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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

西アジア先史考古学の課題 : イランの調査から

Tsuneki, Akira, 常木, 晃 03 1900 (has links)

Evolutionary genetics of homo neanderthalensis :adaptive traits and methodological problems

Gigli, Elena 20 June 2011 (has links)
The evolutionary history of H. neanderthalensis, interwoven with that of H. sapiens, has always fascinated the scientific world. Recent adavncess in paleogenetics shedds new light on the phylogenetic relationship between Neandertals and modern humans. The studies developed in this thesis intend principally to control the contaminants through the development of an anti-contamination protocol for decreasing the human contamination in pre-laboratory phases. We designed a PCR-based method specific for reducing human contamination during the laboratory analysis, and we analyzed the fragmentation pattern of the ancient sequences by massively parallel sequencing technologies. Furthermore, we studied two nuclear genes, TAS2R38 -associated to bitter taste perception- and ABO blood group system –involved in natural immunity- that provide specific information on aspects of the Neanderthal phenotype and adaptation. / La historia evolutiva d’H. neanderthalensis, imbricada amb la d’H. sapiens, ha fascinat sempre el món científic. Avenços recents en paleogenètica aporten una nova llum sobre la rel•lació filogenètica entre els neandertals i els humans moderns. Els treballs d’aquesta tesi intenten principalment controlar els contaminants mitjançant el desenvolupament d’un protocol d’anti-contaminació que disminueixi la contaminació humana de les mostres en la fase de pre-laboratori. Hem desenvolupat un mètode basat en la PCR específic per a reduïr els contaminants humans durant l’anàlisi en el laboratori, i hem analitzat el patró de fragmentació de les seqüències antigues amb tècniques de seqüenciació massiva en paral•lel. A més a més, hem estudiat dos gens nuclears, el TAS2R38 –associat a la percepció del gust amarg- i el grup sanguini ABO –implicat en la immunitat natural- que proporcionen informació específca sobre aspectes del fenotip i de les adaptacions dels neandertals.

Hommes et hyènes face aux recompositions des communautés d'Ongulés (MIS 5-3) : éléments pour un cadre paléoécologique des sociétés du Paléolithique moyen et supérieur ancien d'Europe de l'Ouest

Discamps, Emmanuel 19 December 2011 (has links)
En Europe, le rôle du climat fait souvent partie intégrante des modèles proposés pour expliquer les bouleversements des sociétés humaines à la transition Paléolithique moyen – supérieur (e.g. extinction des néandertaliens, développement de comportements dits « modernes »). Pourtant, l’impact exact des changements climatiques globaux du Pléistocène supérieur sur les écosystèmes terrestres reste pour partie inconnu. Cette étude vise à replacer dans un contexte paléoenvironnemental et paléoécologique l’histoire des mutations biologiques et culturelles des sociétés humaines entre MIS 5 et 3 (soit avant, pendant et après la transition Paléolithique moyen – supérieur). Dans le cadre de ce travail, la reconstruction des communautés animales terrestres est réalisée à l’échelle écosystémique (reconstruction des dynamiques des communautés d’herbivores, fluctuations de la biomasse d’Ongulés, paléodémographie de l’Hyène des cavernes) et intra-guilde (compétition interspécifique hommes – hyènes). Ces deux échelles d’analyse s’appuient d’une part sur l’étude taphonomique, spatiale et paléoécologique de deux repaires d’hyènes avec indices de fréquentation humaine (Camiac et La Chauverie) et d’autre part sur l’analyse multi-méthodes de bases de données des sites anthropiques et paléontologiques (archéostratigraphie, SIG, statistiques multivariées et bayésiennes). À l’échelle écosystémique, l’histoire des communautés d’herbivores est reconstruite pour le Sud-Ouest de la France. Des fluctuations importantes sont perceptibles dans la biomasse d’Ongulés disponible, qui augmente à la fin du Moustérien et chute fortement au début de l’Aurignacien. Ces variations de biomasse ont été suffisantes pour contraindre les populations de grands prédateurs, l’histoire paléodémographique de l’Hyène des cavernes étant hautement corrélée aux fluctuations de biomasse. À l’échelle intra-guilde, l’intensité de la compétition interspécifique hommes – hyènes varie au cours du temps et selon les espaces géographiques. Concernant la sphère alimentaire (espèces exploitées, populations ciblées, stratégies de subsistance), si le recouvrement de niches entre ces deux prédateurs est parfois fort (notamment à la fin du Moustérien), des différences apparaissent néanmoins. La nature des interactions hommes – hyènes dans les espaces d’habitats communs (cavités karstiques) est quant à elle discutée sur la base de l’étude interdisciplinaire des séries fauniques et lithiques de Camiac et de La Chauverie. Le modèle paléoécologique proposé pour le Sud-Ouest est ensuite confronté à la spécificité d’autres régions d’Europe de l’Ouest par l’exploitation d’une base de données étendue. Ces comparaisons soulignent les différences existantes selon les régions géographiques dans la réponse des écosystèmes terrestres aux changements climatiques globaux. Les résultats obtenus apportent de nouveaux éclairages sur la transition Paléolithique moyen – supérieur : ils pondèrent fortement l’importance qui doit être accordée aux facteurs environnementaux et écologiques. Ces derniers ne semblent pas pouvoir expliquer à eux seuls les bouleversements culturels et biologiques de cette période. / In Europe, climate is often considered as a key factor in explaining the events of the Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition (e.g. Neandertal extinction, development of innovations characteristic of “modern” behavior). However, the exact impact of Upper Pleistocene global climatic changes on terrestrial ecosystems is still poorly documented. This study proposes to place the evolutionary history of hominids from MIS 5 to 3 (before, during and after the Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition) within a paleoenvironmental and paleoecological context. Reconstruction of past terrestrial communities is here performed both on an ecosystem scale (changes in herbivore communities, fluctuations of ungulate biomass, paleodemography of cave hyenas) and on an intra-guild scale (interspecific competition between hominids and hyenas). This multi-scaled study is permitted through taphonomic, spatial and paleoecological analyses of two hyena dens with traces of human occupation (Camiac and La Chauverie), coupled with analyses of several databases of archeological and paleontological sites with a wide array of methods (archeostratigraphy, GIS, Bayesian and multivariate statistics). At the ecosystem scale, changes in herbivore communities are reconstructed for southwestern France. Fluctuations in ungulate biomass are noticeable, with an increase at the end of the Mousterian and a significant crash at the beginning of the Aurignacian. These changes had a pronounced impact on large predator populations, as can be shown by the high correlation between reconstructed hyena paleodemography and variations in ungulate biomass. At the intra-guild scale, interspecific competition between hominids and hyenas is shown to vary across time periods and regions. Niche overlap is at some times significant (as at the end of the Mousterian) in terms of resource exploitation (species of prey, population segments targeted, subsistence strategies), but total niche overlap is never observed. The nature of hominid-hyena interaction in caves is also discussed within the framework of an interdisciplinary analysis of the faunal and lithic collections of Camiac and La Chauverie. The model built in southwestern France is then compared with the specificity of other regions of Western Europe, by utilizing an extended database. These comparisons highlight the significant differences that exist between terrestrial communities regarding their responses to global climatic changes, depending on their geographical setting. These results bring new insights to the Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition: notably, it appears that environmental and ecological factors cannot fully explain the dramatic biological and cultural events that occurred during this time period.

Gemensamma Symboliska Beteenden Och Interaktioner Mellan Neanderthalare Och H. Sapiens

Karlsson, Julia January 2022 (has links)
The behaviours that the Neanderthals and Homo sapiens sapiens had in common could have made their interaction more advanced and deeper. Ever since Richard E. Green et al’s discovery in 2010 that a lot of the modern day population have inherited about 1-4 %  of the genome from Neanderthals, the assumption that Neanderthals are primitive beings lacking advanced cognition has changed. For H. Sapiens to interbreed with Neanderthals one could argue that they could not have been that dissimilar. Since the modern day population inherited parts of the Neanderthals it could be very interesting to bring more insight into how their relationship and interaction would have looked in relation to H. Sapiens. In this thesis some behaviours will be analysed and compared that existed among them both. In this remark it will be about behaviors of a symbolic nature, indicating a more advanced thinking. These are the usage of personal ornaments, the burial practice, and lastly language and speech. The personal ornaments they used are in some instances very similar, but there is also variation in what they put value in as personal ornaments, later H. Sapiens put a lot of energy into making beads of different types, and Neanderthals having a focus on birds of prey. The burial practice is in general nothing that is too common among either of them during the middle palaeolithic or African Middle stone age. Before the upper palaeolithic there is not too much evidence indicating that they had a tradition of burying their dead. In cases they did bury their dead there is evidence of places with multiple burials, maybe working as grave centers. The anatomical capacities for speech existed among them both. When it comes to language it is harder to discern, since it does not fossilise, but since language is symbolic it could be argued that evidence of symbolism among them could indicate that they had language as well. In the discussion and conclusions it is argued that these common behaviours could have made it possible for a more advanced interaction and relationship between the two.

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