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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Two dimensional materials, nanoparticles and their heterostructures for nanoelectronics and spintronics / Matériaux bidimensionnels, nanoparticules et leurs hétérostructures pour la nanoélectronique et l’électronique de spin

Mouafo Notemgnou, Louis Donald 04 March 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude du transport de charge et de spin dans les nanostructures 0D, 2D et les hétérostructures 2D-0D de Van der Waals (h-VdW). Les nanocristaux pérovskite de La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 ont révélé des magnétorésistances (MR) exceptionnelles à basse température résultant de l’aimantation de leur coquille indépendamment du coeur ferromagnétique. Les transistors à effet de champ à base de MoSe2 ont permis d’élucider les mécanismes d’injection de charge à l’interface metal/semiconducteur 2D. Une méthode de fabrication des h-VdW adaptés à l’électronique à un électron est rapportée et basée sur la croissance d’amas d’Al auto-organisés à la surface du graphene et du MoS2. La transparence des matériaux 2D au champ électrique permet de moduler efficacement l’état électrique des amas par la tension de grille arrière donnant lieu aux fonctionnalités de logique à un électron. Les dispositifs à base de graphene présentent des MR attribuées aux effets magnéto-Coulomb anisotropiques. / This thesis investigates the charge and spin transport processes in 0D, 2D nanostructures and 2D-0D Van der Waals heterostructures (VdWh). The La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 perovskite nanocrystals reveal exceptional magnetoresistances (MR) at low temperature driven by their paramagnetic shell magnetization independently of their ferromagnetic core. A detailed study of MoSe2 field effect transistors enables to elucidate a complete map of the charge injection mechanisms at the metal/MoSe2 interface. An alternative approach is reported for fabricating 2D-0D VdWh suitable for single electron electronics involving the growth of self-assembled Al nanoclusters over the graphene and MoS2 surfaces. The transparency the 2D materials to the vertical electric field enables efficient modulation of the electric state of the supported Al clusters resulting to single electron logic functionalities. The devices consisting of graphene exhibit MR attributed to the magneto-Coulomb effect.

Οπτικές ιδιότητες κβαντικών τελειών CuInS2 /ZnS με τεχνικές φασματοσκοπίας σταθερής κατάστασης και χρονικής ανάλυσης

Δροσερός, Νικόλαος 07 July 2015 (has links)
Στην παρούσα Ειδική Ερευνητική Εργασία ερευνώνται οι οπτικές ιδιότητες των νανοκρυσταλλικών κβαντικών τελειών CuInS2/ZnS, γνωστές ως CIS/ZnS QDs, τόσο με τη χρήση φασματοσκοπίας σταθερής κατάστασης όσο και με τη χρήση φασματοσκοπίας χρονικής ανάλυσης με την τεχνική Time Correlated Single Photon Counting. Ειδικότερα, διερευνώνται οι μηχανισμοί που εμπλέκονται στη διαδικασία της εκπομπής φωτός, η επίδραση που έχει η πολικότητα του διαλύτη και η συγκέντρωση των κβαντικών τελειών, όταν είναι διαλυμένες εντός διαλύματος, καθώς και η αλληλεπίδραση μεταξύ των κβαντικών τελειών όταν είναι εναποτιθέμενες σε υμένια, είτε με την τεχνική drop-casting είτε με spin-coating. Τόσο η αύξηση της συγκέντρωσης των κβαντικών τελειών όσο και η αύξηση της πολικότητας του διαλύτη προκάλεσε τη μετατόπιση του εξιτονικού ώμου και του μήκους κύματος μέγιστης εκπομπής προς το ερυθρό, στα φάσματα σταθερής κατάστασης. Επίσης η μετατόπιση της φωτοφωταύγειας των CIS/ZnS QDs προς το ερυθρό ήταν μεγαλύτερη στα υμένια που είχαν παρασκευασθεί με την τεχνική drop-casting από τα υμένια με το ίδιο υπόστρωμα που είχαν παρασκευασθεί με την τεχνική spin-coating. Με χρήση φασματοσκοπίας χρονικής ανάλυσης, ανιχνεύθηκε η ύπαρξη τριών μηχανισμών στα διαλύματα με χρόνους ζωής 1-3, 20-40 και 200-300 ns, ενώ στα υμένια προστέθηκε ένας επιπλέον μηχανισμός με χρόνο ζωής από μερικές εκατοντάδες ps έως 4 ns. Ο χαρακτήρας της αποδιέγερσης των QDs στα υμένια κυμαίνεται μεταξύ διεκθετικού και τετραεκθετικού ανάλογα με το δείγμα και το μήκος κύματος ανίχνευσης. Το περίεργο χαρακτηριστικό του νέου μηχανισμού που ανιχνεύθηκε στα υμένια είναι ότι γίνεται πιο γρήγορος και πιο αποδοτικός καθώς το μήκος κύματος ανίχνευσης αυξάνει. Ένας παρόμοιος μηχανισμός δεν έχει αναφερθεί σε άλλες εργασίες με CIS/ZnS QDs, ενώ έχει αναφερθεί σε παλιότερες εργασίες με PbS QDs τόσο σε διαλύματα όσο και σε στερεά υμένια. Η μετατόπιση των πυκνών υμενίων προς το ερυθρό σε σχέση με τα αραιά αποτελεί ένδειξη της ύπαρξης μεταφοράς ενέργειας μεταξύ QDs διαφορετικών μεγεθών. / In this Master Thesis, the optical properties of CuInS2/ZnS nanocrystal quantum dots are investigated. For this purpose both steady state and time resolved spectroscopy, specifically the Time Correlated Single Photon Counting technique, were used. The photoluminescence properties of CuInS2/ZnS quantum dots, commonly known as CIS/ZnS QDs, either dissolved in solutions of different concentrations and solvent polarities or deposited on films made by spin-coating or drop-casting are studied. Either in the absorption and the photoluminescence steady state spectra, a red-shift both in the excitonic transition and the wavelength of the maximum intensity was observed as the concentration of the CIS/ZnS QDs or the polarity of the solvent increased. In films, a red-shifted photoluminescence spectrum is observed for films made by drop-casting compared to those prepared by spin-coating, having the same substrate material. By using time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy a three-exponential decay was observed in solutions, with time constants 1-3, 20-40 and 200-300 ns, while decays in films, apart from the three mechanisms also observed in solutions, also exhibit a fast decay component with a lifetime varying from some hundreds of ps until 4 ns. The attitude of the decay in films varies from two-exponential to four-exponential and it depends on the samples and the detection wavelength. The strange characteristic of the new mechanism which was detected in films is that its lifetime becomes shorter and its pre-exponential factor increases with the detection wavelength. To the best of our knowledge, such a faster decay as the emission wavelength increases has never been reported for CIS/ZnS QDs, but it has been reported for PbS QDs either diluted in solution or deposited in polymeric matrices. The time resolved photoluminescence spectra in the drop-casted films experience a larger transient red-shift than the spin-coated ones, indicative of a possible energy transfer among adjacent QDs with different diameters.

Spectroscopies X et diffraction anomale de boîtes quantiques GaN et d'hétéro-structure III-N : inter-diffusion et ordre à courte distance / X-rays spectroscopies and anomalous diffraction of GaN quantum dots and III-N hetero-structures : inter-diffusion and short range order

Leclere, Cédric 06 June 2013 (has links)
Le travail illustré par ce manuscrit de thèse présente l'étude structurale d'hétéro-structures semi-conductrices à base de nitrures d'éléments III avec l'un des outils les plus puissants de la recherche scientifique: le rayonnement synchrotron. La cartographie haute résolution de l'espace réciproque, la diffraction anomale multi-longueur d'onde, la spectroscopie d'absorption X et la spectroscopie en condition de diffraction nous ont permis de caractériser la structure à l'échelle atomique de différentes régions d'un même système. Dans un premier temps, nous montrons que les nanofils GaN sur Si(111) ont une polarité N et proposons un mécanisme de nucléation. Dans un second temps, nous mettons en évidence un phénomène d'inter-diffusion stimulée par la contrainte dans les boîtes quantiques GaN / AlN recuites à haute température. Enfin, nous observons la présence d'un ordre local à courte distance dans les nanofils coeur-coquille InGaN / GaN. Cette organisation atomique pourrait être induite par la présence de contrainte, nous avons initié une étude de l'anisotropie de l'ordre à courte distance pour explorer cette hypothèse. / The work presented in this manuscript deals with the structural investigation of III-nitrides semiconductor heterostructures with one of the most powerful tools of materials science: the synchrotron radiation. We used high resolution reciprocal space mapping, multi-wavelenght anomalous diffraction, x-rays absorption spectroscopy and diffraction anomalous fine structure to characterize the structure at the atomic scale of complex nano-structured systems. First, we show that GaN nanowires on Si(111) are N-polar and we suggest a nucleation mecanism. Then, we highlight a strain assited inter-diffusion phenomenon in the GaN / AlN quantum dots annealed at high temperature. Finally, we observe the presence of short-range order in InGaN / GaN core-shell nanowires. This atomic organization could be induced by the presence of stress and we have begun a study of the anisotropic ordering to explore this hypothesis.

Formation of Porous Metallic Nanostructures Electrocatalytic Studies on Self-Assembled Au@Pt Nanoparticulate Films, and SERS Activity of Inkjet Printed Silver Substrates

Banerjee, Ipshita January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Porous, conductive metallic nanostructures are required in several fields, such as energy conversion, low-cost sensors etc. This thesis reports on the development of an electrocatalytically active and conductive membrane for use in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) and fabrication of low-cost substrates for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS). One of the main challenges facing large-scale deployment of PEMFCs currently is to fabricate a catalyst layer that minimizes platinum loading, maximizes eletrocatalytically active area, and maximizes tolerance to CO in the feed stream. Modeling the kinetics of platinum catalyzed half cell reactions occurring in a PEMFC using the kinetic theory of gases and incorporating appropriate sticking coefficients provides a revealing insight that there is scope for an order of magnitude increase in maximum current density achievable from PEMFCs. To accomplish this, losses due to concentration polarization in gas diffusion layers, which occur at high current densities, need to be eliminated. A novel catalyst design, based on a porous metallic nanostructure, which aims to overcome the limitations of concentration polarization as well as minimize the amount of platinum loading in PEMFCs is proposed. Fabrication steps involving controlled in-plane fusion of self-assembled arrays of core-shell gold-platinum nanoparticles (Au@Pt) is envisioned. The key steps involved being the development of a facile synthesis route to form Au@Pt nanoparticles with tunable platinum shell thicknesses in the 5 nm size range, the formation of large-scale 2D arrays of Au@Pt nanoparticles using guided self-assembly, and optimization of an RF plasma process to promote in-plane fusion of the nanoparticles to form porous, electrocatalytically active and electrically conductive membranes. This thesis consists of seven chapters. The first chapter provides an introduction into the topic of PEMFCs, some perspective on the current status of research and development of PEMFCs, and an outline of the thesis. The second chapter provides an overview on the methods used, characterization techniques employed and protocols followed for sample preparation. The third chapter describes the modelling of a PEMFC using the Kinetic theory of gases to arrive at an estimate of the maximum feasible current density, based on the kinetics of the electrocatalytic reactions. The fourth chapter presents the development of a simple protocol for synthesizing Au@Pt nanoparticles with control over platinum shell thicknesses from the sub monolayer coverage onwards. The results of spectroscopic and microscopic characterization establish the uniformity of coating and the absence of secondary nucleation. Chapter five describes the formation of a nanoporous, electrocatalytically active membrane by self-assembly to form bilayers of 2D arrays of Au@Pt nanoparticles and subsequent fusion using an RF plasma based process. The evolution of the electrocatalytic activity and electrical conductivity as a function of the duration of RF plasma treatment is monitored for Au@Pt nanoparticles with various extent of platinum coating. Spectroscopic, microscopic, electrical and cyclic voltammetry characterization of the samples at various stages were used to understand the structural evolution with RF plasma treatment duration and discussed. Next durability studies were carried out on the nanoporous, Au@Pt bilayer nanoparticle array with an optimum composition of Pt/Au atomic ratio of 0.88 treated to 16 minutes of argon plasma exposure. After this the novel catalyst membrane design of PEM fuel cell is revisited. Two different techniques are proposed so that the thin, nanoporous, metallic catalyst membrane achieves horizontal electronic resistance equivalent to that of the conventional gas diffusion layer with catalyst layer. The first technique proposes the introduction of gold coated polymeric mesh in between the thin, nanoporous, metallic catalyst membrane and bipolar plate and discusses the advantages. Later the gold coated polymeric mesh is introduced in a conventional membrane electrode assembly and efficiency of the polarization curves probed with and without the introduction of gold coated polymeric mesh. The second technique describes the results of fabrication of a nanoporous metallic membrane using multiple layers of 2D Au@Pt nanoparticle arrays at an optimum composition of Pt/Au atomic ratio of 0.88 to reduce the horizontal electronic resistance. Preliminary studies on the permeability of water through such membranes supported on a porous polycarbonate filter membrane are also presented. In chapter six, a simple reactive inkjet printing process for fabricating SERS active silver nanostructures on paper is presented. The process adapts a simple room temperature protocol, using tannic acid as the reducing agent, developed earlier in our group to fabricate porous silver nanostructures on paper using a commercial office inkjet printer. The results of SERS characterization, spectroscopic and microscopic characterizations of the samples and the comparison of the substrate’s long-term performance with respect to a substrate fabricated using sodium borohydride as the reducing agent is discussed. Preliminary findings on attempts to fabricate a conductive silver network using RF plasma induced fusion area also presented. Chapter seven provides a summary of the results, draws conclusions and a perspective on work required to accomplish the goals of incorporating the porous metallic nanostructures into PEMFCs.

Modulation of Nanostructures in the Solid and Solution States and under an Electron Beam

Sanyal, Udishnu January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Among various nanomaterials, metal nanoparticles are the widely studied ones because of their pronounced distinct properties arising in the nanometer size regime, which can be tailored easily by tuning predominantly their size and shape. During the past few decades, scientists are engaged in developing new synthetic methodologies for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles which can be divided into two broad categories: i) top-down approach, utilizing physical methods and ii) bottom-up approach, employing chemical methods. As the chemical methods offer better control over particle size, numerous chemical methods have been developed to obtain metal nanoparticles with narrow size distribution. However, these two approaches have their own merits and demerits; they are not complementary to each other and also not sustainable for real time applications. Recent focus on the synthesis of metal nanoparticles is towards the development of green and sustainable synthetic methodologies. A solid state route is an exciting prospect in this direction because it eliminates usage of organic solvents thus, makes the overall process green and at the same time leads to the realization of large quantity of the materials, which is required for many applications. However, the major obstacle associated with the development of a solid state synthetic route is the lack of fundamental understanding regarding the formation mechanism of the nanoparticles in the solid state. Additionally, due to the heterogeneity present in the solid mixture, it is very difficult to ensure the proximity between the capping agent and nuclei which plays the most decisive role in the growth process. Recently, employment of amine–borane compounds as reducing agents emerged as a better prospect towards the development of sustainable synthetic routes for metal nanoparticles because they offer a variety of advantages over the traditional borohydrides. Being soluble in organic medium, amine– borane allows the reaction to be carried out in a single phase and due to its mild reducing ability a much better control over the nucleation and growth processes is realized. However, the most exciting feature of these compounds is that their reducing ability is not only limited to the solution state, they can also bring out the reduction of metal ions in the solid state. With the availability of a variety of amine–boranes of varying reducing ability, it opens up a possibility to modulate the nanostructure in both solid and solution states by a judicious choice of reducing agent. Although our current understanding regarding the growth behavior of nanoparticles has advanced remarkably, however, most often it is some classical model which is invoked to understand these processes. With the recent developments in in situ transmission electron microscopy techniques, it is now possible to unravel more complex growth trajectories of nanoparticles. These studies not only expand the scope of the present knowledge but also opens up possibilities for many future developments. Objectives • To develop an atom economy solid state synthetic methodology for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles employing amine–boranes as reducing agents. • To gain a mechanistic insight into the formation mechanisms of nanoparticles in the solid state by using amine–boranes with differing reducing ability. • Synthesis of bimetallic nanoparticles as well as supported metal nanoparticles in the solid state using ammonia borane as the reducing agent. • To develop a new in situ seeding growth methodology for the synthesis of core@shell nanoparticles composed of noble metals by employing a very weak reducing agent, trimethylamine borane and their transformation to their thermodynamically stable alloy counterparts. • Synthesis of highly monodisperse ultra-small colloidal calcium nanoparticles with different capping agents such as hexadecylamine, octadecylamine, poly(vinylpyrrolidone) and a combination of hexadecylamine/poly(vinylpyrrolidone) using the solvated metal atom dispersion (SMAD) method. To study the coalescence behavior of a pair of calcium nanoparticles under an electron beam by employing in situ TEM technique. Significant results An atom economy solid state synthetic route has been developed for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles from simple metal salts using amine–boranes as reducing agents. Amine–borane plays a dual role here: acts as a reducing agent thus brings out the reduction of metal ions and decomposes simultaneously to generate B-N based compounds which acts as a capping agent to stabilize the particles in the nanosize regime. This essentially minimizes the number of reagents used and hence simplifying and eliminating the purification procedures and thus, brings out an atom economy to the overall process. Additionally, as the reactions were carried out in the solid state, it eliminates use of organic solvents which have many adverse effects on the environment, thus makes the synthetic route, green. The particle size and the size distribution were tuned by employing amine–boranes with differing reducing abilities. Three different amine–boranes have been employed: ammonia borane (AB), dimethylamine borane (DMAB), and trimethylamine borane (TMAB) whose reducing ability varies as AB > DMAB >> TMAB. It was found that in case of AB, it is the polyborazylene or BNHx polymer whereas, in case of DMAB and TMAB, the complexing amines act as the stabilizing agents. Several controlled studies also showed that the rate of addition of metal salt to AB is the crucial step and has a profound effect on the particle size as well as the size distribution. It was also found that an optimum ratio of amine–borane to metal salt is important to realize the smallest possible size with narrowest size distribution. Whereas, use of AB and TMAB resulted in the smallest sized particles with best size distribution, usage of DMAB provided larger particles that are also polydisperse in nature. Based on several experiments along with available data, the formation mechanism of metal nanoparticles in the solid state has been proposed. Highly monodisperse Cu, Ag, Au, Pd, and Ir nanoparticles were realized using the solid state route described herein. The solid state route was extended to the synthesis of bimetallic nanoparticles as well as supported metal nanoparticles. Employment of metal nitrate as the metal precursor and ammonia borane as the reducing agent resulted in highly exothermic reaction. The heat evolved in this reaction was exploited successfully towards mixing of the constituent elements thus allowing the alloy formation to occur at much lower temperature (60 oC) compared to the traditional solid state metallurgical methods (temperature used in these cases are > 1000 oC). Synthesis of highly monodisperse 2-3 nm Cu/Au and 5-8 nm Cu/Ag nanoparticles were demonstrated herein. Alumina and silica supported Pt and Pd nanoparticles have also been prepared. Use of ammonia borane as the reducing agent in the solid state brought out the reduction of metal ions to metal nanoparticles and the simultaneous generation of BNHx polymer which encapsulates the metal (Pt and Pd) nanoparticles supported on support materials. Treatment of these materials with methanol resulted in the solvolysis of BNHx polymer and its complete removal to finally provide metal nanoparticles on the support materials. An in situ seeding growth methodology for the synthesis of bimetallic nanoparticles with core@shell architecture composed of noble metals has been developed using trimethylamine borane (TMAB) as the reducing agent. The key idea of this synthetic procedure is that, TMAB being a weak reducing agent is able to differentiate the smallest possible window of reduction potential and hence reduces the metal ions sequentially. A dramatic solvent effect was noted in the preparation of Ag nanoparticles: Ag nanoparticles were obtained at room temperature when dry THF was used as the solvent whereas, reflux condition was required to realize the same using wet THF as the solvent. However, no such behavior was noted in the preparation of Au and Pd nanoparticles wherein Au and Pd nanoparticles were obtained at room temperature and reflux conditions, respectively. This difference in reduction behavior was successfully exploited to synthesize Au@Ag, Ag@Au, and Ag@Pd nanoparticles. All these core@shell nanoparticles were further transformed to their alloy counterparts under very mild conditions reported to date. Highly monodisperse, ultrasmall, colloidal Ca nanoparticles with a size regime of 2-4 nm were synthesized using solvated metal atom dispersion (SMAD) method and digestive ripening technique. Hexadecylamine (HDA) was used as the stabilizing agent in this case. Employment of capping agent with a longer chain length, octadecylamine afforded even smaller sized particles. However, when poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP), a branched chain polymer was used as the capping agent, agglomerated particles were realized together with small particles of 3-6 nm. Use of a combination of PVP and HDA resulted in spherical particles of 2-3 nm size with narrow size distribution. Growth of Ca nanoparticles via colaesence mechanism was observed under an electron beam. Employing in situ transmission electron microscopy technique, real time coalescence between a pair of Ca nanoparticles were detected and details of coalescence steps were analyzed.

Microfluidic-assisted synthesis and release properties of multi-domain polymer microparticles drug carriers / Synthèse de vecteurs microparticulaires par microfluidique et études de la libération à partir de microparticules polymères multi-domaines

Khan, Ikram Ullah 24 October 2014 (has links)
Les caractéristiques et les propriétés de libération de microparticules chargées de médicament dépendent de la nature des matériaux employés, des propriétés physicochimiques des microparticules, du choix de la méthode de production, et enfin des propriétés des molécules encapsulées. A l'inverse de la plupart des méthodes conventionnelles, les méthodes microfluidiques présentent l’avantage de bien mieux contrôler la génération de gouttelettes, leur taille et leur distribution de tailles. Ainsi des dispositifs microfluidiques à base de capillaires ont été développés pour obtenir des microbilles de polymère mais également des microparticules de type janus, coeur-écorce ou troyenne, toutes monodisperses en taille et chargées de médicament(s). Ces particules ont été produites à partir de solutions de monomère qui furent polymérisées par irradiations UV de telle sorte à garder intacte l'activité des molécules chargées. Ces dispositifs peuvent être assemblés dans un court laps de temps et un simple changement dans leur conception permet d’obtenir des morphologies de particules très différentes. Ces particules ont été développées dans le but de résoudre les problèmes rencontrés dans l’administration orale de médicaments. Par exemple les microbilles peuvent être utilisées pour délivrer des anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens de manière continue tandis que les particules Janus peuvent libérer, simultanément et sur le même site, deux principes actifs possédant des propriétés complètement différentes (solubilité, compatibilité) également de manière prolongée. Quant aux particules coeur-écorce, elles ont été conçues pour cibler la région du côlon de l'intestin humain, et y libérer simultanément deux médicaments. Les particules troyennes furent synthétisées à l’aide d’un procédé microfluidique semi-continu qui a permis une manipulation plus sécurisée des nanoparticules vectrices ainsi que la libération continue d’un médicament dans un liquide gastrique simulé. Chaque système a été entièrement caractérisé pour assurer l’invariance entre lots et la reproductibilité. En général, la libération des ingrédients actifs a pu être facilement contrôlée/ajustée par le réglage des paramètres opératoires et de matériaux tels que les débits des différentes phases, la nature et la concentration du médicament, des (co)monomères, des agents tensioactif et de réticulation, le pH du milieu de libération. Ces différents paramètres influencent les propriétés des microparticules telles que leur morphologie, forme, taille et densité de réticulation du réseau polymère. / Characteristics and release properties of drug loaded microparticles depend upon material used and choice of production method. Conversely to most of the conventional ones, microfluidic methods give an edge by improving the control over droplet generation, size and size distribution. Capillary-based microfluidic devices were successfully used to obtain monodisperse drug(s) loaded microbeads, janus, core-shell and trojan particles using UV initiated free radical polymerization while keeping activity of active loaded molecules. These devices can be assembled in a short period of time and a slight change in design gives completely different microparticles morphologies. These particles were developed with the aim to address different issues experienced in oral drug delivery. For instance microbeads can be used to deliver NASIDs in a sustained release manner while janus particles can release two APIs with completely different properties (solubility, compatibility) also in a sustained release manner. Core-shell particles were designed to target colonic region of human intestine for dual drug delivery. Trojan particles were synthesized in a new semi-continuous microfluidic process, thus improving nanoparticles safety handling and release in simulated gastric fluid. Each system was fully characterized to insure batch to batch consistency and reproducibility. In general, the release of active ingredients was controlled by tuning the operating and material parameters like phases flow rates, nature and concentration of drug, (co)monomers, surfactant and crosslinker, pH of release media with the result of different particle morphologies, sizes and shapes or matrix crosslinking density.

Développement des dispositifs à base des nanofils III-V pour le photovoltaïque / Developments of devices based on III-V nanowires for photovoltaics

Ali Ahmed, Ahmed 04 December 2018 (has links)
Depuis une vingtaine d’année les nanofils des semiconducteurs suscitent un intérêt majeur pour des applications diverses grâce à leurs propriétés optoélectroniques particulières. Dans le domaine du photovoltaïque ils présentent aussi un atout majeur. La combinaison du fort coefficient d’absorption des semiconducteurs III-V et le faible coût des substrats de silicium permettraient la réalisation des cellules photovoltaïques à faible coût et à haut rendement. C’est dans ce contexte que s’est déroulé cette thèse qui visait le développement des dispositifs à base des nanofils III-V pour le photovoltaïque. Dans une première partie, les techniques de nanofabrication pour la réalisation des dispositifs à base d’ensemble de nanofils pour les cellules photovoltaïques sont présentées. Ensuite, la fabrication et la caractérisation de dispositifs à base d’ensembles de nanofils de GaN pour les applications photovoltaïque sont permis d’ouvrir la voie au développement des cellules solaires tandems d’InGaN⁄Si. Dans la suite des travaux on a étudié la croissance des nanofils de GaAs du type cœur-coquille sur Si ainsi que les étapes technologiques pour la fabrication des dispositifs à base d’ensemble de nanofils dans l’optique de préparer le terrain pour la réalisation d’une cellule tandem III-V sur Si. Enfin la croissance et la caractérisation électro-optique des nanofils contenant des jonctions axiales de GaAsP crus par la méthode VLS-EJM a permis de déterminer le type de dopage et l’optimisation de la structure en vue d’obtenir un effet photovoltaïque. / Over the past twenty years, semiconductor nanowires have attracted major interest for various applications thanks to their particular optoelectronic properties. The combination of the high absorption coefficient of the III-V semiconductors and the low cost of the silicon substrates would allow the realization of photovoltaic cells at low cost and high efficiency. It is in this context that this thesis was developed which focused on the development of devices based on III-V nanowires for photovoltaics. In a first part, the nanofabrication techniques for the realization of devices based on set of nanowires for photovoltaic cells are presented. Next, the fabrication and characterization of devices based on GaN nanowire arrays for photovoltaic applications is paving the way for the development of InGaN / Si tandem solar cells. In the following, we studied the growth of core-shell GaAs nanowires on Si as well as the technological steps for the fabrication of nanowire-based devices in order to prepare the ground for the realization of a tandem III-V cell on Si. Finally, the growth and electro-optical characterization of the nanowires containing axial junctions of raw GaAsP by the VLS-EJM method made it possible to determine the type of doping and the optimization of the structure in order to obtain a photovoltaic effect.

Optical polarization and charge carrier density in semipolar and nonpolar InGaN quantum wells in core-shell microrods and planar LEDs

Mounir, Christian 15 July 2021 (has links)
InGaN-based light emitters are strongly affected by the inhomogeneous broadening induced by random alloy fluctuations. While these effects have been extensively investigated on c-plane (e.g. localization of carriers at low carrier density due to potential fluctuations, delocalization at higher carrier density), much fewer work report on the impact of inhomogeneous broadening on the emission properties of semipolar and nonpolar InGaN quantum wells (QWs). In addition to have a higher electron- and hole-wavefunction overlap and thereby an increased radiative recombination rate thanks to the reduced/suppressed built-in electric field due to polarization discontinuities at heterointerfaces, QWs grown along semipolar/nonpolar crystal orientations have the interesting property to emit polarized light. The characterization and theoretical understanding of their optical polarization properties is the first main focus of this thesis. A correlation between spectral width and degree of linear polarization (DLP) is highlighted through extensive temperature- and excitation-dependent polarization-resolved confocal micro-photoluminescence spectroscopy carried out on planar semi-polar/nonpolar QWs and on the m-plane side facet of core-shell microrods. A theoretical model based on electronic band structure calculated by the kp-envelope function method is developed to explain this correlation by taking inhomogeneous broadening into account. Considering indium content fluctuations and the localization lengths of electrons and holes, different effective broadenings are applied to groups of subbands. It is shown that for high-inclination semipolar and nonpolar InGaN/GaN QWs inhomogeneous broadening leads to a significant increase of the DLP at room temperature. Furthermore, the DLP-drop towards high carrier density due to the transition from the Boltzmann- to the Fermi-regime is smoother and starts at lower carrier density. The model is also used to study the peculiar polarization properties of (202¯1) InGaN/GaN QWs compared to (202¯1¯) QWs: although they have equivalent band structures in the framework of k·p-theory and are therefore expected to have identical optical polarization properties, (202¯1) QWs consistently exhibit a lower DLP than (202¯1¯) QWs. This discrepancy might be related to different effective broadenings of their valence subbands induced by the rougher upper QW interface in (202¯1), by the larger sensitivity of holes to this upper interface due to the polarization field in (202¯1), and/or by the different degrees of localization of holes. Besides being strongly affected by inhomogeneous broadening, InGaN-based LEDs suffer from efficiency droop: their efficiency maximum is already reached at relatively low current density and then significantly drops towards their typical operation conditions. One way to mitigate its effect is to reduce the carrier density inside the active region, which can be achieved via several approaches, e.g. growing the active region on a 3D template, on a semipolar/nonpolar substrate or a relaxed InGaN template. The last two approaches reduce/suppress the built-in polarization field leading to wavefunctions with larger overlap and spread across the active region. In order to check and validate these approaches, a way to measure the carrier density inside the active region is necessary. This complex task, which is the second focus of this work, requires fitting a model of the carrier recombination dynamics to experimental data. Several methods are already available, which are mostly based on the basic ABC-model. The validity of this model is discussed through measurement of efficiency curves on various samples and extended to take into account the background carrier density at low carrier density and band-filling at high carrier density. The DLP drop towards high carrier density is fitted simultaneously with the efficiency curve to improve the robustness of the extraction of recombination coefficients. Nevertheless, without insights from time-resolved experimental data, extracting all recombination coefficients is shown to be very critical leading to ambiguous fitting results. Time-resolved measurements being complex and time-consuming, a new method based on an extended ABC-model and room-temperature bias-dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy is proposed. When investigating semipolar/nonpolar LEDs, this method allows to extract the carrier density within the active region without having to carry out time-resolved measurements, which is demonstrated using polarization-resolved efficiency curves measured on a m-plane LED. Growing the active region on 3D templates to reduce the local carrier density requires eventually experimental techniques with high spatial resolution for its characterization. This work reports the experimental know-how acquired through extensive characterization of single InGaN/GaN core-shell microrods. A thorough description of the confocal microscope and its alignment is given to achieve reproducible and diffraction limited spatial resolution polarization-resolved photoluminescence measurements, which allowed the first local internal quantum efficiency measurement along the side facet of InGaN/GaN core-shell microrods. / InGaN-basierte Lichtquellen sind stark von inhomogener Verbreiterung, die aus zufälligen Legierungsfluktuationen entsteht, beeinflusst. Während diese Effekte ausführlich auf die c-Ebene untersucht wurden (z.B. Ladungsträgerlokalisierung bei niedriger Ladungsträgerdichte auf Grund von Potentialfluktuationen, Delokalisierung bei höherer Ladungsträgerdichte), untersuchen wenige Studien den Einfluss von inhomogener Verbreiterung auf die Emissionseigenschaften von semipolarer und nonpolarer InGaN Quantentrögen. Quantentröge, die entlang semipolaren/nonpolaren Kristallrichtungen gewachsen sind, haben einen höheren Überlapp der Elektron- und Löcherwellenfunktionen und dadurch eine höhere strahlende Rekombinationsrate dank des niedrigen / unterdrückten elektrischen Feldes, das durch Polarizationsdiskontinuitäten an Heteroübergängen entsteht. Diese Quantentröge haben die interessante Eigenschaft, polariziertes Licht auszustrahlen. Die Charakterizierung und das theoretische Verständnis von diesen Polarizationseigenschaften ist der erste Schwerpunkt dieser Dissertation. Umfangreiche temperatur- und anregungsabhängige polarizationsaufgelöste konfokale Mikro-Photolumineszenz Spektroskopie auf planaren semipolaren/nonpolaren Quantentröge und auf die m-Ebene Seitenfacette von Core-Shell Mikrosäulen deuten auf eine Korrelation zwischen der spektralen Breite und dem optischen Polarizationsgrad. Basirend auf elektronischen Bandstrukturen, die mittels der k·p Hüllfunktionsmethode berechnet werden, wird ein theoretisches Modell entwickelt, um diese Korrelation unter Berücksichtigung der inhomogenen Verbreiterung zu erklären. In Anbetracht der Fluktuationen des Indiumgehalts und der Lokalisierungslängen von Elektronen und Löchern, werden unterschiedliche effektive Verbreiterungen auf Gruppen von Subbändern angewendet. Dadurch wird gezeigt, dass bei Raumtemperatur inhomogene Verbreiterung zu einem signifikanten Anstieg des Polarizationsgrads von semipolaren und nonpolaren InGaN/GaN Quantentrögen mit hoher Neigung führt. Darüber hinaus ist der Polarizationsgrad-Abfall bei höheren Ladungsträgerdichten aufgrund des Übergangs vom Boltzmann- zum Fermi-Regime glatter und beginnt bei niedrigerer Ladungsträgerdichte. Das Modell wird auch verwendet, um die besonderen Polarizationseigenschaften von (202¯1) InGaN/GaN Quantentrögen im Vergleich zu (202¯1¯) Quantentrögen zu untersuchen. Durch ihre äquivalenten Bandstrukturen im Rahmen der k·p-Theorie wird erwartet, dass sie ähnliche Polarizationseigenschaften zeigen. (202¯1) Quantentröge haben jedoch durchweg einen niedrigeren Polarizationsgrad als (202¯1¯) Quantentröge. Diese Diskrepanz könnte auf unterschiedliche effektive Verbreiterung ihrer Valenz-Subbänder zurückgeführt werden, die durch die rauere obere Quantentrog-Grenzfläche in (202¯1), durch die größere Empfindlichkeit der Löcher gegenüber dieser oberen Grenzfläche aufgrund des Polarizationsfelds in (202¯1) und /oder durch die unterschiedlichen Lokalisierungsgrade der Löcher induziert werden. InGaN LEDs sind nicht nur stark von inhomogener Verbreiterung beeinflusst, sondern leiden auch unter efficiency droop: Ihr Wirkungsgradmaximum wird bereits bei relativ geringer Stromdichte erreicht und fällt dann deutlich gegenüber ihrer typischen Betriebsbedingungen ab. Eine Möglichkeit, diesen Effekt abzuschwächen, ist, die Ladungsträgerdichte innerhalb des aktiven Bereichs zu verringern, was über verschiedene Ansätze erreicht werden kann. Die aktive Region kann zum Beispiel auf einer 3D-Pufferschicht, auf einem semipolaren/nonpolaren Substrat oder auf einer relaxierten InGaN-Pufferschicht gewachsen werden. Die letzten zwei Ansätze reduzieren/unterdrücken das Polarizationsfeld und führen dadurch zu Wellenfunktionen, die eine grössere Überlappung und Ausbreitung über die aktive Region haben. Damit diese Ansätze überprüft und validiert werden können, ist ein Verfahren erforderlich, um die Ladungsträgerdichte innerhalb der aktiven Region zu bestimmen. Diese komplexe Aufgabe, die den zweiten Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit bildet, erfordert die Anpassung eines Modells der Ladungsträgerrekombinationsdynamik an experimentellen Daten. Die meisten Methoden, die bereits zur Verfügung stehen, nutzen das einfache ABC-Modell. Die Gültigkeit dieses Modells wird durch Messung von Effizienzkurven auf verschiedenen Proben diskutiert und erweitert, um die Hintergrungladungsträgerdichte bei niedriger Ladungsträgerdichte und Bandfüllung bei hoher Ladungsträgerdichte zu berücksichtigen. Der Polarizationsgrad-Abfall gegen hohe Ladungsträgerdichten wird gleichzeitig mit der Effizienzkurve angepasst, um das Bestimmen der Rekombinationskoeffizienten zu verbessern. Es ist jedoch sehr kritisch, alle Rekombinationskoeffizienten eindeutig zu bestimmen, ohne zeitaufgelöste experimentelle Daten zu berücksichtigen. Da zeitaufgelöste Messungen komplex und zeitaufwändig sind, wird eine neue Methode vorgeschlagen, die auf Bias-abhängiger Photolumineszenzspektroskopie bei Raumtemperatur und auf einem erweiterten ABC-Modell basiert. Bei der Untersuchung semipolarer/nonpolarer LEDs ermöglicht diese Methode das Bestimmen der Ladungsträgerdichte innerhalb der aktiven Region, ohne zeitaufgelöste Messungen durchführen zu müssen. Dies wird anhand polarizationsaufgelöster Effizienzkurven auf einer m-Ebene LED demonstriert. Das Wachsen der aktiven Region auf 3D-Pufferschichten zur Verringerung der lokalen Ladungsträgerdichte erfordert für ihre Charakterisierung experimentelle Techniken mit hoher räumlicher Auflösung. Diese Arbeit berichtet über das experimentelle Know-how, das durch die Charakterisierung einzelner InGaN/GaN Core-Shell Mikrosäulen erworben wurde. Eine gründliche Beschreibung des konfokalen Mikroskops und seiner Ausrichtung ist gegeben, um reproduzierbare polarizationsaufgelöste Photolumineszenzmessungen mit beugungsbegrenzter räumlicher Auflösung zu erreichen, die die ersten lokalen internen Quanteneffizienzmessungen entlang der Seitenfacette von InGaN/GaN Core-Shell Mikrosäulen ermöglichte. / Les sources lumineuses à base de InGaN sont fortement affectées par l'élargissement inhomogène dû aux fluctuations du taux d'indium. Alors que ces effets ont été étudiés extensivement sur le plan-c (par exemple: localisation des porteurs de charge à basse densité de porteurs dûe aux fluctuations de potentiel, délocalisation à plus haute densité de porteurs), seulement peu de travaux sont consacrés à l'étude de l'impact de l'élargissement inhomogène sur les propriétés d'émission des puits quantiques InGaN semipolaires et nonpolaires. En plus d'avoir un recouvrement plus grand des fonctions d'ondes des électrons et des trous, et par conséquent un taux de recombination radiatif plus élevé grâce à la réduction/suppression du champs électrique interne dû aux discontinuités de polarisation aux hétérointerfaces, les puits quantiques crûs dans les directions semipolaires/nonpolaires ont la propriété intéressante d'émettre de la lumière polarisée. La charactérisation et compréhension théorique de leurs propriétés de polarisation optique est l'un des axes de cette thèse. Une corrélation entre la largeur spectrale et le degré de polarisation linéaire (DLP = angl. degree of linear polarization) est mise en évidence par le biais de spectroscopie de micro-photoluminescence confocale résolue en polarisation en fonction de la température et de l'excitation éffectuée sur des puits quantiques planaires semipolaires et nonpolaires ainsi que sur les facettes latérales plan-m de micro-piliers core-shell. Un model théorique basé sur la structure de bandes électroniques calculée par la méthode k·p des fonctions d'enveloppe est développé pour expliquer cette corrélation en prenant l'élargissement inhomogène en compte. En considérant les fluctuations du taux d'indium et la longueur de localisation des électrons et des trous, des élargissements effectifs différents sont appliqués à des groupes de sous-bandes. Le modèle montre que pour les puits quantiques semipolaires/nonpolaires d'haute inclinaison l'élargissement inhomogène engendre une augmentation significative du DLP à température ambiante. De plus, vers les densités de porteurs plus élevées, la chute du DLP induite par la tansition du régime de Boltzmann au régime de Fermi est plus lente et commence à plus basse densité de porteurs. Le modèle est également utilisé pour étudié les propriétés particulières de polarisation optique des puits quantiques (202¯1) comparés aux puits (202¯1¯). Malgré qu'ils aient des structures de bandes équivalentes dans le cadre de la théorie k·p et devraient ainsi avoir des propriétés de polarisation optique identiques, les puits quantiques (202¯1) ont systématiquement un DLP plus bas que les puits quantiques (202¯1¯). Cette divergence est probablement liée aux élargissements effectifs différents qui s'appliquent à leurs sous-bandes de valence en raison de l'interface supérieure plus rugueuse du puit (202¯1), de la sensibilité des trous à l'interface supérieure du puit (202¯1) à cause du champ électrique interne, et/ou du différent degré de localisation des trous En plus d'être fortement affecté par l'élargissement inhomogène, les LEDs InGaN souffrent d'efficiency droop: leur efficacité maximale est atteinte déjà à une densité de courant relativement basse et baisse ensuite significativement vers leurs conditions d'opération typiques. Un moyen pour mitiger cet effet est de réduire la densité de courant dans la zone active, ce qui peut être atteint via plusieurs approches, notamment en croissant la région active sur un template 3D, sur un substrat semipolaire/nonpolaire ou un template d'InGaN relaxé. Les deux dernière approches diminuent/suppriment le champs électrique interne augmantant ainsi le recouvrement des fonctions d'onde et leur étendue dans la zone active. Afin de vérifier ces approches, une méthode pour déterminer la densité de porteurs dans la zone active est nécessaire. Cette tâche complexe, qui est le second axe de ce travail, requière d'ajuster un modèle de la dynamique de recombinaison des porteurs à des données expérimentales. La plupart des méthodes déjà disponibles se basent sur le simple modèle ABC. La validité de ce modèle est discutée à travers des courbes d'efficacité mesurées sur différents échantillons et étendue pour prendre en compte la densité de porteurs dûe au dopage à basse densité de porteurs ainsi que le remplissage des bandes à haute densité de porteurs. La chute du DLP vers les hautes densités de porteurs est ajustée simultanément à la courbe d'éfficacité pour augmenter la robustesse de la détermination des coefficients de recombinaison. Il est cependant montré que sans prendre en compte des données expériemntales résolues en temps il est très difficile d'extraire tous les coefficients de recombinaison sans ambiguosités. Les mesures résolues en temps étant complexes et longues, une nouvelle méthode basée sur un modèle ABC étendu et de la spectroscopie photoluminescence en fonction du bias à température ambiante est proposée. Lorsqu'elle est appliquée à des LEDs semipolaires/nonpolaires, elle permet d'extraire la densité de porteurs dans la région active sans devoir effectuer des mesures résolues en temps. La méthode est démontrée en utilisant des courbes d'efficacité résolues en polarisation measurées sur une LED plan-m. Croître la région active sur un template 3D afin de diminuer la densité locale de porteurs nécessite au final pour sa characterisation une technique expérimentale ayant une haute résolution spatiale. Ce travail résume le savoir-faire expérimental acquis en characterisant des micro-piliers core-shell InGaN/GaN uniques. Une description détaillée du microscope confocal et de son alignement est donnée pour atteindre des mesures de photoluminescence reproductibles et ayant une résolution limitée par la diffraction, ce qui a permis la première mesure locale d'efficacité interne quantique le long de la facette latérale de micro-piliers core-shell InGaN/GaN.

Nano-particles In Multi-scale Composites And Ballistic Applications

Gibson, Jason 01 January 2013 (has links)
Carbon nanotubes, graphene and nano sized core shell rubber particles have all been extensively researched for their capability to improve mechanical properties of thermoset resins. However, there has been a lack of research on their evaluation for energy absorption in high velocity impact scenarios, and the fundamental mechanics of their failure mechanisms during highly dynamic stress transfer through the matrix. This fundamental research is essential for laying the foundation for improvement in ballistic performance in composite armor. In hard armor applications, energy absorption is largely accomplished through delamination between plies of the composite laminate. This energy absorption is accomplished through two mechanisms. The first being the elongation of the fiber reinforcement contained in the resin matrix, and the second is the propagation of the crack in between the discreet fabric plies. This research aims to fundamentally study the energy absorption characteristics of various nano-particles as reinforcements in thermoset resin for high velocity impact applications. Multiple morphologies will be evaluated through use of platelet, tubular and spherical shaped nano-particles. Evaluations of the effect on stress transfer through the matrix due to the combination of nano sized and micro scale particles of milled fiber is conducted. Three different nano-particles are utilized, specifically, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, graphene, and core shell rubber particles. The difference in surface area, aspect ratio and molecular structure between the tube, platelet and spherical nano-particles causes energy absorption through different failure mechanisms. This changes the impact performance of composite panels enhanced with the nanoparticle fillers. Composite panels made through the use of dispersing the various nano-particles iv in a non-contact planetary mixer, are evaluated through various dynamic and static testing, including unnotched cantilever beam impact, mixed mode fracture toughness, split-Hopkinson bar, and ballistic V50 testing. The unnotched cantilever beam testing showed that the addition of milled fiber degraded the impact resistance of the samples. Addition of graphene nano platelets unilaterally degraded impact resistance through the unnotched cantilever beam testing. 1.5% loading of MWCNT showed the greatest increase in impact resistance, with a 43% increase over baseline. Determining the critical load for mixed mode interlaminar shear testing can be difficult for composite panels that bend without breaking. An iterative technique of optimizing the coefficient of determination, R2 , in linear regression is developed for objectively determining the point of non-linearity for critical load. This allows for a mathematical method of determination; thereby eliminating any subjective decision of choosing where the data becomes non-linear. The core shell rubber nano particles showed the greatest strain energy release rate with an exponential improvement over the baseline results. Synergistic effects between nano and micro sized particles in the resin matrix during transfer of the stress wave were created and evaluated. Loadings of 1% milled carbon fiber enhanced the V50 ballistic performance of both carbon nanotube and core shell rubber particles in the resin matrix. However, the addition of milled carbon fiber degrades the impact resistance of all nano-particle enhanced resin matrices. Therefore, benefits gained from the addition of microsized particles in combination with nano-sized particles, are only seen in high energy impact scenarios with micro second durations. v Loadings of 1% core shell rubber particles and 1% milled carbon fiber have an improvement of 8% in V50 ballistic performance over the baseline epoxy sample for 44 mag single wad cutter gas check projectiles. Loadings of 1% multi-walled carbon nanotubes with 1% milled carbon fiber have an improvement of 7.3% in V50 ballistic performance over the baseline epoxy sample. The failure mechanism of the various nano-particle enhanced resin matrices during the ballistic event is discussed through the use of scanning electron microscope images and Raman spectroscopy of the panels after failure. The Raman spectroscopy data shows a Raman shift for the fibers that had an enhancement in the V50 performance through the use of nano-particles. The Raman band for Kevlar® centered at 1,649 cm-1 stemming from the stretching of the C==O bond of the fiber shows to be more sensitive to the residual axial strain, while the Raman band centered at 1,611 cm-1 stemming from the C-C phenyl ring is minimally affected for the CSR enhanced panels due to the failure mechanism of the CSR particles during crack propagation.

Люминесцентные свойства и фотометрические характеристики наноструктур с квантовыми точками InP/ZnS : магистерская диссертация / Luminescent properties and photometric characteristics of nanostructures with InP/ZnS quantum dots

Савченко, С. С., Savchenko, S. S. January 2016 (has links)
В работе проведено исследование оптических характеристик коллоидных квантовых точек (КТ) InP/ZnS различных размеров (QD-1, QD-2, QD-3) и композитных наноструктур анодированного оксида алюминия (AAО) с КТ методами спектрофотометрии и люминесцентной спектроскопии. Выполнен литературный обзор, касающийся электронных состояний в идеальном нанокристалле (НК), синтеза КТ на основе InP, использования НК для создания нанокомпозитов и расчёта цветовых характеристик излучателей. Описаны методики подготовки образцов и проведения измерений спектров оптического поглощения (ОП) и фотолюминесценции (ФЛ). По анализу спектров ОП КТ определены значения энергий оптических переходов. Полосы с наименьшей энергией соответствуют первому экситонному пику поглощения ядра InP. Другие могут быть приписаны оболочке из ZnS. По синему сдвигу осуществлена оценка размера ядер образцов КТ. Для QD-1 исследована температурная зависимость первого экситонного пика поглощения. Спектры ФЛ позволяют предположить, что полосы свечения формируются как экситонными переходами, так и дефектами кристаллической решётки ядра InP. Синтезирован ряд структур нанопористого оксида алюминия, отожженного при различных температурах, с осаждёнными КТ и исследована их ФЛ. Показано, что после осаждения в AAО НК InP/ZnS, сохраняют свои флуоресцентные свойства, следовательно, можно говорить об успешном создании композитных люминофоров InP/ZnS@AAO. Обсуждаются цветовые характеристики изучаемых образцов. / This study deals with the investigation of optical characteristics of differently sized InP/ZnS colloidal quantum dots (QD-1, QD-2, QD-3) and composite nanostrucrures of anodic aluminum oxide with QDs by means of spectrophotometry and luminescence spectroscopy techniques. The literature review concerning electronic states in an ideal nanocrystal (NC), synthesis of InP-based QDs, use of NCs for creating nanocomposites and calculating color characteristics of emitters was carried out. The methods of sample preparation and measurements of optical absorption (OA) and photoluminescence (PL) spectra are described. Values of optical transition energies are determined according to the analysis of QD OA spectra. The bands with the lowest energy correspond to the first exciton absorption peak of the InP core. The other transitions can be attributed to the ZnS shell. The core size of the QD samples was evaluated using the blue shift. The temperature dependence of the first exciton absorption peak was investigated for the QD-1. PL spectra of QDs indicate that the emission bands are formed by exciton transitions and defects of the InP crystal lattice. A series of structures of nanoporous aluminum oxide, annealed at different temperatures, with deposited QDs were synthesized and their PL were studied. Fluorescent properties of the QDs are found to be retained after the deposition, therefore, InP/ZnS@AAO composite phosphors were successfully created. Сolor characteristics of the samples under study are discussed.

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