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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utenos rajono pedagogų socialinė kompetencija: raiška ir tobulinimo galimybės / Social competence's expression and development possibility of Utena region's pedagogues

Bražėnienė, Danguolė 07 June 2006 (has links)
Social competence expression and development possibility of Utena region pedagogues The changes in public life and the reform of education determinate new requirements to the pedagogues. Today our school needs new type teacher who has wide spectrum of competence. Especially it is very important topicality of social competence. The aim of this work was to analyze pedagogues’ social competence expression and development possibility. Whereas the construct of social competence is very complicated and various, there were elected shifts of openness, orientation value and social responsibility, communication and collaboration in education institutions, as education and competence cause as the main points. Such selection of the main points allowed to see the rapports among the pedagogies themselves, others and problematical situation. In the theory part of the work there was properly traversed conception of the pedagogues social competence and it’s topicality in current school was developed. Here was unclosed the expression of the competence. The ways of the pedagogues’ social competence development are under consideration. In this work a very big attention is given to the pedagogues shift qualification development and active position in developing education system. In the practical part of the work there were researched the motives and the opportunities of Utena pedagogues social competence development. The research showed that the students at school feel partly good... [to full text]

Ikimokyklinių įstaigų vadovų bendradarbiavimas su pedagogais, kaip demokratinių santykių prielaida / Cooperation of education institution managers with teachers as a recondition of democratic relation

Padkauskienė, Irena 08 June 2004 (has links)
The graduation paper Cooperation of preschool education institution managers with teachers as a recondition of democratic relations by Irena Padkauskienė, a student of MA programme at the Department of Social Pedagogy of the Pedagogy and Psychology Faculty of Vilnius Pedagogical University has been written under the guidance of dr.habil.professor Marija Barkauskaitė after the study of pedagogical, psychological and managerial works on the issue concerned and the analysis of questionnaires completed by the pedagogue of pre-school educational institutions. The main task of perfection in the preschool education institution is to create the culture of communication as an essential condition in purpose to get better results and as a possibility to organize the work more swimmingly. To achieve the fact that the relation of cooperation would dominate in the institution is not an easy task, because the tolerance of the community, care about each other, the positive assessment of us, and the harmony of the community is necessary. It asserts by responsibility and democratically accepted solutions. The dialog, intended for the alternation of preschool education institution, planning activities, looking for its model, is going on permanently. The groups of community members (teams) are created not for the office but for all accepted idea. They seek for the common purpose, solve particular problems and collaborate between each other. In this way all the members become active... [to full text]

Ugdymo sunkumai, kylantys mokant kairiarankius vaikus / Educational diffikulties for teaching left-handed children

Kasparavičiūtė, Iveta 03 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojami ugdymo sunkumai, kylantys mokant kairiarankius vaikus. Suformuluoti du tyrimo klausimai, į kuriuos siekiama atsakyti bakalauro darbe: 1) Ar pedagogams kyla sunkumų mokant kairiarankius vaikus? 2) Su kokiais ugdymo sunkumais susiduria pedagogai, mokydami kairiarankius vaikus? / The educational difficulties for teaching left-handed children are analysed in this paper. The problematic questions have discribed the problem of the research: 1) Do teachers have difficulties for teaching left-handed children? 2) Which difficulties have teachers for teaching left-handed children with? 118 teachers from Akmene’ zone secondary schools participated in this investigation. Which difficulties have teachers for teaching left-handed children and what difficulties have left-handed children has been examined by questioning the teachers. These questions were revised by semi-structured interview. The empirical analysis show that teachers have difficulties in theoretical and methodological news, skills and in little experience. The most difficulties are in educational activity, where the small motoric is used: in writing, drawing, etc. The most effective solution in the teachers assumption is the increasing of their competency in developing their skills and getting theoretical knowledge by lectures and practical seminars. The other solution is interaction and cooperation with the left-handed children and their parents.

Pedagogų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemos aktualijos Šiaulių miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose / Schoolteachers’ qualification improvement system at Šiauliai city general education schools

Enzinaitė, Evalda 27 August 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe suformuluota, kas yra pedagogų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemos aktualijos. Darbe atskleistos Šiaulių bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose dirbančių pedagogų nuomonės apie kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemą: dabartinės situacijos vertinimas; lūkesčiai; kylantys sunkumai. Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti, duomenys analizuojami dviem metodais: kiekybiniu (statistinių duomenų analizė), kokybiniu (anketoje esančių atvirų klausimų analizė). Analizuojamas ugdomosios veiklos tikslingumas, veiksmingumas, rezultatyvumas; bendravimas, bendradarbiavimas, veikla institucijos bendruomenėje bei asmeninis profesinis tobulėjimas. Taip pat analizuojami praktikoje naudojami kvalifikacijos tobulinimo metodai, motyvacija. Tyrime dalyvavo Šiaulių miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų pedagogai (N=192). Tyrimo ataskaitoje patvirtinama, jog pedagogų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemoje būtina pertvarka. Kyla finansiniai, vietos, laiko, metodų naudojimo ir kt. sunkumai. Norint optimizuoti pedagogų darbo veiklą ir gauti teigiamus rezultatus, būtina kaita. Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, pedagogų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemos pertvarka sudarytų sąlygas pagerinti mokytojų darbo efektyvumą ir rezultatyvumą bei visą švietimo plėtotės kokybę. / This Master’s work reveals topicalities of the schoolteachers’ qualification improvement system. In this work the opinions of Šiauliai general education school schoolteachers about qualification improvement system are provided: assessment of current situation, expectations, difficulties. In order to achieve the aim, data has been analyzed in two methods: quantitative analysis (analysis of statistical data) and qualitative analysis (analysis of open questions in questionnaire). Expedience of educational activity, effectiveness, usefulness, communication, collaboration, activity in institution community and personal professional development has been analyzed. Motivation and qualification improvement methods that are used in practice, has been also analyzed in this work. Schoolteachers of Šiauliai city general education schools participated in the research (N=192). The findings of the research confirm the need to reform the schoolteachers' qualification improvement system. Financial, place, time, methods' usage and other difficulties arise. In order to optimize the activity of schoolteachers and to achieve positive results, the turnover is necessary. Reform of schoolteachers’ qualification improvement system at general education schools would create conditions to improve effectiveness and usefulness of teachers’ work and quality of overall education system development.

Pedagogų ir paauglių bendravimo įtaka paauglių dorovinėms nuostatoms / Moral relation between teachers and lerners

Kalytytė, Agnė 03 July 2006 (has links)
School is one of the first social environment witch helps to know better personality. Teachers, working in nowadays school, should help pupils to know better them selves, to get communicative skills, to enrich their creativity to accept and consolidate themselves as unique and original personalities. Educational process is teacher’s and learners’ interrelation that is the main condition of realization of the educational aims and goals. The aims of the study were, to clarify how teenagers’ and teachers’ communication influences the moral approaches of teenagers, to clear up the evaluation of teenagers moral communication according to teachers’ and teenagers’ attitude, also to analyse the matter of teachers’ and interrelations and conflict situations. The target group included 256 adolescent and 56 schoolteachers from village primary school, town’s secondary school and cities secondary school. Members of the target group were from Linkmenys, Utena and Vilnius. The method used in the research was interview and questionnaire. The data obtained were processed according to the Programme SPSS PC 10.1. In conclusion it can be said that relations between teachers and learners in secondary schools are influenced not only by personal qualities and character features, but also the situation that is there and emotional state. Moral relations between teachers and learners are grounded with the respect of senior, zeal for knowledge education of discipline, fairness and advertency in... [to full text]

5-6 metų amžiaus vaikų tautinis identitetas: situacija ir problemos / Five-Six-Year-Old Children National Identity: situations and problems

Kapustienė, Irena 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tautinis tapatumas yra vienas iš asmens tapatumo aspektų, kurį lemia šešiamečio refleksyvūs apmąstymai „kas aš“. Vaikas savąją tapatybę ima suvokti artimiausioje socialinėje aplinkoje (šeimoje ir ugdymo(si) įstaigoje). Todėl šiame darbe nagrinėjami priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų refleksyvaus tapatinimosi su tauta apmąstymai, tėvų ir ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų požiūris į vaikų tautiškumo ugdymą(si). Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti 5-6 metų amžiaus vaikų tapatinimosi su tauta situaciją ir problemas. Siekiant įgyvendinti šį tikslą iškelti uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti 5-6metų vaikų savęs priskyrimo tautai (tapatumo) bruožus. 2. Išsiaiškinti tėvų išskiriamus vaikų tautinio ugdymo(si) veiksnius ir prioritetus. 3. Išanalizuoti ikimokyklinio ugdymo(si) įstaigų pedagogų išskiriamus vaikų tautiškumo puoselėjimo veiksnius ir prioritetus. 4. Palyginti vaikų, tėvų ir pedagogų pateiktus vaikų tautinio ugdymo(si) ypatumus. Šiems uždaviniams įgyvendinti buvo išnagrinėti 235 tiriamųjų iš penkių Lietuvos miestų (Birž��, Marijampolės, Šilutės, Šiaulių ir Vilniaus) samprotavimai: 82 priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų, 68 ikimokyklinių ugdymo(si) pedagogų ir 85 tėvų. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad: 1. Be pagrindinių kalbos ir kilmės tautinio tapatumo bruožų vaikai išskyrė: maistą, lietuvišką raštą ir draugus. 2. Tėvų nuomone, pagrindiniai vaikų tautinio ugdymo(si) veiksniai yra: ugdymo(si) institucijos, liaudies tradicijos ir krašto istorija. 3. Pedagogai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / One of the aspects of the personal identity is the national identity determined by a six-year old child‘s reflective considerations „who am I and what am I“. A child‘s perception about the national identity appears in his/her close social environment (the family and/or an educational institution). That is why the work analyses the children‘s of pre-school age identity with the nation of as well as parents‘ and teachers‘ attitude towards the education in national identity of the children. The objective of the analysis is to measure the points of reflexive identity among six-year old children. The following tasks have been set to implement the main objective of the thesis: - Set the features of identity with the nation among the children at pre-school age. - Define the factors and priorities of national education distinguished among the parents of the children mentioned above. - Analyse the factors and priorities the teaching staff distinguish while fostering the national identity in children. Totally 235 respondees have presented their considerations which helped to reach the result of the work: i.e. 82 children of the pre-school age, 68 members of teaching staff working in pre-school education institutions and 85 parents. The analysis has resulted in the following: - the children distinguished food, Lithuanian script and friends among the language and origin as national identity features; - following the parents‘ opinion the basic factors of the education in national... [to full text]

Vaikystės pedagogikos specialybės studentų karjeros kompetencijų raiška įsidarbinimo galimybių paieškose (atvejo analizė) / Career expertise expression of childhood pedagogy students in search of employment opportunities (case analysis)

Leškienė, Laura 27 August 2009 (has links)
Darbo aktualumas. Baigiančių universitetą, vaikystės pedagogikos specialybę įgyjančių absolventų šiandienos požiūris į darbo rinką išlieka stereotipinis – susirasti valstybinę darbo vietą. Remiantis LDB paskutinių mėnesių statistiniais duomenimis, Šiaulių apskrityje buvo 219 laisvų darbo vietų, tačiau nerastas nė vienas vaikystės pedagogų darbo pasiūlymas. Tuo tarpu šiandien, ikimokyklinio ugdymo poreikis Lietuvoje yra gerokai išaugęs. Vaikų grupės valstybiniuose darželiuose perpildytos, vaikai neptenka į darželius . Dažnai tai sąlygoja būtinumą vaikų priežiūrai naudotis senelių, artimųjų ar auklių paslaugomis. Šiandieninė rinkos situacija tampa palanki vaikystės pedagogų karjeros projektavimo kompetencijų raiškai, patiems steigiant darbo vietas privačiame ikimokyklinio ugdymo sektoriuje. Tyrimo objektas: vaikystės pedagogų karjeros kompetencijos. Tyrimo tikslas: teoriškai pagrįsti ir empiriškai ištirti vaikystės pedagogų karjeros kompetencijų ugdymo raišką projektuojant darbo vietas privačiame ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugų sektoriuje. Tyrimo hipotezė pasitvirtino iš dalies. Darželių paklausos bei šių paslaugų pasiūlos santykis ir šiandieninė ekonominė situacija darbo rinkoje yra palanki plėtoti vaikystės pedagogikos specialybės studentų karjeros kompetencijas, patiems kuriant darbo vietas. Tačiau studentų įsivertinamų karjeros kompetencijų atžvilgiu galimybių ugdyti (-is) vadybinei kompetencijai universiteto studijų programose yra nepakankamai. Literatūros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance of the work. Graduating from university childhood pedagogy students today’s attitude towards employment market remains stereotypical – to find work place in governmental institution. Based on Lithuania’s Employment Office statistical data of last months, in Siauliai county there were 219 free work places, however there were no job offers for childhood pedagogy specialists. Children groups in governmental kinder gardens are overcrowded, children cannot get in the kinder gardens because the number of children is too big. It is a cause why parent turn to grand parents, close people or nannies. That is why today’s situation of market becomes good for development of childhood pedagogy career projecting competences, establishing preschool institutions. The object of the work. Childhood pedagogues career competences. The aim of the work. To ground theoretically and investigate empirically Siauliai university educology faculty childhood pedagogy students career competences development importance in working place projecting. The hypothesis was confirmed partially. Kinder garden enquiry and services supply relation in today’s economical situation in work market is favorable to develop childhood pedagogy students career competences, creating work places themselves. However students evaluating career competences are not sufficient for educating managing competence in university’s studies programs. The analysis of literature showed that education of entrepreneurship is one the... [to full text]

Pedagogų pasitenkinimo darbu sąsajos su poreikiu savirefleksijai ir įsitraukimu į savirefleksijas / Teacher satisfaction with work associations with need for self-reflection and involvement into self-reflections

Zinkevičiūtė, Agnė 03 July 2012 (has links)
Esminiai žodžiai: pasitenkinimas darbu, savirefleksija, pedagogai. Šio tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti pedagogų pasitenkinimo darbu sąsajas su poreikiu savirefleksijai ir įsitraukimu į savirefleksijas. Tyrime dalyvavo 122 Utenos ir Švenčionių pedagogai. Respondentams buvo pateikta anketa, sudaryta darbo autorės ir naudota demografiniams kintamiesiems rinkti. P. E. Spector (1994) pasitenkinimo darbu klausimynas (Job Satisfaction Survey ) ir A. M. Granto (2001) sukurta SRIS skalė (Self-reflection and Insight Scale). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad amžius susijęs su pasitenkinimo darbu aspektais: bendradarbiai ir komunikacija; pedagoginis stažas susijęs su pasitenkinimo darbu aspektais: vadovavimas, bendradarbiai ir komunikacija; pedagogų turimas darbo krūvis susijęs su bendru pasitenkinimu darbu ir pasitenkinimu darbo aspektais: bendradarbiai ir komunikacija. Tiek bendras pasitenkinimas darbu, tiek ir pasitenkinimas jo aspektais skiriasi priklausomai nuo auklėjamosios klasės turėjimo bei kvalifikacinės kategorijos. Taip pat tyrimo metu buvo nustatyta, kad poreikis savirefleksijai yra susijęs su pedagogų turimu darbo krūviu ir kvalifikacine kategorija. Įsitraukimas į savirefleksijas yra susijęs su amžiumi. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė ir pedagogų poreikio savirefleksijai sąsajas su bendru pasitenkinimu darbu bei jo aspektais: vadovavimas, darbo pobūdis bei komunikacija. Įsitraukimas į savirefleksijas yra susijęs su pasitenkinimo darbu aspektais: darbo pobūdžiu ir pripažinimu. Tyrimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to evaluate teacher satisfaction with work associations with need for self-reflection and involvement into self-reflections. The subjects of the study were 122 teachers from Utena and Švenčionys towns. The study subjects were given a questionnaire that included demographical questions, Job Satisfaction Survey by P. E. Spector (1994) and Self-reflection and Insight Scale (SRIS) by A. M. Granto (2001). Results of the study showed that participant age is related to satisfaction with work in aspects of associates and communication; pedagogical experience correlates with satisfaction with work in aspects of leadership, associates and communication; teacher‘s workload is associated with general satisfaction with work and satisfaction with work in aspects of associates and communication. General satisfaction with work and satisfaction with work in separate aspects differs depending on having educating class and pedagogical qualification category. The research found that the need for self-reflection is related to teacher‘s workload and pedagogical qualification category. Involvement into self-reflection is associated with participant‘s age. It was discovered that the need for self-reflection is correlated to work satisfaction in aspects of leadership, work specification and communication. Involvement into self-reflections is related to satisfaction with work in aspects of work specification and acceptance. The predictive models revealed that... [to full text]

Būsimų trenerių gebėjimas spręsti konfliktus ir jo ugdymo ypatumai / The futures coachs ability in the conflicts resolve and the peculiarity of development

Zadorožnyj, Artūras 25 May 2006 (has links)
Latterly psychologists more and more talk about preparation of the futures specialists. According to the results of the specialists in sport depending with self-confidence, relationship and other reason. In this study we try to find the answer the subject of research. We try to prove or disprove upraised hypothesis. We try to show, that after education program the futures coaches ability in the conflicts resolve is in the higher level. The subject of research – uncover the futures coaches ability in the conflicts resolve and the peculiarity of development. We have too goals of research. The first one is uncover the futures coaches ability in the conflicts resolve and the peculiarity of development before the education program and after. Second on is uncover the futures coaches viewpoint on the conflicts resolve.

Pedagogų bendruomenės įtaka vykdant vidaus auditą / The influence of pedagogical community when carrying out internal audit

Smaidžiūnienė, Edita 19 October 2007 (has links)
Visos Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos nuo 2004/2005 mokslo metų pradėjo taikyti mokyklos teikiamų paslaugų kokybės įsivertinimo metodiką – vidaus auditą. Vidaus audito, kaip kokybės vadybos elemento, paskirtis – išnagrinėti mokyklos darbo aspektus, išskirti privalumus ir trūkumus bei parengti planą, tolesnei mokyklos veiklai tobulinti. Šalies mokyklos, taikydamos šią metodiką, sukaupia nemažą patirtį, tačiau pačios mokyklos bendruomenės vaidmuo, ypač pedagoginės, vertinant mokyklos veiklą, yra atskleistas nepakankamai plačiai, tyrimų šiuo klausimu atlikta nedaug. Magistro darbas "Pedagogų bendruomenės įtaka atliekant vidaus auditą“ – tai bandymas atskleisti pedagogų bendruomenės vaidmenį vykdant vidaus auditą bei pateikti teoriškai pagristą kokybinį modelį, ne tik apibendrinantį sukauptą konkrečios mokyklos patirtį, atliekant savęs vertinimą, bet ir padedantį pedagogų bendruomenei suvokti savo dalyvavimo svarbą atliekant vidaus auditą kaip mokyklos kokybės vadybos sėkmės garantą. / All the schools of Lithuania began to apply the methods of self-assessment of the services given at school, so called inter-audit, as the element of the quality of management is to examine the aspects of the school work, to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages and to prepare the plan for the consummate of the school action in the future. Using these methods the schools of the country amass a great experience, yet the role of communities of the schools especially pedagogical ones, assessing the actions done at such schools is not disclosed so widely and only some examines were done on this issue. Post-graduate’s work “The influence of pedagogical community when carrying out internal audit” is a try to disclose the role of the pedagogical community conducing the inter-audit and to report theoretically explained, qualitative model, not only that of one concrete school’s experience, conducting self assessment, but that, wish would keep the community of the teachers to understand the consequence of their participation conducting the inter-audit as the guarantee of the management’s quality of the school.

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