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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neverbalinis bendravimas pamokos metu / Non-Verbal communication in the classroom

Beraza, Irena 23 June 2014 (has links)
Bendravimas – tai prasminga sąveika tarp dviejų ir daugiau žmonių. Bendraudami žmonės ne tik sąveikauja, bet ir pažįsta vienas kitą. Auklėjimo, ugdymo procese mokytojas su mokiniais nuolat bendrauja ir bendradarbiauja žodžių ir kūno judesių pagalba. Vaikai mokykloje bendraudami išmoksta perduoti kitiems, tai ką galvoja ar jaučia, perteikti savo susiformavusius vertinimus bei požiūrį į aplinkinius. Baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama neverbalinio bendravimo pamokos metu tema Darbe siekiama atskleisti bendravimo procesą teoriniais aspektais, išanalizuoti neverbalinės kalbos santykį mokykloje teoriniu ir praktiniu aspektu bei nustatyti neverbalinės kalbos raišką ir jos įtaką bendravimui. Atlikus neverbalinės kalbos tyrimą pamokos metu, kad moksleiviai puikiai bendrauja neverbaline kalba pamokos metu, suprato mokytojo neverbalinę kalbą, labai gerai įsiminė jo pasakotą medžiagą, nes prisiminė su kokia veido išraiška mokytojas pasakojo, kokie buvo jo gestai, kokias emocijas perteikė. Tai leidžia daryti išvadą, kad mokytojas „užkrečia“ vaikus savo įkarščiu ir įsijautimu bei troškimu gauti kuo daugiau ir vis naujų žinių. / The communication is the meaningful interaction between two or more people. Whenever people are communication they recognizing each other. The teacher communicated and collaborate with schoolschil verbal and nonverbal. The children are learn give to others, that they thinking or feeling. The research object of the article were nonverbal communication on lessons. In the work is reaching the communications process, analyzed nonverbal on the lessons. After the nonverbal analysis is possible to say, that children communication nonverbal very good. That done the conclusion, that the teacher is very good master of nonverbal.

Pedagoginis bendravimas sprendžiant problemas mokykloje anksčiau ir dabar / Pedagogic co-operation in solving problems at school earlier and now

Garlauskaitė, Asta 08 June 2004 (has links)
There was a time the beginning of XIX – XX century the training institutions (schools and families) rule authoritarian terms, witch point was childes unconditioned humility to educators in the most countries of the world. The public democratization touch upon a relation to educators and learners; gradually democratic and humanistic attitude of their became a rule. The problems of the educational communication and cooperation are study in this graduation dissertation. The leading edge of mordent educational communications is the strict and respect to learners. The democracy and humanity of the educational communications mean the trust in learner. In other side there are some handicaps for learner in his perfection way, so the democracy of the educational communications anticipate right help. The educator is looking for the best an individual style of person and that helps him to stimulate perfection of learner. The wooessful way of training is positive pedagogical communications, that is important for learner in the all stage of age.

Pagalba mokytojui sprendžiant socialinius pedagoginius konfliktus / Help for teachers solving social pedagogical conflicts in primary school

Kudulytė, Daiva 08 June 2004 (has links)
SUMMARY Conflicts are those of the most important social occurrences, happening among groups of people. That is a natural and inevitable phenomenon. They can develop in a constructive or destructive form. What is more, conflicts are an everyday part of teacher’s life. They arise due to the fact, that people are individuals and their interests, needs, values collide. Children often experience conflicts with their parents, teachers or friends and can’t solve them constructively, that’s why they are often tense. Such pupils start behaving badly very often. Conflicts are analysed by famous educators and psychologists in our country and abroad. They are Leliūgienė (2002), Želvys (1995), Žukauskiene (1999), Gučas (1998), Fiurst (1998), Ebneris (1979). The purpose of this work is to analyse social pedagogical conflicts happening in junior forms. Most often it’s intended to analyse the participation of pupils, their parents and educators, participation in solving them and comming to the effective ways of removal of conflicts. The causes and psychological features of social pedagogical conflicts arising between educators and children are being analysed here. They are defined through the features of the situations of conflicts between pupils and parents. Moreover, the urgency and frequency of those conflicts are defined by the teachers educators in the list provided to them. The schoolmasters had been interviewed and they had defined their help to the teachers, parents and... [to full text]

Mokyklos vadovų komunikacijos ypatumai / Comunication of school leader

Bulovienė, Miglė 17 June 2005 (has links)
In the last decades of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century more and more attention has been paid to the notion of leadership competence. Leadership refers to a specific type of human activity, during which a group of people starts working effectively and resultatively. This is achieved by the intensive exchange of information, mutual understanding, and constant cooperation of a leader with his/her team. However, it is still unclear what the communicative competence of a school leader should look like to make one‘s leadership as productive and resultatative as possible. Therefore, the current reasearch aims at analysing the peculiarities of the school leader‘s communicative competence. According to the scientific sources, communicative competence of a school leader is of primary importance. Moreover, the communicative competence helps to create a student-friendly atmosphere. As a result, students will feel equal members of a school community, what eventually will make a positive impact to their study results, as well as their self-esteem and motivation. Nevertheless, the research findings show that the matter-of-fact and businesslike communication predominates at school. According to the school teachers and students, school leaders do not pay enough attention to their personal needs. The research respondents claim that a closer contact with a school leader would not only improve their relationship, but also make teachers distribute home assignments more... [to full text]

Utenos kūno kultūros ir sporto centro (KKSC) organizacijos ugdymo problematika: darbuotojų vaidmenys ir jų elgsena bendraujant grupėje / The problem of developing organization of Utena physical culture and sport centre (PCSC): the roles of workers and their behavior communicating in group

Trinskienė, Lina 08 June 2006 (has links)
When people are communicating, working together it is necessary to coordinate constantly intercommunication and understanding. It is very important to know that every person is individuality besides the situation can provoke one or other way of behavior. Knowledge of roles in the group can help to reach the more effective communication also the cooperation in groups. The purpose of work. To survey the roles of workers of Utena physical culture and sport center and their behavior in groups and in the different contact situations. 100 workers of Utena physical culture and sport centre were questioned. Conclusions. 1. After setting the dominant roles of Utena PCSC workers in the season and in other time it can be seen that dominated the roles of Company worker (20,48 and 21,48 percent), of Team worker (20,82 and 19,11 percent). The distinct were the roles of Performer/Finishing person (18,77 and 17,75 percent), Resources investigator (11,43 and 12,63 percent). Not very distinct were the roles of Observer – assessor (10,24 and 9,9 percent), Former (8,53 and 7,68 percent), Inspirer (5,12 and 6,14 percent), President (4,61 and 4,95 percent). During the season and not mostly dominated the roles of Company worker and Team worker. The people playing these roles working together encourage the harmony of group and were the team motivators (Everard and Morris, 1997). 2. We established that for Utena PCSC workers in season were mostly acceptable the Fifth and Fourth alternatives –... [to full text]

Pradinių klasių mokinių bendravimas integruoto ugdymo sąlygomis / Students of primary school communication in conditions of integrational education

Sinkevič, Helena 24 May 2006 (has links)
The aim of this diploma paper is to explain students of special needs communication peculiarities during upbringing. The research problem: special needs students and all the students who are in the same form relationship. There were 144 students who take part research work, 66 girls, 78 boys, 16 students of special needs, 18 parents and 14 primary school teachers. There were 3 stages in research work: Stage 1: It was the sociometric test done in all classes. All participants were given 6 questions to answer and conversation with parents’ students of special needs help to recover communication problems. Stage 2: It was done the pedagogical experiment in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th forms. The aim was to make better the relationship among students. The psychological games were used in these forms. Stage 3: after the games the sociometric test was repeated. The aim was to recover the influence of psychological games for communications in the class. There is given upbringing conception, explained students of special upbringing needs communication peculiarities, described children’s derangements groups. There are given the main conception, which is connected with integration of upbringing and children’s psychological adaptation. Furthermore, there are psychological games that were used in integrated classrooms for the communication improvement. There is revealed psychological games psychotherapy influence for the communication. It is presented the psychometric research data; the... [to full text]

Ikimokyklinių įstaigų vadovų bendradarbiavimas su pedagogais, kaip demokratinių santykių prielaida / Cooperation of education institution managers with teachers as a recondition of democratic relation

Padkauskienė, Irena 08 June 2004 (has links)
The graduation paper Cooperation of preschool education institution managers with teachers as a recondition of democratic relations by Irena Padkauskienė, a student of MA programme at the Department of Social Pedagogy of the Pedagogy and Psychology Faculty of Vilnius Pedagogical University has been written under the guidance of dr.habil.professor Marija Barkauskaitė after the study of pedagogical, psychological and managerial works on the issue concerned and the analysis of questionnaires completed by the pedagogue of pre-school educational institutions. The main task of perfection in the preschool education institution is to create the culture of communication as an essential condition in purpose to get better results and as a possibility to organize the work more swimmingly. To achieve the fact that the relation of cooperation would dominate in the institution is not an easy task, because the tolerance of the community, care about each other, the positive assessment of us, and the harmony of the community is necessary. It asserts by responsibility and democratically accepted solutions. The dialog, intended for the alternation of preschool education institution, planning activities, looking for its model, is going on permanently. The groups of community members (teams) are created not for the office but for all accepted idea. They seek for the common purpose, solve particular problems and collaborate between each other. In this way all the members become active... [to full text]

Mokytojo bendravimo su mokiniais pamokoje ypatumai / Features of communication between the teacher and the students in the lecture

Randis, Mantvydas 04 September 2008 (has links)
Šiame darbe yra analizuojamas bendravimas jo ypatybės. Mes žinome, kad mokykloje pamokos metu bendravimas yra labai svarbus, nes tai yra mokytojo įrankis. Darbe buvo apžvelgta kokie yra bendravimo būdai, kas tai yra produktyvus bendravimas, apžvelgtos bendravimo funkcijos, kas tai yra pedagoginis bendravimas, sužinojome kokie yra mokytojo stiliai. Buvo pažvelgta kodėl tarp mokinio ir mokytojo kyla konfliktai. Šiame darbe buvo atliktas tyrimas kuris leido dalinai nuspręsti, kad labiausiai tinkantis bendravimo tipas pamokoje yra humaniškasis. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas dvejos mokyklose (a) ir (b) kurio metu buvo stebėta 30 pamokų ir vertinamas mokytojų bendravimas su mokiniais, kurio metu buvo nustatyta, mokytojų klaidos bei geri bendravimo bruožai. Tyrimo metu gautų rezultatais buvo galima spręsti kurioje mokykloje bendravimas yra humaniškesnis, labiau pedagoginis. / This thesis analyses the features of communication. We know that communication during classes at school is very important because this is the primary tool employed by a teacher. This thesis discusses the types of communication, defines productive communication, overviews functions of communication, discusses pedagogical communication and points out teacher’s styles. The reasons of conflicts arising between the teacher and students are analyzed. The research has been carried out which partially proves that the most suitable type of communication in class is the humanistic one. The research has been carried out in two schools (a) and (b), 30 lessons were observed and teacher-student communication was assessed; the teachers’ mistakes and positive features of communication were identified. The results provided by the research proved which type of communication employed by the schools was more humanistic and pedagogical.

Specialistų, dirbančių sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose, socioedukacinis bendravimo aspektas / Socioeducational intercourse aspect of specialists working in Healthcare institutions

Gurklienė, Almida 09 December 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe atskleidžiama sveikatos priežiūros specialistų ir sveikatos problemų turinčių asmenų socioedukacinio bendravimo efektyvinimo prielaidos. Pirmoje darbo dalyje gvildenami tarpasmeninių ir tarpdalykinių santykių aspektai, apžvelgiami socioedukacinio bendravimo tipai, modeliai, analizuojami sveikatos priežiūros specialistų ir sveikatos problemų turinčių asmenų etinių santykių ypatumai, apibūdinamos tarpusavio santykių modelių ypatybės. Antroje darbo dalyje mokslinės literatūros teiginiams pagrįsti buvo atliktas tyrimas. Tyrimas buvo atliktas Biržų rajono pirminės asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose. Tyrime dalyvavo 100 sveikatos problemų turinčių asmenų, bei 100 sveikatos priežiūros specialistų. Tyrimo objektas – specialistų, dirbančių sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose, bendravimo modelio kūrimo socioedukacinis aspektas. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti specialistų, dirbančių sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose, bendravimo modelio kūrimo socioedukacinį aspektą. / Assumptions of socioeducational intercourse effectiveness between healthcare specialists and persons having health problems are revealed in the final bachelor work. In the first part of the work aspects of interpersonal and interdisciplinary relations are examined, types and models of socioeducational intercourse are overlooked, peculiarities of ethical relationship between healthcare specialists and persons having health problems are anlysed and features of intercommunion models are defined. A research was done to justify propositions of science literature in the second part of the work. The research was done in primary healthcare establishments in Biržai region. 100 persons having health problems and 100 healthcare specialists took part in the research. The research object is socioeducational aspect of creating a communicative model of healthcare specialists. The research aim is to reveal the socioeducational aspect of creating a communicative model of healthcare specialists.

Mokytojų, moksleivių ir tėvų santykiai mokymo procese (konflikto aspektas) / Relationship between teachers, schoolchildren and parents during educational process (the aspect of conflict)

Jackevič, Juzef 07 July 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti mokytojų, moksleivių ir tėvų santykius mokymo procese konflikto aspektu. Uždaviniai: 1. Apibendrinti mokytojų, moksleivių ir tėvų santykių ypatumus; 2. Aptarti konfliktus tarp mokytojų, moksleivių ir tėvų, jų prevencijos galimybes; 3. Aptarti konfliktų mokykloje pasekmes ugdymo procesui, galimus jų sprendimo būdus; 4. Atlikti tyrimą, kurio metu būtų nustatytas ugdymo proceso bei konflikto vaidmens jame vertinimas mokytojų, moksleivių ir tėvų požiūriu. Tyrimo objektas: moksleivių, tėvų bei pedagogų konfliktų, konfliktinių situacijų vertinimas. Hipotezės: 1. Daugelio respondentų nuomone, konstruktyvus bei pagrįstas bendradarbiavimo strategija konfliktų valdymas mokykloje įtakoja moksleivių mokymosi rezultatyvumą; 2. Pedagogų nuomone, efektyvus bei pagrįstas bendradarbiavimo strategija konfliktų valdymas turi įtakos mokyklos bendruomenės sutelktumui; 3. Visų grupių respondentų nuomone, konstruktyvus bei pagrįstas bendradarbiavimo strategija konfliktų valdymas turi įtakos mokytojų, moksleivių bei jų tėvų produktyviai komunikacijai, sprendžiant moksleivių socializacijos problemas Tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, kad: visos trys respondentų grupės – socialiniai darbuotojai, socialiniai pedagogai bei pedagogai mano, kad pedagoginiai konfliktai, vaidina svarbų vaidmenį ne tik ugdymo procese, bet ir santykiuose tarp ugdytojų, ugdytinių. Todėl ypatingai svarbu juos išspręsti, o dar geriau – taikyti jų prevenciją. Visos trys respondentų grupės nebuvo linkusios teigti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Purpose of the work is to analyse teachers’, schoolchildren’ and parents’ relationships during educational process in the aspect of conflict. Tasks: 1. To summarize the specialties of teachers‘, schoolchildren’ and parents’ relationship. 2. To discuss conflicts between teachers, schoolchildren and parents, their prevention possibilities; 3. To discuss the consequences of conflicts in school to the educational process, the possible ways of solution. 4. To fulfill the investigation and to ascertain the teachers’, schoolchildren’ and parents’ evaluation of educational process and the role of conflict in it. The object of investigation: the evaluation of conflicts between schoolchildren, parents and pedagogues, evaluation of conflict situations. Hypotheses: 1. In a lot of respondents’ opinion, the constructive and based upon collaboration strategy the management of conflicts at school influence the learning results; 2. In pedagogues’ opinion, effective and based on collaboration strategy the management of conflicts influence the muster up of the school community; 3. In all the respondent’ groups’ opinion, the constructive and based on collaboration strategy the management of conflicts influence the productive communication between teachers, schoolchildren and parents, solving the socialization problems of schoolchildren. During the investigation it emerged that all three respondents’ groups – social workers, social pedagogues and pedagogues think that pedagogical conflicts play... [to full text]

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