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A Pipeline for Automatic Lexical Normalization of Swedish Student WritingsLiu, Yuhan January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, we aim to explore the combination of different lexical normalization methods and provide a practical lexical normalization pipeline for Swedish student writings within the framework of SWEGRAM(Näsman et al., 2017). An important improvement in my implementation is that the pipeline design should consider the unique morphological and phonological characteristics of the Swedish language. This kind of localization makes the system more robust for Swedish at the cost of being less applicable to other languages in similar tasks. The core of the localization lies in a phonetic algorithm we designed specifically for the Swedish language and a compound processing step for Swedish compounding phenomenon. The proposed pipeline consists of four steps, namely preprocessing, identification of out-of-vocabulary words, generation of normalization candidates and candidate selection. For each step we use different approaches. We perform experiments on the Uppsala Corpus of Student Writings (UCSW) (Megyesi et al., 2016), and evaluate the results in termsof precision, recall and accuracy measures. The techniques applied to the raw data and their impacts on the final result are presented. In our evaluation, we show that the pipeline can be useful in the lexical normalization task and our phonetic algorithm is proven to be effective for the Swedish language.
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Les espaces publics au prisme de l’art à Johannesburg (Afrique du Sud) : quand la ville fait œuvre d’art et l’art œuvre de ville / Publics spaces through art in Johannesburg (South Africa) : when the city makes art and art makes the cityGuinard, Pauline 28 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les espaces publics à Johannesburg, capitale économique de l’Afrique du Sud. Dans le contexte contemporain, l’utilisation de la notion occidentale d’espaces publics pose problème : d’une part, du fait des ségrégations passées qui ont eu tendance à faire de ces espaces des lieux de séparation et de mise à distance des différents publics ; et d’autre part, du fait des forts taux de violence et du fort sentiment d’insécurité, qui tendent à encourager la sécurisation et la privatisation de ces mêmes espaces. L’enjeu est alors de comprendre les éventuels processus de construction de la publicité (au sens de caractère public) de ces espaces, à la fois sur le plan juridique, social et politique. Pour ce faire, l’art qui se déploie dans les espaces juridiquement publics de la métropole depuis la fin de l’apartheid, est utilisé comme une clef de lecture privilégiée de ces phénomènes, en tant qu’il permettrait, ainsi que nous entendons le montrer, de créer des espaces de rencontre et de débats ou, à l’inverse, de mieux réguler et contrôler ces espaces. Selon une approche qualitative, notre étude se base à la fois sur des observations de terrain et sur des entretiens conduits auprès des producteurs mais aussi des récepteurs de cet art qui a lieu dans les espaces publics. A la croisée de la géographie urbaine et de la géographie culturelle, nous envisageons donc de réexaminer la notion d’espaces publics au prisme de l’art à Johannesburg en vue de saisir – entre tentative de normalisation et résistance à cette normalisation – quelle ville est aujourd’hui à l’œuvre non seulement à Johannesburg, mais aussi, à travers elle, dans d’autres villes du monde. / This Ph.D. thesis deals with public spaces in Johannesburg, the economic capital of South Africa. In the current context, the issues raised by the use of the western notion of public spaces are explored. On one hand, the previous segregations tended to mark off spaces into different publics completely separated from each other. On the other hand, the high rates of violence and sense of insecurity enhance securitization and privatization of these same spaces. What is at stake is to understand how the publicness of these spaces can be legally, socially, and politically built. In that framework, art spread in legally public spaces of Johannesburg since the end of apartheid is used as a tool to understand and reveal these phenomena since it is presented, as we aim at demonstrating, as a mean to create spaces of encounter and debate or, conversely, to regulate and control better these spaces. In a qualitative approach, our study is based on field observations and interviews with both producers and receivers of this art which takes place in public spaces. At the crossroads of urban geography and cultural geography, we are therefore re-examining the concept of public spaces through the prism of art in Johannesburg to figure out – between normalization and resistance to this normalization – which city is today at work not only in Johannesburg, but also, through her, in other cities of the world.
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Development of shRNA screens to identify effectors of three complex traits : neighbour suppression of tumour growth and proliferation and protection from lipotoxicity in β-cellsBoquete Vilarino, Lorena January 2016 (has links)
RNA interference (RNAi) is a natural mechanism of cellular defence against exogenous double stranded RNA (dsRNA). The discovery of small dsRNA molecules which can be processed by the RNAi pathway in mammalian cells was one of the key advances in the study of functional genomics. These molecules can be designed to downregulate the expression of specific genes. Collections or libraries of dsRNA molecules targeting an extensive number of genes are now available. Using these libraries, numerous studies have implemented high-throughput screens for the study of molecular effectors of numerous phenotypes. The process of designing an RNAi screen requires the consideration of several critical factors during both the experimental and analysis phases. The experimental screen should aim to reproduce the biological phenomenon studied as closely as possible by choosing an adequate model and screening conditions. Phenotype evaluation and assessment of knockdown effects need careful consideration. The results obtained from large-scale RNAi screens are often complex. An analysis pipeline should be implemented which integrates the biological basis of the phenomenon and facilitates the interpretation of the data. This project designed and implemented an unbiased shRNA screen in two in vitro models relevant to carcinogenesis and diabetes. The first screen implemented used a model of neighbour suppression to study the molecular effectors of the response in tumorigenic cells to growth suppression cues from the surrounding tissue, a cellular interaction relevant in early tumorigenesis. The second screen studied two phenotypes relevant to diabetes: proliferation and resistance to lipotoxicity of β-cells in a reversibly immortalised cell line. An integrative analysis pipeline was also developed to apply network biology and functional enrichment analysis methods for the interpretation of the data obtained from both screens.
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Confrontation and engagement in relations between the DPRK and the United States, 1991-2011Yi, Yurim 12 March 2016 (has links)
In examining why the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) pursues nuclear weapons, this study focuses on Pyongyang's consistent demand for normalization of relations with Washington. The primary aims of this study are 1) to study the significance of normalization of relations with Washington as an alternative to nuclear weapon development in the DPRK, 2) to investigate potential causal relationships between Pyongyang's policy choices and Pyongyang's expectation for normalization of relations with Washington, and 3) to examine whether culturally sensitive behavior significantly influences Pyongyang's policy decisions. To understand the significance of normalization of relations and the meaning of Pyongyang's behavior, this study depends heavily on cultural perspectives.
In this study, two independent variables are examined for their effects on Pyongyang's policy, 1) Pyongyang's expectation for normalization of relations with Washington, and 2) the alignment of Washington's policy with Pyongyang's cultural code. Two hypotheses emerge from these two factors: first, when Pyongyang had high expectations for normalization of relations with Washington, Pyongyang was more likely to choose engagement policies and give less priority to pursuit of nuclear weapons; and second, the more Washington's policies harmonized with Pyongyang's cultural code, the more Pyongyang cooperated with Washington.
Using case studies and discourse analysis, this study examines four periods from 1991 to 2011. Interviews with North Korean defectors and with South Korean experts complement this study of expectation and cultural meaning.
The study concludes, first, that normalization of relations with Washington appeared to Pyongyang as a viable alternative to nuclear weapon development in providing a security guarantee and national dignity. Second, during most periods, Pyongyang appeared to believe that it was highly dependent on nuclear weapons for its regime survival when it could not expect the benefits of improved relations with Washington. By the same token, Pyongyang's regime survival seemed less dependent on nuclear weapons when it could expect improved relations with Washington. At some times, however, Pyongyang practiced confrontation as a way to improve domestic stability. But usually high context diplomacy by the United States elicited positive responses.
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Further Developing Processing Techniques of Optical Satellite Images in the Context of Forest MonitoringMo, Dengkui 18 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Das ortopedias (cali)gráficas : um estudo sobre modos de disiciplinamento e normalização da escritaCamini, Patrícia January 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa procura investigar as regras que dão contornos à caligrafia que chega às escolas brasileiras hoje por meio de livros didáticos. Para analisar essas regras, foi necessário um olhar genealógico, buscando conexões com as condições de possibilidade que permitiram a enunciação, a circulação e o caráter de verdade dos discursos que hoje constituem a caligrafia que ganha visibilidade na arquitetura montada nos livros didáticos; uma arquitetura que, como discutirei, opera para fabricar escritas legíveis e ágeis, agora não mais necessariamente belas, como por muito tempo a escola brasileira primou. O estudo analisa quatro coleções de livros de caligrafia, de grande vendagem no Brasil, recomendados para uso nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Totalizando dezenove volumes, as quatro coleções escolhidas para análise são: da editora Ática, Assim se aprende caligrafia; da editora Scipione, Marcha criança e Ziguezague; e da editora FTD, No capricho. Como referencial teórico, utilizo contribuições dos estudos de Michel Foucault e de outros autores pós-estruturalistas, no que se refere a possibilitar a análise dos discursos e a examinar os mecanismos que operam a normalização das escritas infantis por meio da caligrafia escolar. Conceitos como discurso, enunciado, saber, poder, normalização, estratégia e tática foram especialmente úteis ao trabalho. A pesquisa destacou três grandes táticas em movimento nos materiais analisados: 1) o funcionamento maciço de regras fornecidas pela psicomotricidade para conduzir a organização dos exercícios caligráficos; 2) a disposição em séries de complexidade crescente dos exercícios, partindo de unidades menores, como a letra, até a solicitação regular de cópias de textos em fonte cursiva; e 3) o jogo discursivo que envolve brincadeira, infância e caligrafia com vistas a interessar as crianças ao trabalho estético sobre suas escritas. Olhar para as táticas significou examinar como o poder se exerce sobre os sujeitos infantis em relação à produção de padrões estéticos de escrita. E o que fiz foi colocar em evidência determinadas operações que pretendem fazer com que a criança governe seus próprios traçados na escrita, por meio da aparelhagem fornecida pelos livros de caligrafia. / The present study aims to investigate the rules that give shape to the handwriting that is delivered to Brazilian schools through handwriting textbooks. In order to analyze such rules, I have cast a genealogical view while searching for connections to the conditions of possibility that allowed the enunciation, the circulation and the character of truth in the discourses that have construed the handwriting that gains visibility in the architecture created for the textbooks; this architecture, as will be discussed in this study, operates for the production of legible and speedy handwriting, which no longer has to be necessarily beautiful or decorative, as it had been advocated by the Brazilian school for a long time. This study analyzes four collections of handwriting textbooks that are highly popular in Brazil, and that are recommended for teaching in the first grades of Elementary School. These collections comprehend a total of nineteen volumes and are as follows: by Ática Publishers: Assim se aprende caligrafia; by Scipione Publishers: Marcha criança and Ziguezague; and by FTD Publishers: No capricho. As theoretical references, I have relied on the contribution from Michel Foucault‟s studies, as well as from other post-structuralist writers, with regard to the enabling of discourse analysis and the examination of the mechanisms that operate the normalization of children writings through school handwriting. Concepts such as discourse, statement, knowledge, power, normalization, strategy, and tactics have been especially useful for this study. The research has highlighted three major moving tactics in the material under analysis: 1) the massive functioning of the rules dictated by psychomotricity to guide the organization of handwriting exercises; 2) the disposition of exercises in series of rising complexity levels, starting from smaller units, like letters, up to the regular demand of copying texts using cursive handwriting; and 3) the discursive game that engages playing, childhood and handwriting aiming at getting the children interested in the aesthetic work applied to their handwriting. Looking into such tactics has meant investigating how power operates upon child subjects regarding the production of aesthetic writing patterns. In this sense, the contribution of this work is to highlight some operations that are intended to allow the children to self-govern their own handwriting, through the means supplied by handwriting textbooks.
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Inclusão na escola de surdos : estratégias de normalização dos sujeitos surdos downKuchenbecker, Liège Gemelli January 2001 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar as estratégias de normalização dos sujeitos surdos down incluídos em uma escola de surdos de Porto Alegre/RS a partir da análise de diferentes campos de saberes que circulam sobre esses alunos na escola. Analiso os ditos sobre os sujeitos surdos down encontrados em documentos como relatórios de avaliação e pareceres clínicos e realizo entrevistas com as professoras que trabalham com eles. Utilizo como ferramentas teórico-metodológicas, as noções de inclusão, norma e normalização. Os materiais mostraram uma regularidade discursiva entre os diferentes campos de saberes – médico, social, psicológico e pedagógico – que fabricam os surdos down como sujeitos dóceis, mas também com “limitações” e “dificuldades na linguagem compreensiva e expressiva” da Língua de Sinais. Os materiais pesquisados constituíram as seguintes unidades de análises: 1) Pareceres clínicos: exame e enquadramento dos sujeitos: discursos individuais ou em conjunto dos diferentes campos de saberes da área da saúde, que são investidos de poderes e produzem verdades sobre os surdos down e seus familiares quando estes procuram o ingresso na escola; 2) Adaptação curricular como estratégia de normalização: se constitui nas análises dos objetivos adaptados, dos comentários sobre o desenvolvimento dos alunos nos relatórios de avaliação e a relação destes com os discursos sobre as práticas pedagógicas com os alunos surdos incluídos nas turmas de surdos; e, 3) Normalização lingüística: gerenciamento do risco da não-aprendizagem: mostra a preocupação com o ensino da Língua de Sinais (L1) e da Língua Portuguesa (L2), sendo essa preocupação uma constante na prática diária dos professores em sala de aula com os alunos surdos com deficiência e alunos surdos sem deficiência, ocorrendo assim, uma comparabilidade e hierarquização dos sujeitos conforme as suas competências lingüísticas. Para gerenciar o risco da não-aprendizagem da L1 e L2, são criadas estratégias de ensino para aproximar o aprendizado da Língua de Sinais dos surdos sem deficiência (sujeitos fluentes na língua) com os surdos down (sujeitos que estão em processo de aprendizado da língua), pois se acredita que dessa forma poderão alcançar o aprendizado da Língua Portuguesa. Assim, essa pesquisa, pretendeu problematizar as estratégias de normalização na escola de surdos, quando nela ocorre a inclusão de alunos surdos down, sujeitos que se diferenciam dos demais surdos por apresentarem característica físicas/biológicas e outros tempos de aprendizado. / This paper aims to analyze the strategies of normalization of the subjects deaf down included in a deaf school in Porto Alegre/RS from the different fields of knowledge. I do an analysis of statements about the deaf down subjects found in school´s documents, such as evaluation reports and clinical opinions. I realize, too, interviews with teachers who work with deaf down students. Use as analytical tools, the concepts of inclusion, norms and normalization. The materials showed a discursive regularity between different fields of knowledge - medical, social, psychological and educational - that make the deaf down as docile subjects, but also with "limitations" and "difficulties in receptive and expressive language" of the sign language. The materials studied were the following units of analysis: 1) Clinical Opinions: examination and guidelines of the subjects: individual or group speeches of different fields of knowledge in the health area, who are vested with powers and producing truths about the deaf and its down family members when they seek to enter in the school; 2) Curriculum adapting as a strategy of normalization: it consist in the analysis of the adapted goals, in the comments about the development of students in the evaluation´s reports and in their relationship with the discourses on pedagogical practice with the deaf students included in the deaf classes; and, 3) Linguistic Normalization: managing of the risk of non-learning: it shows the concern with the teaching of Sign Language (L1) and of the Portuguese Language (L2) being a constant concern in the daily practice of teachers in the classroom with deaf students with disabilities and deaf students without disabilities, thus allowing a comparison and ranking of subjects according to their language skills. To manage the risk of non-learning of L1 and L2, teaching strategies are created to bring closer the learning of Sign Language of deaf people without disabilities (individuals fluent in the language) with the deaf down (subjects who are in the process of language learning ) because it is believed that this way will achieve the learning of Portuguese. So, this research, intended to discuss the normalization processes in the deaf school, when it occurs the inclusion of deaf students down, subjects who are different from others because they have deaf characteristic physical / biological and other pace of learning.
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L'éducation du patient adulte entre normalisation et normativité / Adult patient education between normalization and normativityWalker, Philippe 30 June 2016 (has links)
L’éducation du patient adulte entre normalisation et normativité. Le développement de l’éducation du patient tente de répondre à l’inexorable progression du diabète et des autres maladies chroniques. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’interroger les rapports aux normes de santé des malades et des soignants. Il s’agit de comprendre ce qui sous-tend le développement de cette pratique avec une médecine qui progresse dans son approche scientifique. La pédagogie devient alors prescription à trouver la norme de santé. La substitution d’une norme médicale par une norme pédagogique pose question sur la démarche éducative entre normalisation et normativité. La normalisation expose le patient aux normes issues d’une médecine fondée sur les sciences alors que la normativité invite le malade à la recherche de ses propres normes de vie avec sa maladie. La démarche éthique permet de questionner l’autonomie prescrite et nous invite à partager nos impuissances pour mieux partager nos savoirs. Le courage nous paraît au cœur de la délibération pour adapter la démarche éducative à chaque situation singulière et permettre à l’éducation du patient d’être thérapeutique. / Education of adult patients : between normalization and normativity. The development of patient education attempts to address the relentless progression of diabetes and other chronic diseases. The objective of this thesis is to examine therelationships between medical standards for patients and caregivers. It aims to understand what underlies the development of this practice with medicine that is progressing in its scientific approach. Then pedagogy becomes a prescription to find health standards. There placement of a medical standard with an educational standard brings into question the educational process between normalization and normativity. Normalization exposes thepatient to the rules that come from science-based medicine while normativity invites the patient to find their own standards in order to live with their illness. The ethical approach makes it possible to question the prescribed autonomy and invites us to share ourweaknesses in order to better share our knowledge. Courage seems to be at the core of the deliberation to adapt an educational approach to each individual situation to enable patient education to be therapeutic.
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[pt] O objetivo da dissertação é propor um modelo analítico-prospectivo como
ferramenta de apoio a processos decisórios em questões referentes à
metrologia, normalização e regulação de nanomateriais no Brasil, baseando-se
em referenciais internacionais e iniciativas em curso no mundo. No contexto do
desenvolvimento da nanotecnologia no Brasil, a motivação da pesquisa é
destacar a importância e os benefícios para o país da metrologia, normalização e
regulação de nanomateriais, na perspectiva de aplicação do modelo pelos
principais grupos de interesse comprometidos com o desenvolvimento
responsável desses novos materiais. A metodologia compreende: (i) pesquisa
bibliográfica e documental; (ii) levantamento de iniciativas referentes à
metrologia, normalização e regulação de nanotecnologia em nível internacional;
(iii) desenvolvimento de um modelo conceitual que integre as três funções –
metrologia, normalização e regulação de nanomateriais; e (iv) elaboração do
instrumento de pesquisa survey e da ferramenta para a construção de roadmaps
estratégicos. Destacam-se como resultados: (i) visão global dos referenciais
externos sobre metrologia, normalização e regulação de nanomateriais, em
geral, e de nanopartículas, em particular; (ii) o modelo analítico-prospectivo; e
(iii) o instrumento de pesquisa survey para a construção de indicadores
nacionais e a ferramenta de construção de roadmaps estratégicos das atividades
de metrologia, normalização e regulação de nanomateriais no Brasil. / [en] The main objective of this dissertation is to propose an analyticalprospective
model as a tool to support decision-making processes concerning
metrology, standardization and regulation of nanomaterials in Brazil, based on
international references and ongoing initiatives in the world. In the context of
nanotechnology development in Brazil, the motivation for carrying out this
research is to identify potential benefits of metrology, standardization and
regulation of nanomaterials production, within the perspective of applying the
model in the country, by the main stakeholders in these areas. The methodology
encompasses: (i) bibliographical and documental review on metrology,
standardization and regulation of nanomaterials, in general, and nanoparticles, in
special; (ii) review of international studies concerning dissertation’s central
themes; (iii) development of a conceptual model that integrates the three
functions - metrology, standardization and regulation of nanomaterials; (iv)
development of a survey questionnaire and a strategic roadmapping tool. The
main results can be summarized as follows: (i) an overview of international
studies on metrology, standardization and regulation of nanomaterials, and
nanoparticles, in special; (ii) the analytical-prospective model; and (iii) the survey
questionnaire and the roadmapping tool for metrology, standardization and
regulation of nanomaterials in Brazil, based on international references and
ongoing initiatives in the world.
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Discursos e processos de normalização dos sujeitos surdos através de próteses auditivas nas políticas de governo da atualidadePontin, Bianca Ribeiro January 2014 (has links)
O trabalho apresenta uma análise dos discursos e processos de normalização dos sujeitos surdos, tendo como pergunta central: Quais discursos sobre surdez, surdos e próteses auditivas estão presentes nas políticas de governo da atualidade e como esses discursos produzem processos de normalização do sujeito surdo? Para isso, analiso os seguintes materiais: 1) Manual de perguntas e respostas sobre o sistema de IC, 2) Nota técnica nº 28/2013 da Secretaria de Educação Continuada, Alfabetização, Diversidade e Inclusão/Ministério da Educação - SECADI/MEC; 3) Documento orientador do projeto: Uso do Sistema de FM na Escolarização de Estudantes com Deficiência Auditiva e 4) Relatório nº 58 da CONITEC – Comissão Nacional de Incorporação de Tecnologias no SUS pelo Ministério da Saúde. Nesses materiais, busco identificar os discursos sobre a surdez, os surdos e as próteses auditivas que estão presentes nas políticas de governo da atualidade e como esses discursos produzem processos de normalização disciplinar e biopolítica dos sujeitos surdos. Os conceitos-ferramentas que utilizo para desenvolver as análises são discurso e normalização desenvolvidos por Michel Foucault. Quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos, seleciono excertos dos materiais analisados e faço agrupamento temáticos a partir de recorrências de enunciados, que formulei como perguntas: 1) Cumprindo legalmente? 2) Liberdade de escolha? e 3) Possibilidades de sucesso, para quem?. Através desses agrupamentos, mostro como os discursos neles encontrados constituem sujeitos novos, ou seja, sujeitos implantados, que não são nem surdos nem ouvintes, que vivem em uma situação híbrida, de fronteira, com identidades que escapam dos polos binários de classificação habituais a partir dos quais fomos acostumados a pensar a educação de surdos até o presente. Entendendo que os discursos produzem práticas, busco mostrar como esses materiais contribuem para a condução e normalização dos sujeitos surdos na contemporaneidade. No final, convido os leitores a refletirem sobre os discursos sobre a criança implantada que entram na escola comum e nela passam a circular como verdades, produzindo novos jeitos de ser e viver a condição da surdez, novas identidades de crianças surdas implantadas. / This dissertation presents an analysis of the discourses and processes of normalization of deaf subjects, with the central question: Which discourses about deafness, deaf people and hearing aids (prosthetics) are currently present on government policies today and how does these discourses produce processes of normalization of the deaf subject? In order to answer the question, I analyze the following materials: 1) Manual of questions and answers about CI system, 2) Technical note nº28/2013 of the Department of Continued Education, Literacy, Diversity and Inclusion / Ministry of Education - SECADI/MEC; 3) Guiding document about the project: Using the FM System in the Schooling of Students with Hearing Impairment and 4) Relatory nº 58 of CONITEC - National Comission of Incorporation of Technologies in SUS by de Ministry of Health. In these materials, I try to identify the discourses about deafness, deaf people and hearing aids that are present in the goverment policies nowadays and how these discourses produce processes of biopolitical and disciplinary normalization of deaf subjects. The concept-tools that I use to develop the analysis are discourse and normalization writen by Michel Foucault. About the methodological procedures, I take some text fragments from the studied materials and group them up, sorting by recurrencies, formulated as questions: 1) it is according to the law? 2) Liberty to choose? 3) Possibility of success, to whom? Through these groupings, I show how the discourses found in these fragments creates new subjects, which means, implanted subjects, there are not deaf nor hearing, they live in a hybrid situation, a frontier, with identities that surpass the binary poles of classifications we are used to think about in the deaf education so far. I understand that the discourses produce practical actions, I seek to show how these material contribute to the conduction and normalization of deaf subjects nowadays, developing new identities as the result of disciplinary and biopolitical investments. At the end, I invite the readers to reflect about the discourses about implanted children that joins the common school and pass by it living their truth, producing new ways of being and living the deafness, new identities of implanted deaf children.
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