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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Orthorexia nervosa: the role of social media #cleaneating

Gann, Lianne 01 August 2019 (has links)
Social media use represents an emerging area of interest in relation to body image and disordered eating. Previous research has demonstrated social media use may be related to eating disorder risk, an increase in body image concerns, bulimic symptoms, and restricted eating. Orthorexia Nervosa (ON), a disordered eating pattern focused on the purity/quality of food, needs further investigation within the social media context. The current study examined whether young adult women’s social media use was associated with objectified body consciousness and orthorexia nervosa symptoms. Social media use, both active and passive, was significantly correlated with body consciousness (body surveillance and body shame) but was not significantly correlated with orthorexia nervosa symptoms. However, in the regression model, only objectified body consciousness, not social media use, significantly predicted ON tendencies. Understanding the impact of social media and body consciousness on ON behaviors may have implications for young women’s mental health, as well as eating disorder programs and recovery.

Upplevelser av att återhämta sig från Anorexia Nervosa : En litteraturstudie / Experiences of recovering from Anorexia Nervosa : A literature review

Larsson, Sofia, Larsson, Ellinora January 2019 (has links)
No description available.


Davis, Heather A. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Binge eating is a harmful, maladaptive behavior associated with comorbid psychopathology. Theory posits that increases in maladaptive, transdiagnostic emotions following binge eating in individuals with BN may predict the experience of comorbid symptoms. The current study served as a laboratory test of the first part of this theory: whether state increases in maladaptive emotions occur following engagement in binge eating behavior in women with BN compared with healthy controls. Women (n = 51) were recruited from the community if they met DSM-5 criteria for BN or OSFED BN (of low frequency) (n = 21) or were free of lifetime disordered eating and current psychopathology (n = 30). Participants completed questionnaires assessing eating disorder symptoms (preoccupation with weight and shape, urge to vomit), state shame, and state negative affect before and after consuming a test meal in which they were instructed to binge. Women with BN endorsed significantly greater preoccupation with weight and shape and urge to vomit following test meal consumption compared with controls. Women with BN reported significant increases in state shame, but not state negative affect, following test meal consumption, compared with controls. Results are consistent with a model indicating binge eating precipitates increases in state shame among women with BN. Given shame’s status as a transdiagnostic risk factor, future work should clarify whether state shame following binge eating predicts increases in comorbid symptoms.

The neuropsychological functioning of children and adolescents with anorexia nervosa

Chang, Jennifer 01 August 2018 (has links)
Researchers have suggested there is a wide range of neuropsychological deficits individuals with anorexia nervosa (AN) possess, including impairments in nonverbal reasoning, attention and processing speed, memory, and executive functioning. While growing, examination of the neuropsychological functioning of children and adolescents with AN is quite sparse compared to the abundance of research on adults with AN, and the many conflicting findings have been attributed to inconsistent methodologies across studies. This study examined the neuropsychological functioning of children and adolescents with AN by conducting a quantitative study loosely based on Bayless et al. (2002) and Remberk, Namysłowska, Krempa-Kowalewska, Gadaś, and Skalska (2011). Results indicated verbal intellectual functioning was significantly higher than other intellectual domains, and verbal memory was almost significantly higher than nonverbal memory (p = .051). Negative correlations were found between individual subtests and clinical data (e.g., age of onset of AN and duration of AN) as well as the EDI-3 Personal Alienation scale and the BMI-for-age percentile. Clinical implications include providing treatment improving cognitive functioning and implementing a biopsychosocial model.

Binge Eating Disorder and Its Relationship to Bulimia Nervosa and Obesity

LaCaille, Lara Schultz 01 May 2002 (has links)
Recent research indicates that 2% to 4% of the population meet diagnostic criteria for the newly proposed binge eating disorder, and that it is much more common (30%) among the treatment-seeking obese. Although recognized as a significant problem, binge eating disorder is l1l not well understood, and there is debate about whether binge eating disorder is a distinct disorder. It has been argued that binge eating disorder is simply a variant or milder form of bulimia nervosa and not a separate and distinct disorder. Researchers have begun to study this population in greater depth in order to assess the characteristics of individuals with binge eating disorder, the similarities and differences between individuals with binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, and obese individuals who do not engage in binge eating, and the effectiveness of various treatments for binge eating disorder. Previous reviews of the literature (using non-meta-analytic strategies) have examined these areas and have yielded inconsistent conclusions. Therefore, a more comprehensive, current, and empirical integration of the data was conducted. In total, 297 studies of individuals with binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa and/or obese individuals who do not engage in binge eating were collected, coded, and statistically analyzed across studies (by calculating standardized mean difference effect sizes). The key characteristics of individuals with binge eating disorder were assessed, diagnostic groups were systematically compared, and treatment outcomes (from 19 studies) were evaluated. The results indicated that individuals with binge eating disorder have a number of differences from both bulimia nervosa and obese non binge eating individuals. However, the extent of these differences was not great, and there was a general trend for binge eating disorder individuals to fall between the two groups on most measures of disturbed eating and psychopathology. These findings tend to support the continuum/variant conceptualization of binge eating disorder rather than that of a distinct disorder. In addition, data from primary research studies on the treatment of binge eating disorder indicated that, overall, psychosocial interventions were helpful in decreasing binge eating and psychopathological symptoms, but were less effective at reducing weight. The clinical implications of these findings are discussed, as are suggestions for future research.

Anorexia nervosa in the clinic : embodiment, autonomy and shifting subjectivities

Boughtwood, Desiree, University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, School of Education January 2006 (has links)
This thesis argues that although the anorexic patient is subjugated in the medical encounter, subjects find ways to resist and disrupt this subversion. The analysis is largely based on life history interviews with teenage girls with a medical diagnosis of anorexia. Other data sources include interview field-notes, my research journal and selected popular magazines. The data was analysed using a discourse analytic methodology to explore how girls constituted hospitalisation, anorexia, doctors and patients, among other issues. The analysis draws on insights from poststructuralist theory. In the earlier chapters, an analysis of the complex medical, psychological and feminist theories of anorexia nervosa; and a description of the hospitals where girls are treated is developed to situate the study in its socio-historical context. The analysis consists of three main arguments. The first is that clinical notions of food, eating and embodiment are in direct contrast to social discourses on these topics. Girls draw on this discrepancy in their resistance to hospital practices. The second argument is that girls are aware they are positioned as irrational because of their malnourished state and are also aware that if they blatantly resist treatment they will be subjected to further surveillance. Girls take up medical discourses in different ways and to different effects in constituting themselves as agenetic subjects. The third argument focuses on the shifting construction of the anorexia subject in the clinic. Although discourses of anorexia and psychiatry have a powerful impact on the girls; girls resist these positionings, finding other ways to constitute themselves. The contention of this thesis is that clinical constructions of anorexia work to form the subject and provide the possibilities for the creation of other subjectivities. On the basis of this research, some suggestions for how inpatient treatment regimes may work differently are provided. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Patienters erfarenheter av behandling och omvårdnad vid anorexia nervosa

Rondén, Ulrika, Sjölander , Elin January 2008 (has links)
<p><strong>Bakgrund.</strong> Anorexia nervosa anses vara en multifaktoriell sjukdom där psykologiska, sociala, kulturella och biologiska faktorer inverkar. En förvrängd kroppsuppfattning, rädsla att gå upp i vikt och en kroppsvikt mindre än 85 procent av den förväntade är bland annat karakteristiskt för ätstörningen anorexia nervosa. Sjukdomen debuterar vanligen i tonåren. <strong>Syfte. </strong>Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa patienters erfarenhet av behandling och omvårdnad vid anorexia nervosa. <strong>Metod.</strong> En systematisk litteraturstudie genomfördes och 14 för syftet relevanta artiklar inkluderades. Artiklarna granskades och kvalitetsbedömdes. Genom innehållsanalys bearbetades artiklarna. <strong>Resultat.</strong> Följande fem kategorier identifierades:Patienten måste ha viljan att bli frisk, betydelsen av relationen till vårdpersonalen, behovet av stöd från närstående, att inte få välja själv och medpatientens betydelse för tillfriskande. Patientens egen vilja och motivation till ett förändrat beteende ansågs avgörande för en effektiv behandling. Patienterna ansåg det viktigt att vårdpersonalen inte bara ser de kroppsliga symtomen utan även att det finns en unik individ bakom sjukdomen. Stöd från närstående och medatienter ansågs viktigt under tillfriskningsprocessen. <strong>Diskussion.</strong> Patientens unika behov bör sättas i centrum för behanlingen och omvårdnaden. Det är viktigt att vårdperonalen har en helhetssyn och är införstådd i att anorexia nervosa är en multifaktoriell sjukdom för att förstå sig på sjukdomen och kunna skapa en en god relation till patienten. Det kan anses fel att påtvinga en person med anorexia nervosa vård, men kan vara livsavgörande.<strong> Slutsats.</strong> Utveckling av vården vid anorexia nervosa bör ständigt utvecklas utifrån patientens behov i takt med att samhället förändras.</p>

ATT LEVA MED ANOREXIA NERVOSA : En autobiografistudie om kvinnors upplevelse av anorexia nervosa

Castillo, Valeska, Björk, Emelie January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Bakgrund</strong>: Eftersom det blivit allt vanligare med ätstörningar som anorexia nervosa finns det en stor möjlighet att vårdpersonal träffar på dessa patienter inom vården oavsett vårdområde. För att som sjuksköterska kunna bemötta dem på bästa sätt och erbjuda en god vård, krävs det kunskap kring upplevelser av att leva med denna sjukdom.</p><p><strong>Syfte</strong>: Syftet med litteratur studien var att undersöka upplevelsen av anorexia nervosa.</p><p><strong>Metod</strong>: Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie med en kvalitativ analys. Fem självbiografier utgjorde studiens datamaterial och de analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.</p><p><strong>Resultat</strong>: I analysen framkom två huvudkategorier som ligger till grund för resultatet. Dessa var upplevelsen av lidande och upplevelsen av trygghet. Resultatet visade att individen med anorexia nervosa går igenom ett lidande som genomtränger hela deras liv. Lidande kunde yttra sig på olika sätt och i samband med olika upplevelser. Framförallt upplevdes lidandet ihop med maktlöshet över sin situation och tvångsåtgärder som de utsattes för. Och ett kontrollbehov som skapade en negativ trygghet och ett lidande då individen upplevde sig fängslad i rutiner och regler. Det fanns även ljus i mörkret där människan kunde uppleva en trygghet i sin livsvärld med hjälp utav familj och vänner.</p><p><strong>Slutsats</strong>: Människor med anorexi går ständigt igenom ett lidande i kampen emot sjukdomen och en inre röst som begränsar dem i deras livsvärld. Individer med anorexisjukdom har ett stort kontrollbehov och lever i en maktlöshet som genomsyrar deras livsvärld. Relationen till familj och vänner var mycket betydelsefullt för kvinnornas livsvilja. Det var familjens och vännernas kärlek som fick kvinnorna börja känna tro och hoppas att någon dag bli frisk.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>

"De som väl har haft oss vill ju aldrig bli av med oss" : Dietisters upplevelse av sin roll vid behandling av anorexia nervosa. / “Once they’ve had us they don’t want to lose us” : Experiences among dietitians about their role in the treatment for anorexia nervosa.

Larsson, Caroline, Fjellström, Agnes January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Kvinnors upplevelse av tillfrisknandet från Anorexia Nervosa i Sverige

Knutsson, Emma January 2008 (has links)
Att bli frisk från Anorexia Nervosa innebär en lång och hård kamp mot sjukdomen. Många kvinnor beskriver hur de upplever en särskild vändpunkt då tillfrisknandet börjar. Syftet med studien är att undersöka kvinnors upplevelse av tillfrisknandet från Anorexia Nervosa i Sverige. Frågor som studien ställer är om vändningen kommer när kvinnorna är under vård och vilka faktorer som påverkar tillfrisknandet. För att få fram kvinnors upplevelser användes en kvalitativ ansats. För att samla in data lästes sex olika självbiografier som var skrivna i Sverige på svenska. Böckerna lästes igenom ett flertal gången för att få en bild av helheten. Därefter gjordes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Genom analysen hittades två teman, inre och yttre drivkraft mot hälsa, med fem tillhörande kategorier. Dessa kategorier var sjukdomsinsikt, inre kamp, tankar om framtid,vårdinsatser och omgivningens betydelse. Resultatet visar att kvinnorna inte blir friska bara genom att de får vård. Vården är en av de faktorer som medverkar till en vändning för kvinnan. Resultatet visar även att en individuell och holistisk vård är mycket viktigt.

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