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Bauliche Erneuerungen und demographische Veränderungen in Zeilenbauten der 1950/60er Jahre: Das Beispiel HannoverRuprecht, Mei-Ing 13 May 2022 (has links)
Zeilenbauten der 1950/60er Jahre wurden nach dem Leitbild der „gegliederten und aufgelockerten Stadt“ errichtet, liegen aus heutiger Sicht innenstadtnah und bieten kompakten, meist preisgünstigen Wohnraum. Zeilenbauten werden große Entwicklungspotenziale zugeschrieben, jedoch können eine „doppelte Alterung“ von Bewohnerschaft und Gebäudebeständen, die Konzentration sozial benachteiligter Haushalte sowie Verkäufe von Wohnungsbeständen an internationale Wohnungsanbieter zu Umbrüchen und ggf. zu Abwärtsspiralen führen. Was trägt dazu bei, ob es zu einer Modernisierung oder zu einer Abwertung kommt? Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es, diesen großen Wohnungsbestand der Nachkriegszeit weiterzuentwickeln? Da kleinräumige quantitative Studien zu baulichen und demographischen Veränderungen bislang fehlen, wurde am Beispiel der Stadt Hannover eine gebäudetypspezifische Analyse für Zeilenbauten der 1950/60er Jahre durchgeführt. Eine Clusteranalyse zeigte eine demographische Ausdifferenzierung der Bewohnerschaft und eine umfangreiche Primärdatenerhebung die unterschiedlichen Erneuerungszustände der Zeilenbauten. Mittels einer Kontingenzanalyse wurde der Einfluss der Eigentümerschaft und der stadträumlichen Lage auf den baulichen Zustand und auf die demographischen Veränderungen überprüft. Fünf qualitative Fallstudien sowie Experteninterviews mit Wohnungsunternehmen untersetzen die quantitativen Ergebnisse. Abschließend wurden Einflussmöglichkeiten auf die Weiterentwicklung von Zeilenbauten der 1950/60er Jahre herausgearbeitet.:1 Einleitung
1.1 Ziel der Arbeit
1.2 Zeilenbauten der 1950/60er Jahre
1.3 Problemstellung
1.4 Stand der Forschung
1.5 Forschungsinteresse
1.6 Aufbau der Arbeit
2 Theoretischer Hintergrund
2.1 Theorien zur Veränderung von Wohnungsbeständen
2.2 Bauliche Erneuerungen von Zeilenbauten
2.3 Demographische Veränderungen der Bewohnerschaft
2.4 Bedeutung der Eigentümerschaft
2.5 Bedeutung der Lage
2.6 Einflussmöglichkeiten auf die Veränderungen von Zeilenbauten
2.7 Arbeitshypothesen und Forschungsfragen
3 Methodologie
3.1 Fallauswahl und methodisches Vorgehen
3.2 Quantitative Analyse von Veränderungen und Einflussfaktoren
3.3 Vertiefende Fallstudien
3.4 Zusammenfassung
4 Zeilenbauten der 1950/60er Jahre in Hannover
4.1 Heutige Entwicklung Hannovers
4.2 Wohnungs- und Städtebau in den 1950/60er Jahren
4.3 Bauliche Erneuerungen von Zeilenbauten
4.4 Demographische Veränderungen der Bewohnerschaft
4.5 Eigentümerschaft von Zeilenbauten
4.6 Zusammenführung
5 Vertiefende Fallstudien
5.1 Mittelfeld – Nord
5.2 Hainholz – Bömelburgviertel
5.3 Vahrenwald – Nord
5.4 Misburg – Kurt-Schumacher-Ring
5.5 Leinhausen – Bundesbahnsiedlung
5.6 Ausblick
6 Querschnittsanalyse und Zusammenführung
6.1 Bedeutung der Eigentümerschaft
6.2 Bedeutung der Lage
6.3 Zusammenführung der quantitativen und qualitativen Ergebnisse
6.4 Handlungsbedarf und Einflussmöglichkeiten
7 Diskussion und Schlussfolgerungen
7.1 Diskussion der Ergebnisse aus der Stadt Hannover
7.2 Wissenschaftlicher Beitrag und weiterer Forschungsbedarf
7.3 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick / Zeilenbau apartment buildings of the 1950/60s were built as a social housing standard type after World War II. The stock offers small flats, good accessibility and comparably low rents. Over time, large 1950/60s districts with Zeilenbau have become problematic neighborhoods. For this PhD thesis, a sequential quantitative qualitative case study has been undertaken in the city of Hannover. Main investigations concerned demographic development of inhabitants, building renewal, as well as the influencing factors of ownership and urban context.:1 Einleitung
1.1 Ziel der Arbeit
1.2 Zeilenbauten der 1950/60er Jahre
1.3 Problemstellung
1.4 Stand der Forschung
1.5 Forschungsinteresse
1.6 Aufbau der Arbeit
2 Theoretischer Hintergrund
2.1 Theorien zur Veränderung von Wohnungsbeständen
2.2 Bauliche Erneuerungen von Zeilenbauten
2.3 Demographische Veränderungen der Bewohnerschaft
2.4 Bedeutung der Eigentümerschaft
2.5 Bedeutung der Lage
2.6 Einflussmöglichkeiten auf die Veränderungen von Zeilenbauten
2.7 Arbeitshypothesen und Forschungsfragen
3 Methodologie
3.1 Fallauswahl und methodisches Vorgehen
3.2 Quantitative Analyse von Veränderungen und Einflussfaktoren
3.3 Vertiefende Fallstudien
3.4 Zusammenfassung
4 Zeilenbauten der 1950/60er Jahre in Hannover
4.1 Heutige Entwicklung Hannovers
4.2 Wohnungs- und Städtebau in den 1950/60er Jahren
4.3 Bauliche Erneuerungen von Zeilenbauten
4.4 Demographische Veränderungen der Bewohnerschaft
4.5 Eigentümerschaft von Zeilenbauten
4.6 Zusammenführung
5 Vertiefende Fallstudien
5.1 Mittelfeld – Nord
5.2 Hainholz – Bömelburgviertel
5.3 Vahrenwald – Nord
5.4 Misburg – Kurt-Schumacher-Ring
5.5 Leinhausen – Bundesbahnsiedlung
5.6 Ausblick
6 Querschnittsanalyse und Zusammenführung
6.1 Bedeutung der Eigentümerschaft
6.2 Bedeutung der Lage
6.3 Zusammenführung der quantitativen und qualitativen Ergebnisse
6.4 Handlungsbedarf und Einflussmöglichkeiten
7 Diskussion und Schlussfolgerungen
7.1 Diskussion der Ergebnisse aus der Stadt Hannover
7.2 Wissenschaftlicher Beitrag und weiterer Forschungsbedarf
7.3 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
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Quinta vertical: vivienda colectiva en Barrios AltosVicente Hurtado, José Elías Vladimir 17 July 2020 (has links)
Quinta Vertical: vivienda colectiva en Barrios Altos, surge a partir de la añoranza de los juegos hechos en patios, de quintas y callejones, donde reinaban los niños y los viejos. También es una crítica al actual modelo inmobiliario, en muchos casos, fuente y resultante de los problemas sociales actuales relacionados al individualismo. La presente tesis es la respuesta arquitectónica al déficit habitacional acorde a las exigencias y costumbres de una sociedad diversa y prospera culturalmente, ligada fuertemente a la identidad limeña y cuyos objetivos son resueltos, en su mayoría, gracias a su capacidad de colectividad, sumergida en un entorno en continuo desgaste y destrucción a pesar de su importancia urbanística e histórica, el cual degenera el modo de vivir de sus habitantes obligándolos irremediablemente a abandonarlo. El proyecto asimila tipologías urbanas y domesticas tradicionales del lugar, estudia teorías arquitectónicas relevantes y las emplea con una conciencia contemporánea enfatizando la identidad de barrio y densidad habitacional en una búsqueda por lograr viviendas de calidad, áreas comunes capaces de propiciar la vida colectiva y la inserción armónica en un centro histórico. / Vertical Quinta: Collective Housing in Barrios Altos, arises from a yearning of the games in the patios, of quintas and callejones, where kids and old ones reigned. It is also a critical stand on the real state model, in a lot of ways the source and result of current social problems related to individualism. The present thesis is an architectural response of the housing deficit, according to the demands and traditional ways of a diverse and culturally flourished society, strongly linked to the limeño’s identity, whose objectives are mostly resolved thanks to their collective capacity, emerge in a context of continuum wear and destruction, in spite of its urban and historic relevance, which degenerates the way of living of its occupants forcing them to hopelessly abandon it.
The project assimilates urban and domestic traditional typologies found in the place, it studies relevant architectural theories and applies them with a contemporary consciousness emphasizing a neighborhood identity and habitation density in a search to reach quality housing, common areas capable of propitiate a collective life and a harmonic insertion in a historical center. / Tesis
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Benefits and Barriers of HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program As Perceived by StakeholdersBennett, L. Diane 01 January 2015 (has links)
Devalued homes and weakened economic conditions of 2008 led to lost property tax revenues, more vacant and abandoned properties, and destabilized neighborhoods. The first Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP1) was a federal intervention designed to mitigate the damage of the recession, but there is scant evidence of program effectiveness. A phenomenological study, using a method outlined by Moustakas,
answered questions on the benefits and barriers of NSP1 as perceived by stakeholders in a Mid-Atlantic city. Stakeholders included nonprofit housing advocates, residents, business partners, and government officials. Theories of collaborative governance and community stakeholders were used to guide the investigation of NSP1 processes and stakeholders' perceptions. Ten stakeholders responded to 9 compound interview questions derived from the research question and 4 subquestions in semi-structured interviews. Responses were transcribed, verified for accuracy, and then coded and
analyzed for recurring themes. Five prominent themes emerged: (1) challenges with NSP1 guidelines, (2) importance of partner capacity, (3) positive results in targeted neighborhoods, (4) city's approach to community development, and (5) sustaining positive results. Findings were that NSP1's benefits for residents outweighed procedural barriers and NSP1's short duration still yielded positive results in neighborhoods. This study has policy and social change implications for all stakeholders involved. Recommendations include continuous city involvement to stabilize neighborhoods during future recessions and better entrepreneurial strategies to integrate private and non-profit stakeholders in all phases of collaborative governance.
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Influence of Privatization Policies on Residential Satisfaction in Military Family HousingHawley, Kirsten R. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Little published research has examined the post-implementation outcomes of public private partnerships for housing, specifically the Military Privatized Housing Initiative (MPHI) from the perspective of the end user, the Military Family Housing (MFH) resident. Using Mettler and SoRelle's conceptualization of policy feedback theory as the foundation, the purpose of this repeated cross-sectional study was to assess residential satisfaction pre- and post- implementation of the MPHI. The study also addressed the influence of sociodemographic factors on MFH residents' perceived residential satisfaction. Secondary data were collected using 2 Department of Defense surveys administered pre- and post-implementation. An independent-samples t test was used to examine residential satisfaction before and after implementation of the MPHI. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the influence of sociodemographic characteristics on residential satisfaction of MFH residents. Results indicated that privately-managed MFH residents were less satisfied than residents of government-managed MFH (p < .001). Results also showed that paygrade, branch of service, ethnicity/race, and having children or dependents in a household were significant determinants of residential satisfaction for government-managed MFH residents (p < .05). In privately-managed MFH, residents having children or dependents in the household was a significant determinant of residential satisfaction (p < .05). The positive social change implications stemming from this study include recommendations to policy makers to continue examination of MPHI outcomes and improve data collection consistency to ensure current housing policies are meeting the needs of military families.
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No description available.
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Våld i nära relation och socioekonomisk status : En kvantitativ studie av skillnader i brottsnivå mellan kommuner / Intimate partner violence and neighborhood disadvantage : A quantitative study of differences in crime ratesDavidsson, Evelina, Stråle, Therése January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att med kvantitativ metod undersöka om samband föreligger mellan låg socioekonomisk status och förekomst av brott i nära relation i landets kommuner. Regressions- samt geografisk analys används för att studera socioekonomiska faktorers påverkan på frekvensen i antalet anmälda brott i nära relation, samt belysa geografiska variationer i brottsnivå. Resultatet ger stöd för hypotesen samt vad som förväntades utifrån teorin om social desorganisation samt strainteori avseende socioekonomiska faktorers samband med nivåer av våld i nära relation. Vi kan dock inte utesluta vare sig medierande eller modererande faktorer som tidigare forskning visat på. För det krävs vidare forskning. Våld i nära relation skulle alltså, baserat på resultaten, vara mer sannolikt att förekomma i kommuner med högre andel individer med låg socioekonomisk status. Följaktligen bör sannolikt brottspreventiva åtgärder som syftar till att motverka effekterna av låg socioekonomisk status även motverka förekomsten av våld i nära relation. / This study considers the effects of concentrated disadvantage on the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) in Sweden. The purpose is to quantitatively study the relationship between rates of reported IPV to police. Multiple regression analysis is used to examine the relationship between socioeconomic factors and differences in crime rates among municipalities. Geographical analysis is used to examine variations in crime rates between municipalities. The results seemingly confirms the hypothesis that concentrated disadvantage significantly increases intimate partner violence, as expected from social disorganization and strain theory. However, we can not rule out the possibility of mediating and/or moderating factors as indicated from previous studies abroad. For that, further research needs to be done. Based on the results, municipality representatives should consider crime prevention strategies aimed at decreasing the effects of concentrated disadvantage among residential areas.
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Data Mining the Effects of Storage Conditions, Testing Conditions, and Specimen Properties on Brain BiomechanicsCrawford, Folly Martha Dzan 10 August 2018 (has links)
Traumatic brain injury is highly prevalent in the United States yet there is little understanding of how the brain responds during injurious loading. A confounding problem is that because testing conditions vary between assessment methods, brain biomechanics cannot be fully understood. Data mining techniques were applied to discover how changes in testing conditions affect the mechanical response of the brain. Data were gathered from literature sources and self-organizing maps were used to conduct a sensitivity analysis to rank considered parameters by importance. Fuzzy C-means clustering was applied to find any data patterns. The rankings and clustering for each data set varied, indicating that the strain rate and type of deformation influence the role of these parameters. Multivariate linear regression was applied to develop a model which can predict the mechanical response from different experimental conditions. Prediction of response depended primarily on strain rate, frequency, brain matter composition, and anatomical region.
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The Relationship between Socio-Demographic Constraints, Neighborhood Built Environment, and Travel Behavior: Three Empirical EssaysKwon, Kihyun 09 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Spatial-temporal methods for understanding the dynamics of the opioid overdose epidemic and its community contextLi, Yuchen 09 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Reducing household food waste with a meal plan generating algorithm / Reducering av matsvinn ihushåll med hjälp av en måltidsplanerings algoritmJansson, Hanna My January 2022 (has links)
This thesis aims to see If an algorithm could automatically generate a meal plan that is optimized for low food waste. Design and creation is the method used and the algorithm is developed over a few iterations. The idea is that the algorithm could be used in a mobile application that allows users to search for recipes, mark the ones they like, add their own, and generate a meal plan. The resulting algorithm consists of four parts; an input stage, a stage that decides when to cook each portion, an improvement stage in which the algorithm searches for a better combination of recipes, and an output stage. An adaptation of a neighborhood search is used for the search algorithm, in addition, two heuristic evaluation functions are used to evaluate the waste and other factors of the meal plan. The test results show that the algorithm can generate meal plans with no leftover items (that last shorter than 60 days) for a lot of different test cases. More recipes produce better results up to a certain point, but not so many recipes are needed to have a chance of a successful meal plan generation. Future testing and research in this area could lead to a lot of benefits for people and the climate.
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