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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Improved side impact car safety : New IIHS side crash regulation, effect on product design

Bäckman, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
23% of passenger vehicle occupant deaths in 2019 was side-impact collisions and is a ongoing problem that continues to take people’s lives (IIHS, 2021a). IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety) is an organization based in USA, which performs vehicle crash tests with the goal of making cars safer and reducing deaths and injuries. In 2023, a new, tougher side crash test will be introduced by IIHS in the USA to tackle those crashes and save lives. The goal for IIHS with their vehicle tests is to urge the car manufacturers to make safer vehicles. Manufacturers in the automotive industry knows that the customers are using the ratings as a guide before buying a vehicle, which forces them to adapt the vehicles to pass the tests and have a good rating. In early crash tests with the updated side crash test, a lot of vehicles from a selection of different manufacturers struggled to pass the test requirements and it seems like the new test requires change of component strength and design.  This is a master thesis project in Industrial Design Engineering with the focus on Product Design, at Luleå University of Technology (LTU), and has been performed on behalf of Gestamp HardTech at their R&D department in Luleå, Sweden. The early parts project focused on finding which car components has the largest influence of the crash result, where the components might need to be reinforced or having less strength.  To help simulating the side crash, full vehicle side-impact crash simulations were used in this project with a virtual reference FEM car made by Gestamp, GLAB G3 EV. This project has been using the CDIO-design process, which stands for Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate.  In the first phase, Conceive, simulations were made and the current IIHS side crash test was compared with the new IIHS test. The left-side side-impact beams was chosen as the components to trying to improve in the project. Creative methods in the Design-phase were generated ideas, which was 3D CAD modeled in CATIA V5 and tested with three-point bending simulations in LS-DYNA.  The three-point bending simulations were analyzed and the best performing designs were chosen, to later be simulated with full vehicle side-impact crash simulations in the Implement-phase. The results from these simulations were used to develop ten different concepts of combinations of left-front and left-rear side-impact beams and ten final full vehicle simulations were conducted and analyzed on factors such as door intrusion, component weight and more. From these concepts, the two final concepts were selected with the use of the Pugh Decision Matrix, and these two concepts had the highest rating score from this matrix. These two concepts, Final Concept and Alternative Concept, are the final results of the project. Each concept has a combination of a left-front side-impact beam and a left-rear side-impact beam. The two final concepts are reducing the side crash intrusion on the side-impact beams compared to the reference simulations conducted with the new IIHS side crash test. The Final Concept were the best concept in the results from the matrix and is reducing the total side crash intrusion on the left-side of the car by 161 mm compared to the reference simulations The reason why an Alternative Concept to the Final Concept was selected was because it has very different design and thickness compared to the Final Concept, and even though it only has 94 mm total side crash intrusion  reduction on the left-side of the car compared to the reference simulation, it was looked on a potential alternative to the Final Concept with further work and development applied to it. / 23% av dödsfallen i passagerarfordon under 2019 var sidokrockar och är ett pågående problem som fortsätter att ta människors liv (IIHS, 2021a). IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety) är en organisation som är baserad i USA som utför fordonskrocktester med målet att göra bilar säkrare och minska dödsfall och skador. 2023 kommer ett nytt, tuffare sidokrocktest att introduceras av IIHS i USA för att tackla dessa krascher med målet att rädda fler liv. Målet för IIHS med sina fordonstester är att uppmana biltillverkarna att göra säkrare fordon. Tillverkare inom fordonsindustrin vet att kunderna använder betygen som vägledning innan de köper ett fordon, vilket tvingar dem att anpassa bilarna för att klara testerna och få ett bra testbetyg. I tidiga krocktester med det uppdaterade IIHS sidokrocktestet hade många bilar från ett flertal biltillverkare för att klara testkraven och det verkar som om det nya testet kräver förändring av styrka och design i bilens komponenter. Detta är ett examensarbete i Civilingenjör Teknisk Design med inriktning på produkt design vid Luleå Tekniska Universitet (LTU), och har utförts på uppdrag av Gestamp HardTech vid deras FoU-avdelning i Luleå, Sverige. Början av projektet fokuserade på att hitta vilka bilkomponenter som har störst inverkan på krockresultatet, ta reda på var komponenterna kan behöva förstärkas eller ha mindre styrka. För att hjälpa till att simulera sidokrocken användes helbilssidokrocksimuleringar i detta projekt med hjälp av en virtuell FEM-bil tillverkad av Gestamp, GLAB G3 EV. Detta projekt har använt CDIO-designprocessen, som står för Conceive, Design, Implement och Operate. I den första fasen, Conceive, gjordes simuleringar och det nuvarande IIHS sidokrocktestet jämfördes med det nya IIHS testet. De två sidokrock-skydden på vänstra sidan av bilen valdes som komponenter att försöka förbättra i projektet. Kreativa metoder i Design-fasen genererade idéer, som 3D CAD modellerades i CATIA V5 och testades med trepunktsböjnings-simuleringar i LS-DYNA. Trepunktsböjningssimuleringarna analyserades och de bästa presterande designerna valdes ut, för att senare simuleras med helbilssidokrock-simuleringar i Implement-fasen. Resultaten från dessa simuleringar användes för att utveckla tio olika koncept av kombinationer av sidokrockskydd till vänster fram och vänster bak av bilen och tio slutliga helbilssidokrock-simuleringarna genomfördes och analyserades på faktorer som intryckningen i dörrarna, komponenternas vikt med mera. Från dessa koncept valdes de två slutliga koncepten ut med hjälp av Pughs beslutsmatris, och dessa två koncept hade det högsta betyget från denna matris. Dessa två koncept, Final Concept och Alternative Concept, är projektets slutresultat. Varje koncept har en kombination av ett sidokrockskydd på vänster-fram och ett sidokrockskydd på vänster-bak. De två slutgiltiga koncepten minskar dörrintrånget på sidokrockskydden jämfört med referenssimuleringarna som genomfördes med det nya IIHS sidokrock-testet. Final Concept var det bästa konceptet i resultaten från matrisen och minskar det totala sidokrockintrånget på bilens vänstra sida med 161 mm jämfört med referenssimuleringarna. Anledningen till att ett alternativt koncept till det slutgiltiga konceptet valdes var eftersom den har väldigt olika design och tjocklek jämfört med det slutliga konceptet, och även om den bara har 94 mm total reduktion av sidokrockintrång på vänster sida av bilen jämfört med referenssimuleringen, såg man detta koncept som ett potentiellt alternativ till Final Concept med fortsatt arbete och utveckling tillämpat på detta koncept.


簡銘宏, JIAN,MING-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
吾人皆知, 每股盈余對投資人而言具有相當的重要性, 因為每股盈余可用來衡量股價 的高低, 以做為投資決策之參考。雖然我國證券市場目前正處於Agtmael 所謂的「投 機期」(Speculation),每股盈余對股價之衡量似乎不具價值, 但此乃一過渡現象, 將 來勢必歷經「整理( 崩盤 )期」(Consolidation(Crash)), 而達「成熟期」(Mature) 。屆時, 每股盈余之分析將是投資決策最有用的工具之一。 本研究之目的在於試圖為每股盈余發展一預測模型, 以便將來投資人做投資決策時之 參考。但為顧及投資人取得預測資訊之便, 乃利用我國企業公開說明書上所公布的16 個財務比率做分析, 試圖尋找較具解釋能力之比率建立模型。因此本研究之貢獻除了 幫助投資人做投資決策外, 尚可證明會計人員所編制的財務報表, 具有可用性。 本研究架構, 從問題之發生、認定, 并經過文獻之探討后, 決定以我國上市企業為樣 本, 并以公開說明書中有民國73年至75年之16個財務比率為準, 共取得110 家有完整 之資料。首先將此16個財務比率做主成份分析(Component Analysis), 抽取一組較少 數的財務比率來建立預測模型, 但為加強模型之預測能力, 另外加入總體經濟指數及 行業景氣指數於模型之中。待模型建立完成之后, 再以保留樣本(hold-out sample) 加以檢定該模型之預測能力。 本論文共分五章, 第一章緒論, 其中分四節, 分別就研究動機與目的, 研究的範圍與 限制, 并就預測的貢獻加以介紹; 第二章為文獻探討, 共分四節, 分別對多變量分析 , 時間序列模式, 比率模式及指數模式等文獻加以探討; 第三章為研究方法論, 分四 節加以敘述, 先對每股盈余加以定義, 再就財務比率加以介紹并予以設定, 最后初步 擬定預測模型; 第四章為實證分析, 亦分為四節, 其中對本研究所控制的外在變數及 樣本加以說明, 并就結果加以分析與驗證; 第五章則為本研究的結論及建議。 最后為求進一步推展本研究之模型, 乃將本研究之限制詳予說明, 寄望后續之研究者 能一一克服, 使本預測模型達到完美之境。


劉中博, Liu, Chung Po Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討汽車零組件廠商之國際化發展歷程、國際化進入模式選擇以及廠商核心資源能力對其國際化策略之影響。首先藉由文獻探討瞭解企業國際化、核心能力、成長策略及策略九說等相關議題,接著透過實地訪談及次級資料蒐集對研究個案的國際化發展歷程作一回顧,最後分別由國際化理論、資源基礎說及策略九說的觀點對個案的國際化發展歷程及經營策略作歸納整理與分析,並提出本研究之結論。 台灣產業發展以製造業為主體,特別是資通訊產品、機械、自行車等產業在世界上均取得良好的成績。然而面對新興發展國家的急起直追,台灣製造業如何繼續維持本身的競爭優勢,從過去強調製造技術的專精,力求跨入設計、行銷等領域,走向微笑曲線的兩端,成為未來台灣廠商的新挑戰。以資訊產業為例,台灣廠商多專精於通用規格產品製造,藉由大量生產降低成本,常採取的成長策略為極力擴張產能,設法切入產業全球供應鏈成為其中一環。然而相對於資通訊、自行車產品,AM汽車零組件講究少量多樣,在產品生產與企業經營上亦有一定的困難度,台灣廠商如何能在AM車體碰撞零組件市場居世界領導地位,其經營歷程與成長策略究竟為何?立足於現今的基礎上,台灣汽車零組件產業下一階段的成長又應往那個方向進行?這是本研究想探討的議題。 目前台灣約供應全球85%-90%之汽車AM碰撞零組件,本研究選擇台灣AM碰撞件業者中規模最大,亦是全球領導廠商之東陽集團為研究個案,該公司在天下雜誌2007年國內製造業行業別(汽車及其零件)排名中名列第6,營收規模領先帝寶、堤維西等同業,年營收淨額新台幣165.8億元。研究結論簡述如下: 一、強大的模具開發能力、完善的集貨網路、少量多樣彈性生產的管理能力,是台灣AM碰撞件廠商國際化發展成功的重要因素。 二、AM汽車碰撞件廠商國際化發展過程中,應視本身資源能力及國際市場條件,彈性選擇最適的國際化發展模式。 三、AM碰撞件廠商可透過整併競爭對手、增加顧客價值、累積資源能力等方式提昇產業競爭地位,逐步取得市場主導權。 四、AM碰撞件業者可透過降低內部生產成本與外部資源取得成本,提高經營效率,增強市場競爭力。 五、台灣AM碰撞件廠商未來發展應掌握發展潛力雄厚的新興市場,並積極切入國際大車廠OEM零件供應鏈。 / Taiwanese companies produce 85%-90% of the After Market (AM) auto crash parts in the world. While most other countries’ auto parts export is substantially composed of OEM parts, Taiwan is one of the few countries which mainly exports AM auto parts in the world. With the limited market size in Taiwan, Taiwanese auto parts industry has to seek out the global market for potential markets. As a result, more than 80% of Taiwan-produced auto parts are exported each year, of which more than 80% are for AM use. The purpose of this research is to understand the internationalization of AM auto parts industry in Taiwan. The research consists of four aspects: (I) the characters of auto parts industry; (II) the internationalization of business; (III) the core competency of business; (IV) the business growth strategy. The research chose the leading AM auto parts manufacturer in Taiwan, the Tong Yang Group (TYG) as the study case. Through primary data collection such as in-depth interview and secondary data collection from other researches and publications, the research concludes as followed: 1.Mold development ability, broad sourcing network, and flexible production management are the key success factors of the internationalization of Taiwanese AM auto crash parts manufacturer. 2.During the process of internationalization, the most suitable entry model should be chosen based on the AM auto parts manufacturer’s own resources, capabilities and the market conditions. 3.AM crash parts manufacturer can raise their competitive advantage and gain market dominance by: Merger & Acquisition (M&A), increasing customer perceived value, and accumulating resources and capabilities. 4.AM crash parts manufacturer can strengthen competitiveness and increase efficiency by reduce both internal production costs and external sourcing costs. 5.Taiwanese AM auto parts manufacturers should grasp the emerging markets with great potential, and manage to penetrate the OEM parts supply chain of leading global auto manufacturers.

Incidence occurrence and response on urban freeways / Modélisation pour l'estimation des probabilités d'incidents et pour le traitement de leur réponse sur les réseaux d'autoroutes

Christoforou, Zoi 01 December 2010 (has links)
Les recherches en sécurité routière suscitent largement l'intérêt des chercheurs. Indépendamment des techniques de modélisation, un facteur important d'imprécision -qui caractérise les études dans ce domaine- concerne le niveau d'agrégation des données. Aujourd'hui, la plupart des autoroutes sont équipées de systèmes permanents de surveillance qui fournissent des données désagrégées. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de la thèse est d'exploiter les données trafic recueillies en temps réel au moment des accidents, afin d'élargir le champ des travaux précédents et de mettre en évidence un potentiel d'applications innovantes. À cette fin, nous examinons les effets du trafic sur le type d'accident ainsi que sur la gravité subie par les occupants des véhicules, tout en tenant compte des facteurs environnementaux et géométriques. Des modèles Probit sont appliqués aux données de trafic et d'accidents enregistrés pendant quatre années sur le tronc commun aux autoroutes A4 et A86 en Ile-de-France. Les résultats empiriques indiquent que le type d'accident peut être presque exclusivement défini par les conditions de trafic prévalant peu avant son occurrence. En outre, l'augmentation du débit s'avère exercer un effet constamment positif sur la gravité, alors que la vitesse exerce un effet différentiel sur la gravité en fonction des conditions d'écoulement. Nous établissons ensuite un cadre conceptuel pour des applications de gestion des incidents qui s'appuie sur les données trafic recueillies en temps réel. Nous utilisons les résultats de la thèse afin d'explorer des implications qui ont trait à la propension et à la détection des incidents, ainsi qu'à l'amélioration de leur gestion / Research on road safety has been of great interest to engineers and planners for decades. Regardless of modeling techniques, a serious factor of inaccuracy - in most past studies - has been data aggregation. Nowadays, most freeways are equipped with continuous surveillance systems making disaggregate traffic data readily available ; these have been used in few studies. In this context, the main objective of this dissertation is to capitalize highway traffic data collected on a real-time basis at the moment of accident occurrence in order to expand previous road safety work and to highlight potential further applications. To this end, we first examine the effects of various traffic parameters on type of road crash as well as on the injury level sustained by vehicle occupants involved in accidents, while controlling for environmental and geometric factors. Probit models are specified on 4-years of data from the A4-A86 highway section in the Ile-de -France region, France. Empirical findings indicate that crash type can almost exclusively be defined by the prevailing traffic conditions shortly before its occurrence. Increased traffic volume is found to have a consistently positive effect on severity, while speed has a differential effect on severity depending on flow conditions. We then establish a conceptual framework for incident management applications using real-time traffic data on urban freeways. We use dissertation previous findings to explore potential implications towards incident propensity detection and enhanced management

Les capitalismes chinois et japonais en temps de crise

Charot, Thomas 09 1900 (has links)
Mémoire de recherche / Le krach chinois de l’été 2015 sur les Bourses de Shanghai et de Shenzhen est arrivé dans un moment de ralentissement de la croissance économique chinoise. De même, la décennie perdue (1989-2002) au Japon, qui a commencé par la chute des cours boursiers en décembre 1989, survient une année où la croissance économique avait ralenti d’une année sur l’autre. Afin de relativiser ces ralentissements, il faut savoir que la croissance du PIB chinois est passée de 7,27% à 6,9% entre 2014 et 2015 ; et que la croissance japonaise est passée de 7,15% à 5,37% entre 1988 et 1989. Ces niveaux de croissance sont plutôt exceptionnels dans l’histoire longue du capitalisme. Malgré le fait que ce soit bien des ralentissements de croissance que l’on observe, on n’en reste pas moins dans des économies en forte croissance. Alors pourquoi et comment ces crises sont-elles survenues ? À partir d’une analyse régulationniste des capitalismes chinois et japonais, on observe des transitions de régime de croissance qui s’opèrent dans les années 1970-80 au Japon et depuis 2008 en Chine. Ces transitions de régime suivent chacune une trajectoire particulière de libéralisation. Notre hypothèse est que plus une économie capitaliste se libéralise, c'est-à-dire que plus elle déréglemente ses marchés financiers plus elle observe de l’instabilité sur ses marchés. Autrement dit, nous cherchons à établir un lien entre le degré de libéralisation du secteur financier et la survenue de crises financières. En comparant la crise des années 1990 au Japon et le krach de l’été 2015 en Chine, on peut dire que la crise au Japon est une crise structurelle qui a énormément modifié le régime de croissance. En revanche, le krach chinois était une petite crise de liquidité sur les bourses causée en partie par de l’innovation financière (Ex. : opérations sur marge, dérivées, etc.) et un certain laisser-faire des régulateurs. En observant les différentes trajectoires de libéralisation des deux pays, on peut discerner deux trajectoires distinctes. En revanche, on observe deux dynamiques qui sont similaires, à savoir une ouverture graduelle des économies et une déréglementation du secteur financier au fur et à mesure que les deux pays s’érigent en grande puissance économique. De plus, les crises qui sont l’expression des contradictions intrinsèques à tout système capitaliste vont avoir pour effet de purger une partie des créances douteuses tout en maintenant une dynamique de libéralisation. Nos recherches ont montré que la libéralisation du secteur financier est bien responsable en partie de l’instabilité financière et donc de la formation de bulles qui finissent toujours par éclater, déclenchant ainsi des crises financières. / Both the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets crashed during the summer of 2015. This occurred at a time when China’s economy was slowing down. The same phenomenon occurred in Japan during the 1990s. What is commonly referred to as the Japanese « Lost Decade », began when stock prices declined in December of 1989, at a time when economic growth was losing strength. We can compare the declining growth in the economies of China and Japan for these respective periods: China’s economic growth diminished from 7.27% to 6.9% between 2014 and 2015; Japan’s economic growth diminished from 7.15% to 5.37% between 1988 and 1989. Notwithstanding the observed decline in both country’s economy, these growth figures can still be considered exceptionally strong in a capitalistic system. We are therefore confronted to economic slowdowns in fast-growing economies. This begets the question: What reasons explain these two financial crises? From the perspective of the « Théorie de la Régulation », a French school of political economy, transitions occurred in the growth regimes in both Japan and China. The genesis of the economic crisis observed in Japan was a consequence of contradictions proper to all capitalistic systems, a phenomenon that was observed during the 1970’s and 80’s. Similarly, the most recent turning point in China’s evolving form of capitalism, occurred as of 2008. Each of these countries’ growth regime transitions result from a different application of economic liberalization. Our working hypothesis is the demonstration that, as a capitalistic economy becomes more liberalized, that is to say, financial markets become less and less regulated, the greater the volatility in the markets. In other words, can it be affirmed that there exists a direct link between a liberalized financial activity and financial crises. In comparing the Japanese crisis during the ‘90s and the market crash in China during the summer of 2015, we can conclude that the root of Japan’s difficulty was structural in nature, whereas China simply had liquidity difficulties that can be attributed to two causes: innovative financial tools and risk-tolerant market activities. In fact, Chinese market regulators tolerated prohibited practices. There are also similarities in the liberalization of Japan and China’s financial markets. What we assert to be common to both countries’ pathway to market liberalization is openness to foreign investment and an increased international presence. In addition, both countries deregulated their financial sectors. These commonalities occurred as both countries became important economic players in the global economy. We also conclude that both crises, occurring, as stated previously, in a climate of increased market liberalization, allowed for the partial expungement of bad loans. However, it is undeniable that the liberalization of financial markets has as an intrinsic quality, that of market instability. Thus, the existence of financial crises.

Behavioral Analysis of Volvo Cars Instrument Panel During Airbag Deployment

Nazari, Amir, Nourozi, Behrouz January 2016 (has links)
Airbags are a passive safety technology, required to function with zero failure rate. Advances in Computer Aided Engineering have allowed vehicle manufacturers to predict material and system behavior in the event of a crash. The sudden and rapid nature of a vehicle frontal crash, together with strict requirements put on safety make this a sensitive task. This thesis focuses on the front passenger airbag deployment and the instrument panel’s response. Various airbag modelling techniques are studied and presented in this document. This work is part of a larger-scale attempt to model a generic-sled that is physically representative of a real vehicle. Various component tests are to be performed in the sled environment, as opposed to a real vehicle, to save costs. Various modules are added to the sled once their behavior is verified by testing and in simulations. Software are advanced enough to identify location and magnitude of stress concentrations that develop during crash. LS-DYNA is used for explicit finite element simulations of the instrument panel (IP) in question with different airbag models. Verification has been achieved by design of experiment (DOE); with tests conducted to capture both the movements of the airbag housing and IP movements in response. These movements are broken down in various phases, facilitating implementation in the sled environment. Simplifications are made both to the computer models as well as the physical testing environment. The effects of these simplifications are quantified and discussed. Theoretical background is provided where fit while assumptions are justified wherever made. DYNAmore recommendations regarding costeffective calculations as well as result verification are followed. The obtained results show that the FE models replicate the real event with acceptable precision. The findings in this work can, by minor tweaks, be implemented on other IP models in the Volvo Cars range, leading to cost-saving solutions. This thesis provides the necessary information for sled implementations as well as future improvement suggestions. / Krockkudde är en s.k. passiv säkerhetsteknik som krävs att fungera felfritt. Framsteg inom Computer Aided Engineering har tillåtit biltillverkare att förutsäga material och systembeteende i samband med krock. Den plötsliga karaktären av krock, tillsammans med höga säkerhetskrav, gör detta till en känslig uppgift. Denna avhandling fokuserar på passagerarsidans krockkudde och instrumentbrädans (IP) respons under uppblåsning. Olika metoder för modellering av krockkuddar har studerats och presenteras i detta dokument. Arbetet är en del av en större skala försök att modellera en generisk-släde som är fysiskt representativ av en riktig bil; där olika komponent-tester skall utföras för att minska kostnader. När olika modulers beteende verifieras läggs de till släden. Denna verifiering sker genom finita element (FE) simuleringar så väl som fysiska tester. FE mjukvara är idag tillräckligt avancerad för att identifiera samt visualisera spänningskoncentrationer som uppstår i en konstruktion vid krock. LS-DYNA används i detta arbete för explicita FE simuleringar av en Volvo XC90 IP, lastad med olika krockkudde-modeller. Modell verifiering har uppnåtts genom försöksplanering (DOE); med tester utförda för att fånga rörelser av IP så väl som krockkudde-behållaren. Dessa rörelser är sedan uppdelade i olika faser för enklare genomförande i släde miljön. Förenklingar och antaganden görs både till FE modeller och fysiska testmiljön. Effekter av dessa har kvantifierats och relevant teoretisk bakgrund har inkluderats. Dokumentet innehåller även diskussion kring val av mätutrustning samt förbättringsförslag för fortsatt arbete. DYNAmore rekommendationer gällande kostnadseffektiva beräkningar och verifiering av simulerings-resultat har följts. Under arbetet visade sig att FE modellerna kan återskapa händelsen med hög noggrannhet; dessa trotts svårigheter i modellering av plast material. Möjligtvis kan man, genom mindre modifieringar, relatera slutsatserna i detta arbete till olika IP modeller i företagets produktkatalog vilket förmodligen leder till ytterligare kostnadsbesparingar. Denna avhandling ger den information som behövs för genomföranden i den generiska miljön.

Die Eurokrise

Preunkert, Jenny, Vobruba, Georg 29 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel des Artikels ist, die Entwicklung der Eurokrise im Spannungsfeld von Institutionen und Handeln zu erklären. Dazu rekonstruieren wir im ersten Schritt die Krise in zwei Perspektiven, zum einen als Verkettung ökonomischer und politischer Funktionszusammenhänge, zum anderen als Arena von Verteilungskonflikten. Darauf aufbauend analysieren wir den Verlauf der Eurokrise, den wir in fünf Phasen unterteilen. Im Zentrum stehen dabei folgende Fragen: 1. Welche Akteure werden jeweils in die Problemkonstellation „Eurokrise“ hineingezogen? 2. Welche Relevanz haben die unterschiedlichen Akteure für das Funktionieren der gemeinsamen Währung und wie setzen sie diese Relevanz in den Verteilungskonflikten, die sich aus der Eurokrise ergeben, ein? Es geht also um die Entwicklung der Akteurskonstellation im Zuge der Eurokrise und um die Funktionsrelevanz dieser Akteure als Handlungsressource in den Konflikten um die Verteilung der Kosten der Krise. Im dritten Schritt der Untersuchung fassen wir unsere empirische Rekonstruktion der Eurokrise zusammen. Unser Fazit ist, dass die Eurokrise die defizitäre Institutionalisierung der gemeinsamen Währung manifest macht. Weiter gehende Regulierung, also zusätzliche Institutionenbildung steht aber vor dem schwierig auflösbaren Widerspruch zwischen funktionalen Erfordernissen und Interessen, bzw. zwischen Erwartungsstabilisierung und Interessenverfolgung.

Causative Factors of Crashes between a Motor Vehicle and the Amish and Old Order Mennonite Horse and Buggy

Anderson, Cory 01 May 2008 (has links)
Horse and buggy transportation is spreading as rapidly as its Amish and Old Order Mennonite users are, as are buggy crashes with motor vehicles. This study examines the primary causes of 76 reported horse and buggy crashes in Pennsylvania in 2006. The main crash types identified include a motorist rear-ending a forward-moving buggy, motorist failing to pass a buggy, buggy struck while crossing an intersection, and buggy struck while making a left turn. While causative factors varied for each crash type, major factors include the motorist or buggy driver incorrectly comprehending speed differentials, the motorist acting carelessly around the buggy, and miscommunication between the motorist and buggy driver. Within these crash types, buggy conspicuity was neither a major issue nor a possible cause in most.

Smrt v mediálním diskurzu: případ zmizelého letadla Malaysia Airlines / Death in the media discourse: the case of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane

Brezík, František January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Death in media discourse: the case of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane" inquires into the case of the disappeared flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The flight has been mapped in Czech press as well as online newspapers from the perspective of death based on a subjectively composed qualitative method of grounded theory and discourse analysis. In the unprecedented tragical event, death is being constructed in a specific way in the context of media discourse. Hence, the allegoric character of epistemology and constructivist paradigm plays an important role here. The theoretic reflection describes the context of the relation between media and the topic of death. The abundance of topics in media associated with death is considered a symptom of a particular demand from society. The media increase the general tolerance towards images of death and violence, thus impacting character of such displays. In the reflection of the mental background, the character of perceiving death in a secularised society is denoted as metaphorical. In the research part of the thesis, discursive patterns are introduced. From them, we may understand what values associated with death are socially important and in what way does death appear and construct itself in the media. What is important here...

Avaliação da mobilidade urbana com ênfase na condição da acidentalidade do usuário vulnerável / Urban mobility evaluation focused in vulnerable user accidentality condition

Silveira, Igor Machado da 15 April 2016 (has links)
Atualmente vive-se uma mudança de paradigma no planejamento dos transportes: o ser humano volta a ser o centro da tomada de decisões e o automóvel fica em segundo plano. Para que isso ocorra, são necessárias ferramentas confiáveis as quais avaliem a situação atual das cidades para que sejam traçadas metas no sentido de melhorar a vida da população. A mobilidade urbana sustentável busca a melhoria do transporte baseada no tripé social, ambiental e econômico. Esse trabalho busca avaliar a condição de segurança do usuário vulnerável (sem carenagem protetora) em relação ao usuário não vulnerável (com carenagem), buscando avaliar fatores como o modo escolhido para justificar a segurança do usuário. Apesar da mudança de paradigma, as intervenções urbanas continuam voltadas ao transporte individual, assim o usuário de transporte público de má qualidade migra para outros modos, o que causa o aumento do risco relativo do usuário vulnerável. Um dos fatores que influenciam muito para essa migração é o tempo de viagem, significativamente maior para o usuário do transporte público. / The present time is known by its change in the paradigm of the transport planning. The human being is once again the main point of the decision making and the automotive vehicles are transcending to a second plan. This demands trust tools to evaluate the real situation of the cities so that real goals to improve people\'s life get drawn. The sustainable urban mobility seeks to improve the transport based on the social, environmental and economic tripod. This essay seeks to evaluate the vulnerable user safety condition (without external protection), against the non vulnerable user (with external protection), such as estimate the choice of the user justifying its safety. Besides the change of the scenario, the urban interventions are still focused in the individual transportation kind, what means that the poor conditions of the transit makes users migrate increasing the relative risk for the vulnerable users. One factor that influences the migration is the time spent on the traveling, which is a lot longer for the user of transit.

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