Spelling suggestions: "subject:"numerical simulationlation"" "subject:"numerical motionsimulation""
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Numerical simulation of the interaction of atmospheric pressure plasma discharges with dielectric surfaces / Simulations numériques de l’interaction d’une décharge plasma à pression atmosphérique avec des surfaces diélectriquesPechereau, François 19 December 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous avons étudié l'influence de surfaces diélectriques sur la dynamique de propagation de décharges à pression atmosphérique. Tout d'abord, pour les simulations 2D réalisées dans ce travail, nous avons optimisé les performances du code de décharge en utilisant des schémas numériques performants et des techniques de parallélisation. Nous avons ensuite étudié la dynamique de propagation d'une décharge dans l'air à pression atmosphérique dans une géométrie pointe-plan avec un plan diélectrique sur la cathode. Puis, nous avons étudié l'influence d'un obstacle plan diélectrique sur la dynamique de propagation d'une décharge. Nous avons montré que selon les caractéristiques du diélectrique, l'amplitude et la polarité de la tension appliquée, une seconde décharge peut s'initier ou pas dans l'air derrière le diélectrique. La comparaison des résultats avec les expériences a montré que dans une géométrie pointe-plan avec une pointe fine et une tension très élevée, une seule décharge de forme conique est observée. Un bon accord est obtenu sur le diamètre de la décharge et sa vitesse de propagation. Avec un obstacle plan diélectrique entre les électrodes, la dynamique de ré-allumage est plus rapide dans les simulations. Pour améliorer la comparaison avec les expériences, nous avons étudié l'influence de plusieurs processus physico-chimiques. Pour finir, nous avons étudié la dynamique de décharges à pression atmosphérique dans des tubes diélectriques. Pour un mélange He-N2, nous avons montré l'importance des réactions à trois corps. Enfin, nous avons montré l'influence du diamètre du tube sur la structure des décharges dans un mélange He - N2 et dans l'air. / In this Ph.D. thesis, we have carried out 2D numerical simulations to study the influence of dielectric surfaces on the propagation dynamics of plasma discharges at atmospheric pressure. First we have improved the computational efficiency of the discharge code used in this work in implementing parallelization techniques and more efficient numerical schemes. Second we have studied the dynamics of an air discharge at atmospheric pressure in a point-to-plane geometry with a dielectric layer on the cathode plane. Then, we have studied the influence of a dielectric layer obstacle in the inter-electrode gap. We have shown that depending on the characteristics of the dielectric layer and the amplitude and polarity of the applied voltage, a second discharge may reignite or not below the dielectric in the second air gap. The comparison of simulation results with experiments has shown that in a point-to-plane geometry with a sharp point and a high over-voltage, a single conical discharge structure is observed. A good agreement on the discharge diameter and propagation velocity has been obtained. With a dielectric obstacle in the gap, the simulated reignition dynamics is faster than in the experiments. To improve the agreement, we have studied the influence of several physico-chemical processes. Finally, we have studied the dynamics of discharges in dielectric tubes at atmospheric pressure. For a He -N2 mixture, we have put forward the importance of three body reactions. Last, the influence of the tube radius on the structure of discharges in He - N2 and air is discussed.
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Étude numérique du dépôt turbulent de particules non-browniennes en suspension dans un liquide : application aux inclusions dans l’acier liquide / Numerical study on turbulent deposition of non-Brownian particles suspended in a liquid phase : application to inclusions in liquid steelXayasenh, Arunvady 20 December 2013 (has links)
Nous étudions par simulation numérique le transport et le dépôt turbulent d’inclusions d’oxydes métalliques (de l’ordre de 10 µm de diamètre) en suspension dans l’acier liquide. Deux surfaces de dépôt sont envisagées : l’interface acier liquide/paroi solide et l’interface métal liquide/laitier. Dans les deux cas, nous nous focalisons sur la couche limite adjacente à l’interface. Le comportement des inclusions en suspension est examiné à l’aide d’un suivi lagrangien où le poids, la poussée d’Archimède, la force d’accélération en volume, la force de masse ajoutée et la force de traînée sont prises en compte dans l’équation de la dynamique. Dans le cas de la paroi solide, nous nous appuyons sur une représentation schématique de l’écoulement du métal liquide dans la sous-couche visqueuse et dans la zone tampon, où les structures turbulentes qui apportent le liquide à la paroi (sweeps) ou l’éjectent (bursts) sont décrites analytiquement (modèle d’Ahmadi). Les simulations numériques montrent que les mécanismes principaux de dépôt des inclusions sont la sédimentation et dans une moindre mesure l’interception directe. Notons cependant que la contribution de l’interception directe croît avec l’intensité turbulente de l’écoulement et peut devenir prépondérante pour les vitesses de frottement les plus élevées (au-delà de 0,1 m.s-1). Les effets inertiels ont, quant à eux, une contribution négligeable sur le dépôt des inclusions (contrairement au cas des aérosols). Enfin, la prise en compte des interactions hydrodynamiques entre les inclusions et la paroi solide conduit à une diminution significative de la vitesse de dépôt des inclusions. Dans le cas de l’interface acier liquide/laitier, l’écoulement du métal liquide est calculé par simulation numérique directe (DNS) à l’échelle de la couche de surface. La turbulence, générée à distance de l’interface par un forçage aléatoire, diffuse vers l’interface métal liquide/laitier modélisée comme une surface libre indéformable. L’évolution des inclusions en suspension est obtenue par un suivi lagrangien à l’aide d’un couplage one-way. Le nombre de Reynolds de surface des simulations varie de 68 à 235. Le diamètre des inclusions varie de 10-5m à 5.10-5m et le rapport entre la densité des inclusions et la densité du métal varie de 0,5 (inclusions d’alumine) à 1 (inclusions fictives). Il apparaît que le dépôt des inclusions d’alumine est contrôlé par la sédimentation. En l’absence d’effet gravitaire, le dépôt d’inclusions est contrôlé par l’interception directe et dépend fortement du nombre de Reynolds de surface. Dans ce dernier cas, nous montrons que la vitesse de dépôt adimensionnée par la vitesse de Kolmogorov de surface est proportionnelle au diamètre des inclusions adimensionné par la longueur de Kolmogorov de surface. La prise en compte des interactions hydrodynamiques entre les inclusions et la surface libre conduit à une diminution de moitié de la contribution de l’interception directe mais affecte peu la contribution gravitationnelle. En outre, en l’absence d’effet gravitaire, la linéarité entre la vitesse de dépôt adimensionnée et le diamètre des inclusions adimensionné est conservée. / The deposition of metallic oxide inclusions (of about 10 µm in diameter) suspended in liquid steel is studied by numerical simulation. Two types of deposition surface are investigated, i.e., the liquid steel/solid wall interface and the liquid steel/liquid slag interface. In both cases, we focus on the boundary layer adjacent to the interface. The inclusion behavior is examined thanks to Lagrangian particle tracking: Newton’s second law governing inclusion motion includes the buoyancy force, the pressure gradient force, the added mass force and the steady drag force.For the liquid steel/solid wall interface, the inclusion behavior is analyzed in the buffer layer and in the viscous layer. These layers are described according to Ahmadi’s model, which provides a kinematic representation of the turbulent structures responsible for deposition, i.e., the sweeps and the bursts of liquid. The numerical simulations show that the deposition is mainly controlled by sedimentation. However, since the direct interception contribution increases with the turbulence intensity, direct interception becomes dominant for the highest values of the friction velocity (greater than 0.1 m.s-1). When the hydrodynamic interactions between the inclusions and the solid surface are taken into account, the deposition velocity is significantly reduced. Finally, it should be noted that the inertial forces have a negligible effect on the inclusion deposition velocity. For the liquid steel/liquid slag interface, the inclusion turbulent deposition is investigated using direct numerical simulation of the liquid flow combined with Lagrangian particle tracking under conditions of one-way coupling. The interface is modeled as a non-deformable free-slip surface. Unsheared turbulence is generated by random forcing in a finite-height region parallel to the free-slip surface. In between, the turbulence diffuses toward the free surface. The Reynolds number at the interface varies from 68 to 235. The inclusion diameter varies from 10-5m to 5.10-5m and the particle to liquid density ratio from 0.5 (alumina inclusions) to 1 (fictitious inclusions). It appears that the deposition of alumina inclusions is controlled by sedimentation whereas direct interception is the only deposition mechanism for non-buoyant inclusions. In the latter case, the deposition velocity strongly depends on the surface Reynolds number. It is shown that the deposition velocity made dimensionless by the free surface characteristic velocity scales as the inclusion diameter made dimensionless by the Kolmogorov length scale calculated at the free surface. When the hydrodynamic interactions between the inclusions and the free surface are taken into account, the direct interception contribution of the deposition velocity is significantly reduced (about half of the value without hydrodynamic retardation) but the scaling law is conserved.
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Approche micromécanique du remodelage osseux / Micromechanical approach of the cortical bone remodelingDevulder, Anne 29 June 2009 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la prédiction du risque fracturaire associée à diverses pathologies, comme l'ostéoporose, cette étude vise à une meilleure compréhension du comportement mécanique de l'os cortical humain, notamment à l'échelle de la microstructure, et, en particulier, du processus biologique de remodelage osseux. Ce phénomène permet, en effet, le renouvellement continuel de la microstructure au cours du temps et contribue ainsi à une diminution de l'endommagement de l'os et, par conséquent, des risques de fracture. Les facteurs déterminants et les conséquences sur les champs mécaniques locaux au sein de la microstructure sont ici recherchés. Une approche couplée, expérimentale et numérique, est proposée. Huit spécimens de fémurs humains, de sexes féminins, âgés de 74 à 101 ans sont analysés. L'analyse expérimentale est réalisée à différentes échelles. A l'échelle macroscopique, le module de Young et les paramètres à la rupture sont déterminés via des essais de compression et les relations potentielles avec les caractéristiques morphométriques, que sont l'âge, la porosité et la densité minérale, sont évaluées. L'analyse de l'évolution des champs de déformations locaux au cours de ces essais de compression et des essais de nanoindentation permet d'accéder à des échelles plus fines (micro- et nanoscopique) afin d'apprécier l'hétérogénéité de la microstructure. On s'intéresse plus particulièrement à l'endommagement de l'os et à l'étape d'initiation de microfissures ainsi qu'à l'hétérogénéité du module de Young. Macroscopiquement, le paramètre le plus influent semble être la porosité. Microscopiquement, les paramètres mécaniques recueillis, notamment les valeurs de déformations pour lesquelles l'os commence à se fissurer, sont intégrés dans les simulations numériques. Un scénario simplifié du remodelage osseux est alors mis en place au sein des microstructures étudiées expérimentalement et, par ailleurs, supposées endommageables. Une loi d'évolution de l'endommagement est introduite et fait l'objet d'un travail d'homogénéisation temporelle afin de considérer l'endommagement par fatigue. Les facteurs d'activation du remodelage et l'évolution des champs mécaniques au cours du processus sont, en particulier, étudiés. L'interaction du phénomène biologique et du comportement mécanique, à l'échelle de l'ostéon, est ainsi mise en évidence. / The understanding of the cortical bone remodelling process at the microscopic scale is essential in the prediction of the risk of fracture. Indeed, bone remodelling allows the perpetual regeneration of damage or old bone. The determining factors as well as the consequences of the phenomenon on the mechanical parameters of the microstructure are assessed. An experimental and numerical approach is proposed. Eight femurs from old women are analysed. Experiments are achieved at different scales. At the macroscopical scale, the Young modulus and the fracture parameters are estimated through compression testing and their eventual relations with the morphometrical characteristics (age, porosity and mineral density) are checked. Analyses of the local deformation evolution and of nanoindentation tests give access to the micro- and nanoscales and reveal the bone heterogeneity. Bone damage, especially the stage of microcracks initiation and the heterogeneity of the Young modulus as well as the mineral density are assessed. Macroscopically, porosity is determining. Microscopically, the mechanical values ob- tained, particularly the deformation value at the stage of microcracks initiation, are implemented in the numerical simulation. A bone remodelling scenario is carried out in the former experimental microstructures, supposed damageable. A damage evolution law is set and is improved by taking into account the fatigue damage through a time homogenization method. The factors of remodelling activation and the mechanical parameters evolution during the remodelling process are investigated. Eventually, the interaction between the biological phenomenon and the mechanical behaviour, at the osteon scale, is revealed.
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Estudo de caso da contaminação do solo e da água subterrânea por descarte de resíduos vinculados a óleos lubrificantes / Case study of soil and groundwater contamination related to oil waste disposal on the soilGiovanni Chaves Penner 17 June 2005 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta resultados de medidas de campo, laboratório e simulações numéricas para o diagnóstico de um sítio de descarte de resíduos de re-refino de óleo lubrificante, localizado no Município de Ribeirão Preto, no Estado de São Paulo. A metodologia laboratorial utilizada mostrou-se viável, sendo descritos também casos nos quais a primeira proposta de trabalho não foi adequada. Adicionalmente, o programa numérico comercial escolhido para simular a situação do sítio mostrou-se suficientemente manuseável e adequado para estudos expeditos. Os dados de contaminação da água subterrânea por metais mostram que os principais contaminantes são o chumbo e o alumínio. Em termos de contaminação do solo por HPAs, verificou-se, de forma geral, baixa concentração (em alguns casos não detectáveis), ficando o fenantreno como o composto com a concentração mais elevada, porém sem padrão de comparação. O naftaleno, que possui esse padrão, mostrou concentração muito inferior àquela considerada como referência. Os resultados da simulação numérica são apresentados em sete camadas ao longo da profundidade, sendo sua resolução, no plano, efetuada com malhas de 50,0 m por 50,0 m. Simulou-se uma pluma poluente de chumbo, com evolução para um tempo de 10 anos, com concentração inicial e de contorno compatível com as medidas efetuadas nos poços de monitoramento (25 μg/L). Os resultados apontam para contaminação efetiva da área utilizada para disposição do resíduo, bem como alteração nas circunvizinhanças. O presente trabalho representa uma contribuição para a sistematização da metodologia de estudo de áreas similares. / This research introduces results of field and laboratory applications and numerical simulation to assess a site of oil waste disposal, in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. The laboratorial methodology applied was useful, but there were also cases where the first try was not adequate. Additionally, the commercial numeric software selected to simulate site conditions was properly handled and applicable to expedited site assessment. The results of metals concentration in ground water highlight lead and aluminum as the main contaminants. In terms of PAHs in soil, in general, low concentrations (in some cases not detectible) were observed, where phenanthrene was the compound with the highest concentration, however without reference level. The naphthalene, has reference level, present concentrations much lower than the reference level. The numerical simulation results are presented in seven subsurface layers, which in a plan view the grid was divided in 50,0 m per 50,0 m. A lead contamination was simulated in the transport model, with 10 years of temporal discretization, and with initial and boundary concentrations compatible with measures in monitoring wells (25 μg/L). The results show contamination in the disposal area, and alteration in the neighboring areas. The present research represents a contribution to the methodology for similar site assessment.
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Desenvolvimento de um simulador de reatores agitados para etoxilações de álcoois carboxílicos. / Development of a simulator from stirred reactors for ethoxylation of carboxilic acids.Vinicius Theodoro de Souza 22 November 2007 (has links)
A reação de óxido de etileno com substratos orgânicos é um dos principais processos empregados na obtenção de tensoativos. Apesar da grande importância comercial dessas reações, ainda existe muito a se explorar sobre o assunto. As publicações encontradas em geral tratam somente do estudo da cinética dessa reação, e existem poucos trabalhos sobre a aplicação dessas leis cinéticas e de solubilidade em reatores comerciais, de forma a estudar o mecanismo da reação integrado aos diferentes equipamentos usados nas plantas químicas. O principal objetivo desse trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de um modelo matemático que integra os mecanismos cinéticos, de solubilidade e de transferência de calor para reatores comerciais de etoxilação mecanicamente agitados. Devido ao grau de complexidade e das análises laboratoriais necessárias, optou-se por utilizar modelo cinético disponível para reações de etoxilação. A reação de etoxilação, modelada como uma reação de 2ª ordem, depende da concentração de óxido de etileno e catalisador no meio reacional. A solubilidade do óxido de etileno no substrato reacional foi estudada considerando-se a mistura entre óxido e substrato uma mistura não-ideal, e os coeficientes de atividade desses reagentes na mistura foram obtidos conforme o método de Wilson. A transferência de massa na interface entre gás e líquido foi modelada a partir da teoria de dois filmes de Whitman, na qual é considerada a existência de uma faixa fixa na fase gasosa e na fase líquida através da interface. O reator estudado é um reator mecanicamente agitado, com agitador de turbinas axiais inclinadas 45º. O controle de temperatura do reator é continuamente ativado através da abertura das válvulas de resfriamento da serpentina. A vazão de água de resfriamento é calculada através da análise iterativa da perda de carga na serpentina, considerando-se a possibilidade de escoamento líquido e bifásico.Com as equações obtidas foi elaborado um simulador dinâmico no software Matlab, e os gráficos obtidos comparados com as variáveis medidas no reator industrial. / The chemical reaction between Ethylene Oxide and organic substrates is one of the most important processes for the tensoative production. Besides the commercial significance of these reactions, there is too much to study about this subject. The papers published in general deal only with the reaction kinetics, and there is only a few papers about applying these kinetic and solubility laws in commercial reactors, in such a way to study the reaction mechanism integrated with the process equipments used in chemical plants. The objective of this project is the development of mathematical models for mechanically stirred industrial reactors concerning the kinetic, solubility and heat transfer laws for ethoxylation reactions. Due to the complexity of the laboratorial analysis required to obtain the kinetic parameters, an available kinetic model for ethoxylation reactions was choosen. The ethoxylation reaction is modeled as a 2ª order reaction, and depends on the Ethylene Oxide and catalyst concentration in the bulk reaction. The ethylene oxide solubility in the bulk reaction was analyzed according to the nonideality of the mixture between ethylene oxide and reaction bulk, and the activity coefficients of these reagents were obtained using Wilson methodology. The mass transfer in the gas-liquid interface was modeled according to the two film theory of Whitman, in which a stagnant layer in both phases along the interface is supposed to exist. The mechanically stirred reactor analyzed has some 45º pitched axial turbines along the motion axe. The temperature control acts on the cooling water valves of the submersed coil installed inside the reactor. The cooling water flow is calculated using iterative analysis of the head losses in the coil as a function of the water mass flow, in which is considered the possibility of single and two phase evaporative flow. Using the obtained equations a dynamic simulator in the Matlab software was developed, and the results were compared with measured variables in an industrial reactor.
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Simulação numérica de escoamentos: uma implementação com o método Petrov-Galerkin. / Numerical simulation of flows: an implementation with the Petrov-Galerkin method.Eduardo Hwang 07 April 2008 (has links)
O método SUPG (\"Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin\") é analisado quanto a sua capacidade de estabilizar oscilações numéricas decorrentes de escoamentos convectivo-difusivos, e de manter a consistência nos resultados. Para esta finalidade, é elaborado um programa computacional como uma implementação algorítmica do método, e simulado o escoamento sobre um cilindro fixo a diferentes números de Reynolds. Ao final, é feita uma revelação sobre a solidez do método. Palavras-chave: escoamento, simulação numérica, método Petrov- Galerkin. / The \"Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin\" method (SUPG) is analyzed with regard to its capability to stabilize numerical oscillations caused by convective-diffusive flows, and to maintain consistency in the results. To this aim, a computational program is elaborated as an algorithmic implementation of the method, and simulated the flow around a fixed cylinder at different Reynolds numbers. At the end, a revelation is made on the method\'s robustness. Keywords: flow, numerical simulation, Petrov-Galerkin method.
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Estudo do processo de formação do cavaco durante o torneamento e sua relação com a microestrutura utilizando o método dos elementos finitos. / Study of the formation process during machining and its relationship with the microstructure using finite element method.Gil Magno Portal Chagas 01 October 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o processo de formação do cavaco durante o torneamento utilizando simulação numérica pelo método dos elementos finitos. Para realizar o estudo foram definidos dois tipos de aços inoxidáveis austeníticos, um com matriz metálica sem a presença significativa de inclusões, do tipo ABNT 304, e outro com a presença de inclusões não metálicas, do tipo ABNT 303. O estudo foi focado nos mecanismos de formação e ruptura do cavaco, na determinação das forças de usinagem, no campo de tensões, deformações, e temperaturas durante o processo, que foram relacionados com aspectos e características da microestrutura do material. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com as forças de usinagem experimentais, com a espessura e morfologia do cavaco. O desenvolvimento do trabalho, de acordo com a metodologia adotada, foi realizado em diferentes etapas. Inicialmente foi elaborado e aplicado um modelo de simulação da usinagem considerando o material homogêneo. Em outra etapa, foi realizada a modelagem de uma microestrutura submetida a um estado de tensão e deformação semelhante ao encontrado na simulação da usinagem realizada com material homogêneo. Os resultados mostraram que as partículas das inclusões maiores, alongadas, e em maior quantidade aumentam a tensão e a deformação na microestrutura. As elevadas temperaturas obtidas na usinagem dos aços inoxidáveis austeníticos aumentam a ductilidade dos sulfetos, esses se deformam em compressão junto com a matriz, e têm um efeito limitado como agente de redução dos esforços de usinagem. Por outro lado, os sulfetos facilitam a etapa de ruptura do cavaco em tensões trativas, e tendem a se romper facilitando o processo de quebra. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the chip formation process during turning using a numerical simulation by finite element method. Two different austenitic stainless steel were evaluated, one without a significant presence of inclusions, ABNT 304, and another one with the presence of non-metallic inclusions, ABNT 303. The study was focused on the chip formation and rupture, in determining the machining forces, stresses, strains and temperatures during the process, which were related to aspects and characteristics of the microstructure. The results obtained were compared with the experimental machining forces, thickness and morphology of the chip. The development of the work, according to the methodology, was carried out at different steps. The first one implemented a simulation model considering a homogeneous material. In the next step, the microstructure was subjected to a state of stress similar to that found in the simulation of the machining performed with homogeneous material. The results showed that the largest inclusion particles, elongated and in greater quantity, increase stresses and strains in the microstructure. The high temperatures obtained when machining austenitic stainless steel increase the ductility of sulfides. These are deformed in compression along with the matrix, and have a limited effect in reducing machining forces. On the other hand, sulfides facilitate the chip fracture at tensile stresses.
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Análise numérica de fenômenos de impacto hidrodinâmico em plataformas offshore. / Numerical analysis of hydrodynamic impact phenomena on offshore platforms.Cezar Augusto Bellezi 19 November 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho é focado no estudo dos violentos fenômenos de impacto hidrodinâmico que podem prejudicar a operação de plataformas offshore. São três os fenômenos abordados neste trabalho: o green water, o wave runup e o sloshing. O fenômeno de wave runup consiste na projeção vertical de uma coluna de água devido ao impacto de ondas em estruturas transversais. O fenômeno de green water consiste no embarque de água no convés, podendo danificar os equipamentos da planta de produção. Por fim, o sloshing consiste no movimento violento de fluído em tanques parcialmente preenchidos, resultando em perigosos carregamentos em suas paredes. Tais fenômenos possuem natureza altamente não linear e sua análise, considerando-se toda a sua complexidade, ainda constitui um desafio para a engenharia naval e oceânica. Os métodos de partículas têm se destacado no tratamento de tais fenômenos envolvendo interação fluído-estruturas, grandes deformações e fragmentação de superfície livre. Desta maneira, optou-se pelo emprego do método de partículas Moving Particles Semi-Implicit (MPS) neste trabalho para o estudo dos fenômenos de impacto hidrodinâmico. O MPS é um método totalmente lagrangeano para escoamentos incompressíveis. Para os três fenômenos abordados neste trabalho há uma primeira etapa de validação, na qual os resultados numéricos são comparados a resultados experimentais da literatura. Uma segunda etapa é baseada na aplicação do método numérico na análise de ferramentas para a mitigação dos esforços resultantes do impacto hidrodinâmico. Nesta etapa é investigada a influência do formato da proa no fenômeno de green water e a utilização de anteparas fixas e flutuantes para a mitigação de sloshing em tanques. / The present work is focused in the study of the violent hydrodynamic impact phenomenon which could jeopardize the offshore platforms operation. In this work three different phenomena involving hydrodynamic impact are studied: green water, wave runup and sloshing. The wave runup consists in the vertical projection of a water column due to wave impact on a transversal structure, such as submersible columns. The green water consists in the water boarding on the deck which could damage the equipment over the oil platform deck. Finally, the sloshing phenomenon is the violent movement of fluid in partially filled tanks, resulting in dangerous impact loads at its walls. The hydrodynamic impact phenomenon has strongly non linear nature and is still a challenge for the naval and offshore engineering its analysis considering all its complexity. The particle methods present advantages in the analysis of phenomena involving fluid structure interaction, large free surface deformation, fragmentation and merging. Therefore, in the present study the Moving Particles Semi-Implicit (MPS) method is used. The MPS is a fully lagrangian method for the simulation of incompressible flows. For the three phenomena studied in the present work a first step of validation is performed. In the validation step the numerical results obtained by the particle method are compared to experimental data presented in the literature. The second step consists in the application of the numerical method to investigate simple mechanisms to mitigate the hydrodynamic impact loads. For example, the effect of the bow shape in the green water phenomenon is studied. Also in this step the use of fixed and floating baffles in order to suppress the sloshing phenomenon are investigated.
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Estudo numérico do comportamento de emendas de barras por meio de laço em juntas de estruturas de concreto armado / Numerical study of bars overlappings behaviour by loop in joints of reinforced concrete structuresThiago Delfino Lima Vasconcelos 09 March 2017 (has links)
O surgimento de juntas é inevitável em certas construções em concreto armado e para garantir que a estrutura trabalhe de forma monolítica, deve-se proporcionar uma adequada transferência de esforços entre os elementos, para isso, faz-se necessário dispor de uma emenda adequada entre os elementos. Emendas com barras retas ocupam muito espaço devido ao comprimento de traspasse necessário, dessa forma, em situações em que há uma limitação de espaço para a emenda, uma armação que constitui uma boa solução é a emenda por meio de laço, que, apesar de ter poucos estudos relacionados, vem sendo bastante difundida na construção civil. O objetivo desse trabalho é estudar o comportamento de emendas em laço em juntas de estruturas de concreto armado submetidas à tração. Para isso, realizam-se simulações numéricas no software DIANA® em modelos numéricos 3D. Inicialmente, fez-se a calibração do modelo numérico com base em ensaios experimentais da literatura, depois foi realizada uma análise paramétrica variando parâmetros geométricos das peças e da armação em laço. Os resultados mostraram que traspasses menores que o diâmetro de dobra dos laços e espaçamentos maiores que 100 mm se mostram insuficientes para a formação de bielas de compressão entre laços. Dessa forma, ao se utilizar emendas em laço em juntas de concreto armado, recomenda-se dispor as barras o mais próximo possível até um espaçamento máximo de 60 mm entre eixos, como também um traspasse mínimo igual ao diâmetro de dobra dos laços. / The appearance of joints is inevitable in certain constructions of reinforced concrete and aiming to guarantee that the structure works monolithically, it is important to provide an appropriate transfer of stresses between elements, for that, it is necessary using a proper overlapping between them. Straight bars overlappings take up too much space due to the required overlapping length, therefore, in limited space situations, a reinforcement that represents a good solution is the loop joint, which has spread a lot in civil construction, although there are very few studies about it. The aim of the present work is to study the loop joint behaviour in reinforced concrete structures under tension. In order to do so, numerical simulations with numerical 3D models are made using the software DIANA®. Initially, it was made the calibration of the numerical model based on experimental tests of the literature, after that, parametric analyses were performed, varying geometric parameters of the elements and of the loop reinforcement. The results showed that overlapping lengths smaller than the loop diameter and distances between loops axes greater than 100 mm are not sufficient for the development of compression struts between loops. Thus, when the loop joint in reinforced concrete structures is used, it is recommended that the bars are placed as near as possible until a distance between the loops axes of 60 mm and a minimum overlapping length equal to the loop diameter of the reinforcement.
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Comparação de metodologias de avaliação da exposição ocupacional a vibrações de corpo inteiro em motoristas de ônibus através de simulação numéricaFlores, Cibele Rabassa January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por finalidade discutir a avaliação da exposição ocupacional às vibrações de corpo inteiro segundo os critérios estabelecidos pelo Anexo 1 da Norma Regulamentadora 09, pela Diretiva Europeia 2002/44/EC e pela ACGIH, avaliando as diferenças entre os indicadores envolvidos e a sua conexão com os estudos recentes ligados ao tema. Para tal, o modelo dinâmico que representa um ônibus é submetido a diferentes perfis de estrada, utilizando os parâmetros de densidade espectral de potência apresentados na ISO 8608 (1995). Os indicadores da exposição (e os espectros de frequência, no caso da ACGIH) são avaliados, de forma a verificar a aceitabilidade da exposição. O modelo dinâmico utilizado para representar o ônibus é também analisado, considerando diferentes situações de exposição. Além disso, resultados de trabalhos experimentais são avaliados segundo os diferentes critérios legais, a fim de permitir a análise do comportamento dos indicadores em um maior número de situações de exposição. Os resultados mostram a importância da realização da avaliação de acordo com os requisitos legais e a necessidade de utilizar o previsto na Norma Regulamentadora 09 durante a etapa de projeto de novos equipamentos, de forma que seus usuários sejam expostos a menores níveis de vibração. Além dos riscos à saúde, a exposição ocupacional a vibrações acima dos limites legais enseja o pagamento de adicional de insalubridade, com consequências financeiras consideráveis para as empresas que utilizam máquinas e equipamentos inadequados. / This study aims to discuss the assessment of occupational exposure to whole-body vibration according to the criteria established by Annex 1 of Regulatory Standard 09, European Directive 2002/44/EC, and ACGIH, evaluating the differences between the measures and their connection with recent studies related to the topic. To this end, the dynamic model of a bus is subjected to different road profiles, using the Power Spectral Density parameters presented in ISO 8608 (1995). Exposure indicators (and the frequency spectra in the case of ACGIH) are evaluated to verify the acceptability of exposure. The dynamic model of the bus is also analyzed considering different exposure situations. Besides, results of experimental work are evaluated according to different legal criteria, to analyze the behavior of the indicators in a greater number of situations. The results show the importance of assessment made in compliance with the legal requirements, and the need to apply the provisions of the Regulatory Standard 09 during the design stage of new equipment, so that their users are exposed to lower levels of vibration. In addition to the health risks, the workers exposure to vibration levels above the exposure limit values entails the payment of insalubrity premium, with considerable financial consequences for companies using that equipment and vehicles.
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