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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A review of treatment technologies for the environmental management ofabattoir waste

Yuen, Sin-yiu, Florence., 袁善瑤. January 2003 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Environmental Management / Master / Master of Science in Environmental Management

Need assessment for relocation of Cheung Sha Wan Abattoir

Lau, Chi-yung, 劉智勇 January 1992 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Planning / Master / Master of Science in Urban Planning

Seasonal Market Trends for Feeder and Stocker and for Slaughter Steers for the Years 1940 through 1948

Embry, J.C. 06 1900 (has links)
Standing on the threshold of a new decade, Texas agriculture is faced with three major problems. The first of these problems is the imperative need for a sound soil and water conservation program. Texas has been struggling with this problem for fifty years and has made some progress toward its solution. During the war, however, it was an all-out production of food regardless of cost, either in terms of dollars or resources. As a result, the conservation problem is more acute today than ever before. The second problem is that farm production is out of balance. Lucrative prices for oil and grain crops, plus the increasing shortage of farm labor, turned thousands of farmers from the more stable diversified farm program which had been built up during the '30s. Now, they are again faced with quotas and acreage allotments. This calls for necessarily early and probably extensive readjustment of the entire agricultural production program. The third major change in the agricultural picture is the rapid industrialization of Texas during and since the war. This increase in urban population in this state means an increased market right at the farmer's door for more livestock, dairy, poultry, fruit, and vegetable production. Fortunately, the solution of these three problems is found in one answer. Pasture grass, forage crops, and legumes provide the best means of soil and water conservation and soil building. Inclusion of these crops in a diversified and balanced cropping program will solve the problem of marketing quotas and acreage allotments. Marketing through livestock will provide the abundance of these foods which is needed to meet the growing demands of Texas markets.

Kategorisierung von Schlachtrindern nach Verschmutzungsgraden analog der britischen "Clean Livestock Policy" im Rahmen der amtlichen Schlachttieruntersuchung

Eggert-Satzinger, Claudia 20 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Um ein in mikrobiologischer Hinsicht sicheres und gesundes Lebensmittel zu erhalten, sind während der Fleischgewinnung, von der landwirtschaftlichen Primärproduktion bis zur Schlachtstätte, hygienische Herstellungspraktiken erforderlich. Nachweislich wirken sich schmutzige Schlachtrinder entscheidend auf die Schlachthygiene aus. Die damit verbundene mikrobiologische Belastung des Schlachttierkörpers und die potenzielle Gefährdung für die Gesundheit der Verbraucher sind inakzeptabel. Verschmutzungen von Schlachtrindern entstehen in der Primärerzeugung, beim Transport sowie bei Anlieferung und Unterbringung der Tiere in der Schlachtstätte. Im Schlachtprozess bestehen Kontaminationsmöglichkeiten beim Betäuben, Entbluten, Vorenthäuten und beim Enthäuten. Dabei ist das Risiko der Verunreinigung im Schlachtprozess umso größer, je ausgeprägter die Verschmutzungen der lebenden Rinder bei der Anlieferung sind. Aufgabe der Schlachthygiene ist, diese Kontaminationen auf allen Stufen zu verhindern oder auf ein Mindestmaß zu beschränken. Mögliche Maßnahmen beginnen mit der Anlieferung der lebenden Tiere, die durch eine entsprechende Haltung und Fütterung oder durch vorheriges Reinigen oder Scheren, eine akzeptable Sauberkeit aufweisen. Verschmutzt angelieferte Tiere können in der Schlachtstätte gereinigt oder zurückgewiesen werden. Während des Schlachtprozesses können verschiedene verfahrenstechnische Maßnahmen, wie Zwischenreinigung der Anlage, separates Schlachten von verschmutzten Tieren, reduzierter Schlachtgeschwindigkeit oder Zurückheften des Fells beim maschinellen Enthäuten, die Schmutzübertragung verhindern. Kontaminationen, die durch diese Verfahren nicht verhindert werden, können nur noch im Nachhinein beseitigt werden mittels Wegschneiden von Verunreinigungen oder speziellen physikalischen, chemischen oder biologischen Dekontaminationsverfahren; diese haben aber entweder keine gesetzliche Zulassung oder werden aufgrund mangelnder Verbraucherakzeptanz nicht angewendet. Ziele Im Rahmen einer Literaturstudie wurden der Ursprung und die Auswirkungen von verschmutzten Schlachtrindern auf den Schlachtprozess untersucht. Anhand der Vorgaben des EU-Lebensmittelhygienerechts zur Fleischgewinnung wurden die Verantwortlichkeiten entlang der Produktionskette vom Primärerzeuger über den Schlachtstättenbetreiber und den amtlichen Tierarzt in der Schlachttier- und Fleischuntersuchung dargelegt. Maßnahmen müssen hier ansetzen, um den Eintrag von Kontaminationen auf einer frühen Stufe zu verhindern. Der amtliche Tierarzt nimmt hier eine zentrale Stellung ein. Auf der gesetzlichen Grundlage der VO (EG) Nr. 854/2004, in der als Kriterium zur Erteilung der Schlachterlaubnis gefordert wird, dass die Tiere sauber sein müssen, entscheidet er über die Zulassung der Tiere zur Schlachtung. Klare Ausführungen zur Verschmutzungseinschätzung fehlen hingegen. Die britische Clean-Livestock Policy (CLP) ist ein System zur Beurteilung der Tiersauberkeit. Sie beschreibt fünf eindeutige Verschmutzungsgrade in Wort und Bild und legt entsprechende Maßnahmen für die einzelnen Kategorien fest, die durch den Lebensmittelunternehmer an Schlachtstätten einzuleiten sind. Die CLP ist seit 1997 im englischen Fleischhygienerecht etabliert. Auch in anderen Mitgliedstaaten, wie Norwegen, Belgien, Niederlande oder Finnland, findet die Forderung nach sauberen Schlachttieren Berücksichtigung in nationalen Regelungen oder Leitlinien, die sich an Lebensmittelunternehmer oder Überwachungspersonal wenden. In Deutschland wurde die EU-rechtliche Forderung nach sauberen Schlachttieren bislang nicht durch nationale Regelungen ergänzt oder präzisiert. Material/Methode In eigenen Untersuchungen an 22.441 Schlachtrindern wurde das britische System der CLP auf Eignung im Rahmen der amtlichen Schlachttieruntersuchung getestet. Hierzu wurden Arbeitsanweisungen in Wort und Bild erstellt und die amtlichen Untersucher theoretisch und praktisch geschult. Die Befunde der Schlachttiere, die in die Verschmutzungskategorien 1-5 eingeteilt wurden, wurden statistisch ausgewertet und untersucht, welche Einflüsse auf die Tiersauberkeit im jahreszeitlichen Verlauf, im Vergleich der Untersuchungsjahre und Monate, sowie im Vergleich mit den englischen Untersuchungsbefunden zu erkennen waren. Ergebnisse Die eigenen Untersuchungen belegen, dass die Kategorisierung von Schlachttieren nach Verschmutzungsgraden einfach umzusetzen ist und einen geringen finanziellen und zeitlichen Aufwand bei größtmöglichem Nutzen mit sich bringt. Grenzfälle oder Schwierigkeiten bei der Beurteilung wurden erkannt. Die Umsetzung von Maßnahmen für Tiere mit starken Verschmutzungen hingegen ist noch nicht eindeutig gelöst. Die Ergebnisse der Verschmutzungsgrade zeigen, dass rund 50% der angelieferten Schlachttiere als „schmutzig“ eingeteilt wurden. Schlussfolgerung In der amtlichen Schlachttieruntersuchung könnte die Etablierung des CLP-Systems, mit einer eindeutigen Festlegung von Verschmutzungsgraden und den damit verbundenen Reglementierungen, eine signifikante Reduktion der Belastung der Schlachthygiene durch mittel- bis hochgradig verschmutzte Rinder ermöglichen.

Baggott, Benjamin Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is submitted to the School of Architecture and Planning, University of the Witwatersrand in fulfillment of the requirements for the Masters of Architecture (Professional), 2016. / There is a strong argument for a space within the heart of Johannesburg that offers a contemporary yet uniquely African response to the traditional practice of slaughtering of cattle that would frame and advance social, cultural and spiritual imperatives, while honouring animal ethics and ecological concerns through the creation of a forum that facilitates transparency, fosters understanding deepens connections between people and their broader environment. / XL2018

Avicultura de corte: avaliação do sistema de produção convencional nas perdas produtivas e na qualidade do produto final / Poultry industry: evaluation of the conventional production system in productive losses and final product quality

Sakamoto, Karina Suemi 30 October 2017 (has links)
Objetivou-se por meio deste trabalho caracterizar a influência do sistema de criação convencional de frangos de corte nas perdas produtivas desde a criação até a obtenção do produto final. Foram acompanhados 4 ciclos de produção até o produto final. A caracterização climática (temperatura, umidade relativa e entalpia específica do ar) ocorreu nas etapas de criação, transporte e espera das aves. A qualidade de cama do aviário (porcentagem de umidade) foi avaliada no início e final do ciclo de criação. No dia da apanha e carregamento das aves, uma amostragem de 80 aves foi selecionada aleatoriamente e identificada por anilhas para análise de lesão I (limpeza de plumagem). Durante o transporte ocorreu a caracterização da viagem (duração, distância percorrida e infraestrutura da rodovia), condições climáticas ambientais e mensuração dos níveis de vibração do caminhão. No frigorífico, a espera das aves foi caracterizada pela duração, tipologia do galpão e condições climáticas do ambiente. Na descarga, ocorreu a análise de lesões II (pododermatite, lesão de joelho, arranhão antigo e recente, fratura de asa e perna antiga e recente) e quantificação da mortalidade das aves. E selecionadas aleatoriamente 10 aves por linhagem (HUBB, ROSS/COBB e COBB), totalizando 30 aves. Após 24 horas do abate, os peitos de frango foram analisados com relação a cor (L*- luminância, a*- vermelho e b*- amarelo), pH, perda de peso por gotejamento e cocção, e força de cisalhamento. Realizou-se uma classificação em carne DFD-like (escura, dura e seca), normal e PSE-like (pálida, mole e exsudativa). Verificou-se uma heterogeneidade estrutural nos galpões, nas variáveis bioclimáticas e no conforto térmico das aves, proporcionando condições de estresse térmico pelo frio nas primeiras semanas de vida e pelo calor na fase adulta. A mortalidade de chegada ao frigorífico (DOA) mostrou-se relacionada com maior mortalidade durante a criação (DOF) e características do transporte (maior duração e distância de viagem). A alta umidade de cama mostrou uma relação com maior sujidade de plumagem e dermatites de contato. A lesão de joelho, pododermatite e arranhão da criação foram influenciados pela densidade de alojamento na criação. O arranhão gerado durante o período pré-abate foi relacionado com maior tempo de espera e estresse térmico. A fase de criação foi responsável pelos maiores níveis de ocorrência e severidade de lesões. A incidência de carne PSE-like foi 15% e possuiu relação com desconforto térmico das aves durante o transporte (altos valores de entalpia específica do ar e duração). Assim o sistema de criação convencional de frangos de corte influenciou nas perdas produtivas desde a criação até a obtenção do produto final. / The aim of this study was to characterize the influence of the conventional broiler rearing system on the productive losses from the rearing to the final product. Four production cycles were studying until the final product. Climatic characterization (air temperature, relative humidity, and specific enthalpy of air) occurred during the rearing, transport, and lairage. The litter quality of the aviary (percentage of moisture) was performed at the beginning and end of the rearing cycle. On the day of catching and loading of the birds, a sample of 80 birds was randomly selected and identified for analysis of lesion I (Plumage cleanliness). During transportation, the characterization of the travel (duration, distance traveled and highway infrastructure), environmental climatic conditions and measurement of vibration levels of the truck occurred. At the slaughterhouse, lairage was characterized by the length, typology of the barn and climatic conditions of the environment. In the discharge, the analysis of lesions II (pododermatitis, hock burn, old and recent scratch, old and recent wing and leg fracture) and quantification of the mortality of the birds occurred. And 10 bird of each breed (HUBB, ROSS/COBB e COBB) were randomly selected (totaling 30 birds). After 24 hours of slaughter, the chicken breasts were analyzed for color (L*- luminance, a*- red and b*- yellow), pH, drip loss, cooking loss and shear force. And classified in DFD-like (dark, firm, and dry), normal and PSE-like (pale, soft, and exudative) meat. There was a structural heterogeneity in the barns, in the bioclimatic variables and in the thermal comfort of the birds, providing conditions of thermal stress by the cold in the first weeks of life and by the heat in the adult phase. The dead on arrival (DOA) was related to higher dead on the farm (DOF) and transport characteristics (longer duration and distance of travel). The high litter moisture showed a relation with greater dirt plumage and dermatitis. The hock burn, pododermatitis, and scratch of the rearing were influenced by the stocking density in the rearing. The scratching generated during the pre-slaughter period was related to longer lairage time and thermal stress. The rearing phase was responsible for the higher levels of occurrence and severity of lesions. The incidence of PSE-like meat was 15% and had relation with the thermal discomfort of the birds during transport (high values of specific enthalpy of air and duration). Thus, the conventional broiler rearing system influenced the productivity losses from the rearing until the final product was obtained.

Desenvolvimento de modelos matemáticos envolvendo níveis nutricionais, desempenho e rendimento de carcaça para otimização de resultados econômicos de frangos de corte fêmeas / Development of mathematic models involving nutritional levels, performance and carcass yield to optimize economic results of female broiler chikens

Pavesi, Mariana 20 September 2013 (has links)
Com o objetivo de elaborar modelos matemáticos, visando à otimização da relação custo benefício e definir estratégias nutricionais considerando características de desempenho, de carcaça e variáveis de mercado, foi realizado experimento com frangos de corte fêmeas. Foram avaliados seis programas nutricionais para cada fase de crescimento (pré-inicial, inicial, crescimento I, crescimento II e final).Os tratamentos compreenderam rações baseadas em seis níveis de energia metabolizável aparente corrigida para balanço de nitrogênio (EMAn), mantendo-se a relação EMAn:nutrientes. Utilizando como tratamento controle (T4), os níveis nutricionais indicados por Rostagno et al. (2005),os demais corresponderam a -15%(T1), -10%(T2), -5%(T3), +5%(T5) e +10%(T6) em relação ao programa padrão. Para cada tratamento, foram utilizadas seis repetições com trinta aves , em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Foram avaliadas as características de desempenho e de carcaça aos 35, 42 e 49 dias de idade, e, após a obtenção das equações de regressão, realizada a análise econômica, através de simulações de cenários de mercado, para estabelecer os níveis nutricionais mais adequados em cada situação. Conclui-se que a melhora no desempenho decorrente do aumento da densidade nutricional de dietas de frangos de corte fêmea não deve ser interpretada como aumento da lucratividade. Sendo assim, os modelos matemáticos são úteis para estabelecer a relação entre variáveis de importância e essenciais para avaliação e determinação de planos nutricionais e forma de comercialização da aves adequados para a maximização do lucro. Os modelos matemáticos desenvolvidos possibilitam a predição de ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar e a otimização da lucratividade através da adequação dos níveis nutricionais e idade de abate, de acordo com as situações de mercado. / To elaborate mathematical models, aiming the optimization of cost-benefit ratio and define nutritional strategies considering performance, carcass caracteristics and market variables, was carried out an experiment with female broilers chickens. It was evaluated six nutritional programs for each phase of growth (pre-starter, starter, growth I, growth II and withdrawal). The treatments were based on six levels of metabolizable energy corrected to nitrogenm balance (AMEn), keeping the AMEn:nutrients ratio. Using as a control treatment (T4), nutritional levels acording to Rostagno et al. (2005), the others were calculated - -15%(T1), -10%(T2), -5%(T3), +5%(T5) and +10%(T6) compared to the standard program. For each treatment, was used six replicates with thirty birds, in a completely randomized design. Carcass and performance characteristics were evaluated at 35, 42 and 49 days of age and, after obtained the regression equations, it was elaborated an economic analysis to establish the best nutritional levels in each market situation. It was concluded that the improvement in performance due to increased nutrient density of diets of broilers female should not be interpreted as increased profitability. Thus, mathematical models are useful to establish the relationship between variables of importance and essential for evaluating and determining nutritional programs and manner of commercialization of birds suitable for profit maximization. The developed mathematical models are an important tool, because they allow prediction of variables such as weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion and the optimization through nutritional levels and slaughter age, according to market situations.

Condição higiênico-sanitária de meias-carcaças de suínos após o abate e depois do resfriamento e análise da utilização de Lista de Verificação para avaliar boas práticas no abate de suínos / Hygienic and sanitary conditions of swine half-carcasses after the slaughter and after the chilling and analysis of the use of good manufacturing practices assessment Check-list in swine slaughter

Matsubara, Esther Naomi 10 August 2005 (has links)
Em um matadouro-frigorífico de suínos, no Estado de São Paulo sob Serviço de Inspeção Federal, avaliou-se as condições higiênico-sanitárias de 240 meias-carcaças realizando a contagem de coliformes totais, de Escherichia coli e a pesquisa da presença de Salmonella spp em três regiões pré-definidas (face lateral externa do pernil, do peito e da papada), após o abate e depois do resfriamento; e analisou-se as dificuldades e facilidades na aplicação de uma Lista de Verificação de procedimentos de abate, adaptada a partir daquela utilizada pelo Serviço de Inspeção Federal, propondo-se uma nova. Vinte e uma Listas de Verificação foram preenchidas ao longo de 12 meses de estudo. Obteve-se coliformes totais em 98,7% (711/720) e Escherichia coli em 90,7% (653/720) das meias-carcaças analisadas e houve aumento do número de coliformes e Escherichia coli após o resfriamento das meias-carcaças. Salmonella spp esteve presente nas carcaças após o abate e depois do resfriamento numa freqüência de ocorrência de 5,4% (13/240). Concluiu-se que para se alcançar qualidade higiênica e higiênico-sanitária aceitável em carcaças de suínos faz-se necessário padronizar os procedimentos que envolvem o abate desde o recebimento dos animais até o resfriamento das meias-carcaças, incluindo-se o funcionamento e uso da câmara frigorífica, e para tanto implementar boas práticas formalizadas é o primeiro passo. A aplicação de uma Lista de Verificação mostrou-se um instrumento útil para se avaliar procedimentos de abate e permite identificar, de forma organizada, não-conformidades, implementar medidas corretivas e criar o histórico do controle da qualidade higiênico-sanitária do estabelecimento. / In one swine slaughterhouse in the State of São Paulo under the Federal Inspection Service the hygienic and the sanitary conditions of 240 swine half-carcasses have been evaluated by the counting of total coliforms and Escherichia coli and the research of presence of Salmonella spp in three predetermined regions (external lateral face of the ham, the belly and the neck), after the slaughter and after the cooling; and analyzed the facilities and the difficulties on the application of a Check-list of procedures in slaughter, based on that one used by the Service of Federal Inspection in the State of São Paulo, purposing a new Check-list. Twenty one Check-lists of good manufacturing practices (GMP) have been filled throughout 12 months of study. In the present work, it has been achieved coliforms in 98,7% (711/720) e Escherichia coli in 90,7% (653/720) of the half-carcasses assessed and the number of coliforms and Escherichia coli have increased after the cooling process. The Salmonella spp was present in the carcasses after the slaughter and after the cooling and the frequency of occurrence was of 5,4% (13/240). In conclusion, to acquire acceptable hygienic and sanitary quality in swine carcasses in a slaughterhouse it becomes necessary to standardize the procedures that involve the slaughter since the receiving of the animals until the cooling of the half-carcasses, including the working and the use of the frigorific room; in this way the implementation of GMP in the plant is the first step to be adopted. The resource of GMP Check-list shows itself as a useful instrument to verify the procedures of swine slaughter; it allows the organized identification of non-conformities, to implement corrective actions and creates a description registered on the performance of the establishment.

The corral and the slaughterhouse : knowledge, tradition and the modernization of indigenous reindeer slaughtering practice in the Norwegian Arctic

Reinert, Hugo January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation is a contribution to the ethnography of contemporary indigenous reindeer pastoralism in Norway: specifically, to the study of the neglected fields of reindeer killing and slaughtering practice. Its central contention is that in recent decades, the proliferation of human powers vested in the conduct of reindeer slaughter has created new conditions for practice, placing the identities of reindeer and herders at stake in new and still only dimly conceptualized ways. By exploring these, the dissertation aims to broaden existing debates concerning the so-called modernization of pastoral practice in Norway, drawing attention to some of its neglected aspects and inscribing them in a new register. Two principal strands inform the theoretical framework: one, approaches to the social study of knowledge that emphasise its practical, non-verbal and material aspects; and two, Foucauldian concepts of biopower as these may or may not be applicable to the human management of animal life. Individual chapters examine, in turn: the local politics of space on the Varanger peninsula, focusing particularly on links between the spatial management and the killing of reindeer; the practices and social relations of slaughter as it is conducted at the round-up corral; the social effects of the introduction of slaughterhouses, and of the regime of which they form a part; controversies surrounding specific slaughtering techniques and instruments, particularly the curved knife; and the politics of animal welfare discourse and practices in their application to reindeer herding. Finally, using the figure of animal sacrifice as a guiding trope, the concluding chapter attempts to situate some key aspects of the modernization of reindeer slaughter in relation to the operation of broader sacrificial economies that regulate the destruction of life at aggregate or populational levels.

Uma análise da estratégia de adaptação de produto considerando a influência de valores religiosos no consumo: o caso da Sadia

Ferreira, Gleriani Torres Carbone 23 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:45:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gleriani Torres Carbone Ferreira.pdf: 3174046 bytes, checksum: 0d9f51d64a14eb2e06a8293037fdf8f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-23 / Although most of the GDP and employment in most countries continue to depend more activities geared towards the domestic economy than activities focused on the global market, in fact what happens to competition in those foreign markets that determines the percentage wealth appropriated by business and, ultimately, by the people of each country (Castells, 1999). In this context, the export is of great importance for the company because it is the most effective way to secure their own future in a globalized environment increasingly competitive, requiring full capacity of Brazilian companies to undercut foreign competition, both in Brazil abroad. For Brazil, the export activity is also strategically important as it contributes to income generation and employment, for the entry of foreign currency needed to balance the external accounts and the promotion of economic development. Thus, our object of study is the production and export of chicken meat, making a strategic look on the shares of Sadia, a Brazilian company that was consolidated in the adaptation of fresh chicken meat, and several other products to cater to consumers Muslim adherents to Islam, where we observe the requirements according to the principles of the Quran, known as Halal Slaughter / Embora a maior parte do PIB e dos empregos da maioria dos países continue a depender mais das atividades voltadas para a economia interna do que das atividades voltadas para o mercado global, na verdade o que acontece com a concorrência nesses mercados externos é que determina a porcentagem de riqueza apropriada pelas empresas e, em última análise, pelo povo de cada país (Castells, 1999a). Nesse contexto, a exportação assume grande relevância para a empresa, pois é o caminho mais eficaz para garantir o seu futuro em um ambiente globalizado cada vez mais competitivo, que exige plena capacitação das empresas brasileiras para suplantar a concorrência estrangeira, tanto no Brasil como no exterior. Para o Brasil, a atividade exportadora é estrategicamente importante, pois contribui para a geração de renda e emprego, para a entrada de moeda estrangeira necessária ao equilíbrio das contas externas e para a promoção do desenvolvimento econômico. Assim, o nosso objeto de estudo é a produção e a exportação de carne de frango, traçando um olhar estratégico sobre as ações da Sadia, empresa brasileira que se consolidou na adaptação de carne de frango in natura, e diversos outros produtos, para atender aos consumidores muçulmanos adeptos ao islamismo, onde observa-se exigências em função dos princípios do Alcorão, o chamado Abate Halal

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