Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonreciprocity"" "subject:"nonreciprocality""
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A ideologia das classes subalternas através das festas / A ideologia das classes subalternas através das festasDias, Amarildo Ribeiro 27 April 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho, o objetivo central é contribuir para a formulação de um aporte teórico, concernente às Ciências Sociais, na área das relações entre Comunicação e Cultura sobre o conteúdo político-ideológico implícito nas manifestações culturais das classes subalternas e examiná-lo enquanto instrumento ampliador da margem de compreensão sobre as formas de produção e auto-reprodução destas classes. Através da metodologia dialética, estudamos as possibilidades de identificar, na esfera das manifestações populares subalternas, indicativos da presença de potenciais ideológicos mediante os níveis verificados de sublevação do homem perante processos de homogeneização do pensamento, em contradição às condutas de resistência, automovimento e auto-governo reais. Constatamos, nestes estudos, que as metodologia e filosofia historicistas atualmente estão predispostas às necessidades de transformação da sociedade. Identificamos sua base ideológica nas subjetividades de dispositivos sócio-culturais que da realidade das classes subalternas deverá vir à superfície através da práxis filosófica que conceba o nexo mundo-cultura-movimento. / The primary aim of this work is to help developing a theoretical contribution, concerning Social Sciences, to the area dealing with Communication and Culture. Essentially, it discusses the political-ideological content underlying cultural expressions of the subordinate classes, which is identified as an expanding instrument of the understanding limits concerning the means of production and self-reproduction of these classes. Through a dialectical methodology, we have studied the possibilities of identifying, in the scope of popular subordinate expressions, symptoms of the presence of ideological potential by evaluating the level of human rebellion when faced by procedures of homogenizing thought, as opposed to resistance behaviour, real self-movement and selfgovernment. We have established, in this important occasion, the predisposition of historicist methodology and philosophy to the needs of changing society. Furthermore, we have identified its ideological basis in the subjectivities of social and cultural devices which, from the reality lived by subordinate classes, will only come forward through a philosophical praxis that will conceive the nexus of world-culture-movement.
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A mercantilização em contramovimento : relações de reciprocidade e coesão social na agricultura sustentada pela comunidade em Minas GeraisEckert, Daniele January 2016 (has links)
O modelo convencional de organização da cadeia de produção e distribuição de alimentos é baseado na dependência cada vez maior do capital financeiro e industrial, no uso de agroquímicos, adubos, fertilizantes industriais e de outras técnicas provenientes da Revolução Verde, na livre circulação de mercadorias nos países e na inserção de intermediários na cadeia de distribuição. Esse modelo representa um movimento de mercantilização da agricultura e prejudica a autonomia dos indivíduos sobre a sua reprodução material e social, fazendo com que a sociedade enfrente um incremento de pobreza, insegurança alimentar, êxodo rural, danos à saúde e ao meio ambiente, assim como uma perda do senso de comunidade e de solidariedade. Além da compreensão do conceito e das formas de expressão do movimento de mercantilização, a lente teórica, que tem origem em Karl Polanyi, possibilita capturar o conceito da pluralidade e da coexistência dos princípios de regulação econômica e também do contramovimento como uma forma de resistência e de resgate da autonomia relativa dos indivíduos. É nesse contexto que a Agricultura Sustentada pela Comunidade (CSA) surge como uma possibilidade de contramovimento ao mercado convencional de alimentos ao adicionar uma qualidade ao ato de alimentar-se pela produção agroecológica e ao reconectar produção e consumo mediante o encurtamento da cadeia de distribuição. O problema que norteou a pesquisa desta dissertação foi compreender quais seriam as formas de contramovimento que se configuram na Agricultura Sustentada pela Comunidade diante da generalização do processo de mercantilização. Por isso, o objetivo geral consistiu em compreender e analisar, em uma experiência real de CSA situada na região sudeste do Brasil, os padrões de troca não mercantil em operação e os fatores que favorecem a autonomia relativa e elevam a coesão social de produtores e consumidores que participam da experiência observada. O método empregado foi a observação participante, utilizando as técnicas da etnografia. Em termos gerais, os resultados encontrados na pesquisa sinalizam que os indivíduos não são passivos diante dos efeitos da mercantilização e articulam-se em movimentos que buscam proteção e ganho de autonomia. Os resultados confirmam a hipótese inicial de que nas atividades de CSA coexistem, com a troca de mercado, outros princípios de regulação da economia, especificamente a reciprocidade, que aparece em diversos momentos, desde as motivações para o engajamento dos indivíduos até a forma em que a própria troca é realizada. Isso porque ao privilegiar nas suas trocas o ato em vez do objeto e do interesse privado, há menção a uma relação mais humana que permite o estabelecimento de amizade, solidariedade, tolerância, fidelidade e comprometimento mútuos, mas, principalmente, possibilita a ampliação da autonomia relativa dos indivíduos e o estabelecimento de um senso de comunidade, que se faz em torno do alimento. Na pesquisa, foram identificados três fatores específicos desta eficácia: a forma de produzir o alimento, oposto ao da agricultura tradicional, o encurtamento da cadeia e as atividades em conjunto mobilizadas pelo grupo de agricultores e consumidores. Desta forma, a Agricultura Sustentada pela Comunidade constitui um contramovimento à mercantilização na agricultura e aparece como uma alternativa eficaz na construção da autonomia daqueles que estão entrelaçados nessa rede de alimentos e na ampliação da coesão social. Os resultados e conclusões apresentados ao longo da dissertação ganham relevância na medida em que contribuem com novas informações e possibilidades de atuação na reversão do êxodo rural, na diminuição da pobreza, na redução de gastos públicos em saúde com uma alimentação mais saudável, assim como na promoção de iniciativas de preservação do meio ambiente. / The conventional model of organization of the production and distribution of food chain is based on the increasing dependence on the financial and industrial capital, the use of agrochemicals, fertilizers, industrial fertilizers and other techniques from the Green Revolution, the free circulation of goods in countries and the inclusion of intermediaries in the distribution chain. This model represents a movement of commodification of agriculture and undermines the autonomy of individuals concerning their material and social reproduction, leading society to a status of poverty, food insecurity, rural exodus, damage to health and environment, as well as to a loss of sense of community and solidarity. In addition to understanding the concept and the ways of expression of the commodification movement, the theoretical approach, based on Karl Polanyi, enables to capture the concept of plurality and coexistence of the principles of economic regulation and also the countermovement as a form of resistance and rescue of the individuals’ autonomy. In this context, the Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) emerges as a possibility of countermovement to the conventional food market to add quality to the act of feeding by the agroecological production and to reconnect production and consumption by shortening the supply chain. The problem that guided the research of this dissertation was to understand what are the forms of countermovement that are present in the Community-Supported Agriculture before the generalization of the commodification process. Therefore, the overall objective was to understand and analyze, in a real experience of CSA located in southeast region of Brazil, the patterns of non-market exchange and the elements that favor the relative autonomy and increase social cohesion among producers and consumers participating in the observed experience. The method used was participant observation, using the techniques of ethnography. In general, the results found in the study show that individuals are not passive before the effects of commodification and they articulate in movements that seek protection and autonomy. The results confirm the initial hypothesis that, in the CSA, activities coexist with the exchange market, such as other principles of regulation of economy, especially reciprocity, which appears at various times, in motivation for engagement and in the way the exchange itself is performed. This happens because, when they prioritize their exchanges act instead of the object and the private interest, they develop a more human relationship that allows the establishment of friendship, solidarity, tolerance, mutual fidelity and commitment and also enable the expansion of autonomy of individuals and establish a sense of community, which is around the food. In this study, we have identified three specific elements that contribute to the effectiveness of the process: the way of producing food, as opposed to traditional agriculture, the shortening of chain and the activities in group promoted by the group of farmers and consumers. Thus, the Community-Supported Agriculture is a countermovement to the commodification in agriculture and an effective alternative in the construction of autonomy of those who are part of this net of food and in the expansion of social cohesion. The results and conclusions presented throughout the dissertation are relevant since they contribute with new information and possibilities of actions to slowdown rural exodus, alleviate poverty, reduce public spending on health with a healthier diet, as well as to promote the development of initiatives to preserve the environment.
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O Rei dos Falsários : A trajetória de um moedeiro falso no Brasil Imperial (1830-1861)Ferreira Junior, Francisco January 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como proposta principal analisar a trajetória de José Maria Cândido Ribeiro, pintor português condenado por falsificação de moeda, enfatizando suas relações com a justiça no Brasil do século XIX. Cândido Ribeiro chegou ao Rio de Janeiro entre as décadas de 1820 e 1830, onde passaria a viver de sua arte de retratista e pintor a óleo. Casando-se com uma brasileira, em algum momento das décadas de 1830 e 1840 partiria para a província da Bahia, onde aconteceria sua principal condenação por falsificação de moeda, em 1849. A partir dessa condenação passou a se desenvolver uma complexa relação entre José Maria Cândido Ribeiro, a justiça do período e seus agentes. Preso em Salvador e agindo como delator e espião da polícia baiana entre 1851 e 1855, Ribeiro conseguiu paulatinamente atenuar e retardar o cumprimento de sua sentença, para isso estabelecendo relações com personalidades importantes ligadas a política e a justiça do período imperial. Em 1855, após participar de uma bem-sucedida operação contra a moeda falsa na Bahia, Cândido Ribeiro seguiu para a Corte do Rio de Janeiro, onde conseguiu a comutação de sua pena de galés para degredo no interior da província do Paraná, onde terminaria seus dias, no início da década de 1860. Perseguindo o personagem pelos lugares por onde passou, o trabalho reconstrói suas principais relações, observando de que forma elas podem ter influenciado nos processos e nas decisões da justiça. A tese propõe analisar, através de uma trajetória específica, o funcionamento de práticas de hierarquização, reciprocidade e clientelismo existentes na sociedade brasileira oitocentista, que interferiam no funcionamento da justiça, e que em alguma medida remetem a práticas existentes nas antigas monarquias coorporativas. / The main goal of this dissertation is to analyze the trajectory of José Maria Cândido Ribeiro, a Portuguese painter convicted of currency counterfeiting, emphasizing his relations with justice in Brazil of the nineteenth century. Cândido Ribeiro arrived in Rio de Janeiro between the 1820s and 1830s, making a living there from his art as a portraitist and oil painter. As he had married a Brazilian woman, at some point from the 1830s to the 1840s, he left for the province of Bahia, where his main condemnation for forgery of money took place in 1849. From this conviction, a complex relationship developed between José Maria Cândido Ribeiro, the justice of that period and its agents. Imprisoned in Salvador and acting as an informant and spy of the Bahian police between 1851 and 1855, Ribeiro gradually managed to mitigate and delay the execution of his sentence by establishing relationships with important personalities linked to politics and justice of the imperial period. In 1855, after taking part in a successful operation against the counterfeit currency in Bahia, Cândido Ribeiro went to the Court of Rio de Janeiro, where he could commute his Welsh judgment for exile in the interior of the province of Paraná, the place in which he had ended his days in the early 1860s. Pursuing the character throughout the places he had passed, the research reconstructs his main relationships, noting how they may have influenced the processes and decisions of justice. The dissertation aims to analyze, through a specific trajectory, the operation of the practices of hierarchization, reciprocity and clientelism existing in the nineteenth-century Brazilian society, which interfered in the operation of justice, and to some extend refer to the existing practices in the old corporative monarchies.
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Cooperation in a dynamic social environmentDimitriadou, Sylvia January 2018 (has links)
Cooperative behaviour among unrelated individuals is an evolutionary paradox. Research suggests that an individual’s propensity to cooperate and its response to experiencing cooperation or defection from its social environment consistently varies among individuals and as a function of external factors. The biological and psychological underpinnings of such behavioural variation remain unknown; they can, however, provide more insight into the evolution and maintenance of cooperation among non-kin. This thesis explores the proximate effects of experiences of cooperation or defection from the social environment, as well as possible proximate drivers of cooperative behaviour, using the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) as a study system. Firstly, the behavioural rules underpinning an individual’s decision to cooperate or not with unfamiliar individuals in the presence of specific or non-specific information were explored. When fish had information about their social partner’s cooperativeness, they behaved in a manner consistent with direct reciprocity, copying their partner’s last move. When paired with an ostensibly novel partner, a different, or at least additional, behavioural rule seemed to be employed. In order to help understand the drivers of individual variation in cooperative behaviour, phenotypic selection on cooperativeness was carried out over three filial generations, resulting in fish of high cooperativeness (HC) and low cooperativeness (LC). The divergence of individual cooperativeness observed between the two phenotypic selection lines suggests that cooperative behaviour in the context of predator inspection is at least in part heritable. Cooperative behaviour of F3 fish was found not to correlate with boldness or exploratory behaviour; HC and LC fish did, however, differ in some aspects of sociability and agonistic behaviour. Possible proximate neuromodulatory mechanisms underlying these differences in cooperativeness were also explored, focusing on brain expression patterns for the isotocin receptor (itr) gene in F3 females. HC females were found to have higher mid-section itr expression levels than LC females. Finally, I explored the effects of experiencing cooperation or defection on monoaminergic neurotransmission, which is thought to instantiate the effects of such experiences on the individual’s internal state. My findings suggest that experiencing cooperation or defection from the social environment affects internal state; this phenomenon may be crucial for the appropriate adjustment of the behavioural response to such experiences, and for the emergence of behavioural rules such as generalised reciprocity. Taken together these results suggest that neuromodulatory mechanisms are pivotal for the perception of stimuli from the social environment in the tested cooperative context and that variation in cooperative behaviour may be underpinned by individual differences in the structural properties of such systems. They also provide insight into how behavioural input may affect the behavioural response to such experiences, and ultimately how such mechanisms may lead to the evolution and maintenance of cooperation.
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Boundary element analysis for convection-diffusion-reaction problems combining dual reciprocity and radial integration methodsAl-Bayati, Salam Adel January 2018 (has links)
In this research project, the Boundary Element Method (BEM) is developed and formulated for the solution of two-dimensional convection-diffusion-reaction problems. A combined approach with the dual reciprocity boundary element method (DRBEM) has been applied to solve steady-state problems with variable velocity and transient problems with constant and variable velocity fields. Further, the radial integration boundary element method (RIBEM) is utilised to handle non-homogeneous problems with variable source term. For all cases, a boundary-only formulation is produced. Initially, the steady-state case with constant velocity is considered, by employing constant boundary elements and a fundamental solution of the adjoint equation. This fundamental solution leads to a singular integral equation. The conservation laws, usually applied to avoid this integration, do not hold when a chemical reaction is taking place. Then, the integrals are successfully computed using Telles' technique. The application of the BEM for this particular equation is discussed in detail in this work. Next, the steady-state problem for variable velocity fields is presented and investigated. The velocity field is divided into an average value plus a perturbation. The perturbation is taken to the right-hand-side of the equation generating a non-homogeneous term. This nonhomogeneous equation is treated by utilising the DRM approach resulting in a boundary-only equation. Then, an integral equation formulation for the transient problem with constant velocity is derived, based on the DRM approach utilising the fundamental solution of the steady-state case. Therefore, the convective terms will be encompassed by the fundamental solution and lie within the boundary integral after application of Greens's second identity, leaving on the right-hand-side of the equation a domain integral involving the time-derivative only. The proposed DRM method needs the time-derivative to be expanded as a series of functions that will allow the domain integral to be moved to the boundary. The expansion required by the DRM uses functions which take into account the geometry and physics of the problem, if velocity-dependent terms are used. After that, a novel DRBEM model for transient convection-diffusion-reaction problems with variable velocity field is investigated and validated. The fundamental solution for the corresponding steady-state problem is adopted in this formulation. The variable velocity is decomposed into an average which is included into the fundamental solution of the corresponding equation with constant coefficients, and a perturbation which is treated using the DRM approximation. The mathematical formulation permits the numerical solution to be represented in terms of boundary-only integrals. Finally, a new formulation for non-homogeneous convection-diffusion-reaction problems with variable source term is achieved using RIBEM. The RIM is adopted to convert the domain integrals into boundary-only integrals. The proposed technique shows very good solution behaviour and accuracy in all cases studied. The convergence of the methods has been examined by implementing different error norm indicators and increasing the number of boundary elements in all cases. Numerical test cases are presented throughout this research work. Their results are sufficiently encouraging to recommend the use of the techniques developed for solution of general convection-diffusion-reaction problems. All the simulated solutions for several examples showed very good agreement with available analytical solutions, with no numerical problems of oscillation and damping of sharp fronts.
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Kooperace za neúplného monitoringu / Cooperation with incomplete monitoringCaisl, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
We approach the topic of provision of public goods in an experimental economic study using the Public Goods Game setting. We allow subjects to punish each other but vary the structure and amount of information they can base their decisions upon. We try to add to the current literature on reciprocity and study whether people are willing to punish under such incomplete information. Since punishment under uncertain conditions can be quite destructive in terms of welfare, this closely relates to whether people are able to provide public good themselves or whether they need some external assistance. In terms of public policy, this can add to the debate on when should government provide certain services and when it should be left to individuals. In terms of behaviour inside of an enterprise, our study could be well applied to problems that arise when teams work on a common project but some people free-ride on effort of others.
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Psychologie phénoménologique de la réciprocité : dynamique de l'être-ensemble pour la performation de l'agressivité humaine et sportive / Psychology phenomenom of reciprocity : being-togethers's dynamics in order to perform human and sportive agressivenessDecocq, Frédérique 10 January 2015 (has links)
La division sociale actuelle pousse à réfléchir sur la capacité d'un individu à vivre avec autrui dans un monde commun pacifié. Nous soutenons qu'un processus pré-psychique est à l'œuvre au sein de la relation intersubjective : l'être-soi et l'être-ensemble se créent par la dynamique de reconnaissance mutuelle des consciences (le phénomène de réciprocité). La « figure de référence » en est l'initiateur. Cette thèse a été mise à l'épreuve dans le champ du sport. La première série d'études a montré que le don de soi authentique de la figure de référence, l'être-auprès-de, préserve l'être-ensemble. Une deuxième série d'études a montré que la conscience d'intersubjectivité de la figure de référence permet d'amorcer le mouvement de réciprocité. Enfin, une recherche-action dans un atelier à médiation sportive a montré comment la lutte pour la reconnaissance, si la figure de référence est « atmosphériquement bonne » et reconnue comme telle, performe l'agressivité primitive d'un jeune délinquant vers la mutualité des consciences, par la création d'une unité soi-monde. L'ensemble des résultats permet de conclure que le phénomène de la réciprocité dégage en même temps un phénomène corporel passif (la réception) et un phénomène corporel actif (le don et le par-don). / The present social division urges to think about humans's competence to live side by side on a peace common world. We assert that an intersubjective psychic process that would operate in intersubjectivity's relationship: human being and being together are created by a dynamics of mutual recognition of consciousnesses (reciprocity phenomenon). “Reference figure» initiate that. This thesis was put to the test in the field of sport. The first study showed that an authentic self-sacrifice by the reference figure, being-next-to, keeps safe from being-together. A second study showed that a consciousness of intersubjectivity of the reference figure allows a start of the reciprocity movement. Finally, a research-action into sportive-mediated workshop showed how a fight for recognition, if the reference figure is “atmospherically good” and is recognized as such, shows how the primitive aggressiveness of a young delinquent perform towards a mutuality of consciousnesses by a oneself-common world ‘s unity creation. All the results allow to conclude that the reciprocity phenomenon releases a passive physical phenomenon (reception) together with an active physical phenomenon (giving, for-giveness).
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Vínculos sociais e felicidade: um estudo sobre as relações humanas na economia solidáriaDarós, Marilene Liége 25 April 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-04-25 / FAPERGS - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / O tema deste trabalho é a dinâmica das relações vinculantes e sua relação com a Felicidade. Desde a antiguidade, o tema é questão de discussões político-filosóficas e gerador de controvérsias. A premissa de que a felicidade individual está em sintonia com a felicidade de todos se articula com as políticas da modernidade, consolidando o sistema econômico vigente. Os estudos de sociedades anteriores à sociedade moderna e não ocidentais invertem essa maneira de conceber a relação indivíduo/sociedade. As escolhas individuais fazem parte de uma dinâmica de organização social de produção e reprodução da vida. Os vínculos sociais são o elo entre indivíduo e sociedade e a condição primordial para se ter uma boa vida. Diante dessa mudança paradigmática de conceber a natureza humana em movimento dialético com o coletivo, tomamos como referencial para a análise do fenômeno da felicidade os estudos antropológicos de Mauss sobre a dádiva e a tese de Polanyi de que a natureza do ser humano é social, e a economia, uma das dimensões da vida humana. Ao adotar como base esses autores, consideramos as formulações de seus seguidores para entender essa dinâmica da vida humana dentro das organizações sociais: a saber, Sabourin e seus estudos sobre a reciprocidade em Mauss e Polanyi, e a sistematização teórica de Gaiger sobre a qualidade das relações vinculantes. O conceito de felicidade que assumimos é de um sentimento que surge da articulação entre as condições objetivas e subjetivas. Sentimento, para Damásio, é a expressão que provém de uma sensação do corpo que se articula a uma percepção subjetiva dessa expressão corporal. O sentimento envolve o corpo e a alma, sendo visível na expressão de uma pessoa. Partindo desse referencial, adotamos o conceito de felicidade apresentado por Gaiger como um sentimento que surge de um estado de paz e bem-estar consistente, ancorado no que julgamos primordial à vida, à trajetória de nossas realizações e a uma avaliação global com a vida que temos e que levamos. Tomando como objeto empírico a Economia Solidária, buscamos fundamentos para a compreensão da felicidade a partir da teoria dos vínculos sociais que têm como base a concepção teórica sobre a dádiva de Mauss e a reciprocidade de Polanyi, utilizando as metodologias quantitativas e qualitativas. A partir das análises de questões das bases de informações do II Mapeamento e da pesquisa amostral dos(as) sócios(as) e sócias em Economia Solidária, demonstramos que os empreendimentos solidários são engajados e que os vínculos são motivadores para a entrada e permanência dos(as) sócios(as) nos Empreendimentos Solidários. Na pesquisa qualitativa, fizemos uma imersão no campo e entrevistamos 22 pessoas de quatro segmentos: seis agricultores familiares, sendo dois deles de comunidades quilombolas remanescentes; seis pescadores artesanais; quatro mulheres de uma cooperativa de alimentos e seis de uma cooperativa de catadores de materiais recicláveis. Concluímos que os vínculos são importantes para as pessoas estarem nas cooperativas bem como, tendo como vetor a reciprocidade, os vínculos podem transformar a autoimagem negativa em positiva, levando as pessoas a se avaliarem como felizes. / The subject of this paper is the dynamics of bonding relations and their relation with Happiness. Since ancient times, this theme is subject of political and philosophical discussions and creates much controversy. The premise that individual happiness is connected with the happiness of everyone relates to modern politics, consolidating the current economical system. The study of societies dating prior to modern societies, as well as the study of non-western societies subvert this way of seeing the individual/society relationship. The individual choices are part of a dynamic of social organization of production and reproduction of life. The social bonds are the link between individual and society, as well as the most important condition for one to live a good life. Facing this paradigmatic change of seeing human nature in dialectic movement with the collective, we use as reference the anthropological studies of Mauss about gift and Polanyi's thesis that human nature is social and economy is one of human life's dimensions. Adopting the groundwork laid by these authors, we consider the formulations of their followers to understand the dynamics of human life within social organizations – namely, Sabourin and his studies on reciprocity in Mauss and Polanyi, and Geiger's theoretical systematization about the quality of bonding relations. The concept of happiness as we assume it is a feeling that arises from the articulation of objective and subjective conditions. To Damásio, feeling is the expression of an emotion that comes from a sensation of the body related to a subjective perception of this body expression. Feeling involves body and soul, being visible in a person's expression. Building on that groundwork, we adopt the concept of happiness presented by Gaiger as a feeling that arises from a state of peace and consistent well-being, anchored to what we judge quintessential to life, to our achievements' trajectory and to a global evaluation of the life we live. Taking Solidarity Economy as empirical object, we seek foundations to the understanding of happiness through the theory of social bonds, which has as a foundation the theoretical conception about gift of Mauss and Polanyi's reciprocity, using quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Starting from the analysis of matters from the base of information of the Second Mapping and the sample research of the associates in Solidarity Economy, we demonstrated that the solidarity enterprises are committed and that bonds are motivating for the entry and permanence of associates in Solidarity Enterprises. For the qualitative research, we went into the field and interviewed 22 people of four different sectors: six family farmers, two of which from remaining quilombola communities; six artisan fishermen; four women from a food cooperative and six from a co-op of recyclable materials collectors. We concluded that the bonds are important for people to stay in the cooperatives and that having reciprocity as a vector, bonds can transform negative self-image into positive self-image, making people evaluate themselves as happy.
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Siguiendo Las Huellas De La Chola En Bolivia: Levantamiento De Una Cartografía Cultural AlteñaJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: The surge of the chola alteña in Bolivia as a woman who, after being historically discriminated, has achieved her empowerment through her practices of resistance and agency is a very particular and new phenomenon hardly studied. The contribution of this research is in principle to describe and discover the complexity of this occurrence, but at the same time to open a field of understanding the works of the chola as a preliminary input for alternative feminisms, in accordance to the particularity of each context. As a result, an eclectic perspective from different non-canonical theories stemming from the Americas has been adopted. For example, intersectionality stemming from various social, cultural, racial, and gender contexts is addressed by Kimberlé Crenshaw, Dora Inés Munévar, Ann Phoenix, Breny Mendoza y Sonia Montecinos. Research from Aníbal Quijano, Walter Mignolo and María Lugones proposes the decolonization of knowledge. From a Bolivian perspective, the proposal of communitarian feminism by Julieta Paredes and the chi’xi approach by Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui. At the same time, the documenting of the chola practices has been obtained from non-conventional digital and oral sources. Thus, this research becomes a referent for future feminist research about the chola, but also for understanding other movements and practices of subaltern and discriminated women in similar or different contexts.
The chola is characterized by her peculiar garment which was imposed by the colonizer in the XVIII century, nullifying her indigenous identity. However, this woman has continued to wear it to the present day as much as a tactic of resistance as of empowerment and agency and has transformed it into a current fashion for the valorization of her identity. She is a chi’xi subject who complements or antagonizes opposites without subsuming them. Finally, what guides her practices and strategies are her native cultural values, such as the principle of Living Well, cooperation, reciprocity, and godfatherhood.
. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Spanish 2019
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Parent Implemented Adapted Dialogic Reading with Preschoolers with AutismWard, McKenzie 01 April 2018 (has links)
The current study examined the role of a novel, adapted dialogic reading curriculum and its impact on preschoolers with autism and their interactions with their parents during shared book reading. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the curriculum on the effects of child social reciprocity and parents’ feelings of competence and confidence when trained on implementation strategies. Pre- and post-test measures were conducted for four parent-child dyads to measure the impact of adapted dialogic reading on child social reciprocity and parents’ feelings of competence and confidence. Although the sample size was small, clear trends were seen suggesting adapted dialogic reading methods may result in greater increases in social reciprocity behaviors such as contingent responses to questions and joint attention during shared book reading. Positive trends also suggest that when parents are trained to implement adapted dialogic reading strategies, their feelings of competence and confidence are increased.
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