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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthesis and Mesogenic Properties of Liquid Crystals with Bent Core-Tail Substitution Geometry

Davis, David Richard 30 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Multi-detector registration system for the study of multi-body decay of heavy body nuclei

Malaza, Vusi David 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / Nuclear ssion is commonly known as a process where a heavy nucleus such as Uranium or Thorium decays into two fragments of roughly equal mass. On occasion however, instead of decay into two parts a process known as binary ssion, the nucleus can decay into three fragments. In this decay channel known as ternary ssion, the nucleus splits into three fragments with the third particle being too light compared to the main ssion fragments. There are also instances where heavy nuclei split into three fragments of comparable masses, the so called \true ternary ssion" as was predicted by the theoretical calculations of Strutinsky [Str63]. While theoretical predictions hold promises for this decay mode, experimental attempts had little success in proving the existence of true ternary ssion in low energy ssion. The challenges and di culties faced by experimentalist in con rming the existence of true ternary ssion also proved that this ssion mode is a very rare phenomenon. This thesis is devoted to the investigation of ternary ssion know as collinear cluster tripartition (CCT) in spontaneous ssion of 252Cf, and the design and development of two time-of- ight spectrometers aimed at identifying all collinear multi-body decay partners directly. Prior to this study the only technique that was used at identifying decay partners in CCT was the \missing mass" approach. In this approach only two partners are identi ed directly with the third partner being identi ed by subtracting the two observed partners from the initial mass of the nucleus. The experimental results from the two spectrometer setups showed that it was possible to identify all three partners of the CCT channel. The results also con rmed the existence of the so called \Sn lost" CCT mode which was already observed in earlier experiments. / National Research Foundation (NRF) / Joint Institute of Nuclear Science (JINR) / Financial support from Dr D V Kamanim / Dept of Science and Technology (DST)

Effective Field Theories for Quantum Chromo- and Electrodynamics

Zhang, Ou, Zhang, Ou January 2016 (has links)
Effective field theories (EFTs) provide frameworks to systematically improve perturbation expansions in quantum field theory. This improvement is essential in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) predictions, both at low energy in the description of low momentum hadron-hadron scattering and at high energy in the description of electron-positron, proton-proton, proton-electron collisions. It is also important in quantum electrodynamics (QED), when electrons interact with a high-intensity, long-wavelength classical field. I introduce the principles and methods of effective field theory and describe my work in three EFTs: First, in the perturbative QCD region, I use soft collinear effective theory (SCET) to prove that strong interaction soft radiation is universal and to increase the QCD accuracy to next-to-next-to-next-to leading logarithm order for new particle searches in hadron colliders. I also compute a new class of non-perturbative, large logarithmic enhancement arising near the elastic limits of deep inelastic scattering and Drell-Yan processes. Second, in the QCD confinement region, I use heavy hadron chiral perturbation theory to study near-threshold enhancements in the scattering of 𝐷 and 𝜋 mesons near the threshold for the excited 𝐷-meson state, 𝐷*, as well as in the scattering of 𝐷 and 𝐷* mesons near the threshold for the exotic hadron X(3872). This work provides a clear picture of the hadronic molecule X(3872) and more profound understanding of the nuclear force between hadrons. Finally, inspired by SCET, I construct a new electron-laser effective field theory to describe highly-relativistic electrons traveling in strong laser fields, extract the universal distribution of electrons in strong electromagnetic backgrounds and its evolution in energy from the separated momentum scales of emitted photons and classical radiation, and predict the rate of wide angle photon emission. I conclude with limitations of EFT methods and some perspectives on what new work may be achieved with these EFTs.

Réactions dures exclusives au twist sous-dominant / Hard exclusive processes beyond the leading twist

Besse, Adrien 02 July 2013 (has links)
Le sujet de cette thèse sont les amplitudes d'hélicités de la leptoproduction exclusive et diffractive du méson rho dans la limite de Regge perturbative et au-delà du twist dominant. La compréhension de pareils processus exclusifs en termes des constituants élémentaires de QCD est un important défi pour comprendre la structure des hadrons. On présente ici deux nouveaux modèles phénoménologiques basés sur la kT-factorisation des amplitudes d'hélicités en un facteur d'impact γ*(λ) → ρ(λ'), où λ et λ' dénotent les polarisations du photon virtuel et du méson rho, et le facteur d'impact du nucléon cible. Les facteurs d'impacts γ*(λ) → ρ(λ') sont calculés en utilisant la factorisation colinéaire pour séparer la partie molle du méson rho. Le premier modèle est obtenu en combinant les résultats respectivement de twist 2 et twist 3 des facteurs d'impacts où les deux polarisations sont longitudinales ou transverses, avec un modèle pour le facteur d'impact du nucléon et un modèle pour les distributions d'amplitudes du méson rho. Dans la seconde approche présentée dans cette thèse, on calcule ces facteurs d'impacts dans l'espace des paramètres d'impacts et on montre que l'amplitude de diffusion d'un dipôle de couleur avec le nucléon se factorise, permettant de combiner nos résultats avec un modèle de section efficace de dipôle. On obtient en très bon accord avec les données de H1 et ZEUS pour des virtualités plus grandes que quelques GeV. Nous discutons les résultats obtenus et les comparons à d'autres modèles existants. / This thesis deals with the computation of the helicity amplitudes of the exclusive diffractive rho meson leptoproduction in the perturbative Regge limit beyond the leading twist. The understanding of such exclusive processes in terms of the elementary constituents of QCD is a serious challenge to understand the hadronic structure. We present two new phenomenological models based on the kT-factorization of the helicity amplitudes in a γ*(λ) → ρ(λ') impact factor, where λ and λ' denote the polarizations of the virtual photon and the rho meson, and the nucleon target impact factor. The γ*(λ) → ρ(λ') impact factors are then computed using the collinear factorization of the rho meson soft part. The first model relies on the combination of the results respectively up to twist 2 and twist 3 for the impact factors where both polarizations are longitudinal or transverse, with a model for the nucleon impact factor and a model for the distribution amplitudes of the rho meson. In the second approach presented in this thesis, we derive these impact factors in impact parameter space and show that the color dipole scattering amplitude with the nucleon factorizes, allowing to use our results in combination with dipole cross-section models. We get a very good agreement with the data from H1 and ZEUS collaborations for virtualities higher than a few GeV. We discuss our results and compare them to other models.

Analyse de la non-linéarité acoustique de contact pour l’ évaluation et le contrôle non destructif / Analysis of the contact acoustic nonlinearity for nondestructive evaluation

Blanloeuil, Philippe 04 October 2013 (has links)
Les effets non-linéaires produits par l'interaction entre une onde et une fissure fermée peuvent être un moyen potentiel pour la détection de ces fissures. Ce travail porte sur l'étude et l'analyse de la non-linéarité de contact générée par la propagation d'une onde à travers une fissure fermée. Notre approche repose sur la modélisation numérique par Eléments finis (EF) dont la résolution est effectuée dans le domaine temporel. La fissure est modélisée par une loi de contact unilatéral avec frottement de Coulomb. L'outil numérique mis en place est utilisé pour l'analyse de la méthode de génération d'harmoniques et sa relation avec la dynamique de contact. Le cas d'une interface de contact entre deux solides a permis d'estimer l'influence de l'état de contrainte sur le comportement non-linéaire, et a fait l'objet d'une validation expérimentale. La diffusion non-linéaire d'une fissure fermée orientée est ensuite obtenue en couplant la solution numérique à une méthode semi-analytique afin d'obtenir les diagrammes de directivité. Les mécanismes impliqués dans l'interaction onde - fissure sont mis en évidence. Ces résultats nous permettent ensuite d'appliquer la méthode du mixage d'ondes non-colinéaire, d'abord sur une interface de contact puis sur une fissure fermée. L'étude numérique et les premiers résultats expérimentaux démontrent le potentiel de la méthode en terme de détection, de caractérisation et d'imagerie. / The nonlinear effects produced by the interaction between a closed crack and an ultrasonic wave can be a good mean for the detection or thecharacterization of such cracks. This work is dedicated to the study and the analysis of the contact acoustic nonlinearity involved during the interaction of acoustic waves and closed cracks. Our approach is based on Finite Element (FE) modeling. The crack is modeled by unilateral contact with Coulomb's friction law, and numerical solutions are computed in the time domain. The numerical tool is used to analyze the method of higher harmonic generation and its relation with contact dynamics. First, the case of an interface between two solids in contact is considered, both numerically and experimentally, and it was shown that the nonlinear behavior depend on the state of stress. Then, nonlinear elastic scattering by a closed crack of various orientations was calculated. A hybrid model coupling FE and semi-analytical solutions was set up to compute the scattered field and to plot directivity diagrams. The nonlinear mechanisms involved in the interaction between a wave and a closed crack are highlighted. Using those results, the non-collinear mixing technique was applied for measuring the nonlinear response of a contact interface and a closed crack. The numerical results, as well as the first experimental results, are very promising for detecting, locating and imaging closed cracks.

Étude perturbative de différents processus exclusifs en QCD aux énergies hautes et modérées / Perturbative study of selected exclusive QCD processes at high and moderate energies

Boussarie, Renaud 23 September 2016 (has links)
Aux énergies assez hautes, les processus de QCD peuvent être factorisés en une partie dure, qui peut être calculée en utilisant les méthodes perturbatives des diagrammes de Feynman grâce à la petite valeur de la constante de couplage de l'interaction forte, et une partie non-perturbative qui doit être extraite de données expérimentales, modélisées ou calculées avec d'autres méthodes comme par exemple la QCD sur réseau. Cependant la petite valeur de la constante de couplage dans la partie perturbative peut être compensée par des grands logarithmes émergeant de l'annulation de divergences molles ou colinéaires, ou de la présence d'échelles cinématiques multiples. De telles contributions doivent être resommées, ce qui mène à l'équation d'évolution DGLAP aux énergies modérées et aux équations BFKL et B-JIMWLK dans la limite des hautes énergies. Pour les énergies les plus grandes des effets de recombinaison de gluons amènent à la saturation, qui peut être décrite par le formalisme du CGC ou des ondes de choc. Dans cette thèse, nous nous proposons d'étudier certains processus exclusifs en QCD perturbative afin d'obtenir une meilleure description de la factorisation et des effets de resommation et de saturation. Dans un premier temps nous faisons le premier calcul d'une quantité exclusive au premier ordre sous-dominant (NLO) dans le contexte du formalisme des ondes de choc de QCD. Nous calculons l'amplitude NLO pour la production diffractive ouverte d'une paire quark-antiquark, puis nous parvenons à construire une section efficace finie à l'aide de cette amplitude en étudiant la production diffractive exclusive de deux jets vers l'avant. Des analyses précises phénoménologiques et expérimentales de ce processus devraient améliorer notre compréhension de la resommation à haute énergie grâce à la présence d'un Pomeron échangé en diffraction, ce qui est naturellement décrit par la resommation de logarithmes découlant de la divergence molle de la QCD à haute énergie. Notre résultat reste valable quand l'énergie au centre de masse devient proche de l'échelle de saturation ou lorsque la diffraction a lieu sur une cible dense donc il peut être utilisé pour l'étude des effets de saturation. Dans un deuxième temps, nous montrons que l'étude expérimentale de la photoproduction d'un méson léger et d'un photon à énergies modérées devrait constituer un bon moyen d'appréhender les Distributions de Parton Généralisées (GPDs), l'une des généralisations des blocs non perturbatifs en factorisation collinéaire. En principe une telle étude donnerait accès à la fois aux GPDs conservant l'hélicité ou la renversant. Nous donnons des prédictions numériques pour ce processus à JLAB@12GeV. / At high enough energies, QCD processes can be factorized into a hard part, which can be computed by using the smallness of the strong coupling to apply the perturbative Feynman diagram method, and a non-perturbative part which has to be fitted to experimental data, modeled or computed using other tools like for example lattice QCD. However the smallness of the strong coupling in the perturbative part can be compensated by large logarithms which arise from the cancellation of soft or collinear divergences, or by the presence of multiple kinematic scales. Such logarithmically-enhanced contributions must be resummed, leading to the DGLAP evolution at moderate energies and to the BFKL or B-JIMWLK equation in the high energy limit. For the largest energies gluon recombination effects lead to saturation, which can be described in the color glass condensate (CGC) or shockwave formalism. In this thesis, we propose to study several exclusive perturbative QCD processes in order to get a better understanding of factorization, resummation and saturation effects. In the first part we perform the first computation of an exclusive quantity at Next-to-Leading-Order (NLO) accuracy using the QCD shockwave formalism. We calculate the NLO amplitude for the diffractive production of an open quark-antiquark pair, then we manage to construct a finite cross section using this amplitude by studying the exclusive diffractive production of a dijet. Precise phenomenological and experimental analysis of this process should give a great insight on high energy resummation due to the exchange of a Pomeron in diffraction, which is naturally described by the resummation of logarithms emerging from the soft divergences of high energy QCD. Our result holds as the center of mass energy grows towards the saturation scale or for diffraction off a dense target so one could use it to study saturation effects. In the second part we show how the experimental study of the photoproduction of a light meson and a photon at moderate energy should be a good probe for Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs), one of the generalizations of the non-perturbative building blocks in collinear factorization. In principle such a study would give access to both helicity-conserving and helicity-flip GPDs. We give numerical predictions for this process at JLAB@12GeV.

Laser spectroscopy of tin across N=82 / Spectroscopie laser de l'étain au-delà de N = 82

Vázquez Rodríguez, Liss 28 September 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est l'étude par spectroscopie laser colinéaire à haute résolution de la structure nucléaire des isotopes d’étain riches en neutrons, vers de la fermeture de couche N=82 et au-delà. Les structures hyperfines et les déplacements isotopiques le long de ¹⁰⁸⁻¹³⁴Sn ont été mesurés en utilisant l’expérience COLLAPS à ISOLDE au CERN. Deux expériences indépendantes, utilisant des propriétés de transitions complémentaires l’une à 452 et l’autre à 286 nanomètres, ont étudiées les états 5p6s ¹P₁ et 5p6s ³P₁ dans l'atome neutre. L'état singlet fournit une sensibilité élevée au moment quadrupolaire tandis que le triplet facilite une grande séparation magnétique. A partir d'une analyse auto-cohérente des deux ensembles de données, les spins nucléaires, les moments électromagnétiques et les rayons de charge ont été extraits. Les propriétés des isomères à vie longue des noyaux ¹¹³Sn, ¹²³Sn, ¹²⁸Sn ainsi que l'état fondamental de ¹³³Sn et ¹³⁴Sn ont été évalués pour la première fois. Les moments quadrupolaires des états 11/2⁻, déterminés avec une plus grande précision que les études précédentes, suivent une tendance presque linéaire. Un coude à N=82 dans la courbe des rayons a été observé pour la première fois. Des calculs de champ moyen fournissent une description précise des rayons et relient en outre la tendance globale aux corrélations provenant des fluctuations des moments quadrupolaires. / The aim of this thesis is the study of nuclear structure properties of the neutron-rich Sn isotopes towards the N=82 shell closure and beyond by high-resolution collinear laser spectroscopy. The hyperfine structures and isotope shifts along ¹⁰⁸⁻¹³⁴Sn were measured using the COLLAPS instrumentation at ISOLDE, CERN. Two independent experiments using transitions with complementary properties, respectively at 452 and 286 nanometres studied the 5p6s ¹P₁ and the 5p6s ³P₁ states in the neutral atom. The singlet state provided high sensitivity to quadrupole moments while the triplet facilitated a large magnetic splitting. From a self-consistent analysis of the two data sets, nuclear spins, electromagnetic moments and charge radii have been extracted. The properties of the long-lived isomers in ¹¹³Sn, ¹²³Sn, ¹²⁸Sn and the ground state of ¹³³Sn and ¹³⁴Sn have been assessed for the first time. The quadrupole moments of the 11/2⁻ states, determined with much higher precision than in previous studies, have been found to follow a nearly linear trend. A "kink" in the radii trend at N=82 was observed for the first time. Beyond mean-field calculations provide an accurate description of the radii and further relate the overall trend to correlations stemming from the fluctuations of the quadrupole moments.

Making Sense of Big (Kinematic) Data: A Comprehensive Analysis of Movement Parameters in a Diverse Population

Nunis, Naomi Wilma 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to determine how kinematic, big data can be evaluated using computational, comprehensive analysis of movement parameters in a diverse population. METHODS Retrospective data was collected, cleaned, and reviewed for further analysis of biomechanical movement in an active population using 3D collinear resistance loads. The active sample of the population involved in the study ranged from age 7 to 82 years old and respectively identified as active in 13 different sports. Moreover, a series of exercises were conducted by each participant across multiple sessions. Exercises were measured and recorded based on 6 distinct biometric movement parameters: explosiveness, velocity, power, deceleration, braking, consistency, endurance, and range of motion. Analysis and data visualization portrayed how 3D collinear resistance load impacted specific muscles and performance metrics. RESULTS The model with the highest accuracy rate was Naive Bayes and Fast Large Margin at 58.3% for future predictions considering impact for specific muscles, movement parameters, and performance metric data. The data visualization involved a proof-of-concept human-computer interface and presented each component in relation to one another within the active population database, movement parameters, and performance metrics. DISCUSSION Understanding the findings regarding 3D collinear resistance sets a precedence for future development for the active population and research in the sports analytics field. Additionally, the visual proof of concept interface promotes future development for a diverse, active population.

On Relations between Gluons and Gravitons

Wormsbecher, Wadim 06 November 2019 (has links)
Wir behandeln einige Spezialfälle von Beziehungen zwischen Eich- und Gravitationstheorien. Wir setzen den Schwerpunkt auf Baumlevelstreuamplituden in Einstein-(Skalar-)-Chromo-Dynamik, welche Streuungen zwischen Gluonen, massiven fundamentalen Quarks (Skalaren) und Gravitonen beschreibt. Wir untersuchen den endlichen Anteil von reiner Gluonenstreuung mit zwei kollinearen Gluonen. Basierend auf einem Vorschlag von S. Stieberger und T. Taylor, stehen diese in Beziehung zu Steuamplituden in Einstein-Yang-Mills Theorie, in welchen die kollinearen Gluonen durch ein Graviton ersetzt werden. Wir führen einen Beweis dieser Beziehungen unter der Ausnutzung des Cachazo-He-Yuan Formalismus durch. Parallel dazu werden wir einen Einblick in mysteriöse Wechselwirkunen dieser Beziehungen mit Eichinvarianzverletzungen des kollinearen Gluon Grenzwertes von Yang-Mills Streuampliuden geben. Danach behandeln wir eine andere Art von linearen Beziehungen zwischen Streuamplituden in Yang-Mills Theorie und Einstein-Yang-Mills Theorie, welche ebenfalls von S. Stieberger und T. Taylor vorgeschlagen wurden und direkt einzelne Gluonen mit einzelnen Gravitonen verbinden. Wir beweisen die Universalität dieser Beziehungen, in Anwesenheit von fundamental geladenen und massiven Fermionen und Skalaren. Schliesslich formulieren wir eine neue Zweifachkopiebeziehung zwischen klassisch effektiven Wirkungen. Die effektive Wirkung eines Systems von farblich geladenen, massiven und klassischen Weltlinien, welche über Yang-Mills wechselwirken, wird mit einem System von dilatonisch geladenen, massiven und klassischen Weltlinien, welche über Dilatongravitation wechselwirken, in Verbindung gesetzt. Somit verbessern wir eine, aus dem Kontext von Lösungen zu störungstheoretischen Bewegungsgleichungen, sowohl für das Gluon als auch für das Graviton, derselben Systeme, bekannte Zweifachkopievorschrift, formuliert von W. Goldberger und A. Ridgway. / We analyze several cases of mysterious connections between gauge and gravity theories, known as double copy relations. We focus on tree level scattering amplitudes in Einstein-(scalar-)-chromo-dynamics, i.e. scattering scenarios between gluons, massive fundamental quarks (scalars) and gravitons. In these scenarios we study the sub leading contribution to the adjacent collinear gluon limits in pure Yang-Mills amplitudes. Recently, S. Stieberger and T. Taylor have proposed a linear combination of amplitudes with a pair of collinear gluons to an Einstein-Yang-Mills amplitude. We present a proof of such relations using a novel representation of bosonic tree level amplitudes based on a localized integral on the Riemann sphere, called the Cachazo-He-Yuan formalism. Moreover, we give insight into an intriguing interplay between those relations and surprising gauge invariance violations of the sub-leading collinear gluon limit of Yang-Mills amplitudes. Next, we will focus on yet another set of relations between Yang-Mills amplitudes and Einstein-Yang-Mills amplitudes that were also proposed by S. Stieberger and T. Taylor. They directly relate single gluons to single gravitons. We show universality of such relations, i.e. their validity in the presence of massive fundamental quarks and scalars. For that purpose, we will use a Feynman diagrammatic approach which results in a novel color-to-kinematics rule, mapping gluons to gravitons in these scattering scenarios. Finally, we establish a novel double copy connection between classical effective actions of two massive classical worldlines which are colored and interacting in Yang-Mills theory and dilaton charged and interacting through dilaton-gravity. Doing so, we extend and improve existing work relating the same system of worldlines through a double copy at the level of perturbative solutions to the involved equations of motion for the gluon and graviton fields, as has been proposed by W. Goldberger and A. Ridgway.

Atomistic modelling of iron with magnetic analytic Bond-Order Potentials

Ford, Michael E. January 2013 (has links)
The development of interatomic potentials for magnetic transition metals, and particularly for iron, is difficult, yet it is also necessary for large-scale atomistic simulations of industrially important iron and steel alloys. The magnetism of iron is especially important as it is responsible for many of the element's unique physical properties -- its bcc ground state structure, its high-temperature phase transitions, and the mobility of its self-interstitial atom (SIA) defects. Yet an accurate description of itinerant magnetism within a real-space formalism is particularly challenging and existing interatomic potentials based on the Embedded Atom Method are suited only for studies of near-equilibrium ferritic iron, due to their restricted functional forms. For this work, the magnetic analytic Bond-Order Potential (BOP) method has been implemented in full to test the convergence properties in both collinear and non-collinear magnetic iron. The known problems with negative densities of states (DOS) are addressed by assessing various possible definitions for the bandwidth and by including the damping factors adapted from the Kernel Polynomial Method. A 9-moment approximation is found to be sufficient to reproduce the major structural energy differences observed in Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Tight Binding (TB) reference calculations, as well as the volume dependence of the atomic magnetic moments. The Bain path connecting bcc and fcc structures and the formation energy of mono- and divacancies are also described well at this level of approximation. Other quantities such as the high-spin/low-spin transition in fcc iron, the bcc elastic constants and the SIA formation energies converge more slowly towards the TB reference data. The theory of non-collinear magnetism within analytic BOP is extended as required for a practical implementation. The spin-rotational behaviour of the energy is shown to converge more slowly than the collinear bulk energy differences, and there are specific problems at low angles of rotation where the magnitude of the magnetic moment depends sensitively on the detailed structure of the local DOS. Issues of charge transfer in relation to magnetic defects are discussed, as well as inadequacies in the underlying d-electron TB model.

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