Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonsocial behavior"" "subject:"nonsociales behavior""
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Comportamento ingestivo e social de novilhas leiteiras suplementadas com extrato de chá verde (Camellia sinensis L.) / Feeding and social behavior of dairy heifers supplemented with green tea extract (Camellia sinensis L.)Santos, Carolina da Silva dos January 2015 (has links)
A criação de novilhas pode utilizar aditivos fitogênicos, como o extrato de chá-verde (Camellia sinensis L.) para melhorar aspectos ligados à sanidade e eficiência digestiva. Todavia existem poucas informações sobre os seus efeitos no comportamento animal. O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de diferentes doses do extrato herbal de chá-verde no comportamento social e ingestivo de novilhas leiteiras. Foram utilizadas 35 novilhas não prenhes e com idades entre 14 e 15 meses. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e medidas repetidas no tempo. O comportamento foi avaliado nos períodos diário (24 horas) e diurno (11 às 20:30 horas), e foi observado visualmente de forma individual em intervalos de 10 minutos. As variáveis estudadas foram: tempo em decúbito direito, tempo em decúbito esquerdo, tempo deitada total, tempo em estação, tempo em ócio, tempo ruminando, tempo pastejando, e a frequência com que os animais caminhavam, corriam, ingeriam água, ingeriam sal, interagiam e tinham comportamento de dominância/dominada entre eles. Os atributos comportamentais contínuos foram avaliados quanto ao efeito das doses de extrato de chá verde, segundo a análise de regressão e análise de variância, testando os efeitos de dia de avaliação, doses e sua interação, e os atributos comportamentais eventuais foram analisados usando regressão logística. Em relação ao comportamento diário (24h), a inclusão do extrato de chá verde na dieta aumentou linearmente o tempo deitada em decúbito direito e reduziu o tempo em pastejo. Os demais atributos não tiveram diferenças significativas. Em relação ao comportamento diurno, a inclusão do extrato de chá verde na dieta de novilhas influenciou o tempo deitada em decúbito direito, as que receberam 3g apresentaram maiores tempos em decúbito direito comparados com aquelas que receberam 2g. A chance de ocorrência de interações entre os animais diminuiu em 30% a cada grama de extrato de chá verde fornecida no alimento. Nos demais atributos não houve diferenças significativas. O extrato de chá verde altera em parte o comportamento ingestivo, diminuindo as atividades de pastejo, enquanto aumenta o tempo de permanência deitada em decúbito direito e diminui as interações sociais entre os animais. / In the production of dairy heifers, phytogenic additives, such as green tea extract (Camellia sinensis L.) might be used to improve aspects of health and digestive efficiency. There is limited information of the effects on performance and animal behavior. This trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of the inclusion of green tea herbal extract in the diet on the ingestive and social behavior of dairy heifers. Thirty-five non-pregnant heifers, aged between 14 and 15 months, were used. The experimental design was completely randomized, with four treatments and repeated measures. The behavior was visually observed individually and focal at 10 minute intervals. The variables studied were: time spent in right decubitus, in left decubitus, lying, standing, resting, ruminating, grazing, and the frequency animals walked, ran, drank water, ate salt, interacted and had dominance/submission behavior. Continuous behavioral attributes were evaluated for the effect of green tea extract doses, according to regression analysis and analysis of variance, testing the effects of valuation date, doses and their interaction, and discrete or categorical behavioral attributes were analyzed using logistic regression. Regarding the daily behavior (24 hours), the inclusion of green tea extract in the diet linearly increased the time lying on right decubitus and reduced grazing time. The other attributes did not differ significantly. Regarding the diurnal behavior, green tea extract in heifers’ diet influenced the lying time on right decubitus, those receiving 3g spent more time in right decubitus than those receiving 2g. The chance of occurrence of interactions between animals decreased by 30% every 1g of green tea extract of grass added into the diet. No differences were detected for other attributes. Green tea extract alters partially feeding behavior, reducing grazing activities, while it increases the time lying in right decubitus and reduces social interactions among animals.
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Sustentabilidade como semântica: sobre as ordens de conservação do mundo e suas dinâmicas de transformação / Sustainability as semantics: on the conservation orders of the world and its dynamics of transformationLuciano Alvim Fiscina 29 April 2013 (has links)
Esta tese é um estudo analítico da semântica do termo sustentabilidade e dos processos sociais de significação dos seus conteúdos constitutivos com o objetivo de desenvolver um sistema de referência que o estruture como um conceito organizador e regulador das ordens de conservação e das dinâmicas de transformação do mundo contemporâneo. A hipótese é que existe uma vacuidade conceitual no uso estratégico do termo de modo que suas projeções semânticas não são suficientes para estruturá-lo como um conceito de organização e transformação social. Assim, seu sentido estruturante se encontraria na necessidade lógica de explicar as ordens de conservação do mundo frente à questão socioambiental. Sob o enfoque desta tese, o termo sustentabilidade se constituiria no interior da atividade psicológica imanente ao sujeito histórico que busca interpretar seu mundo e explicar suas ordens de permanência e transformação. A tese parte da premissa de que a sustentabilidade se estrutura como conceito regulador do pensamento socioambiental contemporâneo, constituindo-se em necessidades de inovação técnocientífica, conservação material e simbólica do mundo vivido e mudança dos panoramas naturais e sociais contemporaneamente experienciados. O método da pesquisa envolve três ordens de derivação do significado do termo sustentabilidade que assumem, subsequentemente, a função de dimensões de análise e são consideradas como forças semânticas reguladoras de categorias analíticas de natureza sintática. O corpus empírico da análise consiste em uma coleção de textos publicados por estudiosos e pensadores especializados na temática em questão, tendo como descritor-síntese a expressão \"teorias socioambientais\". Desta forma, busca-se verificar se, da derivação semântica, pode emergir um sistema de referência de análise capaz de estruturar projeções significativas da estrutura semântica do termo sustentabilidade e do seu emprego estratégico. Interpretam-se as respectivas dimensões analíticas, descritas como pré-lógica, antropológica e geopolítica, como inter-relacionando-se por uma regulação endógena interna à estrutura semântica do termo sustentabilidade e não por interferência ou por redução de uma dimensão a outra. Tais dimensões encerram possibilidades semânticas intracombinatórias de ordem congruente, incongruente e paradoxal. Quanto à ordem congruente, nos referirmos às ordens de conservação do mundo; à ordem incongruente, nos referimos às dinâmicas de transformação que abalam a ordem de conservação do mundo material e simbólico; e à ordem paradoxal, apontamos para interesses que travam os meios de solução das antinomias e dos paradoxos sociais, criando processos com formas convenientes de relação entre as dinâmicas de transformação do mundo e suas ordens de conservação. Consideramos que o método proposto permitiu a identificação de formas emergentes de forças semânticas que emanam das teorias socioambientais, cuja estruturação assume a função de regular as operações de relação das dimensões de significação do termo sustentabilidade. Concluímos, à luz da análise desenvolvida, que as informações científicas que fundamentam o emprego do termo sustentabilidade ainda não são capazes de atingir o conduto da vida social, mediante dispositivos de socialização disparados por seu uso estratégico, pois se estruturam sobre uma incompletude conceitual que não abrange a amplitude e complexidade dos processos sociais reguladores que deveriam influenciar / This thesis is an analytical study of the semantic of the sustainability term and of the social processes of signification of their constituent content with the goal of developing one reference system able of structure it as an organizing and regulator concept of the conservation orders and the dynamics of transformation of the contemporary world. The hypothesis is that there is a conceptual vacuity in the strategic use of the term so that their semantics projections are not yet sufficient to structure it as a concept of organization and social transformation. Thus its structural would be upon the logic necessity of explain the conservation orders face the socio environmental issue. Under the focus of this thesis, the sustainability term would constitute itself as a psychological activity immanent to historical subjects that seek to interpret their world and explain their orders of permanence and transformation. The thesis begins from the premise that sustainability is structured as a regulator concept of the contemporary socio environmental thinking, constituting itself in necessities of technoscientific innovation, conservation of material and symbolic world and changing of the natural and social panoramas contemporaneously experienced. The method involves three derivation orders of the semantic structure of the sustainability term, assuming, subsequently, the function of analytical dimensions of syntactic nature. The corpus of the empirical analysis consists of a texts collection published by scholars and thinkers, with the descriptor-synthesis \"environmental theories.\" Thus we seek to verify if from that semantic derivation can emerge one reference system capable of structuring the semantics projections of the sustainability term and of its strategic use. We interpreted the respective analytical dimensions, described as pre-logic, anthropological and geopolitical, as interrelating itself by an endogenous regulating and not by interference or by reducing of one dimension to another. These dimensions contain intra-combinatorial semantics possibilities of congruent order, incongruous and paradoxical order. Regarding the congruent order, we refer to order of conservation of the world; on the incongruous order, we refer to the dynamics of transformation that disrupt the conservation order of the material and symbolic world, and on paradoxical order, we point to concerns that prevent the means of solution of the social processes contradictories, creating convenient forms of relationship between the dynamics of transformation of the world and its conservation orders. We consider that the proposed method allowed the identification of semantics forces that emanate from socio environmental theories, assuming the function of regulating the operations between the dimensions of meaning of the sustainability term. We conclude, at light of the analysis developed, that the scientific information underlying the use of the sustainability term is not yet able to reach the conduit of the social life, through socialization devices triggered by its strategic use, because it is structured on a incompleteness conceptual that does not encompass the breadth and complexity of the regulators social processes which should influence
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O sagrado e o profano na cultura escolar : dimensões da modernidade brasileiraPratta, Marco Antonio 24 February 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Sergio Eduardo Montes Castanho / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Etadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T14:00:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Desde o início da Idade Moderna a instituição escolar passou a desempenhar uma função essencial na sociedade ocidental. Tal fato ocorreu em razão do acesso ao conhecimento ser compreendido como um instrumento de ascensão social, bem como pelo fato da escola ser utilizada como um canal de formação da identidade nacional. À medida que os Estados nacionais se consolidavam e se fortaleciam, a escola também se afirmava como o local privilegiado para a difusão da língua e da cultura nacionais, uniformizando regionalismos, padronizando hábitos e difundindo comportamentos sociais. Paralelamente, a Igreja Católica também enfrentava uma nova situação. O desenvolvimento protestante, inclusive com a sua predominância em muitas regiões européias, aumentou as tensões religiosas, ao mesmo tempo em que o crescente laicismo diminuiu o poder e a influência das instituições religiosas, obrigando a cúpula católica a um redimensionamento dos seus interesses e metas. As atividades educativas em colégios passaram a ser estimuladas e privilegiadas, cujos objetivos estavam voltados para a formação de novas elites afinadas com o pensamento eclesiástico, bem como a disseminação de novas práticas de devoção religiosas e novas manifestações coletivas de fé. O controle sobre as massas passou a ser uma preocupação constante, tanto dos Estados como das Igrejas. No Brasil, a formação do Estado nacional, a partir do início do século XIX, ocorreu através de uma fusão entre os preceitos do liberalismo europeu e o ideário de estratos dirigentes que dependiam fundamentalmente do latifúndio monocultor e do trabalho escravo. Com essa contradição básica, a sociedade brasileira foi se desenvolvendo ora assimilando, ora modificando ou adaptando as pressões externas com as suas especificidades econômicas e sociais. Esse projeto conservador de sociedade foi, gradativamente, acirrando a exclusão social da maioria, aniquilando, inviabilizando ou modificando substancialmente os movimentos populares por melhores condições de vida. Na lenta transição do trabalho escravo para o assalariado, da realidade agrária para a urbano-industrial, entre o final do século XIX e o XX, essas contradições foram intensificadas ao máximo: o Estado oligárquico da I República, o populismo nacionaldesenvolvimentista e o modelo de internacionalização econômica criaram uma nação cada vez mais desigual, injusta e autoritária, na qual os breves períodos de democratização conviveram e convivem com longos decênios de ditaduras oficiais e oficiosas, escancaradas e camufladas. A Igreja Católica, em muitos momentos, foi signatária desse estado de coisas. O seu projeto universal de construção de uma nova identidade em um mundo laicizado gerou, no Brasil, um conjunto de valores, normas, padrões e condutas que modelou e, de certa forma, ainda modela uma concepção profundamente fatalista do cotidiano, na qual o destino individual, a realização profissional e o acesso a uma melhor condição de vida dependem, exclusivamente, de um conjunto de forças sobrenaturais alheias à objetividade material da realidade cotidiana. Na atividade docente, em especial, a recente expansão e consolidação do projeto neoliberal de educação no país criou uma espécie de condição aparentemente imutável para o magistério: os profissionais da educação são todos missionários, semeadores no deserto, cidadãs e cidadãos abnegados que, independentemente das políticas públicas, da remuneração e das organizações de classe estão dispostos a ensinar, mesmo sabendo que a satisfação e o reconhecimento social por essa atividade são praticamente apenas objetos de recompensa moral. Gestores, gerentes, modelos de qualidade total, multiplicadores, facilitadores do conhecimento: novos termos requentados de um ideal profissional que, na realidade brasileira, começou a ser gerado na Contra-Reforma, talvez atingindo no neoliberalismo o seu grau máximo de sofisticação / Summary: Since the beginning of Modern Age the school institution passed to pawn na essential function in the occidental society. This Fact occurred because of the access to the knowledge to be understood as an instrument for social ascension, such by the fact of the schoolto be a channel of development. While the National States consolidated and became strong, the school also affirmed like a privileged place for the diffusion of the national language and culture, equalizing regionalisms, standardizing habits and diffusing social behavor. Parallely, the Catholic Church also faced a new situation. The protestant development, include with its predominance in many Europe regions, increased the religious tensions, at the same time in that crescent laicism decreased the power and the influence of the religious institutions, compeling the catholic dome to a different dimension of its interests and goals. The educative activities in schools passed to bestimulated and privilegeds, whose objectives were revolved to the formation of new in tune elites with the ecclesiastic thoughts, like the dissemination of new practicians of religious devotion and new faith collective manifestation. The control about the masses passed to be a constant worried, as from the states as from the churchs. In Brazil, the formation of the National State, since the beginning of 19th century, occurred beyond a fusion between the precept of Europe liberarism and the characteristics of directing stratum that depended fundamentally from the monofollower latifundium and from the slave work. With this basic contradiction, the brazilian society was development now assimilating, now modifying or adapting the external pressures with its economic and social specified. This conservative project of society was, gradually, increasing the social exclusion of the most, annihilating, unviabily or modifying substancially the popular movement by better conditions of life. In the slow transition of slave from the pay-roll work, from the agrarian reality to a urban-industry, between the end of 19th an 20th century, these contradictions were intensified to maxim: the oligarchical state from 1st Republic, the national development populism and the economic internationalization model created a nation each time more unequal, unjust and authoritarian, in what the brief periods of democratization, lived and live together with long decades of officials and unofficials, fling opened and camouflages dictatorship. VII The Catholic Church, in many moments, was signatory from this state of things. Its building universal project of a new identity in a layed world, caused, in Brazil, a value conjoint, norms, standards and conducts that modeled and still model a very deep deadly conception from quotidian, whose individual destiny, the professional realization and the acess to a better condition of life depend, exclusively, of a conjoint of sobrenatural powers out of the material objectivity from the quotidian reality. In teaching activity, in special, the expansion and consolidation recents, from the education newliberal project in the country, created a kind of immutable condition for professorship: the education professionals are all missionaries, sowers in desert, citizens unselfish that, independent from the public politicals, from the remuneration and the organizations of classes are disposed to teach, even so the satisfaction and social recognizing, by this activity, are just objectives of moral reward. Administrators, managers, models of total quality, propagaters, easy makers of knowledge: new heated terms of a professional ideal that, in Brazilian reality, started being created in the Contra-Reform, maybe reaching in newliberalism its maxim degree of sophistication / Doutorado / Educação, Sociedade, Politica e Cultura / Doutor em Educação
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Grandiose and persecutory beliefs : exploring perceptions of interpersonal relationshipsRenny, Lana January 2016 (has links)
Research suggests that interpersonal difficulties are reported by those who experience grandiose beliefs, however the processes and the relationship with the belief have seen limited exploration and are poorly understood. The present study aimed to explore the perceptions of interpersonal relationships and self-esteem of people who have grandiose beliefs and to explore if these accounts are consistent with existing theory. A qualitative design was employed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to explore participants' subjective understanding of experiences. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with eight individuals who were purposively sampled. Transcripts were analysed using IPA. Four superordinate themes emerged: ‘Others as disregarding’; ‘Fragile sense of self’; ‘Lost in a frightening world’ and ‘Surviving’. The study found that participants' accounts were characterised by difficult interpersonal relationships in both early and adult life. The participants' sense of self was complex and lacking in coherence, thus previously used measures of “self-esteem” may not adequately capture the subtleties of the experiences. The sense of self was set in a social context characterised by feelings of powerlessness isolation and lack of trust. In the context of limited resources the results suggest the beliefs function to make sense of experiences and to help the participants survive. These findings confirm that the belief may, in part, serve to protect participants from poor “social self-esteem”. These findings provide avenues to further exploration of processes and provide recommendations for clinicians and services.
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Aging and its impact on sociality in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)Almeling, Laura 09 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Division du travail dans les tâches internes au nid et distribution spatiale des castes chez la fourmi dimorphique Pheidole pallidulaSempo, Grégory January 2004 (has links)
Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Aspects of the sociality, ecology, reproductive biology and genetic relatedness of colonies of the highveld molerat, Cryptomys hottenetotus pretoriaeMalherbe, Glen Pierre 08 November 2007 (has links)
Please read the abstracts included at the beginning of chapters 2 to 5, of this document / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Zoology and Entomology / MSc / Unrestricted
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Evaluation of HIV treatment and prevention programs in South Africa with recommended future actionsRamatowski, John W. 08 June 2020 (has links)
The outbreak of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is one of the largest public health challenges in history. South Africa disproportionately bears the burden of HIV infections with an estimated 7.7-million people living with HIV. Although a comprehensive treatment and prevention program has been enacted in the country, the health gains achieved by these interventions have fallen short of targets set by the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS. Significant proportions of the population are unaware they have contracted HIV and knowledge about HIV transmission is generally lacking. For patients accessing HIV treatment services, adherence to prescribed regimens is a principal barrier to positive health outcomes. These challenges are further compounded by the development of resistance to HIV treatments.
Between 2017-2022, South Africa will implement the four-generation ‘National Strategic Plan on HIV, Tuberculosis, and Sexually Transmitted Infections.’ This framework outlines interventions that will address the biomedical, behavioral, and structural barriers that have sustained HIV transmission while accelerating health advances for people living with HIV. As a result of this integrated approach and the targeted intervention population, South Africa operates the largest HIV treatment program in the world. Evaluation of South Africa’s HIV treatment and prevention activities are needed to ensure the enacted programs continually meet the needs of the population as they change over time. Additionally, program evaluation ensures limited resources are allocated in a judicious manner. Collectively, these evaluations can result in program alterations that deliver the maximum health benefit for all South African citizens.
Upon analysis of the South Africa’s National Strategic Plan, several flaws in current program delivery, funding allocations, and accountability actions are immediately evident. The four generation Plan does not include specific steps outlining the exact actions that should be followed by local health officials. The Plan architects failed to incorporate key recommendations from previous investigations there were specific to the South African HIV care delivery model. If these shortcomings persist, South Africa is unlikely to meet proposed HIV reduction targets set by global health organizations.
From this analysis, several amendments are recommended to the current plan, including the application of artificial intelligence behavioral mapping for at risk populations and the reallocation of funding to condom distribution, medical-male circumcisions, and social behavior change activities. These amendments represent actionable items that can spur health advancements for the HIV treatment and prevention program in South Africa. / 2022-06-08T00:00:00Z
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Coordinating Individual Behavior in Collective Processes; Seed Choice in Harvester Ants (Pogonomyrmex californicus)January 2020 (has links)
abstract: Social animals benefit from the aggregation of knowledge and cognitive processing power. Part of this benefit comes from individual heterogeneity, which provides the basis to group-level strategies, such as division of labor and collective intelligence. In turn, the outcomes of collective choices, as well as the needs of the society at large, influence the behavior of individuals within it. My dissertation research addresses how the feedback between individual and group-level behavior affects individuals and promotes collective change. I study this question in the context of seed selection in the seed harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex californicus. I use both field and laboratory studies to explore questions relating to individual behavior: how forager decision-making is affected through information available in the nest and at the seed pile; how workers interact with seeds in the nest; and how forager preferences diverge from each other’s and the colony’s preference. I also explore the integration between individual and colony behavior, specifically: how interactions between the foraging and processing tasks affect colony collection behavior; how individual behavior changes affect colony preference changes and whether colony preference changes can be considered learning behavior. To answer these questions, I provided colonies with binary choices between seeds of unequal or similar quality, and measured individual, task group, and colony-level behavior. I found that colonies are capable of learning to discriminate between seeds, and learned information lasts at least one month without seed interaction outside of the nest. I also found that colony learning was coordinated by foragers receiving updated information from seeds in the nest to better discriminate and make choices between seed quality during searches for seeds outside of the nest. My results show that seed processing is essential for stimulating collection of novel seeds, and that foraging and processing are conducted by behaviorally and spatially overlapping but distinct groups of workers. Finally, I found that foragers’ preferences are diverse yet flexible, even when colonies are consistent in their preference at the population level. These combined experiments generate a more detailed and complete understanding of the mechanisms behind the flexibility of collective colony choices, how colonies incorporate new information, and how workers individually and collectively make foraging decisions for the colony in a decentralized manner. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Biology 2020
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Understanding parents' communication about alcohol with their first-year college student : an application of the theory of normative social behavior and the model of family decision makingSpies, Erica Lea 01 August 2013 (has links)
Heavy episodic drinking (HED) among college students remains a significant public health concern in the United States, particularly among first-year students. Parents have been identified as a protective factor in college students' drinking behaviors and past parent-based interventions have been successful at reducing HED. However, there are a limited number of parent-based alcohol prevention strategies and a general lack of research on parent-child communication about alcohol use among first-year college students, particularly from the parent perspective. The three studies included in this dissertation assist in filling this gap by examining parent-college student communication about alcohol from a parents' perspective and identifying implications for future parent-based interventions. Study 1 classified parents into segments based on constructs from the Theory of Normative Social Behavior (TNSB), differences in parents' perceptions of student's alcohol use, and content of communication. A modification of the TNSB was used in Study 2 to explore intrapersonal and interpersonal factors that moderate the relationship between parents' descriptive norms related to students' alcohol use and the breadth of topics covered when they communicate with their college student about alcohol. Finally, building upon the first two studies, Study 3 used the Model of Family Decision Making (MFDM) to provide a contextual understanding of parents' communication about alcohol with their first-year college student.
Studies 1 and 2 used a web survey conducted in 2010, 2011, and 2012 with a random sample of parents of first-year college students (N = 890) at a large Midwestern university. Results of a K means cluster analysis from Study 1 identified three parent clusters using constructs from TNSB. In Study 2, hierarchical linear regression analyses were conducted to explore what constructs of TNSB predicted parents' communication about alcohol, including descriptive norms, injunctive norms, outcome expectations, communication efficacy, and perceptions of severity and susceptibility of the negative consequences associated with alcohol use for their student. The study found the relationship between descriptive norms and parents' communication was moderated by injunctive norms, outcome expectations related to communication, and parents' perceptions of their student's susceptibility to negative consequences associated with alcohol use. Study 3 used qualitative interviews to further explore parents' communication about alcohol with their first-year college student. Using MFDM as a guide, Study 3 found several factors influenced parents' communication about alcohol with their student including role, skills, social structure, awareness, norms, utilization of resources, and other constraints. While parents reported talking about appropriate drinking behavior, the negative consequences of alcohol use, family experiences with alcohol, and family values and rules related to alcohol with their student, they often presented mixed messages, such as identifying drinking underage as illegal, but also describing the behavior as "typical." Across all three studies, it was evident parents held misperceptions of other college students' drinking behaviors and were likely underestimating their own students' alcohol use. The studies in this dissertation provide further understanding of the frequency and content of this communication and provide insight on how theoretical constructs can guide future parents-based interventions.
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