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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The most radical act: Harold Rosenberg, Barnett Newman and Ad Reinhardt

Marie, Annika 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available

Les représentations chrétiennes et la culture juive dans l'art pictural moderne : le cas de Marc Chagall

Béland, Caroline 05 1900 (has links)
Marc Chagall est un artiste juif qui a défié l’interdiction mosaïque de représenter la divinité. Il a entre autres réalisé plusieurs tableaux sur le thème de la Crucifixion, un sujet particulièrement délicat pour un artiste attaché à son identité juive et à un art à tendance autobiographique. Ce mémoire examine les conditions qui ont permis l’adoption et le développement, par Chagall, d’une iconographie revisitée d’un important motif chrétien. Parmi les circonstances qui ont facilité l’hybridation culturelle à laquelle se livre Chagall dans ses Crucifixions, il faut signaler la liberté nouvelle, à la fois au niveau des dispositifs figuratifs et du traitement pictural, apportée par le modernisme dans l’approche des grands genres traditionnels dont relève la peinture religieuse. Dans un tout autre registre, le mémoire se penche sur les circonstances historiques exceptionnelles ayant exercé une pression pour que l’expérience tragique des Juifs du XXe siècle trouve à s’exprimer dans des images à portée universelle. / Marc Chagall is a Jewish artist who challenged the Mosaic interdiction to represent the deity. He has among others in the modern period made several paintings on the theme of the Crucifixion, a particularly sensitive issue for an artist attached to his Jewish identity and practising an art with a strong autobiographical component. This dissertation examines the conditions which allowed the adoption and the development, by Chagall, of an important Christian subject whose iconography he freely revisited. Among the circumstances that facilitated the cultural hybridization in which Chagall engaged in his Crucifixion, we must point out the new freedom, both at the level of figurative devices and pictorial treatment, brought by modernism in the approach of major traditional genres to which religious painting belongs. On a quite different register, the dissertation examines the exceptional historic circumstances met by Chagall before and during the execution of the Crucifixions. These circumstances have exerted pressure that allowed the tragic experience of the Jews of the XXth century to find expression in images of universal significance. / Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de ses documents visuels et audio‐visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Raréfaction dans les suites b-multiplicatives

Aksenov, Alexandre 16 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
On étudie une sous-classe des suites b-multiplicatives rarefiées avec un pas de raréfaction p premier, et on trouve une structure asymptotique avec un exposant alphain]0,1[ et une fonction de raréfaction continue périodique. Cette structure vaut pour les suites qui contiennent des nombres complexes du disque unité (section 1.1), et aussi pour des systèmes de numération avec b chiffres successifs positifs et négatifs (section 1.2). Ce formalisme est analogue à celui décrit (pour le cas particuler de la suite de Thue-Morse) par Gelfond; Dekking; Goldstein, Kelly, Speer; Grabner; Drmota, Skalba et autres. Dans la deuxième partie, largement indépendante, on étudie la raréfaction dans les suites composées de -1,0 et +1. On se restreint davantage au cas où b engendre le groupe multiplicatif modulo p. Cette hypothèse est conjecturée (Artin) d'être vraie pour une infinité de nombres premiers. Les constantes qui apparaissent s'expriment alors comme polynômes symétriques des P(zeta^j) où P est un polynôme à coefficients entiers, zeta est une racine primitive p-ième de l'unité, $j$ parcourt les entiers de 1 à p-1 (ce lien est explicité dans la section 1.3). On définit une méthode pour étudier les valeurs de ces polynômes symétriques, basée sur la combinatoire, notamment sur le problème de comptage des solutions des congruences et des systèmes linéaires modulo p avec deux conditions supplémentaires: les résidus modulo p utilisés doivent être non nuls et différents deux à deux. L'importance est donnée à la différence entre les nombres de soluions de deux congruences qui ne diffèrent que du terme sans variable. Le cas des congruences de la forme $x_1+x_2+...+x_n=i mod p$ équivaut à un résultat connu. Le mémoire (section 2.2) lui donne une nouvelle preuve qui en fait une application originale de la formule d'inversion de Möbius dans le p.o.set des partitions d'un ensemble fini. Si au moins deux coefficients distincts sont présents, on peut classer les réponses associées à toutes les congruences possibles qui ont un ensemble fixe de coefficients (de taille d), dans un tableau qu'on va appeler un "simplexe de Pascal fini". Ce tableau est une fonction delta:N^d->Z restreinte aux points de somme des coordonnées inférieure à p (un simplexe), avec deux propriétés: l'équation récursive de Pascal y est vérifiée partout sauf les points où la somme des coefficients est multiple de p (qui seront appelés les "sources" et forment un sous-réseau de l'ensemble des points entiers), et les valeurs en-dehors du simplexe induites par l'équation sont nulles (c'est démontré, en réutilisant la méthode précédente, dans la section 2.3 et en partie 2.4). On décrit un algorithme (section 2.4) qui consiste en applications successives de l'équation dans un ordre précis, qui permet de trouver l'unique fonction delta qui vérifie les deux conditions. On applique ces résultats aux suites b-multiplicatives (dans la section 2.5). On montre aussi que le nombre de sources ne dépend que de la dimension du simplexe d et de la longueur de son côté p. On formule la conjecture (partie 2.6) qu'il serait le plus petit possible parmi les tableaux de forme d'un simplexe de la dimention fixe et taille fixe qui vérifient les mêmes conditions. On montre un premier résultat sur les systèmes de deux congruences linéaires (section 2.5.4), et on montre (section 1.4) un lien avec une méthode de Drmota et Skalba pour prouver l'absence de phénomène de Newman (dans un sens précis), décrit initialement pour la suite de Thue-Morse et tout p tel que b engendre le groupe multiplicatif modulo p, et généralisé (section 1.4) à la suite (-1)^{nombre de chiffres 2 dans l'écriture en base 3 de n} appelée "++-". Cette problématique est riche en problèmes d'algorithmique et de programmation. Différentes sections du mémoire sont illustrées dans l'Annexe. La plupart de ces figures sont inédites.


CARACENI, FRANCESCA 14 January 2019 (has links)
“O weary Champion of the Cross, lie still”: così Christina Rossetti apre un sonetto del 1890 intitolato Cardinal Newman, composto in occasione della dipartita del cardinale e dedicato alla memoria di uno dei più influenti pensatori, teologi e uomini di lettere dell’epoca. L’accorato canto di Rossetti sottolinea la potenza del pensiero newmaniano assimilando le azioni e gli scritti del cardinale all’impeto delle acque di marea, metaforizzandoli poi in un’alluvione che va a sconvolgere il tranquillo corso di un ruscelletto: “Thy tides were springtides, set against the neap/ Of calmer souls: thy flood rebuked their rill (7-8). La metafora acquatica impiegata da Rossetti sintetizza in modo efficace le qualità trasformatrici proprie della lunga parabola esistenziale di John Henry Newman (1801-1890), la quale lascia profondi solchi nel tessuto ideologico e storico di quello che gli studiosi hanno identificato come “very long nineteenth-century”. Gran parte di questi solchi sono stati tracciati da Newman percorrendo una strada faticosa e mai lineare, che lo studioso oggi può seguire attingendo al voluminoso corpus delle opere e all’altrettanto ricco apparato critico e biografico andato formandosi negli anni a commento dei suoi scritti. Assieme a John Keble e Hurrel Froude, Newman fondò le basi di quello che passa alla storia come Oxford Movement, un’esperienza intellettuale nata fra i Colleges dell’Università di Oxford che mirava a ricostruire le basi cattoliche della Chiesa Anglicana, in un contesto di generale inquietudine nei confronti dell’istituzione ecclesiastica e dei modi da questa adottati per declinare la professione di fede all’interno del tessuto sociale dell’epoca. Gli uomini del Movement concentrarono i propri sforzi teorici nella stesura e pubblicazione di numerosi Tracts for the Times, nei quali si affrontavano i temi ecclesiologici più disparati, col fine di attivare un dialogo riformatore in seno alla Chiesa d’Inghilterra. La pubblicazione dei Tracts fu di breve durata (1833-1845) ma foriera di importanti conseguenze per la società inglese e per l’esistenza di Newman, coincidendo la sua conversione al cattolicesimo con la cessazione delle pubblicazioni (1845). La conversione di Newman fece enorme impressione sull’opinione pubblica, specie per il forte sentimento antiromano che circolava nelle fila dell’establishment inglese. Il motto “No Popery” costituiva un refrain udibile in molte delle produzioni culturali dell’epoca e in special modo nei romanzi a tema religioso, fra le cui pagine il cattolico si muove come personaggio intriso di caratteristiche negative proprie del villain: “a spy, a secret agent, suave, supercilious and satanically unscrupulous, laying his cunning plots for the submission of England to ‘Jesuitocracy’”. Falsità, propensione all’inganno, sete di potere, assenza di scrupoli erano tutti connotati che l’immaginazione protestante associava alla Chiesa di Roma: la conversione procurò a Newman accuse dello stesso segno che il futuro cardinale cercò di dissipare nei suoi scritti, impegnandosi ad arrivare a una fetta di pubblico il più vasta possibile mediante due romanzi e la celebre autobiografia spirituale Apologia Pro Vita Sua (1864). Le opere letterarie di Newman conobbero un dilagante successo, intrise com’erano di istanze culturali associate alla vita religiosa e di elementi autobiografici che andavano a soddisfare la curiosità del pubblico per la vicenda personale di uno degli uomini più in vista del regno di Vittoria. La peculiare intersecazione fra la determinante storico-culturale e quella autobiografica nella testualizzazione letteraria newmaniana è l’oggetto di studio qui proposto. La ricerca prende il via da un iniziale progetto su biografia e romanzo in relazione alla cosiddetta “crisi religiosa” che caratterizza gli anni vittoriani. Nel considerare i vari aspetti della questione assieme al mio tutor Prof. Enrico Reggiani, si è constatato come non fosse opportuno inscrivere la figura di Newman in uno studio tematico e pluritestuale, metodologicamente orientato a una prospettiva storico-culturale: l’influenza del cardinale sulle lettere di derivazione anglofona appare caratterizzata da un’imponente, multilivellare pervasività che echeggia sia nelle pratiche artistiche dell’epoca, ossia nell’opera della già citata Rossetti, nell’estetica della Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, nella poesia di Gerald Manley Hopkins, che in quelle novecentesche, come il sistema testuale joyciano. Se il ruolo determinante del pensiero newmaniano è riconosciuto e analizzato dalla critica nel dettaglio dei suoi aspetti teologico-religiosi, altrettanto non può dirsi dei suoi scritti più specificamente letterari: il lavoro qui presentato sarà da intendersi pertanto come un dispositivo di avvicinamento a questi aspetti dell’opera di Newman. A tal fine si è deciso di concentrare lo studio sulla close-reading di uno dei due romanzi newmaniani, Loss and Gain (1848), la cui testualità sarà investigata mediante un selezionato apparato metodologico afferente in primis al macrotesto dell’autore e in secundis a più recenti formulazioni teoriche di taglio narratologico. / In an 1890 composition dedicated to the memory of John Henry Newman, Christina Rossetti metaphorized his legacy into “springtides, set against the neap/ Of calmer souls: thy flood rebuked their rill”. She so sought to synthesize the transformative qualities of Newman’s existence (1801-1890) in the context of the “very long nineteenth century”, as defined by Margot Finn. Along with John Keble and Hurrell Froude, Newman founded the Tractarian Movement, an Oxford-based intellectual movement intending to rebuild the Catholic foundation of the Anglican Church, which at the time was facing an ever growing disquiet on behalf of its affiliates, for both ecclesiological and political reasons. In order to ignite a reformative dialogue within the Church of England, the Tractarians published a relevant number of Tracts from 1833 to 1845, when Newman converted to Catholicism. Newman’s conversion sparked a huge controversy within the public opinion, catholics at the time being subjected to a heavy cultural stigma within the establishment. Falsity, a propension to deceit and thirst for power connoted the catholic character in numerous religious novels in the Victorian period, thus prompting Newman to defend himself from similar allegations in various writings such as the Apologia Pro Vita Sua (1864). Newman’s literary writings were extremely successful, since they put on display a peculiar intersection between religious cultural issues and his own autobiography. Such intersection is the object of my thesis, which will articulate around a close-reading of Newman’s novel Loss and Gain (1848) in order to highlight the main features of the Cardinal’s literary theory and practice in relation to his overall theological views, and to project them on a synchronic and diacronic perspective to attest Newman’s legacy on Eighteenth and Nineteenth century literature.

Newman's idea of the Church and its kinship with similar ideas in Coleridge and F.D. Maurice

Coulson, John January 1968 (has links)
No description available.

Geometrie izolovaných horizontů / Geometry of isolated horizons

Flandera, Aleš January 2016 (has links)
While the formalism of isolated horizons is known for some time, only quite recently the near horizon solution of Einstein's equations has been found in the Bondi-like coordinates by Krishnan in 2012. In this framework, the space-time is regarded as the characteristic initial value problem with the initial data given on the horizon and another null hypersurface. It is not clear, however, what ini- tial data reproduce the simplest physically relevant black hole solution, namely that of Kerr-Newman which describes stationary, axisymmetric black hole with charge. Moreover, Krishnan's construction employs the non-twisting null geodesic congruence and the tetrad which is parallelly propagated along this congruence. While the existence of such tetrad can be easily established in general, its explicit form can be very difficult to find and, in fact it has not been provided for the Kerr-Newman metric. The goal of this thesis was to fill this gap and provide a full description of the Kerr-Newman metric in the framework of isolated horizons. In the theoretical part of the thesis we review the spinor and Newman-Penrose formalism, basic geometry of isolated horizons and then present our results. Thesis is complemented by several appendices.

Stability of charged rotating black holes for linear scalar perturbations

Civin, Damon January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, the stability of the family of subextremal Kerr-Newman space- times is studied in the case of linear scalar perturbations. That is, nondegenerate energy bounds (NEB) and integrated local energy decay (ILED) results are proved for solutions of the wave equation on the domain of outer communications. The main obstacles to the proof of these results are superradiance, trapping and their interaction. These difficulties are surmounted by localising solutions of the wave equation in phase space and applying the vector field method. Miraculously, as in the Kerr case, superradiance and trapping occur in disjoint regions of phase space and can be dealt with individually. Trapping is a high frequency obstruction to the proof whereas superradiance occurs at both high and low frequencies. The construction of energy currents for superradiant frequencies gives rise to an unfavourable boundary term. In the high frequency regime, this boundary term is controlled by exploiting the presence of a large parameter. For low superradiant frequencies, no such parameter is available. This difficulty is overcome by proving quantitative versions of mode stability type results. The mode stability result on the real axis is then applied to prove integrated local energy decay for solutions of the wave equation restricted to a bounded frequency regime. The (ILED) statement is necessarily degenerate due to the trapping effect. This implies that a nondegenerate (ILED) statement must lose differentiability. If one uses an (ILED) result that loses differentiability to prove (NEB), this loss is passed onto the (NEB) statement as well. Here, the geometry of the subextremal Kerr-Newman background is exploited to obtain the (NEB) statement directly from the degenerate (ILED) with no loss of differentiability.

Aging sensitive battery control

Andersson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
The battery is a component with significant impact on both the cost and environmental footprint of a full electric vehicle (EV). Consequently, there is a strong motivation to maximize its degree of utilization. Usage limits are enforced by the battery management system (BMS) to ensure safe operation and limit battery degradation. The limits tend to be conservative to account for uncertainty in battery state estimation as well as changes in the battery's characteristics due to aging. To improve the utilization degree, aging sensitive battery control is necessary. This refers to control that a) adjusts during the battery's life based on its state and b) balances the trade-off between utilization and degradation according to requirements from the specific application.  In state-of-the-art battery installations, only three signals are measured; current, voltage and temperature. However, the battery's behaviour is governed by other states that must be estimated such as its state-of-charge (SOC) or local concentrations and potentials. The BMS therefore relies on models to estimate states and to perform control actions. In order to realize points a) and b), the models that are used for state estimation and control must be updated onboard. An updated model can also serve the purpose of diagnosing the battery, since it reflects the changing properties of an aging battery. This thesis investigates identification of physics-based and empirical battery models from operational EV data. The work is divided into three main studies. 1) A global sensitivity analysis was performed on the parameters of a high-order physics-based model. Measured current profiles from real EV:s were used as input and the parameters' impact on both modelled cell voltage and other internal states was assessed. The study revealed that in order to excite all model parameters, an input with high current rates, large SOC span and longer charge or discharge periods was required. This was only present in the data set from an electric truck with few battery packs. Data sets from vehicles with more packs (electric bus) and limited SOC operating window (plug-in hybrid truck) excited fewer model parameters. 2) Empirical linear-parameter-varying (LPV) dynamic models were identified on driving data. Model parameters were formulated as functions of the measured temperature, current magnitude and estimated open circuit voltage (OCV). To handle the time-scale differences in battery voltage response, continuous-time system identification was employed. We concluded that the proposed models had superior predictive abilities compared to discrete and time-invariant counterparts.  3) Instead of using driving data to parametrize models, we also investigated the possibility to design the charging current in order to increase its information content about model parameters. This was formulated as an optimal control problem with charging speed and information content as objectives. To also take battery degradation into account, constraints on polarization was included. The results showed that parameter information can be increased without significant increase in charge time nor aging related stress. / Elekriska fordon utgör en allt större andel av världens fordonsflotta. Batteriet är en komponent med betydande påverkan både på fordonets kostnadoch dess miljö- och klimatpåverkan. Det är därför viktigt att försöka maximera batteriets utnytjandegrad. Användargränser upprätthålls av batterietsstyrsystem, såkallad BMS, för att garantera säker drift samt för att begränsabatteriets åldrande. Användargränserna tenderar att vara konservativa för attta höjd för osäkerhet i tillståndsestimeringen samt batteriets förändrade egenskaper under dess livstid. För att utöka utnyttjandegraden är ålderskänsligstyrning nödvändig. Med detta avses styrning som a) justeras under batterietslivstid och b) balancerar utnyttjande och prestanda på ett sätt som passar enspecifik applikation. Ombord på fordon mäts typiskt tre signaler; ström, spänning och temperatur. Batteriets beteende bestäms dock av andra tillstånd som måste estimeras, såsom dess laddnivåeller lokala koncentrationer och potentialer. BMS:enförlitar sig därför på modeller för att estimera interna tillstånd och utföra styrning. För att uppfylla punkterna a) och b) måste modellerna som användsuppdateras ombord i takt med att batteriet åldras. En uppdaterad modellkan också fungera som ett diagnostiskt verktyg eftersom det speglar batteriets förändrade egenskaper. Den här avhandlingen undersöker identifieringav fysikbaserade och empiriska modeller från kördata. Arbetet delas in i treseparata studier. 1) En global känslighetsanalys utfördes på parametrarna i en fysikbaseradmodell av hög ordning. Som inputsignal användes uppmätt ström från riktigaelfordon i drift. Parametrarnas effekt på både cellspänning och interna batteritillstånd analyserades. Studien visade att alla modellparametrar exciteradesav strömmen från ett helelektriskt fordon. Anledningen var att batteriernaanvändes inom ett brett SOC spann samt att den dragna strömmen var stor.I fordon med snävare SOC span och lägre strömmar var inte alla parametrarkänsliga. 2) Dynamiska parametervarierande modeller formulerades och identifierades från kördata. Den uppmätta temperaturen, samt strömmens storlekoch den estimerade tomgångsspänningen (OCV) användes till parameterberoenden. För att hantera skillnader i tidsskala mellan spänningssvarets olikakomponenter användes systemidentifiering i kontinuerlig tid. Vi kunde draslutsatsen att de föreslagna modellerna var överlägsna motsvarande diskretaoch konstanta modeller. 3) Istället för att använda kördata för att parametrisera modeller undersökte vi också möjligheten att designa laddförloppet för att öka dess informationsinnheåll. Detta formulerades som ett optimeringsproblem med laddtidoch informationsinnehåll i kostnadsfunktionen. För att även ta batteriets åldrande i beaktning, ansattses bivillkor på polariseringsspänningen. / <p>QC 20220516</p>

Allmän mänsklighet

Kublik Borg, Ylva January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats utgår från målningen Vir Heroicus Sublimis från 1950 av den abstrakta expressionisten Barnett Newman och installationen One and Three Chairs från 1965 av konceptkonstnären Joseph Kousuth som en undersökande metod för att förstå intentionen med mitt eget verk Sitta från kandidatutställningen Lampa, Blomma på Konstfack hösten 2020. Arbetet med uppsatsen har haft en undersökande form från början till slut utifrån fria associationer mellan Sitta och de konsthistoriska verken som ingång.

L'apologie du silence : pour une éthique de l'indicible

Blanchet, Olivier 09 1900 (has links)
Le projet proposé est le suivant : d’abord tenter de comprendre quelle place joue l’indicible dans le langage et quelle forme prend — au niveau fondamental — la violence exercée à son endroit en suivant l'oeuvre d'Emmanuel Levinas et de Ludwig Wittgenstein. Ensuite, poursuivre l’analyse des formes de violence du langage en se penchant sur les conditions de possibilité d’une telle violence ou plutôt sur certaines manifestations historiques d’un tel exercice à l'aide du Différend (1983) de Jean-François Lyotard. Et finalement, appliquer les distinctions établies dans les deux chapitres précédents pour mettre en place les conditions d’établissement d’un espace discursif ouvrant à la possibilité du témoignage non-violent visant à reconnaître l’expérience de la survivante auparavant réduite au silence. / The current project aims to understand the role played by the “unspeakable” in language and what form—at a fundamental level—does the violence perpetrated towards it take by following the works of Emmanuel Levinas and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Then, the analysis of linguistic violence continues by examining the different manifestations of this wrong and their conditions of possibility or more precisely, by scrutinizing certain historical incidences of such a reproduction of violence by proposing a close reading of Jean-François Lyotard’s Le Différend (1983). Finally, an attempt will be made at establishing the conditions necessary for the construction of a discursive safe-space opening the possibility of a non-violent witnessing and testimony oriented towards the recognition of the experience of the once silenced survivor.

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