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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of bioenergy for achieving a fossil fuel free Stockholm by 2040

Dittrich, Linnea, Lillieroth, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Bioenergy is extracted from biomass. What counts as biomass is generally quite diverse, but broadly speaking, it is material that previously lived. Today, energy extracted from biofuels make up around 23% of Stockholm city's total energy consumption. Stockholm city has set a goal to be a fossil-free city by 2040, i.e. zero emissions from energy use. Two sectors have been identified where emissions occur and these are the transport sector and the electricity and heating sector. This thesis will only address the electricity and heating sector. This includes all energy consumption within Stockholm city municipality. When Stockholm is developing towards a fossil fuel free city, it’s interesting to look at how important bioenergy will be as an energy source in the future. This thesis has scrutinized the role of bioenergy in reaching a fossil fuel free city. Three major policies have been investigated. The carbon dioxide tax and the emission rights system have promoted the bioenergy and its deployment in a positive way. The system of electricity certificates has shown to indirectly affect the bio energy in a negative way. The key finding is that bioenergy will have a great impact in reaching the goal mainly through its contributions with negative emissions, but it is also an important substitute to fossil fuels. / Bioenergi utvinns ur biomassa eller biobränslen. Biomassa och biobränslen är ganska diffusa begrepp då definitionen varierar runt om i världen, men generellt sett är det material som tidigare levt. Idag utgör energi från biobränslen cirka 23% av Stockholms stads totala energiförbrukning. Stockholms stad har satt upp ett mål att vara en fossilfri stad år 2040, det vill säga inga utsläpp från stadens energiförbrukning. Det finns två huvudsakliga sektorer där koldioxidutsläpp förekommer, dessa är transportsektorn och eloch värmesektorn. Detta inkluderar all energiförbrukning inom Stockholms kommuns gränser, till exempel uppvärmning av hushåll och energin de fordon som körs i staden förbrukar. När Stockholm utveckling går mot att bli en fossilbränslefri stad är det intressant att se hur viktig bioenergi kommer att vara som energikälla i framtiden. Denna rapport granskar bioenergins roll i att nå klimatmålet till 2040. De huvudsakliga slutsaterna är att bioenergi kommer ha en stor och viktig roll i att nå målet och att dess största inverkan kommer vara de negativa utsläppen. Vissa lagar har främjat bioenergin medans vissa indirekt har påverkat dess utveckling negativt. Bioenergin har en ljus framtid i Stockholm.

Carbon Stability of Biochar : Methods for assessment and indication / Kolstabilitet i biokol : Metoder för värdering och indication

Söderqvist, Helena January 2019 (has links)
Biochar can reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and is acknowledged as one feasible technology for negative carbon emissions. The stability of carbon in biochar is of major importance for the carbon sequestration value. A method for confident estimation of the stability is needed to make efficient priorities for the climate. The aim of this study is to identify the best available method that can be used to indicate the stability and quantify the carbon sequestration potential of biochar. The result builds on a literature review of the current state of scientific knowledge and the proposed method is tested with data from previous studies and then applied to the case of Stockholm Exergi. Biochar has a stable carbon structure, always more recalcitrant than the biomass that it derives from. However, estimations of how stable the carbon are varying a lot in the literature. Biochar is not unambiguously defined, there is rather a range of materials with different stability and the degradationis context dependent. Further discrepancy in the estimated stability derives from different experimental design and approaches to modeling the data. There is a challenge to do a proper estimation of the actual degradation, due to the long time perspective and the complexity of observation of behavior in a naturalsystem. A functional method to indicate the stability of carbon in biochar is needed because a biochar producer cannot conduct a long term trial to prove the carbon sequestration potential. Several methods have in theory the ability to indicate stability. However, the H/Corg model with the expression BC+100 emerging to be the best suited method due to its connection to measured degradation, accessibility and acceptance. The H/Corg model could be further improved by calibration and validation by collecting existing data from previous assessments. Communication of the carbon sequestration after hundred years compared to other carbon sinks should be improved to better reflect the long term carbon sequestration value of biochar. Stockholm Exergi is planning for a biochar production of 5 000 ton/year. The H/Corg method estimate that this corresponds to 9 000 – 11 500 ton CO2 per year, stable for at least hundred years. The widerange in the result derives from the different interpretations on the H/Corg method, where the different interpretations derive from the variation that previous research result shows. This is an incentive to support further development of the method. The sequestered carbon in biochar must be protected in its application to ensure the carbon sink in a trade system. Biochar in soil, green areas and concrete face the risk of being dis/re-located. However, that is not a threat to the carbon sequestration value. Biochar and biochar in a soil product sold in bags cannot account for the biochar sequestration value detached from the product, because of the risk of incineration. The future development of biochar stability assessment should in a short term assemble the existing knowledge of conducted trials and use that with knowledge of what approaches that best corresponds to the real stability of biochar. This could decrease the observed variations in the stability assessments and be used to calibrate and validate methods that could indicate stability. In the long perspective field trials and incubation trials should be done in a standardized way to assess the degradation, designed according to best practice with long trial times and consciously extrapolated data. / Biokol kan minska halten av CO2 i atmosfären och är identifierad som en möjlig teknologi för negativa CO2 utsläpp. Biokolets stabilitet har stor betydelse för dess potential. Målet med denna studie är att identifiera den bästa tillgängliga metoden för att indikera kolets stabilitet. Resultatet bygger på en litteraturgenomgång av befintligt kunskapsläge. Den föreslagna metoden testas med biokolsdata ifrån tidigare gjorda mätningar. Kolinbindningspotentialen i Stockholm Exergi’s biokolsprojekt beräknas genom att applicera metoden på förväntad biokolsproduktion. Biokol har en stabil kolstruktur, alltid mer stabil än den biomassa den härstammar ifrån. Uppskattningar av hur stabilt biokol är varierar mycket i litteraturen. Biokol är inte entydigt definierat utan är ett spann av olika material och dessutom är stabiliteten kontext beroende. Ytterligare variationer härstammar ifrån varierande experimentdesign och olika metoder som används för extrapolation av mätdata. För att beräkna kolinbindning i biokol som produceras behövs en metod som kan visa hur stabilt kolet är.Mätmetoden är resurskrävande och därför behövs istället ett samband mellan kolets innehåll/struktur och uppvisad stabilitet som kan användas i kombination med en enklare analys av det producerade biokolet för att indikera stabilitet. I teorin finns det många metoder som kan vara funktionella men enligt denna studie är H/Corg metoden i kombination med BC+100 index mest lämpligt att använda pågrund av metodens uppvisade koppling till uppmätt stabilitet, tillgänglighet och acceptans. Stockholm Exergi planerar för en biokolsproduktion på 5000 ton/år och H/Corg metoden uppskattar att detta årligen motsvarar 9 000 – 11 500 ton CO2 stabilt i minst 100 år. Spannet som resultatet uppvisar beror av den variation av uppskattad stabilitet i litteraturen och är ett incitament för att stödja en vidareutveckling av metoden. I applikationen av biokol måste kolsänkan skyddas för att kunna ingå i ett handelssystem. För biokol till jordförbättring, grönområden i staden samt biokol i betong föreligger en möjlighet att biokolet blir omflyttat eller förloras ifrån den ursprungliga applikationen, detta medför dock inte att kolsänkan går förlorad och är därför inte ett problem för värdet av kolsänkan. Däremot bör värdet av kolsänkan av biokol som säljs i konsumentförpackningar inte frikopplas ifrån biokolsprodukten eftersom det då saknas kontroll över att kolet inte bränns. Vidare studier av stabilitet av biokol bör på kort sikt innefatta insamling av befintlig data ifrån genomförda försök. Genom kunskap om hur olika faktorer inverkar på verklig och uppskattad stabilitet kan spannet av variation bättre accepteras och minska. Vidare kan insamlad data användas för att kalibrera och validera indikationsmetoder. Kommunikationen av kolsänkan av biokol och det långsiktiga värde som skiljer biokol ifrån andra mer kortsiktiga kolsänkor bör förbättras. Långsiktiga fält och inkubationsförsök bör etableras enligt kunskap om experimentell design och hantering av data för att på ett så korrekt sätt som möjligt spegla verklig stabilitet och kolsänka.

Techno economic assessment of CCUS for a biogas facility in Sweden : Evaluating the economic feasibility for three CCUS concepts / Tekno-ekonomisk undersökning av CCUS för en biogasanläggning i Sverige

Johansson, Tobias, Knutsson, Markus January 2022 (has links)
Many countries strengthen their commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to limit climate change and meet the Paris Agreement (Masson-Delmotte et al., 2019). Commitments include achieving net-zero emissions or in some cases even negative emissions (Government offices of Sweden, 2020a; United Nations, 2021a). To achieve these goals, carbon dioxide capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is considered as an essential strategy. Carbon capture storage and utilization are recognized methods of reducing or avoiding greenhouse gas emissions (IEA, 2019a, 2020). However, the uncertainty regarding costs, financial incentives, and pricing is impeding adoption. Further information is needed for CCUS concepts both in respect to cost estimates and required market prices for CCUS, this to provide guidance for decision makers and market actors. In this report a study has investigated the economic feasibility of three CCUS concepts for a biogas facility. One CCS concept where CO2 was captured and liquefied on-site to be transported to a terminal for shipping and end storage injection. The CCS concept annual capacity was ~16 500 ton net stored CO2. Two CCU concepts were considered, where synthetic natural gas (SNG) was produced via biologic methanation with on-site produced hydrogen, both with annual production of ~88 GWh SNG. A techno-economic assessment (TEA) was carried out where the key cost-drivers were identified, and the economic feasibility assessed. With performance and cost estimates for each process step in the different considered concepts a model was built where a cash flow was created and a net present value (NPV) could be calculated. The study found transportation to be the most prominent cost driver for CCS where shipping and storage represented 57 % of the total cost of CO2 removal. The cost driver for CCU concepts was found to be hydrogen production, where the electricity for the electrolyser constituted 65 % of the total cost of produced SNG. None of the concepts were found economic feasible when the Swedish market was considered. The break-even price for CO2 removal in the CCS concept was found to be 151 €/ton, just above the assumed base value used in this study. As the voluntary market is still undeveloped it is difficult to know what price that could be expected, however, in discussion with market experts a range between 150-200 €/ton would not be unthinkable for the concept studied. For the CCU concepts to be economically feasible, the estimated minimum price levels for SNG were 184 and 193 €/MWh respectively. Comparing to the benchmark price of diesel of 125 €/MWh, both CCU concepts were concluded to be unfeasible. The sensitivity analysis showed that the CCU concepts were very sensitive to variations in electricity price. When the German fuel market was considered, all studied concepts yielded a positive business case. CCS was the only concept showing economic feasibility, while the CCU concepts remained unfeasible. In the German market a GHG reduction quota credit was accounted for which was valued higher than the carbon removal credits in the voluntary market. / Många länder stärker sina åtaganden att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser för att begränsa klimatförändringen och uppfylla Parisavtalet (Masson-Delmotte et al., 2019). I åtagandena ingår att uppnå nettonollutsläpp eller i vissa fall till och med negativa utsläpp (Regeringskansliet, 2020a; FN, 2021a). För att uppnå dessa mål anses avskiljning, nyttjande och lagring av koldioxid (CCUS) vara en viktig strategi. Avskiljning, lagring och utnyttjande av koldioxid är erkända metoder för att minska eller undvika utsläpp av växthusgaser (IEA, 2019a, 2020). Osäkerheten kring kostnader, ekonomiska incitament och prissättning hindrar dock införandet. Ytterligare information behövs för CCUS-koncept både när det gäller kostnadsberäkningar och nödvändiga marknadspriser för CCUS, detta för att ge vägledning för beslutsfattare och marknadsaktörer. I den här rapporten undersöks den ekonomiska genomförbarheten av tre CCUS-koncept för en biogasanläggning. Ett CCS-koncept där koldioxid avskiljs och kondenseras på plats för att sedan transporteras till en terminal för slutlig sjöfrakt och injektion i geologiskt lager. Den årliga kapaciteten för CCS-konceptet var ~16 500 ton nettolagrad koldioxid. Två CCU-koncept övervägdes, där syntetisk natur gas (SNG) producerades genom biologisk metanisering med vätgas producerad på plats, där båda koncepten hade en årlig produktion av ~88 GWh SNG. En tekno-ekonomisk undersökning genomfördes där de viktigaste kostnadsdrivande faktorerna identifierades och den ekonomiska genomförbarheten bedömdes. Med hjälp av prestanda- och kostnadsberäkningar för varje processteg i de olika tänkta koncepten byggdes en modell där ett kassaflöde skapades och ett netto-nuvärde kunde beräknas. I studien konstaterades att transport var den mest framträdande kostnadsdrivande faktorn för CCS, där sjöfrakt och lagring stod för 57 % av den totala kostnaden för koldioxidavskiljning. Kostnadsdrivande för CCU-konceptet var vätgasproduktionen, där el till elektrolysen utgjorde 65 % av den totala kostnaden för producerad SNG. Inget av koncepten befanns vara ekonomiskt genomförbart när den svenska marknaden beaktades. Nollpunktspriset för koldioxidavskiljning i CCS-konceptet fanns vara 151 euro/ton, vilket är strax över det antagna basvärde som används i denna studie. Eftersom den frivilliga marknaden fortfarande är outvecklad är det svårt att veta vilket pris som kan förväntas, men i diskussioner med marknadsexperter skulle ett prisintervall på 150-200 €/ton inte vara otänkbart för det studerade konceptet. För att CCU-koncepten ska vara ekonomiskt genomförbara var de uppskattade minimipriserna för SNG 184 respektive 193 €/MWh. Jämfört med referenspriset för diesel på 125 €/MWh, ansågs båda CCU-koncepten vara ekonomiskt ogenomförbara. Känslighetsanalysen visade att CCU-koncepten var mycket känsliga för variationer i elpriset. När den tyska bränslemarknaden beaktades gav alla studerade koncept ett positivt netto-nuvärde. CCS konceptet var det enda konceptet som ansågs vara ekonomiskt genomförbart, medan CCU-koncepten förblev ogenomförbara. På den tyska marknaden räknades en kvot för minskning av växthusgasutsläpp in, som värderades högre än de krediter för avskiljning av koldioxid som fanns på den frivilliga marknaden.


Snorradóttir, Hólmfrídur January 2022 (has links)
To meet ambitious climate goals, of keeping global warming below 2°C, past emissions need to be removed from the atmosphere with the help of negative emissions technologies (NETs). The transition of energy systems, however, needs to follow the requirements of sustainable development to benefit all three pillars of sustainability, those are the environment, society, and economy. A NET that has gained increased attention from policymakers and businesses in recent years is direct air capture (DAC). The technology is currently on a small scale and faces challenges for scale-up such as energy and water intensity, the unclear requirements of resources and uncertain environmental, social, and economic impacts. The aim of this study was, therefore, to address DAC's impact on the three pillars of sustainability to answer the research question: How does direct air capture influence or connect to the three pillars of sustainable development? Because of the lack of research on DAC in connection with sustainability a qualitative interview approach was chosen where five interviews were conducted with researchers working with DAC. The findings derived from the interviews were separated into the different pillars of sustainability. The finding for the sustainability aspect included the definition of sustainability, various justice aspects and contributions to the SDGs. For the environmental aspect, DAC's carbon footprint and impact on mitigation were highlighted. The economic aspect of DAC showed the need for a clear business model and a supportive carbon mechanism. Lastly, for the social aspect low level of knowledge and the importance of social acceptance were recognized. Concluding, these different aspects influence the pillars of sustainability and need to be considered before further scale-up of DAC.

The future of captured CO2 : Analysis of the role of carbon capture, storage and utilisation in a sustainable Europe

Granér, Oscar, Johansson, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
The energy transition is one of the largest challenges our global society is facing. In 2015, the United Nations acknowledged the Paris Agreement, where the world’s nations were united to limit the global warming well below 2 °C in comparison with pre-historic levels. One of the measures to tackle this challenge that have been proposed by both the International Energy Agency and the European Union is carbon capture and storage or utilisation (CCUS). The concept of CCUS is relatively old but has in light of climate mitigation measures been identified as vital since carbon dioxide (CO2) either can be permanently stored or sequestered into products and materials. Previous research has shown a large potential in CCUS, and that it has a key role in enabling and achieving net-zero climate scenarios. However, large-scale and widely distributed CCUS facilities has not yet been deployed, and it is not fully clear which aspects that are the most important affecting the deployment and how this can be facilitated. This study aims to investigate the current and future market of captured CO2 in Europe during the next decade. The study aims to fill the knowledge gap on how policies affect the development of CCUS, the drivers and barriers that current actors have identified within the field, and lastly, possible pathways in which CO2 can be used. This study was performed using a literature scoping review and interviews with relevant CCUS actors in different parts of the value-chain. The results show CCUS is recognised as an important tool within the European Union to reach the climate goals set out by the European Commission. The development and further deployment of CCUS are however prevented due to economic and legislative barriers, of which low carbon pricing, such as the EU ETS, is identified as the main barrier against making CCUS commercially competitive. Additional legislative barriers are connected to the cross-national trade and export of CO2, as well as a lacking framework on verification and monitoring of captured CO2 and the trade with carbon removal credits. The results also show that CCUS initially will be developed at industrial clusters in the North-West Europe, where shared infrastructure is recognised as an enabler due to sharing risks of investments. The main focus within Europe is on offshore storage rather than CCU due to its large sequestering potential, although CCU can be relevant in regions lacking infrastructure for the transportation of CO2. Regarding the investigated utilisation options, synthetic fuels, building materials, and polymers have been identified to have high potential even if they are not believed to have a high influence as a climate mitigation measure in comparison with CCS. It is concluded that viable business models and cost-effective infrastructure solutions are essential for the European CCUS industry. Much of the deployment is however dependent on clear, beneficial frameworks and policies stating the rules and facilitating the economics of CCUS. Nevertheless, it is expected that especially the European CCS sector will grow in Europe in the upcoming decade, although the role of CCU should not be neglected.

Modeling the global potential and limitations of biomass pyrolysis as a negative emission technology using a dynamic vegetation model

Werner, Constanze Inge Maria 25 March 2024 (has links)
Der anhaltende Anstieg der anthropogenen Treibhausgasemissionen führt zu einer erheblichen Verschärfung des Klimawandels und bedroht damit zunehmend die Integrität der Biosphäre und Gesellschaften weltweit. Negative Emissions-Technologien (NETs) wie die Pyrogene Kohlenstoffbindung und -speicherung (PyCCS) bieten potenzielle Lösungsansätze zur Minderung dieser Bedrohung. Diese Dissertation umfasst drei Studien, in denen das Vegetationsmodell LPJmL angewendet wird, um die globalen biogeochemischen Potenziale von PyCCS unter verschiedenen Implementierungsszenarien zu analysieren und die damit verbundenen Landnutzungsdynamiken zu evaluieren, die zu den kritischsten Zielkonflikten gehören. Zunächst zeigt die erste Studie mithilfe einer bedarfsorientierten Analyse, dass die Speicherung von Pflanzenkohle im Boden das Potenzial aufweist, NE von einem Umfang zu liefern, der laut klima-ökonomischen Szenarien zur Begrenzung der globalen Klimaerwärmung auf 1,5°C erforderlich wäre, was als besonders schwer vereinbar mit Naturschutz identifiziert wird. Die zweite Studie untersucht darauffolgend einen PyCCS-Ansatz, der den Landnutzungsdruck reduziert, indem Ackerflächen für PyCCS freigegeben werden, während die Kalorienversorgung auf den verbleibenden Anbauflächen durch Ertragssteigerungen mittels Pflanzenkohlezuführung aufrechterhalten wird. Dieser Ansatz könnte NE aus Bioenergie mit CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung—eine wichtige NET in ökonomischen Mitigationsszenarien—ersetzen und Flächen freigeben, die alternativ die Kalorienproduktion oder Naturschutzflächen fördern könnten. Im Rahmen der dritten Studie baut die Dissertation das Verständnis über das Potenzial von LCN-PyCCS als Instrument zur Klimastabilisierung durch die zusätzliche Darstellung der sich verbreitenden Praxis der Pflanzenkohle-basierten Düngung und Sensitivitätsanalysen der angenommenen Pyrolyseparameter und Bewirtschaftungsintensitäten weiter aus. / The ongoing rise in anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions is significantly exacerbating climate change, which poses an increasing threat to the integrity of the biosphere and societies worldwide. Negative emission technologies (NETs) like Pyrogenic carbon capture and storage (PyCCS) offer potential mitigation solutions. This dissertation comprises three studies that apply the Dynamic Global Vegetation Model LPJmL to estimate global biogeochemical potentials of PyCCS under different deployment scenarios and evaluate the associated land use dynamics, which are among the most critical potential trade-offs. The first study is a demand-driven analysis aiming to achieve NEs projected to be required for limiting global warming to 1.5°C by PyCCS deployment. It finds that that biochar application has the potential to deliver these NEs — yet only under significant land use expansion, posing a significant threat to areas identified as particularly relevant for conservation. Subsequently, a novel approach to PyCCS deployment was assessed that reduces land pressure by releasing cropland to PyCCS feedstock production while maintaining calorie supply through biochar-mediated yield increases on remaining cropland. Based on this allocation scheme and LPJmL-computed biomass yields, a sequestration potential of 0.44–2.62 Gt CO2 yr−1 was quantified alongside calculating the potential benefits of replacing NE from BECCS (bioenergy with carbon capture and storage — a prominent NET in stabilization scenarios of climate economics) with PyCCS for nature restoration and calorie production. The understanding of the potential for LCN-PyCCS as a strategy for climate stabilization was further expanded by the representation of the emerging practice of biochar-based fertilization (i.e., biochar applied as mixtures with fertilizer at lower rates than the previously evaluated soil amendment) and sensitivity analyses of assumed pyrolysis parameters and management intensities in the third study.

Analysis of Negative Emission Ammonia Fertilizer (urea) Process / Analys av negativa utsläpp från ammoniak gödsel (urea) processen

Alejo Vargas, Lucio Rodrigo January 2020 (has links)
As the world population keeps increasing, ammonia-based fertilizers like urea are essential to provide food security. However, the current fertilizer industry is based on fossil fuel feedstock (mainly natural gas), making the production process CO2 emission-intensive. More specifically, besides the CO2 emitted during the process, the CO2 captured in urea is also released into the atmosphere after the fertilizer is applied to agricultural soils. Thus, positioning the fertilizer industry among the top four industrial emitters globally. Hence, in order to meet the target of limiting global warming to 1.5 ºC and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, it is necessary to strengthen the carbon mitigation efforts in the current fertilizer industry. This can be achieved in different ways, such as using renewable biofuels and implementing technologies that can lead to zero/negative CO2 emissions. For that reason, the present study presents pathways to achieve a more environmentally friendly fertilizer production process. An overall analysis is performed if negative emissions can be achieved by replacing different fractions of natural gas (used as both feedstock and fuel) with biogas and biomethane and by capturing and storing the CO2 emitted from the process using chemical solvents as activated MDEA and MEA. The results obtained from the study revealed that negative emissions in fertilizer plant can be achieved by retrofitting an existing ammonia plant with a MEA based CO2 capture system (with a carbon capture rate of 90%) for the SMR burner flue gas, and by introducing 50% of biogas in the feedstock (alongside Natural gas), and 75% of biogas in the SMR burner fuel (alongside Natural gas). This initial approach would result in net negative emissions from urea's production and application and require approximately 0.5 kg of biogas per kg of urea produced in this case. Furthermore, the equivalent energy intensity for the negative emission urea plant would be 0.32% and 3.37% lower compared to the fossil fuel-based case without/with CCS, respectively. Ultimately, it is even possible to produce approximately 6% more urea product by replacing a particular fraction of natural gas with biogas. The reason for this increased production is due to the surplus of carbon dioxide by the introduction of biogas. It can be used along with the ammonia product going to storage in the fossil fuel-based case, where there was not enough CO2 to keep the feedstock molar ratio at the urea plant's inlet.

Negative CO2 Emissions from Chemical Looping Combustion: Gas Cleaning for CO2 Storage / Negativa CO2 Utsläpp med Kemcyklisk Förbränning: Process för Gasrening och Lagring av CO2

Raud Pettersson, Laura January 2022 (has links)
Kemcyklisk förbränning (CLC) involverar en icke komplex separation av den bildade koldioxiden (CO2) efter förbränningen eftersom syret (O2) överförs till bränslet via en syrebärare som cirkulerar mellan luft- och bränslereaktorn. Eftersom O2 separeras effektivt från kvävgasen (N2) i luftreaktorn, erhålls en produkt gas som till majoriteten består av CO2 och vatten (H2O). Detta resulterar således i mindre komplexa och energi-krävande rökgasreningssystem. Vid förbränning av biomassa inom kemcyklisk förbränning kan negativa CO2 utsläpp erhållas om den producerade CO2 gasen infångas och slutförvaras exempelvis i geologiska formationer. Den infångade CO2 gasen måste för att uppfylla stringenta reningskrav för att undvika diverse konsekvenser relaterade till transportkedjan och slutförvaringen. Förutom CO2 och H2O, kommer den genererade rökgasen från CLC innehålla mindre mängder av biprodukter som kväveoxider (NOx), svaveloxider (SOx) och övriga kontaminanter som behöver att reduceras ned till ppm nivåer för att möta reningskravet på CO2 gasen. På grund av en ofullständig förbränning i CLC erfordras en efterförbränningskammare med en extern tillsats av O2 för att uppnå en fullständig förbränning. Det kan därför förväntas att överskotts-O2 kommer att finnas i den utgående gasen efter post oxidationskammaren, som också behöver att renas ned till ppm koncentrationer. De föreslagna rökgasreningssystemen efter CLC involverar de mest konventionella rökgasreningssystem använda inom industrin idag. Till dessa tillhör bland annat elektrofilter (ESP), våt rökgasavsvavling (WFGD), selektiv katalytisk reduktion (SCR) och selektiv icke-katalytisk reduktion (SNCR) för kväveoxireducering. Två kylnings och CO2 förvätskningstekniker diskuteras i detta arbete: den förkylda Linde Hampson systemet och det kryogena destillationssystemet. Ett rökgasreningssystem har föreslagits för varje förvätskningsteknik. Bland de två föreslagna reningssystemen, enbart scenario 2 uppfyllde Northern Lights kravspecifikationen på CO2, med en reningsgrad på 99.998%. Denna studie anses vara unik då ingen litteratur rörande rökgasrening inom kemcyklisk förbränning var publicerad under skrivtiden av denna masteravhandling. / Chemical looping combustion (CLC) involves an inherent separation of carbon dioxide (CO2), since oxygen (O2) is transferred to the fuel via an oxygen carrier, circulating between the air and fuel reactor. With O2 being removed from nitrogen (N2) in the air reactor, a separate stream containing mostly CO2 and water (H2O) is produced in the fuel reactor, eliminating the need of expensive and energy-demanding gas separation technologies. The use of biomass as fuel in CLC may result in negative CO2 emissions if CO2 is captured and stored. The CO2 product gas must comply to certain purity levels depending on ways of CO2 transportation and where it will be stored. Besides H2O and CO2, the generated flue gas stream in CLC will also contain trace amounts of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx) and other contaminants, thus requiring a deep removal to ppm levels to comply with the stringent CO2 purity criteria for storage in saline aquifers in this work. Due to an incomplete combustion of fuel gases in CLC, an oxy-polishing step is required for a full conversion to gas products CO2 and H2O. Therefore, pure O2 is required for the oxy-polishing step. Some residual O2 will also be expected in the flue gas stream and needs to be reduced to ppm levels. The downstream treatment in CLC involves the best available gas processing technologies practiced commercially today, such as electrostatic precipitators (ESPs), wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD), selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR). Two CO2 processing systems are discussed in this work; the precooled Linde Hampson unit and the Distillation Separation unit. For each CO2 processing unit (CPU), a flue gas treatment is proposed. Amongst the two proposed scenarios, scenario 2, could with highest certainty, produce a liquid CO2 stream with a purity of 99.998%, complying to the CO2 criteria set by the Northern Lights Project in Norway. At the time of writing this thesis, no other literature has been published assessing flue gas treatment and CPU alternatives in in bio-CLC.

ADVANCING CARBON NEUTRALITY : Techno-economic analysis of Direct Air Capture at commercial scale

Nilsson, Martin January 2024 (has links)
In light of escalating concerns over climate change and the imperative to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon emissions, the pursuit of negative emissions technologies (NETs) has gained significant attention. Direct air capture (DAC) stands out as a promising avenue, offering the potential to actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This degree project provides a thorough examination of two leading DAC projects, Mammoth and Stratos, which exemplify innovative approaches to achieving negative emissions at scale. By employing low-temperature DAC (LT DAC) and high-temperature DAC (HT DAC) respectively, Mammoth and Stratos confront the challenge of carbon capture with distinct technological strategies. This degree project employs a Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA) to estimate the Levelized Cost of CO2 Capture through DAC (LCOD), revealing Mammoth'sLCOD at $260/tCO2and Stratos at $608/tCO2, excluding costs for carbon transport and storage.The TEA is followed up with a Sensitivity Analysis to assess how the LCOD is affected by variations in input parameters, such as capital costs and electricity demand/costs among several parameters. Furthermore, this degree project identifies that uncertainties remain regarding the carbon storage solution, including its efficiency, long-term environmental implications, and associated costs. Given the Stratos projects’ dependence on Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) as the method of storing the captured carbon, the concern regarding efficiency and environmental implications is particularly relevant, as this method could potentially optimize oil production by 5-20%. As the discourse on DAC continues to evolve, this degree project advocates for the integration of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) to comprehensively evaluate environmental impactsof both projects. This would guide the path towards sustainable carbon capture solutions, aiding in informed decision-making and guiding future DAC endeavors.

Koldioxidlagring i Sverige : En studie om CCS, Bio-CCS, DACCS och biokol ur ett 2045-perspektiv / Carbon Storage in Sweden : A study on CCS, BECCS, DACCS and biochar from a 2045 perspective

Bojö, Erik, Edberg, Vincent January 2021 (has links)
Sverige har som ambition att uppnå nettonollutsläpp av fossilt CO2 till år 2045. För att lyckas med detta ska landet minska sina utsläpp med 85%, samtidigt som så kallade kompletterande åtgärder kommer vidtas för att kompensera för resterande 15%. Denna studie utreder Sveriges arbete med negativa utsläpp som kompletterande åtgärd med fokus på teknikerna bio-energy for carbon capture and storage (Bio-CCS på svenska), Direct air capture for carbon capture and storage (DACCS) och biokol. Även carbon capture and storage (CCS), som kan bidra till att göra anläggningar CO2-neutrala, har studerats. Under arbetets gång har en litteraturstudie samt intervjuer med forskare, politiker, bransch- och företagsrepresentanter samt myndigheter genomförts.  För CCS och Bio-CCS, som innefattar avskiljning av CO2 från punktutsläpp, finns fyra olika avskiljningsstrategier som kallas post-, pre-, och oxyfuel combustion samt chemical looping. I fallet med DACCS tillämpas antingen absorption eller adsorption för att avskilja koldioxiden från atmosfären. Biokol produceras genom förbränning av biomassa i en pyrolysanläggning och kan sedan användas som jordförbättringsmedel och kolsänka. Det finns idag en inhemsk biokolsproduktion på kommersiell skala vilket gör att biokol skiljer sig från de övriga tre teknikerna som inte kommit lika långt i sin utveckling. Däremot finns det ett flertal pilotprojekt inom CCS och Bio-CCS i Sverige.  Sveriges väletablerade bioekonomi gör att det finns goda förutsättningar för biokol och Bio- CCS att bidra till negativa utsläpp ur ett 2045-perspektiv. DACCS anses däremot inte aktuellt som kompletterande åtgärd till år 2045. Efter intervjuer framgår att det råder en god samstämmighet mellan olika aktörer kring vilka faktorer som behöver behandlas för att implementera teknikerna. Gemensamt för alla tekniker är att det krävs ekonomiska incitament för att möjliggöra storskalig implementering. För CCS-teknikerna krävs även regulatoriska förändringar för att underlätta transporten av CO2. / Sweden's ambition is to achieve net zero emissions of fossil CO2 by the year 2045. To reach this target, Sweden aims to reduce its emissions by 85%, while so-called supplementary measures will be taken to compensate for the remaining 15%. This study investigates Sweden's work with negative emissions as a complementary measure with a focus on the technologies bio-energy for carbon capture and storage (Bio-CCS in Swedish), Direct air capture for carbon capture and storage (DACCS) and biochar. Carbon capture and storage (CCS), which can help make industrial plants CO2-neutral, has also been studied. During the project, a literature study and interviews with researchers, politicians, industry and company representatives as well as authorities were carried out, which formed the basis of the report.  For CCS and Bio-CCS, which include separation of CO2 from point source emissions, there are four different separation strategies called post-, pre-, and oxyfuel combustion as well as chemical looping. Among these, post combustion is highlighted as the most developed. In the case of DACCS, either absorption or adsorption is applied to separate CO2 from the atmosphere. CCS, Bio-CCS and DACCS all have in common that the captured CO2 must be stored in deep geological formations once it has been separated. Biochar is produced by heating biomass in a pyrolysis plant and can be used as a soil improver and carbon sink. Today Sweden has a domestic biochar production on a commercial scale, which means that biochar differs from the other three technologies that have yet to reach that stage of development. However, there are several pilot projects within Bio-CCS and CCS in Sweden.  Sweden's well-established bioeconomy means that the conditions are good for biochar and Bio-CCS to contribute to negative emissions in relation to the 2045 target. DACCS, on the other hand, is not considered relevant as a supplementary measure to the year 2045 due to its technical immaturity and high cost. From interviews with researchers, authorities, companies, industry organizations and politicians, it is clear that there is a consensus between the different actors on which factors need to be addressed in order to enable large-scale implementation of the technologies. Common to all technologies is that financial incentives are required to enable large-scale implementation. The CCS technologies also require regulatory changes to facilitate the transport of CO2.

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