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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Away from Home:Travel, Nationality, and Identity Crisis in Gulliver's Travels and Robinson Crusoe

Chueh, Di-feng 20 June 2005 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to understand the presentations of characters¡¦ identity problems in Jonathan Swift¡¦s Gulliver¡¦s Travels and Daniel Defoe¡¦s Robinson Crusoe in relation to their respective genre and to see how the presentations reflect the social ambience and the cultural development in eighteenth-century England. This thesis consists of five chapters. In chapter one, I will briefly summarize the social conditions in eighteenth-century England. This summary of social conditions will show eighteenth-century England as a society of conflicts and contrasts between old and new values. Two key words here, old and new values, will allude to the development of literary genres in eighteenth-century England. Novel is a term which first appears around this time in the history of literary writing and which refers to a new type of genre. As people have varieties of life styles, so do authors have a new genre to work with. However, this newness, either in a social or cultural context, coexists with the old values. In the context of literary writing, the novel, as a genre, has to compete and cooperate with one of its precursors, the genre of satire. In chapter two, I will try to understand the relationship between novel and satire in the light of another genre, utopia. Even though the utopian element in satire is a counterpoint, meaning the dystopian stance, of utopian traditions, there still is a strong sense of community in satirical writings. Compared with satire, the sense of individuals is the core of the genre of the novel. Realism, marked by Ian Watt, is a new trend in novel writing and it is highly connected with the idea of individualism instead of the sense of community. In order to see this difference, Swift¡¦s Gulliver¡¦s Travels and Defoe¡¦s Robinson Crusoe are the two texts that I will use in chapter three and four for detailed discussions. As for the second part of chapter two, I try to single out the idea of travel with the intention to see its importance in eighteen-century England. In chapters three and four, my concern turns to characters¡¦ identity problems in the two travel narratives: Gulliver¡¦s Travels and Robinson Crusoe. Compared with each other, the characters of the two travel narratives have different identity problems and this difference is important in the way of symbolizing the different concerns of each genre: satire for a sense of community and novel for individualism. Moreover, in terms of the different endings in the two travel narratives, Gulliver and Crusoe¡¦s experiences of their identity problems also suggest an important social condition, which is the different possibilities of life, in eighteenth-century England. In conclusion, I will give an overall review of the whole thesis.

The Influences of the Strategic Roles of Subsidiaries and the Nationalities of the MNC on the top management teams--Empirical Research for MNC Subsidiaries in Taiwan.

Chao, Yu-Chieh 14 June 2001 (has links)
Hambrick and Mason¡]1984¡^, with their ¡§upper echelon¡¨ perspective, proposed that top managers had great influences on organizational performances. Then, more and more scholars paid attention to the issues of the top management teams¡]TMT¡^. Although the impact of top management teams has been widely studied, research that tests the applicability of TMT variables on MNC is zero. The top management teams of the MNC included expatriates and local managers¡]Tung, 1982; Zeira and Shenkar, 1986¡^, would show higher richness and variety. Therefore, this study will use two independent variables: ¡uthe strategic roles of MNC subsidiaries¡vand ¡uthe nationalities of the MNC¡vto study the influences of these two independent variables on the traits, heterogeneity and interaction of the top management teams of the subsidiaries in Taiwan. The traits of the top management teams included the percentages of the local managers, average age, educational level and organizational tenure of the top management teams. The heterogeneity of the top management teams included the variation of the age, educational level and organizational tenure of the top management teams. The interaction of the top management teams included the extent to the social integration, communication frequency, and informal communication of the top management teams. Using ANOVA analysis on samples of 46 manufacturing MNC subsidiaries in Taiwan, the study finds that the strategic roles of the MNC subsidiaries have significant influences on the educational level, social integration and communication frequency of top management teams. In addition, the nationalities of the MNC have significantinfluences on the age, educational level and organizational tenure.

Lietuvių liaudies dailės pažinimas-tautiškumo ugdymo prielaida / Lithuanian's Folk Art familiarity-training of nationality

Petroševičiūtė, Kristina 15 June 2006 (has links)
Lithuanians Folk Art familiarity – training of nationality Lithuanian‘s Folk Art are decompounding chances to take in part with other countries to make our individual tradicions, mores, language. All of these things stimulate our nations heirloom. So that much importantly to keep Lithuanian‘s Folk Art are heritage and traininig the nacional individuality. The purpose of this study – to establish the Lithuanian‘s Folk Art familiarities meaning how to train the nationality. The research object are the Lithuanian‘s Folk Art familiarity how teaching premise of nationality in XI – XII class. Hypothesis: the knowledge of Lithuanian‘s Folk Art are helps to develop the national person. Objectives of the study are the following: to study literary resources of pedagogy, psychology, art researching about the problems of nationality and succession of Lithuanian‘s Flk Art; to diagnose the opinion of teachers and young folk for the Lithuanian’s Folk Art, how to training the nationality. Research methods: analysis of literary resources; teachers and young folk anonymous questionnaire poll; using quadrate of chi square; contingent coefficient (C); analysis of interest – bearing facts. During the case study it was discovered that the nationality are understandable, how the trust of our olden culture, the nowadays and the future. Training of nacionality in Lithuania, are experience and wastage, and uprise, but all the time, training of nationality, was manifesting over the art; objectives of... [to full text]

Ideological factors in the League of Arab States, 1944-1956.

Shilling, N. A. January 1965 (has links)
The ensuing study will devote itself to an analysis of the League as the first permanent attempt at institutionalizing modern Arab thought with respect to the extent of the Arab political community, its aims, and the means to be used in achieving these aims. [...]

5-6 metų amžiaus vaikų tautinis identitetas: situacija ir problemos / Five-Six-Year-Old Children National Identity: situations and problems

Kapustienė, Irena 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tautinis tapatumas yra vienas iš asmens tapatumo aspektų, kurį lemia šešiamečio refleksyvūs apmąstymai „kas aš“. Vaikas savąją tapatybę ima suvokti artimiausioje socialinėje aplinkoje (šeimoje ir ugdymo(si) įstaigoje). Todėl šiame darbe nagrinėjami priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų refleksyvaus tapatinimosi su tauta apmąstymai, tėvų ir ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų požiūris į vaikų tautiškumo ugdymą(si). Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti 5-6 metų amžiaus vaikų tapatinimosi su tauta situaciją ir problemas. Siekiant įgyvendinti šį tikslą iškelti uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti 5-6metų vaikų savęs priskyrimo tautai (tapatumo) bruožus. 2. Išsiaiškinti tėvų išskiriamus vaikų tautinio ugdymo(si) veiksnius ir prioritetus. 3. Išanalizuoti ikimokyklinio ugdymo(si) įstaigų pedagogų išskiriamus vaikų tautiškumo puoselėjimo veiksnius ir prioritetus. 4. Palyginti vaikų, tėvų ir pedagogų pateiktus vaikų tautinio ugdymo(si) ypatumus. Šiems uždaviniams įgyvendinti buvo išnagrinėti 235 tiriamųjų iš penkių Lietuvos miestų (Birž��, Marijampolės, Šilutės, Šiaulių ir Vilniaus) samprotavimai: 82 priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų, 68 ikimokyklinių ugdymo(si) pedagogų ir 85 tėvų. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad: 1. Be pagrindinių kalbos ir kilmės tautinio tapatumo bruožų vaikai išskyrė: maistą, lietuvišką raštą ir draugus. 2. Tėvų nuomone, pagrindiniai vaikų tautinio ugdymo(si) veiksniai yra: ugdymo(si) institucijos, liaudies tradicijos ir krašto istorija. 3. Pedagogai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / One of the aspects of the personal identity is the national identity determined by a six-year old child‘s reflective considerations „who am I and what am I“. A child‘s perception about the national identity appears in his/her close social environment (the family and/or an educational institution). That is why the work analyses the children‘s of pre-school age identity with the nation of as well as parents‘ and teachers‘ attitude towards the education in national identity of the children. The objective of the analysis is to measure the points of reflexive identity among six-year old children. The following tasks have been set to implement the main objective of the thesis: - Set the features of identity with the nation among the children at pre-school age. - Define the factors and priorities of national education distinguished among the parents of the children mentioned above. - Analyse the factors and priorities the teaching staff distinguish while fostering the national identity in children. Totally 235 respondees have presented their considerations which helped to reach the result of the work: i.e. 82 children of the pre-school age, 68 members of teaching staff working in pre-school education institutions and 85 parents. The analysis has resulted in the following: - the children distinguished food, Lithuanian script and friends among the language and origin as national identity features; - following the parents‘ opinion the basic factors of the education in national... [to full text]

Jaunimo tautinės tapatybės raiška: sociologinės įžvalgos (VPU atvejis) / Expression of youth national identity (Sociological perceptions in VPU case)

Koščic, Inesa 27 June 2011 (has links)
Darbo problema ir aktualumas. Kasdieniniame gyvenime ryškiai pasikeitė požiūris į tradicines visuomenines, kultūrines ir etines normas, kaip visuotines ir būtinas elgesio taisykles. Visuomenėje pastebimas atsakomybės jausmo nykimas, darosi nebeaiškios padorumo ir nuosmukio sąvokos, neretai sunku atskirti kur tiesa, o kur melas. Sumažėjusi moralinių standartų reikšmė pastebima tiek viešame, tiek asmeniniame gyvenime. Tokioje sudėtingoje socialinių-ekonominių pertvarkymų situacijoje kyla nerimas dėl šalies ateities, dėl nacionalinių vertybių išsaugojimo. Su viltimi ir nerimu žiūrime į jaunimą. Aukštosiose mokyklose rengiami aukščiausios kvalifikacijos specialistai, visuomenės elitas, kaupiamos mokslo, pažangios minties ir laisvės vertybės, mokomasi visuomenės valdymo, tautinio identiteto išsaugojimo būdų. Šių dienų studentai taps politikais, mokslininkais, gydytojais, mokytojais, kultūros darbuotojais. Nuo akademinio jaunimo pastangų, siekių, požiūrio į tautą, esmines vertybes ir kitus visuomeninio gyvenimo reiškinius priklausys mūsų valstybės gyvenimas gana netolimoje ateityje. Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti, kokie yra vyraujantys tautinės tapatybės raiškos būdai bei ją atspindintys tautiniai simboliai ir bruožai VPU studentų grupėje. Darbo uždaviniai: ištirti tautinės tapatybės, tautiškumo, pilietiškumo sąvokas; išnagrinėti esminius jaunimo tautinės tapatybės formavimosi veiksnius; atskleisti lietuvių tautinės tapatybės išlaikymo galimybės globalizacijos kontekstuose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The problem and relevance of research: In everyday life the point of view of traditional social, cultural an ethical norm as general accepted rules of behavior has changed. There is noticed the lack of responsibility in society, meanings of decency and recession are becoming unclear. There is difficult to distinguish where is true and false. The problem concerning insignificance of moral rules and standards exist both in social and private life. In such complicated social- economical situation there is a worry about country's future and national values saving. We watch to youth with hope and doubts. Youth as a social group differs from other age groups. Significant role among youth has an academicals youth. In high schools are prepared high qualified specialists, elite of society. There are accumulated values of science, progressive mind and freedom. Today’s students will become policians, Scientifics, medics, teachers etc... Our country’s life in nearest future depends on efforts, goals, view to nation, essential values and to other social life phenomenon of academicals youth. The aim of research - to investigate which means are dominated in expression of national identity and which national symbols related with means of expression of national identity are dominated in VPU academicals student group. Tasks of research - to investigate definitions of national identity, nationality and citizenship; analyze the main features of formation youth national identity; to find out... [to full text]

The problem of registration and nationality of aircraft of international operating agencies and the I.C.A.O. Council's resolution on the problem /

Goreish, Ishaq Rasheed Sid Ahmed. January 1970 (has links)
No description available.

The world of nations a study of the national implications in the work of Karl Marx,

Bloom, Solomon F. January 1941 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Columbia University, 1940. / Published also without thesis note. Bibliography: p. [209]-211.

Dual citizenship: examining belonging, identity and racialization in the lives of transmigrants /

Scribner, Jenn January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.) - Carleton University, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 177-191). Also available in electronic format on the Internet.

O pacto fraterno e a aliança nacional : análise dos romances Esaú e Jacó (Machado de Assis) e Dois irmãos (Milton Hatoum)

Costa, Mariana Rocha Santos January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Edileide Reis (leyde-landy@hotmail.com) on 2013-05-13T19:15:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Mariana Rocha Santos Costa.pdf: 682333 bytes, checksum: 376b940d62e35ad0fe0a259f571e47ae (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-16T17:17:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Mariana Rocha Santos Costa.pdf: 682333 bytes, checksum: 376b940d62e35ad0fe0a259f571e47ae (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-16T17:17:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mariana Rocha Santos Costa.pdf: 682333 bytes, checksum: 376b940d62e35ad0fe0a259f571e47ae (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a discussão da representação literária do pacto fraterno e a forma como este se configura enquanto simbologia da aliança nacional. Tomando como ponto de partida o enredo bíblico de Esaú e Jacó, irmãos gêmeos que se digladiam no contexto familiar, pretende-se analisar de que forma os romances Esaú e Jacó, de Machado de Assis e Dois Irmãos, escrito por Milton Hatoum se apropriam desse motivo para comentar os conflitos nacionais, em épocas distintas da história do Brasil. Reflexões acerca da discórdia familiar, da figura do duplo enquanto inimigo primevo, das diversas acepções que o termo ‘nação’ abarca, bem como do papel que cada um dos personagens gêmeos desempenha no decorrer das tramas, são conduzidas pelo intuito de iluminar as relações possíveis entre os textos literários e a história. Este estudo focaliza a premissa de que uma sociedade apenas se estabelece através de pactos. Os romances ora analisados também ilustram a forma como os acontecimentos domésticos entram em conexão com o meio social. / Salvador

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