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Considering daily mobility in contextual studies of social inequalities in health : conceptual and empirical insightsShareck, Martine 12 1900 (has links)
Les études sur les milieux de vie et la santé ont traditionnellement porté sur le seul quartier de résidence. Des critiques ont été émises à cet égard, soulignant le fait que la mobilité quotidienne des individus n’était pas prise en compte et que l’accent mis sur le quartier de résidence se faisait au détriment d’autres milieux de vie où les individus passent du temps, c’est-à-dire leur espace d’activité. Bien que la mobilité quotidienne fasse l’objet d’un intérêt croissant en santé publique, peu d’études se sont intéressé aux inégalités sociales de santé. Ceci, même en dépit du fait que différents groupes sociaux n’ont pas nécessairement la même capacité à accéder à des milieux favorables pour la santé. Le lien entre les inégalités en matière de mobilité et les inégalités sociales de santé mérite d’être exploré.
Dans cette thèse, je développe d'abord une proposition conceptuelle qui ancre la mobilité quotidienne dans le concept de potentiel de mobilité. Le potentiel de mobilité englobe les opportunités et les lieux que les individus peuvent choisir d’accéder en convertissant leur potentiel en mobilité réalisée. Le potentiel de mobilité est façonné par des caractéristiques individuelles (ex. le revenu) et géographiques (ex. la proximité des transports en commun), ainsi que par des règles régissant l’accès à certaines ressources et à certains lieux (ex. le droit). Ces caractéristiques et règles sont inégalement distribuées entre les groupes sociaux. Des inégalités sociales en matière de mobilité réalisée peuvent donc en découler, autant en termes de l'ampleur de la mobilité spatiale que des expositions contextuelles rencontrées dans l'espace d'activité. Je discute de différents processus par lesquels les inégalités en matière de mobilité réalisée peuvent mener à des inégalités sociales de santé. Par exemple, les groupes défavorisés sont plus susceptibles de vivre et de mener des activités dans des milieux défavorisés, comparativement à leurs homologues plus riches, ce qui pourrait contribuer aux différences de santé entre ces groupes.
Cette proposition conceptuelle est mise à l’épreuve dans deux études empiriques. Les données de la première vague de collecte de l’étude Interdisciplinaire sur les inégalités sociales de santé (ISIS) menée à Montréal, Canada (2011-2012) ont été analysées. Dans cette étude, 2 093 jeunes adultes (18-25 ans) ont rempli un questionnaire et fourni des informations socio-démographiques, sur leur consommation de tabac et sur leurs lieux d’activités. Leur statut socio-économique a été opérationnalisé à l’aide de leur plus haut niveau d'éducation atteint. Les lieux de résidence et d'activité ont servi à créer des zones tampons de 500 mètres à partir du réseau routier. Des mesures de défavorisation et de disponibilité des détaillants de produits du tabac ont été agrégées au sein des ces zones tampons.
Dans une première étude empirique je compare l'exposition à la défavorisation dans le quartier résidentiel et celle dans l'espace d’activité non-résidentiel entre les plus et les moins éduqués. J’identifie également des variables individuelles et du quartier de résidence associées au niveau de défavorisation mesuré dans l’espace d’activité. Les résultats démontrent qu’il y a un gradient social dans l’exposition à la défavorisation résidentielle et dans l’espace d’activité : elle augmente à mesure que le niveau d’éducation diminue. Chez les moins éduqués les écarts dans l’exposition à la défavorisation sont plus marquées dans l’espace d’activité que dans le quartier de résidence, alors que chez les moyennement éduqués, elle diminuent. Un niveau inférieur d'éducation, l'âge croissant, le fait d’être ni aux études, ni à l’emploi, ainsi que la défavorisation résidentielle sont positivement corrélés à la défavorisation dans l’espace d’activité.
Dans la seconde étude empirique j'étudie l'association entre le tabagisme et deux expositions contextuelles (la défavorisation et la disponibilité de détaillants de tabac) mesurées dans le quartier de résidence et dans l’espace d’activité non-résidentiel. J'évalue si les inégalités sociales dans ces expositions contribuent à expliquer les inégalités sociales dans le tabagisme. J’observe que les jeunes dont les activités quotidiennes ont lieu dans des milieux défavorisés sont plus susceptibles de fumer. La présence de détaillants de tabac dans le quartier de résidence et dans l’espace d’activité est aussi associée à la probabilité de fumer, alors que le fait de vivre dans un quartier caractérisé par une forte défavorisation protège du tabagisme. En revanche, aucune des variables contextuelles n’affectent de manière significative l’association entre le niveau d’éducation et le tabagisme.
Les résultats de cette thèse soulignent l’importance de considérer non seulement le quartier de résidence, mais aussi les lieux où les gens mènent leurs activités quotidiennes, pour comprendre le lien entre le contexte et les inégalités sociales de santé. En discussion, j’élabore sur l’idée de reconnaître la mobilité quotidienne comme facteur de différenciation sociale chez les jeunes adultes. En outre, je conclus que l’identification de facteurs favorisant ou contraignant la mobilité quotidienne des individus est nécessaire afin: 1 ) d’acquérir une meilleure compréhension de la façon dont les inégalités sociales en matière de mobilité (potentielle et réalisée) surviennent et influencent la santé et 2) d’identifier des cibles d’intervention en santé publique visant à créer des environnements sains et équitables. / In place and health research the exclusive focus on the residential context has been criticized for overlooking individuals’ daily mobility and the activity settings where they work, study or play, i.e. their activity space. While researchers are increasingly considering daily mobility in health studies, few have been concerned with social inequalities in health. This is so despite evidence suggesting that different social groups may not have the same capacity to reach healthy and favourable settings. Whether social inequalities in daily mobility contribute to social inequalities in health remains to be explored.
In this thesis I first develop a conceptual proposition that anchors daily mobility in the concept of mobility potential. Mobility potential encompasses the opportunities and places that individuals can choose to access by converting their potential into realized mobility. Mobility potential is shaped by individual characteristics (e.g. income), geographic circumstances (e.g. proximity to public transit), and rules regulating access to certain places and resources (e.g. rights). All of these have been shown to be socially-patterned. It follows that social inequalities in realized mobility may result, both in terms of the extent of spatial movement and of contextual exposures in the activity space. I discuss various pathways linking inequalities in realized mobility to health inequalities. For example, lower social classes may be more likely to live and conduct activities in disadvantaged areas, compared to their more affluent counterparts, and this may contribute to health differentials between these groups.
This conceptual proposition is then tested in two empirical studies conducted using cross-sectional data from the Interdisciplinary Study on Inequalities in Smoking (ISIS), Montreal, Canada (2011-2012). In this study 2,093 young adults (18-25 years-old) provided socio-demographic, smoking and activity location data in a self-completed questionnaire. Their highest education level attained was used as a proxy for their socio-economic status. Residential and activity locations were used to create 500-meter road-network buffer zones and to derive measures of area-level disadvantage and tobacco retailer availability.
In a first empirical study I compare social inequalities in exposure to area-level disadvantage measured in the residential area and non-residential activity space. I also identify individual- and area-level correlates of non-residential activity space disadvantage. I find that there is a social gradient, across educational categories, in both residential and non-residential activity space disadvantage: the level of disadvantage experienced increases as education level decreases. Social inequalities in exposure to area-level deprivation are slightly larger in the non-residential activity space than in the residential neighbourhood for the least educated, but smaller for the intermediate group. Lower educational attainment, increasing age, not being in education nor in employment, and higher residential disadvantage are correlated with conducting activities in more disadvantaged areas.
In the second empirical study I investigate the association between smoking status and two contextual exposures (area-level disadvantage and tobacco retailer availability) in both the residential neighbourhood and non-residential activity space. I also assess whether inequalities in these exposures help explain inequalities in smoking. I find that smoking is positively associated with conducting activities in the second least deprived areas and with tobacco retailer counts in residential and non-residential areas. Living in the second most deprived areas is protective of smoking. However, none of the contextual variables significantly affect the education-smoking association.
Findings from this thesis advance conceptual reflection and empirical knowledge regarding the importance, in contextual studies of social inequalities in health, of not only considering where people live but also where they conduct daily activities. I discuss daily mobility as a factor of social differentiation among young adults. Furthermore, I conclude that identifying factors enabling or constraining individuals’ daily mobility is required to: 1) gain a better understanding of how social inequalities in mobility (potential and realized) arise and influence health; and 2) identify entry points for public health interventions aimed at creating healthy and equitable environments.
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Usage de la force policière au Québec : une analyse des facteurs individuels, situationnels et contextuelsObartel, Patricia 04 1900 (has links)
Au Québec, le policier a l’autorité de faire respecter plusieurs lois et d’assurer le maintien de l’ordre. Puisque le policier peut être confronté à une multiplicité de problématiques, il est, dans certaines circonstances, contraint à employer une force pour se protéger lui-même ou pour protéger toute autre personne contre la mort ou contre des lésions corporelles graves. Cependant, bien que l’usage de la force par la police soit l’un des éléments les plus visibles et les plus controversés de l’intervention policière, les connaissances sur ce sujet spécifique demeurent limitées. Afin de pallier à certaines lacunes de la recherche et de la théorie, l’objectif général de ce mémoire vise à identifier les facteurs individuels, situationnels et contextuels liés au niveau de force utilisé par la police lors d’une intervention dans les postes de quartier et dans les secteurs de recensement. Les données dans le cadre de cette étude proviennent des rapports d’incidents déclarés d’usage de la force d’un service de police canadien pour une période couvrant les années 2007 à 2011, les données issues du recensement canadien de 2006 et les données criminelles issues du Programme de déclaration uniforme de la criminalité (DUC). La stratégie analytique privilégiée est la modélisation hiérarchique qui permettra de tester les liens entre les différents niveaux d’analyse. Au terme des analyses multiniveaux, les résultats indiquent que plusieurs facteurs ont un impact sur le niveau de force utilisé par le policier. Au niveau des déterminants individuels du sujet, c’est le fait d’être un homme, de résister physiquement à l’intervention et de posséder une arme qui est associé à des niveaux plus élevés de force. Au niveau des facteurs contextuels, on découvre que la proportion de minorité visible et le désavantage social ont un impact appréciable sur le niveau de force utilisé par le policier. Ces résultats nous amènent donc à conclure que les policiers tiennent surtout compte de la situation immédiate (facteurs individuels et situationnels) pour évaluer le degré de dangerosité ou de menace, mais qu’ils sont également influencés par l’endroit où ils se trouvent. D’autres études sont toutefois nécessaires pour vérifier la constance de nos résultats. / In Quebec, the officer has the authority to enforce various laws and to maintain order. Since the police officer may be faced with a multiplicity of problems, he is, in certain circumstances, forced to use physical force to protect himself or to protect any person against death or serious injury. However, although the phenomenon of police force raises a good number of criticism and it is widely publicized, only a few studies have connected individual, situationnal and contextual factor to police use of force practices. The purpose of this thesis is to examine and to understand the phenomenon of police use of force in Quebec by identifying individual, situational and contextual factors on levels of police force. The data for the current study are derived from three primary sources : the incident reports of use of force of a Canadian police force for a period covering the years 2007 to 2011, 2006 Canadian Census and Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR). The use of multilevel models reveals that several factors have an impact on the level of police use of force. Individual and situationnal findings suggest that police are more likely to use higher level of force when they encounter males, citizens who physically resist and citizens who possess or display a weapon. Contextual findings indicate that the proportion of racial heterogeneity and concentrated disadvantage have an impact on levels of police force. Findings lead us to conclude that the nature of the immediate situation (individual and situational factors) is one of the most prominent explanations for police decision making, but police behavior can also be accounted for by variation in demographic and institutional characteristic of communities. However, further studies are needed to verify the consistency of our results.
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Méthode de recherche à grand voisinage pour un problème de tournées de véhicules avec flotte privée et transporteur externeEdoukou, Frédéric Aka Bilé 04 1900 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, nous étudions un problème de tournées de véhicules dans lequel une
flotte privée de véhicules n’a pas la capacité suffisante pour desservir les demandes des
clients. Dans un tel cas, on fait appel à un transporteur externe. Ce dernier n’a aucune
contrainte de capacité, mais un coût est encouru lorsqu’un client lui est affecté.
Il n’est pas nécessaire de mettre tous les véhicules de la flotte privée en service si
cette approche se révèle plus économique. L’objectif consiste à minimiser le coût fixe des
véhicules, puis le coût variable de transport et le coût chargé par le transporteur externe.
Notre travail consiste à appliquer la métaheuristique de recherche adaptative à grand
voisinage sur ce problème. Nous comparons nos résultats avec ceux obtenus précédemment
avec différentes techniques connues sur les instances de Christofides et celles de Golden. / In this master thesis, we study a vehicle routing problem in which a private fleet does not
have sufficient capacity to serve all customers. Therefore, an external common carrier is
required. The external common carrier has no constraint of capacity, but there is a cost
when a customer it assigned to it.
It is not necessary for all the vehicles of the private fleet to be used. The objective is
to minimize the sum of the fixed cost of the private fleet, the variable routing cost and the
external carrier cost.
Our work applies the adaptative large neighborhood search metaheuristic on this problem.
We compare our results with those obtained previously with different well-known
techniques on the benchmark instances of Christofides and Golden.
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Potential Transportation Improvements and Land Use Impacts in the Elysian Fields CorridorLanford, Caroline 15 December 2007 (has links)
This study examines potential transportation improvements in the Elysian Fields Avenue Corridor, and the benefit that these improvements may produce. Data for the study area are compiled and analyzed. Conceptual plans for the implementation of different transit technology alternatives were developed and assessed in terms of user benefits, cost, potential land use impacts, potential economic impacts, and feasibility. Case studies and relevant literature are reviewed. The intent of this thesis is to provide an overview of the study area prior and subsequent to Hurricane Katrina, develop plans for the implementation of transit alternatives in the Elysian Fields Avenue Corridor, and assess potential costs and benefits of the different alternatives developed.
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La ricerca ha l’obiettivo di illustrare la tesi secondo cui le donne hanno un ruolo importante all’interno dei processi rigenerativi delle comunità e possono essere considerate il “motore” per lo sviluppo dei legami sociali. In particolare, le donne di diversa nazionalità, all’interno dei quartieri multietnici, possono agire da “ponte” capaci di mediare tra la cultura del paese d’origine e quella del paese ospitante, capaci di unire mondi culturali e sociali diversi, rappresentando quindi una possibile e preziosa via per promuovere l’integrazione sociale. La ricerca si basa sul case study di un progetto di Community Work chiamato “il mondo in un quartiere”, nato nel 2012 all’interno del contesto multiculturale del Comune di Pioltello. Sono state realizzate 43 interviste a persone in vario modo coinvolte nel progetto. Attraverso le interviste, analizzate su tre livelli di lettura, sono stati messi in luce i nodi tematici rilevanti, la percezione delle persone sul progetto e l’efficacia della metodologia di Social Work. Infine, i dati emersi dalle interviste sono stati commentati e connessi con i temi emersi dalla letteratura internazionale evidenziandone gli aspetti di conformità, di diversità, gli aspetti non osservati e quelli innovativi introdotti dall’esperienza sul campo. / The research aims to prove the thesis according to which women play a foremost role in the regenerative processes, as well as they can be considered as the “driving force” in the development of social connections. In particular, women of different nationalities, within the multiethnic neighborhoods, they can act as a "bridge" able not only to mediate between the culture of the native country and that of the host country, but also to connect different cultural and social worlds, representing in this way a potential and worthy way to promote social integration.The research is based on the case study of a Community Work project called "the world in a neighborhood" arised in 2012 within the multicultural context of the City of Pioltello. 43 interviews were conducted to people differently involved in the project. The interviews were analyzed on three different levels of reading; first finding the focal themes, following people’s perception of the project and finally the effectiveness of the Social Work methodology. To sum up the data collected from the interviews were analyzed and connected with the themes resulted from the international literature, highlighting the aspects of: compliance, diversity together with the not faced aspects and the innovative ones introduced by a first and experience.
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Desenvolvimento da análise de vizinhança em mapas conceituais a partir do uso de um conceito obrigatório / Development of neighborhood analysis in concept maps considering the use of one compulsory conceptCicuto, Camila Aparecida Tolentino 06 October 2011 (has links)
Os mapas conceituais (MCs) são úteis para representar o conhecimento dos alunos e promover a aprendizagem significativa. A análise detalhada de mapas conceituais pode revelar informações latentes que não são percebidas a partir da mera leitura do seu conjunto de proposições. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo propor a análise de vizinhança (AViz) como uma forma inovadora de analisar os MCs obtidos em sala de aula. A seleção de um conceito obrigatório (CO) permite verificar como os alunos o relaciona com outros conceitos, que são denominados conceitos vizinhos (CVs). MCs (n=69) sobre as mudanças climáticas formam o primeiro conjunto de dados empíricos que ratifica o potencial da AViz. O CO selecionado foi dispersão, a fim de analisar se os alunos conseguem relacioná-lo com o caráter global desse problema ambiental. Os padrões identificados a partir da AViz sugerem que, apesar de serem submetidos a uma mesma sequência didática, nem todos os alunos conseguiram utilizar o CO de forma adequada. Isso pode ser explicado a partir da Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa de David Ausubel, que destaca o papel fundamental dos conhecimentos prévios no processo de assimilação de novas informações. / Concept maps (CMs) are useful to represent students\' knowledge and to promote meaningful learning. The deep analysis of concept maps may reveal latent information that is not perceived from the simple reading of its propositional network. This work proposes the Neighborhood Analysis (NeAn) as an innovative way to analyze the CMs obtained in classrooms. The selection of a compulsory concept (CC) allows teachers to evaluate how the students relate it to other concepts, named neighbors (NCs). CMs (n=69) on climate change are the first set of empirical data that confirms the potential of NeAn. Dispersion was selected as CC in order to check whether students can relate it with the global perspective of this environmental problem. The patterns found from the NeAn suggest that, despite being exposed to the same didactic activities, some students could not use the CC properly. This may be explained from David Ausubel\'s learning theory, which stresses the critical role of prior knowledge in the assimilation process of new information.
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Cidade nova, escolas novas? Anísio Teixeira, arquitetura e educação em Brasília / New city, new schools? Anísio Teixeira, architecture and education in BrasiliaChahin, Samira Bueno 08 June 2018 (has links)
A tese propõe uma interpretação do Plano Educacional de Brasília por meio do cruzamento de leituras sobre três de seus aspectos. Apropriações das ideias em circulação sobre educação e cidade, o urbanismo de seu Plano Piloto e a tipologia de seu lugar escola em relação a práticas cotidianas de sua implementação são tópicos desde os quais uma miríade de personagens, propostas, conceitos e significações foi mobilizada para tratar das dimensões educativas do projeto de urbanidade concebido para a nova capital. A obra de Anísio Teixeira alinhava a interpretação proposta, funcionando como norte e recorte para o conjunto de circunstâncias entendidas como precedentes fundamentais da formulação deste projeto educativo. Sua trajetória, no entanto, é pensada como oportunidade especial de enfrentamento das relações, trocas e dissonâncias entre os campos da educação e da arquitetura e urbanismo, seja em âmbito nacional, seja internacionalmente considerados. Nos limites de uma leitura interdisciplinar entre arquitetura, urbanismo e educação, a tese formula uma narrativa sobre a produção do espaço escolar no contexto de modernidade que construiu Brasília. / The thesis proposes an interpretation of the Educational Plan of Brasilia through the crossing of readings on three of its aspects. Appropriations of circulating ideas about education and city, the urbanism of its Pilot Plan, and the typology of its school place in relation to the daily practices of its implementation are topics from which a myriad of characters, proposals, concepts and meanings have been mobilized to treat of the educational dimensions of the urbanity project designed for the new capital. The work of Anísio Teixeira aligned the proposed interpretation, functioning as a north and a cut for the set of circumstances understood as fundamental precedents of the formulation of this educational project. Its trajectory, however, is thought of as a special opportunity to confront relations, exchanges and dissonances between the fields of education and architecture and urbanism, both nationally and internationally. Within the limits of an interdisciplinary reading between architecture, urbanism and education, the thesis formulates a narrative about the production of the school space in the context of modernity that built Brasilia.
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Estimador de variações de tensão de curta duração em sistemas elétricos de potência utilizando estratégias evolutivas. / Estimate short duration voltage variation using evolutionary strategies.Guerra Zvietcovich, Wilingthon 19 September 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho, é proposta uma metodologia para estimar o estado de um sistema elétrico de potência (SEPs) durante variações de tensão de curta duração (VTCDs) causadas por faltas elétricas nas linhas que compõem a rede elétrica avaliada. Para cumprir esta meta, são utilizados os valores registrados nos equipamentos de medição instalados nas redes elétricas. Na realidade, existem poucos equipamentos nas redes elétricas devido aos custos elevados dos medidores de qualidade de energia elétrica (QEE). Embora estes custos tenham diminuído nos últimos anos, ainda é inviável a utilização de um número suficiente de medidores para garantir a monitoração de toda a rede, por tornar-se muito oneroso. Esta realidade constitui um desafio para se desenvolver técnicas que permitam, a partir de um pequeno número de pontos de monitoração, determinar os locais de faltas e estimar os valores das VTCDs em todas as barras que compõem um sistema elétrico. Como contribuição à solução destes problemas, esta tese propõe a utilização do algoritmo denominado Estratégias Evolutivas (EEs), que integra a família dos Algoritmos Evolutivos. Tal algoritmo mostrou ser viável por sua facilidade de implementação e rapidez de resposta na busca de uma solução dentro de um vasto espaço de soluções. As EEs, nesta tese, são utilizadas para se determinar: o local de falta, tipo de falta e impedância de falta, que caracterizam um indivíduo, de forma que as tensões resultantes nas barras monitoradas sejam as mais próximas possíveis das medições realizadas. Para alcançar esse objetivo, inicialmente se constrói uma população inicial de indivíduos que representam alternativas de solução do problema. Em seguida, uma parte destes indivíduos será submetida a mutação e recombinação para então serem selecionados os indivíduos que sobreviverão na geração futura. Este processo iterativo é realizado até que se encontre uma solução o mais próximo da procurada. Cada indivíduo é avaliado através de função objetivo, que representa o erro quadrático entre os valores medidos e os valores calculados. Para este cálculo, é necessário simular um curto-circuito com as características do indivíduo avaliado com base em informações da rede bem como dos valores das tensões provenientes dos medidores. A partir da determinação das características da falta, é feita a estimação dos valores das tensões em toda a rede levando à avaliação das VTCDs. Uma vez atingido este objetivo, é possível, por exemplo, determinar indicadores de qualidade associados às VTCDs, como o SARFI (System Average RMS Frequency Index), determinar as áreas mais propensas a causar as VTCDs e elaborar planos de manutenção preventiva. Foram implementados dois algoritmos que calculam o número mínimo de medidores e os locais onde estes devem ser instalados. O primeiro algoritmo tem a finalidade de garantir o monitoramento de toda a rede em relação às VTCDs enquanto o segundo garante o menor erro de estimação de VTCDs nas barras onde não se têm medidores instalados. A referida metodologia pode ser aplicada em redes radiais ou em malha, sendo inicialmente aplicada em sistemas de pequeno porte (redes de 14 e 30 barras do IEEE) com intuito de verificar a capacidade do algoritmo. Foram então simuladas redes de maior complexidade, por meio de testes em redes de 57 barras e 118 barras do IEEE. Para avaliar a eficiência da metodologia desenvolvida foi feita uma comparação com outra metodologia de otimização baseada em Algoritmos Genéticos (AGs). / A methodology is herein proposed to estimate Short Duration Voltage Variation (SDVV) in electric power systems, caused by electrical faults. To attain this target, values recorded by measurement equipment in specific sites are used. In fact, there are few power quality meters installed in power networks, due to the high cost of such meters. Although these costs have decreased in recent years, the installation of a sufficient number of meters to ensure monitoring the entire network is still unfeasible. This reality poses a challenge to developing techniques that, with a small number of monitoring points, allow the determination of fault locations and estimation of SDVV values in specified buses. As contribution this thesis proposes an algorithm called Evolutionary Strategies (ESE), which integrates the group of evolutionary algorithms. This algorithm can be easily implemented and finds a solution within a wide solution space. The ESE determines the fault location, fault type and fault impedance, that characterize an individual, so that the resulting voltages on monitored buses are as close as possible to the measured ones. An initial population is generated as alternative solutions to the problem. Some of the individuals in the population will be submitted to mutation and recombination operators. Individuals are then selected to the future generation. An iterative process is carried out to determine a solution as close as possible to the desired one. Each individual is evaluated by the objective function, which represents the quadratic error between the measured and calculated values. This calculation is based on short circuit calculation related to the evaluated individual and from information of voltage values gathered from power quality meters. Voltage values in specific network buses can then be determined to monitor their corresponding SDVV values. This allows, for example, determining quality indicators associated to the SDVV, such as the System Average RMS Frequency Index (SARFI), to evaluate sensitive areas, i.e. which are prone to cause SDVVs and to develop plans for preventive maintenance. Two algorithms that calculate the minimum number of meters and their locations have been implemented. The first algorithm aims to ensure monitoring the entire network regarding SDVVs, while the second algorithm ensures the smallest error of SDVV estimation in buses where no meters are installed. This methodology can be applied to meshed or radial networks. It was initially implemented in small networks (IEEE 14 and 30 buses) with the purpose of verifying the ability of algorithm. In sequence the methodology was applied to more complex networks (IEEE 57 and 118 buses). To assess the efficiency of the methodology a comparison with other optimization methodology based on Genetic Algorithms (GA) was carried out.
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Meta-heurísticas baseadas em busca em vizinhança variável aplicadas a problemas de operação de transportes. / Metaheuristic based on variable neighbourhood search applied to operation transport problems.Reis, Jorge Von Atzingen dos 30 September 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata da aplicação de meta-heurísticas baseadas em busca em vizinhança variável em problemas de operação de transportes. Desta forma, buscou-se encontrar problemas complexos durante a operação de sistemas de transportes, nas grandes cidades, que possam ser resolvidos com a aplicação de meta-heurística baseada em busca em vizinhança variável. Este trabalho aborda dois diferentes problemas de planejamento e operação de transportes. O primeiro problema abordado neste trabalho é o Problema de Programação da Tabela de Horários, de Veículos e de Tripulantes de Ônibus, no qual as viagens que comporão a tabela de horários, os veículos que executarão as viagens e as tripulações que operarão os veículos são alocadas simultaneamente e de maneira integrada. O segundo problema a ser abordado é o problema de distribuição física, o qual envolve o agrupamento e a alocação de entregas a uma frota de veículos visando minimizar o frete total. Uma abordagem para a modelagem matemática deste problema é modelar como um problema de bin-packing, com bins de tamanho variável unidimensional (do inglês Variable Sized Bin-Packing Problem - VSBPP), ou seja, uma generalização do tradicional problema de bin-packing no qual bins (veículos) de diferentes capacidades e custos estão disponíveis para a alocação de um conjunto de objetos (cargas), de modo que o custo total dos bins (veículos) utilizados seja mínimo. A outra abordagem proposta para o problema de distribuição física é modelar o problema como um problema de bin-packing, com bins de tamanho variável bidimensional (do inglês Bidimensional Variable Sized Bin-Packing Problem BiD-VSBPP). Assim sendo, trata-se de uma expansão do problema de bin-packing com bins de tamanho variável unidimensional (VSBPP), no qual bins (veículos) de diferentes capacidades (capacidade volumétrica e capacidade de carga) e custos estão disponíveis para a alocação de um conjunto de objetos (cargas), os quais possuem as dimensões peso e volume, de modo que o custo total dos bins (veículos) utilizados seja mínimo. Durante a realização deste trabalho, foi desenvolvido um programa computacional em C++, o qual implementa a meta-heurística Busca em Vizinhança Variável (VNS) e duas meta-heurísticas baseadas em VNS. São apresentados resultados de experimentos computacionais com dados reais e dados benchmarking. Os resultados obtidos comprovam a eficácia das meta-heurísticas propostas. / This work approaches variable neighborhood search meta-heuristic applicate on transport operation problems. This way, we sought find complex transport operation problems in large cities that can be solved with the variable neighborhood search meta-heuristic application. This work approaches two different transport planning and operation problems. The first problem approached in this paper is the Bus Timetable Vehicle Crew Scheduling Problem, in which timetabling, bus and crew schedules are simultaneously determined in an integrated approach. The second problem to be approached is the physical distribution problem which comprises grouping and assigning deliveries to a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles aiming to minimize the total freight cost. The problem can be mathematical modeled as one-dimensional Variable Sized Bin-Packing Problem (VSBPP), a generalization of the traditional bin-packing problem, in which bins (vehicles) with different sizes and costs are available for the assignment of the objects (deliveries) such that the total cost of the used bins (vehicles) is minimized. Another proposed approach to the problem of physical distribution is model as two dimensional Variable Sized Bin-Packing Problem (BiD-VSBPP). Therefore, it is an expansion of the bin-packing problem with bins variable-length-dimensional (VSBPP), in which bins (vehicle) of different capacity (capacity and load carrying capacity) and costs are available for allocation a set of objects (loads), which have the dimensions weight and volume, so that minimized the total cost of bins (vehicle). In this work, was developed a C++ software implemented, which was implemented a meta-heuristic Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) and two others meta-heuristics based on VNS. Computational results for real-world problems and benchmarking problems are presented, showing the effectiveness of these proposed meta-heuristics.
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Moving out or staying put?Barwick, Christine 18 September 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Wohnstandortwahl sozial mobiler Türkisch-Deutscher in Berlin, welche in einem sozioökonomisch benachteiligten Viertel wohnen oder von einem solchen in ein status-höheres Quartier gezogen sind. Neben den Motiven für die Quartierswahl werden auch die Konsequenzen des Bleibens oder Gehens beleuchtet, insbesondere bezogen auf Sozialkapital, Netzwerke und ethnische, soziale sowie lokale Identifikation(en). Dabei besteht zum einen die Frage nach der Relevanz des Raumes, und insbesondere von Nachbarschaft als Gemeinschaft. Bezogen auf Netzwerke und Identifikation(en), geht es zweitens darum herauszufinden, ob es Prozesse der sozialen Schließung gibt, die auf der Zugehörigkeit zu einer ethnischen oder sozialen Gruppe basieren. Für die Befragten ist das Quartier ein Ort, der im Idealfall eine bestimmte Art von sozialen Beziehungen enthält, welche durch Familiarität entstehen und sich in gemeinsamen Momenten der Soziabilität ausdrückt. Wenn diese Familiarität besteht ist die symbolische sowie praktische Quartiersnutzung hoch, unabhängig vom sozialen Status des Quartiers. Wenn eine Nachbarschaft hingegen durch Anonymität und Feindseligkeit gegenüber ethnischen Minderheiten gekennzeichnet ist, dann ist die Quartiersnutzung gering. Im Gegenzug werden andere Orte mit hoher Familiarität aufgesucht. Diese Orte, für die Fortgezogenen oft das alte Quartier, sind nicht nur für die Alltagspraxis relevant, sondern auch symbolisch für die Identifikation mit einem Ort. / The present work deals with neighborhood choice of upwardly mobile Turkish-Germans, analyzing their motives for staying in a socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhood, or moving from a disadvantaged to a more advantaged one. Furthermore, the consequences of moving or staying are analyzed, in terms of social capital, network composition, and processes of identification. The focus is twofold. First, the recurring question is for the relevance of place, and specifically the neighborhood as community. Second, particularly when dealing with networks and identification(s), the question is whether there are processes of groupness and social closure, based on ethnic or social class background. For the Turkish-Germans, the neighborhood presents a place which ideally contains a particular set of social relations, emerging through public familiarity and expressed in shared moments of sociability. If these characteristics are present in a neighborhood, irrespective of socioeconomic status, practical and symbolic neighborhood use is high. If a neighborhood, on the other hand, is characterized by anonymity and hostility towards ethnic minorities, neighborhood use is low. In turn, other places with high public familiarity and sociable relations are frequented, which then become important in symbolic terms, for identification.
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