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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


BHEATRIX BIENEMANN FAVERO 02 June 2022 (has links)
[pt] As substâncias psicodélicas clássicas são agonistas serotoninérgicos que atuam essencialmente no sistema de neurotransmissão 5HT2A. Essas substâncias podem promover estados alterados de consciência, bem como alterações visuais, afetivas, de humor e alterações cognitivas. Historicamente, eles têm sido usados para fins ritualísticos, recreativos e medicinais. Estudos indicam que essas substâncias apresentam baixa toxicidade, baixo risco de dependência e overdose. Existe um interesse científico atual no uso dessas substâncias como tratamento para uma variedade de condições e, embora muitos estudos busquem investigar objetivamente os resultados vinculados ao seu uso, os conteúdos subjetivos da experiência dos usuários ainda são pouco explorados. Considerando que a perspectiva de primeira pessoa é central para a experiência psicodélica, esta tese buscou investigar experiências subjetivas ligadas a psicodélicos por meio de uma variedade de abordagens. Primeiramente, buscou-se adaptar e validar o Ego Dissolution Inventory (EDI), instrumento amplamente utilizado por pesquisadores para avaliar um fenômeno essencial da experiência psicodélica, para o contexto brasileiro (Artigo 1). Em seguida, buscou-se explorar relatos públicos negativos (Artigo 2) e positivos (Artigo 3) de usuários de psilocibina (princípio ativo dos cogumelos mágicos), por meio do método Reinert, que analisa quantitativamente as falas transcritas. Por fim, discutiu-se a possível influência dos estados alterados de consciência (ASC), incluindo aqueles relacionados ao uso de substâncias psicoativas, na evolução humana (Artigo 4), sugerindo futuras pesquisas para explorar essa hipótese. / [en] Classical psychedelic substances are serotonergic agonists that act essentially on the 5HT2A neurotransmission system. These substances can promote altered states of consciousness, as well as visual, affective, mood, and cognitive changes. Historically, they have been used for ritualistic, recreational, and medicinal purposes. Studies indicate that these substances have low toxicity, low risk of dependence and overdose. There is current scientific interest in the use of these substances as a treatment for a variety of conditions, and while many studies seek to objectively investigate outcomes linked to their use, the subjective contents of the experience of users is seldom explored. Since a first-person perspective is central to the psychedelic experience, this thesis sought to investigate subjective experiences linked to psychedelics through a variety of approaches. First, we sought to adapt and validate the Ego Dissolution Inventory (EDI), an instrument widely used by researchers to assess a central feature of the psychedelic experience, to the Brazilian context (Article 1). Then, we sought to explore public negative (Article 2) and positive (Article 3) reports of psilocybin (the active principle of magic mushrooms) users, through the Reinert method, which quantitatively analyses transcribed speeches. Finally, the possible influence of altered states of consciousness (ASC), including those linked to use of psychoactive substances, in human evolution was discussed (Article 4), suggesting future research to explore this hypothesis.

Life Cycle Assessment of Urban Underground Oyster Mushroom Farming / Livscykelanalys av Underjordisk Stadsodling av Ostronskivling

Lemaitre, Emile January 2022 (has links)
Global food production has been recognized as the single largest driver of environmental degradation and transgression of planetary boundaries. Providing healthy food sustainably to a growing, mostly urban population will require radical changes to the food system. Indoor urban agriculture has been proposed as a promising alternative that reduces the distance between farm and fork, provides fresh quality food shortly after harvest, efficiently uses space by vertical expansion, and enables year-round cultivation protected by weather variations and climate deregulation. The development of indoor urban agriculture has traditionally manifested as verti- cal hydroponic systems cultivating leafy greens, but the interest in urban mushroom farming has lately been rising, both in Sweden and internationally. However, a knowledge gap on the environmental impacts of these systems hampers the possi- bility to develop them sustainably. This study aims to fill this gap by conducting an attributional cradle-to-market life cycle assessment of a theoretical urban under- ground oyster mushroom farm in Stockholm. Per kg packaged and delivered grey oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus), the potential environmental impacts were estimated as the following - climate change: 2.45 kg CO2-eq, freshwater eutrophication: 6.76E-04 kg P-eq, fossils: 80 MJ, dissipated water: 3.29 m3 water-eq, and land use: 149 points. For the investigated impact categories the findings suggest that the three main environmental hotspots, in descending order, in general, are the farm’s electricity requirement, especially for fossils and dissipated water, the substrate materials, which is largely contributing to the land use impact, and the PET packaging of the final product, particularly for climate change and freshwater eutrophication. The results indicate that the cooling load for fruiting represents the majority of the farm’s electricity consumption. The spawn and wheat straw are the main contributors to the substrate mixture’s impact, and regarding climate iii change, the transportation by truck of the spawn and wheat straw pellets are im- portant factors. The life cycle of the PET packaging boxes and the PE growing bags have an especially important climate change contribution due to their production, transportation, and waste incineration.  By indicating which processes, energy, and material flows most contribute to urban underground oyster mushroom farming’s environmental impact, this study gives insights on improvement priorities and help steer the sector towards ecologically sustainable development. To guide ecodesign, future studies should explore and assess the environmental implications of different options, such as substrate materials, substrate preparation methods, packaging materials, and the reuse of different urban residues. / Global livsmedelsproduktion har erkänts som den enskilt största drivkraften bakommiljöförstöring och  överskridandet av planetens gränser. Att hållbart tillgodosehälsosam mat till en växande, mestadels urban befolkning kommer att kräva radikalaförändringar av livsmedelsystemet. Urban inomhusodling föreslås som ett lovande alternativ som året om, skyddat mot vädervariationer och klimatförändringar förser färska livsmedel kort efter skörd, minskar avståndet mellan produktion och konsumption och effektivt utnyttjar yta genom vertikal expansion. Utvecklingen av urban inomhusodling har traditionellt manifesterats som vertikala hydroponiskaodlingssystem av bladgrönsaker och örter, men på senare tid har intresset för stadsodling av svamp ökat, både i Sverige och internationellt. En kunskapslucka om dessa systems miljöpåverkan hämmar dock möjligheten att utveckla dessa på ett hållbart vis. Den här studien syftar till att fylla denna lucka genom att genomföra en bokföringsbaserad livscykelanalys från vagga-till-marknad av en teoretisk underjordisk stadsodling av ostronskivling i Stockholm. Per kg förpackad och leverera dostronskivling (Pleurotus ostreatus ), uppskattas den potentiella miljöpåverkan som följande klimatavtryck: 2,45 kg CO2-eq, sötvattensövergödning: 6,76E-04 kg P-eq, fossila resurser: 80 MJ, vattenanvändning: 3,29 m3 vatten-eq, och markanvändning: 149 poäng. För de fem undersökta miljökategorierna tyder resultatet på att de tre största bidragsfaktorerna, generellt och i fallande ordning är stadsodlingens elbehov, i synnerhet för fossila resurser och vattenanvändning, substratmixen,framförallt rörande markanvändning, och PET-förpackningen för slutprodukten, speciellt gällandes klimatpåverkan och sötvattensövergödning. Resultatet indikerar att kylbehovet under fruktifikationen står för huvuddelen av odlingsystemets elförbrukning. Myceliet och vetehalmen är de främsta bidragarna till substratmixens miljöpåverkan, och gällande klimatavtryck är transporten via lastbil av mycelieti och vetehalmpelletsen viktiga faktorer. Livscykeln för PET-förpackningen och PE-odlingspåsarna har ett särskilt viktigt bidrag till produktens klimatpåverkan på grund av deras produktion, transport och avfallsförbränning. Sammanfattningsvis kan denna studie, genom att indikera vilka processer, energi-och materialflöden som mest bidrar till miljöpåverkan av underjordisk stadsodling av ostronskivling, belysa prioriteringsomr ̊aden och därmed styra sektorn mot enekologiskt hållbar utveckling. F ̈or att vägleda ekodesign bör framtida studier belysa miljökonsekvenserna av olika alternativ så som substratmaterial, substratberedningsme-toder och förpackningsmaterial samt återanvändning av olika urbana avfallsflöden.

Indução de resistência em plantas de berinjela e tomate por Lentinula edodes e Agaricus blazei contra bactérias causadoras de murcha (Ralstonia solanacearum) e cancro (Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis) / Induced resistance by Lentinula edodes and Agaricus blazei in tomato plant and eggplant against bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) solanacearum) and bacterial canker (Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis)

Silva, Ricardo Ferrari 20 April 2007 (has links)
Devido ao aumento da preocupação com o impacto dos agrotóxicos no meio ambiente e na saúde humana, busca-se uma agricultura sustentável. É no âmbito dessa questão que a resistência induzida torna-se uma ferramenta fundamental no manejo integrado de doenças e indispensável para uma nova agricultura, mais racional e sustentável. Dentre os diversos agentes bióticos e abióticos, utilizados em trabalhos de indução de resistência de plantas a patógenos, os cogumelos Lentinula edodes e Agaricus blazei vem sendo pesquisados. Desse modo, este trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar o efeito de diferentes isolados de L. edodes e A. blazei e do acibenzolar-S-metil (aSm) in vitro contra as bactérias e o controle de doenças de importância econômica para as culturas do tomate e da berinjela, em casa-de-vegetação. Depois de obtida a proteção, estudar os possíveis mecanismos bioquímicos ativados nas plantas através do uso dos extratos dos cogumelos e buscar a purificação parcial destes extratos, a fim de identificar o(s) princípio(s) ativo(s). No patossistema berinjela/Ralstonia, os extratos aquosos dos cogumelos não exerceram nenhum efeito direto sobre o patógeno, sendo que os isolados Abl-11 e Abl-28 de de A. blazei reduziram significativamente a ocorrência de folhas murchas das plantas em casa-devegetação, em relação aos demais tratamentos. Ocorreu um aumento na atividade da peroxidase, fenilalanina amônia-liase e polifenoloxidase nas folhas tratadas. O preciptado 60-80% obtido pela precipitação com sulfato de amônia e a fração 4 da cromatografia de troca aniônica (CTA) de Abl-28 reduziram a ocorrência de folhas murchas, sendo que a separação eletroforética revelou a presença de uma banda no gel com aproximadamente 29 kDa nesta fração. Em tomate, os extratos aquosos dos isolados dos cogumelos e o acibenzolar-S-metil não exerceram nenhum efeito inibitório in vitro no crescimento de Ralstonia solanacearum e Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis. Porém, os isolados Abl-26 de A. blazei, Le-96/17 de L. edodes e aSm foram os que conferiram maior proteção das plantas de tomates contra os patógenos, diminuindo a ocorrência de folhas murchas, proporcionando um aumento na atividade da peroxidase no patossistema tomate/Ralstonia e um aumento na atividade de peroxidase, quitinase, fenilalanina amônia-liase e polifenoloxidase no patossistema tomate/Clavibacter. O preciptado 40-80% de Le-96/17 foi submetido à CTA, obtendo-se seis frações protéicas. As frações 3 e 4, junto com aSm e o extrato aquoso de Le-96/17 reduziram a ocorrência de folhas murchas. A separação eletroforética destas frações da CTA, do preciptado 40-80% e do extrato aquoso de Le-96/17 revelaram a presença de mais de uma banda no gel na fração 3 e 4 da CTA, no preciptado 40-80% e no extrato aquoso bruto de Le-96/17. Com base nos resultados, os cogumelos A. blazei e L. edodes apresentam compostos que induziram resistência em plantas berinjela e tomate, podendo auxiliar no controle de doenças. / Because the increase of the impact of chemical products in the environment and in human health, a search by sustainable agriculture is needed. It is in the scope of this problem that the induced resistance becomes a tool in the integrated management of pests and diseases and indispensable for a new agriculture, more rational and sustainable. Among the biotic and abiotic agents used to induce resistance, the mushrooms Lentinula edodes and Agaricus blazei have being studied. Thus, the objectives of the present work were evaluate the effects of different isolates of L. edodes and A. blazei and of the acibenzolar-S-methyl (aSm) on in vitro bacterial growth and the control of the diseases in tomato and eggplant under greenhouse conditions. The studies also tried to elucidate the mode of action of the extracts from the fruiting bodies and partially purify them. In eggplant plants, the aqueos extracts from the different mushroom isolates did not have any direct effect on the pathogen. The isolates Abl-11 and Abl-28 of A. blazei reduced the wilt in eggplant leaves, under greenhouse conditions, and increased peroxidase, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and polyphenoloxidase activities in treated leaves. The fraction of aqueous extract of A. blazei (Abl-28) obtained with ammonium sulfhate and fraction 4 from anion exchange chromatography reduced bacterial wilt and a protein fraction exhibiting molecular mass around 29 kDa was obtained. In tomato plants, the aqueos extracts from the different mushrooms and the acibenzolar-S-methyl did not inhibit in vitro growth of Ralstonia solanacearum and Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis. However, the isolates Abl-26 of A. blazei, Le-96/17 of L. edodes and aSm protected tomato plants against the bacterial pathogens, reducing the wilt and causing an increase in peroxidase activity in the tomato/Ralstonia interaction and an increase in peroxidase, chitinase, phenylalanine ammonialyase and polyphenoloxidase activities in the tomato/Clavibacter interaction. The ammonium sulphate fraction of Le-96/17 was submitted to anion exchange chromatography, and the proteins from fractions 3 and 4, aSm and the aqueous extract of Le-96/17 reduced the occurrence of wilt in the leaves. A protein fraction exhibiting proteins with molecular mass around 29, 37 and 45 kDA was obtained in fractions 3 and 4. Thus, the results showed that the mushrooms A. blazei and L. edodes edodes have substances that induce resistance in eggplant and tomato plants.

Plantes, animaux et champignons en langues bantu. Etude comparée de phytonymes, zoonymes et myconymes en nsong, ngong, mpiin, mbuun et hungan (Bandundu, RD Congo)/ Plants, animals and mushrooms in Bantu languages. Comparative study of plants, animals and mushrooms names in Nsong, Ngong, Mpiin, Mbuun and Hungan (Bandundu, DR Congo)

Koni Muluwa, Joseph 28 June 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse est une étude onomasiologique et sémasiologique de noms de plantes, d'animaux et de champignons dans cinq langues bantu des groupes B80 et H40. Elle débute par une description élémentaire des systèmes phonologiques et morphologiques de ces langues avant d'en faire une étude diachronique. Le dernier chapitre traite des catégorisations populaires des plantes, animaux et champignons. Les usages traditionnels des plantes, des champignons et des animaux sont donnés en annexe, ainsi qu'une vue comparative et la distribution de ces noms sur l'aire bantu.

"not the story I learned, but ... the story I tell" : (Re)presentation, Repair, and Asian Canadian Women's Writing of the Mid-1990s

2015 August 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines selected literary works by Anita Rau Badami, Denise Chong, Hiromi Goto, Larissa Lai, and Kerri Sakamoto, exploring how their stories respond both to the absence of representations of Asian Canadian women in literary discourses of the early twentieth century and to homogenizing assumptions in official histories. My formulation of (re)presentation in the title recognizes the multiplicity and constructedness of these denoted identities and experiences and the self-representations of these writers as a response to this elision and misrepresentation. The term repair borrows from philosopher Hilde Lindemann Nelson’s theorizing of “narrative repair,” which involves telling counterstories, but also is used in psychological contexts as a healing mechanism. An elaboration of both models, as applied in this study, is optimally useful in diasporic contexts as resistance to the elision and/or racist and gendered discursive constructions of Asian Canadian women and as restoration of damaged identities. The texts under study—Tamarind Mem, The Concubine’s Children, Chorus of Mushrooms, When Fox Is a Thousand, and The Electrical Field—were all published in the mid-1990s, after the initial forays into the writing of novels by Asian Canadian authors such as Joy Kogawa (1981) and SKY Lee (1990). My choice of these sister narratives recognizes the family as central to identity construction and intergenerational (mis)understanding and emphasizes the importance of this period’s second-generation explosion of writings by Japanese, Chinese, and Indo Canadian women that paved the way for the current plethora of writings by authors from these cultural groups that contribute significantly to Canadian representations of diasporic identity. This study explores the nuances and pluralisms of the representations of Asian Canadian women. The texts under consideration are cultural autobiographies and matrilineal or sexually transgressive narratives that reinvent the cultural memory of Canadian women of Asian ancestry; produce cultural fusions through the transcreation of oral traditions and simulations of the oral, transcoding of ancestral tongues, and discursive strategies of silence; and address connections between self and place in examinations of Canada, the adopted country, as (un)homely territory. Presenting unhyphenated diasporic female subjects who exceed socially scripted boundaries of gender, sexuality, race, and nationality, in terms of both Canada and the writers’ and protagonists’ ancestral Asian nations, these “acts of narrative insubordination” (Nelson 8) exemplify emancipatory politics and recuperative and revisionary projects. Interrogating questions of (re)presentation and repair from positions of liminality and across gendered, racial, linguistic, and geographical divides, this research contributes to current urgent discussions of identity, transculturation, multiculturalism, and globalization in literary and cultural studies.

Light effects on fruiting body development of wildtype in comparison to light-insensitive mutant strains of the basidiomycete Coprinopsis cinerea, grazing of mites (Tyrophagus putrescentiae) on the strains and production of volatile organic compounds during fruiting body development

Chaisaena, Wassana 17 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Learning from nature-based Indigenous knowledge: a trail to understanding elders' wisdom

McBee, Gabriela 13 August 2013 (has links)
Fostering collaboration among people of diverse ethnicities is vital to improving our relationships with Nature and with each other. All knowledges known to humans have their limits, including Western scientific knowledge. This study argues that Indigenous elders have a wealth of nature-based wisdom which is urgently needed. The Thirteen International Indigenous Grandmothers have been sharing their wisdom with the world and meeting them inspired this work. Two Grandmothers, one Mazatec and member of the Thirteen Grandmothers who follows in the healing tradition of curandera María Sabina, the other Taíno (Caribbean Arawak), and several members of their families in Mexico and in Cuba kindly agreed to be research participants so that I could bring attention to their gifts and share with the world. Embodying their ancient wisdom they do not see themselves as separate from Nature but as integral part of her. Their relationships to all beings, humans, animals, plants, minerals, and spiritual entities, are imbued with love and care. They can be role models for people who have forgotten the most basic premise of respect, reciprocity, responsibility, and empathy for all our relations. The methodologies underlying this investigation are Indigenous. I used strategies of inquiry such as storytelling, participant observation, and reflexive self study. Relationality and accountability are its pillars. Being of European descent, doing research with Indigenous elders required great vigilance on my part. I had to challenge my own conventional Western views and question the truths I am surrounded with to gain an understanding of my research participants’ worldview. Even with the best of intentions all I could hope for was an approximation. As I immersed myself into the worlds of my participants the great significance of plants as part of their physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing became evident. Maize, tobacco, and the plant teachers cohoba and psilocybe mushrooms were, and for the most part still are, essential and closely knit into their cultural fabric. Coming from a background where the written word is placed high above the spoken one, and Nature is seen as separate to us, it is important to acknowledge that much rich understanding of the world is beyond pen and paper, even beyond words. / Graduate / 0727 / gabriela@uvic.ca

Indução de resistência em plantas de berinjela e tomate por Lentinula edodes e Agaricus blazei contra bactérias causadoras de murcha (Ralstonia solanacearum) e cancro (Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis) / Induced resistance by Lentinula edodes and Agaricus blazei in tomato plant and eggplant against bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) solanacearum) and bacterial canker (Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis)

Ricardo Ferrari Silva 20 April 2007 (has links)
Devido ao aumento da preocupação com o impacto dos agrotóxicos no meio ambiente e na saúde humana, busca-se uma agricultura sustentável. É no âmbito dessa questão que a resistência induzida torna-se uma ferramenta fundamental no manejo integrado de doenças e indispensável para uma nova agricultura, mais racional e sustentável. Dentre os diversos agentes bióticos e abióticos, utilizados em trabalhos de indução de resistência de plantas a patógenos, os cogumelos Lentinula edodes e Agaricus blazei vem sendo pesquisados. Desse modo, este trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar o efeito de diferentes isolados de L. edodes e A. blazei e do acibenzolar-S-metil (aSm) in vitro contra as bactérias e o controle de doenças de importância econômica para as culturas do tomate e da berinjela, em casa-de-vegetação. Depois de obtida a proteção, estudar os possíveis mecanismos bioquímicos ativados nas plantas através do uso dos extratos dos cogumelos e buscar a purificação parcial destes extratos, a fim de identificar o(s) princípio(s) ativo(s). No patossistema berinjela/Ralstonia, os extratos aquosos dos cogumelos não exerceram nenhum efeito direto sobre o patógeno, sendo que os isolados Abl-11 e Abl-28 de de A. blazei reduziram significativamente a ocorrência de folhas murchas das plantas em casa-devegetação, em relação aos demais tratamentos. Ocorreu um aumento na atividade da peroxidase, fenilalanina amônia-liase e polifenoloxidase nas folhas tratadas. O preciptado 60-80% obtido pela precipitação com sulfato de amônia e a fração 4 da cromatografia de troca aniônica (CTA) de Abl-28 reduziram a ocorrência de folhas murchas, sendo que a separação eletroforética revelou a presença de uma banda no gel com aproximadamente 29 kDa nesta fração. Em tomate, os extratos aquosos dos isolados dos cogumelos e o acibenzolar-S-metil não exerceram nenhum efeito inibitório in vitro no crescimento de Ralstonia solanacearum e Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis. Porém, os isolados Abl-26 de A. blazei, Le-96/17 de L. edodes e aSm foram os que conferiram maior proteção das plantas de tomates contra os patógenos, diminuindo a ocorrência de folhas murchas, proporcionando um aumento na atividade da peroxidase no patossistema tomate/Ralstonia e um aumento na atividade de peroxidase, quitinase, fenilalanina amônia-liase e polifenoloxidase no patossistema tomate/Clavibacter. O preciptado 40-80% de Le-96/17 foi submetido à CTA, obtendo-se seis frações protéicas. As frações 3 e 4, junto com aSm e o extrato aquoso de Le-96/17 reduziram a ocorrência de folhas murchas. A separação eletroforética destas frações da CTA, do preciptado 40-80% e do extrato aquoso de Le-96/17 revelaram a presença de mais de uma banda no gel na fração 3 e 4 da CTA, no preciptado 40-80% e no extrato aquoso bruto de Le-96/17. Com base nos resultados, os cogumelos A. blazei e L. edodes apresentam compostos que induziram resistência em plantas berinjela e tomate, podendo auxiliar no controle de doenças. / Because the increase of the impact of chemical products in the environment and in human health, a search by sustainable agriculture is needed. It is in the scope of this problem that the induced resistance becomes a tool in the integrated management of pests and diseases and indispensable for a new agriculture, more rational and sustainable. Among the biotic and abiotic agents used to induce resistance, the mushrooms Lentinula edodes and Agaricus blazei have being studied. Thus, the objectives of the present work were evaluate the effects of different isolates of L. edodes and A. blazei and of the acibenzolar-S-methyl (aSm) on in vitro bacterial growth and the control of the diseases in tomato and eggplant under greenhouse conditions. The studies also tried to elucidate the mode of action of the extracts from the fruiting bodies and partially purify them. In eggplant plants, the aqueos extracts from the different mushroom isolates did not have any direct effect on the pathogen. The isolates Abl-11 and Abl-28 of A. blazei reduced the wilt in eggplant leaves, under greenhouse conditions, and increased peroxidase, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and polyphenoloxidase activities in treated leaves. The fraction of aqueous extract of A. blazei (Abl-28) obtained with ammonium sulfhate and fraction 4 from anion exchange chromatography reduced bacterial wilt and a protein fraction exhibiting molecular mass around 29 kDa was obtained. In tomato plants, the aqueos extracts from the different mushrooms and the acibenzolar-S-methyl did not inhibit in vitro growth of Ralstonia solanacearum and Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis. However, the isolates Abl-26 of A. blazei, Le-96/17 of L. edodes and aSm protected tomato plants against the bacterial pathogens, reducing the wilt and causing an increase in peroxidase activity in the tomato/Ralstonia interaction and an increase in peroxidase, chitinase, phenylalanine ammonialyase and polyphenoloxidase activities in the tomato/Clavibacter interaction. The ammonium sulphate fraction of Le-96/17 was submitted to anion exchange chromatography, and the proteins from fractions 3 and 4, aSm and the aqueous extract of Le-96/17 reduced the occurrence of wilt in the leaves. A protein fraction exhibiting proteins with molecular mass around 29, 37 and 45 kDA was obtained in fractions 3 and 4. Thus, the results showed that the mushrooms A. blazei and L. edodes edodes have substances that induce resistance in eggplant and tomato plants.

Atividade antimicrobiana de diferentes extratos etanólicos de Agaricus brasiliensis S. Wasser et al. em estreptococos orais / Antimicrobial activity of different ethanolic extracts of Agaricus brasiliensis S. Wasser et al. against oral streptococci

Lund, Rafael Guerra 05 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:30:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_rafael_guerra_lund.pdf: 2856587 bytes, checksum: 01149241eaab789cb42b16915e1cbebd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-05 / A great variety of diseases can affect the oral cavity, such as dental caries, that is considered the most prevalent oral disease worldwide. The multifactorial and infectcontagious characteristics of dental caries have been established, associated with resident bacterial pathogens of dental biofilm. These microorganisms are responsible by the production of acids and citotoxic products, which could respectively promote the demineralization of dental structure and gingival inflammation, with posterior destruction of supporting tissues. Therefore, the use of efficient antimicrobial agents against pathogenic bacteria is an important tool in the control of oral diseases. Several natural antimicrobial agents are been investigated because of their possible pharmacological properties. The mushroom Agaricus brasiliensis S. Wasser et al. ( Royal-Sun-Agaricus ) is pointed out as a natural product with noticeable antibacterial, antifungicidal, anti-inflammatory and antineoplasic properties. In this study the potential effect of this natural product was evaluated using three ethanolic crude extracts (100%, 75% and 50% EtOH) on growth and adherence of mutans streptococci. The ethanolic extracts were obtained by maceration process. Negative controls were 100%, 75% and 50% ethanol. The antimicrobial tests used against Streptococcus mutans UA 159 and Streptococcus sobrinus 6715 were agar diffusion method, Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) and bacterial cell adherence to a glass surface. In agar diffusion method, only the 100% etanol extract revealed a slight inhibiton of bacterial growth. Yet, in MIC and MBC tests, the three extracts presented antimicrobial properties and MIC and MBC values ranged between 87.4 and 444.5 μg/mL. The MBC for the three ethanolic extracts was similar to MIC against S. mutans, but only 75% ethanol extract was bactericidal against S. sobrinus. Among the ethanolic extracts tested, 100% ethanol extract was the most active (MIC 87.4μg/mL). The celular adherence also was inhibited at concentrations from 100 to 400 μg/mL of 50% and 75% ethanol extracts. In conclusion, the ethanolic extracts from A. brasiliensis showed remarkable inhibitory effects on bacterial growth and the 100% ethanol extract was the most active / Uma variedade de doenças envolve a cavidade oral, como a cárie dental, considerada a patologia oral mais prevalente em todo o mundo. Atualmente, a cárie dental é uma doença multifatorial infecto-contagiosa, associada a bactérias patogênicas residentes do biofilme dental. Estes microrganismos são os responsáveis pela produção de ácidos e produtos citotóxicos que, respectivamente, levam à desmineralização de esmalte dental e inflamação gengival com posterior destruição dos tecidos de suporte dos dentes. Assim, o uso de agentes antimicrobianos eficientes contra essas bactérias é um importante meio de controle dessa doença bucal. Vários agentes antimicrobianos de origem natural estão sendo investigados devido as suas possíveis propriedades farmacológicas. O cogumelo Agaricus brasiliensis S. Wasser et al. ( cogumelo-do-sol) destaca-se entre os produtos naturais com notáveis propriedades antibacterianas, antifúngicas, antiinflamatórias e antitumorais. Neste estudo foi avaliado o efeito de três extratos etanólicos brutos (EtOH 100%, 75% e 50%) deste cogumelo sobre o crescimento e a aderência de estreptococos do grupo mutans. Os extratos etanólicos foram obtidos através do método de extração por maceração. Os controles negativos foram etanol 100%, 75% e 50%. Os testes antimicrobianos utilizados contra Streptococcus mutans UA 159 e Streptococcus sobrinus 6715 foram o método de difusão em ágar, Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM), Concentração Bactericida Mínima (CBM) e aderência dos microrganismos à superfície de vidro (Adh). No método de difusão em agar, apenas o extrato 100% etanólico apresentou sinal de inibição do crescimento microbiano. Já nos testes de determinação da CIM e CBM, os três extratos apresentaram propriedades antimicrobianas e os valores de CIM e CBM variaram entre 87,4 e 444,5 μg/mL. A CBM para os três extratos etanólicos foi igual a CIM para S.sobrinus, mas apenas o extrato etanólico 75% foi bactericida para S. mutans. Entre os extratos etanólicos testados, o extrato 100% etanólico foi o mais ativo (CIM 87.4μg/mL). A aderência celular também foi inibida em concentrações de 100 a 400μg/mL dos extratos obtidos com etanol 50% e 75%. Concluindo, os extratos etanólicos de A. brasiliensis mostraram notáveis efeitos inibitórios no crescimento bacteriano e o extrato 100% etanólico foi o mais ativo

Collecting the Environment : A Cultural and Aesthetic Historical Analysis of Mushroom Collecting in Sweden from the 19th century to the Present / Att samla på naturen : En estetisk och kulturhistorisk analys av svampplockning i Sverige från 1800-talet till idag

Miller, Nicole January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this project is to investigate a cultural history of mushroom collecting in Sweden from the 19th century to the present with a focus on connections between aesthetics and the environment.  Collecting is defined broadly as gathering, storing, and accumulating.  This definition encompasses mycologists, mushroom enthusiasts, botanists, and natural historians documenting and preserving as many species as possible.  But it also includes collecting in the sense of leisurely mushroom collectors taking a part of the environment home with them to eat, store, or learn from. A history of mushroom collecting in Sweden is framed that does not only focus on edible mushrooms or scientific value, but emphasizes their linkages to place, memory, conservation, sociality, and embodied knowledge. Mushroom aesthetics are a starting point for exploring wider human connections to the environment and human perceptions of nature.   Collecting is presented as a process which is argued to be a means for constant dialogue with the environment. The cyclical collecting process is broken into stages that are discussed in designated chapters: Hunting, Identification and Assessment, and Storage and Sharing. Aesthetic aspects of mushroom collecting in Sweden are examined within these stages applying visual and discourse analyses to archival images, questionnaires, historic cookbook recipes, and mushroom identification books. Importance is also assigned to fully immersed aesthetic experiences and specific sensory stimuli that facilitate interconnection with non-human actors. Immersed aesthetic experiences are argued to be significant in their ability to democratize aesthetic appreciation of nature, in contrast to historical associations of aesthetics with taste and high culture. Fluctuating historical judgments are mapped about mushrooms, highlighting the framing of nature as a productive asset. Mushroom exhibitions are shown to be a point of collective meaning making, where aspects of natural time according to mushrooms challenge anthropocentric notions of temporality. This thesis through its focus on aesthetics in mushroom collecting reveals spaces of uncertainty and dynamic fluctuation in human-nature relationships, as well as a sense of value for being physically present and part of environments.

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