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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geração de oxigênio molecular singlete: termólise de endoperóxidos naftalênicos e reações de hidroperóxidos lipídicos com íon nitrônio / Generation of singlet molecular oxygen: thermolysis of naphthalene endoperoxides and reaction of lipid hydroperoxides with nitronium ion

Scalfo, Alexsandra Cristina 09 May 2014 (has links)
Oxigênio molecular singlete [O2(1Δg)], uma espécie excitada, desempenha um papel importante em sistemas químicos e biológicos. É um poderoso eletrófilo, que reage com moléculas ricas em elétrons através de cicloadições [2+2], [4+2] e reações tipo ene. Ácidos graxos poliinsaturados, proteínas e DNA são alvos vulneráveis para o ataque de O2(1Δg). Os endoperóxidos de derivados de naftaleno são muito úteis e versáteis como fontes limpas de O2(1Δg), uma vez que são quase quimicamente inertes. Por outro lado, o desenvolvimento de novas fontes de O2(1Δg) ainda é uma tarefa desafiadora. Os derivados de naftaleno são capazes de armazenar O2(1Δg) por reação de cicloadiação [4+2] e liberá-lo em temperaturas amenas, o que os torna muito adequados para uso em estudos biológicos. A síntese destes compostos está baseada em modificações nos substituintes ligados nas posições 1 e 4 da estrutura do naftaleno. Na primeira parte deste trabalho, a síntese de três endoperóxidos derivados do naftaleno solúveis em água foi realizada. DHPNO2 e NDPO2 foram preparados de acordo com métodos similares descritos na literatura. A síntese de um novo endoperóxido dicatiônico derivado do naftaleno (NBTEO2) foi desenvolvida, contendo dois grupos de cloreto de amônio quaternário nas posições 1,4 do anel aromático. O intermediário chave na síntese dos três endoperóxidos é o BBMN, o qual foi preparado a partir da bromação radicalar do 1,4-dimetilnaftaleno. Nossos resultados têm indicado que este composto dicatiônico pode ser uma fonte química de O2(1Δg) em potencial, e pode ser explorado em estudos com mitocôndrias, onde o papel biológico de O2(1Δg) é investigado. A segunda parte deste trabalho foi dedicada a investigar a geração de O2(1Δg) através das reações entre hidroperóxidos de lipídeos (ácido oleico, linoleico e colesterol), hidroperóxidos orgânicos (cumeno e t-butila), bem como peróxido de hidrogênio com NO2+, utilizando o composto NO2BF4. Evidências da geração de O2(1Δg) foram obtidas através de medidas de emissão de luz na região do infravermelho próximo, no comprimento de onda de 1270 nm. Além disso, a prova inequívoca da presença de O2(1Δg) foi demonstrada através da caracterização espectral direta da emissão de luz no infravermelho próximo. O uso de azida de sódio como captador físico de O2(1Δg), juntamente com as medidas da quimiluminescência, contribuíram para identificar a geração desta espécie na reação entre hidroperóxidos de lipídeos e NO2BF4. Embora seja uma abordagem química, nossos resultados adicionaram informações importantes sobre a peroxidação lipídica, principalmente quando espécies reativas de nitrogênio estão envolvidas. O O2(1Δg) poderia ser gerado como um subproduto da peroxidação lipídica em condições onde espécies reativas de nitrogênio interagem com hidroperóxidos lipídicos. Isto pode contribuir para um melhor entendimento deste evento complexo com implicações fisiológicas ou fisiopatológicas. / Singlet molecular oxygen [O2(1Δg)], an excited species, plays an important role in chemical and biological systems. It is a powerfull electrophile, reacting with electron rich molecules through [2+2] cycloadditions, [4+2] cycloadditions and ene reactions. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, proteins and DNA are vulnerable targets for O2(1Δg) reaction. Naphthalene derivatives endoperoxides are very useful and versatile as a clean source of O2(1Δg), once they are almost chemically inert. On the other hand, developing new sources of O2(1Δg) are still a challenging task. Naphthalene derivatives are able to trap O2(1Δg) by [4+2] cycloaddition and release it in mild temperatures, which make them very suitable for biological studies. The synthesis of these compounds is based on modifications in substituents bonded in 1,4 positions of nafhthalene backbone. In the first part of present work, the synthesis of three water soluble naphthalene derivatives endoperoxides was performed. DHPNO2, NDPO2 were prepared according to similar methods described in the literature. A new di-cationic naphthalene derivative endoperoxide (NBTEO2) synthesis was developed, containing two quaternary ammonium chloride groups in 1,4-positions of aromatic ring. The key intermediate: for the synthesis of the three endoperoxides is the compound BBMN, which was prepared from radicalar bromination of 1,4-dimethylnaphthalene. Our results have indicated that this di-cationic compound can be a potential chemical source of O2(1Δg) and may be explored in mitochondrial studies where O2(1Δg) biological role is investigated. The second part of this work is dedicated to the investigation of generation of O2(1Δg) through reaction of lipid hydroperoxides (oleic acid, linoleic acids and cholesterol), organic hydroperoxides (cumene and t-butyl), as well as hydrogen peroxide with NO2+, using the compound NO2BF4. Evidences of generation of O2(1Δg) were obtained recording the monomol light emission measurement in near infrared region at wavelength of 1270 nm. Moreover, the proof of the presence of O2(1Δg) was unequivocally demonstrated by the direct spectral characterization of near-infrared light emission. The use of sodium azide as a physical quencher of O2(1Δg), associated to chemiluminescence measurements, contributed to identify the generation of this species in the reaction of lipid hydroperoxides and NO2BF4. Although, it is a chemical approach, our results add important information about lipid peroxidation, mainly when reactive species of nitrogen are involved. O2(1Δg) might be generate as a byproduct of lipid peroxidation, in conditions where reactive nitrogen species interact with lipid hydroperoxides. This might contribute to a better understand of this complex event and physiological or physiopathological implications

Estudo sobre efeitos do naftaleno e benzo(a) pireno em Trachinotus carolinus (Perciformes, Carangidae) utilizando biomarcadores citogenotóxicos, histopatológicos e bioquímicos / Study of the effects of naphthalene and benzo(a) pyrene in Trachinotus carolinus (Perciformes, Carangidae) using citogenotoxic, histopahological and biochemical biomarkers.

Thaís da Cruz Alves dos Santos 11 December 2009 (has links)
A exposição dos peixes a poluentes provoca danos nos organismos que podem ser identificados precocemente através de respostas biológicas. O presente estudo visou avaliar os efeitos do naftaleno e benzo(a)pireno em pampos da espécie Trachinotus carolinus. Foram avaliados os efeitos citogenotóxicos, histopatológicos e bioquímicos após exposições às concentrações de 0,9 M; 2,7 M e 8,1 M de NAP e BAP por períodos de 12, 24, 48 e 96 horas. O NAP causa quebra no DNA de eritrócitos de pampos em concentrações de 8,1 M e a partir de 12 horas de exposição. O BAP revelou ser genotóxico a partir da menor concentração e de 24 horas. A mutagenicidade de ambos os poluentes, avaliada através da indução de formação de micronúcleos e anormalidades nucleares eritrocitárias, também ocorre a partir de curtos períodos de exposição e freqüências de MN e ANE estão relacionadas com a duração da exposição. O período de exposição aos HPAs foi determinante na intensidade e severidade das lesões observadas nos tecidos dos peixes. A especificidade de CYP1A, observada segundo análise imunohistoquímica, ocorreu de maneira dose-dependente e evidenciada principalmente nos maiores períodos experimentais. Os poluentes orgânicos, nas condições experimentais utilizadas, não provocaram alteração significativa na atividade das enzimas catalase e GST da espécie. Os biomarcadores, citogenotóxicos e histopatológicos utilizados neste estudo, demonstraram ser ferramentas eficientes para aferir a toxicidade, genotoxicidade e mutagenicidade de NAP e BAP como também sua relação dose-resposta na espécie T. carolinus. / Effects of exposure of fish to pollutants can be identified through stress responses. The present study aims to evaluate the effects of naphthalene and benzo(a)pyrene in Florida pompanos, Trachinotus carolinus. Evidences from citogenotoxical, histopathological and biochemical studies showed that alterations caused by exposures to 0.9 M, 2.7 M and 8.1 M of NAP and BAP occurred within 12 to 96 hours. NAP at 8.1 M induced erythrocyte DNA strand breaks in pompanos since early periods of exposure. Genotoxic effects of BAP at the lowest concentration were documented soon after 24 hours of exposure. Mutagenotoxicity of both pollutants, as seen by the induction of MN and ENA, was revealed since early periods and their frequencies are related to the duration of exposure. Exposures to these PAHs, for longer periods, resulted in increased frequency and severity of lesions observed in fish tissues. Specificity of CYP1A, observed through immunohistochemical analyses, was related to the dose of the pollutants and mainly at longer periods of exposure. These organic pollutants, under the experimental conditions, did not interfere with the activity of liver catalase and GST of the species. The citogenotoxic and histopathologic biomarkers used in this study proved to be efficient tools to ascertain the toxicity, genotoxicity and mutagenesis of NAP and BAP, as well as their dose related response, in the species T. carolinus.

Determination of fumonisins in maize by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with fluorescence and ultraviolet detection of o-phthaldialdehyde, naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde and dansyl chloride derivatives

Ndube, Ncediwe January 2011 (has links)
Fumonisins, carcinogenic mycotoxins produced by various Fusarium species, occur naturally in maize and maize-based food products. They are hazards for animal and human health as they cause cancer in rodents and have been associated with oesophageal cancer and neural tube defects in humans. The most abundant naturally occurring fumonisins analogues in maize are fumonisin B1, B2 and B3 (FB1, FB2 and FB3). For analytical determination, they mostly require suitable extraction, clean-up and pre or post-column derivatization together with reversed-phase HPLC separation. o- Phthaldialdehyde (OPA) had been adopted as the most widely used derivatization reagent for fumonisins as they lack useful chromophores or fluorophores. Alternative derivatization reagents, naphthalene-2,3- dicarboxaldehyde (NDA) and dansyl chloride (DnS-Cl), were investigated in this study

Nanoparticulate of silver-modified poly (8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulphonic acid) nanobiosensor systems for the determination of Tuberculosis treatment drugs

Ngece, Rachel Fanelwa. January 2011 (has links)
This study firstly reports the development and characterization of PVP-AgNPs, PANSA and PVPAgNPs/ PANSA nanocomposite on gold. AFM and TEM analyses revealed highly electroactive nanocomposites whose morphogy and properties were essential for the immobilization of CYP2E1. Secondly, the development and characterization of Au/PVPAgNPs/ PANSA/CYP2E1, Au/PVP-AgNPs/PANSA/SA-CYP2E1 and Au/PVPAgNPs/ PANSA/EG-CYP2E1 nanobiosensors are reported. AFM studies displayed globular morphologies with large roughness for the enzyme modified electrodes as opposed to those electrodes without enzymes. Finally, the biotransformation of standard solutions of TB drugs (isoniazid, ethambutol, pyrazinamide and rifampicin) in pH 7.4, 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution is reported. The biotransformations of the TB drugs were successfully studied using cyclic voltammetry (CV), square wave voltammetry (SWV), differential voltammetry (DPV) and steady state amperometry under aerobic conditions. Very good detection limits were obtained for the standard solutions of TB drugs and were found to be in the micromolar range. The detection limit values for the individual TB drugs were 0.55 μM (isoniazid), 0.7 μM (ethambutol), 0.054 μM (pyrazinamide) and 0.05 μM (rifampicin). The detection limit results showed that the nanobiosensors were more sensitive and suitable for the determination of the respective drugs in plasma and serum.

RhPt and Ni based catalysts for fuel reforming in energy conversion

González Arcos, Angélica Viviana January 2015 (has links)
Although current trends in global warming are of great concern, energy demand is still increasing, resulting in increasing pollutant emissions. To address this issue, we need reliable renewable energy sources, lowered pollutant emissions, and efficient and profitable processes for energy conversion. We also need to improve the use of the energy, produced by existing infrastructure. Consequently, the work presented in this thesis aims at investigating current scientific and technological challenges in energy conversion through biomass gasification and the alternative use of fossil fuels, such as diesel, in the generation of cleaner electricity through auxiliary power units in the transport sector. Production of chemicals, syngas, and renewable fuels is highly dependent on the development and innovation of catalytic processes within these applications. This thesis focuses on the development and optimization of catalytic technologies in these areas. One of the limitations in the commercialization of the biomass gasification technology is the effective catalytic conversion of tars, formed during gasification. Biomass contains high amounts of alkali impurities, which pass on to the producer gas. Therefore, a new material with alkali tolerance is needed. In the scope of this thesis, a new catalyst support, KxWO3 – ZrO2 with high alkali resistance was developed. The dynamic capability of KxWO3 – ZrO2 to store alkali metals in the crystal structure, enhances the capture of alkali metals "in situ". Alkali metals are also important electronic promoters for the active phase, which usually increases the catalysts activity and selectivity for certain products. Experimental results show that conversion of 1-methylnaphathalene over Ni/KxWO3 – ZrO2 increases in the presence of 2 ppm of gas-phase K (Paper I). This support is considered to contribute to the electronic equilibrium within the metal/support interface, when certain amounts of alkali metals are present. The potential use of this support can be extended to applications in which alkali "storage-release" properties are required, i.e. processes with high alkali content in the process flow, to enhance catalyst lifetime and regeneration. In addition, fundamental studies to understand the adsorption geometry of naphthalene with increasing temperature were performed in a single crystal of Ni(111) by STM analyses. Chapter 9 presents preliminary studies on the adsorption geometry of the molecule, as well as DFT calculations of the adsorption energy. In relation to the use of clean energy for transport applications, hydrogen generation through ATR for FC-APUs is presented in Papers II to V. Two promoted RhPt bimetallic catalysts were selected in a previous bench scale study, supported on La2O3:CeO2/d – Al2O3 and MgO : Y2O3/CeO2 – ZrO2. Catalyst evaluation was performed in a fullscale reformer under real operating conditions. Results showed increased catalyst activity after the second monolithic catalyst due to the effect of steam reforming, WGS reaction, and higher catalyst reducibility of the RhxOy species in the CeO2 – ZrO2 mixed oxide, as a result of the improved redox properties. The influence of sulfur and coke formation on diesel reforming was assessed after 40 h on stream. Sulfur poisoning was evaluated for the intrinsic activity related to the total Rh and Pt area observed after exposure to sulfur. Sulfur concentration in the aged catalyst washcoat was observed to decrease in the axial direction of the reformer. Estimations of the amount of sulfur adsorbed were found to be below the theoretical equilibrated coverage on Rh and Pt, thus showing a partial deactivation due to sulfur poisoning. / <p>QC 20150213</p>

Determination of fumonisins in maize by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with fluorescence and ultraviolet detection of o-phthaldialdehyde, naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde and dansyl chloride derivatives

Ndube, Ncediwe January 2011 (has links)
Fumonisins, carcinogenic mycotoxins produced by various Fusarium species, occur naturally in maize and maize-based food products. They are hazards for animal and human health as they cause cancer in rodents and have been associated with oesophageal cancer and neural tube defects in humans. The most abundant naturally occurring fumonisins analogues in maize are fumonisin B1, B2 and B3 (FB1, FB2 and FB3). For analytical determination, they mostly require suitable extraction, clean-up and pre or post-column derivatization together with reversed-phase HPLC separation. o- Phthaldialdehyde (OPA) had been adopted as the most widely used derivatization reagent for fumonisins as they lack useful chromophores or fluorophores. Alternative derivatization reagents, naphthalene-2,3- dicarboxaldehyde (NDA) and dansyl chloride (DnS-Cl), were investigated in this study

Nanoparticulate of silver-modified poly (8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulphonic acid) nanobiosensor systems for the determination of Tuberculosis treatment drugs

Ngece, Rachel Fanelwa. January 2011 (has links)
This study firstly reports the development and characterization of PVP-AgNPs, PANSA and PVPAgNPs/ PANSA nanocomposite on gold. AFM and TEM analyses revealed highly electroactive nanocomposites whose morphogy and properties were essential for the immobilization of CYP2E1. Secondly, the development and characterization of Au/PVPAgNPs/ PANSA/CYP2E1, Au/PVP-AgNPs/PANSA/SA-CYP2E1 and Au/PVPAgNPs/ PANSA/EG-CYP2E1 nanobiosensors are reported. AFM studies displayed globular morphologies with large roughness for the enzyme modified electrodes as opposed to those electrodes without enzymes. Finally, the biotransformation of standard solutions of TB drugs (isoniazid, ethambutol, pyrazinamide and rifampicin) in pH 7.4, 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution is reported. The biotransformations of the TB drugs were successfully studied using cyclic voltammetry (CV), square wave voltammetry (SWV), differential voltammetry (DPV) and steady state amperometry under aerobic conditions. Very good detection limits were obtained for the standard solutions of TB drugs and were found to be in the micromolar range. The detection limit values for the individual TB drugs were 0.55 μM (isoniazid), 0.7 μM (ethambutol), 0.054 μM (pyrazinamide) and 0.05 μM (rifampicin). The detection limit results showed that the nanobiosensors were more sensitive and suitable for the determination of the respective drugs in plasma and serum.

Coupling Temperature Control with Electrochemically Modulated Liquid Chromatography Fundamental Aspects and Applications.

Lisa M. Ponton January 2004 (has links)
19 Dec 2004. / Published through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information. "IS-T 1944" Lisa M. Ponton. 12/19/2004. Report is also available in paper and microfiche from NTIS.

Produção e decomposição da serrapilheira em um ecossistema semiárido do nordeste brasileiro: variação temporal e espacial e efeito da fauna de solo sobre a serrapilheira / Litter decomposition in a Northeastern Brazil semiarid ecosystem: spatial and temporal variation and microarthropods fauna effect

Araújo, Virginia Farias Pereira de 23 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-17T14:55:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 4002692 bytes, checksum: 85600be9b689a4e4048b5414df434ab6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Studies related to litter dynamics are important to comprehend decomposing deciduos material, nutrients cycling, succession patterns, ecological disturbance and environmental variables interactions in terrestrial ecosystems. In opposition to Caatinga's degradation speed, a lack of studies related to litter production dynamics is observed. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate climatic factors (rainfall and evapotranspiration) and vegetation effects over temporal and spatial dynamics of litter production in Brazilian Northeastern's semiarid. A phytosociologic survey was performed in Paraiba's Cariri in 12 sampling areas. Two 1 m2 collectors (with 0,15 m3) were placed about 50 m distant from each other in order to estimate litter monthly production between November 2009 and 2011. Litter deposition values observed in this study varied between 3430 and 4600 kg.ha-1.year-1. Litter production was significantly bigger in the second year of survey and it varied between months in both years. Intra-annual variation was positive to total litter production, showing peaks of litterfall in dry period about three or four months after the greatest rates of monthly rainfall. While reproductive structures and branches corresponded to 14% and miscellany from 3% to 5%, leaves, which represented more than 60% of the total, corresponded to the predominant part of litter. Litter production was significantly different between areas so as each of its parts. The density of plant species, vegetation height and trunk diameter at ground were responsible for 79% of annual litter production in those different areas. Results reveal that litter production in Caatinga have a spatiotemporal heterogeneity, which is related to climate and vegetation and must provide effects over substratum in edaphic microorganisms activities and, consequently, in edaphic conditions and nutrients availability. Therefore, in Caatinga, associations of spatial variations in microhabitats conditions and inter-annual variations could interfere in the offering period of floral resource, substrate nutrients availability and, possibly, in the behavior of substrate-using animals. / Apesar do reconhecimento de que a fauna seja importante na ciclagem de nutrientes, as suas relações com a decomposição da serrapilheira ainda são pouco conhecidas em ambientes semiáridos. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o efeito espacial e temporal das condições do habitat e dos microartrópodes do solo sobre a decomposição na Caatinga. No Cariri paraibano, entre novembro de 2009 e outubro de 2011, a taxa de decomposição foliar foi avaliada através de dois transectos com 30 bolsas de serrapilheira, com 10±0,5 g de folhas de Caesalpinia pyramidalis e Croton blanchetianus, em igual proporção, distribuídos em 12 áreas de amostragem. No transecto denominado controle, as bolsas foram preenchidas apenas com folhas, enquanto no segundo transecto, denominado fauna-reduzida, além das folhas, as bolsas de serrapilheira apresentavam cerca de 30 bolas de naftalina (~33,2 g), para avaliação do efeito da fauna sobre a decomposição. No primeiro ano, a taxa de decomposição foi menor independentemente do período de exposição, sendo decomposto cerca de 32%, 47% e 63% em 120, 240 e 360 dias, respectivamente. Enquanto, no segundo ano, a perda de massa foi de 45%, 54% e 73%, respectivamente. A taxa de decomposição correlacionou-se com a precipitação (acumulada) e a evapotranspiração (acumulada). Analisando os efeitos da fauna de microartrópodes e de cada área de amostragem sobre a taxa de decomposição, verificou-se que estes fatores tanto atuam isoladamente, quanto de forma conjunta sobre esse processo, entre os diferentes períodos de exposição (120, 240, 360 dias). A riqueza de espécies, densidade, altura da vegetação e o diâmetro do tronco à altura do solo (DTS), a serrapilheira produzida e o efeito da fauna, juntas, explicaram 91% da taxa de decomposição anual da serrapilheira, porém o DTS foi à única variável não significativa neste modelo. A precipitação e ETR tem efeito chave sobre a decomposição, pois além de atuarem sobre as perdas por lixiviação de compostos lábeis solúveis em água, estes fatores influenciam a vegetação, a produção de serrapilheira e a fauna decompositora e, portanto, desencadeiam estímulos sobre diferentes fatores, que atuam sobre o processo de decomposição. Este experimento mostrou que a decomposição de plantas pode ser influenciada por fatores bióticos em uma Floresta Tropical Seca, como a Caatinga, e que a decomposição não pode ser explicada apenas pelo clima e pela qualidade do substrato, visto que no sistema solo-serrapilheira, a vegetação e os organismos edáficos são fatores críticos na manutenção e disponibilidade de nutrientes.

Nanoparticulate of silver-modified poly (8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulphonic acid) nanobiosensor systems for the determination of Tuberculosis treatment drugs

Ngece, Rachel Fanelwa January 2011 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This study firstly reports the development and characterization of PVP-AgNPs, PANSA and PVPAgNPs/ PANSA nanocomposite on gold. AFM and TEM analyses revealed highly electroactive nanocomposites whose morphogy and properties were essential for the immobilization of CYP2E1. Secondly, the development and characterization of Au/PVPAgNPs/ PANSA/CYP2E1, Au/PVP-AgNPs/PANSA/SA-CYP2E1 and Au/PVPAgNPs/ PANSA/EG-CYP2E1 nanobiosensors are reported. AFM studies displayed globular morphologies with large roughness for the enzyme modified electrodes as opposed to those electrodes without enzymes. Finally, the biotransformation of standard solutions of TB drugs (isoniazid, ethambutol, pyrazinamide and rifampicin) in pH 7.4, 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution is reported. The biotransformations of the TB drugs were successfully studied using cyclic voltammetry (CV), square wave voltammetry (SWV), differential voltammetry (DPV) and steady state amperometry under aerobic conditions. Very good detection limits were obtained for the standard solutions of TB drugs and were found to be in the micromolar range. The detection limit values for the individual TB drugs were 0.55 μM (isoniazid), 0.7 μM (ethambutol), 0.054 μM (pyrazinamide) and 0.05 μM (rifampicin). The detection limit results showed that the nanobiosensors were more sensitive and suitable for the determination of the respective drugs in plasma and serum. / South Africa

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