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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arkivarien som väktare eller facilitator: En samtidshistorisk undersökning av svenska arkivariers professionella identitet

Lihv, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines contemporary professionalism among Swedish archivists and how they create a professional identity and defend their status in a context defined by societal change and a new techonological, political and organizational setting. The results are interpreted using two ideal-types drawn from sociological theory on professional change due to the emergence and incorporation of New Public Management in the public sector. The results show that Swedish archivists tend to defend a traditional role as objective and neutral keepers of truth, but also strive to redefine their professional role within organization as experts of information, leaders and managers. Furthermore, the professional status is strenghtened by defending the archive’s role in society as a memory institution for cultural identity and historical truth as well as an important asset for private enterprise and public sector.

A gestão pública e o relacionamento com o cidadão : um estudo sob a ótica da teoria New Public Service

Lacerda, Alana Bauer January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho busca compreender como elementos das diferentes abordagens de administração pública (Administração Pública Burocrática, Nova Administração Pública e Novo Serviço Público) encontrados no Departamento Estadual de Trânsito do Rio Grande do Sul – Detran/RS interferem no relacionamento da Autarquia com o cidadão. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, a base teórica da pesquisa constitui-se, além do estudo das supracitadas teorias da administração pública, do conceito de valor público e de um panorama sobre o relacionamento com o cidadão por parte das instituições públicas. Uma análise documental foi realizada, seguida de entrevistas semiestruturadas com o corpo diretivo da instituição, com servidores que atuam no atendimento ao público e com os cidadãos. Os dados coletados foram estudados a partir da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Buscou-se identificar elementos que evidenciem o papel do Detran/RS na sociedade na visão das unidades de análise, o modelo de gestão predominante, a percepção sobre valor público e as dificuldades e perspectivas sobre o relacionamento da instituição com os cidadãos por ela atendidos. Os resultados indicaram a predominância dos modelos da Administração Pública Burocrática e da Nova Administração Pública, que coexistem com vários dos seus elementos na instituição analisada. A identificação de uma escassa visão sobre um modelo de administração participativo, como o proposto pelo Novo Serviço Público, somada a elementos burocráticos, como a necessidade de extensa documentação, e a elementos gerenciais, como a terceirização de serviços essenciais, permitem a conclusão de que contribuem para um ambiente hostil para o cidadão que, além de ter de enfrentar dificuldades para o cumprimento de serviços solicitados, mantém-se distante da esfera pública. / This thesis seeks to understand how elements of the different approaches of public administration (Bureaucratic Public Administration, New Public Management and New Public Service) found in the Department of Transit of Rio Grande do Sul - Detran/RS interferes in its relationship with the citizen. In order to reach the proposed objectives, the theoretical basis of the research constitutes, besides the study of the above-mentioned theories of the public administration, the concept of public value and a panorama on the relationship with the citizen by the public institutions. A documental analysis was carried out, followed by semi-structured interviews with the institution's governing body, with public servants whose work is respond to the citizens and with the citizens themselves. The data collected were studied using the content analysis technique. It sought to identify elements that demonstrate the role of Detran/RS in society in the view of the units of analysis, the predominant management model, the perception about public value and the difficulties and perspectives on the relationship of the institution with the citizens it serves. The results indicated the predominance of the models of the Bureaucratic Public Administration and New Public Administration, which coexist with several of its elements in the analyzed institution. The identification of a scarce vision of a participative management model, such as that proposed by the New Public Service, added to bureaucratic elements, such as the need for extensive documentation, and management elements, such as the outsourcing of essential services, allow the conclusion that they contribute to a hostile environment for the citizen who, in addition to facing difficulties in fulfilling the requested services, remains far from the public sphere.

Del planeamiento a la implementación: principales brechas del contexto peruano bajo el enfoque de la Nueva Gestión Pública / Del planeamiento a la implementación: principales brechas del contexto peruano bajo el enfoque de la Nueva Gestión Pública

Calderón la Madrid, Luis Ricardo 03 August 2018 (has links)
The implementation, as a phase that goes beyond from planning, is, currently one of the most effective tools to check and feedback the New Public Management’s system, due in that phase actor makes contact with social and cultural variables that could define the success or failure of a Public Policy or Program.In that way, the article presents the main technical and political gaps that do not allow an adequate implementation, delimiting those that influence more in Peruvian context, with the objective that they can be identified in the daily reader’s performance. Likewise, the article gives recommendations, with the purpose of guide the necessary abilities to confront successfully the exposed gaps. / La implementación, como una fase que va más allá de aplicar lo planeado, es, en la actualidad, uno de los medios más eficaces de verificación y retroalimentación del sistema de la Nueva Gestión Pública (NGP), debido a que, en esta fase, el actor hace contacto con las variables sociales y culturales que podrían definir el éxito o fracaso de una Política Pública (PP) o Programa.En ese sentido, el artículo presenta las principales brechas tanto técnicas como políticas que no permiten una adecuada implementación, delimitando aquellas que influyen más en el contexto peruano, con el objetivo de que estas puedan ser identificadas en el desempeño diario del lector. Asimismo, se brindan recomendaciones, con el fin de orientar las habilidades necesarias para afrontar satisfactoriamente las brechas expuestas.

A nova agenda da gestão pública brasileira: estudo de caso do Detran-SP / The new agenda for Brazilian public management: a case study of Detran-SP

Denis Alves Rodrigues 06 February 2015 (has links)
A administração pública brasileira tem uma imagem muito negativa perante a sociedade, o que se deve, em grande medida, a um histórico de ineficiência e práticas patrimonialistas e clientelistas. Para enfrentar o desafio de mudar esse tipo de administração pública, a corrente de pensamento denominada Nova Administração Pública (NAP) ou administração gerencialista, como ficou conhecida no Brasil, propõe novos métodos e técnicas de gestão a ela adaptados, muitos deles oriundos das práticas de empresas privadas. Assim, como outras experiências anteriores de reformas no Estado brasileiro, a NAP também ficou mais restrita ao âmbito federal, sendo poucas as oportunidades de estudá-la em nível subnacional (estados ou municípios), ou mesmo via estudos intraorganizacionais. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar, por meio de um estudo de caso único, a experiência de implantação de alguns dos valores e práticas da Nova Administração Pública num órgão público brasileiro, de nível estadual, historicamente vinculado aos procedimentos típicos da burocracia tradicional. O órgão público pesquisado é o Departamento de Trânsito de São Paulo (Detran-SP), que atualmente está passando por processo de reestruturação, visando mudanças em seu modelo de gestão. Sendo assim, ele se apresenta como um profícuo laboratório para entender e analisar quais são as variáveis mais relevantes para tornar tecnicamente viável o modelo da NAP em nível subnacional. / Public administration in Brazil has a very negative image in society, largely due to a history of inefficiency combined with patrimonial and clientelistic practices. In order to change this type of administration, the school of thought known as New Public Management (NPM) or managerial public administration, as it is commonly known in Brazil proposes new methods and management techniques, many of which are adapted from private business practices. Similarly to other previous Brazilian state reforms, NPM has been restricted to the federal level, rendering it difficult to be observed or studied at subnational (states or municipalities), or even intraorganizational levels. Given this, the aim of this research is to study, through a single case study, the implementation of some of the values and practices of New Public Management in a state-level Brazilian public agency, historically linked to the typical procedures of traditional bureaucracy. The agency studied is the São Paulo Department of Transit (Detran-SP), which is currently undergoing a restructuring process and can be seen as a laboratory to understand and analyze what are the most relevant variables and challenges to make the NPM possible at the Brazilian subnational level.

A abordagem da capacitação como um modelo alternativo à nova administração pública para as ações estatais : um estudo de caso das políticas públicas dos municípios de Tupandi, Torres e Porto Alegre

Porsse, Melody de Campos Soares January 2006 (has links)
Esta tese tem o objetivo de evidenciar a troca de prioridades na formulação de políticas públicas imposta pelas novas pressões e desafios sofridos pelo Estado, bem como pelas demandas e expectativas por parte da sociedade civil concernentes a uma agenda política voltada para questões de justiça, eqüidade e gastos públicos voltados para as necessidades dos cidadãos. Essa investigação fundamenta-se na limitação da abordagem que está na base do processo de reforma seguido pelo Estado a partir da década de oitenta. Conforme o paradigma subjacente (Nova Administração Pública), no processo de reforma, as ações governamentais e, portanto, a definição de políticas públicas, se reduzem a fins utilitários, focados na renda e na obtenção da maximização de resultados quantitativos. No entanto, o novo cenário exige uma ampla demanda por respostas estatais, cujas ações, através das políticas públicas, não podem ser voltadas apenas para a eficiência, mas, também para a eqüidade governamental. Dessa forma, toma-se necessário avançar em direção a um modelo que fundamente as ações estatais - elaboração e implementação de políticas públicas - que considere outras dimensões relevantes além da dimensão econômica. Para tanto, apresenta-se a Abordagem da Capacitação como um modelo alternativo para as ações governamentais mais recentes, preocupadas com a eficiência e a eqüidade. Assim, empregando o estudo de casos múltiplos e a técnica qualitativa de análise descritiva-interpretativa, foi verificado se as políticas públicas dos municípios estão incorporando questões mais relacionadas com a Abordagem da Capacitação, em comparação com aspectos mais instrumentais, como sugere o modelo da Nova Administração Pública. Como resultado, foi constatado que, de modo geral, todos os municípios pesquisados estão incluindo outros aspectos além da eficiência na elaboração de suas políticas públicas e, portanto, estão incorporando questões mais relacionadas com a Abordagem da Capacitação, em comparação com aspectos mais instrumentais, como sugere o modelo da Nova Administração Pública. Diante dessa constatação e dadas as limitações referentes ao modelo da Nova Administração Pública observadas nos casos de Tupandi e de Porto Alegre com respeito ao modelo de gestão implícito e da insuficiência do foco em questões administrativas e gerenciais no desenvolvimento das políticas para tratar problemas atuais verificada em todos os casos, conclui-se que as políticas públicas dos três municípios analisados estão seguindo uma intuição da Abordagem da Capacitação e, dessa forma, esse paradigma proposto representa melhor as ações governamentais mais recentes, preocupadas com a eficiência e a eqüidade, servindo, assim, como um modelo alternativo à Nova Administração Pública para as ações estatais. / This thesis aims to analyze the change of priorities in the design of public policies imposed by the new pressures and challenges suffered by the State, and by the demands and expectations of the civil society by justice, equality and public spending for citizen's needs. This investigation is based in the limitation of approach that is in the basis of the State reform process starting from the eighty decade. In accordance with this paradigm (New Public Management), in the reform process, the govemment actions and the design ofpublic policies are reduced to utilitarian objectives focused in the income and in the maximization of quantitative outcomes. However, the new context requires a wide demand for state answers, whose actions through the public policies they cannot just be related to efficiency, but also for the govemmental equality. Then, it's needful to move forward towards a model that bases the state actions - elaboration and implementation of public policies - that considers other dimensions besides the economical dimension. Therefore, the Capability Approach is presented as an alternative model for more recent governmental actions, concerned with the efficiency and the equality. Using the multiple cases study and the descriptive-interpretative analysis qualitative technique, it was verified if the municipalities public policies are incorporating characteristics more related with the Capability Approach, in comparison with more instrumental aspects, as the New Public Management Model suggests. As result, it was verified that, in general, all of the researched municipalities are including other aspects besides the efficiency in the public policies elaboration and, therefore, they are incorporating characteristics more related with the Capability Approach, in comparison with more instrumental aspects, as the New Public Management suggests. In accordance with this verification and given the New Public Management model limitations observed in the Tupandi and Porto Alegre cases about implicit management model and the inadequate focus in managerial aspects in the policies development to treat current problems verified in every cases, then the three municipalities public policies analyzed are following an Capability Approach intuition. Therefore, that proposed paradigm represents the current govemmental actions better, concerned with the efficiency and the equality, and serves as an alternative model to the New Public Management for state actions.

Managerialismi suomalaisen julkisen erikoissairaanhoidon johtamisessa:tutkimus yksityissektorin johtamisoppien soveltamisesta neljässä yliopistollisessa sairaanhoitopiirissä ja arvio managerialismin soveltuvuudesta julkisen erikoissairaanhoidon uudistamiseen

Torppa, K. (Kaarina) 06 November 2007 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the study was to assess the application and suitability of managerialism, in reforming the organisation of public specialised care management and operations in Finland. Managerialism refers to the reforming of the public-sector administration, using business management models and practices originating from the private sector. The study combined a qualitative and quantitative research approach. The material consisted of annual reports from four university hospital districts (n = 59), regulations and administrative rules (n = 42) from 1991–2005 as well as a questionnaire (n = 157). Content analysis and statistical analysis were used as the methods of analysis. Managerialism is defined as an ideology, reform and change of management paradigm. As an ideology, managerialism emphasises good, professional management, which is achieved through training and education as well as the manager's right to manage. In terms of reform, managerialism includes decentralisation, results orientation and market orientation in the structural reform of public organisations. As a change of management paradigm, managerialism involves the breakdown of bureaucracy and professional management. According to the qualitative assessment, features complying with managerialism had been applied in varying degrees, between 1991 and 2005, in reforming the organisation of the management and operation of hospital districts. Reform, in accordance with managerialism, was manifested best in one hospital district; this was evident when looking at both sets of data. According to the quantitative assessment, hospital district management was a combination of bureaucratic, professional and managerialist management. Bureaucratic management was manifested in the hospital districts, as classic features of bureaucracy. There was continued support for professional management, evidenced by the requirement that leading positions at medical units be reserved for doctors. Among the features of managerialist management, human-centred and results-centred management and the preconditions of management were manifested in the hospital districts. According to the results of the study, the ideological features of managerialism, as management principles, were accepted in guiding the reform of public specialised care, whereas attitudes towards the reformist features, as service structure reformers, were more negative. The opinions of the topmost management of the hospital districts, and those of unit management, differed in terms of the assessment of the suitability for the specialised care reform of the features, emphasising the efficiency of manageralism and a market-oriented approach. Conflicting views of the suitability of managerialism for reforming specialised care in the public sector were associated with the position of the respondent within the organisation and the management's educational background. The findings of the study can be utilised in political decision-making and internal development work within the hospital districts, in reforming specialised care management and service structures and in the multi-professional management training of health care management personnel. The findings provide a new public management model for public-sector specialised care in Finland. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli arvioida managerialismin soveltamista ja soveltuvuutta suomalaisen julkisen erikoissairaanhoidon johtamisen ja toiminnan organisoinnin uudistamisessa. Managerialismilla tarkoitettiin julkisen hallinnon uudistamista yksityissektorilta peräisin olevin liikkeenjohdon opein ja -käytännöin. Tutkimuksessa yhdistettiin samanaikaisesti kvalitatiivinen ja kvantitatiivinen tutkimusmetodi. Tutkimusaineistoina käytettiin neljän yliopistollisen sairaanhoitopiirin toimintakertomuksia (n = 59), johto- ja hallintosääntöjä (n = 42) vuosilta 1991–2005 sekä kirjallista kyselyä (n = 157). Analyysimenetelminä käytettiin sisällön analyysia ja tilastollista analyysiä. Managerialismi määriteltiin ideologiana, reformina ja johtamisparadigman muutoksena. Ideologiana managerialismi korosti hyvää, ammattimaista johtamista, johon kouluttaudutaan, sekä johtajan oikeutta johtaa. Reformina managerialismi sisälsi hajauttamisen, tulosorientaation sekä markkinaohjautuvuuden julkisten organisaatioiden rakenneuudistuksissa. Johtamisparadigman muutoksena managerialismi merkitsi byrokratian ja professionaalisen johtamisen murtamista. Kvalitatiivisen arvioinnin mukaan managerialismin mukaisia piirteitä oli sovellettu vaihtelevasti vuosina 1991–2005 sairaanhoitopiirien johtamisen ja toiminnan organisoinnin uudistamisessa. Yhdessä sairaanhoitopiirissä managerialismin mukainen uudistaminen ilmeni parhaimmin, ja molempien aineistojen perusteella. Kvantitatiivisen arvioinnin mukaan sairaanhoitopiirien johtaminen oli yhdistelmä byrokraattista, professionaalista ja managerialistista johtamista. Byrokraattinen johtaminen ilmeni sairaanhoitopiireissä byrokratian klassisina piirteinä. Professionaalista johtamista tuettiin edelleen sairaanhoidollisten yksiköiden johtotehtävien lääkärikelpoisuusehdoilla. Managerialistisen johtamisen piirteistä ilmenivät sairaanhoitopiireissä ihmiskeskeinen ja tuloskeskeinen johtaminen sekä johtamisen edellytykset. Tutkimustulosten mukaan managerialismin ideologiset piirteet johtamisen periaatteina hyväksyttiin ohjaamaan julkisen erikoissairaanhoidon uudistamista, kun taas reformistisiin piirteisiin palvelurakenteiden uudistajina suhtauduttiin kielteisemmin. Sairaanhoitopiirien ylimmän johdon ja vastuualueiden johdon arviot erosivat toisistaan managerialismin tehokkuutta korostavien piirteiden ja markkinaperusteisen toimintatavan soveltuvuuden arvioinnissa erikoissairaanhoidon uudistamiseen. Ristiriitaiset näkemykset managerialismin soveltuvuudesta julkisen erikoissairaanhoidon uudistamiseen olivat yhteydessä asemaan organisaatiossa ja johdon koulutustaustoihin. Tutkimustietoa voidaan hyödyntää sairaanhoitopiirien poliittisessa päätöksenteossa ja sisäisessä kehittämisessä erikoissairaanhoidon johtamisen ja palvelurakenteiden uudistamisessa sekä terveydenhuollon johdon moniammatillisessa johtamiskoulutuksessa. Tutkimustieto antaa suomalaiselle julkiselle erikoissairaanhoidolle uuden julkisen johtamisen mallin. / Sammandrag Studiens syfte var att utvärdera tillämpning och lämplighet av managerialism i reformering av organisering av ledning och verksamhet inom offentlig specialsjukvård i Finland. Med managerialism menades reformering av offentlig förvaltning med hjälp av modeller och tillvägagångssätt som härstammar från den privata sektorn. I studien användes både kvalitativ och kvantitativ forskning. Forskningsmaterialet omfattade verksamhetsberättelser (n = 59) från fyra universitetssjukhusdistrikt, ledningsinstruktioner och förvaltningsregler (n = 42) från 1991–2005 samt en skriftlig enkät (n = 157). Innehållsanalys och statistisk analys användes som analysmetoder. Managerialism definierades som ideologi, reform samt ändring av ledningsparadigm. Som ideologi betonade managerialismen god, professionell ledning, som man når genom att studera, samt ledarens rätt att leda. Som reform omfattade managerialism decentralisering, resultatorientering samt marknadsorientering när det gäller strukturella reformer av offentliga organisationer. Som ändring av ledningsparadigm betydde managerialism brytning av byråkrati och professionell ledning. Enligt kvalitativ utvärdering hade drag som påminner om managerialism tillämpats i varierande utsträckning mellan 1991 och 2005 i reformering av organisering av ledning och verksamhet inom sjukvårdsdistrikten. Reformering enligt managerialism manifesterades bäst inom ett sjukvårdsdistrikt; samma resultat nåddes med båda materialgrupper. Enligt kvantitativ utvärdering var ledning inom sjukvårdsdistrikt en blandning av byråkratisk, professionell och managerialistisk ledning. Byråkratisk ledning kom till uttryck i sjukvårdsdistrikten som klassiska byråkratiska drag. Professionell ledning stöddes fortfarande med kravet att personer i ledande ställning inom sjukvårdsenheter måste ha läkarutbildning. Av olika managerialistiska ledningsdrag manifesterades människocentrerad och resultatorienterad ledning samt ledningens förutsättningar i sjukvårdsdistrikten. Enligt forskningsresultateten godkändes managerialismens ideologiska drag som ledningsprinciper att styra reformering av offentlig specialsjukvård, medan attityderna var mer negativa gentemot reformistiska drag som förnyare av servicestrukturer. Den högsta sjukvårdsdistriktledningens och resultatenhetsledningens uppfattningar skiljde sig från varandra när det gäller utvärdering av hur väl managerialismens drag som betonar effektivitet samt en marknadsorienterad operationssätt lämpar sig för reformering av specialsjukvård. Motstridiga uppfattningar om managerialismens lämplighet för reformering av offentlig specialsjukvård var förknippade med position inom organisationen samt ledningens utbildningsbakgrund. Forskningens resultat kan tillämpas i politisk beslutsfattning inom sjukvårdsdistrikt, intern utveckling och reformering av ledning och servicestrukturer inom specialsjukvården samt inom multiprofessionell ledningsutbildning avsedd för personer i ledande ställning inom hälsovården. Studien erbjuder en ny offentlig ledningsmodell för offentlig specialsjukvård i Finland.

"Du blir mig" : En textanalys om statliga universitets identitetsskapande på webben / "You become me" : A textual analysis of how Swedish public universities construct identity on the web

Miller, Mia January 2018 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks hur fyra statliga universitet presenterar grundläggande information om sig själva via sina webbplatser. Det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka språkliga medel – och i förekommande fall visuella medel – som de utvalda lärosätena väljer att använda för att uttrycka sin identitet i texterna. Analysmaterialet består av fyra texter skrivna av Uppsala universitet, Lunds universitet, Linnéuniversitetet och Mittuniversitetet. Dels analyseras texterna var för sig, dels görs en komparativ analys av texterna skrivna av kategorierna äldre och yngre universitet. Frågeställningarna analyseras med kritisk diskursanalys som ramverk kompletterat med en praktisk metod för brukstextanalys. Dessutom undersöks vissa av texternas multimodala aspekter. Resultatet visar att även om materialet består av myndighetstexter befinner sig texterna i gränslandet mellan reklam och myndighetsinformation. Texterna lånar ord och uttryck från den kommersiella sfären. Dessutom syftar texterna, vissa mer än andra, till att skapa en identitetsbaserad relation med mottagaren som påminner om den mellan producent och konsument. Särskilt de äldre universiteten har tagit ett större steg in i den marknadsanpassade diskursen, framförallt genom att personifiera och intimisera relationen mellan lärosätet och textens möjliga mottagare. De yngre universiteten positionerar sig än så länge på ett större avstånd från mottagaren och håller fast vid en mer traditionell stil där saklighet och viss distans är viktiga parametrar.

Yttre och inre krav påverkar socialsekreterares arbetssituation : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterarens upplevelser och tankar kring arbetsrelaterad stress inom socialtjänsten

Coskun, Helin, Paulos, Joni January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Arbetsrelaterad stress kan definieras som obalans mellan de förväntade kraven som ställs på individen samt dennes förmåga att hantera de ställda kraven. Forskningen har hittills visat att stressproblematiken har ökat både i Sverige och omvärlden. Det är ett växande fenomen som påverkar negativ individens arbetssätt och privatliv. Arbetsrelaterad stress har ökat särskilt bland socialarbetare jämfört med andra yrken. De senaste åren har det skett stora förändringar inom välfärdssektorn. På grund av omstrukturering inom välfärden ställs högre krav på socialarbetare. Konsekvenserna av dessa krav främjar ohälsan, vilket leder till flera sjukskrivningar, utbrändhet samt stress. Syftet: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka socialarbetares upplevelser av arbetsrelaterad stress i förhållande till deras arbete vid Socialtjänsten i en mellanstor stad i Sverige. Metoden: Är en kvalitativ intervjustudie. Individuella intervjuer anses vara mest lämpliga för att på bästa sättet besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Resultat: I denna studie visar att ökning av arbetsbelastning, komplexitet av arbetsuppgifterna, tidsbrist samt missnöje är några bidragande faktorer till arbetsrelaterad stress. Vidare visar studien att sådan stress påverkar negativ hälsan och gör att arbetskvalitet blir sämre. Dessutom visar studie att kollegialt stöd och färre antal arbetstimmar kan minska arbetsrelaterad stress. Slutsats: Baserade på de erhålla resultaten kan man dra en slutsats att socialtjänsten är underbemannad. Arbetsrelaterad stress är vanligt förekommande och nästintill accepterad som ett faktum bland socialarbetare. För övrigt en annan slutsats som kan dras av denna studie är att det i nuläget råder ett tillfredställande kollegialt stöd i den organisationen där studien utfördes. Kollegialt stöd verkar vara en skyddande faktor gällande uppkomsten av arbetsrelaterad stress. / <p>2018-01-19</p>

Värdeskapande inom kommunala projekt : En tillämpning av Public Value Management på kommunala samhällsutvecklingsprojekt

Dahlbäck Pettersson, Sarah, Larsson, Sigrid January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen för hur värdeskapande i kommunala projekt kan påverkas av Public Value Management. En kvalitativ forskningsansats och semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts i arbetet. Studien påvisar att det samhällsvärde som skapas inom projekten uppvisar drag av Public Value Management, men att begreppet inte är känt av projektledarna. Slutsatsen är att det saknas indikationer på att Public Value Management är en förutsättning för kommunalt värdeskapande, även om styrmodellen kan bidra med positiv påverkan på processen. / The aim of this study is to increase the understanding of how value creation in municipal projects can be influenced by Public Value Management. A qualitative approach and semistructured interviews was used during the study. Our study indicates that the public value that is created through municipal project does show signs of Public Value Management despite the dact that the project leaders are not familiar with the term. The conclusion is that Public Value Management does not seem to be a prerequisite for the creation of public value. Although, it may very well contribute with positive infulences to the process of value creation.

L'externalisation administrative : Éléments pour une théorie / Administrative externalisation : Items for a theory

Reneau, Raphaël 14 November 2017 (has links)
Apparu il y a près d’une vingtaine d’années dans le discours doctrinal en droit administratif, le terme d’externalisation est encore aujourd’hui paradoxalement très peu présent dans le langage théorique des juristes, et quasiment absent du droit positif et des prétoires. Le plus souvent employé en tant que vocable « cosmétique » et idéologique, il est en effet principalement destiné à rendre compte, de manière générale, du tournant managérial emprunté par l’organisation et la gestion de l’action administrative dans le cadre de la réforme de l’État, et sous l’influence des préceptes du New Public Management. Il n’est toutefois pas voué à demeurer simplement un idiome caractéristique de l’émergence d’une nouvelle posture de l’État et des personnes publiques. Il peut en l’occurrence être envisagé comme un concept à part entière intégré à la théorie générale du droit adminsitratif : l’externalisation administrative. En tant que tel, il offre l’opportunité d’une approche originale des transformations contemporaines traversant ce champ disciplinaire, et permet de proposer une définition et un contenu proprement administratif à ce terme maintes fois évoqué et si peu souvent précisé. Inspirée des acquis des sciences économiques, et de gestion et des travaux menés par la doctrine civiliste, la conceptualisation de l’externalisation administrative aboutit à la découverte d’un mode de gestion inédit de l’action administrative fondé sur une logique de coopération, et recouvrant l’emploi par les personnes publiques d’instruments juridiques traditionnels dotés d’une fonction singulière afin d’habiliter un tiers à participer à la réalisation d’une compétence qui leur est attribuée par l’ordre juridique. Ainsi élaboré, le concept d’externalisation administrative se déploie dans le cadre de l’accomplissement de la compétence matérielle des autorités administratives, sous de multiples formes juridiques et dans des domaines d’activités divers, par le moyen d’une instrumentalisation de l’obligation révélant une conception renouvelée de celle-ci. Il apporte par conséquent des éléments de compréhension inédits de l’évolution des modes d’intervention des personnes publiques. Du titre au sous-titre, l’utilité théorique de ce concept se mesure alors à l’aune du contenu qui lui est assigné, lequel pose les jalons d’une théorie de l’externalisation administrative et, au-delà, d’une théorie de la gestion coopérative de l’action administrative. / Appeared almost twenty years ago in the doctrinal discourse of administrativ law, still today the term of externalisation is paradoxically not very present in the theoretical language of lawyers, and nearly absent in the positiv law and in the courtrooms. Indeed it is employed most of the time as a « cosmetic » and ideological term mainly destined to realize, generally, of the managerial turn borrowed by organization and management of administrative action in the framework of state reform, and under the influence of the New Public Management precepts. However, it is not dedicated to remain simply as an idiom representative of emergence of a new posture of state and public authorities. As it happens, it can be considered as a concept in full integrated to the general theory of administrativ law. As such, it offers opportunity of an original approach of contemporary transformations crossing this disciplinary purview, and allows to provide a definition and a contents properly administrative to this term many times mentioned and so litte specified. Inspired by the achievements of economics and management, and the works conducts by civil law doctrine, the conceptualization of administrative externalisation leads to the discovery of an novel management mode of administrative action based on a logic of cooperation, and covering the recourse by public authorities at traditional juridical instruments endued of a singular function to empower a third party to share in the realisation of an ability assigned to them by the legal order. Thus elaborated, the administrative externalisation concept unflods in the framework of fulfillement of the concret public authorities ability, under multiple juridical forms and in various fields of activity, by the means of an instrumentalization of the obligation revealing a renewed conception of this one. Therefore, it brings unprecedented elements of understanding of evolution of methods of intervention by the administrative authorities. From title to subtitle, theoretical utility of this concept is measured so in terms of the content assigned to it, wich sets the milestones of an administrative externalisation theory and, beyond, of a cooperative management of administrative action theory.

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