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Caracterização funcional da proteína Coq10p de Saccharomyces cerevisiae na atividade respiratória da coenzima Q. / Functional characterization of the Coq10p protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in coenzyme Q respiratory activity.Busso, Cleverson 25 August 2010 (has links)
A coenzima Q transporta elétrons das NADH e succinato desidrogenase para o complexo bc1 da cadeia respiratória mitocondrial. Há dez produtos gênicos conhecidos em seu metabolismo; este trabalho foca o último a ser descrito: COQ10. Considerando a presença de coenzima Q no interior de células contendo este gene inativo, verificamos a atividade respiratória da coenzima Q em mutantes coq10. Através de inibidores do ciclo da coenzima Q no interior do complexo III da cadeia respiratória mitocondrial (antimicina A e mixotiazol) na linhagem coq10, notou-se sua resposta a antimicina A, mas não a mixotiazol, sugerindo a existência de semiquinonas, que também foram confirmadas em testes de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica. O possível transporte e distribuição da coenzima Q por Coq10p foi estudado através de mutações sítio-dirigidas em posições críticas de um túnel de ligação existente em sua estrutura modelar, bem como por análise de super-expressão da proteína. Este trabalho confirma o papel central de Coq10p no metabolismo respiratório. / Coenzyme Q transports electrons from NADH and succinate dehydrogenase to the bc1 complex of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Ten gene products are involved in coenzyme Q metabolism. This work focuses on the last gene to be described: COQ10. Considering the presence of coenzyme Q in the interior of cells containing this gene inactive, we analyzed the respiratory activity of coenzyme Q in coq10 mutants. By using Q cycle inhibitors, in the interior of the complex III of mitochondrial respiratory chain (antimycin A and mixotiazol), in coq10 lineage, it was noted the response to antimycin A, but not mixotiazol, suggesting the existence of semiquinones, which were also confirmed in tests of electron paramagnetic resonance. The possible transmission and distribution of coenzyme Q by Coq10p was studied by site-directed mutagenesis at critical positions of a tunnel present in the molecular model structure, as well as analysis of over-expression of the protein. This study confirms the central role of Coq10p in respiratory metabolism.
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Modificações no sítio ativo da triptofanil tRNATRP sintetase de E. coli / Modifications in the active site of tryptophan tRNATRP E. coli synthetaseAtaide, Sandro Fernandes 31 August 2001 (has links)
As aminoacil-tRNA sintetases catalisam fielmente a ligação do aminoácido ao seu tRNA cognato. A triptofanil-tRNA sintetase (TrpRS) catalisa a ligação de triptofano e alguns análogos de triptofano ao tRNATrp. 1-metiltriptofano (1MW) e 1-metil-7-azatriptofano (1M7NW) não são reconhecidos pela TrpRS, mas possuem características espectroscópicas convenientes para estudos de fluorescência em complexos multiprotéicos. O objetivo deste trabalho é modificar o sítio ativo da TrpRS de E.coli, visando promover a catálise da ligação de 1MW e 1M7NW ao tRNATrp in vivo e permitir a incorporação destes em proteínas recombinantes. Com base numa análise da estrutura da TrpRS:Trp-AMP de B. Stearothermophilus, foram produzidos quatro mutantes de TrpRS de E. coli, com substituição do Asp 135 por Ala (D135A), Cys (D135C), Ser (D135S) e Thr (D135T). Estas proteínas foram superexpressas nas condições utilizadas para a incorporação de análogos de Trp. Através de ensaio de fluorescência do 1MW, pôde-se observar uma pequena incorporação deste nas TrpRS mutantes. Construiu-se um novo vetor de expressão no qual os TrpRS mutantes seriam expressos de forma constitutiva e uma segunda proteína, troponina C F29W, seria expressa de forma induzível. No entanto, não se observou incorporação do 1MW nestas proteínas. Ensaios de atividade in vitro, de formação de triptofano-hidroxamato e de intercâmbio de pirofosfato da TrpRS e mutantes indicaram uma baixa atividade dos mutantes utilizando triptofano como substrato. Os mutantes D135C e D135S apresentaram um considerável aumento (aproximadamente 24 vezes) na especificidade para 1MW em comparação ao Trp. A anotação do genoma da Xanthomonas indicou que a TrpRS deste organismo possui 88 aminoácidos extras na região C-terminal, o que é incomum para procariotos (somente observado em Xyllela e Pseudomonas). Clonou-se, expressou-se e purificou-se a TrpRS da Xanthomonas, com e sem os 88 aminoácidos extras. Observou-se atividade enzimática em ensaios de formação de triptofano-hidroxamato e intercâmbio de pirofosfato nas quais a TrpRS sem os 88 resíduos C-terminais apresentou uma atividade um pouco menor que a enzima tipo selvagem. / Abstract not available.
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Identifikace genů zodpovědných za indukci nádorů ptačími retroviry podskupiny J / Identification of genes responsible for tumor induction with avian retroviruses subgroup JGašpareková, Mária January 2019 (has links)
Retroviruses are viruses which are able to integrate to genome of host cell. Nonrandom integration of provirus near or inside some cellular genes may result in their deregulation, activation or silencing. This can later lead to cell transformation and tumor formation. This thesis discusses identification of viral integration sites (VIS) and common integration sites (CIS) in tumors originating from different organs (mostly kidneys, lungs and liver) with using mostly avian retroviruses subgroup J, specifically first natural isolate HPRS-103 and laboratory made virus MAV-J, which was made by replacing gene envB by envJ. Infection was made in ovo using chicken breeds Brown Leghorn and White Leghorn and tumors were isolated from 8 to 28 weeks after infection. For molecular analyses was used inverse PCR method and sequencing. From 74 molecularly analyzed tumors there was detected 373 VIS and 6 CIS with statistical significance over 2.10-2 . Gene with the highest number of hits was FRK (14 times), then TERT (5 times), CTDSPL (5 times), EGFR/ERBB1 (3 times), MYB (3 times) and MYC (3 times). Except 6 CIS there were other genes found, which had smaller statistical significance. Keywords: retrovirus, insertional mutagenesis, subgroup J, oncogenesis, oncogenes, MAV-J, HPRS-103, proviral integration sites, tumors
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Y-family DNA polymerase architecture: three structural features control accurate deoxy CTP insertion opposite N2-deoxy-guanine-benzo-a-pyreneSholder, Gabriel D. 12 March 2016 (has links)
Cells have lesion bypass DNA polymerases (DNAPs), often in the Y-Family, which synthesize passed DNA damage. One class of Y-Family DNAPs includes hDNAP k, EcDNAP IV and SsDbh, which insert accurately opposite N2-dG adducts, including BP-N2-dG formed from benzo[a]pyrene (BP). Another class includes hDNAP h, EcDNAP V and SsDpo4, which insert accurately opposite UV-damage. For correct Watson-Crick pairing between BP-N2-dG and dCTP, the BP moiety must be in the minor groove. On the minor groove side of the active site, k/IV/Dbh-class DNAPs have large openings that accommodate the BP moiety. Primer extension assays with purified proteins show that DNAP IV correctly inserts dCTP opposite BP more than 10-fold faster than it mis-inserts dATP, dGTP, or dTTP. In contrast, h/V/Dpo4-class DNAPs have small active site openings, which cannot accommodate BP and lead to a distorted structure and increased mutagenesis; e.g., Dpo4 has dGTP and dATP insertion rates that are 10-fold greater than those of dCTP. The opening in Dpo4 is plugged and bulky, whereas DNAP IV has a relatively spacious cavity. Consistent with this model, mutants of Dpo4 with a larger opening insert up to 10-fold more accurately opposite BP-N2-dG. Near the active site, Dpo4 has a single non-covalent bridge (NCB) between the little finger domain and the thumb-palm-fingers domain. DNAP IV and Dbh have a second, distal NCB that is 8 angstroms away from the active site towards the 3' end of the template DNA. Dpo4 becomes nearly 5-fold more accurate when mutated to carry a distal NCB, suggesting that NCB's also help control mutagenesis. Lastly, the active site of Dpo4 has a cavity in the major groove side, which may allow base flipping and dGTP insertion opposite -BP, while k/IV/Dbh-type polymerases do not. When this cavity is plugged in Dpo4 by mutagenesis or the introduction of an N-clasp motif, dGTP rates increase by nearly 20-fold. In conclusion, this data suggests that three structural regions contribute to accurate dCTP insertion opposite BP-N2-dG by k/IV/Dbh-class DNAPs: a large opening on the minor groove side near the active site, a cavity on the major groove side, and the number of non-covalent bridges between the little finger domain and the thumb-palm-fingers domain.
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The Regulation of PCSK9 Structure and Function Through Lipoprotein InteractionsSarkar, Samantha Khadija 25 April 2019 (has links)
Proprotein convertase subtilisin / kexin type 9 (PCSK9) is a negative regulator of the low-density lipoprotein receptor, and PCSK9 inhibition has become an important cholesterol-lowering therapeutic strategy. PCSK9 also associates with LDL particles, and evidence suggests that the activity of PCSK9 may be regulated by LDL binding. We have investigated the biochemistry of the interaction between PCSK9 and lipoproteins. Through mutagenesis and in-vitro binding assays, we found conserved motifs in the PCSK9 N-terminus that play a role in LDL binding. Through secondary structure studies using circular dichroism and computational modelling, we determined that the N-terminal region of the PCSK9 prodomain undergoes an environment-dependent structural shift that affects the ability of PCSK9 to bind LDL. We also found that the commonly found loss-of-function polymorphism R46L is capable of modulating this structural shift. Importantly, we found a surface-exposed region of the PCSK9 prodomain that maps a cluster of gain-of-function mutations (L108R, S127R, and D129G) that severely disrupt LDL binding. Through gel shift assays and density gradient centrifugation, we observed that PCSK9 shows remodeling-dependent ability to bind different classes of lipoprotein particles in vitro, binding strongly to LDL and IDL but showing barely detectable association to VLDL. Further, in human plasma, we found that lipoprotein-bound populations of PCSK9 shifted in response to differences in lipoprotein profiles between normolipidemic and hypercholesterolemic or hypertriglyceridemic subjects. Overall, elucidation of how lipoproteins regulate PCSK9 activity will reveal new targets for designing cholesterol-lowering therapeutics.
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Avaliação da citotoxicidade, genotoxicidade e antigenotoxicidade do fruto da palmeira juçara (Euterpe edulis Martius) em ratos Wistar. / Cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity evaluation of juçara palm fruit (Euterpe edulis Martius) in Wistar ratsBarbosa, Bruno Franco Fernandes 04 September 2014 (has links)
A produção do fruto do palmiteiro juçara tem sido bastante estimulada na região da Mata Atlântica. Este fruto possui elevados teores de compostos bioativos, como antocianinas e outros compostos fenólicos. Devido ao recente estímulo ao consumo deste fruto e ao impacto de compostos bioativos da dieta sobre a estabilidade genômica, os objetivos deste trabalho foram investigar os efeitos citotóxico, genotóxico e antigenotóxico da polpa do fruto da juçara em ratos Wistar, usando o teste do micronúcleo e o ensaio do cometa. Ratos Wistar machos receberam por gavagem água ou a polpa liofilizada do fruto da juçara reidratada com água (125, 250 ou 500 mg/kg p.c) durante 14 dias. No último dia de tratamento (14º dia), salina (NaCl, 0,9 %) ou metil-metanosulfonato (MMS, 40 mg/kg p.c.) foram administrados por via intraperitoneal, 24 horas antes da eutanásia. Foram coletados fígado e rins para a análise de glutationa reduzida (GSH), catalase (CAT), substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS) e para a realização do ensaio do cometa. Medula óssea e sangue periférico foram usados para o teste do micronúcleo. Os resultados mostraram que o tratamento com todas as doses da polpa do fruto da juçara não alterou os parâmetros de estresse oxidativo avaliados em rins e fígado de ratos Wistar. Além disso, não foi constatado efeito genotóxico nestes órgãos, nas três doses testadas da polpa do fruto da juçara. Em todas as doses avaliadas, a polpa do fruto da juçara não apresentou efeito mutagênico nem citotóxico em células da medula óssea e do sangue periférico de ratos Wistar. Por outro lado, a polpa do fruto do palmiteiro juçara apresentou efeito antigenotóxico frente aos danos induzidos pelo MMS em células hepáticas nas doses de 125 e 500 mg/kg p.c. A polpa deste fruto, nestas mesmas doses, também apresentou efeito antimutagênico em células do sangue periférico de ratos Wistar. A polpa liofilizada do fruto da juçara apresentou alta concentração de antocianinas, sendo majoritárias a cianidina-3-glicosídeo e cianidina-3-rutinosídeo. A presença destes compostos bioativos neste fruto pode estar relacionada aos efeitos protetores frente aos danos induzidos pelo MMS, verificados neste presente estudo. Como conclusão, o consumo da polpa do fruto do palmiteiro juçara, nas doses avaliadas, não induziu genotoxicidade e mutagenicidade em ratos Wistar. Além disso, a administração da polpa do fruto da juçara em associação com o MMS reduziu a genotoxicidade e mutagenicidade induzidas por este agente indutor de danos ao DNA. / Juçara palm fruit\'s production has been intensely promoted in the Atlantic Forest region. This fruit has high content of bioactive compounds, including anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds. Due to the recent stimulus to the consumption of this fruit and the impact of dietary bioactive compounds on the genomic stability, this study aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic, genotoxic and antigenotoxic effects of juçara fruit pulp in Wistar rats, using the comet assay and the micronucleus test. Male Wistar rats received water or lyophilized juçara fruit pulp rehydrated with water (125, 250 or 500 mg/kg b.w.) by gavage for 14 days. On the last day of treatment (day 14th), saline (NaCl, 0,9 %) or methyl methanesulfonate (MMS, 40 mg/kg b.w.) were administered intraperitoneally 24 hours before euthanasia. Liver and kidneys were collected for analysis of reduced glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and to perform the comet assay. Bone marrow and peripheral blood were used for the micronucleus test. Results showed that treatment with all doses of juçara fruit pulp did not alter the oxidative stress parameters evaluated in kidneys and liver of Wistar rats. Furthermore, no genotoxic effects were observed in these organs, at all doses evaluated. At all tested doses, juçara fruit pulp also showed no mutagenic or cytotoxic effects on cells of bone marrow and peripheral blood of rats. On the other hand, juçara fruit pulp showed antigenotoxic effect at doses of 125 and 500 mg/kg b.w. against MMS-induced DNA damage in liver cells. At these same doses, juçara fruit pulp also exhibited antimutagenic effect on peripheral blood cells of Wistar rats. Juçara fruit pulp exhibited a high concentration of anthocyanins, with cyanidin-3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-rutinoside as major compounds. These bioactive compounds present in this fruit may be related to the protective effects against MMS-induced DNA damage, demonstrated in the present study. In conclusion,juçara palm fruit\'s consumption, at tested doses, did not induce genotoxicity and mutagenicity in Wistar rats. Furthermore, juçara fruit pulp associated with MMS, a DNA-damaging agent, decreased the genotoxicity and mutagenicity induced by this DNA-damaging agent.
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Etude du mécanisme catalytique de la lipoxygenase 1 d’olive / Study of the catalytic mechanism of lipoxygenase 1 OliveAlberti, Jean-Christophe 13 December 2013 (has links)
Les lipoxygénases (LOX, EC sont des dioxygénases à fer non héminique très répandues. Chez les végétaux, ces enzymes sont à l’origine d’une voie métabolique impliquée dans de nombreux processus physiologiques, mais aussi dans la réponse à un stress environnemental. La LOX initie la voie en catalysant l’incorporation régiospécifique et stéréospécifique de dioxygène sur le système pentadiénique d’un acide gras libre polyinsaturé (préférentiellement l’acide linoléique ou l’acide linolénique) pour générer un hydroperoxyde d’acide gras.Une lipoxygénase d’olive appelée LOX1, clonée au laboratoire, a été exprimée chez E. coli et purifiée. Elle produit à partir d’acide linoléique des hydroperoxydes de configuration 9S et 13R dans des proportions 2:1. Elle est la seule lipoxygénase végétale décrite à ce jour produisant des hydroperoxydes de configuration R. Les modèles proposés pour expliquer le contrôle de la spécificité réactionnelle des LOX ne s’appliquent pas à la LOX1 d’olive. Afin de mieux comprendre son mécanisme de fonctionnement, un modèle tridimensionnel de la LOX1 d’olive a été construit. La modification par mutagénèse dirigée de deux résidus particuliers, la phénylalanine 277 et la tyrosine 280, a permis d’identifier l’entrée du site actif de la LOX1 d’olive. D’autres résidus particuliers ont été modifiés par mutagénèse dirigée afin d’étudier leur rôle dans le mécanisme catalytique et le contrôle de la spécificité réactionnelle de la LOX1 d’olive. L’analyse globale des résultats obtenus a permis de proposer une première hypothèse quant au fonctionnement de cette enzyme : le substrat pénètrerait dans le site actif de la LOX1 d’olive par son extrémité carboxylate, et serait stabilisé dans le site actif par plusieurs résidus hydrophobes. Un canal pourrait cibler l’oxygène dans le site actif par l’intermédiaire du résidu L579 sur le système pentadiénique du substrat, contrôlant de cette manière la spécificité réactionnelle de la LOX1 d’olive.Par ailleurs, des oxylipines retrouvées chez Arabidopsis, appelées arabidopsides, pourraient être formées par action directe d’une 13-LOX sur des acides gras estérifiés des galactolipides. L’action de la 13-LOX1 de soja, la 9/13-LOX1 d’olive et la 9-LOX de pomme de terre a été testée avec des galactolipides. Une faible activité a été mesurée avec la 13-LOX1 de soja et la 9/13-LOX1 d’olive. Une activité plus importante a été mesurée avec la 9-LOX de pomme de terre. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’action des LOX est possible sur des acides gras estérifiés des galactolipides. / Lipoxygenases (LOXs, EC are widespread dioxygenases containing a non heminic iron atom. In plants, LOXs are at the beginning of a metabolic pathway involved in several physiological processes and in the response to environmental stress. A LOX initiates the pathway, catalyzing a regiospecific and stereospecific insertion of oxygen on the pentadiene system of a free polyunsaturated fatty acid (linoleic or linolenic acid) to form fatty acid hydroperoxides.An olive lipoxygenase called olive LOX1, cloned at laboratory, has been expressed in E. coli strain and purified. Olive LOX1 produces 9S-hydroperoxides of and 13R-hydroperoxides from linoleic acid, in a ratio of 2:1, being the only plant LOX to produce R-hydroperoxides described to date. From the currently known models explaining the control of reactional specificity, none can be applied to olive LOX1. A three-dimensional model has been built by homology modeling to understand the catalytic mechanism of olive LOX1. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments have been used to modify two residues of particular interest, the phenylalanine 277 and the tyrosine 280, allowing us to point the active site entrance near these two residues. Other residues of interest have been modified to study their role in the catalytic mechanism and the reactional specificity of olive LOX1. The results have led us to propose a first hypothesis for the reactional mechanism of this enzyme: the substrate could enter into the active site with its carboxylate-end first, and could be stabilized in the active site by hydrophobic side chains of several residues. A channel could bring oxygen into the active site at a position near the side chain of the leucine 579 residue, this one targeting oxygen onto the pentadiene system of the substrate, controlling by this way the reactional specificity of olive LOX1.LOX are involved in oxylipins synthesis. Arabidopsides are a class of oxylipins found in Arabidopsis that could be produced by action of a 13-LOX on galactolipids, which carry esterified fatty acids. Activity of soybean 13-LOX, olive 9/13-LOX1 and potato 9-LOX has been investigated with galactolipids. A low activity was measured when soybean and olive LOXs were used. Activity was far more important when potato LOX was used. These results suggest that LOX can act on esterified fatty acids, especially galactolipids.
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Génotoxicité du glyphosate, de l'atrazine et de leurs produits de dégradation seuls et en mélanges : étude de l'effet protecteur d'un cocktail de plantes / Genotoxicity of glyphosate, atrazine and their degradation products alone and in mixtures : study of the protective effect of a plant cocktailRoustan, Audrey 14 December 2016 (has links)
Le glyphosate, l’atrazine, et leurs principaux produits de dégradation (la déséthyl-atrazine ou DEA, et l’amino methyl phosphoric acid ou AMPA) sont parmi les pesticides les plus utilisés dans le monde et en France. Ils sont retrouvés en grande quantité dans plusieurs matrices environnementales dans les denrées alimentaires et les eaux de boisson.L’objectif de notre travail a été d’évaluer le potentiel génotoxique et mutagène in vitro et in vivo de ces quatre pesticides seuls et en mélanges, puis d’étudier les effets protecteurs d’un mélange d’extrait de plantes anti-mutagènes (Berberis vulgaris, Arctium lappa et Taraxacum officinalis) (DIG) sur la génotoxicité du mélange des quatre pesticides.Les résultats de notre étude in vitro ont montré que le potentiel génotoxique des pesticides dépend de leur environnement physico-chimique, et que les mélanges de pesticides peuvent révéler des propriétés génotoxiques bien plus importantes que celles prévisibles lors de l’exposition aux molécules individuelles avec survenue d’un effet cocktail. Les résultats de notre étude in vivo ont établi la puissante activité génotoxique et mutagène du mélange composé de quatre pesticides. Ils ont mis en évidence les effets cocktails qui peuvent se produire dans les mélanges de pesticides soulignant les limites des stratégies toxicologiques habituelles. Nous avons montré que les cellules cérébrales sont la principale cible des pesticides, probablement en rapport avec une importante sensibilité au stress oxydatif. Dans une troisième partie, nous avons démontré les effets protecteurs de DIG sur la génotoxicité/mutagénicité du mélange des quatre pesticides. / Glyphosate, atrazine, and their main degradation products (desethyl-atrazine or DEA, and the amino methyl phosphoric acid or AMPA) are among the most widely used pesticides in the world and in France. They are found in large quantities in several environmental matrices but also in food and drinking water.The aim of our work was to evaluate the genotoxicity and mutagenicity in vitro and in vivo of these four pesticides, alone and in mixtures, and to study the protective effects of a mixture composed with extracts of anti-mutagenic plants (Berberis vulgaris, Arctium lappa and Taraxacum officinalis) (DIG) on the genotoxicity of the mixture of four pesticides.The results of our in vitro study showed that the genotoxic potential of pesticides depends on their physico-chemical environment, and that mixtures of pesticides can reveal genotoxic properties more important than those predictable during the exposure to individual molecules, with occurrence of a cocktail effect. The results of our in vivo study clearly established the powerful genotoxic and mutagenic activity of the mixture of four pesticides. They highlighted the cocktail effects that may occur in mixtures of pesticides, underlining the limits of conventional toxicological strategies based on an individual assessment of the molecules. We have shown that brain cells are the main target of pesticides, probably related to a significant sensitivity to oxidative stress. In the third part, we demonstrated the protective effects of DIG on the genotoxicity and mutagenicity of the mixture of four pesticides.
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Estudo do papel dos resíduos Y456 e N329 na atividade catalítica de uma β-glicosidase digestiva de Spodoptera frugiperda / The role of residues Y456 and N329 on catalytic activity of a β-glycosidase digestive from Spodoptera frugiperdaPadilha, Marcelo Henrique Peteres 22 August 2005 (has links)
Nesse projeto trabalhamos com uma β-glicosidase digestiva da larva da lagarta Spodoptera frugiperda (Sfβgli50, 50 kD - AF052729), expressa na forma de proteína recombinante em E.colli. O nosso objetivo foi estudar o papel de dois resíduos de aminoácidos envolvidos na atividade catalítica da Sfβgli50. O primeiro resíduo estudado foi o Y456, envolvido na afinidade pela porção redutora do substrato (aglicone), o segundo resíduo foi o N329 envolvido na modulação do pH ótimo. Estudo do papel do resíduo Y456 na afinidade pelo aglicone do substrato. O sítio-ativo da Sfβgli50 é formado por quatros subsítios (-1, +1, +2, e +3). O subsítio que acomoda a porção não-redutora do substrato (glicone) recebe numeração negativa (-1), já os subsítios que acomodam a porção redutora do substrato (aglicone) recebem números positivos (+1, +2 e +3). Trabalhando com duas β-glicosidases de plantas (milho e sorgo), Cicek et al. (2000) demonstraram que uma pequena porção da extremidade C-terminal destas β-glicosidases (462SSGYTERF469 - numeração da enzima do sorgo) está envolvida na especificidade pelo aglicone do substrato, sendo que muitos desses aminoácidos são conservados em outras β-glicosidases da família 1. O alinhamento das sequências destas duas enzimas com a Sfβgli50 sugere que Y456 pode fazer parte do sítio de ligação do aglicone nesta β-glicosidase de inseto. Utilizando experimentos de mutação sítio-dirigida, o Y456 foi substituído por uma alanina (mutante Y456A) sendo que este foi expresso na forma de proteína recombinante em bactérias BL21 DE3 utilizando o vetor pT7-7. O mutante Y456A foi parcialmente purificado através de uma cromatografia hidrofóbica em sistema de FPLC, e caracterizado utilizando diversos inibidores competitivos (glucono δ-lactona, celobiose, celotriose, pentilbglicosídeo e octilbtioglicosídeo). Comparando os Kis obtidos para a Sfβgli50 selvagem e mutante Y456A com os inibidores glucono δ-lactona, celobiose e celotriose, foi proposto que Y456 encontra-se no subsítio +1 do sítio ativo da Sfβgli50. Já através da comparação entre os inibidores octilβtioglicosídeo e pentilβglicosídeos constatou-se que Y456 interage com uma porção polar do aglicone do substrato, talvez através de uma ligação de hidrogênio. Baseando-se nestes Kis foi calculada a energia de associação de resíduos de glicose e grupos alquila nos subsítios +1 e +2, indicando que o subsítio +1 do mutante Y456A tem uma especificidade mais ampla frente à ligantes polares (glicose) e apolares (grupos butil) do que a enzima selvagem. Sabendo que este resultado foi obtido removendo-se um resíduo com um grupo polar na cadeia lateral (Y456), estes dados estão de acordo com a hipótese de que a especificidade dos subsítios da região de ligação do aglicone é determinada por um balanço entre resíduos polares e apolares (Marana et al., 2001). Estudo do papel do resíduo N329 na modulação do pH ótimo. O mecanismo de catálise da Sfβgli50 é dependente de dois resíduos de ácido glutâmico: um doador de prótons (E187 - pKa= 7,5) e um nucleófilo (E399 - pKa = 5,0). Sendo o pH ótimo da Sfβgli50 (6,2) uma média aritmética dos pKas destes dois resíduos catalíticos. Uma análise estrutural do sítio ativo da Sfβgli50 mostra que o resíduo N329 forma ligações de hidrogênio com o resíduo E187 (doador de prótons), talvez atuando na modulação do seu pKa. Para estudar o papel do resíduo N329 na atividade da Sfβgli50 foram construídos 3 mutantes, nos quais tal resíduo foi substituído por alanina (N329A), ácido aspártico (N329D) e uma glutamina (N329Q). Os mutantes foram expressos na forma de proteína recombinante em bactérias BL21 DE3 utilizando os vetores pT7-7 e pCal-n-Flag. Entretanto, tentativas de purificação das SfΒgli50 mutantes através de cromatografia hidrofóbica foram infrutíferas, sugerindo uma possível inativação destas enzimas. Esta hipótese foi reforçada pela purificação das Sfβgli50 mutantes e selvagem contendo o peptídeo de fusão CBP (calmodulin binding peptide) através de cromatografia de afinidade. Este experimento demonstrou que as enzimas mutantes eram de fato inativas. Frente à estes resultados não foi possível concluir a caracterização do efeito do pH na atividade catalítica das Sfβgli50 mutantes N329A, N329D e N329Q. Por fim, foi proposto que a inativação da Sfβgli50 devido à mutações na posição N329 pode resultar de uma desnaturação das enzimas mutantes ou do reposicionamento do ácido catalítico devido à perda ou alteração da interação com o resíduo 329. / In this project it was studied the role of two residues (N329 and Y456) in the catalytic activity of a digestive β-glycosidase from Spodoptera frugiperda (SfΒgli50 - AF052729). N329 is believed to modulate the enzyme pH optimum, whereas Y456 may participate in the binding of the substrate aglycone. Role of Y456 The peptide 462SSGYTERF469 of the sorghum β-glycosidase is proposed to be part of the aglycone binding site in that enzyme. Some of those residues are conserved in Sfβgli50, among them Y456. Using site-directed mutagenesis Y456 was replaced by A and this mutant (Y456A) expressed in bacteria. Following that, this mutant enzyme was partially purified using hydrophobic chromatography. Inhibition experiments showed that binding of δ-gluconolactone, which occupies subsite -1, is not affected by that mutation. In contrast, Ki values for cellobiose (that binds to subsites -1 and +1) and cellotriose (that binds to subsites -1, +1 and +2) are two-fold higher than those of wild-type enzyme, indicating that mutation Y456A decrease the interaction with these oligocellodextrins. Moreover, binding of pentyl and octylβglucosides is not affected by mutation Y456A, suggesting that Y456 interacts with aglycone polar groups. Finally, evaluation of glucose and butyl binding energies in subsite +1 revealed that mutant Y456A specificity is broader than that of wild-type enzyme. Role of N329 A structural model of Sfβgli50 active site revealed that catalytic proton donor (E187) may interact with N329. In order to study the role of this interaction in the activity of Sfβgli50, N329 was replaced by A, D and Q (mutants N329A, N329D and N329Q, respectively). These mutants were expressed as recombinant proteins in bacteria and purified through affinity chromatography, revealing that Sfβgli50 was inactivated by those mutations. It was proposed that this inactivation may be due to protein desnaturation or a wrong positioning of the catalytic proton donor.
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Expressão de antígenos de Schistosoma mansoni em BCG recombinante. / Expression of Schistosoma mansoni antigens in recombinant BCG.Kanno, Alex Issamu 18 October 2013 (has links)
O BCG é um bacilo atenuado de Mycobacterium bovis atualmente investigado na expressão de antígenos heterólogos. Genes oriundos de vírus, bactérias e parasitas são clonados em vetores de expressão micobacterianos e a partir deles, são geradas cepas de BCG recombinante, rBCG. Duas cepas micobacterianas, BCG e M. smegmatis, demonstraram a expressão do antígeno SmStoLP-2 e animais imunizados com este BCG não demonstra diferença na proteção contra a infecção por cercárias, apesar da resposta imune diferenciada. A otimização do códon de SmTSP-2 e SmVAL-5 permitiu sua expressão em M. smegmatis recombinante, mas não em BCG. M. smegmatis transformado com uma biblioteca de plasmídeos contendo o promotor L5p mutagenizado à montante de egfp demonstra acentuada diferença na fluorescência. 3 destes plasmídeos definidos como \'\'forte\'\' e \'\'fraco\'\', com base em sua capacidade de produzir GFP foram utilizados para expressar em BCG o antígeno Sm29 em maior e menor nível. / BCG is an attenuated bacillus derived from Mycobacterium bovis currently being investigated to express foreign antigens. Genes from viruses, bacteria and parasites are cloned to mycobacterial vectors and with them, recombinant BCG strains are created. Recombinant BCG and M. smegmatis strains where capable to express SmStoLP-2 and mice immunized with these rBCGs do not show better protection against infection with cercariae, although the distinct immune response observed. The use of codon optimization made possible the expression of SmTSP-2 and SmVAL-5 in M. smegmatis but not BCG. M. smegmatis transformed with a library of plasmids containing the L5p upstream egfp gene show a wide range in fluorescence. 3 of these plasmids strong and weak defined as their ability to produce GFP were used to express in BCG the antigen Sm29 at different levels by each promoter.
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