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Efeitos da estimulação elétrica transcraniana em adultos com transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividadeCachoeira, Carolina Tosetto January 2016 (has links)
O transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento e sua prevalência na vida adulta é em torno de 2,5%. O tratamento farmacológico, apesar de efetivo, possui importantes limitações, justificando a busca por outras estratégias terapêuticas. A estimulação elétrica transcraniana (EETC) é uma técnica não invasiva de neuroestimulação que tem apresentado resultados promissores em melhorar o desempenho cognitivo em vários distúrbios neuropsiquiátricos, no entanto, poucos estudos avaliaram a sua eficácia e tolerabilidade no TDAH. Foi realizado um ensaio clínico randomizado, duplo-cego e controlado, com estimulação falsa para avaliar a eficácia da EETC nos sintomas de TDAH. Dezessete adultos com TDAH foram randomizados em dois grupos, nove receberam EETC verdadeira e oito, falsa. No grupo da EETC verdadeira foi aplicada estimulação com intensidade de corrente de 2 mA, durante 20 minutos, em cinco dias consecutivos. O ânodo foi posicionado sobre o córtex pré-frontal dorsolateral (CPFDL) direito e o cátodo sobre o CPFDL esquerdo. O grupo controle recebeu estimulação falsa durante o mesmo período. Os sintomas do TDAH foram mensurados por meio da escala Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) e a incapacidade com a escala Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS). As duas escalas foram aplicadas nos seguintes momentos: antes de iniciar (t0) as estimulações, ao final do protocolo (t1) e uma (t2), duas (t3) e quatro semanas (t4) após a intervenção. Observamos redução, estatisticamente significativa, na pontuação das escalas ASRS desatenção (p = 0,02) e SDS (p = 0,04) entre t0 e t1 após a intervenção em comparação ao grupo controle. Na ASRS total também observamos essa tendência, mas não se mostrou estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,07). Ampliando a análise dos dados observamos interação positiva entre tempo e tratamento na pontuação da ASRS total (p = 0,003), ASRS desatenção (p = 0,0001) e SDS (p = 0,001). Os dados deste estudo apontam que a EETC é eficaz para melhorar a atenção em adultos com TDAH. Contudo, mais pesquisas são necessárias para avaliar a eficácia clínica da ETCC nessa população. / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with 2,5% prevalence in adulthood. Pharmacological treatment, although effective, has important limitations, justifying the search for other therapeutic strategies. Transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive neurostimulation technique which has show promising results to improve cognitive performance in several neuropsychiatric disorders, nonetheless few studies have evaluated their efficacy and tolerability in ADHD. A randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial was conducted to examine the efficacy of tDCS on ADHD symptoms. in adults with ADHD. Seventeen adults with ADHD were randomized into two groups, nine received active EETC eight, false. In the active group was applied EETC with 2mA current intensity, for 20 minutes, in five consecutive days. Anode was positioned on the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and cathode over the left DLPFC. Control group received false stimulation during the same period. ADHD symptoms were measured using the scale Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) and the disability with Sheehan Disability Scale Scale (SDS). Both scales were applied at the following times: before starting the stimulation, the end of the protocol, and one, two and four weeks after the intervention. Subjects in the active group achieved significant reduction in ASRS inattention (p = 0,02) and SDS (p = 0,04) scores after intervention compared to control group. At ASRS total score was also observed this trend, without statistical significance (p = 0.07). Extending data analysis shows there are positive interaction between time and treatment on ASRS total score (p = 0,003), ASRS inattention (p = 0,0001) and SDS (p = 0,001). These data indicate that tDCS is effective to improving attention in adults with ADHD. However, further research is needed to assess the clinical efficacy of tDCS in this population.
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Relations neurodigestives et stimulation vagale basse-fréquence chez le rat anesthésié : implications du système nerveux central et du système immunitairePicq, Chloe 29 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
IntroductionLa neurostimulation vagale (NSV) à haute fréquence (30 Hz) est utilisée commethérapeutique de certaines formes d'épilepsie et de dépression réfractaires aux traitements chezl'Homme. De plus, la NSV à basse fréquence (5 Hz) a été expérimentée avec succès chez l'animalpour traiter différentes inflammations périphériques, notamment digestives. Des travaux récents ontmis en évidence que cet effet anti-inflammatoire est induit par l'activation des fibres efférentesvagales, libérant en périphérie de l'acétylcholine, inhibant la sécrétion des cytokines proinflammatoires.Cette voie est connue sous le nom de voie anti-inflammatoire cholinergique.Toutefois, le mécanisme d'action de la NSV 5 Hz reste mal connu et d'autres voies pourraient êtremises en jeu impliquant le système nerveux central (SNC) et le système immunitaire périphérique.ButLes travaux réalisés ont eu pour objectif d'étudier l'implication du SNC et du systèmeimmunitaire dans la modulation de l'inflammation induite par la NSV basse fréquence chez unmodèle de rat anesthésié. Tout d'abord, afin d'étudier l'implication du SNC lors de la NSV 5 Hz, uneétude d'imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) a été réalisée sur le rat "sain"anesthésié. Ensuite, une étude a été effectuée sur l'effet de la NSV sur les cellules immunitairesspléniques ainsi que sur le tube digestif chez un modèle de rat "sain" puis chez un modèle de ratatteint d'une colite expérimentale induite par une injection intra-colique d'acide trinitrobenzènesulfonique (TNBS).RésultatsLes données obtenues lors de l'étude d'IRMf ont mis en évidence un rôle important desfibres afférentes vagales; elles modulent certaines structures du SNC qui pourraient participer à larégulation de l'inflammation digestive induite par la NSV 5 Hz. Les études réalisées sur les souspopulationslymphocytaires spléniques ont révélé que d'autres cellules immunitaires que lesmacrophages étaient impliquées lors de la NSV. Chez le modèle de rat "sain", les résultats decytométrie en flux ont montré que la NSV 3h 5 Hz induisait une diminution de l'activation deslymphocytes T CD4 ainsi que du pourcentage de NKT par rapport aux lymphocytes T. Ces résultatssont en faveur d'un rôle de la NSV 3h inhibant l'activation lymphocytaire et jouant un rôle sur les NKTpossédant des propriétés immunorégulatrices. La NSV 3h n'a pas le même effet chez le modèle de ratprésentant une colite. En effet, le dosage de cytokines sécrétées par les splénocytes en culturemontre que la NSV augmente le potentiel de sécrétion d'IL-10 (cytokine anti-inflammatoire) dessplénocytes et plus particulièrement des lymphocytes T CD4 spléniques. Parallèlement, l'effet antiinflammatoirede la NSV a été mis en évidence au niveau du côlon transverse (au-dessus de la zonelésée) par une diminution des ARNm de SOCS3 et du TNF-α et de la myéloperoxidase. Ces donnéesont démontré un rôle de la NSV sur la fonctionnalité des lymphocytes T CD4 spléniques. La NSV 3h 5Hz orienterait la réponse immunitaire vers une réponse anti-inflammatoire en phase d'initiationd'inflammation digestive. De plus, l'effet anti-inflammatoire de la NSV est retrouvé au niveau du tubedigestif au-dessus de la zone lésée (côlon transverse).ConclusionCes données expérimentales montrent que d'autres voies impliquant différents typescellulaires sont susceptibles d'être mises en oeuvre par la NSV basse fréquence. Elle induitl'implication du SNC par l'activation des afférences vagales et des cellules immunitaires spléniquestelles que les lymphocytes T CD4 et les NKT. Un effet anti-inflammatoire de la NSV est retrouvé auniveau du côlon transverse, mais pas au niveau des lésions dans le côlon distal. Ces résultatsprésentent des implications thérapeutiques : la NSV basse fréquence est actuellement en essaiclinique pour être utilisée comme traitement dans la maladie de Crohn.
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Efeitos da estimulação elétrica transcraniana em adultos com transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividadeCachoeira, Carolina Tosetto January 2016 (has links)
O transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento e sua prevalência na vida adulta é em torno de 2,5%. O tratamento farmacológico, apesar de efetivo, possui importantes limitações, justificando a busca por outras estratégias terapêuticas. A estimulação elétrica transcraniana (EETC) é uma técnica não invasiva de neuroestimulação que tem apresentado resultados promissores em melhorar o desempenho cognitivo em vários distúrbios neuropsiquiátricos, no entanto, poucos estudos avaliaram a sua eficácia e tolerabilidade no TDAH. Foi realizado um ensaio clínico randomizado, duplo-cego e controlado, com estimulação falsa para avaliar a eficácia da EETC nos sintomas de TDAH. Dezessete adultos com TDAH foram randomizados em dois grupos, nove receberam EETC verdadeira e oito, falsa. No grupo da EETC verdadeira foi aplicada estimulação com intensidade de corrente de 2 mA, durante 20 minutos, em cinco dias consecutivos. O ânodo foi posicionado sobre o córtex pré-frontal dorsolateral (CPFDL) direito e o cátodo sobre o CPFDL esquerdo. O grupo controle recebeu estimulação falsa durante o mesmo período. Os sintomas do TDAH foram mensurados por meio da escala Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) e a incapacidade com a escala Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS). As duas escalas foram aplicadas nos seguintes momentos: antes de iniciar (t0) as estimulações, ao final do protocolo (t1) e uma (t2), duas (t3) e quatro semanas (t4) após a intervenção. Observamos redução, estatisticamente significativa, na pontuação das escalas ASRS desatenção (p = 0,02) e SDS (p = 0,04) entre t0 e t1 após a intervenção em comparação ao grupo controle. Na ASRS total também observamos essa tendência, mas não se mostrou estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,07). Ampliando a análise dos dados observamos interação positiva entre tempo e tratamento na pontuação da ASRS total (p = 0,003), ASRS desatenção (p = 0,0001) e SDS (p = 0,001). Os dados deste estudo apontam que a EETC é eficaz para melhorar a atenção em adultos com TDAH. Contudo, mais pesquisas são necessárias para avaliar a eficácia clínica da ETCC nessa população. / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with 2,5% prevalence in adulthood. Pharmacological treatment, although effective, has important limitations, justifying the search for other therapeutic strategies. Transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive neurostimulation technique which has show promising results to improve cognitive performance in several neuropsychiatric disorders, nonetheless few studies have evaluated their efficacy and tolerability in ADHD. A randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial was conducted to examine the efficacy of tDCS on ADHD symptoms. in adults with ADHD. Seventeen adults with ADHD were randomized into two groups, nine received active EETC eight, false. In the active group was applied EETC with 2mA current intensity, for 20 minutes, in five consecutive days. Anode was positioned on the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and cathode over the left DLPFC. Control group received false stimulation during the same period. ADHD symptoms were measured using the scale Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) and the disability with Sheehan Disability Scale Scale (SDS). Both scales were applied at the following times: before starting the stimulation, the end of the protocol, and one, two and four weeks after the intervention. Subjects in the active group achieved significant reduction in ASRS inattention (p = 0,02) and SDS (p = 0,04) scores after intervention compared to control group. At ASRS total score was also observed this trend, without statistical significance (p = 0.07). Extending data analysis shows there are positive interaction between time and treatment on ASRS total score (p = 0,003), ASRS inattention (p = 0,0001) and SDS (p = 0,001). These data indicate that tDCS is effective to improving attention in adults with ADHD. However, further research is needed to assess the clinical efficacy of tDCS in this population.
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Towards a better understanding of the cochlear implant-auditory nerve interface : from intracochlear electrical recordings to psychophysics / Vers une meilleure compréhension de l'interface entre l'implant cochléaire et le nerf auditif : mesures électriques intracochléaires et psychophysiqueMesnildrey, Quentin 11 January 2017 (has links)
L'implant cochléaire est une prothèse neurale implantée visant à restituer une sensation auditive chez des personnes souffrant de surdité neurosensorielle sévère à profonde. Si les performances en reconnaissance de la parole sont relativement bonnes dans le silence, elles chutent dramatiquement dans des environnements sonores complexes. L'une des principales limites de l'appareil vient du fait que chaque électrode stimule une large portion de la cochlée. Ainsi lorsque plusieurs électrodes sont activées les champs électriques produits interfèrent ce qui détériore la transmissions des informations sonores. Plusieurs modes de stimulation ont été proposés pour remédier à ce problème mais les améliorations en termes de reconnaissance de la parole restent limités. Dans ce projet, nous cherchons tout d'abord à expliquer via une simulateur acoustique, les résultats décevants obtenus avec le mode de stimulation bipolaire. Dans un deuxième temps nous tentons de mieux comprendre le comportement électrique de l'oreille interne implantée afin d'optimiser la stimulation multipolaire phased array (van den Honert et Kelsall 2007). Pour obtenir une stimulation efficace il faut par ailleurs s'assurer de l'état de la population neuronale à stimuler. Dans ce projet nous essayons donc de mieux comprendre l'interface électrode-neurones et d'identifier un possible corrélat psychophysique de l'état des neurones. Enfin nous discutons la possibilité de créer une stimulation optimale focalisée directement au niveau des neurones. / The cochlear implant is a neural prosthesis designed to restore an auditory sensation to people suffering from severe to profound sensorineural deafness. While satisfying speech recognition can be achieved in silence, their performance dramatically drop in more complex environments. One main limitations of the present device is due to the fact that each electrode stimulates a wide portion of the cochlea. As a result, when several electrodes are activated, the electrical field produced by different electrodes overlap which distorts the transmission of sound information. Several alternative stimulation modes have been proposed to overcome this issue but the benefit in terms of speech recognition remained limited. In this project, we first used an acoustic simulator of the cochlear implant to explain the desappointing results obtained with the bipolar stimuilation mode. We then try to better understand the electrical behavior of the implanted cochlea in order to optimize the multipolar phased array stimulation strategy ( van den Honert and Kelsall 2007). To achieve an efficient stimulation of the neural population it is necessary to determine the distribution of neural survival. In this project we aim to better understand the electrode-neuron interface and identify a possible psychophysical correlate of neural survival. Finally, we discuss the main results and the possibility to design an optimal stimulation strategy to achieve a spatially-focussed electrical field at the level of the nerve fibers.
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From Rainman to Rainmaker: A Presentation of Jim’s Journey and Rapidly Advancing Technologies: Integrating Proven Behavioral Therapies with Emergent Measurement and Testing Advances Will Result in Transformational Progress in Autistic IndividualsZajac, Richard 01 January 2016 (has links)
The autism treatment status quo was reviewed and accompanied by a narrative contextualizing past and present progress with my younger brother Jim’s journey with the condition, sharing proposed next steps for bettering the current state of affairs in the space. The impetus for this piece was to share in the lessons of Jim’s life thus far and the revelations of those who have supported him, as well as to determine ways to create more impactful, lasting change in the limited window of early intervention therapy whilst empowering individuals on the spectrum to optimize for their skills and talents rather than just simply mitigating the downsides of autism spectrum disorder. Feedback as to how to improve the prevailing course of treatment: (education and therapy) was solicited by leading experts in the fields of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), Electroencephalography (EEG), and autism more generally in the context of politics, insurability, and savant syndrome and splinter skills. The advice of the various vertical experts were synthesized and distilled into a new proposed course of treatment which were submitted to all respective experts for further feedback and review prior to publication. It was discovered that there is significant feedback to suggest that the prevailing wisdom that splinter skills and savant syndrome are found in a small minority of individuals with autism spectrum disorder may not be true and that further research is warranted that would implement the new proposed course of treatment and attempt to unlock the talents and gifts of these individuals consistent with the success we encountered raising Jim. While our methods were resource-intensive and conducted manually with many hours of intensive in-home therapy, there is significant feedback to suggest that a technology-driven approach to reforming autism treatment would achieve same or greater results with far fewer resources in the near and long term. By unlocking the greatest minds of our society (the majority of savants have historically been autistic) to take on the greatest challenges of our time, we can rapidly accelerate the progress of humanity and exponentially better the trajectory of society’s future at the global scale.
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Efeitos da estimulação elétrica transcraniana em adultos com transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividadeCachoeira, Carolina Tosetto January 2016 (has links)
O transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento e sua prevalência na vida adulta é em torno de 2,5%. O tratamento farmacológico, apesar de efetivo, possui importantes limitações, justificando a busca por outras estratégias terapêuticas. A estimulação elétrica transcraniana (EETC) é uma técnica não invasiva de neuroestimulação que tem apresentado resultados promissores em melhorar o desempenho cognitivo em vários distúrbios neuropsiquiátricos, no entanto, poucos estudos avaliaram a sua eficácia e tolerabilidade no TDAH. Foi realizado um ensaio clínico randomizado, duplo-cego e controlado, com estimulação falsa para avaliar a eficácia da EETC nos sintomas de TDAH. Dezessete adultos com TDAH foram randomizados em dois grupos, nove receberam EETC verdadeira e oito, falsa. No grupo da EETC verdadeira foi aplicada estimulação com intensidade de corrente de 2 mA, durante 20 minutos, em cinco dias consecutivos. O ânodo foi posicionado sobre o córtex pré-frontal dorsolateral (CPFDL) direito e o cátodo sobre o CPFDL esquerdo. O grupo controle recebeu estimulação falsa durante o mesmo período. Os sintomas do TDAH foram mensurados por meio da escala Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) e a incapacidade com a escala Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS). As duas escalas foram aplicadas nos seguintes momentos: antes de iniciar (t0) as estimulações, ao final do protocolo (t1) e uma (t2), duas (t3) e quatro semanas (t4) após a intervenção. Observamos redução, estatisticamente significativa, na pontuação das escalas ASRS desatenção (p = 0,02) e SDS (p = 0,04) entre t0 e t1 após a intervenção em comparação ao grupo controle. Na ASRS total também observamos essa tendência, mas não se mostrou estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,07). Ampliando a análise dos dados observamos interação positiva entre tempo e tratamento na pontuação da ASRS total (p = 0,003), ASRS desatenção (p = 0,0001) e SDS (p = 0,001). Os dados deste estudo apontam que a EETC é eficaz para melhorar a atenção em adultos com TDAH. Contudo, mais pesquisas são necessárias para avaliar a eficácia clínica da ETCC nessa população. / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with 2,5% prevalence in adulthood. Pharmacological treatment, although effective, has important limitations, justifying the search for other therapeutic strategies. Transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive neurostimulation technique which has show promising results to improve cognitive performance in several neuropsychiatric disorders, nonetheless few studies have evaluated their efficacy and tolerability in ADHD. A randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial was conducted to examine the efficacy of tDCS on ADHD symptoms. in adults with ADHD. Seventeen adults with ADHD were randomized into two groups, nine received active EETC eight, false. In the active group was applied EETC with 2mA current intensity, for 20 minutes, in five consecutive days. Anode was positioned on the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and cathode over the left DLPFC. Control group received false stimulation during the same period. ADHD symptoms were measured using the scale Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) and the disability with Sheehan Disability Scale Scale (SDS). Both scales were applied at the following times: before starting the stimulation, the end of the protocol, and one, two and four weeks after the intervention. Subjects in the active group achieved significant reduction in ASRS inattention (p = 0,02) and SDS (p = 0,04) scores after intervention compared to control group. At ASRS total score was also observed this trend, without statistical significance (p = 0.07). Extending data analysis shows there are positive interaction between time and treatment on ASRS total score (p = 0,003), ASRS inattention (p = 0,0001) and SDS (p = 0,001). These data indicate that tDCS is effective to improving attention in adults with ADHD. However, further research is needed to assess the clinical efficacy of tDCS in this population.
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Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Working Memory Performance in Older Adults: Potential ModeratorsBryant, Andrew M. 17 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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<p>In this dissertation, we show three approaches towards selective vagus nerve stimulation (VNS). First, we investigated VNS using microelectrode with circle and Vicsek fractal shape. Our rat study shows that fractal microelectrode can activate C-fibers in cervical vagus nerve with higher energy efficiency compared to circle microelectrode. Secondly, we developed stretchable and adhesive cuff device for a compliant neural interface for a long-term stability. We designed Y-shaped kirigami thin-film device for stretchable neural interface and applied a tissue-adhesive hydrogel to enable tough adhesion of the cuff electrode, which can be potentially used to fix the position of microelectrode for a reliable selective stimulation with minimal mechanical mismatch. Lastly, we developed a microchannel electrode array device to potentially measure high-quality of single fiber action potential (SFAP) from the abdominal vagal trunk of rat to explore natural patterns selective organ activities which can be used for a fine-tuned selective VNS. Our results show the potential of measuring C-fiber activities evoked by cervical VNS.</p>
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REDUCTION OF THE ONSET RESPONSE IN HIGH FREQUENCY NERVE BLOCKAckermann, Douglas Michael, Jr. January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Commercialization of HFAC Electronic Nerve Block Technology to Treat Chronic Post Surgical PainNarasimhan, Anirudhan January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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