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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Surviving a major bus crash : experiences from the crash and five years after

Doohan, Isabelle January 2017 (has links)
Background Major road traffic crashes (RTCs) can have a significant impact on the survivors, their family, and their friends, as well as on emergency personnel, volunteers, and others involved. However, survivors’ perspectives are rare or missing in research on major RTCs in Sweden. A comprehensive understanding of the survivors and their experiences is also lacking. By studying what it is like to survive a major RTC, the care and support provided to survivors can be adapted and improved. The overall aim is to broaden the understanding of the short- and long-term consequences and experiences of surviving a major bus crash. Methods The contexts are two bus crashes that occurred in Sweden, in February 2007 and December 2014. In total, the participants are 110 out of the 112 survivors, and the data is collected through telephone interviews, official reports, and medical records at one month, three months, and five years after the crashes. Analysis methods include qualitative content analysis, descriptive statistics, thematic analysis, and mixed methods research analysis. Results One month after the crash, most of the survivors were experiencing minor or major physical and/or psychological stress in their everyday lives (Study I). Four main findings were identified regarding their experiences of immediate care (Study II): prehospital discomfort, lack of compassionate care, dissatisfaction with crisis support, and satisfactory initial care and support. The importance of compassion and being close to others was also highlighted. Five years after the bus crash in Rasbo (Study III), survivors were still struggling with physical injuries and mental problems. Other long-term consequences were a lasting sense of connectedness among fellow passengers, a gratitude for life, as well as feelings of distress in traffic, especially in regard to buses. The main findings from study IV indicated that injury severity did not seem to affect mental health, and that social aspects were important to the recovery process. There was an interconnection among survivors in which they seemed to be linked to each other’s recovery. Conclusion A strong need for short- and long-term social and psychological support in terms of compassion and community is evident in all the studies. The survivors ought to be acknowledged as capable and having the resources to contribute to their own and their fellow survivors’ recovery and health. There is a need for greater understanding of how different the survivors are, with each one of them having various physical, psychological, social, and existential needs. / Bakgrund Stora trafikskadehändelser kan ha en betydande inverkan på de överlevande och deras närståendes liv, likaså på sjukvårdspersonal, vittnen, och andra som är involverade. Trots detta så är de överlevandes perspektiv sällsynta eller saknas i forskning om stora trafikskadehändelser i Sverige. Det saknas även en helhetsförståelse av överlevande och deras erfarenheter. Genom att studera hur det är att överleva en busskrasch kan omhändertagande och stöd anpassas och förbättras. Det övergripande syftet är att öka förståelsen av kort- och långsiktiga konsekvenser och erfarenheter av att överleva en stor busskrasch. Metod Kontexten är två busskrascher som inträffade i februari 2007 och december 2014 i Sverige. Antal deltagare är 110 av 112 överlevande och data samlades in en månad, tre månader och fem år efter krascherna, via telefonintervjuer, officiella rapporter och medicinska journaler. Analysmetoder inkluderar kvalitativ innehållsanalys, deskriptiv statistik, tematisk analys och mixad metod. Resultat En månad efter kraschen upplevde överlevande fysiskt obehag och/eller psykisk stress i varierande grad i sin vardag (Studie I). Gällande upplevelser av det initiala omhändertagandet (Studie II) identifierades fyra huvudresultat; obehag på skadeplats, brister i omhändertagande och bemötande, missnöje med krisstöd, och tillfredsställande initialt omhändertagande och stöd. Betydelsen av empati och medkänsla från personal och frivilliga samt samhörighet med medpassagerare lyftes fram av de överlevande. Fem år efter busskraschen i Rasbo (Studie III) fanns det överlevande som fortfarande kämpade med fysiska skador och psykiska problem. Andra tydliga långsiktiga konsekvenser var en bestående gemenskap mellan medpassagerare, en tacksamhet över livet, samt oro och rädsla i trafiken, speciellt vid bussåkande. Uppföljningen efter busskraschen i Tranemo (Studie IV) indikerade att sociala aspekter var betydelsefulla för återhämtningsprocessen hos överlevande och att skadornas svårighetsgrad inte var betydande för det psykiska välbefinnandet. En stark samhörighet upplevdes bland de närstående som reste tillsammans och de verkade följa varandras återhämtning. Slutsatser Ett starkt behov av kort- och långsiktigt socialt och psykologiskt stöd i form av gemenskap och empati är tydligt i samtliga studier. De överlevande bör uppmärksammas som aktörer med kapacitet och resurser till att bidra till sin egen och medpassagerares återhämtning och hälsa. Det behövs en ökad förståelse för hur olika de överlevande är, med varierande fysiska, psykologiska, sociala, och existentiella behov.

Three essays on unveiling complex urban phenomena: toward improved understanding

Lym, Youngbin 13 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Návrh deformačního členu pro simulaci pojišťovacího nárazu vozidla / Crush Element Design at Vehicle RCAR Simulation

Rydlo, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals especially with basic crash test conducted by the organizations Euro NCAP and RCAR. On basis of RCAR standard for low speed crash test is designed crush element for a car Ford Taurus by using a virtual simulation. Thesis describes the selection, editing, and creating a finite element model and impact simulation to the barrier. The purpose was use a real vehicle, design into it a new crush element, try different shape and material implementation of crush element and make their comparison.

Crash de structures composites et absorption d'énergie - Application aux sièges aéronautiques / Crash of Composite Structures and Energy Absorption for Aircraft Seats Development

Chambe, Jean-Emmanuel 10 July 2019 (has links)
Dans l’optique de la conception et du développement d’un siège aéronautique et afin derespecter la règlementation sécuritaire en vigueur, la structure du siège développé doitpermettre une dissipation rapide de l’énergie perçue en cas de crash aérien (Fig. 1), ceci dansle but de protéger les passagers. La majorité des systèmes intégrés à la structure des sièges etpermettant cette absorption d’énergie (Fig. 2) est constituée de composants métalliques qui sedéforment plastiquement pour dissiper l’énergie due au crash. Actuellement, l’industrie et larecherche se tournent vers les matériaux composites pour substituer de tels systèmes.Cependant le comportement de ces matériaux lors de sollicitations mécaniques sévères estfortement différent des matériaux métalliques, notamment dû au fait que les mécanismesd’endommagement sont très distincts.Le but de cette étude portant sur des structures tubulaires composites est d’évaluer leurcapacité à dissiper l’énergie. A cette fin, différentes stratifications ont été testées encompression (Fig. 3 et 4) dans le but de déterminer leur comportement, comparer leurspropriétés et calculer leurs valeurs de SEA (absorption d'énergie spécifique, en kJ.kg-1)servant à évaluer leur aptitude à dissiper l’énergie engendrée en cas de crash. Ces dernièressont issues des courbes effort-déplacement obtenues lors des essais d’écrasement (Fig. 5). Lesdifférents essais de compression ont été instrumentés et suivis au moyen de caméras rapides etdes images post-essais ont été réalisées par tomographie pour comprendre les mécanismesd’endommagement mis en jeu (Fig. 4 et 6). Ces essais ont été réalisés à vitesse de chargementquasi-statique puis dynamique et selon diverses conditions limites. Les différents résultats decomportement en compression sont également utilisés dans le but de construire et enrichir unmodèle de calcul par éléments finis (Fig. 7 et 8) permettant de simuler la réponse de structurescomposites de différentes natures soumises au crash en intégrant la géométrie et lacomposition de la structure (Fig. 8).L’objectif de ce travail de recherche est ainsi d’évaluer l’énergie pouvant être dissipée par desstructures tubulaires composites, de comparer les absorptions induites par des structurescomposites de compositions différentes, et/ou bi-matériaux, et enfin de fournir un modèleéléments finis représentant le comportement de structures composites en compression jusqu’àl’endommagement et la ruine de la structure.Il a ainsi été établi qu’en chargement statique, un stratifié unidirectionnel orienté à 0° etstabilisé par des plis de tissus répond fortement aux attentes en terme de dissipation d’énergie,mais pas en sollicitation dynamique. Dans ce cas, une stratification à 90° semble plusadéquate. D’autre part, un confinement forcé vers l’intérieur est avantageux dans la plupartdes cas, réduisant le pic d’effort initial sans diminuer drastiquement la valeur de SEA. / With the perspective of the design and development of an aircraft seat and in order to respectthe safety regulations in effect, the structure of the developed seat must allow for a swiftdissipation of the energy received in the event of an aircraft crash (Fig. 1) so as to protect thepassengers. The majority of systems integrated into the seats structure and allowing energydissipation (Fig. 2) consists of metal components that sustain plastic deformation to dissipatethe energy induced by the crash. Currently, industry and research sectors are turning theirfocus towards composite materials to substitute such systems. However, the behavior of thesematerials during severe mechanical stress is strongly different from metallic materials, inparticular due to the fact that damage mechanisms are very distinct.The purpose of this study on composite tubular structures is to evaluate their ability todissipate the energy. To this end, different laminate structures were tested in compression(Fig. 3 and 4) in order to identify their behavior, compare their properties and calculate theirSEA value (Specific Energy Absorption, in kJ.kg-1) used to evaluate their capacity to dissipatethe energy generated during a crash. Those are resulting from the load-displacement curvesobtained during the crushing tests (Fig. 5). The various compression tests were instrumentedand monitored by means of rapid imaging cameras and post-crushing tomographic imaginghas been realized in order to understand the damage mechanisms involved (Fig. 4 and 6).Testing has been carried out under quasi-static and dynamic loading and using severalboundary conditions. The different results of compression and crushing behavior are also usedin order to build and improve a finite element calculation model (Fig. 7 and 8) allowing tosimulate the response of composite structures of different natures subjected to crash byintegrating the geometry and the composition of the structure (Fig. 8).The objective of this research work is thus to evaluate the energy that can be dissipated bycomposite tubular structures, to compare the absorption values induced by compositestructures of different compositions, and/or bi-materials, and, finally, to provide a finiteelement model representing the behavior of composite structure submitted to compressionuntil damage and fracture of the structure.It has consequently been established that in static loading, a unidirectional laminate orientedat 0° and stabilized by woven plies strongly meets the expectations in terms of energydissipation, but that is not the case in dynamic loading. In this case, a 90° stratification seemsmore adequate. Incidentally, an inner constrained containment is more effective in most cases,reducing the initial peak load without drastically reducing the SEA value.

Identifikation menschlicher Einflüsse auf Verkehrsunfälle als Grundlage zur Beurteilung von Fahrerassistenzsystem-Potentialen

Staubach, Maria 02 February 2010 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zur Identifizierung von Einflussgrößen und Fehlerursachen auf Verkehrsunfälle. Diese können als Grundlage für Hinweise für den Einsatz und die Gestaltung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen genutzt werden. Dafür wurden insgesamt 506 Unfälle umfassend (in depth) untersucht. Zur Analyse der Pre-Crash-Phase der Unfälle wurden die Ergebnisse einer psychologischen Befragung mit Angaben aus der polizeilichen Verkehrsunfallanzeige, Informationen zur Unfallstelle, medizinischen Berichten sowie Informationen aus der technischen Rekonstruktion integriert. Anschließend wurde eine Fehleranalyse unter Betrachtung der Teilsysteme Fahrer, Umwelt und Fahrzeug durchgeführt. Um den bestmöglichen Befragungszeitpunkt herauszufinden, wurden in einer Vorstudie jeweils 15 Interviews am Unfallort sowie telefonische Interviews ein bis 14 Tage bzw. 15 bis 90 Tage nach dem Unfall bezüglich der Anzahl ihrer Genauigkeits- und Glaubhaftigkeitsmerkmale, der Motivation zur Interviewteilnahme sowie möglicher Vergessenseffekte verglichen. Im Ergebnis konnten keine Nachteile nachträglicher telefonischer Befragungen im Vergleich zu Befragungen an der Unfallstelle gefunden werden. Zur Fehleranalyse wurde ein verkehrspsychologisches Fehlerklassifikationsschema auf der Basis der verhütungsbezogenen Klassifikation von Fehlhandlungsursachen (Hacker, 1998) erstellt. Mit dessen Hilfe wurden insgesamt 696 Unfalleinflussfaktoren für die Unfallverursacher (n=343) ermittelt. Im Ergebnis wurde so bei allen Unfalltypengruppen ein hoher Anteil von Fehlern infolge von Ablenkung sowie Aktivierungsmängeln festgestellt (jeweils zwischen 28 % und 47%). Des Weiteren gab es bei Kreuzungsunfällen zahlreiche Fehler infolge von Sichtverdeckungen (40%), Fokusfehlern (30%), Reizmaskierungen (26%) und Verstößen gen die Verkehrsregeln (11%). Unfälle durch Abkommen von der Fahrbahn traten zudem häufig infolge von Erwartungsfehlern (35%), Reizmaskierungen (26%), Verstößen gegen die Verkehrsregeln (24%) sowie Zielsetzungs- bzw. Handlungsfehler (23%) auf. Unfälle im Längsverkehr passierten des Weiteren durch Erwartungsfehler (36%), Zielsetzungs- und Handlungsfehler (36%) sowie durch Setzen eines falschen Aufmerksamkeitsfokus (24%) auf. Anhand dieser Studienergebnisse ist das Sicherheitspotential für Fahrerassistenzsysteme, welche den Fahrer bei der Informationsaufnahme unterstützen und ihm helfen Ablenkungen und Aktivierungsdefizite zu vermeiden, als hoch einzuschätzen. So könnten insgesamt über zwei Drittel der erfassten Fehlhandlungen vermieden werden. Darüber hinaus münden die Studienergebnisse in ein Klassifikationsschema zur Erfassung von Unfalleinflussfaktoren, welches im Rahmen der Unfallforschung dauerhaft eingesetzt werden sollte.

Crash Prediction and Collision Avoidance using Hidden Markov Model

Prabu, Avinash 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Automotive technology has grown from strength to strength in the recent years. The main focus of research in the near past and the immediate future are autonomous vehicles. Autonomous vehicles range from level 1 to level 5, depending on the percentage of machine intervention while driving. To make a smooth transition from human driving and machine intervention, the prediction of human driving behavior is critical. This thesis is a subset of driving behavior prediction. The objective of this thesis is to predict the possibility of crash and implement an appropriate active safety system to prevent the same. The prediction of crash requires data of transition between lanes, and speed ranges. This is achieved through a variation of hidden Markov model. With the crash prediction and analysis of the Markov models, the required ADAS system is activated. The above concept is divided into sections and an algorithm was developed. The algorithm is then scripted into MATLAB for simulation. The results of the simulation is recorded and analyzed to prove the idea.

Coworking Companies Leading the Way for a Change on the Office Market : A Study About Profitability and Perseverance in the Business Model / Coworking företag leder vägen i en förändring på kontorsmarknaden : En studie om lönsamhet och uthållighet hos coworkingföretag

Müller Löfvenberg, Madeleine, Sörensson, Lovisa January 2019 (has links)
With the advancements that have taken place in technology the recent decades, it is nowpossible to work anywhere and at any time. Coworking space is the type of flexible workplacethat is currently growing the fastest and comprises a workplace shared between severalcompanies and individuals with emphasis on collaboration and knowledge sharing. Withbenefits such as cost efficiency for members, it is now questioned how the companies that offercoworking make it work financially. This thesis investigates the profitability of coworkingcompanies and whether they are persevering enough to survive an economic downturn orrecession.By examining the Stockholm market’s nine largest coworking companies' annual reports,interviewing them and experts from different areas on the market, these questions have beenanswered. In order to further assess the potential of the new market segment, the currenteconomic climate has been compared with the IT-bubble in 2001. Further, the financial positionof the coworking companies has been set against the business model of hotels. Through a datacollection that is both qualitative and quantitative, the results have been discussed thematically.From the study it was concluded that coworking operators are economically weak with low orno profitability. By developing their business model in accordance with the one of hotels,companies are expected to improve their financial position. This is done by overbookingflexible workplaces and in detail work with profit per workplace to increase the total return.The coworking companies' rental cost to their property owners one of the largest expenses andthus also decisive. For companies to be able to operate in the long run, revenue sharing rent isrecommended. Experience, strong ownership, central location and diversification of membersare recognized as success factors. Regarding the coworking companies' sustainability ineconomic downturns, they are also considered weak. Given their deficient financial statementsand balance sheets, they lack the margins and qualifications to endure an economic downturnor recession. A consolidation is expected to take place where survival of each coworkingoperator depend on new customers to leave conventional leases and prioritize flexibility.  Furthermore, the study has shown the economic climate today to resemble with what led to theIT-bubble in 2001, which in turn signals for a coworking bubble. A pattern of increased demandfor service in the office market has also been discovered. What we are seeing today is thebeginning of a change on the office market - a servicification that requires a fundamental changein the office sector's business model. / Med de framgångar som skett inom teknik de senaste decennierna är det idag möjligt att arbetavar och när som helst. Coworking space är den typ av flexibel arbetsplats som just nu växersnabbast och innebär att arbetsplatsen delas mellan flera företag och individer samtunderstryker samarbete och kunskapsdelning. Med fördelar såsom kostnadseffektivisering förmedlemmar ifrågasätts nu hur företagen som erbjuder coworking får det att gå ihop ekonomiskt.I den här uppsatsen belyses coworkingföretagens lönsamhet och om de är uthålliga nog attöverleva en ekonomisk nedgång eller lågkonjunktur.Genom att för Stockholmsmarknaden undersöka de nio största coworkingföretagensårsrapporter, intervjua dem och experter från olika områden av marknaden har dessa frågorutvisats. För att ytterligare kunna bedöma potentialen för det nya marknadssegmentet hardagens ekonomiska klimat jämförts med vad som ledde upp till IT-krisen 2001 samtcoworkingföretagens ekonomiska ställning ställts mot den affärsmodell som hotell använder.Genom en datainsamling som både är kvalitativ och kvantitativ har resultaten diskuteratstematiskt.Studien har mynnat ut i en slutsats om att coworkingoperatörer är ekonomiskt svaga företagmed låg eller ingen lönsamhet. Genom att utveckla sin affärsmodell efter den som hotellanvänder förväntas företagen kunna förbättra sin ekonomiska ställning. Detta görs genom attöverboka flexibla arbetsplatser och på detaljnivå arbeta med vinst per arbetsplats för att ökaden totala avkastningen. Coworkingföretagens hyreskostnad till sina fastighetsägare är en avde största utgifterna och därmed också avgörande. För att företagen ska kunna verka i längdenrekommenderas omsättningsbaserad hyra. Erfarenhet, starkt ägandeskap, central lokaliseringoch diversifiering av medlemmar ses som framgångsfaktorer. Gällande coworkingföretagensuthållighet i konjunkturnedgångar, bedöms dem också svaga. Med hänsyn till bristanderesultat- och balansräkningar har de inte marginaler eller förutsättningar nog att utstå enekonomisk nedgång eller lågkonjunktur. En konsolidering väntas ske där coworkingoperatörernasöverlevnad hänger på tillskott av nya kunder som väljer att lämna konventionellahyresavtal och prioritera flexibilitet.  Ytterligare har studien visat på att det ekonomiska klimatet idag också liknar det som leddefram till IT-krisen 2001, vilket i sin tur signalerar för en coworkingbubbla. Det har ocksåuppdagats ett mönster av ökad efterfrågan på service på kontorsmarknaden. Vad vi nu ser börjanpå är en förändring i kontorsmarknaden - en tjänstefiering som kräver en fundamentalförändring av kontorssektorns affärsmodell.

Exploration and development of crash modification factors and functions for single and multiple treatments

Park, Juneyoung 01 January 2015 (has links)
Traffic safety is a major concern for the public, and it is an important component of the roadway management strategy. In order to improve highway safety, extensive efforts have been made by researchers, transportation engineers, Federal, State, and local government officials. With these consistent efforts, both fatality and injury rates from road traffic crashes in the United States have been steadily declining over the last six years (2006~2011). However, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA, 2013), 33,561 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes in the United States in 2012, compared to 32,479 in 2011, and it is the first increase in fatalities since 2005. Moreover, in 2012, an estimated 2.36 million people were injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes, compared to 2.22 million in 2011. Due to the demand of highway safety improvements through systematic analysis of specific roadway cross-section elements and treatments, the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) (AASHTO, 2010) was developed by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) to introduce a science-based technical approach for safety analysis. One of the main parts in the HSM, Part D, contains crash modification factors (CMFs) for various treatments on roadway segments and at intersections. A CMF is a factor that can estimate potential changes in crash frequency as a result of implementing a specific treatment (or countermeasure). CMFs in Part D have been developed using high-quality observational before-after studies that account for the regression to the mean threat. Observational before-after studies are the most common methods for evaluating safety effectiveness and calculating CMFs of specific roadway treatments. Moreover, cross-sectional method has commonly been used to derive CMFs since it is easier to collect the data compared to before-after methods. Although various CMFs have been calculated and introduced in the HSM, still there are critical limitations that are required to be investigated. First, the HSM provides various CMFs for single treatments, but not CMFs for multiple treatments to roadway segments. The HSM suggests that CMFs are multiplied to estimate the combined safety effects of single treatments. However, the HSM cautions that the multiplication of the CMFs may over- or under-estimate combined effects of multiple treatments. In this dissertation, several methodologies are proposed to estimate more reliable combined safety effects in both observational before-after studies and the cross-sectional method. Averaging two best combining methods is suggested to use to account for the effects of over- or under- estimation. Moreover, it is recommended to develop adjustment factor and function (i.e. weighting factor and function) to apply to estimate more accurate safety performance in assessing safety effects of multiple treatments. The multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) modeling is proposed to avoid the over-estimation problem through consideration of interaction impacts between variables in this dissertation. Second, the variation of CMFs with different roadway characteristics among treated sites over time is ignored because the CMF is a fixed value that represents the overall safety effect of the treatment for all treated sites for specific time periods. Recently, few studies developed crash modification functions (CMFunctions) to overcome this limitation. However, although previous studies assessed the effect of a specific single variable such as AADT on the CMFs, there is a lack of prior studies on the variation in the safety effects of treated sites with different multiple roadway characteristics over time. In this study, adopting various multivariate linear and nonlinear modeling techniques is suggested to develop CMFunctions. Multiple linear regression modeling can be utilized to consider different multiple roadway characteristics. To reflect nonlinearity of predictors, a regression model with nonlinearizing link function needs to be developed. The Bayesian approach can also be adopted due to its strength to avoid the problem of over fitting that occurs when the number of observations is limited and the number of variables is large. Moreover, two data mining techniques (i.e. gradient boosting and MARS) are suggested to use 1) to achieve better performance of CMFunctions with consideration of variable importance, and 2) to reflect both nonlinear trend of predictors and interaction impacts between variables at the same time. Third, the nonlinearity of variables in the cross-sectional method is not discussed in the HSM. Generally, the cross-sectional method is also known as safety performance functions (SPFs) and generalized linear model (GLM) is applied to estimate SPFs. However, the estimated CMFs from GLM cannot account for the nonlinear effect of the treatment since the coefficients in the GLM are assumed to be fixed. In this dissertation, applications of using generalized nonlinear model (GNM) and MARS in the cross-sectional method are proposed. In GNMs, the nonlinear effects of independent variables to crash analysis can be captured by the development of nonlinearizing link function. Moreover, the MARS accommodate nonlinearity of independent variables and interaction effects for complex data structures. In this dissertation, the CMFs and CMFunctions are estimated for various single and combination of treatments for different roadway types (e.g. rural two-lane, rural multi-lane roadways, urban arterials, freeways, etc.) as below: 1) Treatments for mainline of roadway: - adding a thru lane, conversion of 4-lane undivided roadways to 3-lane with two-way left turn lane (TWLTL) 2) Treatments for roadway shoulder: - installing shoulder rumble strips, widening shoulder width, adding bike lanes, changing bike lane width, installing roadside barriers 3) Treatments related to roadside features: - decrease density of driveways, decrease density of roadside poles, increase distance to roadside poles, increase distance to trees Expected contributions of this study are to 1) suggest approaches to estimate more reliable safety effects of multiple treatments, 2) propose methodologies to develop CMFunctions to assess the variation of CMFs with different characteristics among treated sites, and 3) recommend applications of using GNM and MARS to simultaneously consider the interaction impact of more than one variables and nonlinearity of predictors. Finally, potential relevant applications beyond the scope of this research but worth investigation in the future are discussed in this dissertation.

Spatial Ensemble Distillation Learning Based Real-Time Crash Prediction and Management Framework

Islam, Md Rakibul 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Real-time crash prediction is a complex task, since there is no existing framework to predict crash likelihood, types, and severity together along with a real-time traffic management strategy. Developing such a framework presents various challenges, including not independent and identically distributed data, imbalanced data, large model size, high computational cost, missing data, sensitivity vs. false alarm rate (FAR) trade-offs, estimation of traffic restoration time after crash occurrence, and real-world deployment strategy. A novel spatial ensemble distillation learning modeling technique is proposed to address these challenges. First, large-scale real-time data were used to develop a crash likelihood prediction model. Second, the proposed crash likelihood model's viability in predicting specific crash types was tested for real-world applications. Third, the framework was extended to predict crash severity in real-time, categorizing crashes into four levels. The results demonstrated strong performance with sensitivities of 90.35%, 94.80%, and 84.23% for all crashes, rear-end crashes, and sideswipe/angle crashes, and 83.32%, 81.25%, 83.08%, and 84.59% for fatal, severe, minor injury, and PDO crashes, respectively, all while remaining very low FARs. This methodology can also reduce model size, lower computation costs, improve sensitivity, and decrease FAR. These results will be used by traffic management center for taking measures to prevent crashes in real-time through active traffic management strategies. The framework was further extended for efficient traffic management after any crash occurrence despite adopting these strategies. Particularly, the framework was extended to predict the traffic state after a crash, predict the traffic restoration time based on the estimated post-crash traffic state, and apply a three-step validation technique to evaluate the performance of the developed approach. Finally, real-world deployment strategies of the proposed methodologies for real-time crash prediction along with their types and severities and real-time post-crash management are discussed. Overall, the methodologies presented in this dissertation offer multifaceted novel contributions and have excellent potential to reduce fatalities and injuries.

A numerical investigation of the crashworthiness of a composite glider cockpit / J.J. Pottas

Pottas, Johannes January 2015 (has links)
Finite element analysis with explicit time integration is widely used in commercial crash solvers to accurately simulate transient structural problems involving large-deformation and nonlinearity. Technological advances in computer software and hardware have expanded the boundaries of computational expense, allowing designers to analyse increasingly complex structures on desktop computers. This dissertation is a review of the use of finite element analysis for crash simulation, the principles of crashworthy design and a practical application of these methods and principles in the development of a concept energy absorber for a sailplane. Explicit nonlinear finite element analysis was used to do crash simulations of the glass, carbon and aramid fibre cockpit during the development of concept absorbers. The SOL700 solution sequence in MSC Nastran, which invokes the LS-Dyna solver for structural solution, was used. Single finite elements with Hughes-Liu shell formulation were loaded to failure in pure tension and compression and validated against material properties. Further, a simple composite crash box in a mass drop experiment was simulated and compared to experimental results. FEA was used for various crash simulations of the JS1 sailplane cockpit to determine its crashworthiness. Then, variants of a concept energy absorber with cellular aluminium sandwich construction were simulated. Two more variants constructed only of fibre-laminate materials were modelled for comparison. Energy absorption and specific energy absorption were analysed over the first 515 mm of crushing. Simulation results indicate that the existing JS1 cockpit is able to absorb energy through progressive crushing of the frontal structure without collapse of the main cockpit volume. Simulated energy absorption over the first 515 mm was improved from 2232 J for the existing structure, to 9 363 J by the addition of an energy absorber. Specific energy absorption during the simulation was increased from 1063 J/kg to 2035 J/kg. / MIng (Mechanical Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

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