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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neuropsychological Assessment and the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC)Cognitive Abilities Model

Hoelzle, James B. 30 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Ist der Mehrfachwahl-Wortschatz-Test Version A (MWT-A) zur Schätzung des prämorbiden Intelligenzniveaus geeignet? - Überprüfung an einer konsekutiven Stichprobe einer Demenz-Spezialambulanz

Binkau, Sabrina 31 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Vocabulary tests have long been used for estimating premorbid intelligence level in the neuropsychological assessment of dementia. However, doubts exist about the validity of such intelligence tests. The present study examines whether the Multiple-Choice Vocabulary Test – Version A (Mehrfachwahl-Wortschatz-Test – Version A, MWT-A) is valid for assessing premorbid intelligence level. Data from a total of 821 patients in a specialized outpatient clinic for dementia (memory clinic), covering the whole spectrum of cognitive impairment, were evaluated using analysis of variance with the dependent variable premorbid intelligence level (MWT-A) and the independent variable extent of global cognitive impairment (Mini-Mental-State Examination, MMSE: mean = 25.2, SD = 3.9). The latter was divided into six MMSE ranges or groups, respectively (29–30, 28–28, 27–27, 25–26, 22–24, 05–21). In the case of a pathologically relevant global cognitive impairment (24–26 MMSE points), the MWT-A underestimates the premorbid intelligence level. This effect is moderated neither by age nor education. Results indicate that the MWT-A is unsuitable for estimating premorbid intelligence level in neuropsychological assessments of cognitively impaired patients or demented patients.

Assessment of Cognitive Performance in Mixed Martial Arts Athletes

Heath, Christopher J. 08 1900 (has links)
Incidents and awareness of sports-related concussion have grown in recent years, attracting attention in both the academic and popular press. These concussions can lead to the rapid onset of neurological dysfunctions, as well as a variety of subjective symptoms. Although concussive sequelae are typically considered transient, debate remains about the persistent effects of repeated traumatic contact during sport participation. Although research has examined the complications of head trauma found in traditionally popular sports (e.g., football, soccer, boxing), little research has focused on the growing sport of mixed-martial-arts (MMA). Research specifically pertaining to MMA is in nascent stages, but to-date studies suggest that concussive injuries for this sport are prevalent and the training regimens of these athletes may place them at a high risk for concussive or subconcussive head traumas—as well as the accompanying neurological difficulties. The current study is the first to assess cognitive profiles of MMA athletes using an objective neuropsychological assessment instrument. Among 56 athletes (28 MMA athletes and 28 athletes not exposed to head traumas), no neuropsychological differences were found between groups of athletes. Additionally, no aspects of MMA training regimen shared a reliable relationship with neuropsychological performance or subjective concussive symptoms. This suggests non-professional participation in MMA may not typically pose a significant risk for cumulative concussions and associated adverse neuropsychological consequences.

Perfil neuropsicológico e comportamental de crianças com doença falciforme / Neuropsychological and behavioral profile of children with sickle cell disease.

Abreu, Katiusha de Cerqueira 24 May 2013 (has links)
A Doença Falciforme (DF) constitui patologia hematológica que leva a diversas complicações sistêmicas, sobretudo sequelas neurológicas e déficits cognitivos. Algumas pesquisas têm correlacionado exames de Imagem por Ressonância Magnética (IRM) e Doppler Transcraniano (DTC) com avaliações neuropsicológicas em crianças com DF, sinalizando prejuízos cognitivos específicos e déficit intelectual geral que tendem a predispor ao baixo desempenho acadêmico e maior índice de retenção escolar. No Brasil há alta prevalência dessa doença, tornando-se importante a realização de estudos em crianças, visto que o diagnóstico precoce de dificuldades neuropsicológicas possibilita intervenções de caráter preventivo e formulação de programas de reabilitação em quadros de disfunção cerebral. Objetivo: Caracterizar o desempenho neuropsicológico e comportamental de crianças com DF, na faixa de 7 a 12 anos. Pretende-se avaliar e descrever as principais funções cognitivas (atenção/função executiva, aprendizagem e memória, linguagem, processamento visoespacial, função sensoriomotora) e possíveis dificuldades comportamentais e correlacionar esses resultados com variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas. Método: Participaram dessa pesquisa 60 crianças, compondo dois grupos de 30 voluntários (clínico e controle), pareados em função do sexo, origem escolar e idade. Foram utilizados como instrumentos de avaliação psicológica: QI Estimado do WISC III e Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven, NEPSY II - Avaliação Neuropsicológica do Desenvolvimento e o Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). O Grupo Clínico realizou exame neurológico clínico, IRM, DTC e hemograma. Resultados: As crianças com DF apresentaram significativos prejuízos no desempenho intelectual geral e déficits em diversos domínios neuropsicológicos específicos, principalmente função executiva, linguagem, memória visoespacial e habilidade visoespacial, comparativamente ao Grupo Controle. Nos exames médicos do Grupo Clínico, todos DTC foram considerados dentro da faixa normal e na IRM houve prevalência de 24% da amostra com infarto cerebral silencioso (ICS). O comprometimento na capacidade intelectual geral, na memória narrativa e visoespacial e no processamento fonológico foram mais significativos no Grupo com ICS. Essas diversas alterações neuropsicológicas no Grupo Clínico tendem a predispor a dificuldades no desempenho acadêmico e maior repetência escolar. Além disso, houve evidências de significativos índices de problemas comportamentais e emocionais nas crianças com DF. Observou-se declínio cognitivo em distintas funções neuropsicológicas com o aumento da idade cronológica, porém não foi evidenciada influência das variáveis como sexo, tipo genético, tipo de medicação e índices do hemograma nos resultados neuropsicológicos e comportamentais das crianças. Esses resultados trazem relevantes implicações para o tratamento dos portadores de DF, pois ressaltam a importância do acompanhamento multiprofissional e a necessidade da realização da avaliação neuropsicológica e de adequada intervenção em centros de reabilitação, com objetivo de promover melhor qualidade de vida e condições favoráveis ao desenvolvimento dessas crianças (CAPES e FAPESP). / The Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a haematological pathology that leads to several systemic complications, especially neurological sequelae and cognitive deficits. Some studies have correlated exams of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasonography with neuropsychological assessment in children with SCD, indicating specific cognitive impairments and general intellectual deficit that tend to predispose to poor academic performance and higher rates of school retention. In Brazil there is a high prevalence of this disease, making it important to conduct studies in children, since early diagnosis of neuropsychological difficulties enables preventive interventions and formulation of rehabilitation programs in frames of brain dysfunction. Objective: To characterize the behavioral and neuropsychological performance of children with SCD, in the range 7-12 years. Aims to assess and describe the main cognitive functions (attention / executive function, learning and memory, language, visuospatial processing, sensorimotor function) and possible behavioral difficulties and to correlate these results with clinical and sociodemographic variables. Method: In this study, participated 60 children, also composing two groups of 30 volunteers (clinical and control) matched for sex, age and school origin. Were used as instruments of psychological assessment: IQ Estimate the WISC III and Raven\'s Coloured Progressive Matrices, NEPSY II - Neuropsychological Development and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). The Clinical Group conducted clinical neurological examination, MRI, TCD and blood count. Results: Children with SCD in neuropsychological profile showed impairments in general intellectual functioning and deficits in several specific neuropsychological domains, especially executive function, language, visuospatial memory and visuospatial skills compared to the Control Group. In medical examinationof Clinical Group, all TCD were considered within the normal range and prevalence of MRI was 24% of the sample with silent cerebral infarction (ICS). The impairment in general intellectual ability, narrative and visuospatial memory and phonological processing were more significant in the Group with ICS. These diverse neuropsychological deficits in Clinical Group tend to predispose to difficulties in academic performance and increased school failure. Furthermore, there was evidence of significant levels of behavioral and emotional problems in children with SCD. Observed cognitive decline in various neuropsychological functions with increasing chronologic age, but it has not shown the influence of variables such as gender,iables such as gender, genetic type, type of medication and the blood count indices in neuropsychological and behavioral outcomes in these children. These results provide relevant implications for the treatment of patients with SCD, because it emphasizes the importance of multidisciplinary monitoring and the need to conduct neuropsychological assessment and adequate intervention in rehabilitation centers with the aim of promoting a better quality of life and favorable conditions for the development of these children. (CAPES e FAPESP).

Avaliação neuropsicológica de pacientes expostos ao vapor de mercúrio e de pacientes diabéticos do tipo 2 / Neuropsychological assessments of patients exposed to mercury vapor and of type 2 diabetic patients

Zachi, Elaine Cristina 08 August 2005 (has links)
Exposição a substâncias tóxicas e distúrbios metabólicos são fatores que afetam as funções neuropsicológicas. Foram realizados 2 estudos descritivos com os objetivos de verificar a possibilidade de disfunções neuropsicológicas em indivíduos com histórico de exposição ocupacional ao vapor de mercúrio e em pacientes diabéticos do tipo 2 sem diagnóstico de retinopatia, em ambos os casos, comparados com controles. A bateria neuropsicológica incluiu testes de atenção (Dígitos), controle inibitório (teste de stroop), memória verbal (teste de Buschke) e visual (Reprodução Visual), destreza manual (Grooved Pegboard), fluência verbal (FAS), habilidade viso-motora (Cubos), funções executivas (teste de Wisconsin), conhecimento semântico (Vocabulário) e sintomas de depressão (Inventário Beck de Depressão) e ansiedade (Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado). Adotou-se p<0,05 como nível de significância. As avaliações neuropsicológicas de 26 ex-trabalhadores de fábricas de lâmpadas de mercúrio foram comparadas com 20 controles. Os ex-trabalhadores têm diagnóstico de mercurialismo crônico ocupacional, foram expostos ao vapor de mercúrio no trabalho durante 10,2 ± 3,8 anos e estão afastados da função há 6 ± 4,7 anos. A concentração de mercúrio urinário medida um ano após o afastamento da exposição teve média de 1,8 ± 0,9 mg/gCr. Comparados com os controles, os ex-trabalhadores demonstraram pior desempenho no teste de Stroop partes 1 (p=0,004) e 2 (0,010), no teste de Buschke para recuperação de longo prazo (p=0,028), armazenamento de longo prazo (p=0,045), recuperação consistente longo prazo (p=0,006), e recuperação tardia (p=0,008), fluência verbal (p=0,010) e no Grooved Pegboard tanto para a mão dominante (p=0,019) quanto a não dominante (p=0,008). Os escores de depressão, de estado e traço de ansiedade foram significantemente superiores aos do grupo controle (p<0,001). Os indivíduos com histórico de exposição ao vapor de mercúrio demonstraram redução da velocidade de processamento de informações e déficits de recuperação espontânea de informações verbais, fluência verbal, função motora, além de sintomas de depressão e ansiedade. Os escores altos de depressão e ansiedade são esperados em indivíduos com mercurialismo crônico, mas também podem se associar a problemas psicosociais relacionados ao desemprego. O outro estudo comparou o desempenho neuropsicológico de 19 pacientes diabéticos sem diagnóstico de retinopatia (avaliada através de exame de fundo de olho) e 20 sujeitos controles não diabéticos. Os pacientes têm diabetes há 8,2 ± 8,1 anos, média de hemoglobina glicada (HbA1C) de 7 ± 1,3%, não fazem uso de insulina como tratamento, não manifestam queixas de neuropatia e apresentam valores de microalbuminúria dentro dos limites de normalidade. Nove (47%) são hipertensos. Não foram encontradas diferenças significantes (p<0,05) entre pacientes diabéticos e sujeitos controles em quaisquer medidas realizadas. Os resultados sugerem que o diabetes tipo 2 não se associa diretamente aos déficits neuropsicológicos. Há a possibilidade de que as alterações cognitivas e de humor observadas em pacientes diabéticos do tipo 2 em estudos prévios estejam relacionadas à presença de complicações como retinopatia, hipoglicemia ou neuropatia com sinais clínicos. / Neuropsychological function is known to be affected by exposure to toxic substances and metabolic disorders. Two descriptive studies were performed. The aim was to examine possible neuropsychological dysfunction in individuals with history of occupational exposure to mercury vapor, and in type 2 diabetic patients without retinopathy, in comparison with controls. The neuropsychological assessment included measures of attention (WMS Digit Span), inhibitory control (Stroop Interference Test), verbal memory (Buschke Selective Reminding Test), visual memory (WMS Visual Reproduction), manual dexterity (Grooved Pegboard), verbal fluency (FAS), visuomotor ability (WAIS Block Design), executive function (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test), verbal knowledge (WAIS Vocabulary), and depression (Beck Depression Inventory) and anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) symptoms. P<0.05 was taken as significance level. Neuropsychological assessments of 26 fluorescent lamp ex-workers with chronic mercurialism diagnosis who had been exposed to mercury vapor for 10.2 ± 3.8 years were compared with 20 controls. The time since the cessation of exposure was 6 ± 4.7 years and the mean urinary mercury concentration was 1.8 ± 0.9 mg/gCr. Compared with the controls, the ex-workers performed worse on the Stroop Test part 1 (p=0.004) and 2 (0.010), SRT long term recall (p=0.028), long term storage (p=0.045), consistent long term recall (p=0.006), and delayed recall (p=0.008), FAS (p=0.010) and Grooved Pegboard dominant hand (p=0.019) and nondominant hand (p=0.008). Their depression, anxiety state and trait scores were higher than control’s (p<0.001). Individuals with history of exposure to mercury vapor presented slowed processing speed and verbal memory spontaneous recall, verbal fluency and motor function impairment along with symptoms of depression and anxiety. The high scores on depression and anxiety are expected in chronic mercurialism and may be also associated with psychosocial problems related to unemployment. The other study compared the neuropsychological performances of 19 diabetic patients without retinopathy diagnosis (assessed by eye fundus examination) with 20 nondiabetic control subjects. The patients had diabetes for 8.2 ± 8.1 years and their recent glycaemic control levels (HbA1C) mean was 7 ± 1.3%. Other diabetic group’s characteristics included non-insulin treatment, no neuropathy complaints, normal microalbumin urine tests, and 9 (47%) hypertensive patients. No significant (p<0.05) differences were found between the diabetic and control groups on any measure. The results suggest that type 2 diabetes is not directly related to significantly neuropsychological alterations. It is possible that cognitive decrements and mood alterations among type 2 diabetic patients described in previous studies are associated with the presence of complications such as retinopathy, hypoglicaemia, or even neuropathy with clinical signs.

A influência da idade e da escolaridade na execução e no aprendizado de uma tarefa cognitivo-motora / The influence of age and educational status on the performance of a cognitive-motor task and on its learning

Voos, Mariana Callil 29 January 2010 (has links)
Função executiva é a habilidade necessária para planejar, iniciar, realizar e monitorar comportamentos intencionais, relacionados a um objetivo ou a demandas ambientais, com base na experiência prévia. Tanto indivíduos idosos, quanto indivíduos com escolaridade baixa apresentam dificuldade em tarefas que requerem função executiva, como o Trail Making Test (TMT), que consiste em traçar retas em uma folha de papel, conectando uma seqüência de números (parte A, TMTA) e de números e letras, alternados (parte B, TMTB), o mais rápido possível. O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral desenvolver uma nova versão do TMT, o Teste de Deambulação Funcional (TDF), que poderia ser mais familiar a indivíduos com escolaridade baixa e favorecer sua compreensão e execução. Os objetivos específicos foram: testar se haveria diferenças de idade e/ou escolaridade (1) na execução das partes A e B do TDF (TDFA e TDFB) e das partes A e B do TMT (TMTA e TMTB); (2) nos deltas cognitivos do TMT (dcTMT=TMTBTMTA) e do TDF (dcTDF=TDFBTDFA); (3) nos deltas motores da parte A (dmA=TDFATMTA) e da parte B (dmB=TDFBTMTB) e (4) no aprendizado do TDF. Participaram 70 voluntários, (24 jovens, 26 adultos maduros, e 20 idosos). Na primeira sessão os voluntários realizaram (I) o TDF, (II) o TMT, (III) sete repetições do TDFA, (IV) sete repetições do TDFB. Metade dos voluntários de cada faixa etária realizou a ordem (I) e (II) e metade, (II) e (I). Depois de uma semana, realizaram (V) quatro repetições do TDFA e (VI) quatro do TDFB. Foi adotado nível de significância de p=0,05. ANOVAs mostraram que (1) os idosos, principalmente aqueles com escolaridade baixa, foram mais lentos que os adultos jovens e maduros no TMT e no TDF, sobretudo na parte B e os idosos com escolaridade alta foram mais lentos no TDFB do que no TMTB; (2) os deltas cognitivos do TMT e do TDF foram mais altos para indivíduos com maior idade e menor escolaridade e o dcTMT foi maior que o dcTDF para idosos com escolaridade baixa; (3) o dmB de idosos com escolaridade baixa foi menor que o de idosos com escolaridade alta; (4) os idosos com escolaridade baixa foram mais lentos que aqueles com escolaridade alta na avaliação 1 da TDFA e em todas as avaliações da TDFB, mas não foram observadas diferenças de escolaridade no desempenho de adultos jovens e maduros. O TDF mostrou-se uma ferramenta complementar eficaz para avaliar indivíduos com diferentes idades e escolaridades. Indivíduos mais idosos e com escolaridade mais baixa apresentaram tempos mais altos, tanto no TMT, quanto no TDF. O dcTDF não parece ter sido equivalente ao dcTMT em indivíduos com escolaridade baixa, já que eles apresentaram menor dificuldade em resolver cognitivamente o TDF. Idosos com alta e baixa escolaridade apresentaram resultados antagônicos no dmB: idosos com escolaridade baixa apresentaram menor dificuldade no TDFB, com relação ao TMTB e o contrário ocorreu para idosos com escolaridade alta. A escolaridade baixa prejudicou o aprendizado da tarefa, principalmente em idosos. Idosos apresentaram estabilização mais lenta no desempenho do que adultos maduros, que por sua vez apresentaram estabilização mais lenta que jovens. / Executive function is the ability of planning, initiating, performing and monitoring intentional behaviors, related to an objective or environmental demands, based on previous experience. Older adults and individuals with a low educational status have difficulty in performing executive function tasks, such as the Trail Making Test (TMT), which consists on linking a sequence of numbers on a sheet of paper (part A, TMTA) and alternated numbers and letters (part B, TMTB) as fast as possible. The present study had as a general aim to develop a new version of the TMT, the Functional Gait Test (FGT), which could be more familiar to individuals with a low educational status and favor their comprehension and performance. The specific aims were: to investigate possible differences due to age and/or educational status (1) in the performance of parts A and B of FGT (FGTA e FGTB) and of parts A and B of TMT (TMTA and TMTB); (2) in the cognitive deltas of TMT (cdTMT=TMTBTMTA) and of FGT (cdFGT=FGTBFGTA); (3) in the motor deltas of part A (mdA=FGTATMTA) and part B (mdB=FGTBTMTB) and (4) in the learning process of FGT. Seventy volunteers participated (24 young adults, 26 mature adults and 20 older adults). At the first session, volunteers performed (I) the FGT, (II) the TMT, (III) seven repetitions of the FGTA, (IV) seven repetitions of the FGTB. Half of the sample of each age group performed the order (I) and (II) and the other half, (II) and (I). After one week, they performed (V) four repetitions of the FGTA and (VI) four of the FGTB. Significance level was p=0,05. ANOVAs showed that (1) older adults, mainly the ones with a low educational status, were slower than young and mature adults on the TMT and on the FGT, principally on part B and older adults with a high educational status were slower on the FGTB than on the TMTB; (2) the cognitive deltas of TMT and FGT were higher for individuals with higher age and lower level of education and the cdTMT was higher than cdFGT for older adults with a low educational status; (3) the mdB of older adults with a low educational level was lower that the mdB of older adults with more years of formal education; (4) older adults with a low educational status were slower than the ones with a high level of education on assessment 1 of the FGTA and in all assessments of the FGTB, but no educational status differences were observed in the performance of young and mature adults. The FGT is an useful complementary tool to evaluate individuals with different ages and educational levels. Older adults and individuals with a lower educational level showed higher times, both in the TMT and in the FGT. The cdFGT did not seem equivalent to the cdTMT in individuals with a low educational status, since they had less difficulty in solving the cognitive part of the FGT. Older adults with a high and a low educational level had antagonistic results on mdB: older adults with a low educational status had less difficulty on the FGTB, compared to the TMTB and the opposite occurred for the ones with a high educational status. The low educational level impaired the learning process, mainly for older adults. Older adults showed slower stabilization on performance than mature adults and mature adults showed slower stabilization than young adults.

Funções executivas, controle inibitório e agressividade em indivíduos com trantornos por uso de álcool e crack

Czermainski, Fernanda Rasch January 2016 (has links)
O uso problemático de substâncias psicoativas (SPA) tem aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos. Os Transtornos Relacionados a Substâncias (TRS) têm sido associados a uma série de prejuízos cognitivos e comportamentais, dentre os quais destacam-se as disfunções executivas e os déficits envolvendo o controle dos impulsos. A presente tese teve como objetivo investigar as funções executivas, o controle inibitório e a agressividade em indivíduos com Transtornos por uso de álcool e crack. O propósito desta pesquisa foi o de investigar a cognição e o comportamento em amostras distintas de dependentes, visto que são poucos os estudos nessa área enfocando os perfis de déficits cognitivos e comportamentais de acordo com a droga de abuso. Essa tese é composta por um estudo de revisão da literatura e dois estudos empíricos. Foram avaliados 67 homens, com idades entre 18 - 65 anos, divididos em quarto grupos: dependentes de álcool, dependentes de crack, dependentes de álcool + crack e grupo controle. Os dependentes de álcool e/ou crack encontravam-se em abstinência e estavam internados em um programa de tratamento gratuito e voluntário de um Hospital Geral. O protocolo de pesquisa incluiu medidas psicológicas e neuropsicológicas. Os principais resultados deste estudo indicaram prejuízos das funções executivas e do controle inibitório e níveis mais elevados de agressividade nos grupos de dependentes, quando comparados ao grupo controle, tendo esses índices variado de acordo com a droga de abuso. Entre os indivíduos que faziam uso de álcool esses índices foram mais rebaixados, sugerindo que o consumo dessa substância pode estar associado a um maior comprometimento das habilidades de autorregulação e autocontrole. / The problematic use of psychoactive substances has increased significantly in recent years. The Substance-Related Disorders have been linked to a series of cognitive and behavioral impairments, among which is the executive dysfunction and deficits involving impulse control. This thesis aimed to investigate the executive functions, inhibitory control and aggression in individuals with alcohol and crack disorders. The choice of this theme aimed to investigate cognition and behavior in different dependent samples, since there are few studies in this area focusing on the profiles of cognitive and behavioral deficits according to the drug of abuse. This thesis is composed by a review of the literature study and two empirical studies. They were evaluated 67 men, aged 18 -65 years, divided into four groups: alcohol dependents, crack dependents, alcohol + crack dependents and control group. The alcohol and / or crack dependents were in abstinence and were inpatients in a free and voluntary treatment program of a General Hospital. The research protocol included psychological and neuropsychological measures. The main results of this study indicated losses of executive functions and inhibitory control and higher levels of aggression in dependent groups compared to the control group, and these impairments varied according to the drug of abuse. Alcohol dependents showed decreased performance, suggesting that alcohol consumption may be associated with a decrease of self-regulation and self-control skills.

Cognitive Functioning in Varsity Athletes Following Musculoskeletal Injury

Snow, Nicholas 11 January 2011 (has links)
Background: Research suggests that musculoskeletal injury (MSI) influences cognitive functioning. Cognitive functioning following MSI in athletes is not evaluated currently. Purpose and Method: To examine cognitive deficit in athletes following musculoskeletal injuries, the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metric (ANAM) was administered to 22 varsity athletes prior to competition and following MSI. A healthy comparison group of 22 athletes was also tested at time intervals matched with the injured group. Results: A 2 (Group) X 2 (Time) repeated measures ANOVA revealed significant main effects for time on ANAM subtests of Delayed Code Substitution and Simple Reaction Time. Post-hoc Paired t-Tests revealed significant improvements in both groups for Simple Reaction Time, and a significant improvement for the comparison group on Match-to-Sample. Implications: Athletes with musculoskeletal injuries did not show cognitive deficit post-injury; however, the apparent absence of practice effects on a test of spatial processing and working memory requires further examination.

Cognitive Functioning in Varsity Athletes Following Musculoskeletal Injury

Snow, Nicholas 11 January 2011 (has links)
Background: Research suggests that musculoskeletal injury (MSI) influences cognitive functioning. Cognitive functioning following MSI in athletes is not evaluated currently. Purpose and Method: To examine cognitive deficit in athletes following musculoskeletal injuries, the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metric (ANAM) was administered to 22 varsity athletes prior to competition and following MSI. A healthy comparison group of 22 athletes was also tested at time intervals matched with the injured group. Results: A 2 (Group) X 2 (Time) repeated measures ANOVA revealed significant main effects for time on ANAM subtests of Delayed Code Substitution and Simple Reaction Time. Post-hoc Paired t-Tests revealed significant improvements in both groups for Simple Reaction Time, and a significant improvement for the comparison group on Match-to-Sample. Implications: Athletes with musculoskeletal injuries did not show cognitive deficit post-injury; however, the apparent absence of practice effects on a test of spatial processing and working memory requires further examination.

Avaliação da impulsividade, controle inibitório e uso de álcool em pré-adolescentes e adolescentes

Willhelm, Alice Rodrigues January 2015 (has links)
As fases da pré-adolescência e adolescência são complexas porque englobam diversas mudanças nos indivíduos, se passa por rápido crescimento físico, alteração hormonal, mudanças no ambiente social e nas exigências. Estas fases são caracterizadas por comportamentos de risco por falta de controle inibitório, que está relacionado ao córtex pré- frontal, última área a se desenvolver do sistema nervoso. Há também a experimentação de álcool e drogas durante a adolescência e puberdade. Este trabalho realizou três estudos que abrangeram a temática do controle inibitório na pré-adolescência e adolescência. O primeiro foi uma revisão sistemática a respeito da avaliação do controle inibitório na adolescência e uso de neuroimagem. O segundo investigou a relação do consumo de álcool na adolescência com uso excessivo de bebidas alcóolicas dos pais. E o terceiro objetivou avaliar a impulsividade, controle inibitório e consumo de álcool em indivíduos de 10 a 16 anos. Os três artigos sugeriram um padrão de maior controle inibitório ao longo do desenvolvimento na fase da adolescência. Ainda foi possível observar que as bebidas alcóolicas têm sido consumidas cada vez mais precocemente e em maiores quantidades. Além disso, o consumo excessivo de álcool dos pais de adolescentes pode influenciar no consumo dos filhos nesta fase. / Stages of pre-adolescence and adolescence are complex because they involve several changes in individuals, they pass through a fast physical growth, hormonal changes, changes in the social environment and the requirements. These phases are characterized by risk behavior for lack of inhibitory control, which is related to the prefrontal cortex, the last area to develop the nervous system. There are also experimenting with alcohol and drugs during adolescence and puberty. This work conducted three studies which approached the inhibitory control in preadolescence and adolescence. The first was a systematic review regarding the inhibitory control assessment in adolescence and use of neuroimaging. The second investigated the relationship of alcohol consumption in adolescence with excessive use of alcohol from parents. And the third was aimed at evaluating impulsivity, inhibitory control and alcohol consumption in individuals 10-16 years. The three articles suggested a pattern of greater inhibitory control over development in adolescence. Although it was observed that the alcoholic beverages have been consumed ever earlier and in larger quantities. In addition, excessive alcohol consumption of parents of teenagers can influence the consumption of children at this stage.

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