-like cells / Mécanismes moléculaires de la trans-différenciation des cellules musculaires lisses en cellules de type ostéo-chondrocytaireFakhry, Maya 02 December 2015 (has links)
Chez les patients souffrant d'insuffisance rénale chronique, les calcifications vasculaires représentent la première cause de mortalité. Elles résultent de la trans-différenciation des cellules musculaires lisses (CMLs) en cellules de type ostéoblastique et/ou chondrocytaire, en réponse à des cytokines inflammatoires ou à une hyperphosphatémie. Les CMLs forment alors des cristaux par l'activité de la phosphatase alcaline non-spécifique du tissu (TNAP). A la lumière de résultats récents, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que la TNAP module la trans différenciation des CMLs. Nos objectifs étaient donc de déterminer l'effet de la TNAP dans la trans-différenciation des CMLs, et d'étudier les mécanismes impliqués dans son induction, avec un intérêt particulier pour les microRNAs. Nous avons observé que l'ajout de phosphatase alcaline purifiée ou la surexpression de TNAP stimule l'expression de marqueurs chondrocytaires en culture de CMLs et de cellules souches mésenchymateuses. De plus, l'inhibition de la TNAP bloque la maturation de chondrocytes primaires. Nous excluons un rôle des cristaux formés par la TNAP, puisque l'ajout de cristaux seuls ou associés à une matrice collagénique n'a pas reproduit les effets de la TNAP. Nous suspectons que la TNAP agit en hydrolysant le pyrophosphate inorganique (PPi). En effet, c'est la TNAP qui hydrolyse le PPi en culture de CMLs et de chondrocytes, et le PPi mime les effets de l'inhibition de TNAP en culture de chondrocytes. Enfin, nous rapportons le profil de microRNA des artères cultivées en conditions hyperphosphatémiques. Ces résultats pourraient être particulièrement importants dans le développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques / In patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), vascular calcification represents the main cause of mortality. Vascular calcification results from the trans-differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) into cells similar to osteoblasts and/or chondrocytes, in response to inflammatory cytokines or hyperphosphatemia. Calcifying VSMCs form calcium phosphate crystals through the activity of tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP). In light of recent findings, we hypothesized that TNAP also modulates VSMC trans-differentiation. Our objectives were therefore to determine the effect of TNAP activity on VSMC trans-differentiation, and secondly to investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in TNAP expression in aortas, with a particular interest in microRNAs. We first observed that addition of purified alkaline phosphatase or TNAP over-expression stimulates the expression of chondrocyte markers in culture of the mouse and rat VSMC lines, and of mesenchymal stem cells. Moreover, TNAP inhibition blocks the maturation of mouse primary chondrocytes and reduces mineralization. We exclude a role for crystals in TNAP effects, since addition of crystals alone or associated to a collagenous matrix fails to mimic TNAP effects. We rather suspect that TNAP acts through the hydrolysis of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi). Indeed, PPi is hydrolyzed by TNAP in VSMCs and chondrocytes and addition of PPi mimics the effects of TNAP inhibition on chondrocyte maturation. Finally, we report microRNA signature of aortic explants treated under hyperphosphatemic conditions that induce vascular calcification. These results could be of particular importance in patients with CKD
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Role of Phospholipase D in Vascular Calcification / Le rôle de la phospholipase D dans la calcification vasculaireSkafi, Najwa 20 December 2017 (has links)
La calcification vasculaire est l’accumulation de cristaux de calcium dans les vaisseaux sanguins à travers un processus pathologique qui ressemble à la formation de l’os ou du cartilage. Elle apparaît notamment chez les patients diabétiques ou atteints d’une insuffisance rénale chronique. La conséquence principale de la calcification vasculaire est la perte de l’élasticité qui est indispensable pour la fonction des larges artères, elle est de plus associée à la mortalité des patients hémodialysés. Les traitements contre la calcification vasculaire sont généralement limités à ceux qui corrigent les facteurs causatifs des problèmes de santé mais aucune intervention efficace, spécifique et ciblée n’est disponible. Par conséquence, une compréhension profonde des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la calcification vasculaire est nécessaire dans le but de trouver de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. La phospholipase D catalyse l’hydrolyse des phospholipides en acide phosphatidique et une tête polaire, elle est aussi impliquée dans différentes fonctions cellulaires et maladies. Il a été démontré qu’elle peut être activée par des facteurs impliqués dans l’ostéogenèse et par d’autres impliqués dans la calcification vasculaire. Ainsi, nous avons étudié le rôle de la phospholipase D dans la calcification vasculaire dans 3 modèles différents. Le premier est un modèle in-vitro de cellules musculaires lisses murines (lignée cellulaire MOVAS), elles sont cultivées en présence d’acide ascorbique et de β-glycérophosphate. Le deuxième est un modèle ex-vivo d’explants d’aortes cultivés en présence de fortes concentrations de phosphate et le troisième est un modèle in-vivo d’insuffisance rénale chronique produite chez des rats. Dans ce dernier modèle, la calcification vasculaire est induite par un régime riche en phosphore et en calcium et par des injections de vitamine D active. La calcification dans ces trois modèles a été suivie par l’analyse de la minéralisation en dosant les dépôts de calcium, de l’activité phosphatase alcaline, et de l’expression de différents marqueurs ostéo-chondrocytaires. Une augmentation de l’expression génique de Pld1 a été observée dans les trois modèles, en particulier au cours des premières étapes de la calcification, et a été accompagnée d'une activité accrue de la phospholipase D dans les modèles in vitro et ex-vivo. L’inhibition de l’activité phospholipase D dans ces deux modèles ou de la phospholipase D1 dans le modèle MOVAS a bloqué complètement la calcification. Par contre, l’inhibition spécifique de la phospholipase D2 n’a pas montré des effets significatifs. Deux voies par lesquelles la phospholipase D peut être activée ont été testées, la voie de la protéine kinase C et la voie de la sphingosine-1-phosphate. Ces deux voies métaboliques se sont révélées être impliquées dans le processus de calcification mais pas forcément dans l’activation de la phospholipase D au cours de ce processus. Des résultats préliminaires ont montré que la phospholipase D pourrait agir après activation de la sphingosine kinase 2 dont l’activité s’est avérée nécessaire pour la calcification dans le modèle MOVAS. Des études supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour comprendre par quels mécanismes la phospholipase D est activée et comment elle agit. La phospholipase D pourrait être une nouvelle cible thérapeutique pour le traitement de la calcification vasculaire vu que son inhibition ne semble pas avoir des effets secondaires chez les patients / Vascular calcification is the accumulation of calcium phosphate crystals in blood vessels via a pathological process that resembles physiological bone or cartilage formation. Calcification in the medial layer is mainly seen in diabetic and chronic kidney disease patients. Its main consequence is the loss of elasticity which is indispensable for the function of large arteries. Accordingly, vascular medial calcification was significantly associated with mortality in hemodialysis patients. Vascular calcification treatments are limited to those that correct its causative health problems, but no efficient, specific and targeted interventions are available. Therefore, a deep understanding of its molecular mechanisms is needed to find novel therapeutic targets. Phospholipase D catalyses the hydrolysis of phospholipids into phosphatidic acid and a head group. It is implicated in different cellular functions and diseases. It was found to be activated by factors involved in osteogenesis and others involved in vascular calcification. Thus, we investigated its role in vascular calcification in 3 models: an in-vitro model of murine smooth muscle cell line MOVAS cultured with ascorbic acid and β-glycerophosphate, an ex-vivo model of rat aortas cultured in high phosphate medium, and an in-vivo model of adenine-induced kidney disease in rats in which vascular calcification is induced by further administration of high phosphorus/calcium diet and active vitamin D injections. Calcification was detected in these models using different approaches including alkaline phosphatase activity, calcium dosage, and/or evaluation of osteo-chondrocytic markers expression. Pld1 expression was seen upregulated in all the three models, especially during early stages of calcification, and was accompanied with increased phospholipase D activity in the in-vitro and ex-vivo model. The inhibition of total phospholipase D activity in these two models, or that of phospholipase D1 in case of MOVAS model, abolished calcification. Phospholipase D2-specific inhibition did not induce significant effects. Two pathways by which phospholipase D can be activated were tested, protein kinase C and sphingosine 1-phosphate pathways, but they were found to be involved in calcification but not necessary for phospholipase D activation during this process. Alternatively, the preliminary results showed that PLD may be acting by activation of sphingosine kinase 2 whose activity was found necessary for calcification in the MOVAS model. Further investigations are needed to understand the mechanisms by which phospholipase D is activated and by which it is acting. Phospholipase D could be a novel target for vascular calcification especially that its inhibition in patients did not induce adverse health effects
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CXCL16 and CD137 in AtherosclerosisWågsäter, Dick January 2005 (has links)
<p>Atherosclerosis is a progressive inflammatory disease that is characterized by the accumulation of lipids, infiltrated cells and fibrous elements in large arteries.</p><p>This thesis focuses on the molecular mechanisms behind foam cell formation and inflammation, two central processes in the development of atherosclerosis. More specific, we studied the effects of proinflammatory cytokines on CXCL16 expression and its role as scavenger receptor on macrophages and smooth muscle cells in atherogenesis. CXCL16 is defined as a chemokine and a scavenger receptor, regulating adhesion and chemoattraction of CXCR6 expressing cells and uptake of oxLDL. We show that the expression of CXCL16 and its receptor CXCR6 are more pronounced in human atherosclerotic lesions compared with non-atherosclerotic vessels. Increased expression of CXCL16 was also seen in atherosclerotic aortas of apoE-/- mice compared with aortas of non-atherosclerotic, age-matched C57BL/6 mice. In vitro, IFN gamma induced CXCL16 expression in primary human monocytes and smooth muscle cells which resulted in an increased uptake of oxLDL. Treatment of mice with IFN gamma also induced CXCL16 expression in atherosclerotic lesions. Thus, we have demonstrated a role for IFN gamma in foam cell formation through upregulation of CXCL16. The expression of CXCR6 was defined to the same regions as for CXCL16 in the lesion, indicating the presence of cells able to respond to CXCL16. Consequently, CXCL16 could serve as a molecular link between lipid metabolism and immune activity in atherosclerotic lesion.</p><p>CD137 belongs to the TNF family and mediates several important processes in inflammation. CD137 is involved in the activation of T cells, NK cells, B cells and monocytes and regulate cytokine production, proliferation and apoptosis in these cells. A limited number of studies have demonstrated CD137 expression on smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells. Our results show that CD137 mRNA is higher expressed in human atherosclerotic lesions compared with unaffected vessels. We found that endothelial cells express CD137 in atherosclerotic lesions and that cultured endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells express CD137 and CD137 ligand in vitro. CD137 was regulated differentially by proinflammatory cytokines (i.e. IFN gamma, TNF alpha, IL-1 beta) and bacterial lipopolysaccharide depending on cell type. Furthermore, we investigated the effects of CD137 signalling, demonstrating that binding of the CD137 ligand to its receptor increases proliferation and migration of smooth muscle cells.</p><p>In summary, this thesis has focused on the expression, regulation and role of CXCL16 and CD137, two genes that have not been described earlier in the concept of atherosclerosis. The findings demonstrate some of the molecular mechanisms involved in vascular inflammation and may increase our knowledge about the development of atherosclerosis.</p>
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Role of the CD40 receptor/CD154 ligand dyad in the control of smooth muscle cells phenotype / Rolle der CD40/CD154-Dyade bei der Phänotypregulation glatter GefäßmuskelzellenStojakovic, Milica 06 November 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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