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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Global stability analysis of complex fluids

Lashgari, Iman January 2013 (has links)
The main focus of this work is on the non-Newtonian effects on the inertial instabilities in shear flows. Both inelastic (Carreau) and elastic models (Oldroyd-B and FENE-P) have been employed to examine the main features of the non-Newtonian fluids; shear-thinning, shear-thickening and elasticity. Several classical configurations have been considered; flow past a circular cylinder, in a lid-driven cavity and in a channel. We have used a wide range of tools for linear stability analysis, modal, non-modal, energy and sensitivity analysis, to determine the instability mechanisms of the non-Newtonian flows and compare them with those of the Newtonian flows. Direct numerical simulations have been also used to prove the results obtained by the linear stability analysis. Significant modifications/alterations in the instability of the different flows have been observed under the action of the non-Newtonian effects. In general, shear-thinning/shear-thickening effects destabilize/stabilize the flow around the cylinder and in a lid driven cavity. Viscoelastic effects both stabilize and destabilize the channel flow depending on the ratio between the viscoelastic and flow time scales. The instability mechanism is just slightly modified in the cylinder flow whereas new instability mechanisms arise in the lid-driven cavity flow. We observe that the non-Newtonian effect can alter the inertial flow at both baseflow and perturbation level (e.g. Carreau fluid past a cylinder or in a lid driven cavity) or it may just affect the perturbations (e.g. Oldroyd-B fluid in channel). In all the flow cases studied, the modifications in the instability dynamics are shown to be strongly connected to the contribution of the different terms in the perturbation kinetic energy budget. / <p>QC 20140113</p>

Méthodologies de réduction de modèles multiphysiques pour la conception et la commande d’une chaîne de traction électrique / Multiphysics model reduction methodologies for the design and control of an electric power train

Da Silva, Frédéric 24 November 2015 (has links)
La simulation numérique occupe une part de plus en plus importante dans les phases de conception mais aussi de validation de systèmes innovants. Dans le cadre de la conception d’une chaîne de traction d’un véhicule électrique, la simulation numérique peut par exemple être employée pour choisir une technologie de moteur électrique ou encore pour mettre au point des stratégies de pilotage au regard de critères de décision tels que l’autonomie du véhicule, son coût mais aussi sa performance.Les systèmes devenant de plus en plus complexes, ils requièrent des simulations de plus en plus fines afin d’appréhender au mieux les phénomènes qu’ils mettent en œuvre - par exemple l’étude des pertes fer dans une machine électrique. L’utilisation de simulations 3D permet d’avoir des résultats très précis à l’échelle d’un organe mais ne se prête pas encore aujourd’hui à l’étude de systèmes de grande taille (c’est-à-dire avec beaucoup de degrés de liberté, de nombreux paramètres d’optimisation et plusieurs domaines de la Physique en jeu). En effet, les simulations 3D sont d’autant plus coûteuses en temps de calcul que le modèle à étudier contient de degrés de liberté. C’est pourquoi, depuis quelques années les techniques de réduction de modèles attisent les développements. En effet, elles permettent de garantir un bon compromis entre le temps de calcul et la précision des résultats produits par les modèles réduits.Nous nous intéressons ici à l’utilisation de ces techniques dans un contexte industriel autour de deux axes : - l’étude de phénomènes thermiques (dans les modules d’électronique de puissance) - l’étude de phénomènes électromagnétiques (dans les machines électriques) / Numerical simulations are widely used during the design phase of a product but also for the validation of an innovative system. For example, during the conception of an electric vehicle’s powertrain, numerical simulations can be used to select the appropriate electric engine technology or for the development of control strategies taking into account decision criteria such as vehicle’s autonomy, but also its cost and performance.System’s complexity is always increasing, so they require more and more precise simulations in order to better understand the phenomena involved - for example to study iron losses in an electric engine. 3D simulations provide very accurate results to study a body but are still not appropriate today for the study of large scale systems (ie. with many degrees of freedom, many optimization parameters and several areas of Physics). Indeed, 3D simulations computing time cost is directly linked with the number of degrees of freedom. That’s why, in recent years, model order reduction techniques stir developments because they guarantee a good compromise between the computation time and accuracy of results produced by these models.In this study, we are interested in techniques that can be used in an industrial context around two axes: - the study of thermal phenomena (in the power electronics modules) - the study of electromagnetic phenomena (in electric engines)

Výpočet betonové konstrukce s respektováním fází výstavby, včetně dotvarování materiálu / Analysis of concrete structure with respecting of construction in stages and material rheology

Mareková, Adela January 2022 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a static analysis of a highway bridge structure with respecting of construction stages. Computational models of the bridge were created using RFEM 6 software. Gradual prestressing of the structure was applied in the models. Construction stages analysis is also applied to the bridge models in combination with modal and stability analysis. This thesis also deals with time – dependent analysis, therefore influence of rheological properties of material.

Experimentální stanovení tlumení a tuhosti vedení obráběcího stroje na zkušebním stavu / Experimentelle ermittlung der dämpfung der steifigkeit einer werkzeugmaschinenführung im eigebauten zustand

Princ, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with determination of modal parameters for machine tool manage-ment. Experimental modal analysis is performed and a new method for determining the damping and stiffness of the machine tool guidance is proposed. A mathematical model for the calculation of signals using state equations was created and the damping stiffness was determined using hysteresis curves.

Analysis of Parameters Affecting Modal Frequencies in Bolted Joint Connections

Mohammed, Usman Ali January 2018 (has links)
No description available.


JAMES WILSON ALIAGA SALAZAR 30 August 2001 (has links)
[pt] Os objetivos deste trabalho são três: O primeiro é fazer uma revisão sucinta da teoria de sistemas lineares e de estimação de parâmetros que é usada nos problemas de estruturas mecânicas; o segundo consiste no estudo do algoritmo ERA (Eigensystem Realization Algorithm) que fornece uma realização mínima, usando os sinais de entrada (forças, momentos, impulsos) e saída (acelerações); e o terceiro objetivo é desenvolver algumas aplicações tanto numéricas quanto experimentais. Assim, é realizado um estudo dos sistemas dinâmicos determinísticos e estocásticos para fornecer alguns conhecimentos básicos. Da mesma forma, são apresentados características e propriedades dos estimadores Bayesianos,de máxima verossimilhança e de quadrados mínimos. Com esta base, o algoritmo ERA e o algoritmo alternativo chamado ERA/OKID (Observer Kalman Filter Identication) são descritos. Como o uso de um observador faz com que o problema tenha uma estrutura estatística, o que permite ao estimador trabalhar com ruído, foi estudado o comportamento de ERA e ERA/OKID aplicados numa treliça bidimensional afetada por diferentes níveis de ruído. A última parte deste trabalho corresponde as aplicações, que estão divididas em parte experimental e parte numérica: Na parte experimental, foram gerados dois conjuntos de dados a partir de dois experimentos. Em cada um deles, uma treliça tridimensional foi excitada por uma força randômica e foram medidas as acelerações em dois pontos da estrutura. Com um dos conjuntos de dados, identificou-se um modelo de espaço de estado de ordem mínima, usando ERA e ERA/OKID. Compararam-se os sinais de saída gerados pelo modelo identificado e pela estrutura real para cada um dos sinais de entrada. A idéia é obter um modelo de espaço de estado de ordem mínima sem ter que fazer uma modelagem matemática previa. Na parte numérica é feita uma aplicação do algoritmo RSS (Remote Sensor System) usando um sistema de massas, molas e amortecedores. Este algoritmo, proposto em [42] é famoso porque foi usado para identificar se ocorria algum dano na estação espacial MIR depois de cada processo de acoplamento. No processo de identicação do algoritmo RSS, foram usados ERA e ERA/OKID. / [en] The aims of this work are three: First, to make a brief review of linear system and estimation theory used in mechanical structure problems. Second, to study an algorithm called ERA (Eigensystem Realization Algorithm) that provides a minimal realization using the input (forces, moments, impulses) and output signals (accelerations). Third, to develop some numerical and experimental applications. To achieve these goals, a study of deterministic and stochastic linear systems is performed in order to provide some basic insights. In the same way, characteristics and properties of the Bayesian, maximum likelihood and least square estimators are presented. With this background, the original ERA and an alternative algorithm called ERA/OKID (Observer Kalman Filter Identification) are described. Since the use of an observer gives a system a statistical framework that allows the estimators to deal with noise, the behavior of ERA and ERA/OKID when applied to a bidimensional truss a®ected by di®erent levels of noise is studied . The last part of this work is concerned with the applications. That consist of an experimental and a numerical part: In the first part, two sets of data are generated by performing two experiments. In each one, a tridimensional truss was excited by a randomic force and the accelerations of two points of the structure were measured. With one set of data, it is found a state space model of minimal order using ERA and ERA/OKID. Comparisons are made between the output signals generated by the identified model and the real truss for each input signal. The goal is to achieve a state space model of minimal order without performing any mathematical model process. In the second part, it is performed an application of the RSS (Remote Sensor System) algorithm using a damped mass-spring system. This algorithm, proposed in [42] is famous because it was used to identify whether the MIR space station was damaged after a docking process. In the identification stage of the RSS algorithm, ERA and ERA/OKID is used. / [es] Los objetivos de este trabajo son tres: El primero es hacer una revisión sucinta de la teoría de sistemas lineales y de estimación de parámetros que se utiliza en los problemas de extructuras mecánicas; el segundo consiste en el estudio del algoritmo ERA (Eigensysten Realization Algorithm) que obtiene una realización mínima, usando señales de entrada (fuerzas, momentos, impulsos) y salida (aceleraciones); y el tercer objetivo es dearrollar algunas aplicaciones tanto numéricas como experimentales. Se realiza un estudio de los sistemas dinámicos determinísticos y estocásticos para discutir algunos conocimentos básicos. De la misma forma, son presentados características y propriedades de los estimadores Bayesianos,de máxima verosimilitud y de mínimos cuadrados. Con esta base, se describen los algoritmos ERA y el algoritmo alternativo llamado ERA/OKID (Observer Kalman Filter Identication). Como el uso de un observador hace con que el problema tenga una extructura estadística, que permite al estimador trabajar con ruido, se estudio el comportamento de ERA y ERA/OKID aplicados en una celosía bidimensional afectada por diferentes nívelesde ruido. La última parte de este trabajo corresponde a las aplicaciones, que están divididas en parte experimental y parte numérica: En la parte experimental, fueron generados dos conjuntos de datos a partir de dos experimentos. En cada un deles, se aplicó una fuerza randómica a una celosía tridimensional y posteriormente se midieron las aceleraciones en dos puntos de la extructura. Con uno de los conjuntos de datos, se identificó un modelo de espacio de estado de orden mínima, usando ERA y ERA/OKID. Se compararon los señales de salida generados por el modelo identificado y por la extructura real para cada uno de los señales de entrada. La idea es obtener un modelo de espacio de estado de orden mínima sin tener que hacer una modelaje matemática previa. En la parte numérica se aplica el algoritmo RS (Remote Sensor System) usando un sistema de masas, molas y amortecedores. Este algoritmo, proposto en [42] es famoso porque fue utilizado para identificar si ocurría algun daño en la estación espacial MIR después de cada proceso de acoplamiento. En el proceso de identicación del algoritmo RS, fueron usados ERA y ERA/OKID.

Numerical and experimental dynamic analyses of Hägernäs pedestrian bridge : Including seasonal effects

IBISEVIC, AIDA, UGUR, HASANHÜSEYIN January 2019 (has links)
Wood as a construction material has in recent years increased, in particular concerningpedestrian bridges. By utilizing wood, the ecological footprint can be reduced,and the material can be designed to comply with the increasing aesthetic demandbridge designers are facing. However, as the material weighs little with respect toits bearing capacity, combined with design becoming more slender, human inducedvibrations are becoming a problem.Having this in mind, the objective of the thesis is to conduct a case study on anexisting timber pedestrian bridge and assess its dynamic parameters by means ofexperiential testing and numerical modelling. The case study concerns the Hägernäsbridge, an arch bridge located in Hägernäs, Täby. The thesis also considers seasonaleffects by conducting experiments on two separate occasions. In addition, the thesisevaluates influencing parameters on the dynamic behaviour by conducting a sensitivityanalysis. To aid the above mentioned objective, a literature review coveringsimilar type of analysis is conducted. The literature review also studies the seasonaleffect, mainly from the asphalt layer, as its stiffness contribution is temperaturedependant.The results from the dynamic parameters showed that not all modes fall above therecommended values concerning damping ratio (with values above 1-1.5%). However,all modes fulfill design criteria concerning the magnitude of the natural frequencies.Furthermore, results showed that the natural frequencies are highly temperaturedependant. The measured values during warm weather (+17C) resulted in lowervalues than those from the cold weather experiment (-10C). Moreover, the greatestdifference, by 21% was on the 1st transverse mode and the lower difference was onthe 1st vertical mode, that decreased by merely 5%. Moreover, the damping ratiowas calculated and it was not possible to find any correlation between warm andcold temperature. Instead, decreased temperature caused some modes to increase indamping ratio and others to decrease. The most affected mode was once again the1st transverse mode which increased by 146% going from warm to cold temperature


JOAO PEDRO DE CASTRO TORRES 07 August 2023 (has links)
[pt] Nas últimas décadas, perfis pultrudados de polímeros reforçados com fibra (PRF) vêm despertando grande interesse na indústria civil devido a sua alta relação entre resistência e peso e sua aplicabilidade em ambientes agressivos. Apesar de apresentar grande resistência às intempéries, a degradação dos PRF foi notada após anos de exposição em campo. A utilização de ensaios não destrutivos (END) se mostra como uma boa alternativa para avaliar a integridade deste material, havendo especial interesse para controle de qualidade de baixo custo em campo. Dessa forma, este trabalho utilizou ensaios de vibração livre com duas técnicas de excitação por impulso para detectar danos em polímeros reforçados com fibra de vidro envelhecidos em câmaras com elevada temperatura, umidade e salinidade. Através da avaliação das frequências naturais e amortecimentos, foi observado o impacto das condições ambientais na integridade do material, resultado corroborado pela variação das propriedades elásticas obtidas através da resposta dinâmica acústica. / [en] In the last decades, pultruded profiles of fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) have been attracting great interest in the civil industry due to their high strength-to-weight ratio and their applicability in aggressive environments. Despite showing great resistance to weathering, the degradation of FRP was noticed after years of exposure in the field. The use of non-destructive techniques (NDT) has been shown to be a good alternative to evaluate the integrity of this material, with special interest for low-cost quality control in the field. Thus, this work used free vibration tests with two impulse excitation techniques to detect damage in glass fiber reinforced polymers aged in chambers with high temperature, humidity and salinity. Through the evaluation of natural frequencies and damping, the impact of environmental conditions on the integrity of the material was observed, a result corroborated by the variation of elastic properties obtained through the acoustic dynamic response.

Investigation Of Damage Detection Methodologies For Structural Health Monitoring

Gul, Mustafa 01 January 2009 (has links)
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is employed to track and evaluate damage and deterioration during regular operation as well as after extreme events for aerospace, mechanical and civil structures. A complete SHM system incorporates performance metrics, sensing, signal processing, data analysis, transmission and management for decision-making purposes. Damage detection in the context of SHM can be successful by employing a collection of robust and practical damage detection methodologies that can be used to identify, locate and quantify damage or, in general terms, changes in observable behavior. In this study, different damage detection methods are investigated for global condition assessment of structures. First, different parametric and non-parametric approaches are re-visited and further improved for damage detection using vibration data. Modal flexibility, modal curvature and un-scaled flexibility based on the dynamic properties that are obtained using Complex Mode Indicator Function (CMIF) are used as parametric damage features. Second, statistical pattern recognition approaches using time series modeling in conjunction with outlier detection are investigated as a non-parametric damage detection technique. Third, a novel methodology using ARX models (Auto-Regressive models with eXogenous output) is proposed for damage identification. By using this new methodology, it is shown that damage can be detected, located and quantified without the need of external loading information. Next, laboratory studies are conducted on different test structures with a number of different damage scenarios for the evaluation of the techniques in a comparative fashion. Finally, application of the methodologies to real life data is also presented along with the capabilities and limitations of each approach in light of analysis results of the laboratory and real life data.

Parameter Estimation and Signal Processing Techniques for Operational Modal Analysis

CHAUHAN, SHASHANK 18 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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