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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En trygg bas i förskolan : En essä om två olika inskolningsmodeller ur ett anknytningsperspektiv

Celepli, Cahide, Frank, Åsa January 2013 (has links)
In our essay we examine the different introduction models that are practiced in preschool. The central question is if the different models have any importance (or consequences) for the children’s connection in preschool. In the two different cases we will present, one based upon preparatory training that was applied during the 1990s and another that is currently used today. The purpose with this essay was to get a deeper understanding for the child’s attachment to preschool and for how we, as educators should act during the preparatory training to create a secure foundation for the child. Something we found out was that the educationist relation and behavior towards the child is of great importance in the development of a secure environment in preschool. Some central concepts that is important for the educationist relation to the child perceptive, interaction, and practical sense. Even the communication between the educationist and the parents during preparatory training is of great importance to create a secure foundation for the child in preschool. In our essay, we interviewed two authors, Gunilla Niss and Anna–Karin Söderström. We have selected these authors because they have interesting and informed reflections on the induction and attachment in preschool.

Ekologinių veiksnių įtaka pirmamečių slyvaičių skiepų kokybei / Environmental factors influence on the quality of the vaccine of first year's plum trees

Naikelienė, Erika, NAIKELIENĖ, ERIKA 15 June 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriama ekologinių veiksnių įtaka pirmamečių slyvaičių skiepų kokybei. Darbo objektas - bandyme tirtos slyvų veislės 'Viktorija', 'Kometa' ir 'Early Gold', skiepytos į kaukazinę slyvą (Prunus divaricata). Darbo tikslas – palyginti pirmamečių slyvaičių skiepų kokybę auginant juos pastovioje vietoje ir persodinus. Darbo metodai. Dvifaktorinis bandymas atliktas 2008 m. LŽŪU medelyne, karbonatingame, giliau glėjiškame išplautžemyje. Vykdant tyrimą buvo analizuojama skiepų augimo dinamika, nustatytas skiepų aukštis, kamienėlių skersmuo, lapų masė, lapų plotas. Taip pat nustatyta kokybiškų skiepų išeiga. Darbo rezultatai. Tyrimo duomenų analizė parodė, kad intensyviausio slyvaičių skiepų augimo laikotarpio trukmė priklauso nuo veislių ir auginimo sistemų. Aukščiausi per metus užaugo nepersodinti 'Viktorija' medeliai, storiausi – nepersodinti 'Early Gold' skiepai. Didžiausias lapų plotas ir lapų masė buvo nepersodintų 'Kometa' slyvaičių. Kokybiškų pirmamečių medelių kiekį lemia tiek auginimo sistema, tiek ir individualus veislių augumas. / Master work analyse Environmental factors influence on the quality of the vaccine of first year's plum trees. Work object - trial investigated various plum species 'Viktorija', 'Kometa' and 'Early Gold', which were vaccinated into the Caucasian plum (Prunus divaricata). Work purpose - of the test was to compare the effect quality of vaccine for first year's plum trees, which grow in a constant place and for the ones after transplantation. Work method - Two-factor test was conducted in 2008 LŽŪU nursery gardens, albi epihypogleyic luvisols, which are rich in carbonates. During the test, dynamics of growth of the vaccine, the height of the vaccine, shaft diameter, leaf weight and leaf area were all measured. In addition to that, high-quality vaccines yield was also calculated. Work analysis - the analysis of test's data showed that the length of the most intense growth period of vaccine depends on the species and cropping systems. The highest growth level in a year's period was achieved by 'Viktorija' seedlings and the thickest were 'Early Gold' vaccines. 'Kometa' had the biggest leaf area and mass. So in conclusion – the growth quality of first year's trees depends on the cropping system as much as the individual growth properties of the species.


Reesor, Craig 23 July 2012 (has links)
In the Maritimes, only two striped bass spawning populations remain: the Miramichi River in New Brunswick and the Shubenacadie – Stewiacke system in Nova Scotia. The Shubenacadie – Stewiacke system is subjected to a well pronounced twice daily tidal bore which induces dramatic changes in water parameters and challenges pelagic life. This system will be subject to potential change through brine discharge, a by-product of the Alton Natural Gas Storage Project. . Examining the temporal distribution of mysids, striped bass eggs and larvae at a fixed location around the Alton Project site will provide baseline information on population structure and insights into how egg and larvae distributions change with respect to tidal cycles, temperature and salinity. Surface plankton net tows from the top 0.75m of the water column were used to collect mysids, striped bass eggs and larvae over 14 months over two years. Daily mean egg abundance surpassed 1000 eggs/m3 once in 2008. A decrease of 1.9 °C in water temperature at the Alton Project site coincided with a cessation of eggs, and presumably, spawning. Spawning resumed when temperatures surpassed 15 °C. In contrast, the largest spawning event of the 2009 season occurred as water temperatures decreased (14 to 12.7 °C). The 2009 spawning season was longer (49 days) than 2008 (31 days) by 18 days, and in both years spawning peaked within the last week of May and first week of June. Two large spawning events, over 4000 daily mean eggs/m3 apiece, were detected May 24 and June 2, 2009. Mysids were present in high numbers throughout May to November, with some tows greater than 14,000 individuals/m3 in June 2008 and August 2009. Over the length of the ebb tide, as salinity decreases, mysid abundance also decreased. Whereas, striped bass egg abundance was consistently lowest at high tide and increased progressively over about 300 minutes through the ebb tide. Both striped bass larvae and mysids displayed patchiness in their temporal distribution suggesting passive transport in the this system. In both 2008 and 2009, larvae were detected at the Alton Project site for 38 days. The colder temperatures and larger tidal range of 2009, coupled with large increase in rainfall during the larval season contributed to the over 30-fold lower abundance over that found in 2008. When abundance was related in concert with temperature and salinity, mysids were ever present at high abundances except on three occasions. Mysid abundance decreased when salinity dropped beneath 5 ‰ during both years, and in 2008 when temperatures were lower than 15 °C. Salinity was impacted according to a seven-day lag after rainfall in both years, although the minimum volume of rainfall and associated impact on salinity have yet to be described.

Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socialinių įgūdžių ugdymas / The formation of the social abilities of the preschool children

Vasiliauskienė, Kristina 14 June 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe analizuojamas ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socialinių įgūdžių ugdymas Radviliškio vaikų lopšelyje – darželyje. Tyrimui atlikti pasirinkta neatsitiktinė, netikimybinė tikslinė informantų – vaikų lopšelio –darželio auklėtojų bei priešmokyklinės grupės pedagogų – imtis. Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo tyrimas grindžiamas respondentų savanoriškumo ir perduodamos informacijos objektyvumo principais. Apklausos interviu metodu metu stengtasi atsakyti į tokius probleminius klausimus: Ar darželyje skatinamas ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų savęs pažinimas? Kaip darželyje sukuriamos sąlygos ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikams įgyti ir plėtoti bendravimo gebėjimus? Kokiais metodais darželyje ugdomi vaikų socialiniai įgūdžiai? Ar į ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socialinių įgūdžių ugdymą įtraukiami ir vaikų šeimos nariai? Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socialinių įgūdžių ugdymui lopšelyje –darželyje skiriamas didelis dėmesys. Socialinių įgūdžių ugdymas šioje įstaigoje diferencijuojamas atsižvelgiant į vaikų amžių, vaikų turimus socialinius įgūdžius ir kitas aplinkybes. Į ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socialinių įgūdžių ugdymą įtraukiami vaikų tėvai ir kiti šeimų nariai, šioje srityje bendradarbiaujama ir su vietiniais partneriais, ir su partneriais iš užsienio valstybių, konsultuojamasi su reikalingais specialistais. / The research work analyzes the formation of the social abilities of the preschool children in Radviliškis nursery-school. Not fortuitous and probabilistic objective informant sample – the educators and preschool teachers of Radviliškis nursery–school is chosen for the research. The research of the formation of the social abilities of the preschool children is based on the principles of voluntariness of the respondents and the objectivity of the information transferred. The method of interview enabled to answer the following questions. Is self–cognition stimulated in the nursery–school? What methods help gain and develop communicative skills of the preschool children in the nursery–school? What methods help form the social abilities of the children? Are the members of the families are involved in the formation of the social abilities of the preschool children? The research showed that a great importance to the formation of the social abilities of the preschool children is attached in the nursery–school. The formation of the social abilities is differentiated according to the age, the available social abilities and other factors. Parents and other family members are involved in the formation of the social abilities. Local and foreign partners collaborate. Professional recommendations are used in this sphere too.

Förutsättningar för hantering av kemikalierisker i förskolor : En fallstudie av Haninge kommun

Ashja, Maryam January 2014 (has links)
Goods that children come in contact with on a daily basis for example toys, electronics, textiles, household items, have attracted an increased attention in recent years because of a common occurrence of residues of potentially hazardous chemical substances. Some municipalities in Stockholm have developed plans for managing chemical risks and work systematically to phase out products containing hazardous substances. This thesis aims to contribute to an improved knowledge base for any future work with non-toxic nursery schools in Haninge. The study's focus is on the challenges encountered by conditions and problems of preschool personnel to manage chemical risks in early childhood environments. Primary data was collected through a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with both the preschool staff and practitioners working in the central organization of the municipality. Identified key scientific studies and theories related to the concepts of risk management, risk perception and risk communication were used to put the results of the study in a larger context. A thematic analysis was then performed using developed indicators of effective risk management related to, for example, risk perception, accountability and internal and external risk communication. The results from this study show that most of the indicators of effective risk management are not met in the current situation. For example, the communication failure and pre-school staff's discretion is limited by budget, procurement contracts and imperfect knowledge while there is no routine monitoring work to follow up requirements associated with procurement. Haninge municipality can improve the pre-school staff conditions including setting higher standards in procurement, focus on communication and information, be clearer in its guidelines on hazardous chemicals in children's everyday lives and develop follow-up work around the requirements.

Spatial and Temporal Shifts in Estuarine Nursery Habitats Used by Juvenile Southern Flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma)

Furey, Nathaniel 2012 August 1900 (has links)
Southern flounder (Parlichthys lethostigma) is a recreationally and commercially important flatfish species found in the Gulf of Mexico, and recent analyses indicate that the northern Gulf of Mexico population is in decline. For proper management, knowledge of habitats used throughout the juvenile stage is needed. The aim of the current study is to examine habitat use of young-of-year (YOY) southern flounder in the Galveston Bay complex using habitat distribution models and acoustic telemetry. A set of habitat distribution models examined how habitat use changes during the first year of life. In addition, southern flounder were tagged with acoustic telemetry transmitters and monitored with a novel receiver array that allows for measurements of fine-scale movements. These movements were compared to habitat maps to examine habitat selection. Habitat distribution models determined that habitat requirements for southern flounder change with ontogeny and season. Newly settled southern flounder were most influenced by physicochemical parameters and the presence of seagrass beds. YOY southern flounder, however, showed increased occurrence at freshwater inlets during summer and fall months, and occurrence decreased at tidal inlets during the fall. Predictions of habitat suitability across the Galveston Bay complex indicate that the factors influencing occurrence of southern flounder change with season, ontogeny, and availability of suitable habitats. With acoustic telemetry, it was apparent that habitat use by southern flounder was nonrandom and influenced by benthic and other physicochemical conditions. Habitat analyses indicated that southern flounder used sand habitats more frequently than seagrass, oyster reef, or salt marsh habitats. Telemetry results also indicated that depth and water temperature were important determinants of habitat suitability for YOY southern flounder, with individuals preferring deeper and cooler regions of the water column in Christmas Bay. Both model and telemetry analyses indicate that habitat use by YOY southern flounder is dynamic across multiple spatial and temporal scales, with distributions and movements influenced strongly by ontogenetic changes in habitat associations, temporal and spatial variability in physicochemical conditions, and tidal cycles.

Ecology of juvenile turbot and flounder in the Central Baltic Sea : Implications for recruitment

Martinsson, Jesper January 2011 (has links)
Our understanding of turbot and flounder ecology in the Baltic Sea is insufficient for sound management decisions. This thesis aims to fill some gaps in current knowledge by providing information of the ecology of turbot and flounder within their juvenile habitat, and to relate these findings to issues assumed relevant for recruitment variation. Main focus is on turbot due to its relatively low abundance and high variability in recruitment. The distribution of both species was studied on different scales, as was environmental effects on food consumption in 0-group turbot. The 0-group turbot display a relatively restricted spatial distribution compared to flounder. This is possibly due to a more specialized diet, which may make them more vulnerable to habitat degradation, especially eutrophication as a strong negative correlation was found with the organic content in the sediment. The species show high temporal and spatial overlap when settling in July-September, with peak abundances in August, and at depths <1 m. Both species display sedentary behavior within the nursery ground. Compared to flounder, turbot was more mobile potentially due to its restricted diet calling for extended searches. For turbot, feeding conditions appear to vary between size groups, which potentially could cause variations in survival between years through size-selective mortality. But, the predation may be low in central Baltic Sea as the abundance of the main predator, brown shrimp are comparatively low during flatfish occupancy. A significant positive relationship was found between the recruitment of turbot and flounder, which suggests that no inter-specific interactions during the juvenile stage affect recruitment. This co-variation also suggests that the recruitment of the species is determined by the same phenomena, potentially by large scale abiotic factors during the egg- and larval stage. For turbot, additional variability is potentially generated during the juvenile stage due to its relatively restricted food and habitat requirements. The specific habitat demands of turbot revealed in this thesis may be used to protect and restore essentially nursery grounds. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Submitted. Paper 3: Submitted. Paper 4: Submitted.

Effect of a Trichoderma bio-inoculant on ectomycorrhizal colonisation of Pinus radiata seedlings

Minchin, Rhys January 2010 (has links)
Ectomycorrhizal colonisation potential of Pinus radiata seedlings inoculated with the commercially available Trichoderma species bio-inoculant, Arbor-Guard™, was investigated in a commercial containerised nursery setting and in a separate glasshouse experiment, which included the co-inoculation of specific ectomycorrhizal fungi. Application of Arbor-Guard™ to Pinus radiata seedlings in a containerised commercial nursery had no significant effect on the ability of the naturally occurring ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi to colonise the seedlings. Thelephora terrestris was the dominant ectomycorrhizal species colonising the P. radiata root tips and has been described as a species able to rapidly outcompete other ECM species colonisation, particularly in high organic matter media like that used at the containerised commercial nursery investigated. In a similar experiment run to augment the commercial experiment, specific ECM fungi identified as Rhizopogon roseolus, Suillus luteus, and Rhizopogon villosulus were co-inoculated with Arbor-Guard™ to investigate the effect on the colonisation potential of the respective ECM species in combination with Trichoderma. The treatment effect of the addition of Arbor-Guard™ did not negatively impinge on the ECM species found, or the abundance of ECM root tips colonising the P. radiata seedlings. Ectomycorrhizal species in the Thelephoraceae family were the dominant species found colonising the P. radiata root tips. Of the inoculated ECM, S. luteus was the only detected species colonising the P. radiata root tips but was only found in low abundance. Non-conducive abiotic factors for optimum ECM colonisation were considered the most likely reason for the low colonisation of the inoculated ECM species. Any effect of the unintentional co-inoculation of the wood decaying fungi Hypholoma fasciculare and Lentinula edodes, due to misidentification, with the inoculated ECM species was unable to be resolved in this study. However, it was speculated that H. fasciculare may have had a negative effect on the inoculated ECM species colonisation. In vitro dual culture assays were initiated to investigate the specific interactions between each of the candidate ECM fungi inoculated in the glasshouse experiment when challenged with each of the six Trichoderma isolates in Arbor-Guard™. Both competition for nutrients and/ or space were concluded to be the main antagonistic mechanisms potentially used by five of the Trichoderma isolates against all co-inoculated ECM species and L. edodes. Hypholoma fasciculare was not inhibited by the five Trichoderma isolates, however, one Trichoderma isolate (LU 663) competitively antagonised all inoculated ectomycorrhizal/ saprophytic species before the mycelial fronts converged. Agar diffusible secondary metabolites were speculated to be potential mechanism of antagonism expressed by LU 663 over volatile antibiotics such as 6-pentyl-α-pyrone. No direct correlation could be dervived from the in vitro dual culture assays and what was observed in the containerised in planta results. Overall the results indicated no negative impact of the Trichoderma bio-inoculant Arbor-Guard™ on ectomycorrhizal colonisation of Pinus radiata seedlings in a containerised nursery system.

L'animation de la causerie en classe maternelle : élaboration d'une grille d'auto-analyse à l'intention de l'enseignante /

Tremblay, Hélène, January 1999 (has links)
Mémoire (M.Ed.)--Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1999. / Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU

Nursery schools as an asset to public health a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment ... Master of Science in Public Health ... /

Miller, Ralph Harvey. January 1938 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.P.H.)--University of Michigan, 1938.

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