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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ŠEIMOS ĮTAKA JAUNUOLIŲ PROFESINIAM APSISPRENDIMUI / The influence of family to youth’s professional self-determination

Pugevičienė, Daiva 05 June 2006 (has links)
Author: Daiva Pugevičienė Subject: The influence of family to youth’s professional self-determination Location: Lithuanian University of Agriculture The department of Professional Pedagogy and Psychology, Akademija, 2006 m. Size of the project: 64 pages The project includes: 6 tables, 27 figures, 4 appendices Literature sources : 43 Object of the research: Youth’s professional self-determination Methods of the research: 1. Analysis of scientific sources. 2. Questionnaires. 3. Statistic data analysis. Results of the research: • After establishing of the personality type, it became evident that the respondents with objective, social and normal orientation of personality’s type have dominated. After evaluation of personality’s type conformity with chosen profession it was established that profession of only one third of the respondents conforms the orientation of they personality type. • It was determined that the main factor influencing the decision regarding particular profession is that respondents regard the vocation as promising. • It was determined that parents of every fifth student-respondent who take part in the research, did not tried to exhibit the natural abilities of their children. It was established that attention to the natural abilities of children in families are directly related on the education of the respondents’ mothers: the higher the education of the mother, more attention is paid to the natural abilities of children. • Parents have talked to... [to full text]

Structural study of zeolites utilizing novel electron crystallographic methods : A voyage into the world of zeolite structures

Willhammar, Tom January 2013 (has links)
Electron crystallography has evolved as a powerful method for structural characterization of a wide range of materials. It has two significant advantages over other methods for structure determination, e.g. X-ray diffraction. Electrons interact much more strongly with matter compared to X-rays and they can be focused by electromagnetic lenses to form images with atomic resolution. These advantages make electron crystallography a unique tool for characterization of crystalline materials suffering from small crystal size and complex or disordered structures.      Zeolites are a class of microporous materials with significance in several applications. They often possess complex and disordered structures, which demand large efforts in the structure determination.      Over the last years, two new electron crystallographic methods have been developed; the rotation electron diffraction (RED) and the structure projection reconstruction from a through-focus series of high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) images. In this thesis, they will be applied for structure determination of four new zeolite structures, including EMM-25 and EMM-23 with two ordered structures, and ITQ-39 and ITQ-38 with disordered structures. Each of the structure solutions have different challenges to overcome. The high silica borosilicate EMM-25 was solved by the RED method. The aluminosilicate EMM-23 was solved by a combination of HRTEM and RED. The structure solution of two materials with disordered structures, ITQ-39 and ITQ-38, will be described. For materials containing disorders, structure projection images are of utmost importance.      Furthermore, the mesoporosity inside hierarchically porous ZSM-5 crystals was studied by a combination of focused ion beam (FIB) and HRTEM imaging. The last part of this thesis explores STEM imaging for use in structure determination from 3D reconstruction. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Papers 4 and 5: Manuscipts; Paper 10: Manuscript</p>

Attitude Determination and Control Hardware Development for Small Satellites

Fournier, Marc 24 August 2011 (has links)
The development of a small spacecraft attitude determination and control subsystem is described. This subsystem is part of The Space Flight Laboratory's Generic Nanosatellite Bus. With a 20cm3 body, the bus has an attitude determination and control subsystem capable of full three-axis stabilization and control enabling more advanced missions previously only possible with bulkier and more power-consuming attitude control hardware. Specific contributions to the Space Flight Lab's attitude control hardware are emphasised. Particularly, the full development of a 32g three-axis nanosatellite rate sensing unit is described. This includes embedded software development, skew calibration, hardware modeling and qualification testing for the unit. Development work on a three-axis boom-mounted magnetometer is also detailed. A full hardware design is also described for a new microsatellite-sized rate sensor. Larger and more powerful than the nanosatellite rate sensors, the design ensures a low noise, low drift architecture to improve attitude determination on future microsatellite missions.

Attitude Dependent De-orbit Lifetime Analysis of an Aerodynamic Drag Sail Demonstration Spacecraft and Detailed Thermal Subsystem Design for a Polar Orbiting Communications Nanosatellite

Tarantini, Vincent 27 November 2012 (has links)
Contributions to two missions are presented. The first is a demonstration mission called CanX-7 that uses a 4 square metre drag sail to de-orbit a 3.5 kg satellite. In order to estimate the effectiveness of the drag sail, a novel method is developed that takes into account the time-varying nature of the projected drag area. The Space Flight Laboratory designed drag sail is shown to be sufficient to de-orbit the CanX-7 spacecraft within the 25 year requirement. The Antarctic Broadband demonstrator spacecraft is a 20 cm cubical nanosatellite that will demonstrate the feasibility of a Ka-band link between the research community in Antarctica and stakeholders in Australia. In support of this mission, a passive thermal control subsystem is designed that will keep all the components within their operational temperature limits at all times throughout the mission.

Studentų teisinės sąmonės identifikavimo aspektai / The determination of students' legal consciousness

Poimanskienė, Vida 28 January 2008 (has links)
Studentų socialinės grupės teisinė sąmonė yra identifikuojama pagal hipotetinį modelį. Hipotetinis modelis kuriamas pagal mokslininkų A. Jasmonto, V. Šlapkausko, D. Meyers ir kt. teorijas. Modelio sistema formuojama per teisinės sąmonės sudedamąsias dalis: pažintinę, emocinę bei valinę. Pažintinė teisinės sąmonės dalis charakterizuojama vadovaujantis teisinę sąmonę formuojančiais veiksniais: žinių apie teisę šaltiniais ir teisinių santykių praktine patirtimi. Emocinė teisinės sąmonės dalis aiškinama per emocinį teisingumo išgyvenimą. Šis veiksnys išreiškiamas per asmeninį teisingumo vertinimą bei reakciją į pažeistą teisę. Valinė teisinės sąmonės dalis apibūdinama per kryptingą elgseną. Kryptinga elgsena yra veiksnys apibūdinamas per teisinio elgesio tipą, motyvus ir administracinės teisės pažeidimų toleravimą. Tyrimais pagrįsta, kad žinių apie teisę svarbiausias šaltinis yra formalus švietimas. Respondentai patvirtino, kad praktinė teisinių santykių patirtis yra svarbus teisinę sąmonę formuojantis veiksnys ir kad trečdalis respondentų dalyvauja šioje veikloje. Respondentai, vertindami reiškinius asmeninio teisingumo požiūriu, pripažino, kad studentų prestižas visuomenėje yra menkas ir jie jaučia didelį emocinį diskomfortą, patirdami neteisingumą. III–IV kurso respondentai reiškinius vertina gana kritiškai. Tai aiškinama J. Ruseno teorija apie kritinį mąstymo tipą. Tyrimais įrodyta, kad studentų reakcija į teisės normų pažeidimus yra įvairiapusė: ir rami, ir labai emocinga... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Students, as social group, law consciousness are identified according to hypothetical model. This hypothetical model is founded according to theories of scientists A. Jasmontas, V. Šapkauskas, D. Meyers and others theories. Factors forming consciousness are analyzed according to cognitive, emotional and volitional parts of law consciousness. The researches based that knowledge about law is a factor that forms cognitive part of law consciousness. Students’ knowledge about law is founded during a formal education. The researches based that respondents in practical experience of relations governed by law, while forming students’ law consciousness, aren't active as only one third of respondents take part in this activity. A presumption is made that students law consciousness is being formed more by theoretical knowledge neither practical. The knowledge is a ground for law ideology and for theoretical law consciousness to be formed students law ideology forms itself on the base of theoretical knowledge. Emotional justice experience, learned practically, is a factor, which forms law consciousness. This factor is reveals through the emotional part of law consciousness. Emotional justice experience is analyzed through the personal point of view to justice and the reaction to the law violations. The research based that the reaction of students to violations of law rules is many-sided, according to the situation it can be calm, and it can be very emotional as well. This phenomenon is... [to full text]

Mokyklos vadovų ir mokytojų motyvavimo strategijos, kaip mokinių vidinės mokymosi motyvacijos veiksniai / The school managers’ and teachers’ motivational orientations, as factors influencing intrinsic learning motivation of schoolchildren

Titenytė, Aurelija 17 June 2005 (has links)
This work is based on self-determination theory which emphasizes that three innate psychological needs must be satisfied to maintain a healthy development and functioning of human. And social contexts that support satisfaction of basic needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness facilitate natural growth including intrinsically motivated behaviour and integration of extrinsic motivations. The aim of this work is to find how the school managers’ and teachers’ motivational orientations, being a factors of social conditions at school, influence intrinsic learning motivation of schoolchildren. 13 out of 18 invited Utena district schools agreed to participate in a survey. Total of 22 school managers, 129 teachers and 380 schoolchildren of eight and ninth grade were surveyed using six different questionnaires, developed by Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology at the University of Rochester. The results revealed a weak correlation between school managers’ autonomy support and teachers’ perceived autonomy (0.201, p<0.05); however a stronger perceived autonomy of teachers more significantly correlated with their total need satisfaction (0.512, p<0.01). It was also noticed, that older managers were more autonomy-supportive. The younger teachers reported a lower perceived autonomy and declared a less positive need satisfaction. The older teachers were as well found to be more autonomy supportive towards their students. The survey results showed that teachers’... [to full text]

Nusikaltimai seksualinio apsisprendimo laisvei ir neliečiamumui pagal Lietuvos Respublikos BK ir kitų valstybių įstatymus (lyginamasis tyrimas) / Crimes against freedom of sexual self-determination and immunity under the criminal code of lithuania and the laws of other countries (the comparative analysis)

Lilaitė, Eglė 08 September 2009 (has links)
Santrauka Šiame darbe analizuojamos Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo kodekso XXI skyriuje „Nusikaltimai ir baudžiamieji nusižengimai žmogaus seksualinio apsisprendimo laisvei ir neliečiamumui“ įtvirtintos nusikalstamos veikos, pateikiamas jų sugretinimas su užsienio valstybių baudžiamuosiuose įstatymuose įtvirtintais šiai nusikaltimų grupei priskiriamais nusikaltimais. Pirmiausia darbe aptariama šių nusikaltimų sistema, pavojingumas, istorinė raida. Didžiausia magistro darbo dalis skirta Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamajame kodekse įtvirtintų nusikaltimų ir baudžiamųjų nusižengimų, kuriais kėsinamasi į žmogaus seksualinio apsisprendimo laisvę ir neliečiamumą, sudėties požymių analizei, šių požymių lyginamajam tyrimui su įvairių šalių (JAV, Kanados, Vokietijos, Prancūzijos, Švedijos, Suomijos, Rusijos, Lenkijos, Latvijos, Estijos ir kai kurių kitų) baudžiamuosiuose įstatymuose įtvirtintomis šiai nusikaltimų grupei priskiriamų veikų požymiais. Siekiant tikslesnio ir nuoseklesnio palyginimo, kiekviena nusikalstama veika ir šios veikos sudėties požymiai, įtvirtinti Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo kodekso XXI skyriuje, aptarti ir išanalizuoti atskirai. Darbo pabaigoje suformuluotos išvados ir, atsižvelgiant į kitų valstybių baudžiamuosius įstatymus, pateikti tam tikri pasiūlymai dėl Lietuvos Respublikos BK XXI skyriaus tobulinimo. / Summary This work analyses the criminal acts which are included in the XXI chapter of Lithuanian Republic Criminal Code, named „Crimes and criminal misdoings against freedom of sexual self-determination and immunity“(in Lithuanian - „Nusikaltimai ir baudžiamieji nusižengimai žmogaus seksualinio apsisprendimo laisvei ir neliečiamumui“), also these criminal acts are compared with the criminal acts of the same group, which are included in the criminal codes and acts of different foreign countries. Firstly this work analyses the system, insecurity and historical development of these criminal acts. The biggest part of this work is set on the comparative analysis of the criminal composition of the criminal acts, included in Lithuanian Criminal Code, which violates person's sexual self – determination and sexual immunity with the criminal composition of the criminal acts of the same group, included in the criminal codes and acts of various foreign countries (USA, Canada, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Poland, Latvia, Estonia and some other). For the precise and consequent research, each of the criminal acts with its composition, stated in the XXI chapter of the Lithuanian Criminal Code was discussed and analysed separately. In the end of this work some conclusions are made and according to the criminal codes and criminal law of the other countries some offers about the perfection of the XXI chapter of the Lithuanian Criminal Code are made.

Motyvacijos raiška švietimo organizacijoje, taikant apsisprendimo teoriją / The expression of motivation in organization of motivation using the theory of self - determination

Palilionytė, Vaida 20 August 2013 (has links)
Apsisprendimo teorija (self-determination theory) pabrėžia vidinės motyvacijos, priklausančios nuo psichologinių kompetencijos, ryšių/santykių ir autonomijos poreikių patenkinimo, svarbą, mokantis ar užsiimant bet kokia kita veikla (Deci and Ryan, 2000). Tai nauja motyvacijos teorija, patvirtinanti žmonių santykių motyvacines teorijas, papildanti poreikių teorijas ir net paneigianti atlygio motyvacinę teoriją, tačiau ji jau susilaukė pripažinimo visame pasaulyje (Titenytė – Mackonienė, 2005). Daugelis švietimo įstaigų, tiek Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose, tiek kitose šalyse pripažįsta šios teorijos išryškintą pagrindinių žmogaus psichologinių poreikių svarbą ir sėkmingai restruktūrizuojasi tam, kad būtų galima kuo geriau patenkinti pagrindinius mokinių ir pedagogų psichologinius poreikius. Tyrimo tikslas: ištirti motyvacijos raišką švietimo organizacijoje, taikant apsisprendimo teoriją. Tyrimo objektas: motyvacijos raiška švietimo organizacijoje. Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti naudoti teoriniai, empiriniai ir statistiniai metodai. Išanalizuota literatūra apie motyvacijos sampratą, išnagrinėtos motyvacinės teorijos, apibrėžtos poreikių ir vidinės motyvacijos sąsajos (Apsisprendimo teorija). Naudojantis, Deci, Connell ir Ryan pripažintais klausimynais mokytojams ir mokiniams, atlikta anketinė apklausa. Klausimynai adaptuoti A. Titenytės – Mackonienės (2005). Aprašomoji statistika taikyta, siekiant anketinės apklausos metu gautos informacijos statistiniam apdorojimui. Tyrimo duomenys... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Self-determination theory emphasizes the inner motivation, which depends on competence of the psychology, the satisfaction of communication/relationship and autonomy, the importance of learning or performing any other activity (Deci and Ryan, 2000). This is a new theory of motivation stating that motivational theories of human relations, refilling the needs of even contradicting theories and reward motivation theory, but it has gained recognition all over the world (Titenyte - Mackoniene, 2005). Many educational institutions, in the United States and other countries recognize this theory highlighted the basic human psychological needs and the importance of a successful restructures in order to be able to better meet students 'and teachers' basic psychological needs. The aim of the research: to explore the expression of motivation in organization using the theory of self – determination. The object of the research: the expression of motivation in organization using the theory of self – determination. The reach the goal of the study is used the theoretical, empirical and statistical methods. The literature on the motivation of the concept of motivational analysed, defined needs and intrinsic motivation interface (decision theory). Using, Deci, Connell and Ryan recognized questionnaires for teachers and students conducted an interview . Questionnaires adapted of A. Titenyte’s – Mackoniene’s (2005). Descriptive statistics applied to the questionnaire information obtained during... [to full text]

The Kurdish Quest for Self-determination: Looking to Individual Experiences to Administer Differences

Mutlu, Azer Ebru 05 December 2013 (has links)
The issue of Kurdish self-determination within the highly centralized Republic of Turkey has been a controversial issue with its local, national and international dimensions over the years. Without solving this issue, Turkey might not reach the aims of joining the European Union (EU), economic sustainability, literal democracy, pluralism, and peace. After 40 years armed struggle between Kurdish and Turkish sides, two significant suggestions are currently being discussed: a provincial system similar to what the Ottoman Empire accepted with its own multicultural system; second, the current unitary system with more powerful local authorities. This paper analyzes the problem in an inductive method and takes the second approach to evaluate Turkish centralization, modernization, and transformation to French Republicanism. This evaluation concludes with the critique of the French universal citizenship understanding and requirement of more pluralistic, democratic citizenship and administrative model as a solution of minority rights and self-determination problem in Turkey.

Stigma, Self-Determination And Thriving In Young Adults With Psychosis

De Jong, Meagan Ashlea 13 January 2012 (has links)
Stigma prevents individuals with serious mental illness from seeking assistance (Fung et al., 2007; Vogel et al., 2006). Self-Determination Theory (SDT) seeks to explain how individuals are motivated by environmental factors and how these elements affect their well-being (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Limited information is available about how young adults with mental illness experience stigma, and how this affects their self-determination and ability to recover. This study explores factors that facilitated recovery and thriving behaviors in nine young adults (ages 18-25) with psychosis, by using a combination of interviews and questionnaires. Findings suggest that having a variety of supports and a determination to recover facilitates high self-determination and thriving behavior in these individuals. By identifying factors that assist these individuals ability to thrive, it is anticipated that professionals will intervene with young adults experiencing psychosis more effectively.

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