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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nacionalinė mokykla kaip tautinio mentaliteto puoselėtoja multikultūrinėje visuomenėje / The existence of national minorities in the multicultural society

Antanovičienė, Rita 05 July 2006 (has links)
The existence of national minorities in the multicultural society matters of great concern, because blending into the multicultural surroundings, the nation may lose its national identity, which is educating in family, community of school and public organizations. This is the relevant problem for national minorities of today. Therefore herein is seeking to establish significance of Jewry national school as nurturance of ethnic mentality in the community. The subject-matter of this work encapsulates national education in community and at school, statutory order in the community of national minorities, scientific approach on education history of Jewry in Lithuania, the philosophy of activities at the secondary school of „Šolom Aleichem“ and the possibility of existence for Jewish national school in the multicultural society. With the intention to explore significance of national school in multicultural space, there were made empirical researches. The essays of pupil, predicted projects and the results of questionnaire quiz helps to find out, that the community of „Šolom Aleichem“ secondary school enshrines traditions and customs of Jewish nation, propagates its national identity and stimulates pupil and their parents to follow the national language, traditions and culture. Underway projects and the made researches show that there is a sporting chance to blend into the multicultural community by holding national identity and fostering singularity of national school.

Skirtingų tautybių sutrikusio intelekto vaikų socialines integracijos problemos / Sociail integration of mentally retarded chiltlren from national minorities

Nedveckaja, Zenona 16 August 2007 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu ir Lietuvoje, ir visoje Europoje labai aktualus tiek žmonių, priklausančių tautinėms mažumoms, tiek neįgalių asmenų klausimas. Tačiau integracijos problema dar aktualesnė ir sudėtingesnė, kai žmogus priklauso dviem diskriminuojamoms grupėms vienu metu. Viena vertus, valstybinės institucijos ne visuomet pajėgios tenkinti neįgalių asmenų poreikius, susijusius su negalia, antra vertus, nekreipiamas dėmesys į jų tautinę tapatybę. Paprastai dominuojanti grupė į šiuos žmones žiūri per negalios prizmę, o jų tautinė priklausomybė ir su ja susiję integracijos aspektai pamirštami. Siekiant išsiaiškinti, ar nežymiai sutrikusio intelekto tautinių mažumų atstovai suvokia savo tautinę priklausomybę ir kiek svarbus šiomis dienomis jų tautinio pagrindo išsaugojimas, buvo atliktas šis tyrimas. Tyrimo tikslas - išnagrinėti skirtingų tautybių nežymiai sutrikusio intelekto vaikų socialinės integracijos tautinį aspektą. Tikslui pasiekti buvo užsibrėžti šie uždaviniai: išsiaiškinti skirtingų tautybių nežymiai sutrikusio intelekto vaik�� žinias apie savo tautinę tapatybę bei santykį su Lietuvos kultūra; nustatyti mokinių savijautą įvairiatautėje aplinkoje; išsiaiškinti mokytojų požiūrį į nežymiai sutrikusio intelekto vaikų ugdymo tautiniu aspektu galimybes bei tęstinį ugdymą. Tyrime dalyvavo 44 rusų, lenkų ir lietuvių tautybės mokiniai, turintys nežymų intelekto sutrikimą, bei 7 mokytojai, kaip ekspertai. Tyrimo metodu buvo pasirinkta anketinė apklausa. Gauti tyrimo rezultatai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Nowadays the situation of people who belong to national minorities and disable people is very important in Lithuania and all the countries of Europe. Bul integration becomes rnore complieated when a person belongs to both of these groups contemporaneously. From one side government institutions are not capable to meet all cases about disability, from another side they don't pay attention to ethnicity of these people. To understand the relation between mentally retarded children and their ethnic dependence this rescarch was earried out. Its aim is to find out an ethnic aspect of sočiai integration of mentally retarded children from national minorities. To reach this aim such tasks wcre raised: to find out what mentally retarded children know about their ethnic and national culture; what teachers think about the possibilities to integrate mentally retarded children within ethnical context. The method used in the paper is questionnaire survey. 44 pupils and 7 teachers were polled. The results obtain during the research show that major part of mentally retarded children know about their nationality. Teachers also agree ethnical aspects to be vcry important in the process of sočiai integration and attention shouid be payed to them.

ES įtaka tautinių mažumų pilietinėms teisėms Baltijos valstybėse / The impact of EU on the civic rights of national minorities in the Baltic states

Aidukaitė, Rūta 09 June 2008 (has links)
Tautinių mažumų apsauga – viena iš labiausiai diskusijas sukeliančių temų Baltijos valstybių visuomenėse. Jų pilietinių teisių užtikrinimas – vienas iš įstojimo į Europos Sąjungą kriterijų, kuriuos turėjo įgyvendinti šalys kandidatės. Tyrimo objektas – ES poveikis tautinių mažumų pilietinių teisių pokyčiams Baltijos valstybėse, įvykusiems po jų nepriklausomybės atkūrimo. Tikslas – išanalizuoti kaip ES reikalavimai ir rekomendacijos paveikė teisinį tautinių mažumų traktavimą Baltijos valstybėse. Darbo uždaviniai: pateikti pagrindinius teorinius tautinių mažumų apibrėžimus ir analizuoti tautinių mažumų situaciją Baltijos valstybėse pagal šiuos modelius; analizuoti ES reglamentuotus teisės aktus ir nuostatas dėl tautinių mažumų apsaugos; aprašyti tautines mažumas Lietuvoje, Latvijoje ir Estijoje ir palyginti jų teisės aktus bei jų atitikimą ES teisės aktams; analizuoti ir palyginti tautinių mažumų kilmės šalių poveikį Lietuvai, Latvijai ir Estijai. Darbe naudojami metodai: lyginamasis ir analitinis. Naudojant šiuos metodus pasiekti rezultatai – panašumų ir skirtumų Lietuvoje, Latvijoje ir Estijoje tautinėms mažumoms suteiktose teisėse atskleidimas bei valstybių pažangos šioje srityje įvertinimas. Didžiausios problemos Baltijos valstybėse iškyla dėl išorinių tautinių mažumų, kaimyninėse valstybėse sudarančių daugumos visuomenę. Lietuva priėmusi nulinės pilietybės įstatymą nesusidūrė su tokiomis problemomis, kaip Latvija ir Estija, kuriose daugelis gyventojų liko be pilietybių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / There are not many pure ethnical states in the world. Due of very different reasons, for example, changing of states borders or collapse of one state and emerging of other and many other political factors, a lot of people find home for them selves not in their ethnical countries. This way they become national minorities. It means, they are groups of peole living not in their home-land and they compound minority in that country. They differ from majority on their culture, languige, traditions and so on. Sometimes these people are discriminated by majority, even enslaved. Nowadays all means necessery for keeping they rights are taken, but not in every state. Not all nations behave with national minorities in the same way. Will Kymlicka explaines where is the difference between the Western democracy states and Eastern postcomunist states. The common model in the first ones – territorial autonomy and in the second ones – cultural autonomy. Now then they are members of EU the situation should change into the good – they must preserve all human rights including the rights of the ethnic minorities. Anyway, the civic rights of national minorities is still very controversial topic in the Baltic states. This determined choice of the theme of this paper. The subject of this work is the EU impact on the civic rights of national minorities in the Baltic states and their changes after regaining the independance and preparing for joining EU. The goal of this work is to analyse how EU... [to full text]

Kulturní aktivity národnostních menšin se zaměřením na řeckou menšinu / Cultural life of national minorities in the Czech Republic with focus on the Greek minority

Dvořáková, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is a complex mapping of the cultural life of national minorities living in the Czech Republic. It focuses on the possible ways of their support by the state as well as local governments and on introduction of these national minorities and presentation of their specific culture. The first part defines the relevant terms and legal framework. Further it describes the possibilities of financial and other support of their cultural activities. Integral part is formed by the characteristics of individual national minorities and description of their cultural activities. The second part shows the analysed possibilities on the example of the Greek minority and existing Greek cultural organizations in the Czech Republic, particularly it analyses activities of the organization Lyceum Řekyň v České republice (Lyceum Club of Greek Women in the Czech Republic). This part of the thesis results above all in the assessment of functioning of the organisation as well as in recommendations for its further development.

Existovala či existuje dlouhodobější vládní koncepce pro řešení problému menšin? / Does or did the long-term governmental concept for resolving the national minorities problem exist?

Kučera, František January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the question of existence of long-term governmental integration concepts regarding national minorities and foreigners. The thesis analyses theoretical integration concepts, their types and their development. It describes national minorities living in the territory of the Czech Republic. It follows the creation and development of the governmental institutional structure for solving the issues of minorities and deals with the analysis of development of the legal framework and of governmental concepts regarding foreigners, national minorities and separately the Roma minority stressing concepts' quality and linkup. The goal of the thesis is to answer the question if the long-term concept regarding these issues exists, to what extent is the concept sophisticated, coherent and how continuously/discontinuously is the concept been promoted.

Postavení Romů v první Československé republice / Situation of the Roma in the First Czechoslovak Republic

Vlasák, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This thesis Position of Roma minority in the First Czechoslovak Republic focuses on position of ethnic and national minorities in the First Czechoslovak Republic between 1918 and 1938, specifically on position of Roma minority. Many scholars have already focused on the topic of position of minorities in the First Czechoslovak Republic, but only few focused their work on position of Roma minority. This topic still remains quite unexpolred. In the first part of my thesis, I will focus my research on disprooving claim, that we can consider Czechoslovakia as consociational democracy, by apllication of four basic consociational mechanisms on the political system of the First Czechoslovak Republic. In the second part of my research I will focus on position of Roma minority in Czechoslovak society by analyzing origins of Roma minority, laws focused on Roma minority and position of political parties and majority society towards Roma minority.

On their own behalf. Ewald Ammende, Europe's National Minorities and the Campaign for Cultural Autonomy 1920-1936

Housden, Martyn January 2014 (has links)
No / This is an extended study of the achievement of cultural auonomty in Estonia (1925) and of attempts by national minoriites in Europe to promote minority rights internationally, not least by lobbying the League of Nations. / British Academy

Åland och ramkonventionen om skydd för nationella minoriteter

Jansson, Ida January 2015 (has links)
Åland har ett av världens mest omfattande nationalitetsskydd, men med snart hundra år på nacken är det inte alltid det går ihop med nyare konventioner om mänskliga rättigheter. Denna uppsats undersöker hur det åländska nationalitetsskyddet har kommenterats av Europarådets rådgivande kommitté i deras arbete med att övervaka implementeringen av ramkonventionen om skydd för nationella minoriteter. Dessa kommentarer och den åländska utvecklingen granskas i förhållande till Will Kymlickas teori om minoritetsnationalism, vilken framför att nationella minoriteter, liksom majoritetsbefolkningar, kan frångå en främlingsfientlig och exkluderande nationalism baserad på etnicitet och anta en inkluderande medborgerlig nationalism som är öppen och välkomnande gentemot invandring. För att detta ska ske menar Kymlicka att minoriteten behöver ett visst inflytande över immigrationsflöden och integrationsbestämmelser, där framför allt de senare utgör en viktig del av det åländska nationalitetsskyddet. Med hjälp av idéanalys har den åländska nationalismen analyserats, och resultaten visar att den har gått från att ha etniska inslag till att anta tydligt medborgerliga drag. Den åländska behörigheten gällande immigration och integration samt den rådgivande kommitténs övervakning har även kartlagts, vilket visar att kommittén hittills har kommit både med förslag som vid förverkligande skulle stärka det åländska nationalitetsskyddet och sådana som skulle försvaga det. / The Åland Islands enjoy one of the world’s most extensive systems of cultural and linguistic safeguards. It was, however, created almost one hundred years ago, which often makes its compliance with more recent human rights treaties complicated. This thesis examines how the Advisory Committee of the European Council has commented on the cultural and linguistic safeguards of the Åland Islands in its monitoring work regarding the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. These comments and the Ålandic developments are analysed in relation to Will Kymlicka’s theory on minority nationalism, which states that national minorities, like majority populations, can leave a xenophobic and exclusionary nationalism based on ethnicity and adapt an inclusive civic nationalism that is open and welcoming towards immigration. Kymlicka argues that this requires that the minority exercise some control over the volume of immigration and over the terms of integration, where particularly the latter form an integral part of Åland’s cultural and linguistic safeguards. Ålandic nationalism has been analysed using an analysis of ideas, and the results show that it has gone from having ethnic features to showing clear civic characteristics. The competences of the Åland Islands in the areas of immigration and integration and the monitoring of the Advisory Committee have also been examined, which shows that the Committee so far has brought forward proposals that would strengthen the Ålandic safeguards as well as proposals that would weaken them.

Odraz sudetoněmecké otázky v česko-německých vztazích a jeho právní aspekty / Sudeten-German issue's reflection in Czecho-German relations and its legal aspects

Holý, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The basic aim of the thesis is to provide a sufficient image of the German minority's, the so-called "Sudeten-Germans'", legal status in the first Czechoslovak republic. The author of the thesis decided to include also a brief outline of the legal status of nations in the era of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy besides the analysis of all the three law of national minorities mainstays, the way they are specified by today's jurisprudence, together with the description of their origin circumstances. This was the time when both the real and theoretical basis of the issue were formed, going hand in hand with historical events that predetermined the following historical development in this case. Space is also given to the international political situation which had, together with the international legislation, essential influence on the origins of domestic legislation dealing with the German minority's status and its incorporation into the Czechoslovak republic itself. The thesis is divided in two basic parts - Cisleithanian Law of National Minorities and Czechoslovak Law of National Minorities and Protection of Minorities. The first of them is formed by two chapters, out of which one is aiming at outlining the legal and political dimension of the Czecho-German question on the background of the...

L’éducation dans les langues des minorités nationales en Voïvodine de 2001 à 2012 : entre traditions nationales et politiques européennes / Education in the languages of national minorities in Vojvodina between 2001 and 2012 : between national traditions and European policies

Pejnovic, Svetlana 24 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse explore l'impact du contexte historique (culturel, politique, démographique) et des politiques européennes sur l’éducation dans les langues des minorités nationales dans la Province autonome de Voïvodine de la République de Serbie au cours de la période 2001-2012.Nous avons analysé en détail les politiques et pratiques éducatives relatives aux minorités nationales en Voïvodine, du niveau primaire au niveau supérieur : les modèles d’enseignement, le réseau scolaire et la participation des élèves, l’accès des minorités nationales à l'enseignement supérieur et la formation des enseignants dans les langues minoritaires, la mise en oeuvre de l’autonomie culturelle dans le domaine de l’enseignement par les conseils nationaux des minorités nationales, et, enfin, la promotion du plurilinguisme au sein du système éducatif.Une étude empirique, conduite principalement à l’aide d’entretiens auprès des acteurs de terrain, démontre que malgré la diminution du nombre des personnes appartenant aux minorités nationales depuis la fin de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, le système éducatif en Voïvodine est fondé sur le respect des droits linguistiques des minorités nationales tel que défini au niveau européen et international. L’approche historique de notre recherche nous a permis d’identifier les traditions historiques comme un facteur clé des évolutions récentes de l’éducation dans les langues des minorités nationales.Si l'Union européenne ne dispose pas d'un modèle de référence pour l’évaluation du droit des minorités nationales à l’enseignement dans la langue maternelle, elle a néanmoins joué, à travers sa politique d’élargissement, un rôle important dans la mise en place d’une autonomie culturelle dans le domaine de l’éducation dans la langue maternelle des minorités nationales. / This thesis explores the impact of historical context (cultural, political, demographic) and of European policies on education in the languages of national minorities in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina of the Republic of Serbia during the period 2001-2012.We analyzed in detail the educational policies and practices relating to national minorities in Vojvodina, from primary to higher education: teaching models, the school network and the participation of pupils, the national minorities' access to higher education and training of teachers in minority languages, the implementation of cultural autonomy in the field of education by the national councils of national minorities, and finally, the promotion of plurilingualism in the education system.An empirical study, based mainly on interviews with actors in the field, shows that despite the decrease in the number of persons belonging to national minorities since the end of World War II, the education system in Vojvodina is based on respect for language rights of national minorities as defined at European and international level. The historical approach to our research has allowed us to identify historical traditions as a key factor in the recent developments in education in the languages of national minorities.Although the European Union does not have a reference model for evaluating the right to education of national minorities in their mother tongue, through its enlargement policy, it nevertheless played an important role in the establishment of cultural autonomy in the field of education in mother tongue of national minorities.

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